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Natasha touched a finger to the corner of her lips, tilting her head with a thoughtful look on her face. "Hm...what do I know about Gus? Well, admittedly not much. We had just met earlier today, after all. But I think I know enough to consider him a friend!" She answered with a bright, completely innocent smile. "The same goes for Paige, Umbra, and Ruka!" She added with an even brighter smile. "I would like to consider you a friend too Reggie! But if you don't want to, I can accept that. But that doesn't mean I'll stop trying." She continued, starting to mess with her hair. "Starting from today, we're all a big happy family!" She declared with an even bigger smile. One that no one could imagine even being able to form on a normal Human. Amberlynn just rolled her eyes as a small smile graced her lips as she continued eating. She couldn't keep up with her unmatched optimism. Where it came from, she would never know considering her past.
Augustus looked at the short boy and rolled his eyes "Huge mistake dude...now he won't shut up for at least another hour." He stated while his brother simply looked at the boy "Yes, actually I do. Since I was actually taught and didn't live in the filth like the rest of you though being short has advantage in some aspect such as speed and less likely to be spotted or hit. There is one major flaw you simply just won't be respected in high courts they few the short as nothing more than servants since they wouldn't have to look at their faces simply handing their drinks and walking away." Droning on and on about what he was taught before being cut off by the girl. His attention returning to the previous conversation with a dark smile on his face "Oh I'm sure you do consider everyone your friend how sweet of you." The male stated with fake joyfulness his acting lessons have taught him well in pretending to care what someone was talking about and exaggerating his emotions "But poor old..Gus here has a very very bad secret. See we didn't just disown him for the fun of it..." He was cut off before saying another word with his brother throwing his food at him causing the man to duck only to get hit with a knee into his nose "What he meant to say was sure he'd be your friend Natasha don't let his lies seem into you." Augustus stated while trying to calm the panic that quickly arose in his system before turning back into the group "Ruka was it? Ignore what Reggie here said I'm not sure if what he said about the servant thing was true, but trust me I'd much rather be short than tall sure I got an intimidating stance to some yet I'm no good at infiltrating someplace or stealth in general." The older male said trying a wack at this kindness thing again and hating it. He didn't really care what the boy was feeling or if he forgave his brother he was just done with today all together and hungry since he kept having to waste his food to shut his sibling up that being said it didn't stop him from sitting on the counter eating Reginald food without a care.
Umbra walked into the kitchen area and walked behind the counter. They grabbed another bowl of the food they had made and left the room again without a word. They sat back at their table and looked out the window behind them. They could see people closing up their shops for the day and sighed. Night would soon be upon them and with it the wailing and shrieking of demons would come too. They were safe behind the wards but Umbra knew the sounds of the demons always had everyone on edge.

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