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The two girls sat down side by side, Natasha pulling the salad she made to her as she did so. And while she did that, Amberlynn was taking the meat out of Natasha's bowl and putting it into her own. Natasha looked pleased when she noticed, hugging Amberlynn once again before she began digging in. Amberlynn, however, was confused by the way the genderless one was talking. She had heard of those who were genderless, but she had never met one before...and this also threw her off. She despised men. Would be happier if they vanished off the planet for good. And this one looked male, but wasn't male? Amberlynn tried not to hate those who couldn't help how they were born, but she was having difficulties seeing past his exterior build. She kept her gaze on them, not even hearing their question as she tried to figure them out. She would have to, or else she was going to end up carrying this confusion around until the ends of her days. But, when she couldn't figure it out, she turned to Natasha to ask, as she was positive no one else in the room would be able to understand her signs other than her childhood friend.
Natasha looked over at Amberlynn when she noticed the girl was trying to get her attention. "Oh! Yeah, that's Umbra. The leader of the Hunters and, as they mentioned, genderless. So no going around hating them just because of the gender they were born, alright? They're actually really nice!" She answered with a smile. "But, if it helps, just think of them as a trans woman." She added, knowing that would soften the hatred quite a bit from personal experience. Amberlynn seemed to relax at this information, and when she looked at Umbra again, it wasn't with confusion or malice, but a tad bit of happiness. She began signing again, with Natasha there to translate. "Amber says that she doesn't want to lie to you: She isn't here because she wants to be. Her family doesn't believe in the Hunter's Guild. But, since they know that what you are trying to do is something that is bigger than their hatred of how you do things, they sent her here to be of as much assistance as she is able." Natasha giggled as she added: "But that only counts for the battlefield, because she cannot cook without it seeming as if she's trying to poison you."
Amberlynn's face turned red and she lunged at Natasha, causing both girls to fall onto the floor. Natasha laughing as she fended off the hands of Amberlynn, who was trying to cover Natasha's mouth out of sheer embarrassment. This only proved to the cheerful girl that that particular skill hadn't improved since they were kids. And that only made her laugh that much harder.
The man lunged up grabbing a bowl of meat stew and sat back down and starved devouring it like a hungry lion "We can have more than one bowl correct?" He asked with a mouth full as he took a big swallow of the food only to get another mouth full to replace it right after. Eventually he looked at the two girls confused how Natasha could understand her so he did the only thing any polite man would do point his fork at them both with a mouth full of food with a confused expression "How da you undarstend har?" The man asked which translated to how do you understand her. Not taking the time to wait for an answer he finished his food and started towards another bowl.

Dramatically sighing the man made his way towards the guild's building while looking disgusted at all the people who pass him "Filth..all of them.." Reginald stated to himself probably to loudly as he got some dagger stares right into his back. Not that he minded obviously he knew he was superior to them all so those stares were mostly of jealously of his higher status and proper well being of himself. As he was lost in thought about how much better he was he made his way into the hall not even waiting to knock and looked around for a butler or someone to take his jacket and hang it up. Seeing as there was no one he scoffed while doing it himself "Can't even afford a simple peasant how outrageous the nerves of some people I swear." He said out loud while following the noise and walking in as if he owned the place only to be stopped dead in his tracks at who he seen. Standing there still a disgrace to his family as always was his older unclaimed brother "You of all people are here? That simply won't do leave now you have no place in a place of such high class fighters. Unless of course you're trying to redeem that name you oh so simply lost which would be preposterous." The younger man stated with amusement in his voice waiting for the others in the room to laugh along. The laughter never came though which confused the prime man he looked around his face slowly growing more disgusted as he inspected each person "My my..this place truly has gone down under. Who is in charge? I'll seek it they no longer as and give you all proper guidance to being proper fighters and not like this sluggish brute here. " He commented flatly while pointing at his brother.
Umbra looked at the new arrival and scoffed "and you'd lead these people would you? you who looks like they'd piss themselves at the sight of the smallest fire demon. If you're here to join us I suggest you take that silver spoon out your ass" they bowed mockingly "or maybe it's stuck? Maybe I should help dislodge it with my boot good sir? I am known to help those in need" they glanced at Augustus and then back to the new arrival and shook their head "not sure what history you two have but he won't be leaving just because you come in here and yip like a terrier looking for scraps at the table" they set their bowl down and approached the new arrival "in this guild you all work together. I won't have some snob come in here and tell my fighters what to do." Umbra's eyes had switched from their warm amber back to cold, no emotion emanated from them now and instead their entire demeanor had shifted entirely.
Allanon came in the room and looked around and thought "hmm what do I do" he walked over to a corner and sat on the floor
Natasha was about to answer Augustus when a new person came in. And he was.....not very nice. She couldn't even think of something nice to say about him! What did he have against Augustus? And then Umbra instantly dove right in...Natasha was not even going to look at Amberlynn, knowing how she would react. So instead, she put her hand on the other girl's arm before standing up with a bright smile. She walked over to where the new boy stood and gave a small curtsy. "It's so wonderful to meet you! My name is Natasha, a crafter and amatuer bowwoman. This is Umbra, the head of the Hunter's guild, and Amberlynn, a magnificent swordswoman." She introduced, indicating to each as she said their name. "And while I'm sure you would make an excellent leader, perhaps you'd like to see how Umbra does things? See where they fail and help each other along?" She suggested, playing along so that, hopefully, things wouldn't escalate. "And I would love to hear what your relationship is with Augustus! Especially since you are so obviously.....more cultured than everyone in this room." She added, hoping her hesitation didn't get called out on. If it was, there would be mayhem, and that would do no good to anyone.

Amberlynn watched Natasha appease the stuck up brat with a glare that would drop the boy dead where he stood. She knew what Natasha was doing, and why she was doing it, but that didn't mean she liked it. So, she just clenched her hands into fists, almost drawing blood with how hard she was gripping. Her eyes darted over to the one that the new addition had mentioned, daring him to make any move to side with the one that was causing the sweet natured girl to roll over for the pest. Her gaze never once went to Umbra, as she could care less about their stance as leader seeing as they already failed at talking him down. Who confronts a high egoed personality with a commanding one? What idiot does that? Amberlynn growled as her gaze refocused on Natasha and the boy, watching for any hostile moves on the boy's part. Once he did, he was losing his hand.
Reginald simply grinned a bit and listened to the man "My such vulgar words..you must have been spending to much time around him..he'll tear you all down from inside here I was only trying to help and I'm met with hostility." He said while giving an over exaggerated sigh putting his hand on his temple rubbing it slowly simply pushing the man aside to address the new girl "Yes yes I care not what your names are since they mean little to me and congrats on giving yourself titles on things you believe to be good at." The man replied giving it a dismissive wave while keeping his eyes on his older brother matching his cold definite stare. Simply not believing anyone here was truly worth his time or breath they were all simply doomed without his leadership "I'm sure I can pinpoint plenty of things your "leader" does wrong." he answered plainly practically spitting out the word leader as if it were trash which in his mind Umbra being leader was trash since it was not him. About to answer her final question he got cut off before a word could leave his mouth with a hard punch in the stomach that sent him to the ground gasping for air when he looked up at who his assailant was he was not surprised to see his brother looming over him with pure fiery hatred burning a hole through his own "He is my brother though I guess was is a better term since I was disowned by my whole family so he could have a better life." Augustus answered spitting the venomous words remembering the smug grin and cocky laughter his brother gave when his family left him for dead.

Cracking his knuckles he bolted across the room dropping his second bowl of food at the first opening he was given to attack his brother. He may hate everyone in this room but he hated his brother the most and he sure in the hell wasn't going to let him bad mouth anyone that was his job "Honestly you don't got to accept him he's always been this way no point in trying to be nice Natasha he sees all of us as garbage beneath his feet. Nothing will ever change that.." He said while mindlessly taking a seat next to the newest girl resting his elbows on the table he put his face within his hands and groans "This day couldn't possibly get any worse can it?" The male asked not really hoping for an answer to be given and mostly to himself. After that he looked over at the girl and gave a small wave before returning his stare to his brother he had composed himself once more and was properly standing up straight as he fixed his hair "Barbaric was always guess once a street dweller always a street dweller." He heard his brother mutter causing the fire to ignite once again "I swear to unholy fuckin' gods I will rip you limb from limb and shove that cocky tongue so far up your ass you'll be tasting shit for the rest of your life!" Augustus screamed blowing up from his chair causing it to fall backwards and slamming his hands on the table looking for anything sharp.
Umbra drew their sword and ran smacked the point into the ground with a large ringing noise "ALRIGHT! COOL IT!" Umbra turned to Gus, their eyes fire burning with anger "please sit and eat Gus, you deserve that much" Umbra turned to Reginald, their demeanor almost like a demon "if you want to come in here and bad mouth anyone I'll make sure to take their collective frustrations out on you" they growled "all I need is two fingers to beat you in a fight. The old Guild Master used to say 'sometimes the high and mighty need putting in their place before you can mold them into warriors' and I can see what he meant now. This Guild is for team players. Not some high and mighty pipsqueak like you" they didn't let their intense stare let up but also made sure to put themself between Reginald and the rest of the group
Natasha looked between everyone and was close to panicking. This...this wasn't going to end well....she didn't see this ending well.... "Um...sir?" She asked, lowering her shoulders and head so she was just a little lower than she already was. "We never got your name. And someone as...perfect....as you must have quite a respectable name." She humbled, refusing to look in his eyes, and instead at his feet. She was also really tired now. This day was lasting a lot longer than it should. "And, while we eat, could you grace us with stories of your accomplishments? We of such...tragic...abilities have none to share as we live such...mediocre lives...." She continued, though it was obviously paining her to say such awful things about those who she was supposed to be making friends with. But she couldn't complain, since Amberlynn wasn't attacking like Natasha thought she would.

Amberlynn's eyes never left Natasha and the soon to be dead brat. She didn't even notice when Augustus sat next to her, though her body did visibly flinch as an automatic reaction. She did, however, start to draw blood from her clenched fists. And a smile rose ever so slightly when she saw the brat go down, so she had a sliver of respect for the bad mouthed boy. So even he had a semblance of right and wrong. That was an odd thing for a man to have, but she would take it while the ego brat ran his mouth.
Augustus stated at Umbra in the eyes matching the intense gaze before looking at Natasha and the other girl who's fist were clench so tight he swears her knuckles will stay that white forever and sighed before nodding. He didn't sit down however quiet the opposite he picked his chair up he wanted to tell Amberlynn to relax but since he wasn't good at comforting he went over to Natasha's side and patted her shoulder "You don't have to give in to what he says you're only empowering him. Besides it looks like Amberlynn needs you before she goes crazy." he whispered in her ear before slowly moving her behind him. Knowing it pained her to say these things and her giving into the blonde haired freak annoying him on a whole other level he tried his hardest to keep his cool and did something he never thought he'd do but stick his hand out to his brother to shake "Fine..you hate me and I wanna rip you a new one but we might as well listen. As long as you ain't in charge I'll do as told." The man stated trying to hide the hatred in his voice only to fail.

The god complex of a man simply scoffed seeing his brother approach "Oh my the gorilla man does have a heart quiet a shocking sight to see." He stated in amusement which was replaced with a shock expression seeing his brother's hand which for once wasn't clenched in a fist. Of course he didn't accept it instead he slapped it aside noticing the gloves "You still wear those gloves? You honestly do have self respect do you? " The man exclaimed while trying to remove the glove from the man pushing Umbra aside and starting to reach for his spear that was strapped to his back in a exquisite leather sheath lined with golden color string and his family crest in the middle. He was disgusted at the fact at the dishonored uncivil man tried to wear the gloves of his family.
Allanon thinks to himself "should I really have gone into the corner" then he heads over to the group and says "hi my name's Allanon"
Natasha watched the two with fear, but also anger. This boy was causing nothing but trouble, and that just wasn't right. Everyone here has had a hard life, she assumed. She wasn't sure about Umbra, but she knew Amberlynn and could get a pretty good idea from what Gus has told them. But this boy? He obviously hasn't had to work a day in his life and was now looking down on everyone for it. And she was fine playing the underdog if it meant things were resolved peacefully. But he was making things more difficult than it needed to be just because he thought he could! And now it seemed as if he was going to bring weapons into this for something stupid as a glove? That was the last straw! Natasha walked forward and smacked the boy's left cheek with her palm. The sound rang through as it was a clean hit, her hand turning a bright red from the impact. "That is quite enough young man." She said sternly, as if she were talking to a child. "Everyone is trying to be civil and polite, but you are pushing things too far." She looked back at Augustus and gave a soft, sad smile. "Are you alright? Still have your glove?" She asked, looking worried but still had that underlaying anger.

Amberlynn was about to snap. The boy was driving everyone mad and she was couldn't sit still any longer. But it turns out she didn't have to. The boy had unleashed Natasha's inner wrath, and that was something that not even Amberlynn has seen often. Her fists unclenched just enough that her knuckles turned back to her natural color and she sat back to see how this was going to play out. But, don't get her wrong. Her hands were still ghosting over her daggers in case he went on a rampage from the backlash he was getting.
Umbra watched Reginald reach for his spear and instantly darted forward, they jabbed 2 fingers into his shoulder disabling his arm then twirled behind him jabbing another 2 fingers into his lower back disabling both his legs. As Reginald fell Umbra caught the spear and removed it from the sheath, spinning it around before holding the blunt end above Reginald's face "you ever threaten a Hunter again I'll make sure you'll feel my full wrath. I don't care if you're some lordling or whatever, next time something like this happens I'll make sure I damage a nerve, you understand me?" Their eyes burned with hellfire at this point, it was one thing to insult a Hunter but another to draw a weapon on them. Umbra wasn't sure if Reginald had intended to use it but they weren't going to take the chance with someone who obviously thought themselves above everyone else
The younger male felt the sting of the slap and attempted to grab the girl's wrist while reaching for his spear only to find himself actually on the floor he looked up to see who attacked him. The moves were to swift to be his brother's and the girl was in front of him he finally noticed Umbra glaring at him which he returned not losing his pride "You put down that spear you hear me! That is made only to be handled by me and you're simply ruining its value with your filthy hands." Reginald spat with disgust while attempting to move only to punched in the side of the head and knocked out by his brother (Enough of that god complex it hurts to type like that lmao)

Augustus smiled after delivering the punch letting out a sigh of relief "That felt so good I've wanted to do that for who knows how long anymore." He stated while turning his attention to Natasha patting her head. The same way he would with the little ones on the streets and laughed a bit "Yes I do thank you. Its good to know my family hates me wearing these still and sorry to you all for having to put up with him." The man apologized sheepishly before dropping it and returning his gaze to his brother the cold exterior showing itself once again as he picked Reginald up and putting him on his shoulder. Finally he turned his attention to Umbra and put his hand up as if knowing what he'd say "Not going to hurt him relax I just think it would be a little fun to show him what we're up against to see if he really pisses his pants." Augustus stated with a sick grin "I got twenty saying he will!" He added while taking the spear from the man looking it over with disgust.
Amberlynn had gotten up and began sorting through the kitchen while this was all going down. She was looking for ice. She hadn't met Natasha in a very long while, but if she hadn't changed from when they were kids, then she didn't physically hit someone often. So her hand must be swelling a little. Once she found some, she wrapped them in a loose cloth she kept on her and walked over to put it on the girl's hand. And also swatted the man's, Augustus, if she recalled correctly, away. He didn't deserve to touch her anymore than he already had. She then focused back on Natasha, making sure she was okay. It already looked like she was about to cry at the violence she had committed, looking between the brat and the brother with a changing look that Amberlynn had a hard time naming. She was about to ask her what was wrong when Natasha's confused, conflicted expression instantly shifted into something like pride and joy. She was definitely confused, but yet again, before she could ask, Natasha was already acting.
"Gussssss!" She drawled out, looking at him with star-filled eyes. "You care about me! You have a heart underneath all the fire and brimstone!" She cooed, reaching out to give him a hug. But imagine her shock when Amberlynn held her back, looking horrified. Natasha looked up at her friends with confusion. "What's wrong Amber? Can't I give him hugs for being a good boy?" She asked with pleading eyes.
'He's a filthy, violent man! You shouldn't be touching him so freely!' Amberlynn signed, looking frantic.
"But I give you hugs, and you're fine with that." Natasha pointed out, and Amberlynn's eyes widened in even more horror and what looked like regret. Which caused Natasha to laugh and hold Amberlynn's hands in a comforting manner. "I know, I know. It's different. But it doesn't change anything, right?" Natasha asked, and Amberlynn looked at her with sadness. Natasha just laughed it off, as if whatever the other girl was worrying about wasn't as big of a deal as she was making it. And, with that resolved, Natasha went to hug Augustus, squealing with joy over his apparent showing of a heart.
Umbra looked at Gus "click your fingers before you go down the hatch. If any light gets in there it'll send the demons into a fit and I can't be bothered listening to them hiss and screech" they looked back to the girls "so then, I'm guessing Amberlynn is rather protective of you, I saw how she glared at Gus and his brother and the ice she brought for your hand too" Umbra smiled "it's nice to have someone looking out for you ain't it?" they smiled again as they walked back over to their meal and began eating, fighting Reginald obviously hadn't spoiled their appetite, if anything it had made them hungrier
He stood there confused before covering his ears at the girl stating his name saying these lies "I'm starting to think you make yourself delusional lady." He said while looking at the girl who swatted him away keeping his hands up where she could see them "Relax okay? I don't know your past but I'm assuming you hate guys and are protective of your friend here. I can respect you being protective of her there are plenty of people I'd do the same for but I ain't gonna hurt her any time soon even if I tried did ya just see what Umbra did to little old Reginald? They would do the same thing to me before I even raised my hand." Augustus stated although he hated to admit he was inferior to someone he just knew that in a fight with the leader he'd lost before he even blinked an eye. Watching what happened to his brother only fortified that belief plus it wouldn't just be Umbra he'd have to worry about if he did want to harm the overly energetic girl he was sure her friend would cut him down before he got within a foot of Natasha. Not that he'd admit that much to her of course nor could he have much time to dwell on it before feeling arms wrap around him in a hug which only stunned the man as he looked down confused and slowly peeled the girl off "Alright alright no touching or hugging I had enough walls broken today and I don't wanna lose an eye or something to your friend there." The man said as he pointed at Amberlynn he headed towards the door before just rolling his eyes and placing his brother down as gently as possible which in his words means he just tossed him down as if he was a sack of food which even then he would be more careful with "I'm sure you already know he's related to me sadly. His name is Reginald but if you wanna piss him off which isn't hard call him Reggie he believes nicknames are only given by people who are to stupid to remember his full name." He introduced his unconscious brother while stabbing the spear into the floor next to the younger male sitting back down putting his feet on the table again yawning.
"Oh, Amber won't hurt you! She knows I LOVE hugs! Right Amber?" Natasha asked, wrapping her arms around Amberlynn as she said this. Amberlynn, however much she knew this fact, just let out a sigh and nodded with some effort, wrapping Natasha in a returning hug. "But, yeah, I'll watch myself. That way you won't have to worry too much. Deal?" She asked the girl with a comforting smile. Amberlynn looked relieved at this, smiling and petting Natasha's head as a sign that she agreed to the terms. And, with that fact, she turned to Augustus, her eyes seeming determined but still had that disgust hidden beneath her golden irises as she looked at him.
'I will trust you to be around Tasha. But if you so much as make her wall crack, I will crack that smug look of yours over your disgusting brother's spear. You understand?' She signed.
Natasha, not liking the way she put it, worded it differently. "She trusts me around you, but also is...kind of...threatening you." She said, looking uneasy. And then, with a look from Amberlynn, said: "What? I am not using such harsh language to someone I want to be friends with! Especially when it involves the very intentional murder of said work-in-progress friend!" She stated, looking pretty stubborn in her choice.
'But you wouldn't be threatening him. I would. You just need to say what I'm saying. I'm sure he isn't stupid enough to think it's your actual intentions.' Amberlynn signed with a silent laugh. 'Though no man is smarter than us. They are just mindless Neanderthals who need someone to take their hands and show them the right way to do things.'
Natasha looked horrified at what Amberlynn was implying, but her expression quickly changed into something of understanding. "That isn't entirely true...but alright. If you say so...but let me ask him first? I wouldn't want to hurt his feelings knowing I'm the one who had to say it."
Amberlynn gave a nod of understanding, allowing Natasha to breath a sigh of relief before turning back to face Augustus. "Would you like to know what she's saying fully? I have to warn you it can get pretty...descriptive...at times." She added, a shudder going down her spine. All the bloody, gory things her friend could think up, even when they were kids, were enough to give her nightmares. Natasha couldn't even imagine what her way with words let her come up with now that she was older.
Watching the two he let out a small laugh and crossed his arms "Sure that sounds like a deal to me." Augustus stated while putting his hand out for Amberlynn to shake before retracting it as she started to sign what he assumed was her terms of this deal. This of course only looked like confusing hand gestures and turned to Natasha waiting for the translation after hearing her version of it he rolled his eyes a bit "I grew up hearing nothing but threats I'm sure I can handle one more no matter how descriptive so sure." He told the girl while watching her reaction to what her friend was implying only causing him to laugh again nearly falling out of the chair which lead him to putting it back on all four and turning it to listen fully "Based on your reaction this might be the best one I've heard to date so hit me with it." He added while learning forward putting his elbows on his legs and his head on top of his hands moving his gaze between the two girls. He noticed the gaze changed from when they first met but he noticed there was still the hatred and disgust planted deep and he doubted it would ever go away but that wasn't any of his concern to be asking questions so if she hated him she did he wasn't going to go out of his way to change her view of him.
Amberlynn's look changed a bit to show that she saw his words as a challenge. She knew boys like him, all big, bad, and pretending to be able to take on the world with a fuck you attitude. And she has broken every one she had met. She was pretty sure she could break this one too, the only difference was that sweet little Natasha was the one interpreting. But she had agreed to say the full extent of what Amberlynn wanted to say, so as long as that consent was there, the mute girl could go all out and comfort her energetic friend later.
'Tell him that if he causes you to feel any more sorrow than you feel now, I'll rip his tongue clean out of his mouth. But not to worry, since I know how to keep him alive. And then, where no one can hear his cries, I'll slowly bleed him out from the tiniest, most miniscule cuts that he'll have the most tremendous blood loss delusions imaginable. And of course I'll be helping those delusions along, making sure they are just as hellish as they can be. He'll be surrounded in darkness after I carve his eyes out with the dullest spoon in this kitchen. His sense of smell will vanish when I shove acidic liquid up his nose. His sense of touch will be engulfed in the flame-hot material I burn just for him, and that feeling will continue up his arms and spread across his body until it feels like his very being feels as if he is burning alive. And all that will be left will be his sense of hearing, which will be filled with the screams of those he holds dearest as they plead for him to save them as they themselves slowly die from whatever I deem the most horrendous way to depart from this miserable world. Just because they are friends with the man who bothered to lay a single finger on my beloved's fragile emotions.'
Natasha's face slowly shifted into one of horror and disgust. But she recited what Amberlynn had signed, feeling as if she was going to be sick. And as soon as she finished, she signed back "I'm not that fragile. You know what my family is like. I'm stronger than I look."
'Of course I know that hun, but he doesn't know your past, so I'm just making sure he's
extra careful.' Amberlynn signed back with a sickening smile directed at Augustus. 'Oh, and tell that to this so called leader as well. I want to make sure he's warned as well so there are no complaints when I remove body parts later.'
Natasha sighed and turned to Umbra. "Um...Umbra? Amber says that the threat is also aimed at you..." She muttered, fiddling with her hands. Oh boy, she loved her friend, but how far would her protective nature push Amberlynn? Only time would tell, she guessed.
He listened to every word stated but what really grabbed him and made it feel like a blow to the stomach was the threat of his friends his eyes grew into slits like a viper as his knuckles started turning white beneath the gloves his only response was a simple nod before standing up "I'll warn you right now. I don't care if you do make me feel as if I'm in the depths of hell itself and tear out my eyes with fuckin' ants. If you lay a single hair on anyone I love I'll kill you no matter the pain understood?" He said flatly no emotion shown in his voice as he stared at the girl. Threats on him he can handle though it was graphic and he would turn insane by that torture as she probably knew none of that would matter if it meant losing his loved ones and without a second thought he walked up to the girl not breaking eye contact "No one threatens my family or the people I love. I will travel and fight anything that tries so get it through that sick skull of yours and make sure it sticks." Augustus stated as he looked at Natasha "I don't know her past or yours for that matter so maybe all this is justified there is no hatred for either of you but all that will change if she threatens them again. I'll defend their pride and lives even if it kills me." He added while putting his hand out to the other girl his face turning back to its soft form as scratched the back of his head "I won't offer it again but I ain't gonna hurt your friend here either on the condition you do not threaten my loved ones again." The man muttered looking away. Knowing there is zero point in trying to promise anything to this little witch he figured making an agreement would be the best course of action to keep her away from everyone who grew up with him and raised him. That and he really didn't want to know the feeling of his eyes being dug out or what acid smelt like didn't really should appealing to him maybe if it were happening to his brother the idea would peak his interest but not himself.
Natasha just cowered as Amberlynn gave a sickeningly sweet smile to the boy. Oh, so that's what makes him tick? Good to know. 'Oh, don't worry that useless waste of space that you call a brain about it. As long as you don't hurt Natasha, then I don't carry out on that little promise of mine.' She signed, still giving him that smile that didn't reach her eyes. Her eyes were the exact opposite of sweet, holding a fire that only promised for it to become real if he makes the wrong move. 'And hey! You told me you could handle it. Were those just sweet little words so you can act all big and tough in front of everyone? That's so sweet!' She emphathized this by pinching his cheek in a similar way of a doting mother or grandmother. And, just before she pulled her hand away, she tapped the same cheek a couple times, as if in a reassuring manner.
Natasha translated for Amberlynn, of course, but she added her own thoughts afterwards. "I'm sorry Gus...I'll try to control her a little more so she doesn't go too far." She promised, taking Amberlynn's hand away from Augustus' face and keeping them in a fairly firm grip. "And I promise she means well...It's just things got a little...closer to death...than we would have liked when we were kids. So she's just making sure there aren't any repeats...." She added, her grip tightening on Amberlynn's hands which caused the girl to flinch. Amberlynn had forgotten that the bubbly girl was stronger than she let on.
So, she freed one of her hands so she could sign to Natasha. 'Hey, I promise to be on my best behavior as long as he is.' She signed with a more sincere smile. 'And as long as you don't break my hands.' She added with a silent chuckle.
Natasha gasped at the last bit, quickly releasing Amberlynn's hands with transferred over the ice that was decently melted. "Sorry Amber! I didn't mean to squeeze that hard!" She exclaimed, making sure Amberlynn's already bruising hands were completely iced.

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