---Demon Hunters---


underwater gem
I'm going to start out in this scenario.

Everyone is in a house of a very large demon base, attempting to save yet another village. No humans are in the house at this time.

@Karma200 @undercovernoob @Shadow Alpha @Gossamer @VampiricPotato

Aho listened to a loud screech as she pierced her sword through the demon, a blank expression on her face. The demon quickly fell limp, collapsing to the floor in a heap of black blood. Within seconds, the black blood encased the corpse and allowed it to evaporate within the air, leaving a musky smell. She was beginning to love that smell, it wreaked of victory. Vengeance. Once she heard everyone stirring upstairs, her blank expression formed in to a grin. She could still playe out how she met them very clearly in her head. She was the last to join their little purging group back about a month ago. She had killed a couple of demons in her town with them, and instantly felt the need to be with them. As awkwardly silent she remained, they didn't seem to completely hate her. Suddenly, a large demon pounced on top of her from the back, forcing her to plummet to the ground. Her glasses and her sword practically flew away, skipping to the other side of the basement. Stupid stupid stupid! "James-senpai! Help!" She squealed, a hint of a foreign accent in her panicked voice. Her father may have taught her English, but forced her to constantly use Japanese suffixes. Senpai, chan, san, all of that junky stuff she didn't care to use. She couldn't help but use the lingo, it was a force of habit at this point. The demon began nipping at the base of her neck, sending sharp pains throughout her body. "Help!"
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Sebastian was roasting and devouring all of the demons that dared to get in his way. Most of them knew of him and they tried to run away but in this game of cat and mouse, the cat is always victorious. His twin tails were swishing behind him sending out little remnants of the blue and black flames that were coming off his body. Sebastian had finally cleared his sector of the house and he finally had time to take in its massive size. In his demonic form there wasn't anything that he had ever met that was even close in size to besides his sister. After shaking his head to clear it he clearly heard Aho calling out to James for help and he could feel both of their presences. He figured that he'd leave it to James while he began to run down any and all hallways as he left flame paw prints in his wake. Sebastian roared as the thrill of the chase pushed him on to an incredible speed while he abandoned reason and relied on his demon instincts only.
Robin skipped down the hall on her part of the house as she went in search for a few demons since she hadn't seen one for a while since she first started this part of the house... something seemed a bit suspicious though. She quietly crept down the hallway as she twirled the strawberry lollipop around in her mouth. Because she wanted to concentrate on her own battles she had lowered her hearing ability even though it put her in a blind spot. A squeal escaped Robin's mouth when a giant glob of a monster seeped out from under the door of room she was just about to pass; if Robin had her wings out she would've been able to get away fast but because the she was inside of a house it would be harder to fly, tripping onto the floor the black ink knives barely missed her. Turning over onto her back her eyes widened when the monster jumped and planned to land right on top of her but without a second thought Robin took a small breath in and pushed the sonic waves out of her mouth, Rob didn't put much effort into it but it was still dangerous as it sent the creature blowing straight through the roof; she rolled away too avoid the pieces of the roof that were falling down from the hole.

"Jeez... I hope I'm not the only one having this much fun," Rob had sarcasm in her voice as she stood up and patted the dust off of her clothes, feeling her eyes glow when she looked down the rest of the hallway she sighed and began to make her way down there.
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Daniel crept forwards, breathing mutedly as he struggled through the murky hallway, the deep shadows leaving more unseen than he could feel comfortable with. But nothing had been about comfort lately, and it wasn’t a luxury many could afford, let alone one of a group that faces those disease-ridden horrors straight on. It was made worse that he had to work with a few of those things, and as far as he was concerned, they were spies, maybe worse. A dull thump in an adjacent doorway alerted him of a demonic presence, and he turned steadily to face it. The beast was awful; it’s skin bare and ragged in the places where its prey dared fight back, the matted fur slick with grease and other foul smelling substances. Letting out a sharp breath as he stared down his spear at the demon, Daniel charged with one swift movement, lodging his weapon in the brute’s windpipe with a satisfying crunch. He wiped the black ooze from his spear disdainfully as the half humanoid beast sank to the floor with an angry gurgle.

On alert again as he heard an echo from a distant area of the house, he scrambled in the general direction. Daniel was too far to make out Aho’s words, so he hurried his pace, knowing with a sickening notion he’d likely be too late if someone closer didn’t come to her aid. What felt like eons later, his path was interrupted by a powerful pitch, Sebastian’s roar, making him suck in air as he pushed into a doorway, hoping to avoid the powerful demon. What if Sebastian had finally snapped, killing one of the teammates? Daniel still wasn’t beyond doubting his demonic peers at every turn; after all, he was fairly new to the squad. Leveling his head, he lingered back into the hallway, prepared to question Sebastian despite a lack of understanding for the situation. He'd start out unassumingly, just ask Sebastian if he knew any of the teammates positions, try to judge whether he was still on the rails.
Diane walked carefully through the house, her brow furrowed with concentration. She was listening carefully, trying to discern the difference between her teammates in combat and the regular sounds of demons. Of course this was practically impossible for her, she wasn't trained in this after all. After scanning the house for a while with no luck, she heard a voice that sounded like Aho's yelling, it said: "James-Senpai! Help!" Diane took off immediately looking for Aho, all the while her thoughts racing about the wrong thing entirely.

"For a Japanese girl, she has awfully light hair and skin. Maybe she isn't Japanese racially, and she was just raised there?"
Diane wondered, realizing that she had never actually asked the girl about her past. "I suppose it doesn't really matter. What does anymore? Why should I care about someone's past right now? All that matters now..." She finally ran into the room where Aho lay on the ground with a Demon nipping at her neck. "Is staying alive." Diane was about to shoot the demon in the head, when James suddenly jumped out of nowhere, startling her and causing her to nearly shoot him.

James ran past her and kicked the demon off of Aho before finishing it off with a blast of red lightening. Diane glared at him, but said nothing. She had to admit, she was a bit jealous of the rest of her teammates.

((I had to edit my post to fit with what @undercovernoob posted. Sorry for any confusion.))
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((I volunteer since i was so late. Do you people ever sleep? xD ))

He was in the middle of dealing with a particularly evasive demon when he heard the shout for help. He managed to catch the demon by its wrist and he snapped it before it could swipe with its other hand and he shocked it to death in his grip. Flapping his wings once he soared to Aho's aid. "Hiyahhh!" James yelled as he delivered a flying kick to the demon's back and sent it tumbling off of her. It began to snarl at him but he quickly finished it off with a blast of red lightning, turning it to ashes. He grinned at her, oblivious to the bleeding cut above his eye, as he helped his teammate up. " Gotta stay on your toes lass. No time to daydream about how handsome I am." His expression turned to a worried one as he heard sounds of fighting from the upper floors and he drew one of his swords out of their scabbards. "Let's go and help the others, shall we?"
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Robin groaned as she starred at the bleeding scratch that was on her arm, the nasty creature in the shape of a mutated beast was snarling in front of her; it was probably about 2x the regular size of a regular gorilla with an extra limb or two and gorillas were not something Robin was fond off. Spinning on her heels she ran down the hall with the dang thing chasing after her.

"Stop running after me!" Rob whined as she turned a corner, if you asked her what type of animals she disliked the most... it would have to be every species monkeys.

She wasn't going to take our her twin katanas unless it was strictly an emergency and her wings were also out of the equation, turning another corner she could feel her eyes begin to glow so that meant she was getting closer to another demon. Taking a second to think she instantly stopped running and threw herself onto the floor in a ball, she could feel the monster's feet trip over her; lifting her head up a bit when she heard its roar she also saw its head get stuck in the wall of another room. Robin bit her tongue to keep herself from laughing but the more she held it in the more she wanted to laugh about it. With a shake of her head Robin opened her mouth and allowed thin slices of a sonic echo leave her mouth, the invisible power raced toward the Gorilla and began to tear it to shreds before it went limp.
Aho began smacking at her eyes, squeaking desperately. "Glasses! Where are my glasses?" She screamed, dropping to her knees and squinting. Everything was just a stir of colors and shapes, and it gave her the biggest headache. The blood trickling down her neck was almost soothing, but drew her concentration way off track. She began to crawl on the floor, tapping around carefully. Finally, she could feel the cold surface of her red glasses within her fingers, allowing her anxiety to ease. Finally she could see clearly again, and realized that two people had aided her in her failure. She quickly snatched her sword from the ground and took the handle of it, wrapping it carefully around her wrist. The sword began to take form in to a bandage, encasing her forearm very nicely. "Thank you. I'm not really sure what happened there, I didn't even see that thing coming." She gazed over at the charred demon, its letter like skin burnt to a crisp. As much as she hated it, she was extremely dependent, and wasn't sure where she'd be without everyone. With a quick nod, she began to climb up to tattered stairs, being sure not to step in any of the large gaps. Just at the stairway landing, she saw Robin gazing at a mutilated gorilla. God. She really knows how to do this. "Hey, Robin. Do you know where everyone else is?" She asked, approaching the mutant corpse. "You know how I feel about hunting after sundown." The one day she hadn't come home before sundown she found her father's bloody corpse lying on the front step of her home, so she from then on had a silent rule that no one she cared for should be away from the HQ after it went dark. Despite her being the youngest one in the group, no one was very resilient against her rules. She gently rubbed at the back of her neck, grazing the bite marks with her fingers carefully. The cool blood was still trickling very slowly, but it wasn't very noticeable.
Diane raised an eyebrow, looking over at Aho. "But aren't Demons more of a threat after sundown? Wouldn't it make sense to hunt for some more, even if only for a little bit?" Diane questioned, sticking her guns back in their holsters. "This town and us will be sitting ducks tonight while we sleep, so we should probably try to take out what we can to increase our chances." She explained, frustrated that she was having to be this lengthy.
Robin nodded her head in agreement but she also knows what Aho had been through so she definitely agreed on going back to HQ without an argument.

"We've been hunting Demons all day already, if we stay out any longer we'll end up getting tired and won't be have to energy to help out tomorrow... where is Sebastian and Daniel?" Robin sighed as she agreed with both of them, with a sigh Rob took her rubber band off her wrist and grabbed all her long black hair before putting it up into a ponytail.
Aho nodded once, gazing around the thick maze of hallways. They could be anywhere in this hell trap. She made her way down one hallway, only to find it ended so briefly with a narrow door. She snatched her bandage off, the handle of her sword firm in her hands. With one swift movement she threw open the door, screaming as piles of demons fell out. She wasnt even sure what they were. They were shaped like loaves of bread with extremely long legs that were about her height. She began to go in to a wild frenzy, slicing through everything in sight. Mather were making the oddest noises, like high pitched grunts. All her slicing did was make their legs fall off, which left her with dozens of hopping mutant bread at her feet, nipping at her ankles. She was stomping and slicing like a freak, trying to concentrate on not getting hurt. Finally, all that was left were mangled demons and a pile of grotesque legs. "They're not..... Over here!" She called in a huff, trying to put herself at ease. She had seem some scary demons before, but those things were petrifying. Suddenly, one of the mangled mutants sprung at her, clinging to her shin with all it's might. It didn't hurt, but it was still scary. She rushed out to everyone else, prying at the creature fiercely. I can't seem to get a break!
James wandered down another hallway only to be met by a huge, bat like demon. It Hissed at him, spraying some sort of green liquid which he dodged. Thankfully so, because the spot where he was standing erupted in flames. He wasted no time an diving in with his sword and opening a large gash in the demon's side. It howled in fury and reached out to claw him with hands covered in the same greenish liquid, but another sword thrust in the opening sent it reeling backwards before he took the opportunity and beheaded it. He checked some other rooms, but did not see Sebastian or Daniel.

Doubling back to help out the others, he continued down another hallway to see a furious Aho chopping at more demon. James nearly burst out laughing at the sight of the bread shaped demon clinging to Aho's leg, sensing the perfect opportunity for a horrible joke.

"Aww, how cute...he loaves you!" He shouted down the hallway before bounding over to help out.
Diane sighed and walked over to Aho, who was battling with a loaf of bread. She squatted down next to Aho, pulled out her gun, and shot the thing point-blank on what she thought was it's head. "There." She said, plainly, turning away from Aho and continuing her exploration of the house. She looked around for a while, cautiously opening doors and peeking inside to discover nothing. Until eventually, Diane got "lucky". She discovered a giant wasp demon crunching on the body of a young woman. There was a large hole in her abdomen where the wasp demon had stung her, and just as Diane felt like she was about to throw up the wasp turned to look at her. It's huge wings began flapping as it slowly began to hover in the air.

The sound was like a helicopter, and it reminded Diane that she had no time to waste on being sick. She quickly pulled out her guns and fired two shots at it's thorax. That only served to make it very angry, however as the wasp flung itself at her stinger-first. Leaning backwards, she narrowly avoided the vicious looking stinger of the demon wasp. "Damn." She gasped as the wasp made a quick turn-around and lunged at her once again. She dodged to the side this time before quickly turning around and firing two shots into it's head. The wasp buzzed around, almost as if it where confused, for a bit before it finally collapsed to the ground dead. Diane walked over and nudged the beast with her foot twice, just to make sure it really was dead. Then she left the room, turning to take one last look at the mutilated corpse of the young woman.

Aho squealed, prancing back a few steps in fear. "Not funny!" She pouted, squinting at James furiously. Suddenly, the dim light bulbs throughout the house began to flicker, finally letting out a silent puff as they blew out. She felt herself tense up and rush to the broken window, staring down at the floor below. "Every man for himself!" She shrieked, diving out the window carefully. The stories weren't that big, so the fall wasn't that intense. She landed on her hands, and quickly sprung herself in to a cartwheel, landing gracefully on her feet. Her father had trained her briefly in gymnastics when she was younger, and she was never one to forget something. "Everything okay in there?" She shouted up, staring in to the window above. She didn't like the idea of being helpless in the dark with the chances of being attacked by those bread with legs.
Robin was quick to throw herself out of a window and close her eyes so the glass shards would cut her skin instead of her eyes, the moment she jumped out and felt the cold wind was the moment she left her large black feathered wings spread out from the skin of her back, she lifted herself into the air a little and looked down to see Aho when she had shouted.

"I made it out," Robin grinned as she slowly descended and landed beside her, Robin enjoyed being near Aho since she liked the cute and naive side of Aho. Robin shook her feathers a bit to stretch them since she hadn't been able to let them out inside of the house.
((Rofl, is that good or bad? :P ))

James hopped out after them, and hovered a couple feet off the ground, beating his winds gently. The cool wind felt He wiped a bit of blood out of his eye and looked at Robin. "Seen any of the others yet? We could go check you know, from the windows." He gestured to the side of the building. The cool wind felt good on his skin after all the fighting in closed spaces.

Aho ran over to James' ankles and leaped, grasping on to his legs for dear life. She was petrified of heights, but understood that everyone was on the second floor. Since she was the only one without wings who was out of the building, it seemed as if she had to hitch a ride. She stared at the ground below her, breathing heavily as she thought about what would happen if she fell. "Everyone's on the top floor right? Lets just gather everyone and go home!" She yelped, trying to scamper farther up his legs but failing. She seated herself on his feet and wrapped her arms and legs around him, clinging with all her strength. She quickly extended her arm, watching as her sword flew up to her and wrapped itself around her wrist, returning to its bandage form.
Sebastian had just eaten a demon that resembled a hell hound except it had 6 heads. His ears twitched at the sound of the bulbs going out and he noticed that the others scent had been faint which probably meant that they were no longer inside. "I guess that means that we're bailing before it gets dark," he purred out. Sebastian turned tail and increased the amount of flames that his body emitted causing the walls to melt as he ran. Eventually he made it outside and saw the others looking at the house. A small flare occurred as he turned into his human form that had his demon characteristics. A long black tail and dark cat ears on his head that were twitching. "So are leaving already?" he asked while licking some blood off of his hand and eyeing the others.
(You guys have any nicknames for your characters?)

Robin seen Sebastian come out of the house after melting a hole through the house, at least Sebastian was was out but what about Daniel and Diane.

"We're leaving after we get Daniel and Diane," Robin answered Sebastian before flapping her wings and lifting up into the air, closing her eyes she willed her hearing to once again open up but only a little since she was only looking for her friends.

"I'll go onto the right side of the house," Rob answered what James had said before flying off toward the side of the house but with caution just in case there were more monsters, at the side of the house she closed her eyes again and began to listen out for Daniel or Diane.
James sunk a bit when Aho grasped onto his leg and he looked down."Don't worry. I wont let the big bad bread toast you." He told her, then looked toward Sebastian and shrugged, wiping a bit of blood off the tip of his sword on his jeans. "We've killed most of them anyway, and no humans were in there. If you want to go back in and kill them all, go for it. All i know is, my bed is calling my name." James stated, and yawned to prove his point.
Diane jumped slightly as the lights suddenly burst off. "Great, how am I supposed to fire in the dark?" She wondered as she wandered blindly around until she finally saw a window. Walking cautiously towards it, she looked outside to see everyone excluding Daniel standing there. "So, we're leaving then?" She asked, her tone somewhat disapproving but with reluctant acceptance clear on her face. She lowered herself down as far as she could go from the window before dropping to the ground. She landed with a thud on her butt before standing up and dusting herself off.
((my characters name is three letters so no, unless you want to call her A than no >w<))

Aho peered at Sebastian, quickly averting her gaze as her face tinted pink. She wasnt quite sure why, but Sebastian always made her extremely flustered. She gently pinched James' leg, growling quietly in anger. "Those things were scary!" Just the thought of their hairy, wrinkly legs made her shudder. She leaned over, looking down at Diane. "Are you okay?" She shouted, watching her stand to her feet and quickly dust herself off. "The only one left in the house is Daniel?'
(Feel free to give me a nickname)

Sebastian saw Aho blush and his old hunger for humans suddenly awoke. He jumped up and easily scooped Aho up from James' leg. He kept his eyes on her the whole time that they fell and landed safely on the ground. He growled softly and licked the blood on her neck before he grinned down at her. "Would you like to finish off the demons with me?"
Aho released a silent squeak, staring in to his eyes with a twinge of fear. She ccould feel the warmth of his mouth still lingering on the back of her neck, leaving her utterly speechless. She opened her mouth to attempt speaking, but no words would come out. She began to unravel the bandages on her wrist, forming her sword. The blade rippled through the wind, waving around freely. It began to slide through her, a loud whoosh erupting from it in protest. She liked to think of her sword as a living thing, that would moan and groan and communicate just as anyone else would. She began to wiggle in his grasp, trying her hardest to prevent her face from turning red (with complete failure).

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