Delirium [Inactive]


Mr. Kat Lover
Aidan- submitted a new role play:

Delirium - Love: The Most Dangerous Disease

Ok I'm gonna start this off by saying that if any of this sounds familiar to you it's because I got the idea for this by reading a book. So I'm not claiming any of this as my own idea. BUT this is not a fandom so it is not necessary to have read the book. Anyway, onto the description.
The year is 2014 but society is slightly different from how we know it. The United States government has declared love a disease and closed the borders in order to prevent the infected from getting into...
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Layle sighed. Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse, they did. She had gone hunting, looking for food, and had fallen into a bush filled with wasps. And a rabid squirrel.

Layle recoiled, pulling out her knife, and slashed at the squirrel, hitting it in the leg. The squirrel made a horrible sound, falling to the ground and shooting off down a path. She then dealt with the wasps the smart way, and very, very carefully, ran like hell.
I had gone ashore to get supplies when I see a young girl running by " You okay" I call out I draw my sword and follow her
Layle stops, looking around to see if the wasps are still there, and sighs with relief. Wasps are one of the only things she hates about the wastelands, because first of all, they're huge. Second, is their stings feel like getting shot with a gun, but with less loss of blood. Layle turns around to face the voice. "What? Yeah, I'm fine." She eyes the sword warily.
I see the girl turn around "What Yeah I'm fine" she stares at my sword I quickly sheath it "Sorry" I say "I know its not everyday you see someone with a sword I suppose proper introductions are in order David Maultsby and who do I owe the pleasure of meeting" ?
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"... Why should i tell you my name? You think because you're a kid i won't be suspicious?" Layle said, slowly bringing a hand to the knife at her hip. "Also, you'd better watch out. There was a hoard of wasps behind me a second ago, and they don't like swords." She said, waiting for his reaction. He was just a kid, Layle hoped he wasn't with a group, at least, not one that killed outsiders and stole their stuff.
"Wasp!" I say "then we better get down to the beach wasp hate the water I think" I see she still giving me a dirty look "Look my fights with the Zombies not you " then I stop and think a minute "Wait" I say "Are you one of them?"
Layle stared at him blankly. "...Zombies...?" She looked away, thinking, then looked back. "You mean people who've been 'Cured'? They're practically zombies, I'll give you that." She shook her head at the thought. "And no, if that's what you're talking about, I'm not a zombie." She still stayed a fair bit away from the boy. "Are you?"
"Far from it" I say "I am a rebel and besides i'm only twelve Zombies get cured when there eighteen" "Say are you hungry" " I don't have much but I have some food back on my boat your welcome to come share dinner with me don't worry I don't bite" I smile at her "Are you any good at hunting because i'm terrible at it well expect fishing " (I blush having to ask someone out here for help ) but I have little choice it's a long road to where ever i'm going and I can't even crab without bait maybe she will help as i'm thinking this I try and read her expressions to try and figure out what she's thinking
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Zoë had laced up her jogging shoes as she prepared herself to do what was one of her favorite activities, she was on the track team at her school and had taken it up as a recreation activity to do in her spare time as well. It gave her an excuse to explore the area, and to gazed curiously over the fence at the mysterious woods. The alluring site made her wonder if the stories of the invalids were always true, and if they were as dangerous as depicted. As Zoë stood up and fixed her pony tailed braid she studied the zombie like adults and others who passed her by, what a sad life she thought to herself. As if the life were sucked out of them and happiness, everyday they shuffled in and out of their daily routines, her parents being prime examples. It made her question whether or not she wanted to live such a dull life. A strange feeling became present as soon as her thoughts lingered on that question; she shook her head she started her jog along the sidewalk hoping the faster she went, that feeling would soon fade away.
Sigh I think walking down the street it was stupid I think Dad was right there's is no adventure here all that's up here are Zombies and a four out of five chance of being caught i'm fell so scared what if I do get caught will they kill me or worse turn me into one of them as i'm walking I see a beutiful girl running I look around no Zombies around might as well see if I can make a friend I run after her and soon i'm barely keeping up with her "Nice day for a jog" I say grinning
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Zoë hadnt been jogging long, when she had come across the young boy. Looking over once having heard him speak up she slowed her pace seeing him struggle. "Jogging is more pleasant when its like this, no pelting rain or anything to cause distraction. Well, besides the sun possibly giving you sun burn." she joked the last part lightly trying to be friendly to the new person and not scare him off. Although she got anxious around meeting people normally jogging while doing so calmed her nerves a bit. Outside it was fairly sunny as she had pointed out, not a cloud in sight. Due to jogging often, days like these made her skin become a sun kissed tan, their figures illuminated by the radiating sun as they maintained a steady pace.
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I had just now realized that I didn't know what I was going to say , trying to maintain a steady pace I try to think of something to say all I can think of is "Do you do this every day " i'm not looking where i'm going and then .... I hit it a fire hydrant falling over luck was on my side and my head hits soft green grass but I try to stand up "Ah" I scream my ankle is burning and I fall back in the grass in pain. Damn it I think my bad ankle I probably twisted it... the girl walks over and stands over me
Zoë's eyes widened seeing him fall over. Concerned she stopped jogging and goes over to him and reaches her hand out to him. "You should be more careful, are you hurt?" she said ignoring his early question and addressing whats more important at the moment. Although she had just met the young child and hadn't the slightest clue what his name was. She wasn't going to be rude and ignore someone who was in pain, especially one who she had distracted by talking which lead to the incident occurring.
Panic ... If I can't make her believe that i'm okay she'll take me to a hospital then i'll be found out. I'll be killed or worse I remember at a rebel meeting that I was allowed to attend in Charleston when the Zombies scientist find an under aged invalid they send them to the labs to use for experiments to see if they can find a way to cure kids i'll be cured! I feel the tears in my eyes and try to push them back "i'm fine" I get out I try to stand up but I find I can't put any weight on my right ankle I fall back into the grass I can't hold it together any longer I begin to sob . Its fine I think i'll just say my ankle's hurting bad
Zoë felt slightly awkward seeing the young kid so hurt, she wasn't the best usually around kids. She pulled him up and directed him to hop on his good leg. Slinging his arm around her neck she looked over at him asking. "Where are your parents. I'll take you back home, ok?" she asked soothingly trying to get the child calmed down so he wouldn't embarrass himself. Looking at his injury it didn't look bad enough to have to go to a hospital or anything, she assumed taking him to his parents would be the smarter and better choice in this situation.
Okay I think try to relax and think of something my mind tries to think of a lie but I can think of nothing maybe I should just tell her the truth she seems nice and by from my point I can see she's not cured maybe she'll take pity on me and not report me what do I have to loses? If she says she's going to turn me in I can pull my dagger and force her to take me back to my boat I decide that this is a good plan and say slowly my voice muffled by sobs " My parents aren't here i'm an invalid" no turning back now my hands fell for my dagger I get a firm grip on the hilt just in case I need to use it
Zoë stiffened a bit and laughed lightly in response. "That's a funny joke kid, everyone knows the invalid's live in the Wilds. Just tell me where you live at least. Don't worry I wont get you in trouble with your parents or anything." she assumed he was just saying that so he would not get in trouble.
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"This is no joke" I say trying to sound confident "I just came into town a five days ago please I have a boat docked down in the harbor just take me back to my boat please you'll never hear from me again just take me back to my boat and promise never to tell a soul" I put my head on her shoulder and sob "I want to go home" I say I forgot to keep my hand on my dagger I try to grip it but the shift of our bodies keeps me from reaching it
Zoë swallowed. All the bad things and stories of invalids she was told made them seem dangerous and uncivilized. She nodded slowly, although she didn't see him as a threat she was still fearful. With the boy also in the condition he was in it would be cruel to have left him here all alone to fend for himself. "Alright, Alright. Just lead the way."
"Okay" I say I begin to lead her to the docks and just to try and keep my calm I begin to hum a song from Guys and Dolls I've Never Been in love Before (

link to the song) I try to avoid high traffic areas to avoid suspicion and finally we reach it my boat the Wendy we walk up the gang plank and I direct her to my cabin and she helps me get propped up on my bed " Thank You" I say and then I ask "So now that were alone do you want to hear a secret about us Invalids? "
Zoë asked a question in responce. "Why would you trust a stranger with a secret? You shouldn't be so open or else you'll get caught by someone who will turn you in." She hugged herself as she looked around. She had never been in a boys room and in the situation she was in she felt unconfortable in responce. Wearing only a neon pink sports bra and gray tribal print jogging shorts along with black ones under neath, she also felt a bit cold due to a light breaze that was let in.
"Very True, Very True " I say "but you wouldn't I see it in your eyes your curious " I take of my dagger and place it on my bed side table I smile at her "Well do you want to hear it?"
Zoë blushed and tried avoiding the subject with growing nervousness and anxiety, noticing the dagger she stated. "You could have gotten hurt if you fell on that thing. A kid shouldn't be carrying around such dangerous objects."
" Well the regulators could hurt me a lot worse if I got caught without a weapon" I say "And besides I play with more dangerous toys" I laugh "So" I say "I wish to know a bit about so tell me who do I have the pleasure of meeting ? "

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