Deception [Closed]

Nelly blinked as she was pushed away from Ivy. Welp, there was the Ivy she knew again. She looked at the doctor and nodded, she sure needed to talk to someone. But she didn't expect Ivy to ask her to do it! She pointed her index finger at herself as if she said "Who, me?" and frowned a little. But oh, well, alright. She stood up and walked to the doctor, scratching the back of her head. "Seems like I'll talk to her."
The doctor nodded towards Nelly and pointed at the microphone. "You talk into here." He said as if it wasn't obvious. "She can't hear you unless you're holding this button down." The doctor pressed a red button that glowed under his touch and stopped when he let go. Stepping aside, he let Nelly do whatever she was going to do.

Ivy stood to the side, arms crossed and looking at the wall away from the window as if she was uninterested. Really, every inch of her body was ready to listen to the conversation and fear shook her knees.

((Sorry I was gone so long. Something really bad happened and I had to go. Swear I won't ever leave again without telling you.))
Nelly nodded and went to the microphone, taking a deep breath before starting. She gingerly pressed down the button and began speaking, "Hey, Moet. It's me, Nelly." She identified herself. She had to be careful with her words and her voice, Moet was way too scarred for her to speak normally. Whatever cause that, it was something big. She wondered if there were any witnesses... but they had to be searched later, for now Nelly's only job was to try to calm Moet down.

((Oh, no no, it's alright! Is everything alright now, though?))
Moet paused momentarily and Ivy turned her head a little to make sure she wasn't missing any speech. Moet looked around her padded room and began to giggle like she had done before, shaking her head. Nelly couldn't be in the room, she was all alone! Perhaps...she blends in with the wall. That's right! She had white hair after all it would only make sense! "Come out come out wherever you are!" She sang.

((As alright as it can be I guess. ^^"))
Nelly frowned a bit and tilted her head, "Um, no, Moet.. I'm in the other room. You can only hear me for now, not see me." She said calmly, then scratched her cheek. In Moet's current statem it would be hard to talk to her... well, she could always try. "Now then.... can you tell me what happened? Do you remember?" She asked, anxious to know what happened. As a detective, she wanted to find out the truth.

((Oh, I see.. well, I hope everything is fine :) ))

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