Deaths Door RP

Hex saw the car start, he saw it move along. So he followed, yes the roofs were slower than a car but it gave him a better chance than running to follow it. He didn't want help, just to find out who was in there and how many. If they were ok, maybe he'd give them a chance. But he could always get the car if things went wrong.
"Alex." He sighed. "Oh, and there is a kid on the car." Alex said, almost carelessly. "And I was stating almost all that I know about what the hell is going on. And besides, I didn't grow up with, bikes, and candy. I haven't even tasted warm food before." Alex said, feeling bitter. "And tone is not what I care about, anyway."

Alex said. Alex suddenly thought for a bit. "Bryant, did you lose any family, when all this started?..." Alex asked. He could tell Bryant had held something dead. He had blood all over him. Not the green- black sticky fluid that Walkers had.
(I didn't jump on the car yet, oh well)

Hex saw the end of the building and made a leap for the car, he just made it landing on the roof and sat the holding on hoping they had a window slightly open or something so he could here them. He had just seen a boys face as he jumped on, a young boy around his little brothers age. Hmmmm, his brother. Where was Elix in all of this, not that he needed him or anything. He'd learned alot from living off the streets.
Kristianna raised an eyebrow and tapped Bryant's shoulder. "What the hell was that?" She said, looking up at the cieling of the car. Her first thought was the walkers.. She luckily had her pistol in her lap and had it ready just in case she needed it for anything. "Should we stop..?"
Hex was still sat silently on the top hoping no one heard the jump. He may need to sneak attack them. He didnt dare look over to see who was in the car he just hoped there wasn't that many. Probably had guns, he got out his pistol ready just incase and flipped it once in his hand.
Ben was getting increasingly annoyed with the child, but let it slide. "Hmm? No, I lost my brother the first day this all went to hell, I think he went for supplies, and never came back, this blood is mine, I took a cut, but it's fine." Bryant turned to face the girl. "Hear what? this isn't the best time to be worrying for stupid things, but you seem honest, so I will trust you." Bryant started the car going fast, 50 mph, 60 mph, 70, 80. "Hold on!" he said, and slammed the brakes. Anything that may have been on the car would have been sent flying, he looked out to see if anything came off.
Hex wasnt expecting this, the car went flying and then stopped. He was expecting to fall forwards but for some reason he jerked forwards and fell off backwards onto the trunk and off the car with a thud. "Uhhg," he groaned and started to get up off the floor, "well that says one thing, someone knew I was there." He blinked several times before coming to his senses properly. That was a hard blow espesially at that speed.
Bryant heard the grunt from behind the car. "Girl! Sorry, I don't know your name, I'm going to turn the car, and I need you to shoot out, through the window. Aim for the head, I think it's a walker. Can you do that for me?" Bryant smiled at the girl. "It would be a great help!" Bryant would not start to turn the car until the girl replied.
Hex heard through the window the man shouting. So there's at least three and he doesn't know at least 1. "Right," Hex smirked, "time for some fun." He was good at aiming, if that girls hand came out the window she'd have a bullet in it the next second. If it didnt he'd shoot the gun. Weather they thought he was a walker or not he couldn't care less. He was always up for abit of shooting practice and what kind of walker could shoot? Or jump from a building onto a car? He didn't know any. He readied his gun and got into a defensive posture so he could roll out if a bullet came near to him. Taking a short glance through the side mirror of the car, he caught a bit of the mans features. Keep away, his brain said to him, like he'd seen the man before. But he didn't remember him.

(Im gonna be gone for quite some time around a whole day or so, have to get a plane, so if I don't reply please dont kill him off. Not atm. Thanx)
((A few problems with this... Cat Lover hasn't even has her character put her hand out the window, so technically you shouldn't have started while we were waiting on her response. Also how do you know we have three when Alex hasn't said anything, and from what you have described, your character hasn't seen him? Also, although I didn't state anything, which is entirely my fault, I don't think my character would shout if he thought it was a zombie.

The main thing from that is, please please wait for a response if that's how the roleplay intended it to be, I won't respond until Cat has said if she is shooting or not, thanks :D ))
Alex facepalmed. "I TOLD YOU! THERE WAS A KID ON THE CAR!" he shouted. He calmed himself. "I can tell you are annoyed with me. Don't bring out your gun.... Ummmm... Person...." he said, gritting his teeth. 
Alex sighed. "Kid, we aren't gonna hurtya. At least I aint.... Alex glared at Bryant. "Why are ya here?"
Eyan said:
Alex facepalmed. "I TOLD YOU! THERE WAS A KID ON THE CAR!" he shouted. He calmed himself. "I can tell you are annoyed with me. Don't bring out your gun.... Ummmm... Person...." he said, gritting his teeth. 
Alex sighed. "Kid, we aren't gonna hurtya. At least I aint.... Alex glared at Bryant. "Why are ya here?"
((Your character is eight...))
jaajdbfd said:
((A few problems with this... Cat Lover hasn't even has her character put her hand out the window, so technically you shouldn't have started while we were waiting on her response. Also how do you know we have three when Alex hasn't said anything, and from what you have described, your character hasn't seen him? Also, although I didn't state anything, which is entirely my fault, I don't think my character would shout if he thought it was a zombie.
The main thing from that is, please please wait for a response if that's how the roleplay intended it to be, I won't respond until Cat has said if she is shooting or not, thanks :D ))
Just one thing I was stating if she did I wasn't skipping ahead yet. It was a way of stating what he would do. And another when he jumped onto the car he saw Alex, I also stated that in my last post so yeah. 
Hex looked at the 8 year old in confusion. "The heck is up with that kid! You talk like your older than me!" Then he thought abit, "street kid by any chance?" He looked at the smart ass 8 year old with a cheeky expression on his face. This was interesting now wasn't it.
He rolled his eyes. "People like you would call me a hobo, or a 'hurt' kid." he said, with a toothy-grin. He looked away. "I don't care how old anyone is... They all abandon people if they want."
Hex grinned, "yeah I know," he looked around, "and I would never call a fellow street kid a hobo. That would be like dissing myself." He stated grinning. This kid would probably get him most out of everyone here. Hex had been abandoned at 8 and this kid was around 8 right now. Maybe they could learn a few things from each other.
Alex stood there. "Street kid...... Riggghhhhtt..." Alex said. "And my past is none of anyones business, if you think youll learn alot about me." Alex said. "I have a knife, and a fork. Not for eating with. They have walkers- blood all over them..." he warned.
Hex laughed slightly, he liked the kids determination. "I have a knife too, and a pistol with many bullets." He added. This kid was tough, but just how tough. Hex had learned to judge people and he didnt seem like the kind of guy who would hang around with strangers like these two. "And if your so sure you can turn me into a walker and be fine on your own, why you with people?" He said, now his eyes were steely and didn't have one slight ounce of humour in them. He wasn't liking this, at all and when he didn't like something.......well, they'd see.
"It's the only way to stay alive... I would tell you but.... I don't know. I..... I think that everyone has to stick together to survive. Until we find a place to separate, anyway." Alex explained, hoping it would never come to being alone. "And I was warning you, so you wouldn't try to use them for eating. I don't want you to be one of those..... THINGS..." Alex said.
Hex shrugged, "ok, I getcha kid," he said, "but why would I would I need to worry about that?" Hex was a loner and not at all scared of walkers, he just found them vile. He knew if it came down to it he would work with people although right now he was doing alright on his own. A few close shaves though that he could of had help with.
"Don't underestimate walkers... They CAN run.... I know the cure but..... It's impossible, unless Walkers bit eachother..."

Alex stated. "They can run faster than a human. Trust me I........ I've seen Grizzly scenes..." Alex muttered.
"The cure?!" Kristianna turned towards Alex and raised an eyebrow. "You mean.. There can be an end to this..?"
Hex looked down and used his foot to scrape away some gravel, "yeah I know, I've seen some too. Been in then even but the never caught me." He looked up, "they used to scare me but not any more not after they ran into a wall." He started laughing. "It was so funny I just can't be scared of them!" He said, "but I know what they can do, not like your average zombie."
"no..... It's only...... There is one...... But...... A walker has to bite another walker, while it isn't dead... They never do that though..." Alex said. He touched one of his sleves, and pushed it down a little. "yes... It's impossible. And fatal.... But you also might turn into a twice- as- dangerous Walker. Too risky... Too impossible.... And you could still kill even a lover, with a single kiss on the cheek..."

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