Deaths Door RP

Bryant stood staring at the keys in the poor boys hands. Bryant was looking at his last chance of survival, this boy was holding the keys to freedom. Bryant didn't know what to do, even though the boy wouldn't know a thing, it still felt wrong. Bryant thought back to his brothers dead body. "I don't want that in vain" Bryant thought to himself, and pulled his cleaver from his pocket. "Sorry" he muttered to the boy, and swung the cleaver into his face, crushing the brain. Blood sprayed across Bryant's face and clothes, Bryant groaned, it was disgusting. he withdrew the cleaver from the boys face, and grabbed the keys, quickly hitting the silent button. The alarm stopped, but the zombies must be very close.

Bryant walked out the door of the house, seeing something that made his heart drop, the entire plan was ruined. zombies has surrounded the car, obviously trying to get to the noise. "Well that's that then" Bryant said aloud. To his right a girl screamed, she must have been about six or seven, the zombies looked over at her, then started to groan and walk towards her. The girl started to run, and the zombies followed, slowly. Bryant stayed within the shadows, so the zombies didn't notice him. After they cleared, Bryant ran towards the car, thankful for the girl that gave him a chance. Bryant started the ignition, and started to drive. As he drove past his home, he noticed his brother, as a walker, leaving the house.
Alex grabbed her hand. "We have to go... now." he said. He tugged twice, hoping for a response.
"Go where?" Kristianna raised an eyebrow at Alex. She couldn't think of anywhere that'd be safe right now.
"It is not completely safe... Just the only place I can think of." he said, guiding her to a road. He saw a car, with a PERSON. He stuck his thumb up to hitch hike. "It is not normal for me, but we ALL must trust eachother..."

(the driver is Bryant)
"I-I guess.." Kristianna couldn't believe it, she was taking survival advice from a little boy. She stuck up her thumb too, hoping the driver would take notice of her pastel colored hair or the fact that she wasn't a zombie trying to devour anything. Hopefully the driver would at least pull over, but there wasn't much hope in this time.
He looked down. "before the apocalypse, I still had a hard time surviving. I think you have a bad fever... We need to get medicine." Alex said, trying to explain his reasoning.
"No. I'm fine.." Kristianna shook her head, bringing her hand to her forehead. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said, feeling unsure about it.
((I was so tempted to make Bryant keep driving xD ))

As Bryant drove along, he noticed a little boy and a girl. They seemed to be asking for a ride, but they could be zombies, "Can zombies do something so obvious, like stick out a thumb?" Bryant thought to himself. He decided to drive past slowly, just to check if they seemed like zombies. They didn't seem much like zombies, so Bryant stopped the car, and opened up the passenger door for whoever was sitting in the front. "So, where did you two come from?" Bryant asked once they were in the car. He continued to drive, they seemed to be getting into a city. "Finally" Bryant thought to himself.

jaajdbfd said:
((I was so tempted to make Bryant keep driving xD ))
As Bryant drove along, he noticed a little boy and a girl. They seemed to be asking for a ride, but they could be zombies, "Can zombies do something so obvious, like stick out a thumb?" Bryant thought to himself. He decided to drive past slowly, just to check if they seemed like zombies. They didn't seem much like zombies, so Bryant stopped the car, and opened up the passenger door for whoever was sitting in the front. "So, where did you two come from?" Bryant asked once they were in the car. He continued to drive, they seemed to be getting into a city. "Finally" Bryant thought to himself.
we came from that city...! It is FULL of walkers.... I suggest we go to a medication store... CVS probably... EVERYONE is gone, and not in there. We could get food, meds, gauze, and some braces." Alex said, hoping that there could be more survivors." 

jaajdbfd said:
((I was so tempted to make Bryant keep driving xD ))
As Bryant drove along, he noticed a little boy and a girl. They seemed to be asking for a ride, but they could be zombies, "Can zombies do something so obvious, like stick out a thumb?" Bryant thought to himself. He decided to drive past slowly, just to check if they seemed like zombies. They didn't seem much like zombies, so Bryant stopped the car, and opened up the passenger door for whoever was sitting in the front. "So, where did you two come from?" Bryant asked once they were in the car. He continued to drive, they seemed to be getting into a city. "Finally" Bryant thought to himself.
we came from that city...! It is FULL of walkers.... I suggest we go to a medication store... CVS probably... EVERYONE is gone, and not in there. We could get food, meds, gauze, and some braces." Alex said, hoping that there could be more survivors."
Bryant listened intently to what the boy said, and drove in silence for a little while. Then he started to speak. "I need medication for myself I guess, but I don't know if I will stay with you. I seem to have different plans to you, so I think it's best we go our separate ways after that, but I will help you out, get you going, things like that"

After a little more driving they arrived at CVS. "Well, here we are!"
Alex didn't care much. "Well, we could go along with you, if that's fine... I don't think that leaving a female, and a child to fend for themselves... We will probably just go along with you... " Alex said.

"Plus, she is having hallucinations. She thought I was her Brother, or something... It's odd. I think we need you to help us... We will probably help in return... For now.... IF that's okay with you.... I think we need a stable leader. You seem good for it... Are you okay with those?... We only came here, because however we are gonna survive, we need food, water, and a medical kit." Alex explained, his hopes sky- rocketing.
Bryant sighed. "Listen kid, I'm only 19 myself, so don't count on me for much, but I suppose if its what you want, then tag along, but don't expect me to be holding your hand through all of this." Bryant sighed again, and left the car, walking into CVS. He started to gather necessary things for survival, food, water and meds.
"why would I?..." Alex muttered before saying- "I have been alone my whole life. Not once has anyone even shown kindness toward me. Trust me... I'm not gonna ask you for anything. I make my own descisions, thank you very much..."

Alex grabbed medicine, supplies, food, drinks, and gauze. Even surgical supplies. " And besides.... If there is any trouble, I will steal behind the trouble-makers back. We need to keep up a good supply."
Kristianna grabbed a few of the leftover plastic bags from the checkout counter and filled them to the brim with supplies such as food, water, medical supplies, and other survival needs. "I think to do that we might have to be greedy. We can't trust just anyone now, they might go behind our backs. I suggest we stick together.." She adjusted the bags on her arms and looked at what everyone else got. "I think we're good on supplies for now."
Alex nodded. He was worried, that someone would abandon him. Especially if he were being attacked by Walkers... He just hoped that they would trust him enough not to kill him...
"Let's take these to the car, my arms are killing me.." Kristianna laughed softly, lifting the bags like they were dumbells.
Alex blinked real quick. "alright. Just don't leave me behind, please." He said anxiously.
Alex didn't want to answer, but did it anyway. "No reason.... Just... Making sure........." he muttered. 
Alex didn't want to answer, but did it anyway. "No reason.... Just... Making sure........." he muttered.
Alex had lied. Feeling sad about this... He wished he could have lived a good child-hood.

(still open. (sign up on RP Recruitment))
Bryant walked with the others to the car, and piled all of the things he was carrying into the boot. "You guys put yours in there as well, but it means this car is now something we protect with our lives, there is enough here for a few months, but I'm sure the government will start to hand out vaccines soon enough, and it will all be okay." Bryant knew this was a long shot, but he wanted the kid and the teenager to at least feel safe. He then got into the drivers seat, and waited for the others to finish loading their things into the car.
"vaccine? This is not an infection, sir... And walkers, are not what thy truly are... The only cure is a smash to the brain." Alex said, scornfully. " And besides... The government has abandoned the US, and went to the East countries... Not to mention the fact, that they took the desease with them!..." He said... Little did everyone know, Alex knew who started the Apocalypse.
Hex stood in an ally way, he wasn't fond of zombies. Retched creatures and they were all around him. Although he want scared he'd rather not get bitten by one for many reasons. In the distance he saw an idle car, maybe he could use that. He scrambled onto the roof of a building and jumped from roof to roof until he was as close as he dared to go, he sat there watching for zombies. Just incase.
Bryant looked at the kid. "You watch your tone kid, I don't need to stay with you, so don't start acting all high and mighty towards me, anyway, whats your name?" Bryant continued to drive along, checking the fuel as much as possible. He didn't know where they were headed, but anywhere safe seemed fine to him.

((Sorry for the short response, couldn't think straight :) ))

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