Death Weapon Meister Academy (Soul Eater)

Nikki blinked and smiled tiredly. He then frowned and laid himself back down. Sage crossed her arms. "I got help for nothing." She spat. Nikki shuddered at the sound of her voice. He curled up in a ball and closed his eyes. Sage rolled her eyes. "Get up, dumba**." She said, annoyed. He ignored her and didn't move, since he was scared of her.
Sage glared. "He's MY weapon." She said, looking at her finger nails. Nikki shuddered, beginning to drag himself away from the witch of a girl. "And if you keep interfering, I'm going to report you to Lord Death." She spat.
Sage raised her eyebrows. "Ha! Like he'll believe you over me..." She said, crossing her arms. Nikki closed his eyes and opened them again. "...He will...Nichole's a good person...Unlike you." Nikki hissed. Sage's eyes widened. Nikki had never talked to anyone like that, especially not her. Her expression instantly hardened. "What did you say, you f***king piece of s***?!" She screamed. Nikki glared. "You heard me." He said.
Nichole glared at sage with her DEATH DEATH glare if looks could kill sage would be 100 ft under. she said''touch him and i kill you where you stand. you don't even deserve to have a weapon!''
Sage laughed. "As if!" She said, glaring. She ran towards Nikki, and grabbed him by the neck, causing him to turn into his weapon form. She soon had a black scythe in her hand. She turned towards Nichole, smirking. "You were saying?" She said.
Nichole said''you dont need a weapon you need to get the hell outta this place! he needs someone that can bring out his true potential not abuse him!''
Sage glared and threw Nikki down. "Try finding someone to wield him, I dare you." With that, she turned, leaving Death Academy forever.
Nikki looked around. "What just happened?" He asked, looking off in the distance.
Nikki looked down, and slowly walked away, tears falling down his face. People always had abandoned him, but that was OK. He could deal.
Nichole's heart dropped she went to follow but satoshi said''just let him calm down...'' Nichole said''but...'' looking at nikki sadly. she followed nikki and hugged him tight saying''you're never alone nikki you have us we'll be your family! we'll never abandon you!''
Nikki hugged onto her tightly. He was crying. "Promise?" He said, looking up at Nichole.
Nikki sniffled. "Thank you." He said, closing his eyes, and shuddering.
Nikki's blue eyes traveled down to his sneakers. "...Yeah." He said, rubbing his face.

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