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Fandom DC Universe Boarding School AU: Character Sign Up

Deimos has no dragon form. he never got one since he's only half dragon but he does have wings.

I also twisted the definition of wendigo a bit to fit it as 'a demon that eats human flesh,blood or bones. just depends on the demons.' Some cultures commonly mistake creatures for mythical beings. Like there is evidance that the dreaded werewolf scare was actually a hyena someone let loose. So way back then, they might have seen a demon eating a person and not recognize it as a demon and assighn it the title of 'wendigo' and not 'demon'

Oh okay!

That's pretty interesting

Pfft peeps say sailors might have came up with mermaids by seeing manatee's but manatee's are far from gorgeous if you ask me

When I think of Wendigo...

I'm a nerd xD



Amber "Artemis" Chase



Raver , Ice Prince , Princess












Tall , Slender with slight curves , Long legged and pretty faced makes Amber a very pretty man to say the least. Amber is a male of asian descent , skin is bronze coloured ,though he uses skin whitening products to make him paler , and soft to the touch. His hair is dark brown and soft but he is going to dye it soon.



Amber is many things , a flirty , sarcastic, intelligent tease who loves messing with people for amusement and he can be spiteful. Victims of his 'playing around' are usually those who haved pissed him off. This 'playing around' ranges for not very serious to painful. He loves to play pranks for fun but when he gets angry that is when 'playing around ' gets bad for the person who angered him. Most commonly he breaks relationships , seducing the persons involved by using subtle flirting and the person falls for it. They'll assume he wants a relationship even though he never confirms it and then Amber sets up a perfect way to break the realionship by setting them up at the right time and place. Say he brings the boyfriend to his house and starts acting invitingly , coaxing the man into attempting to kiss him while he acts like he didn't get the man to do it and at the same time the girlfriend walks in and sees her boyfriend kissing a 'clueless and unexpecting' Amber. It turns out Amber texted the girl and told him to meet up with him.


From that little scenario you can see Amber is a very gifted actor ,manipulator and seducer. He uses his beauty , intelligence and allure as a way of getting what he wants. Amber isn't a very cruel person most of time , that side of him coming out when he is angered by something or someone which is rare. He is also violent , insticinctively lashing out when annoyed , embarressed or even when laughing.


Amber is a highly intelligent indiviual , usually get straight As and teachers alwayys sending good reviews to his parents. Amber is highly sarcastic and snarky indiviual , usually always having a remark floating in his head.


Amber has shown to be kind ,being nice to new students and acting like a mother to those younger than him , most commonly his friends. He cares for them , babies them , cooks for them and comforts them as much as he can. But this motherly trait comes hand in hand with strictiness. He can be very strict . getting angry if someone does something he said they shouldn't especially if he said not to do it out of concern. This around the time his violent side shows by him punishing the person who disobeyed him.


Amber is somewhat vain , caring very much for his appearance and usually has at least bbcream , mascara and lip balm in his pocket for quick use.







Powers -

Super Strength and Endurance

Energy Manipulation

Arcane Magic





Hand to hand combat



He is homosexual

He is a very good singer and dancer

When he dances he keeps a emtionless face most of the time , only at certain times while he show the crowd a allurng smirk



Amber "Artemis" Chase



Raver , Ice Prince , Princess











Tall , Slender with slight curves , Long legged and pretty faced makes Amber a very pretty man to say the least. Amber is a male of asian descent , skin is bronze coloured ,though he uses skin whitening products to make him paler , and soft to the touch. His hair is dark brown and soft but he is going to dye it soon.



Amber is many things , a flirty , sarcastic, intelligent tease who loves messing with people for amusement and he can be spiteful. Victims of his 'playing around' are usually those who haved pissed him off. This 'playing around' ranges for not very serious to painful. He loves to play pranks for fun but when he gets angry that is when 'playing around ' gets bad for the person who angered him. Most commonly he breaks relationships , seducing the persons involved by using subtle flirting and the person falls for it. They'll assume he wants a relationship even though he never confirms it and then Amber sets up a perfect way to break the realionship by setting them up at the right time and place. Say he brings the boyfriend to his house and starts acting invitingly , coaxing the man into attempting to kiss him while he acts like he didn't get the man to do it and at the same time the girlfriend walks in and sees her boyfriend kissing a 'clueless and unexpecting' Amber. It turns out Amber texted the girl and told him to meet up with him.


From that little scenario you can see Amber is a very gifted actor ,manipulator and seducer. He uses his beauty , intelligence and allure as a way of getting what he wants. Amber isn't a very cruel person most of time , that side of him coming out when he is angered by something or someone which is rare. He is also violent , insticinctively lashing out when annoyed , embarressed or even when laughing.


Amber is a highly intelligent indiviual , usually get straight As and teachers alwayys sending good reviews to his parents. Amber is highly sarcastic and snarky indiviual , usually always having a remark floating in his head.


Amber has shown to be kind ,being nice to new students and acting like a mother to those younger than him , most commonly his friends. He cares for them , babies them , cooks for them and comforts them as much as he can. But this motherly trait comes hand in hand with strictiness. He can be very strict . getting angry if someone does something he said they shouldn't especially if he said not to do it out of concern. This around the time his violent side shows by him punishing the person who disobeyed him.


Amber is somewhat vain , caring very much for his appearance and usually has at least bbcream , mascara and lip balm in his pocket for quick use.







Powers -

Super Strength and Endurance

Energy Manipulation

Arcane Magic





Hand to hand combat



He is homosexual

He is a very good singer and dancer

When he dances he keeps a emtionless face most of the time , only at certain times while he show the crowd a allurng smirk



Hey, Harls!  I'm going to change my reserve from Tim Drake to Jamie Reyes.

Sure :)  
Name: Jack Napier

Nicknames\Aliases: J or The Joker

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance: Jack looks like the kinda guy parents always warned you about. Short bright green hair that he either wears combed backwards or all ruffly and bleached white skin.

He usually walks around in grunge like clothes (...ripped jeans, lumberjack shirt with a dark t-shirt underneath, sometimes in combination with an old leather jacket.

Personality: Jack is more of a lone wolf, always seems to get in trouble and likes causing mischief where ever he can. He doesn't cares about others in general and gets in trouble with Bruce Wayne (..and everyone of the Bat family..) a lot.

Even though he is very intelligent his grades in school are always miserable (except for Chemistry where he only gets A's...) cause he's skipping classes a lot. That also being the cause of him being forced to repeat the year.

Backstory: Something he keeps hidden for most part. Usually making something up whenever he gets asked about it, changing the story everytime. He comes from an abusive family, alcoholic father that beats him around whenever he can and drug addict mother that passed away a couple years back.  An chemical "accident" caused his skin to bleach and pemenently dying his hair green.

Powers\Skills\Abilites: Master manipulator and very charismatic. He is good with knifes and all sorts of weapons and is not to mess with in hand-to-hand combat.

Extra: -

((Pictures are coming soon...but I picture him as a younger version of Jared Letos Joker, without the facial tattoos and grill if thats okay))
Name: Jack Napier

Nicknames\Aliases: J or The Joker

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance: Jack looks like the kinda guy parents always warned you about. Short bright green hair that he either wears combed backwards or all ruffly and bleached white skin.

He usually walks around in grunge like clothes (...ripped jeans, lumberjack shirt with a dark t-shirt underneath, sometimes in combination with an old leather jacket.

Personality: Jack is more of a lone wolf, always seems to get in trouble and likes causing mischief where ever he can. He doesn't cares about others in general and gets in trouble with Bruce Wayne (..and everyone of the Bat family..) a lot.

Even though he is very intelligent his grades in school are always miserable (except for Chemistry where he only gets A's...) cause he's skipping classes a lot. That also being the cause of him being forced to repeat the year.

Backstory: Something he keeps hidden for most part. Usually making something up whenever he gets asked about it, changing the story everytime. He comes from an abusive family, alcoholic father that beats him around whenever he can and drug addict mother that passed away a couple years back.  An chemical "accident" caused his skin to bleach and pemenently dying his hair green.

Powers\Skills\Abilites: Master manipulator and very charismatic. He is good with knifes and all sorts of weapons and is not to mess with in hand-to-hand combat.

Extra: -

((Pictures are coming soon...but I picture him as a younger version of Jared Letos Joker, without the facial tattoos and grill if thats okay))

:D  Yes I love it !  
Approved ~!
 I wanna make this a hosted project so I need to start posting a bunch lmao. 
Anyone got questions or suggestions for the roleplay ? 
Yo guys roleplays up finally, I invited you all to it. 

Go post your characters in the character section :P

then get posting <3 
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I guess. I don't really mind, just people who join that aren't from here won't know how to talk

Well if they found this they'd probs post here, and if they joined the hosted RP they'd be added to the PM
or if I made an OOC on the hosted rp then they'd see it :P  

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