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Fandom DC Universe Boarding School AU: Character Sign Up

And there is Tim Drake! The Red Robin himself! Got the brotherly figure now

And yes...swoon over Nightwing...makes it all the easier for me to plant stuff in your mind...


Tim needs a womanizing role model to look up to, though he probably doesn't need the help tbh. 
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Actually, (I'll regret it if I don't) may I order a Jason Todd to go with that Man-Bat please? 
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Character Sheet

Name: Harleen Frances Quinzel 

Nicknames\Aliases: Harley Quinn (Later when she meets the Joker ;) )

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Human 

Appearance: Blonde hair, blue eyes. Wears her hair in a single ponytail. 
Wears fairly plain clothes, nothing special. Also wears square shaped glasses

Personality: Very shy, isn't very good at making friends. She works hard in school and gets good grades. Wishes for excitment in life, but isn't brave enough to go out and get it.

Backstory: Just a fairly normal childhood. Was bullied as a young child 

young harley.jpg


Extra: Hopes to become a pyschiatrist one day. 

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Forgot to change it to the fact its a boarding school give me a mo :P

Unless you guys just want a highschool, opinions?

Nickname/Aliases:The Main man, The Last Czarian, El Cazadores.






Personality:Lobo's mind is a fractured place. While he seems sane and calm on most occasions, inside he is a raging monster plauged by the memories of the one he was cloned from... 

He is usually selfish and cold but he is a man of his word. When he makes a promise he keeps it down to the letter.

Backstory: Lobo is a clone of, well...Lobo.

the original Lobo was a blood thirsty monster. He killed the entire Czarian race for fun, hunted life forms across galaxies, and generally indulged in senseless murder. 

The new lobo wants nothing to do with that life, but he has similar instincts and as such he has a hard time fighting the urge to kill when a fight breaks out. 

When the original lobo found out that the alien scientist Brantos had cloned him he went back to destroy him. Brantos put the Baby Lobo in a teleport or and sent him to a random destination before smashing the controls. Baby lobo was transported to the city of Gotham where he was raised in a downtown orphanage. He's managed to stay out of prison, but he has a very long rap sheet...


Super strength: The original Lobo Displayed strength comparable to superman, though New Lobo doesn't posses strength to that degree his limits seem to be raising everyday.

Super durability: Lobo is highly resistant to most forms of damage, he doesn't seem to need to breath,eat, drink,or rest.

Heightened senses (especially smell)

Lobo has all of his senses enhanced several thousand times what a normal human is capable of. But by far the most advanced is his sense of smell which can somehow allow him to even follow scents in space. 

Regeneration: Lobo possesses an incredible healing factor, as near to immortality as one can get. Limbs return in minutes, burns,bruises, broken bones, and puncture wounds  take seconds. He can even regenerate from a single cell, though this takes a day or two. 

He seems to also display an immunity to poisons, venoms, and toxins. 

Genious IQ: despite mental instabilities lobo has displayed enough mental capacity to actually preform genetic augmentation on himself, to hack alien computers and AI, even enough understanding of space age technology to built a spaceship out of what others would consider junk. 

Immortality: Lobo seems impervious to death. Even decapitation and being reduced to nothing doesn't seem to put him down for long. He may be out for a few days maybe even a week but rest assured, he will be back. 
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Character Sheet:




Age: 16

Gender: FEMALE





Long red hair, normally worn in a ponytail.  Green eyes.  Wears glasses.'String-Bean' physique.  Late bloomer, development-wise (if ya know what I mean.)  Extremely near-sighted.



Assertive.  A bit of a know-it-all.  Curious to the point of being nosy.  A busy body.  Offers advice to others unsolicited.  Strong moral character, a crusader type.  Hates bullies with a passion and believes in helping those that are weaker or being picked upon.  Extremely awkward and shy when it comes to boys.  Has self-image problems when it comes to her looks.  Loves geeky things.  Definitely not one of the cool girls.  Has a really awkward laugh-sorta sounds like a donkey.



Babs comes from a single family room, being raised by her father, Det. Jim Gordon. Mom left them both when Babs was very young.  (Think Veronica Mars.)  Babs learned self-reliance early.  Also, thanks to her Dad, developed an interest in detective work and crimefighting.  Her heroes are her Dad, Nancy Drew, Veronica Mars, and Batman.  In that order.  Wants to be a girl detective.  Correction- a woman detective.  The BEST!  So that one day she can fight crime with Batman or even better on her own as Batwoman!  Okay, okay, 'Batwoman' might be taken so she'll settle for being called Batgirl.  Grrrr...



Eidetic memory.  Bookworm.  Honors student.  Crazy mad computer skills.  Studying all sorts of private eye stuff like how to pick locks, tail people, find out stuff about people, that sorta thing.  Knows karate.

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Name: Apple Seed (yes really, her parents were hippies....)

Nicknames\Aliases: Owl-Girl

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Species: Metahuman


Face Claim


Owl Form


Half Owl Form

Personality: Owl-Girl is a shy but sweet granola girl. She's not a traditional cliche hippie, as she must eat meat in order to use her owl powers, but she loves animals and nature. She usually tried to be optimistic, but is usually quite shy and quiet, like an owl in the night. She's got self-confidence issues and is probably the newest of all the new kids at Gotham High (or whatever the name shall be :)  ) as she just moved from Llyn California alllll the way to Gotham City. She wears eco friendly clothes, cruelty free lipstick and uses other earth friendly products. She is quite uncomfortable at first talking about her powers with others at the school, as even though almost everyone back home had similar powers, she knows that is not true everywhere else. She has a good heart and a smart head on her shoulders (both her parents were scientists), but it will take some good friends to bring her out of her shell. Owl Girl believes in helping the environment, but oftentimes gets depressed when reading about poaching or animal abuse, not that she tells anyone at first. She wants to be a zoologist one day and help others learn about animals and the environment. Owl-Girl is quite good at understanding animals and animal body language, especially birds and farm animals and enjoys talking about animal facts, which is one of the things that will actually get her to open her beak and speak up a little. She oftentimes is the first one to raise her hand in class (unless it's history class) and enjoys doing well in school. She wants to make her parents proud, and hopes to find a boyfriend one day... maybe? :3

Backstory: Owl-Girl grew up in the small town of Llyn California (pop. 104), she was a happy child, but it seemed once puberty hit all her self-confidence melted away. Both her parents were A) Biologists and B) Hippies, which fostered her love of animals and the natural world. She had been riding horses since 3 years old and running in the woods with her dogs since before then. She grew up surrounded by forests, grasslands and wild flowers. One day when riding her horse, she stumbled upon a cave she had never seen before. You see, unbeknownst to her, the forest she had lived her whole life in was seeded on top of a Lazarus pit, one which she had just found the entrance to. As she went deeper in, she found odd cave paintings depicting humans turning into animals, and animals the size of humans. She eventually stumbled upon the pit itself, surrounded by huge great horned owls, far larger than any she had seen in the wild. Suddenly the owls started swarming her and pushed her into the pit. When she pulled herself out, she found she had gained owl transforming powers. When she told her parents they explained that they too were metahumans (were-bobcat and were-wolf specifically) and that many people in the town also were metahumans. They said that a long time ago the pit was used in local native american spirit animal ceremonies, but they believed that it actually had a more scientific explanation than that, as it seemed to fuse animal and human dna into a new species. Owl-Girl eventually came to accept her powers and enjoyed learning how to fly from the other bird metahumans in her town. When she turned 14 she realized that she couldn't stay in Llyn forever, her soul wanted to explore, and grow, and learn. She applied to transfer to Gotham High and, well, the rest has yet to be written...

Powers\Skills\Abilities: Amazing hearing and eyesight, can understand the body language of animals, can transform into were-owl or pure owl form, can fly with wing arms, can turn hands and feet into talons to defend herself, can eat raw meat without consequence, silent flight (in owl form)

Extra: She feels bad about not being a vegetarian, even though her owl-powers demand meat to work, so she sometimes looks pale or anemic due to not eating enough meat. (Eats ice chips from time to time, very bad for her health, needs iron pills).  Secretly an extrovert, if only she could get over her shyness. Enjoys reading at the library. Goes flying every night to see the neon lights. 
Name: Bizarro

Nicknames\Aliases: Bizarro #1 and Bizarro Superman

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Kryptonian clone



Height: 6' 3"

Weight: 345 lbs (156 kg)

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black

Skin: Chalky Grey

Personality: Bizarro usually means well but due to his backwards nature he might do more harm than good. He wants to be a superhero and do good but he usually just makes thigs worse without knowing it. Bizarro is very clumsy as well and doesn't really know his own strength, this usually upsets him since he wants to be able to use his powers for good. Though Bizarro isn't very smart he is quite capable of finding his own way to solve things. He's generally happy to help someone else out without getting anything in return, hes eager to please. Bizarro is unaware of those who don't like him or might bully him considering everyone a friend. Though deep down inside if somehow angered he can be very agressive and almost like a wild beast.

Backstory: Bizarro is the perfect imperfect duplicate of Superman, acting as his antagonist or ally depending on the situation. Originally created to be Superman's clone by his nemesis Lex Luthor, his poorly constructed genetics caused him to become the opposite. There have since been many Bizarros based on other characters, and they all live on the alternate Bizarro World. The original wears a rock necklace with "#1" written on it to distinguish himself from the other duplicates with identical physiology.


Superhuman Strength: Bizarro is extremely strong, possessing explosive, almost unlimited super-strength. However, the exact magnitude of Bizarro's strength has never been measured or fully examined. He can break through and bend reinforced steel, crush wood, smash large structures and level entire cities.

Superhuman Speed: Bizarro can move at incredible velocities and speeds that greatly exceeds the sound barrier, and has the potential to move at speeds greater than the speed of light.

Invulnerability: Bizarro is impervious to almost every known form of physical force including, bullets, bombs, missles, lasers, and was able to survive and use his abilities inside a vacuum of outer space without restriction or undue discomfort. Sufficient enough force however, can eventually wear Bizarro down.

Self-Sustenance: Unlike Superman, who relies upon solar radiation in order to tap into his super-powers, Bizarro requires no such external assistance. He does not need to eat or drink, and can function for an indeterminate amount of time without the need of rest.

Flight: Bizarro can fly under his own willpower without the aid of external assistance. The exact nature of this ability is unknown. Bizarro's top speed while flying is on par with Superman's and should be enough for him to reach the speed of light.

Arctic Vision: Bizarro can emit and release a powerful concentrated amount of cold steam from his eyes, as well as shoot ice beams from them. These beams maintain subzero degrees of temperature enabling Bizarro to freeze solid objects, living organisms, and even other aliens with this ability.

Flame-Breath: Bizarro can produce and spray super-heated plasma or lava-like fluid from his mouth through exhalation. He can destroy buildings, most living organisms, even aliens with this ability. He can also use this ability to ignite combustible materials within a specified radius.

Kryptonite Immunity: Bizarro, unlike the real Superman, is immune to Kryptonite.

X-Ray vision: Bizarro can only see through lead

Superhuman senses

Telescopic vision: Allows Bizarro to see a short distance behind his head

Microscopic vision: Makes everyone in the area see everything smaller

Vaccum breath

Telescopic X-Rat vision: Allows Bizarro to shoot x-rays from his eyes fifty miles around

Spot-light vision

Healing factor



The lack of nominative case when using pronouns; Bizarro replaces pronouns that should be nominative with their analogues in the accusative case. Bizarro might introduce himself by saying "Me am Bizarro" instead of "I am Bizarro," for example.

The lack of proper verb conjugation; Bizarro only uses the first person conjugation for any verb. For example, the verb "is" is always conjugated as "am", leading to sentences like "This am great".

Speaking the opposite of what is really meant in a situation. Thus, "This am great" would mean that the thing isn't great at all. The exception would be "Me am Bizarro", which would actually mean what was said.
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Wally West


Kid Flash

Flash (In the future)











Wally West, like most speedsters, is a motor mouth. Being extremely talkative, confident and flirty, most find Wally really annoying. Though none can deny that he is a true hero at heart. Some people say the reason why he jokes around is because he wants to keep his enemies focused on him so that civilians can get away quickly. However, this isn't always a good thing. Due to him rushing into almost everything he does, most of the time he has to rely on his wit to get him out of bad situations.

Wally also strives to find out more about the speed force. Unlike his mentor, Wally unlocked his powers when he was young, so therefore can use them more efficiently due to him having more time to grow into them. Age doesn't stop him being a good guy though. Nor does it prevent him from being a genius.


Wally West, cousin to Iris West, Barry Allen's love interest came to central city to stay with Iris and find out more about The Flash. Recreating the experiment that gave The Flash his powers. Wally discovered that he know had all of his powers too, and that Barry was in fact the scarlet speedster.


Wally's primary superpower is his ability to control the speed with which his body vibrates and to move at super speed, which he uses primarily to run at super-human velocities. This super speed is derived from his connection to the Speed Force: a vaguely defined extra-dimensional energy force from which most speedster heroes draw their powers. The Speed Force also grants Wally a healing factor, healing much faster then a regular human.

While most to all speedsters can make a connection and draw upon this force, West "mainlines" power from the Speed Force itself and cannot be cut off from the source. This connection to the Speed Force grants him unique abilities that other speedsters lack, such as lending and taking speed (which manifests in different ways, ranging from becoming speedsters themselves to bolstering others metabolisms and healing abilities, allowing them to recover from injuries in a fraction of the normal time), as well as absorbing kinetic energy in a less direct manner; he once absorbed the kinetic energy of the entire planet Earth while standing at the North Pole when his teammates were forced to move the planet to prevent possible earthquakes. Wally has also found a way to create a costume out of pure Speed Force energy.

Like all Flashes, Wally is surrounded by a protective aura that allows him to resist the heat created by the pressure of compressed air caused by moving at super speed as well as other environmental consequences of moving at such velocities. It is not known how Wally is able to circumvent the damage moving at such great speeds would normally have on the environment, but it has been hypothesized that his protective aura allows him to "side step" such environmental consequences. Because of his powers and connection to the Speed Force, he can run at varying speeds for extended periods of time without needing rest or causing damage to his body. It is his connection to the Speed Force that constantly rejuvenates him while running, making it so he does not literally feed upon his own body to generate the energy for super speed. Even so, he has a sped up metabolism and finds it necessary to eat often and in great quantities to help supply the chemical energy needed.

Using his abilities, Wally can run at such speed that he can run on water, create powerful vortices with his arms or body, and vibrate at such speeds that he becomes invisible to the naked eye. Wally can also match the vibrational constant of solid objects and vibrate through them, passing his molecules through the spaces in between the atoms and molecules of the matter he's vibrating through, an ability shared by the second Flash, Barry Allen. Unlike Barry Allen, however, Wally accidentally destabilizes whatever he passes through, causing it to explode. While this has its drawbacks, Wally has learned to use this offensively in battle. Like other speedsters, Wally West can use his speed to travel through time. Wally West also outran death to the point where death didn't even exist and continued to run to get Linda back. There was a comic named The Human Race in which Wally ran faster than instant teleportation. Flash vol 2 #177 had Wally outrun a black hole.

Wally is also a skilled science prodigy. In some versions, Wally uses these skills to recreate the accident that gave Barry his powers by himself, granting himself his own powers. Like his mentor, Wally understands what his speed enables him to do, and uses his knowledge of physics to his advantage in battle.



Marisa Kirisame


Steel Rain (Alias) // Miss Magician (Nickname) // Weapon Nut (Nickname)






Magical Human (Informal) // Magus (Formal)


Marisa appears to be a very youthful female, meaning to say, younger than she actually is, and often gets mistaken for a child instead of a teenager due to her childish features. She has a slender and petite physique, yet it does have it's own respectable muscles, though they aren't really big enough to be called buff. She has long golden blonde hair with a braid on the side of her head, along with bright, almost yellow amber eyes, and ivory colored skin.


Marisa is a very complicated individual, to say the least. As a mercenary, albeit a very young one at that, she is neither on the side of justice, nor on the side of evil, preferring to stay as a neutral party between the two opposing forces. Though, if she were to pick a side, she would pick the one she knows will win over the other, depending on the current situation. The young girl is generally very energetic and optimistic, always smiling and laughing with others, very easy to get along with as well since she doesn't really care about appearances, personalities, or backgrounds as she thinks that strangers are simply friends that she hasn't met yet. She's also a surprisingly huge fan of all things regarding weaponry, though her reasoning isn't exactly very clear, and as such, is a big fan of the army as well, admiring each and every one of their divisions for their hard work behind the scenes.

Marisa isn't without a dark side, however, despite her bright personality. She's actually really cruel and ruthless, as she will not hesitate to use whatever means necessary in order to complete the task at hand, even if it means cold-blooded murder or heartless betrayal, regardless of what sort of relationship she has had with the victims of her merciless methods. She also has an innate talent when it comes to deception, since she is a mercenary, and has created multiple personas in order to complete her missions, sometimes even disguising herself as an effeminate young man. Meaning to say, she is able to create believable lies on the spot and pretend to be someone she's not very easily. And while all of these are true, when not on the job, she is about as kind and as genuine as a human being can ever possibly be.


Marisa was born to a young, happy Magus couple in a small magical community located in Japan. Like all the other Magus children, she was taught spells according to her magical affinity, which for her, was light and heat, a very rare and powerful form of magic due to it's wide range of uses. She could only use it's destructive properties, however. The young girl was taught by the only other Magus who had the same type of magic as her, Shirou Emiya, and her time with him was painful, to say the least. The young man had pushed her to her very limits and beyond that, teaching her not only spells for her offensive magic, but also how to defend herself physically. He had even taught her Weapon Summoning, an ability she instantly fell in love with since it was something she could relate to, being only able to be used for battles. Sadly enough, though, Shirou had passed away from a fight he knew he had no chance of winning, and on that day she vowed to live her life to the fullest in place of her teacher.


~ Light and Heat Magic - Marisa was born with the ability to use light and heat magic, which she can only use for mass destruction, despite it usually being able to be used for various purposes. As she can only use offensive spells, she cannot use her magic for any other purpose, even if you force her into using different spells, it will only backfire on you. Using her magic uses up much of her Magical Energy, however, hence why she doesn't really use it very often, preferring Weapon Summoning over this ability.

~ Weapon Summoning - So long as Marisa has seen it with her own two eyes, she is able to summon any sort of weaponry using her Magical Energy, even things such as ships, tanks, and helicopters so long as it has a weapon on it. She cannot summon defensive items though, like shields or barriers. Though, the bigger the weapon, the more Magical Energy it needs to be formed, hence why she usually sticks with her, albeit rather large, Gatling Gun as her main weapon. Another thing that comes with this ability is that she knows exactly how each and every weapon she has summoned works and how to use it as well.

~ Enhanced Strength - Through much training, Marisa has gained as much strength as a human can gain at this point in time, which is essential for her if she wanted to use some of the larger weapons in her mental arsenal.


Marisa has this uncontrollable urge to steal whatever she finds interesting, be it a book or a person, and does it in the flashiest way possible like outright taking it regardless of whether or not somebody's watching her. She also likes wearing extravagant costumes, like the witch outfit she is usually seen wearing.
Character Sheet:

Name: captain green 


Age: 17 

Gender: female

Species: alien 

Appearance: blonde hair  blue eyes 

Personality: sassy, flirt , sarcastic 

Backstory:  came from the utopia planet that was uninhabitiable and left and went to earth to team up and protect a planet as a job. 

Powers\Skills\Abilities: powers:  light beams, telekinesis, flying 

skills: combat 



Name: Koriand’r, Kori Anders

Nicknames\Aliases: Starfire

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Tamaranian



  • Height: 6’3”
  • Eyes: Bright green
  • Hair: Red though gradually turns orange at the tips, looks a lot like fire
  • Skin: Orange


Kori is in one word vivacious.  She’s easily excitable, especially when it comes to learning new earth customs.  She’s bright and happy.  She’s a free-spirit with a big heart.  She let’s her emotions guide her path.  She has been known to have a bit of a temper as well as never being able to hide any other emotions very well, if it all.  She is flirty and joy seeking, never really turning down an offer to have fun, though can get a bit clingy.  She is extremely loyal to her friends and will do just about anything for people who have gained that loyalty.  She’s confident and fierce, and though she likes to flaunt it, it’s not to brag.  She’s comfortable in her own skin.


Kori was born and raised on the planet of Tamaran.  She was the middle child of the queen and king, and for the most part she had a happy childhood.  She loved it on her planet, her people seeing her as more of the poster-child for Tamaran, much unlike her older sister, Komand’r, whom’s disability left her without the ability to fly.  Still she loved her sister regardless, wanting to bond with her as much as possible.  Unfortunately for little Koriand’r, the feeling was not mutual.

In fact, Komand’r was jealous of Kori.  Kori had taken everything from her.  Her position, the love from her people.  In fact, she had no problem trying to kill her while in the middle of training.  Once her father found out, he banished Kom from Tamaran.  Kom joined the enemies of Tamaran, the Citadel, and eventually attacked Tamaran.  Surrendering, Koriand’r’s father was forced to trade Kori to the Citadel for peace.  Kori was sold into slavery and was tortured under the rule of her sister.  She lived like this for six years until she finally fought back, killing her attackers.  That was when her sister sentenced her to death.

She would have been executed had it not been for an attack by a race of aliens called the Psions.  The Psions captured her and her sister, and performed cruel experiments on both of them.  Through these experiments, Kori developed the ability to use starbolts (energy blasts of solar energy, fueled by the sun), and freed herself and her sister.  Kom was not grateful, and attacked her, but Kori escaped.  Eventually she found herself a rocketship and eventually found her way to Earth where she makes her home now.


  • Super strength
  • Invulnerability
  • Omni-lingual
  • Energy blasts
  • Flight
  • Combat Specialist


  • Her powers are powered by UV-Rays
  • Has an immunity to gases

((I might go back and add more to this, but I'll get Tim out first and worry about that later))
Character Sheet:

Name: captain green 


Age: 17 

Gender: female

Species: alien 

Appearance: blonde hair  blue eyes 

Personality: sassy, flirt , sarcastic 

Backstory:  came from the utopia planet that was uninhabitiable and left and went to earth to team up and protect a planet as a job. 

Powers\Skills\Abilities: powers:  light beams, telekinesis, flying 

skills: combat 



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Accepted :)


Wally West


Kid Flash

Flash (In the future)











Wally West, like most speedsters, is a motor mouth. Being extremely talkative, confident and flirty, most find Wally really annoying. Though none can deny that he is a true hero at heart. Some people say the reason why he jokes around is because he wants to keep his enemies focused on him so that civilians can get away quickly. However, this isn't always a good thing. Due to him rushing into almost everything he does, most of the time he has to rely on his wit to get him out of bad situations.

Wally also strives to find out more about the speed force. Unlike his mentor, Wally unlocked his powers when he was young, so therefore can use them more efficiently due to him having more time to grow into them. Age doesn't stop him being a good guy though. Nor does it prevent him from being a genius.


Wally West, cousin to Iris West, Barry Allen's love interest came to central city to stay with Iris and find out more about The Flash. Recreating the experiment that gave The Flash his powers. Wally discovered that he know had all of his powers too, and that Barry was in fact the scarlet speedster.


Wally's primary superpower is his ability to control the speed with which his body vibrates and to move at super speed, which he uses primarily to run at super-human velocities. This super speed is derived from his connection to the Speed Force: a vaguely defined extra-dimensional energy force from which most speedster heroes draw their powers. The Speed Force also grants Wally a healing factor, healing much faster then a regular human.

While most to all speedsters can make a connection and draw upon this force, West "mainlines" power from the Speed Force itself and cannot be cut off from the source. This connection to the Speed Force grants him unique abilities that other speedsters lack, such as lending and taking speed (which manifests in different ways, ranging from becoming speedsters themselves to bolstering others metabolisms and healing abilities, allowing them to recover from injuries in a fraction of the normal time), as well as absorbing kinetic energy in a less direct manner; he once absorbed the kinetic energy of the entire planet Earth while standing at the North Pole when his teammates were forced to move the planet to prevent possible earthquakes. Wally has also found a way to create a costume out of pure Speed Force energy.

Like all Flashes, Wally is surrounded by a protective aura that allows him to resist the heat created by the pressure of compressed air caused by moving at super speed as well as other environmental consequences of moving at such velocities. It is not known how Wally is able to circumvent the damage moving at such great speeds would normally have on the environment, but it has been hypothesized that his protective aura allows him to "side step" such environmental consequences. Because of his powers and connection to the Speed Force, he can run at varying speeds for extended periods of time without needing rest or causing damage to his body. It is his connection to the Speed Force that constantly rejuvenates him while running, making it so he does not literally feed upon his own body to generate the energy for super speed. Even so, he has a sped up metabolism and finds it necessary to eat often and in great quantities to help supply the chemical energy needed.

Using his abilities, Wally can run at such speed that he can run on water, create powerful vortices with his arms or body, and vibrate at such speeds that he becomes invisible to the naked eye. Wally can also match the vibrational constant of solid objects and vibrate through them, passing his molecules through the spaces in between the atoms and molecules of the matter he's vibrating through, an ability shared by the second Flash, Barry Allen. Unlike Barry Allen, however, Wally accidentally destabilizes whatever he passes through, causing it to explode. While this has its drawbacks, Wally has learned to use this offensively in battle. Like other speedsters, Wally West can use his speed to travel through time. Wally West also outran death to the point where death didn't even exist and continued to run to get Linda back. There was a comic named The Human Race in which Wally ran faster than instant teleportation. Flash vol 2 #177 had Wally outrun a black hole.

Wally is also a skilled science prodigy. In some versions, Wally uses these skills to recreate the accident that gave Barry his powers by himself, granting himself his own powers. Like his mentor, Wally understands what his speed enables him to do, and uses his knowledge of physics to his advantage in battle.





Marisa Kirisame


Steel Rain (Alias) // Miss Magician (Nickname) // Weapon Nut (Nickname)






Magical Human (Informal) // Magus (Formal)


Marisa appears to be a very youthful female, meaning to say, younger than she actually is, and often gets mistaken for a child instead of a teenager due to her childish features. She has a slender and petite physique, yet it does have it's own respectable muscles, though they aren't really big enough to be called buff. She has long golden blonde hair with a braid on the side of her head, along with bright, almost yellow amber eyes, and ivory colored skin.


Marisa is a very complicated individual, to say the least. As a mercenary, albeit a very young one at that, she is neither on the side of justice, nor on the side of evil, preferring to stay as a neutral party between the two opposing forces. Though, if she were to pick a side, she would pick the one she knows will win over the other, depending on the current situation. The young girl is generally very energetic and optimistic, always smiling and laughing with others, very easy to get along with as well since she doesn't really care about appearances, personalities, or backgrounds as she thinks that strangers are simply friends that she hasn't met yet. She's also a surprisingly huge fan of all things regarding weaponry, though her reasoning isn't exactly very clear, and as such, is a big fan of the army as well, admiring each and every one of their divisions for their hard work behind the scenes.

Marisa isn't without a dark side, however, despite her bright personality. She's actually really cruel and ruthless, as she will not hesitate to use whatever means necessary in order to complete the task at hand, even if it means cold-blooded murder or heartless betrayal, regardless of what sort of relationship she has had with the victims of her merciless methods. She also has an innate talent when it comes to deception, since she is a mercenary, and has created multiple personas in order to complete her missions, sometimes even disguising herself as an effeminate young man. Meaning to say, she is able to create believable lies on the spot and pretend to be someone she's not very easily. And while all of these are true, when not on the job, she is about as kind and as genuine as a human being can ever possibly be.


Marisa was born to a young, happy Magus couple in a small magical community located in Japan. Like all the other Magus children, she was taught spells according to her magical affinity, which for her, was light and heat, a very rare and powerful form of magic due to it's wide range of uses. She could only use it's destructive properties, however. The young girl was taught by the only other Magus who had the same type of magic as her, Shirou Emiya, and her time with him was painful, to say the least. The young man had pushed her to her very limits and beyond that, teaching her not only spells for her offensive magic, but also how to defend herself physically. He had even taught her Weapon Summoning, an ability she instantly fell in love with since it was something she could relate to, being only able to be used for battles. Sadly enough, though, Shirou had passed away from a fight he knew he had no chance of winning, and on that day she vowed to live her life to the fullest in place of her teacher.


~ Light and Heat Magic - Marisa was born with the ability to use light and heat magic, which she can only use for mass destruction, despite it usually being able to be used for various purposes. As she can only use offensive spells, she cannot use her magic for any other purpose, even if you force her into using different spells, it will only backfire on you. Using her magic uses up much of her Magical Energy, however, hence why she doesn't really use it very often, preferring Weapon Summoning over this ability.

~ Weapon Summoning - So long as Marisa has seen it with her own two eyes, she is able to summon any sort of weaponry using her Magical Energy, even things such as ships, tanks, and helicopters so long as it has a weapon on it. She cannot summon defensive items though, like shields or barriers. Though, the bigger the weapon, the more Magical Energy it needs to be formed, hence why she usually sticks with her, albeit rather large, Gatling Gun as her main weapon. Another thing that comes with this ability is that she knows exactly how each and every weapon she has summoned works and how to use it as well.

~ Enhanced Strength - Through much training, Marisa has gained as much strength as a human can gain at this point in time, which is essential for her if she wanted to use some of the larger weapons in her mental arsenal.


Marisa has this uncontrollable urge to steal whatever she finds interesting, be it a book or a person, and does it in the flashiest way possible like outright taking it regardless of whether or not somebody's watching her. She also likes wearing extravagant costumes, like the witch outfit she is usually seen wearing.


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