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Fandom DC Universe Boarding School AU: Character Sign Up

Character Sheet:


Kara Zor-El


Kara Danvers









Her glasses are lined with lead as to help her deal with her super vision.


Kara is kind, caring, selfless, intelligent, courageous, and has a sense of justice, honor and good morals. However, when she makes mistakes, she feels guilt and remorse for her actions. Kara does not have the confidence that her cousin Kal-El possesses. She is also short-tempered and sometimes lets her emotions get the better of her.

Backstory: Kara Zor-El is the daughter of Superman's uncle Zor-El and his wife Alura. Kara is actually older than Kal-El (Superman); she was a teenager when he was a baby. When Krypton was attacked by Brainiac, he took Kandor with him, while Kara and her parents remained in Argo. After Brainiac's attack, her father created a force-field around Argo using a Brainiac Probe. When Brainiac came to consume Argo City, her parents had no choice but to send her in a rocket headed for Earth. However, her rocket was caught in a large kryptonite-encrusted meteor and she arrived on Earth years after her cousin did.


Although Kara possess these powers, shes not in full control of them yet, hasn't fully mastered them and doesn't know the full extent of them.

Kryptonian Physiology:
Under the effects of a "yellow" sun, Kara possesses the same potential powers as an average Kryptonian. These include:

Solar Energy Absorption

Heat Vision


Enhanced Vision



Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Speed


Extra: Weaknesses; Kryptonite and Magic
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talia al ghul


Demons daughter










Talia is first and foremost loyal to her father, Ras’ al Ghul, even though she has her disagreements with him, and will defend him to the death without hesitation. However, she does have a sensitive side and will allow adversaries of her father to whom she is sympathetic escape.

Also, while she will not directly defy her father, she will try to manipulate events toward a more favorable outcome for her, as evidenced by her efforts to spare Batman.


In her youth, Talia travelled the world with her father learning and adapting his intellect and skills which she proves to be more competent than any of Ghul's other children. She excels to the point in managing his criminal and legitimate operations, that she is eventually appointed as Ghul's primary secondary despite the fact that Ghul considers women to be inherently inferior to men. Ghul is supportive of his daughter though has commented that if possible, he would correct "that sole failing" in his child suggesting that he fears any possible distortion of her through chemical or biological modifications despite his aversion to her as a woman.


  • Longevity: Extended lifespan through the use of Lazarus Pits. 
  • Businesswoman: Talia possesses an excellent head for business. 
  • Advanced Combatant: Talia excels in hand-to-hand combat and the use of weapons. 
  • Skilled Assassin 
  • High Intellect: Talia has a high intelligence.

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So how is everyone? (We should really make an OOC thread...if it hasn't been made already :3)
Name: Deimos 

Nicknames\Aliases: Sithis

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Half-Dragon




Deimos is a relatively swave person, he's always been relatively quiet, even as a baby. That's kind of a thing with baby dragons, their instinct is to stay silent, still, and hidden until their mother returns for them. Therefore Deimos never engaged in the regular 'baby babbling' as most do and didn't learn to speak until he was nearly 5. He learned quickly and now speaks very eloquently, calmly with a stern undertone. He hardly ever has to raise his voice above normal speech level. He can get his point across with as few words as possible, yet he can manipulate things around through language. Deimos's humor his somewhat sarcastic yet subtly dark just as everything else about him. He does still resemble his mother in terms of his little gestures. His light smirks, lip biting, eye rolling and all the semi-sassy yet dry epicness that was his mother.


Deimos's mother was a dragon named Silithia. Silithia was created in a lab by Dr.Crowley, a wicked scientist with nothing on the mind but inhumane and cruel research and his own godhood. Silithia was horrifically beaten, prodded, drugged and all manner of tortures. She was even impregnated against her will. However, even though her baby wasn't exactly favorable for Silithia, it was coming and she was going to do anything in her power to save it from this hell. She drew all her strength together and burned the labs to the ground, escaping.

Months later Deimos was born in a corn field and viciously protected by the dragon woman. He remembers his mother as possibly the kindest, sweetest woman anyone could ever ask for. He lived a nomadic life with her until he was eight years old. They we're moving to a different city when they were caught by the 'wild dog' (Crowley's hand made monster) and Silithia died fighting to beast away, leaving Deimos an orphan.

Deimos didn't speak much after that, not really liking to talk about it. He looked human enough to be taken into foster care and passed from home to home before finding one that would keep him, even after he revealed he wasn't fully human. 



Energy manipulation: Deimos can produce large amounts of energy which can be manifested into glowing orbs, stabbing spears and can slash out like blades with simple hand motions. It lights up a bright blue.

Venom: Deimos's teeth seem to have some sort of venomous properties that can induce halucinations and euphoria with a single prick. He prefers to administer this to the back of an opponent's lower lip. He serves as a 'medic' role on the team so he often uses this to induce the same effect as narcotics.

Superstength, speed and senses: His senses are his strongest suit, is strength and speed are only slightly higher than that of a human's

Dragon features: Due to only being half dragon, he does not possess the ability to change form into an actual dragon form, but he does still have claws, wings and a bladed tail. His eyes are also slightly reptilian.

Flight: He has a dual set of wings so he can fly and the sub-pair of wings helps him take harsh turns.

weaknesses :

Cold blooded: Deimos cannot control his body temprature and cannot exhibit features to warm a low body temprature (ex: shivering). He also is very weak to poisons as they remain in his body longer and are much more potent to him than a warm blooded mamal that could sweat it out. He cannot sweat either.

Wings: Deimos can fly, although there are limits. If he gets struck out of the air, it takes about 20 (given there is no wind) of freefall to right himself. if he doesn't have it, he may hit the ground.


Name: Will Prince

Nicknames\Aliases: Demon Hunter

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Wendigo




Will is quite sassy, that's probably the most prominent piece of his personality. Sass and asshole is the majority of his attitude and he can be pretty flamboyant at times, especially when talking hair or coffee. This is all when he's in a good mood. Due to his experiences He has a serious problem with physical contact, and touching him will send him into a fear induced panic. 


Will was born the male son of an amazonian, so things weren't too good for Will right off the bat. Diana was indifferent toward him, even trying to feminize him at times. It was obvious that Diana wanted a girl, but that did not mean she really abused her boy. Rather she ignored him, upset that no only did she have a boy, she had what she saw as a weak boy. Will grew up desperate for his mother's approval, learning multiple languages, instruments, dance styles and other arbitrary arts just for some form of pleasing her, but she never really did give him any assurance that she was proud of him. Will always felt insecure in him and his mother's relationship, but the disdain didn't begin until the accident.

The accident was that Will was walking home from metropolis, when he was attacked with a vial of narcotic drugs. He was abducted and sold on the human slave market for his rather appealing appearance. He was drugged with all manner of drugs to keep him subdued. Police looked for Will for a while, assuming he was a run-away due to the strained household relations, but after finding evidence of his abduction the search for the boy became a search for a body. This particular gang of human traffickers were known for slitting the throats of their victims once they were no longer entertaining. However, Will survived as a slave for a year before he was finally rescued by police. During his time as a slave, he had been force fed many different drugs, resulting in addiction even after he was returned home. However, when Will returned to find that his mother had simply assumed he was dead and seemingly didn't work as hard as she could have to find him, Will began to hate Diana. He hated her because she never seemed to care.

Will and Diana now just can't get along. Diana attempts to at least be civil, where as Will is insistent on either ignoring her, making stinging comments or just being plain rude to her. Diana was frustrated and unable to handle her angry and rebellious son any longer so she sent him out of the house for a while, demand that he come back when he learned to be a strong amazonian.

Will was furious and unwittingly walking right through a demon's nest. He was abducted again, beaten, lashed and fed off of for blood for hours. Will 'died' that night, and re-awoke as a demon himself. He found that not only has he become much stronger, but he also has the power to manipulate ice at will.


- Demon Physiology: Will's body now maches up more with a demon's than an amazonian's. No beating heart, near perfect face and body to attract human prey and a thirst for blood to keep it running. With the demon physiology came some weaknesses like holy water, silver blades and priest banishment. He puts up glamours to hide his demon nature such as his claws, horns, teeth, tail and markings.

- Ice: Becoming a demon gave him the power to manipulate ice, little is known about this type of magic as Will has not taken time to really study it, BUT it is much stronger than regular ice and doesn't melt unless made to melt by very intense flames. It is stronger than most metals and the weapons he makes from it can last through even the deadliest of fights. His abilities are easier to manipulate on cold rainy nights, but that doesn't mean he can't use them during the day.

- Enhanced senses: Will is a predator, he can see, hear and smell much better than humans can. He can hear well enough to hear a human heartbeat from five feet away, so if you must hide from Will, do hide well.

-Durability: Part of this is demon physiology, but he can survive large amounts of damage and heal very quickly if he is well fed. Sure he can't survive beheading or complete obliteration, but slitting his throat or gutting him like a fish with regular weapons won't keep him down long. He can either move or heal, so if he is walking, he is not healing. If he looks dead, run while you still can.


Weapons: Hellfire Whip. A whip that's literally on fire, but when dormant it's just the handle.

Harpie Wings: Will cannot fly, BUT he has spend his time while learning how to control his icy demon powers hunting down weaker demons. A demon called a harpie is a small demon who's wings are not attached to their body, rather hooked onto their backs and allow them to fly. Will killed one and took it's wings and although he outweighs a harpie too much to actually fly with them, he can give himself a boost across large rifts like buildings cliffs and other long distance jumps.
Name: Kyle Rayner

Nicknames\Aliases: Green Lantern

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human


Personality:Kyle is a jokester and likes to make lots of sarcastic quips at people while he's fighting. Although initially unsure of himself, Kyle has absurd amounts of willpower and will never give up on a fight, becoming more determined the win with everything he has until he's defeated. Kyle is extremely creative in how he uses his constructs, normally attempting to make really creative and complex objects and ways to restrain people.

Backstory: He was raised by a single mother since his father abandoned his mother while she was pregnant with Kyle. Was given a green lantern ring by the guardians after a certain green lantern who will not be named almost destroyed the entire Green Lantern crops.

Powers\Skills\Abilites:As a Green Lantern, Rayner is semi-invulnerable, capable of projecting hard light constructions, flight, and utilizing various other abilities through his power ring which are only limited by his imagination and willpower. Skill is a talented painter and artist

Extra: As an artist his green lantern costume is constantly changing 

Weakness: he is powerless without his ring and the ring must be charged every 24 hours
Powers\Skills\Abilites:As a Green Lantern, Rayner is semi-invulnerable, capable of projecting hard light constructions, flight, and utilizing various other abilities through his power ring which are only limited by his imagination and willpower.

I should have just used this for my character sheet. Except instead of Green Lantern, it's Star Sapphire and instead of Rayner, it's Ferris.

talia al ghul


Demons daughter








View attachment 160287


Talia is first and foremost loyal to her father, Ras’ al Ghul, even though she has her disagreements with him, and will defend him to the death without hesitation. However, she does have a sensitive side and will allow adversaries of her father to whom she is sympathetic escape.

Also, while she will not directly defy her father, she will try to manipulate events toward a more favorable outcome for her, as evidenced by her efforts to spare Batman.


In her youth, Talia travelled the world with her father learning and adapting his intellect and skills which she proves to be more competent than any of Ghul's other children. She excels to the point in managing his criminal and legitimate operations, that she is eventually appointed as Ghul's primary secondary despite the fact that Ghul considers women to be inherently inferior to men. Ghul is supportive of his daughter though has commented that if possible, he would correct "that sole failing" in his child suggesting that he fears any possible distortion of her through chemical or biological modifications despite his aversion to her as a woman.


  • Longevity: Extended lifespan through the use of Lazarus Pits. 
  • Businesswoman: Talia possesses an excellent head for business. 
  • Advanced Combatant: Talia excels in hand-to-hand combat and the use of weapons. 
  • Skilled Assassin 
  • High Intellect: Talia has a high intelligence.


Accepted :)

Name: Kyle Rayner

Nicknames\Aliases: Green Lantern

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human


Personality:Kyle is a jokester and likes to make lots of sarcastic quips at people while he's fighting. Although initially unsure of himself, Kyle has absurd amounts of willpower and will never give up on a fight, becoming more determined the win with everything he has until he's defeated. Kyle is extremely creative in how he uses his constructs, normally attempting to make really creative and complex objects and ways to restrain people.

Backstory: He was raised by a single mother since his father abandoned his mother while she was pregnant with Kyle. Was given a green lantern ring by the guardians after a certain green lantern who will not be named almost destroyed the entire Green Lantern crops.

Powers\Skills\Abilites:As a Green Lantern, Rayner is semi-invulnerable, capable of projecting hard light constructions, flight, and utilizing various other abilities through his power ring which are only limited by his imagination and willpower. Skill is a talented painter and artist

Extra: As an artist his green lantern costume is constantly changing 

Weakness: he is powerless without his ring and the ring must be charged every 24 hours

Accepted :)

Name: Deimos 

Nicknames\Aliases: Sithis

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Half-Dragon




Deimos is a relatively swave person, he's always been relatively quiet, even as a baby. That's kind of a thing with baby dragons, their instinct is to stay silent, still, and hidden until their mother returns for them. Therefore Deimos never engaged in the regular 'baby babbling' as most do and didn't learn to speak until he was nearly 5. He learned quickly and now speaks very eloquently, calmly with a stern undertone. He hardly ever has to raise his voice above normal speech level. He can get his point across with as few words as possible, yet he can manipulate things around through language. Deimos's humor his somewhat sarcastic yet subtly dark just as everything else about him. He does still resemble his mother in terms of his little gestures. His light smirks, lip biting, eye rolling and all the semi-sassy yet dry epicness that was his mother.


Deimos's mother was a dragon named Silithia. Silithia was created in a lab by Dr.Crowley, a wicked scientist with nothing on the mind but inhumane and cruel research and his own godhood. Silithia was horrifically beaten, prodded, drugged and all manner of tortures. She was even impregnated against her will. However, even though her baby wasn't exactly favorable for Silithia, it was coming and she was going to do anything in her power to save it from this hell. She drew all her strength together and burned the labs to the ground, escaping.

Months later Deimos was born in a corn field and viciously protected by the dragon woman. He remembers his mother as possibly the kindest, sweetest woman anyone could ever ask for. He lived a nomadic life with her until he was eight years old. They we're moving to a different city when they were caught by the 'wild dog' (Crowley's hand made monster) and Silithia died fighting to beast away, leaving Deimos an orphan.

Deimos didn't speak much after that, not really liking to talk about it. He looked human enough to be taken into foster care and passed from home to home before finding one that would keep him, even after he revealed he wasn't fully human. 



Energy manipulation: Deimos can produce large amounts of energy which can be manifested into glowing orbs, stabbing spears and can slash out like blades with simple hand motions. It lights up a bright blue.

Venom: Deimos's teeth seem to have some sort of venomous properties that can induce halucinations and euphoria with a single prick. He prefers to administer this to the back of an opponent's lower lip. He serves as a 'medic' role on the team so he often uses this to induce the same effect as narcotics.

Superstength, speed and senses: His senses are his strongest suit, is strength and speed are only slightly higher than that of a human's

Dragon features: Due to only being half dragon, he does not possess the ability to change form into an actual dragon form, but he does still have claws, wings and a bladed tail. His eyes are also slightly reptilian.

Flight: He has a dual set of wings so he can fly and the sub-pair of wings helps him take harsh turns.

weaknesses :

Cold blooded: Deimos cannot control his body temprature and cannot exhibit features to warm a low body temprature (ex: shivering). He also is very weak to poisons as they remain in his body longer and are much more potent to him than a warm blooded mamal that could sweat it out. He cannot sweat either.

Wings: Deimos can fly, although there are limits. If he gets struck out of the air, it takes about 20 (given there is no wind) of freefall to right himself. if he doesn't have it, he may hit the ground.


Name: Will Prince

Nicknames\Aliases: Demon Hunter

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Wendigo




Will is quite sassy, that's probably the most prominent piece of his personality. Sass and asshole is the majority of his attitude and he can be pretty flamboyant at times, especially when talking hair or coffee. This is all when he's in a good mood. Due to his experiences He has a serious problem with physical contact, and touching him will send him into a fear induced panic. 


Will was born the male son of an amazonian, so things weren't too good for Will right off the bat. Diana was indifferent toward him, even trying to feminize him at times. It was obvious that Diana wanted a girl, but that did not mean she really abused her boy. Rather she ignored him, upset that no only did she have a boy, she had what she saw as a weak boy. Will grew up desperate for his mother's approval, learning multiple languages, instruments, dance styles and other arbitrary arts just for some form of pleasing her, but she never really did give him any assurance that she was proud of him. Will always felt insecure in him and his mother's relationship, but the disdain didn't begin until the accident.

The accident was that Will was walking home from metropolis, when he was attacked with a vial of narcotic drugs. He was abducted and sold on the human slave market for his rather appealing appearance. He was drugged with all manner of drugs to keep him subdued. Police looked for Will for a while, assuming he was a run-away due to the strained household relations, but after finding evidence of his abduction the search for the boy became a search for a body. This particular gang of human traffickers were known for slitting the throats of their victims once they were no longer entertaining. However, Will survived as a slave for a year before he was finally rescued by police. During his time as a slave, he had been force fed many different drugs, resulting in addiction even after he was returned home. However, when Will returned to find that his mother had simply assumed he was dead and seemingly didn't work as hard as she could have to find him, Will began to hate Diana. He hated her because she never seemed to care.

Will and Diana now just can't get along. Diana attempts to at least be civil, where as Will is insistent on either ignoring her, making stinging comments or just being plain rude to her. Diana was frustrated and unable to handle her angry and rebellious son any longer so she sent him out of the house for a while, demand that he come back when he learned to be a strong amazonian.

Will was furious and unwittingly walking right through a demon's nest. He was abducted again, beaten, lashed and fed off of for blood for hours. Will 'died' that night, and re-awoke as a demon himself. He found that not only has he become much stronger, but he also has the power to manipulate ice at will.


- Demon Physiology: Will's body now maches up more with a demon's than an amazonian's. No beating heart, near perfect face and body to attract human prey and a thirst for blood to keep it running. With the demon physiology came some weaknesses like holy water, silver blades and priest banishment. He puts up glamours to hide his demon nature such as his claws, horns, teeth, tail and markings.

- Ice: Becoming a demon gave him the power to manipulate ice, little is known about this type of magic as Will has not taken time to really study it, BUT it is much stronger than regular ice and doesn't melt unless made to melt by very intense flames. It is stronger than most metals and the weapons he makes from it can last through even the deadliest of fights. His abilities are easier to manipulate on cold rainy nights, but that doesn't mean he can't use them during the day.

- Enhanced senses: Will is a predator, he can see, hear and smell much better than humans can. He can hear well enough to hear a human heartbeat from five feet away, so if you must hide from Will, do hide well.

-Durability: Part of this is demon physiology, but he can survive large amounts of damage and heal very quickly if he is well fed. Sure he can't survive beheading or complete obliteration, but slitting his throat or gutting him like a fish with regular weapons won't keep him down long. He can either move or heal, so if he is walking, he is not healing. If he looks dead, run while you still can.


Weapons: Hellfire Whip. A whip that's literally on fire, but when dormant it's just the handle.

Harpie Wings: Will cannot fly, BUT he has spend his time while learning how to control his icy demon powers hunting down weaker demons. A demon called a harpie is a small demon who's wings are not attached to their body, rather hooked onto their backs and allow them to fly. Will killed one and took it's wings and although he outweighs a harpie too much to actually fly with them, he can give himself a boost across large rifts like buildings cliffs and other long distance jumps.

accepted :)
A wendigo :o  pretty cool
thanks, Will's always super fun to play. when are we gonna start?

Not trying to be rude or anything like that just curious

But how is Will a Wendigo? 

"In Algonquian folklore, the wendigo or windigo is a cannibal monster or evil spirit native to the northern forests of the Atlantic Coast and Great Lakes Region of both the United States and Canada/ Manitoba. "

That looks like this


Also what does Deimos dragon form look like?
Not trying to be rude or anything like that just curious

But how is Will a Wendigo? 

"In Algonquian folklore, the wendigo or windigo is a cannibal monster or evil spirit native to the northern forests of the Atlantic Coast and Great Lakes Region of both the United States and Canada/ Manitoba. "

That looks like this

Also what does Deimos dragon form look like?

Deimos has no dragon form. he never got one since he's only half dragon but he does have wings.

I also twisted the definition of wendigo a bit to fit it as 'a demon that eats human flesh,blood or bones. just depends on the demons.' Some cultures commonly mistake creatures for mythical beings. Like there is evidance that the dreaded werewolf scare was actually a hyena someone let loose. So way back then, they might have seen a demon eating a person and not recognize it as a demon and assighn it the title of 'wendigo' and not 'demon'

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