DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]

Sirens ring out in the Gotham City night. Police, swat teams, negotiators, stand outside the prestigious Gotham Hotel. Speakers connected to the side of the building ring out a familiar, terrifying voice. The Joker. "Nobody had better enter this hotel unless you want the hostages to fly out of the window like an ex lovers TV set" he cackled. "That even goes for you Batsy! Hahahahaha!". The police are at a standstill, news choppers in the skies.

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Finishing up a paper for school, Cole was bored. It been a while since he heard some of Batman's actions on the news. Getting hungry, He saved his paper and walked out of his room towards the kitchen. Cole walked by the living room an heard the tv. He would of kept going but, he heard a key word. "Joker." Cole ran into the

living room and ran up to the tv. He watched as they showed a picture of the Joker. Cole smirked. "Here's my chance." he murmured. He left his house and grabbed his car that he got for his birthday. His was stern. He was determined to meet Batman once again.

Exhaust was in ally fighting some of Two-faces goons. He quickly knocked them out and picked their pockets to see if they were hiding any information. Any about Two-face would be great even his chore list but, there was nothing. He stood up and pulled out a cigarette. He lit it up and started smoking. It was a good stress reliever and a good way to restore his power. He was about to walk out the ally when he saw cops speeding. He jogged out the ally and looked at the direction they were heading. " Gotham Hotel?" He said with a curious look. "What could be going on over there?" Right then he turned into smoke and flew towards that direction, dropping his cigarette.
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"Dammit! Where is he?" Commissioner Gordon said to himself. There was no way to get into the building, if someone could it was him. Joker continued laughing and joking over the speakers as he put one of the hostages on.

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Saito was currently a building across from the Joker, handling some of his henchmen. He threw a grenade down and morphed with the shadows as it exploded, three men in tuxedos with clown masks scorched and flying from the room that was now a gaping hole in the office building.

Two other henchmen came up with their M4a1's aimed at Saitos chest as he reformed. They began firing out an outburst, stray bullets striking civilians and cops below. Saito quickly impaled one through with a blade as he ducked, smashing him into a wall. He then turned and out drew a pistol at once in a fluid motion, taking down the other with a few shots to the chest in mere seconds.

However more henchmen were coming up and bullets sparked against Saito's armor, a bit of energy releasing.

He groaned and picked a man up with telekinesis, hurtling him against the others who were stunned for a while. Using this time Saito channeled more mental energy and released it, focusing on the floors below the henchmen. They liquified, the temperature of the floor burning up quickly, and the henchmen fell down to the lobby, drenched in molten tile.

Saito then looked over to a News Helicopter who began focusing on him as the action played out. He groaned as he hated attention and leaped unto the left wall of the hotel building where the Joker was in. A quick headache hit him and Saito bit his lip. Every time he used at least twenty percent of his energy he'd get these headaches, a real weakness. At least he wasn't dealing with more of those henchmen or the Joker himself at the moment, however the News were making it pretty clear to everyone where Saito was and that frustrated him.

If the Joker was watching the News happen on TV in the Hotel.. or could hear the reporters speaking... His position would be given away.
"Hey newsies! Special report! Gotham News copter goes down in flames! Hahaha!" Joker shouted from the window as he held a rocket launcher. Suddenly something was thrown knocking it from his hands. In the building where Saito was, there he stood. Batman.

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"Ta ta now. Be good boys." Mindfang said before walking away from two vandles tied up together near a curb. "Would you be a dear and call the police for me to come pick them up?" Mindfang had asked a near by bystander. The woman nodded in a daze and called the poilce. "Oh but it may be a while. The Joker has kinda put them in a situation see?" The woman said pointing out the building. "Of course." Mindfang walked up to the men tied up and gave each of them a good punch too knock them out. She then quickly hurried to the building where all the commotion was, her knee high sneakers slapping the ground.
Saito rolled his eyes. It was a classic superhero. He broke into the hotel room and shot down two henchmen with pistols. Then shifting into the shadows, stalking around the room that the Joker was in, the shadow taking down some of the other henchmen around him. Bullets sprayed all over the shadows and blood gust out of one.

It formed into Saito and he groaned, beginning a brawl with two other henchmen who fought back with martial arts as Saito did. Joker had a clear shot.
Into the window came Batman kicking Joker back into a table while heading towards Saito "Put the guns down, this is the only warning I'm giving"

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Mindfang had reached the building when she saw batman swing into the building. "Hmm Batman to the rescue." She mumbled. She tried to enter the building, but was stopped in the process of doing so. "Ma'm I am afraid I cant let you go in." An officer had said. Mindfang spun on her heel to face him. "You will let me inside this building now." She said using her power of mind manipulation. "Go ahead miss." The officer said in a daze. "Thank you." She said and ran inside the building.
Joker stood up chuckling "Batsy! I knew you'd show up!" he shouted. He reached for his pistol as Batman lunched towards him with an uppercut, as more henchman entered the room behind them.

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Saito threw his right fist into a henchman's head and cracked his skull, sending his left knee into the man's stomach and then grabbing him and throwing him into a wall, knocking the henchman out.

He then turned only to be shot at by the other henchmen. Saito quickly shifted into a shadow and reappeared above the henchman, landing behind him and breaking the mans neck with a quick turn.

The other henchmen showed up and Saito turned, firing two desert eagles towards the clown masked criminals. They fired back and Saito managed to strike one of them. A bullet then scratched past Saito's arm and he growled as pain singed.

He mind controlled one of the henchmen and took control of his body. Fear was his friend. Saito forced the henchman to laugh and then mow down one of the others, then slammed against another one and shot himself in the head.

The henchmen panicked and Saito used this to his advantage to rush in and begin brawling. However more showed up and Saito was being overwhelmed by the number of punches and grabs were being made towards him.
Batman grabbed Saito holding him against a wall "How many lives have you taken here? What makes you better than them?" He asked angrily.

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Casper heard the sirens, her ocean blue eyes peering up from her cereal to gaze over at the t.v. It seemed as though the news was the only thing she watched now-a-days. She stood up swiftly, walking to her window she peered out, she could see the destination of Joker from there. Her pale pink lips tugged down into a frown.

She changed quickly, her skin tight black jump suit hugged her frame gorgeously, pulling her mask over her eyes she opened out her window and slipped out, grasping a ladder that lead up to the roof of her building. Pulling herself expertly to the top she took off into a sprint, leaping gracefully from roof top to roof top, her feet barely making a sound.

Appearing at the scene her gaze swept the scene in a calm and fearless manner. She stayed atop the roof, realizing a few super heros had beat her to it, she recognized almost all of them from television, but none of them she new in person.

Mistress Shade, as she was now called, crouched down, perched like a cat at the edge of the roof, finding a place where she would be needed, not wanting to interfere if her fellow supers had it under control.
Mindfang had reached the entry way to the hostages. She had saw another super that she knew on t.v., Mistress Shade. Sorry for this but can you maybe help me get these hostages out of here? Mindfang gestured towards the frightened people. Please? She had used her mind manipulation to talk to Mistress shade without making a sound.
Saito stared at Batman blankly. He knew the Bat couldn't read his face which wouldn't have helped because he had an expressionless one.

Saito suddenly shifted into the shadows, killing the henchmen in his way quickly. He reformed next to Mindfang and Mistress Shade and began walking off, reaching the edge of the roof. He would execute all of those who stood in his way, but Batman hadn't completely gotten in his way, Saito had managed to kill the henchmen at least.

The armored man then stood, the back to the two heroes behind him, and looked out around Gotham. This place was a mess, the world was a mess. Saito was the janitor, he would clean this place up no matter the cost.

"Stupid Bat.", he said out loud.
Mistress shade nodded curtly, moving towards Mindfang, weaving in and out of the windows in the building making her way towards her fellow super. She landed beside her, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips,

"Hey." She mumbled before sprinting towards the hostages. Peering down at them with her gorgeous ocean blue eyes she leaned down, forming her hand into a knife that could cut through wire. Her black hair cascaded down her slim back and spilled over her shoulders, she cut free half of the hostages.

Out of the corner of her eye she watched Batman and Saito interact, her eyebrows furrowing, they were waisting valuable time arguing with each other. She couldn't help but chuckle softly before looking away.
"Thank you." She whispered. Mindfang when pulled out a slim but sharp knife to start cutting through the wires. While Mistress shade cut out most of the hostages, Mindfang began to help them get out of the building. "Come along quickly and quietly, now." She said flashes of her sharp teeth showing. She was able to get a lot of the hostages out but not all of them.
Batman looked over, wondering whether to pursue the stranger or apprehend Joker. "Well Bats! I'm out, good seeing you." Joker grinned as he said it stepping on to a ladder climbing up it nimbly onto a helicopter. Batman saw Mindfang and yelled "Free those hostages! Bring them down to Gordon" as he fired his grapnel gun, and latched to the helicopter.

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"Already got them!" Mindfang shouted going back up to get the rest of the people. Once she had gotten then together, she took them outside to Gordon.
Mistress Shade followed Mindfang's lead, she would cover her in case anything... or anyone tried to come after them. She coaxed the scared citizens towards the exit, making sure she had gotten every last one of them and disappeared out the door, coming to stand beside Mindfang.

"All of them are out." She informed the super with her lips pressed into a tight line.

The sirens made her head hurt, she should be used to them by now but they always seemed to make her heart race. Her gaze drifted up towards the building. She spotted batman and sighed in soft annoyance.

He acted as though he lead all of them, but he was brave, and she couldn't help but admired that. She peered back over at mindfang laughing lightly with a small shrug.

"We are more on top of things than he gives us credit for." She mumbled, amusement lacing her rather calm tone.
"Thank you" Commissioner Gordon said with a nod "Friends of his?" He asked pointing to Batman

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Saito then took a nice, comfortable position and sat off the edge of the hotel. He took off the pack he kept strapped to the right of his belt and fumbled out a bottle of tea.

He looked around and opened his mask's mouth area, drinking the tea as he looked outwards. The sweet taste of it calmed him down and he sighed. Tea always helped control his energy, but just thinking about actually controlling it made him... well... some dark energy flooded out of the opening and Saito sighed.

The energy could hurt those around him, but the energy he was releasing now was calmed and quiet so it did little to nothing, the most harm it could do was create a rash of sorts.

But if it got out of control... minds could be destroyed.. burns would be inflicted.. mass amounts of pain... Just thinking about it unsettled him and his calm went away, he quickly panicked and potent dark energy began seeping out of his mask's opening. Saito chugged the tea and hurtled the bottle behind him, closing his mask.

He sighed and reappeared next to Shade, groaning as he saw the Bat. His energy had been restored with the calmness the tea had given him.
Mistress Shade rolled her small shoulder back in a shrug,

"I guess you could say that." She replied curtly, peering over at the commissioner before her ocean blue eyes followed the helicopter. She wanted to be up there, it made uncomfortable just sitting and watching. She ran a hand through her midnight black hair.

Without adverting her gaze she acknowledge Saito with a nod.

"hey." She greeted him in an emotionless tone.
Batman crawled into the helicopter as he fought Joker. The fight went on as Batman pulled him out as the chopper fell into the sea. He leapt down in front of the hotel as the GCPD apprehended him and threw him in a truck and took him away. Batman stood as Gordon ran to him.

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