Daydawn Battle Academy


had a Nostalgia Trip

Daydawn Battle Academy, or DBA for short. An academy for the most talented children-- in fighting, of course. In DBA you'll find that the faculty and staff at DBA are top-notch, our hallways are always cleaned, and our battlefield is the best on earth. This school prepares the students to become grade-A fighters in order to fight for a worldwide competition called the platinum cup which contains one of the most beautiful and powerful jewels in the universe; the Riridium. Thing is, this jewel is more than wanted on earth, and throughout the galaxy, others desire this to rule over everything. Since the tournament starts this year, the graduates so far will enter during the summer in order to test their skills and claim their prize, though that won't be so easy when others desire the platinum cup. And worse then that, a group of mischief makers have gathered around the campus also to claim this powerful prize. With power out in the open like this, it will be a mystery to find out what might happen.

It's a new day at Daydawn Battle Academy. A number of students are pouring into the doors of Daydawn Battle Academy, especially now since there are many students who are new to the school...


[sorry for being so late guys! I only remembered I needed to do this now, before I gone to bed. Sorry this is so suckish. D': //diesfromunderconfidence]

It was nearly 5 in the morning, a bit earlier than Kenta was used to getting up. Today was going to be his first day at another school, according to his parents, and he was unbelieveably nervous. Who wouldn't?

He wasn't sure why he was going to another school. His other school was fine. He even pleaded to stay. It was just that abnormal mood that they were in when it was decided.


It was rather gloomy that day.

"Kenta, you're going to another school." Mr. Mammon had a rather mean look in his eye. Kenta was sitting silently at the round dinner table with his father and his mother on the opposite side of him. His mother, concerned, gave his father a look.

"He's just not the type to be that kind of person..."

"He has to." Mr. Mammon shifted in his position once. He turned to his son, crossed his hands, and placed them to his forehead. "Son, you're a bit more special than others. You know this, right?"

Kenta nodded.

"That ability of yours needs to be harnessed for it to be of any use of you. That's why you're changing schools."

Kenta frowned. "I don't want to change schools, though, dad... I like my friends. They like me, and--"

"My decision is final."

Kenta gulped, and turned to his mother, who in turn gave him a similar frown to his. "You need to go, Kenta. "We're sorry, but it's for the best."


He wondered why his dad was so concerned. He usually wasn't all that stern, in fact, he was pretty enjoyable. Enough with the thinking, though, he was going to be late for the bus.

The bus arrived shortly by the driveway of Kenta's house. Kenta had already prepared himself beforehand; he done everything he needed to essentially start the day plus pack all of his necessities into a large shoulder bag. He approached the vehicle, climbed up the steps, and took an open seat somewhere near the front, away from the majority who were in the middle. He wasn't exactly sure how everything would turn out. He rolled his head over to the side and gazed out of the window.
A cat. A fluffy a Siamese cat. Today I will be a Siamese cat, I'll sit at my desk, do my work and everything else as a cat. It's settled.

A short blonde girl addressed herself in the mirror, sporting an orange sweater, black skirt and knee-high suede boots. There was a small back pack on the floor beside her with with a pair of sheathed blades looped through a strap by a chain. It was obvious she was anxious the way she twitched a motioned in the mirror while her own thoughts debated with themselves.

It'll be transformation endurance training.I should involve my trait in everything right? Okay.

She took a deep breath, and while exhaling, sprouted needles of fur all over her body. She shrank so quickly that she disappeared into a heap of clothing, boots toppling together. Beneath the writhing mass you could hear a faint whine;

Meeeeooww! Meeeewoow!! (Curses! Curses!!)

She reverted back immediately, hair disheveled and cloths ill-adjusted. "OKAY!" She said aloud, "This time, with my cloths!" She cleared her throat in annoyance at her nervous temperament. Slowing down the image, you can see her colors fade together and face twisting into a new shape. Her normally translucent arm hair, as well as the rest of her body hair, thickens, lengthens and pricks upward as if shocked with static while it covers her shrinking body. Joints readjust, bones shorten and snap into place while her fingers are reduced to the curled nubs of a paw. She stretches her new body, claws extending themselves while her tail licks the air. She blinks at herself in the mirror with familiar green eyes,

What the? An orange tabby cat? Reeeaally? Ugh, Fine it will do.

She walked over to her bag, expecting to pick it up and then realizing her mistake.

GREAT. Oh I know.

Now that she was more irritated than nervous, it was easy for her to effortlessly turn back and forth. She snatched her bag with her blades and took off out of her room and down the stairs. "Hey mom?" She called out to a cheerful middle-age woman, who smiled up at her daughter.

"Yes Maddy?" She responded in a pleasant tone, for today her daughter would finally join the Daydawn Battle Academy.

"You think you could drop this off at school in an hour or so? I'm doing some.. Endurance training, and I won't be able to take it on the bus." Madigan smiled unconvincingly at her skeptical mother. There was a a familiar engine humming down the street from their house and Madigan instantly recognized it.

"Oh god the bus!" She threw her bag down and made for the door when her mother yelled out,

"Your breakfast! Take something with you!"

"I can't, I--" thinking quickly, she turned into a tiger, took the biggest slurp of her toast, eggs and hash-browns she could and chomped it down with a growl. The meal was 3/4ths eaten and if possible her mother's jaw would have hit the floor. She ran for the door, reverting to a human as she did.

"THAT IS DISGUSTING! Don't you EVER do that agai--"

"Sorrry!" Madigan called out as she swung the door shut behind her and sprinted to the bus. It's glass doors creaked open to let her in and when they shut behind her, she was already the orange tabby cat from before. She leaped up the steps and quickly snaked passed the many shoes planted on the ground until she spotted a seat without them.

Man it's dirty down here.

She thought as she happily sprung onto the chair, curling up against the cool metal side. She was relieved that she didn't have to meet the eyes of all the other students she would be battling quite yet. She was used to sparring with her father, but she would have to get accustomed to fighting with these teenage strangers.

In a medium sized building , that was nothing but white walls and doors she was asleep in a secluded room. Her hair was spread out over the pillow, a piece of her hair covering her right eye. Her room had nothing but a bed and a desk. No poster or other accesories like a normal teenager's should have. The door had a keypad that could only be opend by a select few of numbers or by looking into the camera.

A man punched in a few codes then opend the door. He had a tray in his hand along with some clothes and a bag. Another man filed in behind him with a comb and brush along with her tooth brush and floss. A taller man that seemed to be the leader came in with a white cellphone and her shoes. He walked to her then leaned down talking into her ear. " Raven it's cant be late on your first day." Raven slowly opend her eyes as he motioned fot the one with the toothbrush over. Raven's eyes trailed along the plain walls then to the man. Her eyes went wide then back to normal as she sat up, her hair following with her. The men leaved , leaving the items they brought in.

She began to get dressed ,eating as she went. The camera's in her room watched her. She didn't like them so she tried to ignor but it didn't help much. As she put the labcoat on and flicking her hair out, the taller doctor walked in with a flexible brief case. " I thought you could go to school like this...your medicine is in here." She glared when he mentioned medicine. She walked to him snatching away the bag. "what you really mean is a drug that will shut me down. " She passed the man walking down the halls. The bus could be heard so she was forced to quicken up her pace. The man followed behind. " I'd perfer to call it medicine...and besides your faviorte candy is in there to along with your bento." She went through a lot of doors and down teo elevators to reach the door. " Raven won't you say bye to me...we are a family you know." She begins to step out. " Don't lash out on others..we don't want you to burn someone." She looked back seeing him rub his burnt marks. " Bye...Doctor Ryan. "

The bus had pulled up as she walked to the end if the driveway. She noticed how there was nothing , no houses or other buildings. She would see burnt trees and scorch marks on the ground. She shook her head then stepped into the bus. She found a seat in the far back and decided to take that one. She set her brief case aside and sat closest to the window.
The sound of a gentle piano groove fluttered through the warm air, followed by the clinking of silver on silver and small chatter. Astraeus sat in a chair in the center of a long table with his father across from him, mother at his side, discussing something about the breakfast made with the other women close to her. The room was buzzing, people eating and laughing, sipping their red wine and demanding the butler to fetch some more, while Astraeus, as stuck out as he usually was, just sat. His hand was raised, and a faint blue glow rotated in the center of his palm. Above the large table, drifted stars, twinkling and circling themselves around in the temporary space they were made in. A sort of a show, a masterpiece that was used during this casual meet-up. The boy poked his well-made breakfast with his freehand and pushed half of it onto the side of the silver plate with his fork, gazing at the hint of his reflection now in front of him.

"You need to eat, son." His father spoke up, pausing, about to take a forkful of chicken into his mouth. His jaw tightened, raising his chin to flash his superiority. Astraeus' crimson eyes gazed up after a few seconds, aligning them directly with the other's and shook his head, leaning back in his chair. "I'm not hungry.." he stopped for a moment, almost forgetting. "sir.."

"Well, you must eat to keep your strength up," His father jabbed, as calm and collected as possible for the other members of the table grew silent.

Astraeus lowered his eyes, and a soft sigh escaped from his lush lips as he scooped a forkful of potatoes and brought it up to his mouth. He knew what would happen if he didn't listen, especially in front of the rest of his family.

Mr. Tiberius finished his mouthful and picked up his knife, gently tapping it against his wine glass and silencing the noise that had started up again. "Now, we all know what everyone gathered here for today." he started, same crimson eyes scanning each person sitting around the table through a set of frames. "Young Astraeus here, is going off to a new school today, a school in which every young Tiberius has joined for generation, after generation.."

Astraeus turned his gaze to outside the large window behind his father and immediately ignored the commotion around him, that including his father speaking and looked at the wonderful sky peppered with fluffy white clouds. Oh how a beauty it was, him, immediately taking in the detail of what mother earth had to offer to us small humans. The stars above the table of people began to burn out, one by one, falling into the depths or nothingness or being sucked into a small blackhole that was created due to Astraeus' wandering mind.

"He will make the Tiberius family proud, and follow up to my footsteps and take what is ours." His father's voice boomed, knocking Astraeus out of his daydream and crashing him back down into reality. The stars began burning again, the blackhole, turning into a beautiful array of stardust, which circled into a small milky way. "I'll make you proud.. father." he muttered, and clapping soon followed.


Sobs racked the thin frame of Astraeus' mother as she cried into the shoulder of her son now being sent off to the school they destined for. She gripped onto him tightly, refusing to let go of the only child she had. "You will have a great t-time there." she sputtered, hankerchief in hand as she dabbed the corners of her eyes, not wanting to ruin the globs of makeup she put on today. "I know you will make us proud."

Astraeus just stood there, suitcase in hand and other arm wrapped casually around the saddened heap he would call his mother. God, why did she have to be so emotional, especially in a time like this when the bus was right behind him. He knew she really didn't care.

"Let him go, Julia, it is time." His father said, breaking the almost awkward silence and pulling her away. She scrambled back and soon gripped onto her husband, blowing her nose into the pink, frilly cloth. "Make us proud."

Astraeus' posture was straight and perfect, allowing him to bow perfectly in front of his parents and nod. "I will, I assure you." he muttered, voice monotone while his grip tightened on the handle of his suitcase.

Mr. Tiberius raised his chin up again, jaw tightening while flashing a glare at the boy he was so familar with. Astraeus knew what it meant, and it meant bad things. Very bad things. If Astraeus came home empty handed, he dare not think what would happen.

After a few more awkward seconds, he turned and boarded the bus, stopping after the last step to glance back. His mother continued to break down, while his father glared, raising a hand to wave. Astraeus looked away, ambling to the back of the bus to sit alone, and that, he did. Once the bus started moving, he turned his eyes out the window, finally free from the deathly grip of his family.
(Sorry if it's odd but I like to do a first person rp style)

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEE- Stupid alarms, why do they exist. I threw my upper-body out of bed, not entirely sure if I really wanted to get up and move my legs, but sadly I knew I had to. I finally mustered the strength to get out of bed and look around. It was a small dorm inside the school, I had been here forever it seemed, but it was still new to me every time I looked. I walked into the restroom and looked in the mirror Do I really have to do stuff today?.I got showered quickly, brushed my blonde locks, got dressed, it was a good day. I guess the buses will start rolling, I'll go wait by the gate where they'll come in cause I have no idea what to do.

I thought to myself, I'd probably regret opening that door, there will be... people.

The duffel bag closed up with a final yank, sealing up everything he would need in his new living space. Cross turned up to face the mirror, a headful of white hair and blue eyes staring back at him. It had been six years now since his uncle found him. 11 years on the tundra, 6 years with his uncle in a normal home . . . now it was time for the next step. He threw the duffel bag over his shoulder, walking down the stairs towards the small living area of the dojo.

"Uncle Bowen, I'm going."

The man walked out, wearing a sparring gi of sorts. He looked to be around mid forties at the latest. There was not much to say between the two of them, all words that could be said had been spoken days or weeks before. He merely put his arms around the young man

"Do what you must child."

Cross felt a few tears land on his shoulder, and gripped the man in front of him tighter.

"Thank you . . . for everything."

Cross let go, turning around before human emotions could overtake his actions. The lumbering metal giant quaked at the edge of the pavement, and he walked within, ignoring what few glances were thrown his way. He took a seat near a pair of empty ones, not wanting to engage with others so quickly. Most people said he was "cold" anyway.
"Are you nervous?"

Esana glanced up from her breakfast and shrugged. She took another bite, chewed and then swallowed before answering the question. "There's no reason to be, Mom. I mean, I chose this school, and it's not like it's all that much different from a normal school." She smiled absently, knowing (and slightly hoping) that her statement wouldn't be true. She wanted a bit of excitement - a bit of fun. "Just... a bit more..." She shrugged. "Special." With that, she popped the remainder of her breakfast into her mouth and got up. "I'm gonna go now. Bye, mom!"

She grabbed her backpack, threw it on, and then strolled out of the house, giving her mom a final wave before she left. As she walked down, she contemplated her mom's question.
Nervous... No, she couldn't say that she was. Esana let a small smile cross her face, and then closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again. Her eyes seemed to spark, a flash among the darkness and then, she glanced behind her. In a little, netted side pouch, there was a water bottle. As Esana looked at it, it rose out of the pouch and then levitated itself until it rested firmly in Esana's hand. She grinned triumphantly and then took a brief drink, savoring the water brought to her by her own power. Yes, She thought. Definitely not nervous. She tossed the bottle into the air and then levitated it back into the pouch before turning and jogging towards the bus.

It had stopped just a little way from her house - about a street down or so - and was waiting rather impatiently for her. The bus driver gave her a glare when she finally clambered onto the bus, to which she replied with an innocent, wide-eyed stare, before trotting down the aisle of seats. The movement was automatic, and by the time she realized that there were no completely empty seats in the back, she was already halfway down, and the bus driver was glaring again, obviously very impatient to get started.

Ah. Damn. Esana looked around and then tapped the shoulder of a young man who was sitting alone in his seat. "Excuse me?"

The young man had silver hair, very, very distinctive, and even in the window's reflection, which was faint at best, Esana could see that his eyes were a deep crimson. She blinked in surprise - red was certainly an unusual color, one that she herself, had never encountered before. It was quite pretty, what she could see of it when he wasn't actually facing her, but at the same time... Esana had to suppress a shiver. Something about the young man - something in his eyes, in his posture - screamed danger.

Still, Esana didn't let that stop her. "Um, would you mind if I sat with you?"
Seth was sitting in his recently broken home. He searched for the address his father left him and found some form of school he called them and told them who his father was. They had then told them to be ready this morning as a bus would arrive to take me to the school. He was still confused about the whole thing but he knew that this was what his father had wanted for him so he did so. He sat on his bed waiting to hear the sound of the bus. His brother had not been released from the hospital since the incident. So Seth had been living alone for the past few days. He still didn't know how to deal with his newly crippled brother and his dead parents so he decided not to. He ignored that anything had happened and tried to learn how to use his new power. He was obsessed with it so that was what he did. He'd generate a ball of light in his hand, which would take a lot of energy out of him but refused to throw it as he didn't know exactly what it did. All he knew was that if he crushed the ball in his hand that the energy would come back to him, energizing him. He didn't know if he was ready to leave everything behind but he owed it to his father to try and make the best out of what he had. So he filled his bag with some things he wanted to take with him. He brought close, his brothers shield, and his dads old extending metal staff. By the name of this new school he'd be going to he assumed that those things could come in handy. Then he heard the bus which he could only assume was there for him. So he grabbed his bag and stepped outside. The bus stopped in front of him as he walked in he looked over all of the people he would be attending this new school with. After the tragedy he didn't feel like now was a good time to make new friends so he found an empty seat and began to play with a ball of energy he created in his hand.
Jericho awoke at the same time as he had everyday since he was old enough to train. The four am start was seemingly brutal for most teenager's but Jericho was anything but normal. He walked down the long mansion corridor and down a spiral staircase and walked inside the dining room. A double door opened up at the opposite end of the room and in walked an older gentleman wearing a butler's suit and holding a serving tray of food. The man noticed Jericho right away. "Good morning master Jericho I do hoped you slept well your breakfast is ready according to your specifications low fat and high protein." Setting the tray down the butler lifted the cover and exposed 8 omelletes 2 banna's a bowl of oatmeal and a protein shake.

Jericho looked at his food with a mute expression and looked at the butler asking the only question he had on his mind. "Are my parents here Bruce?" Jericho waited for his answer while digging into the first omellete while chewing he could hear the old butler's response "Im sorry master Jericho your father left for rumblefest in Los Angeles in the limosine an hour ago and your mother late last evening boarded a private jet for a cage tournament in thailand." Jericho keeped eating not a word formed on his lips he just machanically swallowed bite after bite.

Bruce the the butler tried to cheer up his young master since the boy's emotion's were almost impossible to read "My boy I am proud of you I have watched you grow up into a great fighter like your parents just because they treated this day like any other does not mean they love you any less." the words made Jericho stop eating he looked at Bruce with fierce angry eyes "I was not born out of love I was born out of strength so I don't need love I need to be stronger and at the DBA I am going to become the strongest fighter the world seen and I am going to win the platinum cup and then nobody will even remeber who my parents are the people will only know me as champion." Jericho returned to eating leaving Bruce at a bit of a loss for words.

The grandfather clock chimed as 5 o'clock rang in the mansion Bruce looked to Jericho and told him to get his things in the car so he could drive Jericho to the front gate after the 12 minute drive to the front gate of the christianson estate Bruce put his hand on Jericho's shoulder " Jericho I know why you are in this school but please indulge my request make friends at this school in your whole life you never have had a single friend and the only way to be the best is if other people help you along the road." Jericho thought before getting out clutching his bag he told Bruce "Like father always said your closest friends are your greatest enemies"

Jericho grabbed his bag and closed the door to the rolls royce behind the gate. As the bus stopped the gate opened up and Jericho stepped inside and made his way to a seat where across from him was a boy playing with a ball of energy. Jericho thought all these kids looked small in comparison and they did not look like fighters maybe this school is gonna be easier then he thought it would be. Sitting back Jericho wondered when his first fight would be and he really wanted it soon.
Flower had entered the bus. She pushed her white hair out of her face and continued to walk. She said nothing to anyone at the moment but did stop and glanced at someone who had a ball of light in his hand. She shifted her weight wondering what it was but figured it wasn't anything like her. She looked at another boy who had just sat down. Flower brushed her hair back. She was evaluating everyone at this point trying to at least guess there strengths and weaknesses. Flower sat down and crossed her arms. She looked at Jericho and then crossed her arms. She looked away evaluating other students here. She blew her bangs from her eyes and leaned back in the chair. All sorts of things were going through her mind. Height, strength, speed, possibilities on powers. She blinked and then rubbed the side of her head. "Hmm..." She pushed her fingers through her bangs.

Nick and Deathwish walked down the bus. Nick looked at his twin brother who everyone was staring at. “Ignore them Deathwish….come on.” He said and then smiled lightly. He looked around evaluating…girls. The perverted idiot was looking for possible girlfriends. He even winked at a few. Deathwish put a hand to his forehead and shook his head. He had to deal with this every single day. As the two tried to find seats Nick walked right up to Flower. “Hey babe…what’s up?” Nick asked.

Deathwish looked at his twin brother. Deathwish sat down and suddenly kids moved further away from him. Deathwish glanced up which made kids look away. As he let out a sigh he leaned back carefully watching over his older brother.(By seconds of course.) He tapped his fingers against one another waiting for the girl’s reaction.

Flower looked at him and then looked away. “Go away.” By just calling her babe he has already ticked her off. She had no interest in guys like him. She turned her head away trying to get him to go away.

Nick blinked. “Hm. Well at least you can say hi…” He said and then crossed his arms looking at her. He looked over at Deathwish who was shaking his head no. Nick raised an eyebrow. Was there something about this girl he should know? He looked back at Flower who was glaring at him now. Nick took a step back…that glare…was scary.
That morning, Melody's alarm clock didn't go off. Instead, she was awoken to the sound of her brothers voice, telling her to wake up. Upon opening her eyes, she looked around in a bit of a haze. Then, she heard her brother speak again.

"Come on, Mel! The bus'll be here soon, you know." he said.

With that, the girl burst out of bed. How could she have forgotten about such an important day for her? She didn't really have time to think about that question as she pushed her brother out of her room and started getting ready. She took a quick shower and brushed her teeth, combing through her soaked hair furiously as she examined her closet. While getting dressed, she could smell her breakfast waiting for her in the kitchen. Her brother most certainly did not forget about today, for when she walked into the room there was a plate of bacon and eggs waiting for her at the table, her brother sitting at the other end already working on his. Melody was expecting another bowl of cereal this morning.

"What's the occasion?" she joked, taking her seat while her brother simply rolled his eyes. She thanked him for the food before chowing it down, not wasting a single bit whether it made her late or not. Upon finished, she dumped the dish and silverware into the sink before heading back to her bedroom, where she blow-dried her long, dark hair and eventually braided it, examining it through a mirror as she did so. The difficult part was trying to get her bangs out of her eyes, which reached down to the tip of her eyelashes. Without any luck, Melody just went on with packing, shoving her clothes into a large suitcase and putting anything else in her backpack.

She ran out into the living room, where she gave her brother was just about to leave for work. They walked down to the apartment lobby together, giving each other a long hug before saying their goodbyes and going separate ways. Mel sprinted to the other side of the block, where the bus stop was. She sighed with relief to see that the bus was just now arriving, and that she wasn't late. She climbed on, glancing at all the taken seats and the people that filled them. She eventually took a seat that wasn't necessarily open, but there was room for her to sit.
The bus ride was feeling longer than Madigan had anticipated. She was almost sat on twice by students who thought the seat was empty, but she was determined to remain a cat at least until they got to the school. The driver seemed to beflying past houses and streets, but it may have only looked that way to Madigan's tiny cat eyes- which in turn made her feel a little car sick. Just when she was about to take another cat nap, a girl with long brown braids sat beside her. She had green eyes like Madigan's but slightly darker. She kept her curious eyes on pale girl, wondering if she would eventually have to fight this girl or if she would ever get to knew her. There were probably all kinds of strangers on this bus, each whom she'd be crossing blade with.

Speaking of which, she was noticing the loads of luggage each student was toting with them and hoping that her mother would be able to get the rest of her belongings to the school. Madigan lept up onto the top of the backrest in order to get a better look around. There were long solemn faces just about every which way she looked.

This has to be the bus ride to hell if I ever saw one.

She thought in an expectantly pessimistic inner tone.
She put her elbow on the small seal and her hand balled up in a fist under her chin. Her eyes were low as she let out a sigh. The bus ride was long but it beat sitting in a van strapped down with doctors around her. The case she had fell, the white phone slipping out. She glanced down at it the gritted her teerh. She didn't like being under servallisnce let on being bound by something. She slid the phone back in then sealed the case. A small boy trued to sit by her but the mood she was giving off clearly shiwed him no. The boy sat somwhere else.
Cross leaned back as far as he could in the seat. He let his gaze come over those who entered, and those who had already come on. Some were frightened, others solemn. Many clearly did not want to go to this place. Others were very clearly warriors, with openly displayed weapons and well-built frames. A sigh escaped his lips. His purpose in coming was to find others like himself, those who could not stay in the confines of a normal life. As well as to make sure that he would not accidentally hurt others as he had before.
She remembered when Docotr Ryan rubed the burnt marks on his face. SHe let out a sigh, and flashbacks started to run through her head. SHe was new and clearly didn't like the way her parents were handled. She had lashed out and burned a lot of things and people. Not only did she scar his face but killed her parents as well. She blames herself countless of times but Doctor Ryan tells her it wasn't. Mistakes happend some are permanent. She closed her eyes for a split second when the phone vibrated making her bag shake. She picked it up and unbuckeld it, taking out the white phone. She pressed the circle that was on the screen then the top part slid up showing her an closed envelope. The message opend itself up showing a picture of Doctor Ryan smiling. She shut the phone and put it away .
Melody looked over the small cat curiously. She was amazed at how someone could transform, and she wished she could see what else they could be. She eventually allowed her eyes to wander to others, looking over the different types seated on the bus. She could see a few were nervous, while others were excited. And, of course, there were a few determined-looking folk who obviously came here for a reason.

Mel let out a small sigh. She had only come on a whim, not really understanding the Daydawn Battle Academy's purpose even after her brother explained it to her. He was really surprised to see her actually agreeing to go-- even if he was the one who suggested it.
Seth was getting a lot of looks for playing with his ball of energy and decided he needed a boost of energy so he crushed the ball in his hand. The bus ride was taking a long time but it didn't bother Seth to much the only thing he wanted was to keep his seat to himself. He still wasn't sure about these new people many of them just looked sad or scared. A few looked very determined and confident. It sent him mixed messages about what kind of place he was going to. No one on the bus was really talking. I mean there were some simple exchanges of "Can I sit here", "Hi" and one "Hey Babe". So he couldn't judge how these people would be yet or how they would act he just hoped maybe he'd find someone to help him get through this school. So he lied back and stared on at his new classmates waiting for one of them to talk. He didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment he just hoped to observe how these people acted and spoke. Sadly it didn't look like that was going to happen for a while.
Gez, is anyone ever going go get here. It's been at least an hour long bus ride. I got up from my perch on the gate and walked into the campus. The scenery was beautiful, trees with white, sparkling flowers, a garden with every kind of thing you could imagine. This all made me miss adventuring, back when things were easy, when things were ok... I stepped out of the garden for it was... hurting me. Then I heard the familiar sound of bus engines creeping up to the school. Finally, something to do​.
The different locations Astraeus witnessed while staring out the dirtied window was something that did not keen his interest in any shape or form. His expression screamed it. Shifting in the uncomfortable seat, he straightened his posture and tucked his slender hands into his small pockets, sighing dramatically for the chatter filling the air was just another annoyance to him. He was thankful for the "escape" from his abusive family, certainly, but he simply wasn't ready to stay in an academy for a while with a group of blatant idiots, fighting over something that he certainly was going to win, no doubt.

"Excuse me?"

A gentle voice piped up, immediately making Astraeus turn his head and raise an eyebrow in disgust for disturbing his moment of solitude. It was a girl, a short one compared to his own height with pleasant black hair and beautiful dark chocolate eyes, giving off the impression that she too, was a new student to the academy just like him. She had a pretty face, he knew that for one, although, even before getting to know every aspect about her, he knew she was the complete opposite of him. Cheerful and friendly, neutral in most cases but was very optimistic. Disgusting.

"Um, would you mind if I sat with you?"

Astraeus couldn't help but chuckle lightly - so that's what she wanted with him. "Well, I do mind, thanks." he answered in the most apathetic tone you could ever imagine, raising both of his eyebrows to witness her expression after being deliberately denied. Although, he paused, darting those vivid pools to the impatient bus driver in the front, staring straight at the girl, waiting for her to get the hell going. Bloody hell, old hag shouldn't be driving a bus full of whiny kids anyway. "Ugh," he growled, gritting his teeth together before scooting his behind over, revealing a large space for the girl to sit. "Forget it, hell, just sit down." he ordered, turning his head away to not make eye contact her.

She had thought that he looked strange when she had been watching his reflection, but now, seeing his actual face, her previous opinion was being pumped up. He didn't just look strange. He looked almost haunted. His red eyes were darker than she had imagined and full of an emotion that she couldn't quite identify - maybe anger, maybe just irritation, but somehow, it felt like it was something stronger than that. For a moment, she could almost identify it, but then he blinked, silver-white lashes creating a curtain over his eyes for just a moment, but it was long enough. It had broken her concentration, and now, all she could see was irritation.

Which, in it of itself, was quite surprising. Esana couldn't help but raise her eyebrows at the rather rude response that she had received. Most people would just grunt a 'yes', even if they weren't happy about it. After all, that was considered to be 'common courtesy'. His sharp reponse told her that the young man was certainly not sociable. She leaned back, wondering if it was even worth her while to insult the guy back. She had just been in a pretty decent mood, but now...
I kinda wanna rip him a new one... Still, that would just put her in a worse mood, and besides, she was on a bus full of people who were going to be her classmates soon. She didn't want to give them such a bad impression right off the bat. But still... this guy...

Be nice, Esana, She told herself lightly. If this is any indication, you're going to have lots of chances to spar with him.

Esana was about to casually flip the young man off and proceed to another row when his eyes flicked away from her, towards the front of the bus and then back at her. He growled, a noise that almost made her laugh - it was so irritated - and then moved over on the seat, leaving an empty space for her. Esana raised an eyebrow at him, but he didn't seem to see as he snapped gruffly at her and then turned his head quickly away.

Surprised by the gesture, Esana turned her head to look at the front of the bus, following the gaze that he had taken. The bus driver was glaring back at her.
Oh. Dear. That is not good. Quickly, she sat down, giving the bus driver a bright look. The old woman scowled back and then turned to face front, the bus starting its motion again. With an automatic motion, Esana removed her backpack from her back and placed it in her lap. She settled herself comfortably and then glanced at the young man. A slow smile made its way across her face. "Aw," She murmured, keeping her voice low. "Thank you for saving me from the wrath of the evil bus driver." She let herself grin full-heartedly. "I appreciate it."

And with that, she pulled out some headphones and put them on, turning her music on and preparing for the ride to her new school.
Jericho noticed new faces as they boarded the bus but did not give any of them the time of day. He did notice that the one girl with the white hair did however scan the other students for weaknesses and strengths. He also was aware that she sized him up as well and gave her a look that showed his destructive intent for her and any other student he might face. Jericho's attention eventually shifted back to the front of the bus.

There seemed to be a girl trying to sit next to a boy who seemed genrally irritated at life and the whole scene was taking time eventually though the girl was allowed the seat when the bus driver glared at her. Jericho expected the bus to move again but the driver's stare lingered for a second longer, Bored of this already maddening trip to campus Jericho stood up shouted to the bus driver "Get this heap moving Grandma or I am going to use your spine as a jumprope" After which the driver saw how scary and big he looked and how serious the threat was and quickly got the bus rolling. Jericho sat back down hearing a few faint snicker's from others and a hushed voice asking a little too loudly to another person "What does that kid eat he is huge?" But Jericho ignored it he was already agitated and escalating anything before he can get to school was a bad idea.

Jericho found himself grinning as he imagined fighting each of these students and it made him thirst for a fight. He reached inside his bag and produced one of his claw weapon's the Tiger fury and gripped the handle tightly and closed his eyes daydreaming of when his mother taught him how to use claw weapon's and pantera's Jericho also remembered what his Butler had said and studied the conflicting emotions inside himself He did not even realize what he had muttered out loud "Do I really want to be the best to beat my parents or just earn their love and respect."

Jericho snapped back to attention when the bus stopped for good. Jericho looked out the window and saw the imposing buildings and the huge campus grounds. Jericho just sat there and appreciated the sight as others ahead of him shuffled to get off the bus. Finally standing he put his claw back in his duffle and thought to himself. I am going to rule this school and win the platinum cup or die trying. Jericho smiled to himself excited that he might finally get his hands on someone, anyone soon.
The shout from the back of the bus jolted Cross from his thoughts. He turned his head partially to look at the source. *Big*. That was his first thought. If ever there was someone born and bred for the purpose of fighting, that young man would have certainly be it. He let his head turn back to the window as the bus slowed to a stop. The academy lay outside, far grander than he had initially thought any school had the right to be.

"This is it."

Cross stood up and threw the duffel strap over his shoulder, making his way into the throng of students getting off. A few muffled complaints about it suddenly feeling chilly came with his arrival, nothing too out of the norm. It was only a minute or so until he was off the bus, looking at where his future would be taking place.
Melody snapped out of thought, hearing towards the back yell out. She wasn't paying enough attention to actually hear what he said, but knew from his voice that he was definitely scary-looking. In fact, she was so sure that she didn't bother to turn around and get a good look.

The rest of the ride was short with no other stops, it seemed. When the bus came to a full stop, Mel was too busy gawking out the window. The school was bigger than she'd expected, and looked nothing like the public school she went to. Well, used to. But, then again, this academy wasn't very average at all-- from it's outstanding looks to the abnormal students. She almost forgot the fact that she was supposed to actually get off of the bus until she felt a slight chill run down her spine, which snapped her attention away from the window long enough to force her to turn back to the isle and find the source. Melody couldn't tell what or who it came from, but it forced her to shuffle out along with the others, dragging her luggage behind her.
The bus came to a stop in front of his new school he was still shaken by the recent death of his parents as he hadn't spoken to his brother about it and besides his brother he didn't have many friends. So he'd been wanting to talk it out with someone but he knew that telling people about his murdered parents and paralyzed brother wasn't the greatest introduction. So he was hoping maybe someone would come talk to him. So he found a nice place in front of the school-field and sat down.and lied down of his bag. He needed to relax in the comfort of the outdoors. The school could wait. He wasn't very excited about going to a school just to fight, but he knew he could and that this was what his father wanted for him. A lot of thoughts raced through his head about his parents murderers and why they had been there. It hadn't seemed like a robbery as they went straight for his parents bedroom and then his own. The thought that someone may have wanted to kill his father disturbed him greatly. For now he couldn't worry about that he just had to move forward. So he lied down, and turned on his ipod to some soothing music and formed two balls of light, one in each hand and then pushed them together to make a larger one. Then picked smaller pieces out into one of his hands. He just played with his power as he didn't know what he was supposed to do. So there he sat finally arrived in this new place, just trying to relax.
The bus ride took a load of time, especially since there were so much stops to make. A somewhat general portion of the kids, believe it or not, were actually sleeping. Kenta, of course being that one person who was so OCD about everyone else, noticed this a few stops after he entered. He just wasn't the type to sleep through an abnormal day... It was just like that.

The bus, after making a multitude of confusing and dramatic turns, veered to a stop all of a sudden. The door shot open. Not by the busdriver, rather the person (or persons) who was boarding the bus. "So this is the bus, Eh? Not very different from a regular school bus I'd say, though it looks bigger inside than out..." In came two girls, who looked almost exactly the same. Their dark blue hair flowed down all the way to the middle of their back. It curled in to the neck unnaturally with bangs picked up from the back. One of the girls had their hair pinned in a ponytail to the left, and the other to the right. Their skin, fair, with abnormally skinny frames that made it seem like they were anorexic. They both wore the same thing; a long straitjacket with extended sleeves that opened up to look more stylish than deranged, and besides this, they wore nothing else. The extroverted girl at the front had blue eyes, and the introverted (and admittedly silent, so much that she was barely noticeable) girl at the back had eyes that were tinted red, but were also slightly brown.

"Attention all passengers! You're going to see me often 'round the school, so listn' up and listn' carefully! We're the Panic Sisters, and we're not going to loose any two on two! You hear me!"

The bus driver gave the two an annoyed look, then pushed them both towards an empty seat.

They both landed a bit painfully onto the seat. The red-eyed one glanced at the blue-eyed one. "I think everyone's going to think we're obnoxious..." She said, full of concern.

Kenta, being at the front, was forced to witness and listen close-up to the two ladies that had just arrived. Something told him that he shouldn't mess with them. They were just odd.

Even more stops, and finally the school was in sight. The sky now shown to be a clear shining blue, compared to the dark indigo that occupied the sky nearly an hour ago. After what had seemed to be a tedious ride, the students had finally arrived at the destination.

The school was large. It gave off a stone-medieval theme mixed in with magic, or something you'd imagine in a fairy tale of sorts. The inside, if your eyesight was well enough to see it from some distance, looked to be quite classy and elegant with all of the fancy-looking desks, tables, walls, and fans. Not many students were outside.

"Quality taken to a whole new level..." Mumbled the awestruck Kenta.

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