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cherry lips

๐Ÿ๐š๐ข๐ซ๐ฒ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ๐ฌ
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Snow swirled and gently fell from the grey sky as cars steamed slightly in the parking lot, having idled for far too long, and the cable car cables groaned in protest from use. Footprints all went in the same direction, waiting for the next available lift up the mountain, pressing their key fobs to ensure their cars were locked before departing for good. The slow climb was nostalgic and quiet, any memories of youth or excitement that once filled their bodies had since been overridden by guilt, fear, and dread. What would they think? What would they say? Anxiety wrapped long cold fingers around the heart of each individual that made their way to the top of the mountain, towards the soft golden glow of the ski lodge.

They were brave, venturing back up that mountain, back to the place that had bathed in the blood of their friends. And yet, the Wintercourt Ski Resort looked undisturbed by the tragedies or even time. Ski runs were perfectly groomed, the fresh powder just begging to be disturbed. Wildlife was scarce, but there were small trails left in the snow from deer and potentially smaller game, not fearing the possible presence of people. It was almost eerie how untouched it all looked. A slight jolt rocked through each car as it plateaued upon reaching the summit. The large building of the lodge loomed in front of them, the warm lights pooling on the cold snow, sending each individual tumbling back into their childhood.

It was exactly the same. It hadnโ€™t changed. Not one bit. The intricate purple and gold banner hung across the large oak doors, welcoming each guest as they arrived. They hadnโ€™t seen it in so long that they almost forgot it, but now, the banner was almost sickening to look at. Delicate gold letters spelled out a single phrase that they had seen countless times during their childhood, โ€œHappy Birthday Lauren & Kirk!โ€, and yet, nobody was happy to see it this time. Upon looking around the area a bit more, they could see that snowboards, skis, snowshoes, snowmobiles, everything had been prepared for their arrival. They were arranged in the same way as they were before, though this time they were sized for adults. Nobody could mistake the gear that was specifically used by the twins, always set up in the front, practically shining like jewels they were so well cared for. It was disturbing, to say the least.

But that wasnโ€™t the end of it. Pushing into the lodge, a chill settled into the bones of the birthday guests as they saw the perfect recreation of the last party that ever took place. Streamers, balloons, gift bags, snacks, Wii games, movies, records, a pinata, it was all there. Upon checking the fridge, they even saw the cake that had been served that fateful night. It was as if they had been transported back in time to the worst time of their lives. Echoes of voices and laughter seemed to hang in the air as everyone whipped their heads around at the sound of a door opening, almost as if Lauren and Kirk had come out to chastise them for being late. But nobody was there. Not this time. It was then that everyone remembered the words of Mr and Mrs. Winters, this was a time to celebrate and remember Lauren and Kirk. They were meant to put them to rest once and for all.

Unbeknownst to the group, after the last cable car descended back down the mountain, the whole rig shut down. It was unable to be operated on either side, essentially stranding everyone at the top of the mountain, unless they dared to try and descend the mountain by other means. But nobody knew, how could they? They were too busy unloading their belongings in the lodge, preparing for a party that nobody asked for and everyone was dreading.

The group successfully made it up to the Wintercourt Ski Resort and has started to get settled in the lodge that they will be calling home for the next week. Upon arrival, everyone noticed that the twin's parents had arranged it to be exactly how it was ten years ago, the last time anyone was last there. The decorations were up, small gift bags were prepared on the table, snacks and meals filled the kitchen, and many games/movies were ready to be played in the living room. It's hard not to feel uncomfortable in such a setting but there's not much anyone can do. All they can hope for is that people get along with each other and they survive until the end of the week. However, without anyone's knowledge, after the last group member arrived at the lodge and was securely inside, the cable cars were completely shut down. No power, no access, no way down the mountain. At least, no easy way down. There is no explanation for this at present, but it's only a matter of time before someone wants to leave and they won't be able to.
chapter one
coded by cherry !! ๐Ÿ’

Snow swirled and gently fell from the grey sky as cars steamed slightly in the parking lot, having idled for far too long, and the cable car cables groaned in protest from use. Footprints all went in the same direction, waiting for the next available lift up the mountain, pressing their key fobs to ensure their cars were locked before departing for good. The slow climb was nostalgic and quiet, any memories of youth or excitement that once filled their bodies had since been overridden by guilt, fear, and dread. What would they think? What would they say? Anxiety wrapped long cold fingers around the heart of each individual that made their way to the top of the mountain, towards the soft golden glow of the ski lodge.

They were brave, venturing back up that mountain, back to the place that had bathed in the blood of their friends. And yet, the Wintercourt Ski Resort looked undisturbed by the tragedies or even time. Ski runs were perfectly groomed, the fresh powder just begging to be disturbed. Wildlife was scarce, but there were small trails left in the snow from deer and potentially smaller game, not fearing the possible presence of people. It was almost eerie how untouched it all looked. A slight jolt rocked through each car as it plateaued upon reaching the summit. The large building of the lodge loomed in front of them, the warm lights pooling on the cold snow, sending each individual tumbling back into their childhood.

It was exactly the same. It hadnโ€™t changed. Not one bit. The intricate purple and gold banner hung across the large oak doors, welcoming each guest as they arrived. They hadnโ€™t seen it in so long that they almost forgot it, but now, the banner was almost sickening to look at. Delicate gold letters spelled out a single phrase that they had seen countless times during their childhood, โ€œHappy Birthday Lauren & Kirk!โ€, and yet, nobody was happy to see it this time. Upon looking around the area a bit more, they could see that snowboards, skis, snowshoes, snowmobiles, everything had been prepared for their arrival. They were arranged in the same way as they were before, though this time they were sized for adults. Nobody could mistake the gear that was specifically used by the twins, always set up in the front, practically shining like jewels they were so well cared for. It was disturbing, to say the least.

But that wasnโ€™t the end of it. Pushing into the lodge, a chill settled into the bones of the birthday guests as they saw the perfect recreation of the last party that ever took place. Streamers, balloons, gift bags, snacks, Wii games, movies, records, a pinata, it was all there. Upon checking the fridge, they even saw the cake that had been served that fateful night. It was as if they had been transported back in time to the worst time of their lives. Echoes of voices and laughter seemed to hang in the air as everyone whipped their heads around at the sound of a door opening, almost as if Lauren and Kirk had come out to chastise them for being late. But nobody was there. Not this time. It was then that everyone remembered the words of Mr and Mrs. Winters, this was a time to celebrate and remember Lauren and Kirk. They were meant to put them to rest once and for all.

Unbeknownst to the group, after the last cable car descended back down the mountain, the whole rig shut down. It was unable to be operated on either side, essentially stranding everyone at the top of the mountain, unless they dared to try and descend the mountain by other means. But nobody knew, how could they? They were too busy unloading their belongings in the lodge, preparing for a party that nobody asked for and everyone was dreading.

The group successfully made it up to the Wintercourt Ski Resort and has started to get settled in the lodge that they will be calling home for the next week. Upon arrival, everyone noticed that the twin's parents had arranged it to be exactly how it was ten years ago, the last time anyone was last there. The decorations were up, small gift bags were prepared on the table, snacks and meals filled the kitchen, and many games/movies were ready to be played in the living room. It's hard not to feel uncomfortable in such a setting but there's not much anyone can do. All they can hope for is that people get along with each other and they survive until the end of the week. However, without anyone's knowledge, after the last group member arrived at the lodge and was securely inside, the cable cars were completely shut down. No power, no access, no way down the mountain. At least, no easy way down. There is no explanation for this at present, but it's only a matter of time before someone wants to leave and they won't be able to.

Maeve sat in the passenger seat, chipping the paint off her fingernails. She made conversation with Nolan as he drove along the once-familiar route to Wintercourt Ski Resort. The two-and-a-half-hour drive wasn't too long. If she were honest, she wished it were a bit longer, anything to delay this reunion. Her stomach turned nervously as they grew closer to their destination. Maeve rested her head against the cool glass of the window, cracked for some fresh air for the last twenty minutes of the drive.

This reunion was not a happy one for Maeve, nor was it for anyone else she suspected. She did not keep in contact with most of these people for a reason. They linked her to a past she would much rather keep behind her. She didn't want to have to confront her memories of Kirk and Lauren and what she had done back in high school. She was only going to this reunion to fully put the past behind her and close out that chapter of her life completely. More importantly, she was going to support Nolan.

She wiped the palms of her hands on her legs as they pulled into the parking lot. Neither of them moved to get out of the car right away; Maeve looked over to Nolan with a weak smile.

"We can still turn around and go back home." Maeve was only half-joking. She wouldn't complain if Nolan took her up on it. But, she wouldn't actually push. They were already here, after all.

Maeve took a few deep, even breaths trying to prevent her heart rate from climbing any higher. She took Nolan's hand and gave it a squeeze, though she was still looking ahead. She watched the snow falling onto the hood of Nolanโ€™s car as she mentally prepped herself to see everyone again.

"Ready?" She wasn't, but she wouldn't ever be. And if she didn't move now, she never would.

They stepped out of the car, snow crunching beneath their feet. Nolan carried both of their bags to the cable car, despite Maeveโ€™s protests that she could handle hers just fine. The ascent up the mountain was slow and quiet as the pair took in their surroundings. Being here again left a heaviness in Maeveโ€™s chest that she couldnโ€™t quite describe. Everything felt so familiar but deeply alien at the same time. Confusing contradictions. She had a feeling the whole trip will feel this way.

Stepping off the cable car at the lodge, her chest tightened at the sight of the banner hung upon the door. It was uncomfortable but it was what they were here for. It wasnโ€™t just the tenth anniversary of Kirk and Laurenโ€™s deaths, it was also their birthday. Celebrating that seemed much lighter than fixating on the horrors of their demise. However, once they entered the lodge, it felt like the air had been squeezed from Maeveโ€™s lungs.

It was the same. It was all the exact same. Maeve was hit with a wave of panic, the need to run out those doors and down the mountain. It was like they had been zapped back in time to that night. It almost felt like Kirk or Lauren was going to walk through the door at any moment. Maeveโ€™s heart was racing as she looked around the room once more, desperate to find a flawโ€” something to prove they werenโ€™t back at that night. Or even a camera, recording their reactions to some sick prank.

"This is f-fucking ssick," she muttered in horror to Nolan.

She didnโ€™t like this at all. It felt wrong. Everyone grieves differently, but this was something completely different to Maeve. It felt like straight up denial. Nobody wanted to relive that night. Even before the twinsโ€™ deaths, it was awful and painful.

The week hadnโ€™t even begun, but seeing this cemented in the fact it was going to be far harder than Maeve had anticipated.

the ugly duckling


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
Last edited:

It hits her as soon as she steps off the cable car. Hey, you know what- Jackie's gonna be totally frank. This sucks!

She's not one to judge usually- not outwardly, at least, but who in their right mind thought this was any kind of a good idea? It'd be one thing to have a little get-together for the two dead-and-buried- at the same place they died is pushing it, but doable. But decorating it the exact same way- like, Jesus on a jetski, did they think about what this looks like from the perspective of who they're inviting?

It looks like some horror movie shit, that's what. This looks like a haunting. Maybe not one with literal, actual ghosts, butโ€ฆ hell, it's a haunting. She squints up at the banners, decorations- and purses her lips. Well. She's here. And at the end of the day, it's weird as hell, but not necessarilyโ€ฆ wrong? Again, weird, but not likeโ€ฆ threatening.

Jackie feels ever-so-slightly out of place, here. She doesn't really hold the same... connection to this place as everyone else does. Jackie was a last-second addition Lauren made to their little party entourage simply based upon the fact that... well, Jackie listened, and she kept quiet. She was "trustworthy" in that sense, at least. In truth? Jackie was half-afraid to rock the boat, but the other half of her knew exactly what she was doing. They had money that she didn't. Lauren and Kirk cracked out the same amount of money in a day-to-a-week that Jackie's dad made in a month- hell, maybe several months. She knew what she was doing. Friends in high places, right?

That was the past, though, and this is the present. She scratches the back of her head. "Whew! Uh, okay," she says aloud, nervously chuckling to herself as she eyes the house. If nothing else, she hopes she can be a sort-of icebreaker. "Well, this is weird. We're thinking that this is weird, right?"





wintercourt ski lodge



no one yet

iris holland-pump

the new blood

Iris hadn't exactly wanted to come here, not after the last ten years that had happened, but she had no choice. Her parents had coaxed her into it, promising her that if she wanted to leave, she could, and they had sworn it up and down. So, off to the Wintercourt cabin she went.

The actual way there was quite creaky, and she hated every second of it. The way the wind swayed the lift as it rose, just how cold everything was at the present moment... it was honestly sort of frightening. She hadn't stayed in touch with many, if any, of these people the last few years. She had wanted to leave that night behind her, enjoy the rest of her life, and... well, honestly, right now she probably wouldn't be able to do that if she went. But, such was life. She knew it was the right thing to do.

Well, upon entering the lodge she could tell something was off, because she could hear someone, the voice was unfamiliar, but she could definitely tell that they thought something was off. As her eyes scanned the horizon, she realized why.

Everything looked exactly as it had a decade prior, the decorations, the gift bags, the table, even down to the very last glass. This was not just creepy. It felt like a museum. A horrible, very creepy museum, mostly dedicated to two people. She swallowed, shaking her head lightly as she considered just leaving at this point. "Yeah... I don't think we should touch... anything, this looks like a crime scene just waiting to happen." she mumbled, mostly to herself as she stood stock still where she was standing. This night was going to be... interesting.

nine lives

zane aarons
Arriving at the Lodge again sent a shiver down Zane's spine. His skin, felt wrong, breathing felt wrong, standing in the doorway of the Lodge, the door shutting behind him. Staring into the room, as if he was in his teens again, images flicking through his mind, that night. All the days he spent here, all the nights he was here, all the hours of minutes of memories. All of them rushing back from the vault of memories he locked away. In the moment, it felt suffocating, breathing was rough, hard, difficult, all the words to explain it ran through his mind and he couldn't place this feeling.
It had been too long since he was here, since he saw these people he used to call friends. Coming here alone just to see them again, he couldnt believe he let himself follow through with something like this. How was he suppose to expect everyone to react? They all grew up, moved on, and Zane hardly kept in touch with any of them. He couldnt be bothered, he liked the group for Kirk, and the rest were just a bonus. Zane found himself moments later trying to move through the room, avoiding all the memories, maybe he should try to calm his nerves, trying to move on, talk to someone; but he didnt know... who would appreciate the interactions this early into being thrown back into the worst night of their teens.
Nolan Parker

The closing of the trunk caused the car to shake slightly as the blonde used slightly too much strength, most likely due to the nerves that ran through his body, making his fingers feel slightly numb. He knew it was silly to be nervous about meeting people from high school but he hadnโ€™t really thought about it happening until they reached the mountainโ€™s parking lot. Pulling into that country road, surrounded by thick pine trees and the silence of nature, he felt his heart skip a beat or two. Still, he had continued on, reassuring Maeve that they would be fine, that the trip would be fine.

And while he believed his own words, he couldnโ€™t fight the sharp inhale that he took as he felt a rush of nostalgia run through him. He had been with the twins the longest, having frequented the resort when it was running, chasing the two around the mountain, swimming in the pool at night, teaching Lauren to snowboard, it all hit him like a ton of bricks. Guilt prickled in his chest as he shook his head, shrugging the straps of the two bags onto his shoulders a bit better, having insisted on carrying them himself. It gave him something to do, something to physically focus on. โ€œReady?โ€ The quiet voice of his companion caused him to look to his side as Maeve grabbed his hand, squeezing it in hers. Was he ready?

โ€œYup. Iโ€™m ready.โ€ Nolan gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before the pair walked up to the next available cable car and began the slow climb up the mountain. The metal container creaked as it moved, just as it had every single time it was used. They always sounded old and ready to retire, regardless of how well-maintained they were. Hell, he was pretty sure some of them had been replaced, along with the cables. But still, they creaked and rocked as they moved, making the more nervous riders probably feel uneasy the whole way. As they sat in the quiet, Nolan took a moment to light a cigarette, the nicotine flooding his head as he collected himself. He was a social smoker normally, mostly due to his years in the food industry, so any time he picked it up alone, it was due to the fact he was stressed out.

His eyes were fixed ahead as his free hand carefully held onto Maeveโ€™s his palm becoming sweaty as they got closer and closer to the top. A shaky exhale left him as he put out the cigarette and popped in a piece of gum before the pair got out of the car, their feet crunching on the small amount of snow that had gathered on the cement platform. Pulling the strap up onto his shoulder, he walked with Maeve, scanning the familiar lodge with an almost dumbfounded expression. What. The. Fuck. That banner was literally almost 30 years old and was still in perfect condition. Well, they were exceedingly wealthy, maybe they made replicas?

Shaking his head slightly, a nervous smile made its way onto his lips as he trudged along, mentally bracing himself for what waited inside. The pair were the first to arrive and much to his dismay, it was what he expected. A replica of the twinโ€™s 18th birthday party. A whistle left Nolan as he set the bags down, his shoulders slightly aching from the weight. โ€œThis is f-fucking s-sick.โ€ Maeveโ€™s quiet words caught his attention, taking note of how much she really didnโ€™t want to be there. Who could blame her?

โ€œHey, itโ€™s okay. Iโ€™ll fix it.โ€ Pressing a quick kiss to the top of her head, Nolan began to take off his shoes and snow gear, hanging them up on the nearby hooks, making sure to grab Maeveโ€™s as well. โ€œGo sit and Iโ€™ll get this tidied up.โ€ That was his job, he was a fixer. His whole job within the friend group was to fix the problems and protect them from things that upset them. He had done his best over the years, but he couldnโ€™t fix this party, not back then. He had been in the hospital with a head injury for a bit and then on house rest before officially being banned from the friend group. Isolated, Nolan had floundered. He didnโ€™t know what to do without having people to take care of outside of his family. But this, this he could fix. He could make it better. He could make it up to people.

As more guests began to arrive, Nolan plastered on that boy-next-door smile that he was known for, and rolled up the sleeve of his shirt. โ€œYou guys are a sight for sore eyes, glad you made it. I was worried weโ€™d be the only ones.โ€ Breaking the ice, he moved to the table of goody bags and checked each one, as if confirming they were the same as back then. The fact that they were was unnerving but he didnโ€™t bother to let anyone know. A trash bag was grabbed from underneath the kitchen sink and he started to toss them in, one by one, not offering them to anyone who was there. It was fine, he would make the atmosphere better. Or at least, thatโ€™s what he told himself.

โ€œI will say, I donโ€™t remember the ride up being this quiet and long, it was a bit weird. It felt like it was such a short ride back in high school.โ€ Once all the bags were grabbed, he started in on the streamers, quietly yanking them off the beams and walls, bringing a stool with him as he did so. As he slowly erased the evidence of the party, he could feel the tightness in his chest loosen somewhat as if hiding the signs of the past would keep them buried. As Nolan approached the star-shaped piรฑata, he carefully unhooked it and shoved it into the bag, causing the candy to rattle inside. Tying off the bag, he cleared his throat and headed towards the door, opening it with ease, and placed the full trash bag down on the porch to the side.

All that remained was the sign. A heavy exhale left his body as he went back inside, moving around each person who gathered at the entrance in order to grab the stool to bring outside. Slipping on his shoes, he placed the stool down at the edge of the porch and got up on it, slowly working on the ties of the banner. He hoped that everyone would at least feel slightly more comfortable once everything was put away. The banner took around five minutes to get down and when he came back inside, the purple fabric was folded neatly and his face had a slight flush to it from the cold. โ€œThere. That should do it for now.โ€ Nolan took off his shoes before returning the stool to the kitchen and the banner to a closet nearby.

Fingers ran back through messy blonde hair as he moved to where Maeve was, a small grin on his face as he looked at her as if trying to make it seem as normal as possible. People grieved in weird ways so he wasnโ€™t there to judge anyone, even if it was creepy as fuck. She looked somewhat out of place on that big brown couch as she had never dared to sit there during high school. She was always tucked away in a corner in a chair, hiding where nobody would stare for too long. This was definitely an improvement. Nolan sat down next to her, his arm naturally draping across her shoulders as he looked at her, trying to read her expression. โ€œThanks for putting the bags away. I appreciate the help.โ€

Leaning back onto the couch, the tall blonde allowed his body to relax slightly, the gum in his mouth providing enough stimulation to keep his mind from wandering. โ€œSo, whatโ€™s everyone been up to in the last ten years? Anything crazy?โ€

tags: maeve junegloom junegloom & everyone at the lodge | outfit: 01
coded by cherry !! ๐Ÿ’


The closing of the trunk caused the car to shake slightly as the blonde used slightly too much strength, most likely due to the nerves that ran through his body, making his fingers feel slightly numb. He knew it was silly to be nervous about meeting people from high school but he hadnโ€™t really thought about it happening until they reached the mountainโ€™s parking lot. Pulling into that country road, surrounded by thick pine trees and the silence of nature, he felt his heart skip a beat or two. Still, he had continued on, reassuring Maeve that they would be fine, that the trip would be fine.

And while he believed his own words, he couldnโ€™t fight the sharp inhale that he took as he felt a rush of nostalgia run through him. He had been with the twins the longest, having frequented the resort when it was running, chasing the two around the mountain, swimming in the pool at night, teaching Lauren to snowboard, it all hit him like a ton of bricks. Guilt prickled in his chest as he shook his head, shrugging the straps of the two bags onto his shoulders a bit better, having insisted on carrying them himself. It gave him something to do, something to physically focus on. โ€œReady?โ€ The quiet voice of his companion caused him to look to his side as Maeve grabbed his hand, squeezing it in hers. Was he ready?

โ€œYup. Iโ€™m ready.โ€ Nolan gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before the pair walked up to the next available cable car and began the slow climb up the mountain. The metal container creaked as it moved, just as it had every single time it was used. They always sounded old and ready to retire, regardless of how well-maintained they were. Hell, he was pretty sure some of them had been replaced, along with the cables. But still, they creaked and rocked as they moved, making the more nervous riders probably feel uneasy the whole way. As they sat in the quiet, Nolan took a moment to light a cigarette, the nicotine flooding his head as he collected himself. He was a social smoker normally, mostly due to his years in the food industry, so any time he picked it up alone, it was due to the fact he was stressed out.

His eyes were fixed ahead as his free hand carefully held onto Maeveโ€™s his palm becoming sweaty as they got closer and closer to the top. A shaky exhale left him as he put out the cigarette and popped in a piece of gum before the pair got out of the car, their feet crunching on the small amount of snow that had gathered on the cement platform. Pulling the strap up onto his shoulder, he walked with Maeve, scanning the familiar lodge with an almost dumbfounded expression. What. The. Fuck. That banner was literally almost 30 years old and was still in perfect condition. Well, they were exceedingly wealthy, maybe they made replicas?

Shaking his head slightly, a nervous smile made its way onto his lips as he trudged along, mentally bracing himself for what waited inside. The pair were the first to arrive and much to his dismay, it was what he expected. A replica of the twinโ€™s 18th birthday party. A whistle left Nolan as he set the bags down, his shoulders slightly aching from the weight. โ€œThis is f-fucking s-sick.โ€ Maeveโ€™s quiet words caught his attention, taking note of how much she really didnโ€™t want to be there. Who could blame her?

โ€œHey, itโ€™s okay. Iโ€™ll fix it.โ€ Pressing a quick kiss to the top of her head, Nolan began to take off his shoes and snow gear, hanging them up on the nearby hooks, making sure to grab Maeveโ€™s as well. โ€œGo sit and Iโ€™ll get this tidied up.โ€ That was his job, he was a fixer. His whole job within the friend group was to fix the problems and protect them from things that upset them. He had done his best over the years, but he couldnโ€™t fix this party, not back then. He had been in the hospital with a head injury for a bit and then on house rest before officially being banned from the friend group. Isolated, Nolan had floundered. He didnโ€™t know what to do without having people to take care of outside of his family. But this, this he could fix. He could make it better. He could make it up to people.

As more guests began to arrive, Nolan plastered on that boy-next-door smile that he was known for, and rolled up the sleeve of his shirt. โ€œYou guys are a sight for sore eyes, glad you made it. I was worried weโ€™d be the only ones.โ€ Breaking the ice, he moved to the table of goody bags and checked each one, as if confirming they were the same as back then. The fact that they were was unnerving but he didnโ€™t bother to let anyone know. A trash bag was grabbed from underneath the kitchen sink and he started to toss them in, one by one, not offering them to anyone who was there. It was fine, he would make the atmosphere better. Or at least, thatโ€™s what he told himself.

โ€œI will say, I donโ€™t remember the ride up being this quiet and long, it was a bit weird. It felt like it was such a short ride back in high school.โ€ Once all the bags were grabbed, he started in on the streamers, quietly yanking them off the beams and walls, bringing a stool with him as he did so. As he slowly erased the evidence of the party, he could feel the tightness in his chest loosen somewhat as if hiding the signs of the past would keep them buried. As Nolan approached the star-shaped piรฑata, he carefully unhooked it and shoved it into the bag, causing the candy to rattle inside. Tying off the bag, he cleared his throat and headed towards the door, opening it with ease, and placed the full trash bag down on the porch to the side.

All that remained was the sign. A heavy exhale left his body as he went back inside, moving around each person who gathered at the entrance in order to grab the stool to bring outside. Slipping on his shoes, he placed the stool down at the edge of the porch and got up on it, slowly working on the ties of the banner. He hoped that everyone would at least feel slightly more comfortable once everything was put away. The banner took around five minutes to get down and when he came back inside, the purple fabric was folded neatly and his face had a slight flush to it from the cold. โ€œThere. That should do it for now.โ€ Nolan took off his shoes before returning the stool to the kitchen and the banner to a closet nearby.

Fingers ran back through messy blonde hair as he moved to where Maeve was, a small grin on his face as he looked at her as if trying to make it seem as normal as possible. People grieved in weird ways so he wasnโ€™t there to judge anyone, even if it was creepy as fuck. She looked somewhat out of place on that big brown couch as she had never dared to sit there during high school. She was always tucked away in a corner in a chair, hiding where nobody would stare for too long. This was definitely an improvement. Nolan sat down next to her, his arm naturally draping across her shoulders as he looked at her, trying to read her expression. โ€œThanks for putting the bags away. I appreciate the help.โ€

Leaning back onto the couch, the tall blonde allowed his body to relax slightly, the gum in his mouth providing enough stimulation to keep his mind from wandering. โ€œSo, whatโ€™s everyone been up to in the last ten years? Anything crazy?โ€
Gwen Morgan
The drive was a lot longer than she remembered and that meant she had way too much time to overthink and dread it. She remembered the call she had received a month prior, the voice of Mrs. Winters piercing her soul when she answered, panic immediately settling within her chest. She barely could breathe as she spoke to the woman, her mind not even reeling, just a constant state of static. When that phone call ended, the panic set in and she began to hyperventilate as the walls seemed to threaten to close around her. By the time Gwen was able to calm down, she was hidden in the corner of her living room, her head between her knees as she felt the urge to throw up. It was one of the worst afternoons she had experienced in a long time. And yet there she was, buckled in a car, heading to that godforsaken mountain.

Her mouth felt dry as she watched the snow-covered trees fly past, and the familiar twists and turns of the road becoming all too regular. As the car pulled off the main road, she felt the nausea swirl in her stomach, causing her to close her eyes and stiffly lean against her seat. It was just a week. She would be fine. Her nails dug into the palms of her hands as she mentally prepped herself for this. It was almost too much but she didnโ€™t like to back out of things. She wasnโ€™t that person anymore. She was braver, she was stronger. She made sure of that. Still, when she opened her eyes and saw the parking lot filled with unfamiliar cars, and the cable cars making their way up the mountain, she couldnโ€™t hold it in any longer.

Unbuckling herself, she threw open the door and got out of the car, her chest squeezing painfully tight as her mouth watered and she placed her hands on her head. She thought she was over it but it felt way too real. Her dark eyes watered as she paced around the parking lot, taking as deep of breaths as she could, trying to contain her nerves. It would be fine, she would be fine. Her hands traveled down to her face, her fingertips brushing across the faint scars that decorated her skin. Running through the woods at night had resulted in various minor injuries for Gwen but the scars and memories lingered, etched permanently into her body.

It was a bit sickening. A sharp exhale left her as she put her hands to her side and turned around, her eyes locking on her driving partner. Messy hair and comforting blue eyes found hers and she felt a sense of ease settle over her. โ€œI'm fine. Iโ€™m good now. I think I got that out of my system.โ€ The chill of the air nipped at her exposed skin and so she walked back to the car to slip on her jacket and grab her bags. Owen was the only person she had kept in touch with after high school. It made sense, he was literally the core of the group so it wasnโ€™t too shocking that he continued to play that role even after something as awful as that party.

They met up for the first time since graduation a few years ago and had coincidentally lived relatively close to each other, which made things a bit easier to hang out. While Gwen was eager to forget all about high school, she was grateful that the one tie she had to it didnโ€™t hurt her. There was so much pain associated with the group but ten years had healed the wounds enough for Gwen to move on. At least that is what she was telling herself. Ten years of therapy, ten years of forcing herself to move on, Gwen continued to reinvent herself every time she found herself slipping back into her old self. The people pleaser. The naive one. The sweet girl. The lover. She was sick of it all. She became independent, outspoken, and loyal to herself, prepared to weather any storm alone.

But at the moment, while waiting for the cable car, she was grateful that she wasnโ€™t alone. The packed snow still clung to the bottom of her boots as she stood next to Owen, their shoulders touching for a form of contact that she needed in order to ground her. This was an event she had thought about backing out of so many times. She had practiced what she would say to Mrs. Winters but she was never able to make the call. Instead, she would sleep over at Owenโ€™s place and talk about her concerns before doubling down on the decision to attend. She would be damned if she was the only person to not show up. The ride up the mountain was tense but light conversation made it pass as she nervously picked at her nails, her dark gaze darting around, waiting for the ski lodge to appear.

When they reached the top, the air in her lungs felt constricted and her legs were almost numb. Somehow she managed to get out of the car with Owenโ€™s help and she looked at the lodge with a sharp glare, her eyebrows furrowing, and her grip tightening around the straps of her bag. โ€œWhat the fuck is wrong with them?โ€ She could see the purple banner being taken down by what appeared to be Nolan, but she couldnโ€™t wrap her head around the fact that it was up there at all. โ€œI really hope they didnโ€™t throw us a party, that would be so creepy.โ€ Despite the fact she had been close with the Winters due to dating Kirk for years, she didnโ€™t stay in touch past just a few years after the accident. It was too painful for everyone involved.

The walk into the lodge was like arriving in a time capsule and she didnโ€™t know how to feel about it. She looked at everyone in attendance, twitching ever so slightly at the appearance of Maeve. Well, that was actually surprising. Looking away, Gwen took off her boots and coat and put them with the others. Her body moved from memory the habit of coming to the lodge during winter break flooding back immediately upon entering the building. With a small wave of her hand, Gwen held her head high and walked through the main room toward where the bedrooms were. She slowed upon reaching Kirkโ€™s room and she almost entered out of habit but she stopped herself. Why the fuck would she stay in there? Tearing herself away, she passed by her old room and headed towards a different one, the one that Owen normally slept in. Opening the door, she tossed her bags on the bed, a shaky breath leaving her as she did so.

โ€œI can do this. I can do this. It's just a trip. That's it.โ€ Gripping the footboard of the bed, she closed her eyes, allowing herself to take it all in and adjust. She just had to survive for a week, that was it. She could do that.

tags: owen elanara elanara | outfit: 01
coded by cherry !! ๐Ÿ’

The drive was a lot longer than she remembered and that meant she had way too much time to overthink and dread it. She remembered the call she had received a month prior, the voice of Mrs. Winters piercing her soul when she answered, panic immediately settling within her chest. She barely could breathe as she spoke to the woman, her mind not even reeling, just a constant state of static. When that phone call ended, the panic set in and she began to hyperventilate as the walls seemed to threaten to close around her. By the time Gwen was able to calm down, she was hidden in the corner of her living room, her head between her knees as she felt the urge to throw up. It was one of the worst afternoons she had experienced in a long time. And yet there she was, buckled in a car, heading to that godforsaken mountain.

Her mouth felt dry as she watched the snow-covered trees fly past, and the familiar twists and turns of the road becoming all too regular. As the car pulled off the main road, she felt the nausea swirl in her stomach, causing her to close her eyes and stiffly lean against her seat. It was just a week. She would be fine. Her nails dug into the palms of her hands as she mentally prepped herself for this. It was almost too much but she didnโ€™t like to back out of things. She wasnโ€™t that person anymore. She was braver, she was stronger. She made sure of that. Still, when she opened her eyes and saw the parking lot filled with unfamiliar cars, and the cable cars making their way up the mountain, she couldnโ€™t hold it in any longer.

Unbuckling herself, she threw open the door and got out of the car, her chest squeezing painfully tight as her mouth watered and she placed her hands on her head. She thought she was over it but it felt way too real. Her dark eyes watered as she paced around the parking lot, taking as deep of breaths as she could, trying to contain her nerves. It would be fine, she would be fine. Her hands traveled down to her face, her fingertips brushing across the faint scars that decorated her skin. Running through the woods at night had resulted in various minor injuries for Gwen but the scars and memories lingered, etched permanently into her body.

It was a bit sickening. A sharp exhale left her as she put her hands to her side and turned around, her eyes locking on her driving partner. Messy hair and comforting blue eyes found hers and she felt a sense of ease settle over her. โ€œIโ€™m good now. I think I got that out of my system.โ€ The chill of the air nipped at her exposed skin and so she walked back to the car to slip on her jacket and grab her bags. Owen was the only person she had kept in touch with after high school. It made sense, he was literally the core of the group so it wasnโ€™t too shocking that he continued to play that role even after something as awful as that party.

They met up for the first time since graduation a few years ago and had coincidentally lived relatively close to each other, which made things a bit easier to hang out. While Gwen was eager to forget all about high school, she was grateful that the one tie she had to it didnโ€™t hurt her. There was so much pain associated with the group but ten years had healed the wounds enough for Gwen to move on. At least that is what she was telling herself. Ten years of therapy, ten years of forcing herself to move on, Gwen continued to reinvent herself every time she found herself slipping back into her old self. The people pleaser. The naive one. The sweet girl. The lover. She was sick of it all. She became independent, outspoken, and loyal to herself, prepared to weather any storm alone.

But at the moment, while waiting for the cable car, she was grateful that she wasnโ€™t alone. The packed snow still clung to the bottom of her boots as she stood next to Owen, their shoulders touching for a form of contact that she needed in order to ground her. This was an event she had thought about backing out of so many times. She had practiced what she would say to Mrs. Winters but she was never able to make the call. Instead, she would sleep over at Owenโ€™s place and talk about her concerns before doubling down on the decision to attend. She would be damned if she was the only person to not show up. The ride up the mountain was tense but light conversation made it pass as she nervously picked at her nails, her dark gaze darting around, waiting for the ski lodge to appear.

When they reached the top, the air in her lungs felt constricted and her legs were almost numb. Somehow she managed to get out of the car with Owenโ€™s help and she looked at the lodge with a sharp glare, her eyebrows furrowing, and her grip tightening around the straps of her bag. โ€œWhat the fuck is wrong with them?โ€ She could see the purple banner being taken down by what appeared to be Nolan, but she couldnโ€™t wrap her head around the fact that it was up there at all. โ€œI really hope they didnโ€™t throw us a party, that would be so creepy.โ€ Despite the fact she had been close with the Winters due to dating Kirk for years, she didnโ€™t stay in touch past just a few years after the accident. It was too painful for everyone involved.

The walk into the lodge was like arriving in a time capsule and she didnโ€™t know how to feel about it. She looked at everyone in attendance, twitching ever so slightly at the appearance of Maeve. Well, that was actually surprising. Looking away, Gwen took off her boots and coat and put them with the others. Her body moved from memory the habit of coming to the lodge during winter break flooding back immediately upon entering the building. With a small wave of her hand, Gwen held her head high and walked through the main room toward where the bedrooms were. She slowed upon reaching Kirkโ€™s room and she almost entered out of habit but she stopped herself. Why the fuck would she stay in there? Tearing herself away, she passed by her old room and headed towards a different one, the one that Owen normally slept in. Opening the door, she tossed her bags on the bed, a shaky breath leaving her as she did so.

โ€œI can do this. I can do this.โ€ Gripping the footboard of the bed, she closed her eyes, allowing herself to take it all in and adjust. She just had to survive for a week, that was it. She could do that.
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The drive up to the lodge was fairly uneventful. Patrick tapped his steering wheel in time with the songs that blared through the speakers, only pausing when he needed to shift gears. He never used to drive up to the lodge alone. He'd usually catch a ride with someone else in the group, so they'd be talking and laughing the entire drive. It always seemed to fly by, though that was no longer true. He wasn't particularly dreading the reunion, though thinking about the circumstances bringing them all together once more was uncomfortable.

Pulling into the drive, he was relieved to see a couple of cars already parked and emptied. He was relieved to not be the first to arrive nor the last to arrive. Comfortable right in the middle. The cold bit at his cheeks as he exited his car with his bag slung over his shoulder.

He looked out at the mountain as the cable car climbed in elevation. His last memories here were awful, sure, but he couldn't help but also remember all the good times they had. The laughter, the games, racing down the slopes. Twisted up with the horrible, there was so much good. He had no hesitation in accepting the invitation from the Winters when they called. His friendship with the twins ended on terrible terms, but they died at such a young age and with no opportunity for amends, how could he say no? Plus, he lost touch with most of the group, save for a select few, so it would be nice to see everyone again.

The cable car came to a halt and he exited, looking up at the lodge he once spent so much time at. It looked pretty much exactly the same as he remembered. Walking through the door, he found himself behind Nolan taking off his shoes. He caught a glimpse of the familiar banner in his hand before it was shoved into a closet. He could feel the tension in the room despite just arriving. It must have been much weirder to arrive before it was taken down.

Patrick took off his shoes and jacket, dropping his bag in a corner so that he would remember to take it up to his room later. He greeted everyone with a fist bump as he passed by. Sitting down on the opposite end of the couch as Nolan and Maeve, he looked around the lodge once more.

"It's really nice to see everyone again. Not too much has changed for me, but somehow I was allowed to become a doctor. Well, not a real doctor, but I've got a doctorate in physical therapy now, so that's how I spend most of my time. Sounds more impressive than it actually is."

Of course, Nolan and, by extension, Maeve knew this. He had reconnected with Nolan some time ago. However, the others may be surprised to learn that Patrick managed to excel after struggling to maintain his grades throughout high school. It took a lot of work and the occasional tutoring session, but he managed to do it. Aside from the fact that he was in a career he actually enjoyed, he loved joking about how he was technically a doctor, though he hated being addressed as such. Hopefully, the conversation would help bring down the tension he'd noticed when he walked in.

"Funny how time flew. I didn't mean to lose contact with everyone, but that doesn't matter now since we're all here."

the jock


  • filler tab!

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
Astrid Cho
ski resort
Astrid stood at the edge of the parking lot noticing the rest of the parked cars it seemed she was at least one of the last people to arrive and maybe this was her opportunity to go back inside her car and turn back, ignoring the invitation and not seeing once again the people that once were an important part of her life, but now there were nothing more than strangers and she knew the sentiment was reciprocated.

But despite her sentiments, Astrid still decided to attend this unusual gathering. She knew for sure she had already moved on; she had her own life the way she dreamed of and worked so hard off despite what most people would think of her, nor did she have unresolved feelings towards the twins; maybe Lauren messed up her chances at her dream school. But she had already moved on from that. Why was she coming back to the place? Where everyone, including her, stopped being the same people once they were.

The distant groan of the cable car cables echoed loudly around her, was this even secure after all those years, Astrid wondered or maybe she never noticed the state of the cars as the last time she was on them, the car was filled with everyoneโ€™s voices and imagining all the things Nolan and her would do together; she was definitely down bad back then and now that she thought about it was a kind of stupid.

Once she made it the anxiety settled heavily in her chest, a burden she hadnโ€™t expected to feel. Why was she feeling that way? The deaths of Lauren and Kirk werenโ€™t her fault and nor did she obligated all of them to stop talking to her, although the last part she could be at fault. When she was inside, she heard the voices of the people she once called friends; as she made it to the room, she was received by the presence of Maeve, Patrick, and no other than Nolan when she took notice of Nolanโ€™s arm around Maeve, she felt a sting on her heart, listen she wasnโ€™t still hung up on Nolan after ten years, but when you were scribbling โ€œFuture Mrs. Parkerโ€ on your diary just for the guy to stop answering your phone calls and disappearing without leaving a trace and not even having the decency to break up with her it made her furious, maybe the reason she was here was not to mourn and close Kirk and Lauren, it was just to smack that guy and come in terms with their failed relationship.

โ€œIt seems everyone is already catching up about their lives, but congrats on your doctorate Patrick, thatโ€™s some big news, and sorry eavesdrop I heard what you guys were talking about when I arrived.โ€
She said taking a seat next to Patrick,
โ€œBut why donโ€™t you guys tell us what have you been up to, it seems everyone has some surprises to share with the class. Donโ€™t you think so?โ€

the lakes - taylor swift
coded by stardust galaxy

Maeve couldn't just sit around as Nolan took down the decorations, so she decided to carry their bags upstairs. She unlaced her shoes and slipped them off after handing her jacket to Nolan. She slung the bags over her shoulder and walked off towards the bedrooms. It had been so long, but the route was familiar as if she were still in high school. She paused at the door that led to the room she used to stay in but decided to keep going towards Nolan's. Dropping the bags on the bed, she immediately turned to go back to the main room. She hated being aloneโ€” especially here.

Nolan had walked outside just before she returned to the main room. Looking around, she decided to sit on the couch, which was something her younger self would have never done. It was too central, too noticeable. She would be an easy target. Though, it was hardly a second thought now. She settled in the corner, leaning against the arm of the couch. She bounced her leg nervously as Nolan finished up.

From the way she was treated in high school, especially by the twins, Maeve became keenly aware of others' emotions. She could read the subtle expressions on their faces, sense the tone in their voices, and analyze their body language with ease. She'd built this skill to try and keep herself in their good graces, but that never seemed to happen. However, it helped to know what was coming so she could brace for whatever was thrown at her. It was instinct by now, a habit she had yet to break (one she doubted she ever would). Gwen's reaction to her presence said everything that she did not. Thank god Nolan walked in when he did.

Despite how she was feeling, she couldn't help but return the smile Nolan gave her and leaned into his side as his arm came to rest over her shoulders. However, she had begun to regret not choosing her usual seat in the corner of the room. Patrick told them all about how he'd ended up as a physical therapist, though she'd seen him quite a few times since the party that sent the group in different directions. She was too focused on him to notice Astrid entering the lodge, her voice caused Maeve to jump in surprise.

Maeve pulled her knees to her chest. Now she was certain that she should have sat in the corner. She knew exactly what Astrid was asking about and could tell it wasn't because she was happy to hear what they'd been up to for the past decade. It took Maeve a moment to decide if it was a good idea to say anything at all but she decided to be brave and bite the bullet.

"Well, I'm nowhere near as impressive as Patrick, but I did go to college for art history. After graduation, I started helping my grandfather with his antique shop and I've fully taken it over now that he can't work anymore." She paused a moment before answering what Astrid was actually looking for. "Nolan and I reconnected a little over four years ago. Been dating for nearly a year now."

Of course, she left out the years of therapy and her handful of not-so-great relationships that have happened along the way. That's not what was being asked about and honestly, probably nobody wanted to hear all about the doom and gloom. It was hard enough being here already.

the ugly duckling


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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