Darkness Rising (Actual RP)


Care Bears... prepare to stare!
*Pure girls start at Kira Kira Cafe

*Pure boys start at Acorn Cafe

*Dark hearted start a Devil's Den dance club/bar

Ayra sat in a round booth at the Devil's Den dance club. His brown hair curtained over his sepia eyes which held an almost manic glow. His pink full lips curled up into a twisted grin as he watched the people he dubbed as morons, dance to the blaring music. Casscada's Evacuate the Dance floor blasted from the speakers. He huffed and blew a few strands of hair from his face.

He looked down at his familiar Poku as the young cat-like creature sat on the fifteen year old boy's lap. He was the newest recruit of the Dark Magi he had just signed a contract with the contract demon just a few days before. He was more then happy at he offer for power and took it with greed. His finger ran over a scar over his right eye. " As long as I get to kill a few useless souls, I'll be happy." he laughed but it was drowned over the blasting music.

Rhia ran his hand through his spiky red hair, pushing it back out of his face to reveal his equally bright red eyes. Tying the black apron around his waist, Rhia checked the mirror. He was wearing a complete butler's suit, but, it seemed that he was missing something. Glancing around the change room, Rhia's flaming red eyes landed on the white gloves laying on the counter. Grinning happily, Rhia slipped on the white gloves and emerged from the changing room.

"How do I look?" Rhia asked jokingly, twirling around so that the other employees could see his new uniform. Rhia had gotten the job at Acorn Cafe not too long ago, they just walked up to him and asked if he wanted to work at their cafe. Deciding that some work experience would be good, Rhia accepted the offer with a big smile. Suddenly, he was pulled out of memory lane by a small tug on his pants. Looking down, Rhia spotted his familiar, Naga. Picking her up, Rhia pet the small grey cat gently.

Naga seemed to grin at Rhia, showing off her unnaturally sharp teeth. "You look great." Naga pawed at Rhia's tie, trying to get it off.

Rhia laughed lightly, placing the cat back down and fixing his tie. "Aren't you a sweetie, Naga?" Opening the doors, Rhia entered the cafe, ready to serve the customers.
Angel was tending to the customers "Welcome to the Kira Kira Cafe,How may I help you master?" Angel smiled brigthly at the new customers and took their orders "I'll be right back,don't go anywhere" Angel went off to get the customers orders. Meanwhile Liberta was on stage dancing to Ciara's I'm out shaking what his mama gave him along with his familiar amoure. All was peaceful in the cafe at least for now anyway
Tom swirled around and served three people their coffee as he went back to polishing the bar. He then heard and caww and looked out the window. There he was. He stepped outside and the eagle (known as Heart) landed on his shoulder. "What's wrong," he asked. "Other magical people working with you," Heart replied. Tom then twitched and a little Caricon came out before he covered it up. "Not yet. Just stay here and I'll investigate further." "Be careful," Heart cawed as Tom entered the cafe'.
(You do. You all on the Pure Side work with each other so you know who is and isn't magi)
Rhia threw open the doors, causing quite a disturbance in the cafe. Realizing what he had done, Rhia chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uhh...Sorry?" After apologizing, everyone went back to normal, eating their food, drinking their coffee, etc.

Walking up to one of the tables, Rhia put on his best charming smile and said, "What can I get you, princess?"

The woman sitting in the table had a light blush on her face as she stuttered out, "I'll j-just hav-ve some c-coffee..." Rhia scribbled down the table number and the word coffee onto a piece of paper.

"Coming right up!" Rhia smiled at the woman, winking at her playfully. "Anything else?" The woman shook her head, face as red as a tomato.

Rhia walked over to the counter and began to make some coffee for the woman, unaware of the new customer entering the cafe.
Kal poured the steamed milk into the coffee mug, finishing off the latte with a leaf design in the milky foam before putting it on the server's ledge next to a cheese croissant. "Tom! The latte and a croissant for table 14 are ready!" He smiled at the artistic flair he'd given the latte before turning away from the counter towards Rhia's voice.

His eyebrows shot up in surprise at Rhia's new butler uniform. It was a little too...otaku...for Kal's tastes, who was dressed rather plainly in a pair of dark jeans and a navy button-up shirt thrown loosely over a black t-shirt which sported the molecular structure for caffeine screenprinted in white. He had folded the apron down so it covered his jeans, but left the chemistry joke visible for all to see.

"Splendid, Rhia. You look good enough to help me caffeinate this rather large line of people," Kal nodded towards the lineup of impatient customers that were waiting to be seated. "Can you grind up some more espresso for me, Rhia?" Sweeping his mouse-blonde hair out of his hazel eyes, Kal returned to the task at hand.

Eremiel, Kal's familiar, appeared to be a stone sculpture of an angelic girl. She was about the size of Kal's forearm, and currently she was perched atop the espresso machine, looking down. She never seemed to move- but every time Kal looked at her she seemed to change positions. When he glanced back up at her, she was looking back at him with an impish smile pasted on her stone face. Her girlish, disembodied voice said, "Kal, can you make me an iced tea when you have a minute?"

Kal gave her one of his rare scowls, muttering, "How do you even eat or drink, anyways?" He blinked, and Eremiel's expression changed. She had one eyebrow raised and smile playing at her lips. "Well, time moves rather differently for me," she replied.
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Rhia looked up at Kal and nodded, agreeing to help him with the coffee. Placing the cup of coffee in front of the woman from before, Rhia quickly grabbed a mug and began using the second espresso machine.

Feeling a familiar tug on his pants, Rhia looked down at Naga, who had her best kitty eyes on and gestured to the box of sugar cubes with her head. Laughing silently, Rhia swiftly snuck the cat a small cube of sugar, and swiftly went back to work with a little smile on his face.

Naga held the sugar cube in her mouth, letting it dissolve from her saliva. "Thank you!~" Naga giggled, jumping up on the counter and sat down next to Eremiel. Looking into the statue's eyes, Naga seemed to be having a silent conversation with the other familiar. In the end, the cat familiar let out a loud chuckle, and fell of the coffee machine, narrowly missing a mug of caffeine.
(cute. :3 I'm imagining that naga and emeriel were jus silently teasing their humans. anyways, imma wait to post until a few others have had a chance to introduce their charries. :) )
(Make a good guy char)

Tom took the food and served it to the people at the table. "Thank you for ordering at Little Acorn Cafe'. He then went back to the bar and began serving coffee and donuts. When he got a message from Heart. "I'm bored." Tom laughed at this. Heart had been with him since birth. His parents way of protecting him. And his personality was mirrored by Heart. "Well then talk to the other familiars," he responded smiling at the next customer as he got the next customer his donuts.
Xavier currently sat in an area behind the restaurant and began to rest. Sol and Umbra were currently curling around his neck, providing him with warmth. He removed his black vest and adjusted his white dress shirt. He was finally on break aftrer hours of working. This was easily the highlight of his day. He wasn't cut out for this job. He couldn't talk to the customers, so Sol and Umbra would transmit his thoughts, as if he had said them out loud . He released a sigh as he ran his hands through his dark blue hair. 'Who picks a cafe for a base anyways?' The location made no sense to him. He would've been fine if they were in some secluded building or a hidden base, but this was the exact opposite. They sat in plain sight and he was forced to wear this rediculous outfit. 'I hope today ends faster than usual.'
Kaze sat in the club nearest to the door with a smirk on his face. Oh well, you've lost control again... now i think it is time to have some fun. Kaze then got up from his seat and started to walk toward ayra. His smirk still on his face waiting for the next mission to plunge his heart into more darkness. Kaze's Familiar Mortem, followed closely behind him (dark familiar).

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On his way back to the customer's Angel spots Xavier on break "Oh hey Xavier,Your favorite time of the day isn't it?" Angel smiled and went out to the customers "Master I am back here is your coffeee and moe omelette,Please enjoy and don't hesitate to ask for anything else I'm only a call away" Angel went to the kitchen. Liberta finished his set and sat down next to Xavier "Phew be happy you serve and don't entertain it really take the life out of you" Amoure came and sat in Liberta's lap "Liberta I'm so tired" she said and curled up in the crook of his arm falling fast asleep

"I- I'm so sorry, miss, I didn't-" Well. That was one whole tray of danishes and cakes and one cup of coffee that would never be seeing the light of day again. Lyrell scrambled to fix it, soft apologies falling past his lips at the girl he had been serving tapped her foot impatiently. He had at least managed to get most of the plates back up on the tray - and the broken bits of the ones that had shattered - but moving the food was significantly more difficult, especially while trying not to get any stains on the white gloves of his uniform.

He'd been working at the Little Acorn Café for three weeks now and this wasn't the first time such an incident had occurred - in fact, it seemed like something that happened at least once a day if not more often. Flustered, he continued to apologise as he finished cleaning up, grabbing the tray of food that could no longer be served and hurrying back to the kitchen to get his customer replacements, utterly mortified at his mistakes. As he set about throwing out the broken plates and cleaning the sullied one Kree, his white puffball of an attachment, landed on his shoulder, making a soft 'mrr'ing in an attempt to soothe him.


"Follow me to your table," Aymee's voice was as cool and monotone as ever as she offered a hollow smile to the group of four - three girls and one boy they had managed to drag with them - picking up four menus and leading them to the back of Kira Kira Café to a small, sweetly decorated table. She quickly seated them all and gave them their menus before moving back to the front desk again, where she was working as hostess for the day. She offered a stony glance to the next set of customers - this really wasn't her sort of work at all, she was terrible at customer service - looking them over before asking, in a clipped tone, "How many in your party?"

Two, obviously enough. Another 'follow me' and the process began to repeat.


Now this was a hideout he was more than cool with sharing. Lysander was in the thick of the crowd, out on the dance floor, grinding against someone who he only knew the hair colour of. Maya, the sleek silver Egyptian Mau who had attached herself to him the day he made his contract, watched from the bar, her tail tip flicking in disapproval. He could hear her chastising tone already, could imagine all the things she'd tell him about wasting his time playing with people far beneath his talent set. No doubt as soon as he came off the dance floor she'd pounce on his shoulder and start lecturing.

Let her. For now I'm going to have fun and she can't stop me! he thought, sticking out his tongue in the cat's direction before turning his attention back to his dance partner, laughter pulling free of his throat only to get lost in the cacophony of sound that always swallowed the club. Oh yes. This was how to live!
( i honestly can't wait to see your character's become Magical Boys..BTW Nico are transformation phrases required? because the should be xD )
Ayra looked up at the other Dark Magi approaching him. His mouth formed into a twisted grin and he played with a few heart seeds. He was eager to use those and soon. His familiar gazed up at him "What are you thinking of, master?" Poku asked. "Not much, I'm just getting bored." Ayra huffed, Poku grinned "I chose you to make a contract for a reason, Master Ayra."

Ayra looked up at Kaze "Please tell me you have something for me to do." he said in an almost pleading tone. (kaze)
(They really should be. *modelled Lyrell after Lettuce from Tokyo Mew Mew and isn't even sorry, will probably steal her transformation sequence*)
Ronkaime said:
New ( i honestly can't wait to see your character's become Magical Boys..BTW Nico are transformation phrases required? because the should be xD )
(Hell yeah they are > :D
(I was thinking that people should find theme songs to go with the transformations)
(*will probably also steal a lot of Zakuro things for Aymee because I can* Too much Mew Mew stuff but I can't help myself)
"Well, that depends how close do you want to use those heart seeds near the Acorn Cafe?" Kaze smirked while saying this. He pulled out a couple of his own and his smile faded for only a moment but then returned. "Only a fool would conceal the heart seed's thirst." He pocketed them again and his familiar Mortem smirked saying, "yes, a good spot for them would be right under those acorn cafe pigs nose. A couple of new dark magi for them to deal with and us to reel them out should they be dumb enough." Kaze looked down at Mortem and smiled saying "now THAT is a great idea."

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