Darkness and Light, Love and Hate [Inactive]


Evil Mastermind of the keyboard
DarkWolf13 submitted a new role play:

Darkness and Light, Love and Hate - The Dark World and The Light World draw ever closer, bringing with them a sense of foreboding doom.

  • Once upon a time, two worlds were born into the darkness that was the Maelstorm. There was something different about these worlds though, something that made them far more unique than ever imagined. They were twins, born intertwined, and dependant upon each other for survival. One, a beautiful place, was called the Light World. The other, a barren wasteland, was called the Dark World. These dual worlds flourished, and life blossomed in each. However, this new life, though...

Ike stood at the brink of the cliff, letting the wind rush over him. Here was a crossroads, a place of decisions. There wasn't any going back, only going forward now. Just nothing but the path ahead. He sighed, and turned away. The Darkling girl had disappeared, and he still didn't know her name. Walking down the winding path that snaked its way across the face of the cliff, he hardened his resolve. Perhaps it was his destiny that she had shown up to turn his whole life upside-down. Either way, it was time to put the past behind him, and make his own path. He stepped, and fell into nothingness. Blinking, Ike realized that he must of fallen into one of the many portals that randomly appeared anywhere and everywhere. There were ways to guard against them, he knew, as well as ways to spot them, but he hadn't been paying any attention. He broke back into light, and squinted.

[Enter somebody else?]
Rain poured over Saysha's face, the sky dark and gloomy. This of course wasn't unusual in the Dark World, but was quite saddening at times. She stood under the small umbrella that she had, as Sage and Buttercup shivered in the cold. But her attention was not on them. Her eyes looked on at the portal across the street, so close and beckoning, yet it frightened her so. Where would it take her? What if the Lightling World she had only heard of was a waste land, just like the Dark World. She felt that the burden of her parents who had been searching for her for months was too great. Scooping the little kittens into her arms she felt her legs walking, jogging, running at full speed towards the portal. And then, she a jolt, as she was cast to another world.
Robert had been resting near the street corner after giving one of his little... speeches. The people responded as usual, saying things like "Those Darklings are EVIL! Why should we have peace?" but as usual, one lightling came out of the crowd after they beat Robert, and said "I hear your message... I agree completely..." the progress was slow, but sure..

As Robert sat there, he thought about everything that had happened, when suddenly, the portal down the alley next to him opened up, and a boy came through, first landing on his hands, then rolling onto his back, the boy.. was a lightling A lightling? coming from the Dark World? Robert thought that doesn't make any sense.... Then he rushed over to the boy, "A..are you okay?" he asked in what he hoped was a soothing voice, but probably came out cracking and pathetic.
Ike squinted up at the face, obviously a Lightling, but...he jumped up, mentally cursing himself. He definitly had not meant to return yet, especially since his king had put a bounty on his head. "I'm perfectly fine." Then he got hit in the back as someone else came running through the portal. He went down, hitting the ground and rolling back to his feet. It was a Darkling girl. That was enough to pause his blade, which had gotten pulled out of its sheath due to his reflexes. Ike's eyes widened.
Saysha looked up at the shining blade that was at her throat and her eyes widened and she backed away, holding the kittens tighter. “I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you it's just that..........please don't hurt me. Please.” she said closing her eyes, waiting for him her slice her.
"Hey, hey, hey... " Robert said, "just calm down, I'm sure we can figure this all out together... " The Darkling girl seemed afraid, so he walked up to her, brushed away the Lightling's blade, and gently hugged the girl, "it's okay, no one's going to hurt you..." he said softly.
Ike lowered his blade, still staring at the girl. "I....I should be sorry." He looked at the other Lightling, who seemed to be quite friendly with the Darkling, something that Ike didn't see very often.
"should be? yes.. but are you?" Robert asked, "my name is Robert Outfleet.. I'm one of the few Lightlings that feel that there should be peace between the worlds."
Color filled Saysha's cheeks. “I-I'm Saysha.” she said. “What are you doing?” she asked, having never been hugged before.
Ike sighed, and let his sword drop to his side. "First things first. What kingdom is this? I understand if you are friendly, but I worry about anyone else." He looked back at Saysha. "And especially with other Lightlings around." As if to prove his point, a Lightling child ran by the alley mouth, ignoring its occupants on his way to chase after a ball.
"this?" Robert asked, "It's a hug... people do it for many reasons.. to comfort you is why I'm doing it now... would you like me to stop?" 
"I don't know or care which kingdom this is, " Robert said, turning to the Lightling, "I advocate the dissolution of 'kingdoms'"
Saysha snuggled closer. “No.” she said as Sage and Buttercup pranced over to Ike and started rubbing against his legs.
Ike sighed, getting flustered. "Listen, for some people it is importa-" He broke off as the kitten began rubbing against his leg. It was hard to ignore the adorableness of the cute animal, even for Ike. He gave in after a moment, and picked it up, petting it. "You aren't worried at all...? And if you must know, I'm Ike."
Saysha looked over Robert's shoulder and looked to see Ike petting Sage. She pointed at the kitten. "That's Sage. I'm a little surprised though, she almost never takes a liking to anyone."
Ike smiled as he petted the kitten named Sage. "I guess I'm surprised as well. I'm not a very likeable person." He glanced wearily at the alley entrance, and then moved to block sight to Saysha. After all, Lightlings couldn't be afraid of what they couldn't see.
Vex was walking in the rain all knowing he was being followed. But by who he asked himself. They seemed intent on following him. He ignored this at the wrong moment for they charged him knocked him to the ground and exposing his wing to the public. People started screaming for his face was exposed from his robes leading to a explosion of hatred from the lightlings he was an Darkling spy to everyone and theses people holding him down had a bloodlust in their eyes. He could not reach his blade they kicked and punched him cracking bones in his body. They had put a knife through his leg and put several holes in his wing leaving him bloodied and left for dead. As they left their leader said your parents send their regards. He struggled to move and blinked to a nearby allyway entrance. And saw a few people conversing he muttered the word help before collapsing and blacking out.
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Ike looked over at the commotion curiously. It seemed as if...was that a flurry as darkness among the Lightlings? Were they...beating someone? Ike itched to intervene, but that would spell certain death, and make matters worse than they already were. Lightlings, he knew, were dangerous when united. Ike would be quickly overwhelmed, and self-preservation was more important to him. But the Lightlings left, and he could see that the figure that they had been beating was still alive. It was a Darkling. He blinked in surprise as it suddenly appeared in front of him. Ike knew that Darklings were legendary for their magic, but he'd never seen one teleport before. Ike moved foward as the Darkling fainted, catching him before he hit the ground. With a quick look around, he picked up the Darkling and walked back torward Saysha and Robert.
Saysha parted from Robert's arms and ran over to the Darkling in Ike's arms. "His thoughts are dark and sick." she said, her eyes blazing over Vex. Buttercup came over and pawed gently at his face, mewing to him urgently.
Vex's thoughts swirl to the past when he was cast out for wanting to have a different destiny. What his family called him and what they said they would do to him. They said they would track him down and have him humiliated to the cruelest extent. The rage and sadness in his heart grew. They were right and for thinking different he was no longer part of the family he was outcasted to live on his own and struggle with his own thoughts. He remembers weeping as a child and the unforgivingness of his parents to tell him the beating was to make him stronger. He hated them he hated leaving his sister who would be inducted into the same tourture as he had endured for the time he was with them. A tear rolled down his eye.
Saysha saw the tear that escaped his eye. A strange sense of compassion she had never felt for anyone before filled her. She wiped the tear from his eye. "Don't cry. You'll be alright." she said softly. "C'mon, wake up." she said shaking him.
Vex eyes opened quickly and he gasped for air his pupils were dialated. He looked around franticly. Then coughed blood and realized he had broken bones a tried to relax while the blood dripped from his mouth. Im sorry we made an aquantence with me in this state, ive been worse but this is still bad. His hand ignites in flames and he then hesitantly puts his hand on the wound on his leg searing it shut. He cringes at the pain. That should stop the external bleeding. Thanks you for picking me up. Im weak and pitiful in this state you should leave me to die. But for your hospitality i should give you what money i have. He weakly took his had and unhinged a small leather bag full of coins and motions for the girl to take them.
Tearlach had been, as usual, sitting in the shadows. He was an expert people-watcher, having done only basically that his entire life. At this moment, he had been watching Saysha. He knew about her running away. They had crossed paths every so often...or...rather...she had crossed his path every so often...again...with him always wanting to stay hidden. He grew fond of watching her...able to bond with her running away, as he, too, ran away when he was younger. However, this episode of people-watching was different, as she had been standing staring into nothingness for a while before charging straight into...nothingness. She had, actually, turned into nothingness!

How interesting!!! he thought, absolutely thrilled with the possibility of turning into nothingness! That was his dream! To become invisible, to disappear!

He peered around him, only sliding his eyes around. Seeing as no one was nearby, he carefully and silently took a step forward. He continued his tip-toeing until he reached the spot where Saysha had disappeared. He waved his hand around, hitting nothing with it. He looked around again for a split second, then backed up slowly, enough for him to get a running start. With one last look around, he, too, charged at the ...nothingness. He felt a surge of some sort of energy before his sense of balance and direction completely went bonkers! He closed his eyes, trying to regain his senses, which then lead to him having impact to a floor.

He re-opened his eyes and could not help but cringe and groan at the baring light. All his life he had been in the shadows. All he wanted was to disappear...instead he was exposing himself to the world...and hating it...absolutely hating it. He curled into a ball, trying to use his dark clothes and leathery wings to conceal himself.

Was this the dreaded Lightling World they had all been talking about?!

"No, no, you keep your money. I just want to make sure your ok-" before she could finish her setence the portal opened once again and Tearlach came out. Her eyes widened. I've seen him before, I catch him watching me sometimes. she thought. She turned back toVex and quickly whispered. "Get a doctor and get well." she looked to the rest of them and quickly said. "May I all see you all again, soon." she said before running away in a direction sh did not know.

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