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Fantasy Dark World reboot OOC

yes!!!! <3333333 wifey! :D

why?? :o

ohhh poor bebe girly getting nosebleed from hawtie! ;)

i know the babies! :o

i also dont really know what Syphes signature is LOLz

wait wut XD whats this mean?

^33^ hehe~ *hugs back* hi hi~ wifeyyy
it means I think those two powerful women should be in love :angelD:
Could I get a general layout of the building? I remember Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko saying was 3-5 floors?
Or is it up to our own interpretation within reason?

Oh and is Anesha still around the base too?
And I offically re read all 28 pages. damn we did leave off in a pretty good spot. Right when we got to our new base. Svitch is destroyed and all the baddied (Hidden) have just revealed a new goal of killing someone. Woooo
I need to re-read the rp myself and see what I missed after I poofed. But would it be safe to say that Kaia was probably brought with the other survivors to the new base? I feel that after the battle, she probably fell into a type of mild coma as her body tries to start healing, which I can then wake her up as soon as I'm read to join y'all in the new rp. So to whoever is taking care of her, feel free to mention/interact with her lifeless body until I can set up a reply, lmao.

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