Dark Heresy Game


Mister Zero
Roleplay Type(s)
Well, I'm very much in the mood to GM the games I know I can. Are there any out there interested in fighting beings from beyond in the name of the Emperor of Mankind?

I'm looking to run a long term game for this wanting as least three players to serve as new Acolytes to an Inquisitor. I'm willing to run a game for faithful or more radical storylines if I get interest in this. Game will focus on investigation and fighting the terrible things man shouldn't know about, etc.

More will be figured out if there is interest.


Books allowed for Charcter Creation

- Dark Heresy Core Rulebook

- Inquisitors Handbook

- Radicals Handbook

- Disciples of the Dark Gods (For Psychic Powers Only)
I'm a sucker for Dark Heresy, sign me up. Soon as I find out who has my DH book, I'll be able to provide a character concept.
Yes, I have no issue with a Sister of Battle PC. Just means I'll make a Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor which is my favorite kind anyways.
Orzhov said:
Yes, I have no issue with a Sister of Battle PC. Just means I'll make a Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor which is my favorite kind anyways.
I am not the best on the lore, but I will make a solid ol' college try to give the books a good readin'

I just used to play 40k with sisters of battle, burn the heretics, all that. Can you recommend a good book I can skim through for your setting or something for sisters?
Well, Dark Heresy and the Inquisitor's Handbook have sufficient background in them. Lexicanum should likely have a good article on the Adepta Sororitas as well so you can get an idea of SoB stuff for a refresher.
I'd also be up for a good Dark Heresy game, since i'm very fond of Warhammer 40k as a universe and inquisition even more.

I could try almost any class, so i could be considered to fill any necessary role. I have previous playing experience as arbitrator, priest and adept.

(By the way if and when we proceed to character creation, will the extended homeworld options and background packages of Inquisitor's Handbook be allowed or we'll stay to the Core rulebook only ?)
I'll update my initial post with allowed books, but I'm allowing Core, Inquisitor's Handbook and Radicals Handbook for character creation. I tend to make rather flippant Inquisitors who don't give a damn about your background so long as you are loyal to the cause.

I see three interested, therefore this is a go for me. Any others interested are welcome as well.
I'd be interested, though I'm still learning the lore myself.

What sort of posting rate do you have in mind?
Not really sure about post rate, a couple times a week would be nice though. But I also understand reality interferes with plans so I'm flexible with that.
I know I'm in the RT game, but if you happen to have the space I'd like to join with an Adept named Jerusalem.

He's out for the truth, you know.
Well it looks like there is space and you are more than welcome to join in, Grey.
It's like I want to be in the game, but do I want to learn the system that fast? Not sure.
It figures a game would start up between the time I got interested in WH and the time when I could possibly get my hands on any books.

If recruitment is still going on in mid-August, I'll be back
The rules actually are similar to something I've used before, so I'm going to submit interest in this game. Still getting my head around advances, and the rest of it, but I think I can handle it.

Not sure about career path yet. I'm drawn to the Adepta Sororitas from my miniature gaming, but I don't think their extra complexity is something I need right now. I'm actually most drawn to the psyker, which is odd as I tend to prefer meat-smash classes. Reading over the inquisitor's handbook did draw me to the Templar Calix, however, and I could easily see myself going down that path. I need to examine things more closely, however.

Don't wait up on me, though. If you guys want to start now, go ahead. You might add me as an observer, however, so if I come up with something, I don't have to cram the 'Previously on Dark Heresy' into my brain.
Well for now I would like character sheets and backgrounds to see what I have to work with. So no worries.
Which way are we to generate our statistics by the way? Is there an integrated dice roller in the forum or we use some other method?
Hmmm, an excellent question. I believe I will ask that players use a point build system with 110 points to spend on stats, 20 point max expenditure per stat. FP and Wounds will be Max as will starting Thrones.
Considering a Specialist Hiver Scum named Jerusalem. He's a journalist. He's a bit... excitable.

Pic related:

Name: Devi

Height: 1.65M

Weight: 55kg

Skin: Fair

Hair: Long Black Pony Tail

Eyes: Blue

Build: Lean

Age 19

Outfit: Copper barette pulling her silky black tresses into a pony tail. Off the shoulder indigo peasent blouse and sable bodice with matching snug pants and boots laced high. Pack at her hips, shoulder slung rifle case and sword belt, knives hidden all over.

"Die if you must, but not with your spirit broken."

Homeworld: Dusk

Class: Assasin

EXP 400/000


Weapon Skill 30

Balistic Skill 30

Strength 40

Toughness 40

Agility 40

Intelect 25

Perception 33

Will 31

Fellowship 30

Fate 2

Wounds 14

Madness 4 Coruption 1


Awareness (Per) *

Climb (Str) *

Dodge ((Agi) *

Inquiry (Fel) *

Silent Move (Agi) *




Basic Weapon Training: Solid Projectile

Melee Weapon Training: Primative

Pistol Weapon Training: Solid Projectile

Thrown Weapon Training:


Hunting Rifle

Amo 12

Throwing Knives

Amo 10




Other gear:

Corpse hair charm.

3 doses of Stim.


Born and raised amongst roving circus folk and horse merchants on the frightful world of Dusk, Devi was training as dancer, courtesean, and acrobat too draw people in too see the merchendice. In her sixteenth year, she entertained an elder acolyte of the inquistiion who was investigating her caravan for slaneshi activities. It was a diversion, the man having been given false intelegence on the easily scapegoated and she helped him take down a corupt lord, then left with him too serve the inquisition.
Allright. Here follows my character background and statistical representation.

He is Torrian "Thor" Severus, a cunning Arbitrator, hardened by his birthplace (Volg Hive) and by the horrors he has witnessed in the line of duty, yet remaining ever vigilant against the threats of sedition and heresy, a true servant of the Emperor's justice.

Background story

+++Thor Severus’s background+++

+++Scribe Alto Novus, in service to His Most Holy Inquisition – Ordos Calixis+++

+++Encryption Level Red – Authorized personell only+++

“Thought for the day: The Emperor knows, the Emperor is watchingâ€

…Authorization verified…Unlocking files…You may proceed Inquisitor…

…Retrieving relevant data on subject 777….Data found…[/color]

Born to the Hive world of Fenksworld [and grown up to the Volg Hive in particular], young Torrian was a restless boy. After his childhood [not much retrieved from that period your Highness – please accept our humblest apologies] this led him to a gradually increasing involvement with “ill†companies and friendships and eventually to the Underworld.

During his time there, he was introduced to a new style of life, learning to be a smooth talker yet also a decisive enforcer of his superiors’ will when the need would arise. His inquisitive spirit and defiant nature forged him to a valuable asset to his gang and combined with his natural hardiness made him an enemy to be respected and feared by the rest. [Volg hive is very dangerous and surviving through childhood at this place, tends to toughen people quite a lot my Lord]

Yet this was not to last. At some point a – later discovered – traitor infiltrated his gang and, unnoticed by his superiors and slowly but methodically exposed its members’ vulnerabilities to opposing “organizations†that consequently “terminated†them. Disgusted by watching all ideas of loyalty and fellowship falling apart by the actions of that traitor, Torrian decided to unravel his plans and take care of him as well as of the criminal masterminds behind his actions. Such a task though, was not an easy one and Torrian wasn’t certain about who he could trust from his friends and peers. The corrupt police and law enforcement departments of the area were out of the question as well and Thor was soon running dangerously out of options.

It was then that he received a transmission from one of his out-of-planet peers, notifying him about the imminent arrival of a certain individual, a member of the Adeptus Arbites, on a mission to root out the organized crime in Fenskworld, warning Torrian to lay low for some time. [Truth is my Lord that this Arbitrator, whose name I won’t mention here for security reasons – please see Archive 865, file 74, sub-file 11 for further information – was there to uncover the actions of the corrupt law enforcement departments as a Warden of the infamous Divisio Immorallis].

This was the chance that Torrian was expecting. Through this so-called Arbitrator, he would exact his vengeance on his opponents, as well as avoid the wrath of Emperor’s justice as well. After careful planning and much caution, Torrian managed to secure a meeting with the Arbitrator under the guise of an informant, willing to offer valuable help and insight on the workings of the local gangs and underworld dealings, assisting on his mission.

In the beginning, Torrian wasn’t much impressed with him. Not exceptionally strong of body or mean in demeanour – like Torrian would imagine someone who was determined to take down a good part of Fenksworld’s organized crime – yet as they discussed further, his attitude, remarks, careful and methodical approach, almost convinced Torrian that at the very least it wouldn’t be a total waste of time and maybe he would even stand a chance against the organized crime and corrupt police officials of Fenksworld.

What remained then, was to see him in action and confirm if that cautious and methodical arbitrator was good enough to enforce his meticulously reached opinions and judgments, when the subjects at hand weren’t all that eager to agree and submit.

The chance presented itself when news came that some of the local syndicate’s officials [not the highest ranking ones, but they had to start somewhere] would hold a meeting – that was also to be attended by a foreign crimelord’s representative – to discuss their ongoing operations in the local underworld.

The arbitrator planned the course of action with much care – as usual – seeing to it that they’d avoid any unpleasant surprises or sudden and unexpected incidents that would jeopardize the mission’s success as well as the lives of his team’s operatives. For this, Torrian came to respect him even more, as it wasn’t common for someone of authority in the Imperium, to deem those lower than him anything more than expendable means to an end.

The team itself was assembled from select few uncorrupted local law enforcers, [forgive me for saying that Lord, but they weren’t probably offered a hefty share of the illegal transactions by their superiors and that’s why they escaped corruption]

as well as some trusted friends of Torrian and the three operatives that accompanied the arbitrator since his arrival and acted as his personal retinue. All of them, quite capable to deal with this kind of situations and having proven their worth in the past, prepared properly and met in a safehouse near the hab-block that the meeting was scheduled to take place in the following days.

The plan devised by Torrian and the arbitrator was a cunning one, but highly dangerous as well. Knowing that the gang representatives that were about to attend the meeting had never met the off-worlder agent, who was rumoured to offer them a proposition of cooperation for mutual interest [and the interest of their bank accounts might I add], the team planned to kidnap him and then insert one of its own to take his place in order to procure more information and manage to reach the high ranking individuals of the local underworld. The one that was about to undertake this mission and after careful alteration of his feautures – both for obvious reasons – would be Torrian.

When the time came, the team, that had already secured the perimeter around the area through which the target was about to travel, stormed the vehicles, killing most of the gang members accompanying him – “No witnesses guys, remember thatâ€, as the arbitrator made clear to them prior to the incursion – and seized him, alongside his briefcase. This briefcase – by the way – proved extremely valuable to the arbitrator, since its contents much of the criminals’ plan, in contrast to the liaison himself, that was all to reluctant to cooperate, even after getting a good part of his, let’s call it sensitive areas of his body fried, by these – ever useful – portable electrocution devices [handy indeed might I add from having seen them used in many heretics, traitors and scum, opposing His Divine Will].

In the end, he swallowed some sort of poison, hidden inside a cavity in his tooth, to be found dead the following day. [Personally, Highness, If I may offer you a humble esteem of the incident, I think he took it mostly because the pain was too excruciating to bear and given the personality of the interrogation specialist involved, I don’t think it would stop even after revealing all the information he knew, plus a dozen of unaccounted crimes in the region, at the very least. Combine that now with the mind and body numbing properties of the aforementioned poison – almost a happy relief for him – if a final one, might I say.]

So, after getting all the needed information, Torrian, in disguise, went undercover and infiltrated his, all too familiar, underworld society of Fenksworld – only now with a different purpose. Communication with the team was scarce at start to avoid causing unwanted suspicion and also because time was needed for trust to be won, solid evidence to be found and progress to be made, that would provide him with access to the higher levels of the syndicates.

It was one of the most critical and demanding periods in Torrian’s life thus far, yet his background in similar situations, as well as the improvement of his skills while operating with the arbitrator, would give him the capability to overcome the various setbacks and dangers, and in close cooperation with the rest of the group, to succeed in fulfilling the mission’s objectives. And so it happened. Having gradually won the trust of the local crime bosses, Torrian managed to manipulate situations and lead the to various traps and “accidentsâ€. Finally, in one fell swoop, during a night that was truly worthy of remembrance and the peak of this life changing period for Torrian, the arbitrator and his squad stormed into a meeting between the last of the criminal lords and the leadership of the local corrupt law enforcement.

In this operation, that culminated in a confrontation of epic proportions, Torrian witnessed firsthand, the arbitrator’s capabilities and courage in full scale. An excellent combatant – besides being an accomplished investigator – he stormed into room guns blazing, surprising those inside and giving his team a valuable edge in the battle that ensued. Despite getting wounded in the upper torso and left arm, he continued fighting and only ceased when all criminals were either killed or surrender and arrested.

In the days that followed, Torrian, had some very long and thorough conversations with the arbitrator and in the end received a very serious proposal from him – that would apparently change his life [and become the gateway leading him to a life of service in the Imperium and to you now Highness] once and for all.

In recognition of his services to the cause of upholding the Emperor’s justice, the arbitrator considered his past crimes as minor transgressions, that he had already sufficiently atoned himself for and offered him the opportunity to join the organization of the Adeptus Arbites, serving meanwhile as his personal assistant and receiving additional training and field experience that would one day evolve him to a real man, an accomplished arbitrator and a tool of righteous justice in the Emperor’s hands.

Torrian accepted gladly and joined the Adeptus Arbites, progressing all too well under the strict and watchful – yet understanding as well – eye of his patron and his trainers and superiors in the Adeptus Arbites facilities and precincts.

He conducted many successful purges and investigations alongside his mentor and he honed his investigation skills to a razor sharp edge. It is rumoured that he was also heavily involved in the investigation of certain hideous murder cases, displaying an alarming array of disturbing elements, linked by certain patterns and occurring throughout the sector [see relevant archives 459D-subfiles 15,16,56,88, my Lord]. The mere fact that he escaped mentally unscathed from this is a testament to his strong will and determination as well as his faith to Him in Terra and the excellent training he received.

In addition to that, his involvement in those cases and the partial success he had on them, raised some interested looks in the higher echelons of the Adeptus Arbites and his mentor approached him once again with a new proposition. He found him in his appartment, in Hab-block 35-16D and what transpired there is unknown to most. However your Highness, we managed to secure part of their conversation thanks to the Arbites mobile spying drones that were active in the area. Here it follows:

+++Static on screen...+++

Image slowly clearing...Static lessens...Image zooms in...

A balcony...2 people visible, sitting on chairs and probably talking...

+++Drone moves closer...Receiving audio as well now+++

Sounds of discussion, a man appearing older (Subject A), dressed in Adeptus Arbites uniform is talking to the other (Subject B, our man) who appears to be in civilian clothes, naked from the waist up.

- (A)It's good to see you once again young man. I learn your news and you seem to be doing quite well.

- Subject B nods and passes to him something that looks like a bottle.

-(A) From what i was told you were lately involved in some pretty nasty and ...... cases.

-(B) *Lowers his voice* Not something i'd like to discuss if i can help it, old man...Things were strange, pretty damn strange and i saw good men on my squad losing it while conducting these investigations. Heck,....Higgins ended up taking an extended leave for medical reasons and Carter ended up in a Sanatorium, for borderning to insanity.

Subject A stands up, moves closer to subject B.

- (A) I know Thor, I know, this is why i'm here.

Subject B looks up, waits...

- (A) They've noticed you, all your hard work and diligence, your incorrutible nature, the way you solved some of these cases, how you maintained your sanity when others didn't. They're interested in you and sent me to talk to you. To recruit you.

-(B) What are you talking about? Who noticed? and what is all these nonsense about recruiting me? I'm a proud member of the Emperor's Adeptus Arbites and i don't quite intend to leave service yet.

-(A) You don't understand. Let me explain and don't get agitated. Damn it Thor, i think at times that i'm still talking to that flamboyant boy down there in Volg underhive.

-(B) These days are long gone, though i still can't figure out whether it was better back then, for one thing we gave em hell down there, we put all those corrupted bastards in their proper place.

-(A) I remember it as if it was yesterday. Indeed we performed a fine service to the Imperium of Man. And now let us perform another. As you know, there are some cases that simply cannot be explained, some findings that cannot be categorized, some situations that elude even the most perverse criminal mind and avoid the attention of even the most dilligent investigator. There is a group inside our Organization that believes there is reason behind all this, that something else is at work in our Sector, apart from petty criminal activity and serrial killing psychopathy.

This group has been organised in a department within the Adeptus Arbites and is called the Divisio Immoralis.

We, who heed this call, are the Wardens, for we stand vigilant against the signs of heresy, of corruption, of the moral bankruptcy of our society and carefully, ever with subtlety and utmost care, we pick the pieces to a grand puzzle and put them together. It's a thankless job and even worse than the one you're currently doing and as such it isn't fit for everybody.

It takes a special kind of man for this job Thor, one with the nerve to withstand it and the iron will to move on.

I'm sent here to bring you in our ranks. If you agree, then pack your bags and follow me. They're awaiting us in Scintilla. You'll see the capital boy and the leader of the Wardens. Yes, *lowers his voice to a bearly audible level* ........ herself will meet and brief you , once.....there.

-(B) Damn it old man.....and when i just said that nothing could happen to further screw my day....if it is for the good of the Imperium then i'm up for it...

- (A) That's my boy, now pass me that amasec and go get ready.

Subject B withdraws inside the appartment. Subject A reaches to his ear and appears to be talking.

-(A) Yes....agreed...will take him now...reluctant but will come...prepare for immediate extraction, others .....watching... see you there. ......over and out.

At this point conversation ends and subject B moves in. +++Feed ends +++

Our sources inform us my Lord that indeed Torrian Severus joined the Divisio almost a year ago and has since proved exemplar to his line of duty, uncovering many elements concerning cult activity in Scintilla. I trust to your wisdom and that of your peers that he may prove indeed useful for our Order's purposes. Already he has distinguished himself in the field of subtle investigation and the spark of service to the Emperor is still strong within him.

Now, the time has come for Torrian to prove himself and all that he has learnt and experienced, to be up to a task more intriguing, dangerous and serious than anything else he has so far encountered. What will be the outcome remains to be seen my Lord…

+++File end+++

+++Closing archive….+++

Character sheet.

Name: Torrian (his normal name) "Thor" (the name he was known by, during his youth, as a gang member in Volg hive) Severus (his family's surname)

Age: 27

Career: Arbitrator

Current rank: Trooper

Homeworld: Fenksworld (Volg hive)

Hive-class: Ganger scum

Hair colour: Brown

Eye colour: Blue

Skin: Dark

Height: 1,80 cm

Weight: 65 kg

Quirk: Tatoos (Torrian bears an Aquilla tattoo on his left shoulder and an Arbites one on his right. Also a couple more, on various parts of his body, with gang symbols from the underworld society of Fenksworld, a permanent reminder of his troubled past).

Divination: "There are no civilians in the battle for survival".

Wounds: 14

Fate points: 3

Insanity points: 7

Starting wealth: 70 thrones


WS 35

BS 30

S 30

T 37

Ag 30

Int 35

Per 30

WP 40

Fel 30


Speak Language (Low Gothic) ,(Volg hive dialect) [int]

Literacy [int]

Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites) [int]

Common Lore (Imperium) [int]

Forbidden Lore (Cults) [int]

Inquiry [Fel] (talented/+10)


Awareness [Per]

Tech-use [int] (as basic skill - not skilled yet)


Basic weapon training (SP)

Melee weapons training (primitive)

Rapid Reload


Light sleeper

Homeworld traits

Accustomed to crowds

Caves of steel


Born survivor



Shotgun and 12 shells


Brass knuckles


Mesh vest

3 doses of stimm


Arbitrator ID


Uniform (good quality clothing)

Flask of amasec

Starting XP package (400 xp)

"The Calixian pattern killings" background package (from Inquisitor's handbook pg.27) (200 xp)

Forbidden Lore (Cults) (100xp)

Awareness (skilled) (100 xp)

Appearance and Demeanour

Torrian Severus is a serious man, around 27 years old, tall and quite thin. He usually wears his uniform and mesh-vest, high reinforced boots and his long, black leather coat. His various weapons and pieces of equipment are fitted in pockets either in his uniform or his coat and his trusted double barelled shotgun usually hangs by its leather strap from his shoulder.

His look is grim at most times, though he has admittedly a soft spot for pretty ladies and a glass of good amasec, both of which tend to cheer him up quite a bit. He also enjoys good company and the occassional joke. He was quite popular in his precinct and while most of his colleagues knew that he had a very low bullshit tolerance threshold, he could be trusted like no other to provide support and guarantee their safety in the thick of combat.

Having his character forged up in dangerous conditions he remains a bit on edge even today, the look on his blue eyes sharp as a mono-sword, being evident of this. After all he has witnessed, few things can impress him genuinely. He's methodical and mostly calm as his mentor taught him, yet he can become pretty "convincing" when his patience runs out.


The first is from one of the Dark Heresy books and shows how he should be while operating for the inquisition, maintaining certain similarities to an arbitrator but showing also his - let's say - broader scope.

The second is a fantastic picture by Clint Langley - a great warhammer artist - and shows very well how my character could be while a ganger in Volg Hive, as well as how he looks like while operating in similar assignments.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_07/57a8bfb6c8e1d_warhammerpic2.jpg.e213258dea0fce9562c1f0f9499ad58e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23518" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_07/57a8bfb6c8e1d_warhammerpic2.jpg.e213258dea0fce9562c1f0f9499ad58e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_07/warpic3.jpg.b4c8581e12f9e268b7df1b0de4abced2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23519" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_07/warpic3.jpg.b4c8581e12f9e268b7df1b0de4abced2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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