Dark Heresy Game

Really not sure whether to go Adepta Sororitas, or pious Psyker. Maybe I'll just post both! So hard to decide: battle nun with super guns, or mech-voice telekine. SO difficult!
Well, for now I'm going with Adepta Sororitas ( I can't help it! Zealous paladin nun? Yes.)

EDIT: Added name, divination, height, weight, age, a BACKSTORY! (sort of), and remembered to spend my experience.

Flavia Kalta (Human Female Adepta Sororitas)

"Thought begets Heresy. Heresy begets Retribution."



"The Emperor's will is everything I am, Inquisitor..."

"You...ask me of my past? It is already growing faint, but I will tell what I can." The young novice closes her eyes for a moment, before beginning to recite, as if by rote, her past.

"I was taken into the Schola Progenium at the age of 4. My parents served as adept and... an arbitrator on the Emperor's Light, a missionary ship that was lost in the void 20 years ago. My faith was already strong. I had thought myself well prepared to take the challenges that would face me, but still I suffered." The novice's eyes open slightly, as though she were nearing memories closer to the surface. "It was good for me, though. Each obstacle tested me in myriad ways, and as my time there grew to a close, I was inducted into the Adepta Sororitas. It was my proudest moment, having been chosen to serve the Emperor and the Inquisition. I am sure my parents would have been proud as well." Opening her eyes fully, the novice continued, "My time under the Sisters was, perhaps, unremarkable to most. I assume that I have done something that catches your eye, Inquisitor. Why else would this conversation take place? Now, tell me..." Slowly, the novice leaned forward.

"How may I serve the Inquisition?"

Schola Progenium

(Parents: Servants of the Adeptus Terra that disappeared along with their ship)

-Common Lore (Administratum, Ecclesiarchy, Imperial Creed, Imperium, War) (Int) are Basic

-Scholastic Lore (Philosophy) (Int) is Basic

-10 to Charm, Command, Deceive, and Scrutiny vs. the dregs of humanity

Very Hard Willpower tests are at -20 instead of -30


WS 35

BS 40

S 33

T 35

Ag 25

Int 35

Per 30

WP 35

Fel 30

Adepta Sororitas

Literacy (Int)

Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int)

Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)

Common Lore (Imperial Creed) (Int)

Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy) (Int)

Awareness (Per)

Dodge (Ag)

Performer (Singer) (Fel)

Trade (Copyist) (Int)


Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)

Basic Weapon Training (Primitive)

Pistol Training (Las)

Basic Weapon Training (Las)

Pistol Training (SP)

Pure Faith

13 Wounds

3 Fate points


Flail (Flexible, Primitive)

Laspistol (Reliable)

holster, charge pack

Las Carbine (Reliable)

strap, charge pack

Carapace Chest Plate

Mesh Cowl

Aquila necklace

chaplet Ecclesiasticus

Vestments (Good)

4 candles

writing kit

Rule of the Sororitas

Ring of Suffrage (acts as charm)

15 Throne Geld

XP Spent: 400

Ballistic Characteristic Novice Advance

Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy)


Remember how I said I wouldn't be able to get a hold of any DH stuff until August? I should have appended "unless I am as awesome as I am", because I totally got a hold of the corebook and Inquisitor's handbook. I'll have something ready in a couple hours.

EDIT: Not a couple hours. Too many good ideas. Sleep, then character.
Still working up my Psyker to post as well, given another here expressed interest in the Sisters before I did. The Psyker is, at least, more useful at the beginning than a DnD wizard, but not by much.
Here's the sheet for my Adept, Klaus.

There are a few among every thousand unlucky enough to have parents who think that giving an extra name or two to their newborn, or perhaps changing a classic name with an extra twist is a good idea. Perhaps they think it sounds ‘exotic’ or just ‘can’t decide between such good names’. The children of these parents tend to live normal lives. Of course, in every thousand of these cases, there is a more severe case of name overload. And in every million of those cases…and so on and so forth. And there are a lot of planets in the Empire.

It should not be seen as completely outside the realm of possibility, then, that the Emperor allowed upon the agri-world of Heterodyne the healthy birth of one Klausaius Heinerich Hector Alphonse Magdela Cromwell. One cannot help but be somewhat of an outcast when one’s first impression upon every level of schooling is when the teacher calls out your ridiculously long name for attendance, and you are forced to raise your hand and meekly call out ‘here’. Young Klaus was no exception, and was quite the recluse as a small child.

During his enlightening teenage years, Klaus became aware of the fact that his parents were out to make his life miserable, and that everything was unfair to him, and the Emperor clearly didn’t love him as much as He loved everyone else, and that he was doomed to grow up on a boring farm world and live a boring life. He turned from merely reclusive to actively miserable, dressing in black and wearing an obscene amount of makeup (which, in his case, was any at all). He was content to be a gothy spook in the company of the other gothy spooks of the area (not too uncommon on boring, high-tech agri-worlds). He was studious, of course, but mostly the kind of child that makes parents question if they’re doing their job right.

Klaus might have, perhaps, remained this way until he grew out of it, and gone on to lead, as he supposed, a perfectly normal, boring life, if it had not been for the peculiar circumstances of his locale. His parents’ particular farm was one of the kinds in which Heterodyne specialized: a particular type of ancient caffeine supplement called “coffeeâ€. Klaus was exposed to it first when, out of a rebellious teen nature, he decided to steal a cup from his father’s coffee maker, since he felt he was perfectly entitled to ‘adult’ beverages in spite of warnings from the obviously ignorant adults that they would ‘stunt his growth’ (incidentally, he is 15 cm shorter than his shortest close relative, but that’s probably coincidence). Despite its awful taste, he drank the whole thing. The effects were not immediate. He had no idea why his entire day was magical and full of wonder and joy (at least, not until he got home, and his parents easily diagnosed his caffeine buzz). He soon changed course, and became much more cheerful and optimistic (and addicted to caffeine). His manner of dress normalized, and he proceeded into a job befitting his studious nature: archivist for the local administration. One would assume that a glorified gofer would have a hard time remaining cheerful, but he managed.

His recruitment into the Inquisition was one of chance. The Inquisitor was visiting for completely unrelated reasons when he spied the energetic, efficient, and rather intelligent-seeming young Archivist. The call to greater service was not one that the eager Klaus had the slightest intention of even thinking of resistance.

Name: Klausaius "Klaus" Heinerich Hector Alphonse Magdela Cromwell

Age: 25

Career: Adept

Current Rank: Archivist

Divination: "Be a boon to your brothers and a bane to your enemies."

Height: 174 cm

Weight: 63 kg

Skin: Fair

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Purple starburst (naturally brown, needs contacts)

Wounds: 13

Fate Points: 3

Experience: 0/400


WS 20

BS 30

S 30

T 30

A 35

I 45

P 42

WP 40

F 39


Speak Language (Low Gothic)


Trade (Copyist)

Common Lore (Imperium)

Common Lore (Tech)

Scholastic Lore (Legend)


Pistol Training (SP)

Light Sleeper


Homeworld Traits:

Blessed Ignorance (-5 on Forbidden Lore)

Hagiography (Common Lore [imperial Creed], Common Lore [imperium], Common Lore [War] Basic)

Liturgical Familiarity (Literacy, Speak Language [High Gothic] Basic)

Superior Origins (WP +3)


14 gelt

Stub revolver

-Ammo 26

Administratum robes (common quality)



Data slate


Recaf 12 doses


Writing Kit


Scholastic Lore (Legend) 100

Intelligence Characteristic (Simple) 100

Perception Characteristic (Simple) 100

Willpower Characteristic (Simple) 100

Klaus looks scrawny enough to be blown over by a stiff breeze. He’s not, but anybody would believe him if he said it had happened before. His brown hair is a few inches long, and supersedes the concept of “messyâ€, being a tangle that defies physical possibility. There is probably at least one broken comb lost in there, judging by the looks. His face might be considered effeminate if not for the hirsute nature of his ancestry, which prevents him from reducing his facial hair to anything lighter than a 5-o-clock shadow.

Klaus is defined by the word ‘hyper’. He is hyper-intelligent, hyper-active, and, to many, hyper-weird. He is friendly to everyone, and tends to assume that the feeling is reciprocated without severe indication otherwise (which most people would point out is an indicator that his intelligence is only in certain areas of thought). He is, for the most part, curious and willing to take risks, but doesn’t go looking for trouble. Unfortunately for him, his hands can be a bit clumsy, forcing him to drop unbalanced or heavy loads at the worst times. He avoids carrying anything sharp for this reason.
Alright, I'm liking what I'm seeing thus far. Just posting to check and see if anyone else will be posting a character or not since I'm all for getting this started up soon.
Orzhov said:
Alright, I'm liking what I'm seeing thus far. Just posting to check and see if anyone else will be posting a character or not since I'm all for getting this started up soon.
I was going to join... but I see an adepta soritas already up.....

Not sure if you would want two of those :(
Only thing better than nuns with guns?

Lesbian nuns with guns.

Though "bolter bitches" has a better ring to it.
Bardlebee said:
Orzhov said:
Alright, I'm liking what I'm seeing thus far. Just posting to check and see if anyone else will be posting a character or not since I'm all for getting this started up soon.
I was going to join... but I see an adepta soritas already up.....

Not sure if you would want two of those :(
Well, taking into consideration that Norts (who already submitted an Adepta Sororitas character) said he'd also be working on a psyker, plus the fact that so far we haven't any radically inclined characters and our GM-to-be said he might go for an Ordo Hereticus inquisitor, i think you could also submit a Sister of Battle, Badlebee and may the Emperor smile upon you. :D

Also, citizens of the Imperium please refrain from using derogatory names for the manifold servants of the God-Emperor, otherwise you risk being mind-cleansed and assigned to servitor duty. :wink:

Here's hoping for this one to start soon. My Adeptus Arbites ID is my pocket, my leather coat full with my gear and my trusted flask of amasec for the cold nights in the underhive, shotgun loaded and hanging from shoulder, wide-brimmed hat in place and in the mood for some heretic cleansing. And remember gentlemen. There are no civilians in the battle for survival. Ready your weapons, steel your souls, pray to the Allmighty Emperor and go forth in the name of the Inquisition.

(got a bit carried away on this one guys, sorry :) )
Bardlebee said:
Orzhov said:
Alright' date=' I'm liking what I'm seeing thus far. Just posting to check and see if anyone else will be posting a character or not since I'm all for getting this started up soon.[/quote']
I was going to join... but I see an adepta soritas already up.....

Not sure if you would want two of those :(
Well, taking into consideration that Norts (who already submitted an Adepta Sororitas character) said he'd also be working on a psyker, plus the fact that so far we haven't any radically inclined characters and our GM-to-be said he might go for an Ordo Hereticus inquisitor, i think you could also submit a Sister of Battle, Badlebee and may the Emperor smile upon you. :D
I am still going to submit, it won't be later until tonight after I get back from class.
Also, citizens of the Imperium please refrain from using derogatory names for the manifold servants of the God-Emperor, otherwise you risk being mind-cleansed and assigned to servitor duty.
Pitiful worshipers of the false corpse-god! I serve the Lord of Change.
See my brothers. No chaos-tainted filth can stand to our presence and faith. The servants of the Dark Gods shall not be tolerated. Quickly now, we must purge the vile worshippers of Chaos with righteous flame. Burn the heretic, purge the unclean!

Grabs the consecrated flamer, recites the prayers of purification and ignites it.

For the glory of the Emperor!
I'll allow more than one Sororitas, considering they can go down different paths though if you both end up following the same path no worries as well. There will be time to see what happens.
Haku said:
Sisters of battle... burn the mutant, the xeno, the cultist heretic!
That is the sexiest picture on the internet.

Just out of curiosity, are the Sororitas 'nuns' in the sense that they're "married to the Emperor" and therefore chaste, or do we just call them that because they're female and priestly? I don't have plans to have it come up in the game, but I just wanna know if I missed some section of text. I only have two books, after all.
According to Inquisitor's Handbook their archaic title was "Daughters of the Emperor". It was changed to "Brides of the Emperor" by the High Lord Goge Vandire during the Age of Apostasy and then it was changed back again after the Thorian Reformation.

They're a monastic sisterhood, an order (actually including more sub-orders) that constitutes the military arm of the Ecclesiarchy as well as the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Hereticus, as decreed at the Convocation of the Nephilim.

As an ecclesiastical order, accepting females only and being fanaticaly devoted to noone else but the Emperor, valuing purity of body and soul very highly, i'd presume (since it's a bit late at moment and i can't find an appropriate quote) that they take vows of purity etc, and as such their status as "nuns" i think is adequately justified.

[in case i manage to find any direct quotes on this matter, i'll post them as well.]
Things Brickwall can no longer do while playing Warhammer.

1. I cannot seduce the Sororitas, even if my Fellowship bonus is that high.

I expect this list to grow wonderfully.
Pretty sure they would at least maim you for the attempt alone. Success?...That might be too horrible to imagine.

As for double Sororitas? More nuns is always good. Perhaps we could discuss which paths we wish to take?

Also, why do the advances for the Adeptas Sororitas not match their career path map?
Well, they do if you look at it and consider they listed each column together. The Diologous, Hospitaller, and Militant are each their own career path. So they're ranks are listed one after another followed by the Superior and Legatine ranks. This leaves the Sisters diverse is being warriors, savants, or physicians.
So the Almoness and Celestian ranks should say Superior Almoness and Superior Celestian then? Just isn't there because it wouldn't fit on the same line?
Well, as fun as double nun trouble is...we are currently lacking both a psyker and a techpriest. The only reason I didn't make a psyker is because I thought someone was already making one, but if you're sticking with a sororita, I'd like to make a psyker.

Well, I'll draw him up, and we'll see. My project for the day, I suppose.
No, Superior is the rank. It means Sister Superior. It makes that clear in the text right under than rank. They're responsible for running operations in a specific area depending on where they rose up from.

As for the Psyker, go for it.
I think the career advancement chart in Inquisitor's handbook has been errata'd at some point. If you go to the Fantasy flight website and check the support page for dark heresy, it should have the errata pdf there for download and among other things it fixes that as well.
Ah, that might explain the confusion. Yeah there is the fixed chart in the Eratta.

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