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Fandom Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp


The Fifth Horseman
In a modern day Fairy Tail city, the number of Dark Guilds have risen and their power as well. It is up to one guild to save the only city that has not been tainted yet. The guild is called, White Phoenix.


  1. No godmodding or bunnying or Mary-sues/Gary-Stus.
  2. All RPN rules
  3. Romance is allowed but remember to fade to black when stuff gets a little saucy
  4. Swearing is fine. No need to do this "*#!@&*$" just don't take it overboard.
  5. Be nice to all rpers. You don't have to IC but take being a jackass IC to a certain level.
  6. At least 3 sentences. 3 full sentences.
  7. If you are going to use any of the slayer magic don't be too OP unless you are the other (evil) guild master because I will be playing the good guild's master. But the guild masters should just be powerful, not OP.
  8. No death magic
  9. Infinite amount of characters as long as you can keep up.
  10. I would like for this Rp to go on for a while so only join if you won't quit. So post at least once a day.
  11. You can kill others as long as it is ok with the creator.
  12. Have fun!
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Apollo was sleeping in his office when he heard a knocking on his door. It was Solaris. Apollo got up and opened his door to let his white Phoenix in. Solaris went to his bowl of food and starte to eat. Apollo left his office and went to the bar to get a mug of ale. He opened the front doors to let some fresh air in. He looked outside for a second and remembered the good days from hen he was younger. He stayed there for a little bit.
Sawa was resting her head on her arm at the guild halls bar since they was nothing better to do the guild hall didn't need cleaning yet anyway and she couldn't think of anything else to do other than wait and rest but she normally wasn't one to just sit around and do nothing. She decided to think of something to do and seeing some cups nearby she got an idea. She began to make a pyramid out of the cups, starting with a row of 5 then 4 then so on so forth until she got to the last cup which she slowly began to put onto the top until she tripped over her own two feet causing her pyramid to collapse to the floor and shatter luckily she was unharmed and stood up like nothing happened.
Caina inspected the candy cane for sale in the shop and decided that now was the time, today he would taste it after weeks of passing by it. He walked into the store, upon opening the door there was the ring of a bell and the shopkeeper welcomed him. Caina walked right past him with only one goal in mind, the candy cane. He stood inches from it and readied himself. He grabbed one off the shelf and carefully unwrapped it. He unwrapped it halfway and then just held it there. He slowly let it touch his tongue and the moment he got a taste of it his eyes widened and in the next instant he devoured the candy cane. He took no time in grabbing all the candy canes on the near by shelf, he then walked over to the door with them but the shop owner tried to stop him. (from behind his desk) "Sir you can't leave the store without pay-" "Oh just try to stop me." Caina stopped for a second and waited for the man to do something. He didn't, and Caina walked out of the store with 40 candy canes in hand. 'Well that was harsh.' The voice inside Caina's head that was not his own said. 'Like your one to talk, do I need to remind you why im stuck with you in my head?' The voice fell silent. Caina sighed with relief, he didn't want to deal with that old man today. After a hour of walking through town (and getting lost several times) Caina found himself in front of the White Phoenix. A smile grew on his face as he pulled a letter out of his pocket. Then from his shadow grew a clone of him, once the clone was full it grabbed the card and walked into the guild hall. Caina's guild mark was clearly showing on his neck, his number thirteen. He walked over to the nearest chair and threw it over at the bar in order to get the attention of everyone in the room. "Im looking for your guild master, and a beer would be nice too."
Apollo looked at the random kid who entered his guild. He walked up to him, examining every little detail about him. He finally noticed the marks on him. He yelled at the boy, "Get out of my guild before I blow you to millions of pieces!" He walked up to him and grabbed his collar. He would not tolerate this dark Mage being in his guild. He glared into his eyes.
Caina simply smiled at Apollo and returned his stare, he looked into his eyes as if he was trying to see the inside of Apollo's head through them. "Well either you're younger than I remember or you age well, and this way of greeting your guests is just simply barbaric. And I still would like a beer, but you can mull that one over. Im here because I would like to have a conversation with you, and I need to give you this." Caina held up the letter (Its an invitation to fight on a later date, the place and time are in the letter) "Is there somewhere more comfortable we can talk? You can even bring a friend to keep an extra eye on my if you really think i'm up to no good." Caina's smile did not waver while saying this, and his stare did not let up, it was obvious that he was not intimidated.
Sasha had joined the guild three days ago. And she hadn't picked up the courage to talk with anyone just yet. She was currently sitting at a table, a drink in her hand, looking solemnly into it. She should get up and speak with someone.

She was just too scared. Scared of being tossed aside or dismissed. Of not belonging.

She sighed heavily, looking to the guild mark on her left hand. She curled it into a fist, looking up at the commotion
Apollo let go of the boy's collar and snagged the letter and said, "Follow me." He walked into his office showing Caina his back. He entered and Solaris was still there. When he sat down in his chair, he opened the letter and read it. "A fight?! Son you will die." He started laughing hysterically. "Get some meat in your bones and maybe a few more years in age then I will consider it. But then again you're a dark Mage so I should just kill you right here. Why shouldn't I?" He said that last part while making a tiny star in his palm. Solaris hissed at the dark Mage.
Caina sat down in the nearest chair and stared at the Phoenix. "You take my challenge the wrong way. Yes it is true that in this current day and age I could not beat you in a real fight, I simply want to spar... or to be more exact, I want to see that Phoenix slayer magic of yours. I have heard rumors about its power I want to see it with my own eyes and feel it with my own body. Also I don't see where killing me will get you." Caina stood up and started playing around with random things that he could find in the office. "Killing the ace of a dark guild isnt a wise decision, that is unless you want one hell of a guild war on your hands, and our master likes to fight dirty. First this city will burn." Caina then put down the thing he was playing with and looked back at Apollo. "And then you will burn too." Caina sat back down on a chair. "Now then tell me a story, oh I know, tell me about the time your parents died." Caina said clearly satisfied
Apollo grew tired of this mockery. He finally screamed at the child, "Get the hell out of my office! And I won't just spar with you. I will torture you then kill you and your entire guild! I will make an exception to my no killing rule. I will show you the true power of a Phoenix's light." He pointed to the door and said in a much more tranquil voice, "Get out of my guild." He sat down and Solaris hissed at Caina.
Caina just simply clapped his hands slowly, his smile only grew bigger, he was trying as hard as he could to hold back his laughter, all of what just happened entertained him. "Im looking forward to the battle then. Oh and before I go just a little warning. Might want to keep that anger under check, because anger weakens the heart and a weak heart is easier to corrupt." Caina then threw a candy cane at Apollo and turned with his back facing him, then from the feet to his head he disappeared and the real Caina (who was still outside) Walked off laughing like a mad man.
Apollo waited for the clone to disappear. He started to laugh. He looked at Solaris and said, "They think I'm a weakling. Hehe. I'll show them." He loved messing with the enemy. He walked out of his office with a smile on his face. He said to the whole guild. "Well everybody. It looks like we might have to fight a dark guild. Don't worry they are weaklings. I just tricked one of them. Easily so." He shrugged an got an ale from the bar and said "hey." To Sawa.


The dull atmosphere at which encompassed the guild bored her. Yelling and talking filled the room. Objects were flying everywhere and so was magic. Chaos was what could describe the current situation of the guild. Currently news has been received that the guild ace has just done a reckless action, once again. Salena just rolled her eyes and took a sip from her drink, observing the fights occurring around her. She was sitting upright, her back leaning against the table while her right leg crossed on top of her right.

"Hey Sal!" a voice yelled from across the room.

Her head turned towards the voice with an angered expression.

The other member threw up their hands once they saw her face. With large eyes and surprised look on their face he took several steps away and hid himself within the mass of members.

She turned back to her drink losing her fierce expression. Salena then felt an ominous presence. Her head snapped up once she heard the cry of a raven. Its screeching tone sent shivers down her back. The raven was one of the few things that frightened her. Salena believed that the raven wasn't even a bird, but what other else could it be?

Her eyes followed the bird to see it flying to a figure. The figure was standing on the second floor, leaning on the railway that overlooked the second floor. Shadows danced around this figure, sometimes from a certain angle, some say he is a shadow himself. It was their guild master, Hell. No one was never familiar with his actual name, for he believed in second identities, So in Black Raven Salena was known as Sal, only few knew her real name.

Sal placed her empty cup on the table and sat herself upright feeling some feeling of excitement stirring within her when she saw the guild master. Rarely did he ever come out from the shadows above. Many members always wondered what he was up to. Salena believed he was looking for greatness, for the power they deserve. A slight admiration came upon her eyes as she waited for the guild master to speak.



Another day that the light fills the world. But more darkness shall encroach the people. Nothing stands for long in this world. Nothing is worthy for us in this world. Nothing shall satisfy us in this world. That is why we must reign. Reign and conquer to find this utopia of darkness. Heolstor's eyes wandered down to the raven mark on his chest, right over his heart. The number zero branded onto it. He remembered the day he received it, the day he used his move, Zero Raven. That was when he first killed someone, it was his most terrifying kill. Never had he felt such darkness enveloping him. It caused him to fear the darkness as well as yearn for it. His red eyes proved the corruption of darkness. Before they were the beautiful hue of gold but now illuminate red. This didn't bother him though, he felt as though with red eyes it granted him more respect. Not that he needed respect though.

His red eyes then moved up from looking down at the ground to a shadow approaching him. Heolstor had shadow scouts always patrolling the streets watching on his members. He didn't trust any of them, even his guild ace. The silhouette reported that Caina had just confronted the guild master of White Phoenix himself.
"Imbecile..." was all Heolstor muttered. With no effort he stood up from the crate box on which he sat and walked over to the railway that overlooked his members. But before that he placed on his shirt.

With discontent and slight anger he strode forward and leaned against the railway. Chaos littered the ground. Heolstor guessed that word spread already throughout the guild and they were riled up for a fight as well. He just shook his head. This rowdy bunch would not last a fight.

The cry of a raven snapped his head up to the ceiling. There he saw Quaso, the guild's raven, flying towards him. Heolstor looked into his red eyes with his own. The bird neatly landed onto his shoulder and observed the members as well.
"Quaso, where is Caina?"

The bird squawked.

"Ah I see. So he's coming back, is he? Well we should greet him with great hospitality, shall we?" Heolstor retorted. The raven chirped in excitement loving the idea of punishment for the guild member. Heolstor's eyes wandered over the members. Most of the ones fighting were men, the females were just around observing the men with bored expressions. Heolstor felt irritated from the actions of the members, so childish.
Ara felt the presence of the boy and everyone around her due to her secret webbing laying all around the guild. She sighed a bit and sipped a tiny bit of her drink, which was only water due to her hating alchohol cause of its side effects. She suddenly stood up and shuffled her feet across the floor. Moving at a slow speed though smiling walking towards the bar of the guild. Ara's dress swayed back and forth carassing the floor. For she finally reached the bar and sat next to Apollo and she smiled knowing who it was. She had a tiny crush on him but it was nothing really..

Well, it was more than a crush. Way more than a crush... She liked him ever since they met. Ara awkwardly blushed a bit for no reason and looked up and down, though it did nothing cause well. She was blind. The girl wasnt ashamed of it and in fact used it as a weapon against others. But she knew Apollo was way out of her league, and plus who would like someone 10 years younger then them!
Elizabeth peeked her eyes over the bar and stared at Apollo & Ara and giggled to herself. Her body shifted into Stardust,but instead of the dust being it's usual vibrant colors she made sure it was dull and unnoticeable. Flying over Ara and Apollo she reformed her body and landed behind them,"The wonderful and magnificent star is back!"She had just returned from a mission and she was already doing her favorite pass time: picking on Ara about her crush on Apollo. Elizabeth may be an impulsive idiot,but she could read people like a book,"Hey Apollo,when was the last time you seen a beautiful woman such as Ara,huh?"She blurted out with a sinister smile plastered across her face.
Ara nearly had a heart attack at the sudden voice right above her. She didnt feel her walk over through her webbings. She blushed horridly at what Lizzy said and neary died from embarrassment. She slammed her head into the table and sighed. "C-could I have some water please?" Ara asked to the air around her hoping someone would give her something so she could breathe.
Caina stood in front of the Black raven's guild door. He was hesitant to open it. More likely then not news of his most resent outing had already made its way to the guild and to his master. He was nothing more then the problem child that they kept because of his power. He took a few seconds and then he pushed open the doors and walked inside. He quickly made his way to the open seat next to Salena and sat beside her. He didn't know what to say to start a conversation (he never does). After some silence he finally said to her "How's your drink?"
Sasha didn't expect anyone to know her name. But she knew all of theirs. And their magic. And anything else she seemed important. When Elizabeth went up and seemed intent on teasing Ara, Sasha assumed it was good naturedly. And wished she could join in. She just needed the courage to do so.

She bit her lip, and finished off her drink, nervousness making her hands shake just a little bit. And causing her to freeze the tenants of the drink.

She set the glass down, taking a slow deep breath, and rising


The sound of the guild door opening reached Salena's ears. She heard it but didn't turn to see who entered, she knew who it was, Caina. A slight feel of annoyance ran up her body. Some members stopped fighting and turned towards Caina with glaring eyes. Most of the fighting ceased as he walked in. But then it continued on. I wonder if he realizes how much chaos he has caused. Then to her surprise the guild member sat beside her. She didn't shift her body or anything. She stayed there frozen in her position, feeling that if she moved, she will punch him. Silence filled their space, with a slight awkwardness. But not from her, from him. Salena never knew why guys were so awkward with her. She didn't bite or anything...

Then he spoke,
"How's your drink?"

Salena allowed silence to answer for a moment then she answered,
"Dry, like your brain." She took a deep breath then began ranting, "What were you thinking? They are the last standing light guild. Standing! The reason they are last is because they are strong! We may be stronger than them but we need to prepare! You can't just go up to them and start picking a fight just cause you feel like it! In order to crush them we must do it wisely!" Her eyes were turned on him at this moment, flaring up. She was practically hissing her last words towards Caina.
Sawa didn't even notice what was going on. She was in a world of her own not paying attention to well anything just standing there until she heard the guild master say hey which brought her out of it. "O hey master." Sawa said cheerfully before looking to the floor at the broken glass which she began shoving with her foot into a pile to make it easier to clean later. She then heard another voice asking something dumb to the guild master but Sawa found it funny and sniggered a little she understood what was going on there maybe it was just a women thing who knows. She then heard Ara asking for a drink of water and since Sawa was the barmaid she would go and get it. She turned around and grabbed a glass filling it with tap water before walking over to the girl. " I hope tap waters okay we don't have any other type." Sawa said before picking up a bottle of sake and taking a drink out of it.

@Verrici @Kiotaro
Caina looked back at Salena, his usual smile was gone now. He took a deep breath and thought about what he was going to say, as if saying the wrong words would cost him his life. Finally he spoke. "You don't think I know that, what, did you just think that I went in there for a cup of tea? I wanted to see something. After I had heard about how a dark mage killed his family and his hatred for dark mages I had to see first hand how he would react to a dark mage just casually strolling into his guild. Now why would I do this you ask?" Caina unwrapped another candy cane and offered it to Salena. He then unwrapped his own and popped one side into his mouth. "A heart that gives into the anger of vengeance is more susceptible to my corruption magic." 'My corruption magic.' "Shut up old man!" Caina awkwardly looked at Salena realizing what he said after he said it aloud. He let his head roll back as he looked at the ceiling, and then smacked his forehead with his palm. "I just want master to respect my existence, so I thought if I could take down the guildmaster of White Phoenix then maybe he would, a little at least. Maybe I was too rash." Caina looked back over at Salena and said nothing, but you could tell from his look that he knew that Salena was right about everything.


Vulture lay sprawled across a table, his gaudy white suit ruffled in every place possible while his hat lay just out of reach on the floor. His right hand was tightly clenched around an empty bottle of wine. His snores were masked by the sounds of fighting around him, his eyes shut tightly as his lips curled upwards in a nasty smirk.

Hearing the yelling at a nearby table, he stated to shift uncomfortably before growling and groggily opening his eyes. He glared through the purple lenses of his sunglasses, his eyes focused on the two that had woken him. He felt a hand grab his shoulder but merely twisted his spine to drag the attacker forward and swung the empty bottle into the back of his head, shattering it in the process and sending him slumping to the floor. Standing up, he rubbed the back of his own head as his proportions corrected themselves, "Why the hell are they making so much noise?! Can't they see I'm sleeping over here?!"

Her eyebrows twitched with irritation. "Of course everybody knows about the White Phoenix's Guild Master and his past of dark mages, which is even more the reason to not disrupt him until the right moment. Now we must hastily prepare ourselves for who knows when will they attack?! It was obvious that he would be angered by the thought of even a shadow crawling up towards him! But to think someone mocking him! That just sends him overboard! Geesh Caina! For a guild ace you should be thinking through things not try to prove to master that you are the best! You sound like a child wanting attention, a petty reason at it!" Salena's voice began decreasing as she continued ranting. The colors of candycane flashed in front of her as Caina offered one to her. She just ignored the offer and placed a hand on her forehead to mentally cool down.

From behind Salena, she heard the sound of a glass shattering and a body thumping down to the floor. Her eyes turned to see that Vulture seemed to have awaken from his nap. Salena was still irritated with Caina and she could feel that if Vulture tried anything, she might just yell at him too.
Loren raised himself from his bed. His hair bedraggled as he experienced another one of his coughing fits. I feel like I'm getting worse mother. He thought to himself. He went over to his wardrobe and changed into his normal attire of a navy blue high collar jacket and black slacks. He had heard loud noises coming from the other side of his door. The guild was in an uproar for some reason. Most likely Caina did something ridiculous for the master's attention again. "That man again. I swear Caina enjoys making me feel even more ill than I already am. Still I respect his art style of doing things." He gently opened the door an the roar of sound washed over him. Shouts about the last standing light guild, White Phoenix, and the actions of Caina was all that he could hear. That was until he heard Salena screaming and shattering glass. Just another day in Black Raven. How droll... He made his way over to Salena's table. She was one of the few people he actually enjoyed trying to talk to. Using the word "trying" very loosely as she never seemed more than annoyed at his presence. Then again she never liked anyone, at least as far as he knew. He pulled a chair next to her and looked over to Caina. He gave him what could only be described as a grin and a wave before whispering for a drink to the bartender using his sound magic. Shouting made his throat hurt too much so using his magic was much easier when relaying messages through crowded areas. He lightly coughed as he at down, making sure to turn and cover his mouth. "You seem quite troubled my dear Salena. What did Caina do this time?" He leaned forward with his hands forming a bridge covering his mouth as he looked directly at Caina.
Caina shrugged as Salena turned down his candy cane and set it down in the middle of the table. He was trying to think of something to say back, but it seemed every word only ticked her off even more. His beat bet would be to try to calm her down, but how? Before he could think of how, he heard the sound of a bottle breaking and turned towards the noise. It was Vulture. "Sorry about that." He wasn't really sorry. He turned back to the table and jumped when he saw Loren, he didn't hear him sit down. "Ah, Loren, I guess you haven't heard yet about how I went and antagonize the guild master of White Phionx?". CaIna then tossed over th candy cane he offered to Salena to Loren.

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