Danganronpa: The Tragedy

DaniBot said:
No problem. Thank you though!
Depends on your writing skill Ms. Rijinder, but I already know you are fantastic. I'll add another spot for you because the more the merrier.
Entarriance said:
he is he really is
but hey if u live ur life as a trickster and spent half your life masquerading as someone else in order to hurt them who says you can't pretend


also double @Knot

how acquainted is Nao's older brother with the network of hitman/Chess

like it's probably a given they don't release much about themselves but u know the underworld probably has a fair share of sources on people. Like I don't expect Chess to know the whole deal with e v er y one that's absolute bullshit, mainly the people who've had personal connections to the media, but Nao and Chess literally have the same title to some degree so it would make sense if those traps r on decent "I know ur skill u kno mine" dealio

d.w this might be used for future interactions and whether or not chess is capable of making friends
Do Knot call me Double Knot!

And Nao's onii-chan is off limits, I'd say he was very famous in the world of hitmen because of his trapness. I'm also thinking of a Nao x Chess ship like @OnceDarkness is thinking of a Yuina x Mark ship.
Gonna be honest, I feel a tad ignored here.

EDIT: And with that, I meant for more than just the last post.
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@Blue Fire and @Knot

Not the GM, but can we please not post OOC stuff in the actual RP? It's not the place, we have a chat right here for that. It clogs up the post count for no reason, in my opinion.
I know sorry. My headphone just now fell apart and i'm trying to piece it togrther
You mean like the one I already posted and Kiseichu confirmed to be in use, just with additional student dorms?

Ryik said:

1) Gymnasium

2) Trophy Room

3) Restrooms

4) Stairwell to Floor 2

5) Infirmary

6) Student Store

7) Entrance Hall

8) AV Room

9) Floor 1 Classrooms

10) Passage to Floor 1 Dorms

11) Elevator to Trial Room


1) Sauna

2) Public Bathroom

3) Laundry room

4) Passage to Floor 1 School Grounds

5) Cafeteria

6) Kitchen

7) Storage Room

8) Stairwell to Floor 2

9) Restrooms

10) Trash Incinerator

11) Student Dorms
Ech. I'm not sure how I feel about more students, if I'm going to be honest. I'm not going to object to it, it's not my roleplay after all, but I feel like it's hardly in the 'spirit' of Danganronpa. DR has always had the number '16' in terms of participants. 15 + hidden Junko in the original, 16 in DR2, 16 in the new 'Future' anime, 16 demon targets for the Warriors of Hope and most likely, also 16 in the new V3 game.

I dunno. I just feel like the more we go over that limit, the less we're true to this RP's roots.

Not that I can do anything about it now, since everyone's been accepted already except for the new guy.
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The larger number of students makes it easier to get away with murder, making class trials difficult, and it also gives Kiseichu more pawns to play with. Numbers are just numbers, but not when it comes to age.
Knot said:
The larger number of students makes it easier to get away with murder, making class trials difficult, and it also gives Kiseichu more pawns to play with. Numbers are just numbers, but not when it comes to age.
Does it make getting away with murder easier? It doesn't, to my knowledge. Yes, it largens the initial amount of suspects, but depending on how good of a job you did with the crime, that list could rapidly shrink or not. I'd argue it's down more to the execution, not the number.

If literally everyone except two people were in the gym at the time of a murder, then they discover the body, I don't think we'd have much of a class trial.

Can't argue with having more pawns, but then again, that isn't really relevant to what I was saying.

None of your points were, actually. I felt it was un-Danganronpa like to have more than 16. I never mentioned anything about how it would impact he actual RP.
oculusrefrain said:
I could leave if that helps anything... I know it sounds really dumb.
I don't want anyone to leave, heavens no! That wasn't really what I was saying.

It's too late to do anything about it and I would hate to take away someone's fun. I just wanted to bring it up, that's all.

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