Danganronpa: The Tragedy

to be honest any of the combinations right now are just a fantastic mess of people, the gym isn't exactly filled with the friendlist people either haha whoops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Kiseichu said:
Yes, waiting for that harem. Why do you think I put you in the same room as the SHSL Artist, Liar, Twins, and Breeder?
You hear muffled laughter in the background.

Naw, srs. I'm well aware that you did that, I even had Yaeger point it out :P . Gawd, you remind me of a friend that pulled this kind of stuff on me all the time. It's made even funnier by the fact that my characters always misunderstand.
Gang turf in the gym

Harem in the classroom

Model in the garbage Room (Cause she is garbage)

Maid and Baseball player in the storage

Alcoholic, Fake Psychologist, and a therapist in the infirmary.

I think you all know I did this on purpose.
Hm. I get the feeling I'm going to lag behind.

Checking the timestamps on the posts, I've noticed people mostly posted when it was like 0:00 to just before 7:00 for me, and those aren't times I'm normally awake on.

So that's going to make my interacting with other characters rather... Difficult. Oh well.
I wanted to put Ranch Dressing on Shiori's face and spill some milk on the floor, but that would be rather...

Considering there was a bottle of liquor in there, something was bound to happen!
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now what i'm wondering is who gave the gangster dual pistols

like i know the gym is currently a gang turf that you can just start a 5-person battle royale with bUT DUAL PISTOLS FOR THE CRIMINAL
Entarriance said:
now what i'm wondering is who gave the gangster dual pistols
like i know the gym is currently a gang turf that you can just start a 5-person battle royale with bUT DUAL PISTOLS FOR THE CRIMINAL
I'm going to assume they have either no clips, or the clips are empty. Otherwise she's basically won the game.
Sorry I'm not posting much, I'm not feeling good and my head is spinning. Also sorry for my first post being shit, I was tired is frick when I posted it.
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@Ibuki Just want to point out real quick that Yaeger isn't sitting anymore. Found it a bit of an odd detail, so I just thought I'd let you know. (Dunno, might've missed my second post or something.)

Edit: Ah, whatever, nevermind.
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Entarriance said:



SHSL Hitman

Location: Gym

With / Near: USER=54390]@Blue Fire

And so starts Chess' worst day ever.

Chess, always struggled when it came to talking to people. As the speakers blared out in a young, maybe not even a high schoolers voice, as playful and as merry as ever, elevator music followed along after it's struggle. The childish voice from the speakers simply raised anxiety in Chess' heart. No, there is no way that someone with that demeanor and articulation could be their perpetrator. But it was the thing that made the most sense here. This couldn't be just a normal hostage situation, it had to be some sort of game. A sick joke that was planned out beforehand. Eyebrows knitted together, Chess looked in direction of the door, and as they had both feared and desired, the distinct clicking meant that the door that was previously locked must have opened. People were soon going to flood in, and whether it be similar vigilantes and criminals to that in the gym was the worst case scenario that Chess could have viewed. Looking around the gym surrounding one more time, was there anything that Chess could have used to protect themselves here. What could happen, possible Chess could be swarmed, perhaps outstrengthed by many. They were confident that they could restrain one person, though when it came to multiple, that was another story. Shaking their head, the bleachers were organized in a fashion that looked more like a stadium than bleachers - the prosperity of Hope's Peak never ceasing to amaze them. Pushing themselves away from the group that they had conversed with, they went straignht for the door. Chess has seen a lot of things in their lifetime, and there was a lot they were relatively informed on. If teenagers known for a specific skill were to soon all pour into this room, at least Chess could make use of a sharp discernability to identify who they could.

Quietly opening the door, the first group of faces that they saw was, an unusual trio. A kind looking girl with choppy disheveled hair that fell a little below her chest Chess could recognize as Shiori Hatoyama, an impressive Parapsychologist that went as far as to change the legitamacy of real science itself. The next face Chess couldn't recognize, he had light hair that swept over one of his two brightly blue eyes. The man was fairly tall as well, stretching maybe even a foot or so over Chess, which could definitely serve as a threat. Though his gentle, composed expression as he conversed with the other two spoke otherwise. The third man was also someone Chess couldn't identify, platinum blonde hair that almost seemed white swaying as he walked. On the other hand, his height next to the other man still made him look ridiculously short, possibly around the range of 5 or so feet? 170 centimeters is the average that Chess had come to be able to identify purely on physique along, though it's not like they were going to ask.

Not rather fond of people, Chess only delivered a sharp, frigid glare towards the trio. How could they take the three of them out if they were a threat? They seemed to be chatting amongst themselves, though perhaps this was the perpetrator? No, it wouldn't make sense. The entire building was alerted to go to the gym, so this should be normal. The first one that Chess would have to take out would have been the taller man, who towered over both themself and the two around him. While he was tall, it could give Chess the advantage here of flexibility in motion. And then..

".. tch."

Whether that was directed to the three of them, it was up to interpretation. Opening the other door wide too, at least give Chess a range of vision to whoever was coming in. Nervousness raced from their throat all the way to their finger tips, a light tingling feeling set onto whatever they touched. Taking deep breaths to maintain their composure, both doors to the gym were now wide open, presenting students with the mess of a gang territory that the gym was.

"Welcome to hell, the three of you."

By the way, the trophy room is in between the gym and the hallways.


1) Gymnasium

2) Trophy Room

3) Restrooms

4) Stairwell to Floor 2

5) Infirmary

6) Student Store

7) Entrance Hall

8) AV Room

9) Floor 1 Classrooms

10) Passage to Floor 1 Dorms

11) Elevator to Trial Room


1) Sauna

2) Public Bathroom

3) Laundry room

4) Passage to Floor 1 School Grounds

5) Cafeteria

6) Kitchen

7) Storage Room

8) Stairwell to Floor 2

9) Restrooms

10) Trash Incinerator

11) Student Dorms
@Kiseichu We are using the same layout, just with more student dorms, right?
Ryik said:
By the way, the trophy room is in between the gym and the hallways.

1) Gymnasium

2) Trophy Room

3) Restrooms

4) Stairwell to Floor 2

5) Infirmary

6) Student Store

7) Entrance Hall

8) AV Room

9) Floor 1 Classrooms

10) Passage to Floor 1 Dorms

11) Elevator to Trial Room


1) Sauna

2) Public Bathroom

3) Laundry room

4) Passage to Floor 1 School Grounds

5) Cafeteria

6) Kitchen

7) Storage Room

8) Stairwell to Floor 2

9) Restrooms

10) Trash Incinerator

11) Student Dorms
@Kiseichu We are using the same layout, just with more student dorms, right?
Yup. So everyone is in the gym now?
Ryik said:
By the way, the trophy room is in between the gym and the hallways.

1) Gymnasium

2) Trophy Room

3) Restrooms

4) Stairwell to Floor 2

5) Infirmary

6) Student Store

7) Entrance Hall

8) AV Room

9) Floor 1 Classrooms

10) Passage to Floor 1 Dorms

11) Elevator to Trial Room


1) Sauna

2) Public Bathroom

3) Laundry room

4) Passage to Floor 1 School Grounds

5) Cafeteria

6) Kitchen

7) Storage Room

8) Stairwell to Floor 2

9) Restrooms

10) Trash Incinerator

11) Student Dorms
@Kiseichu We are using the same layout, just with more student dorms, right?
Whoops!! Aaah, googling that would've been very convienent for me. Sorry!!!

is it alright if i assume we're at the gym since admiring the trophy room seems fun and all but a strange omniscient voice of a 5 year old screaming about donuts ordered you to go
Kiseichu said:
I'm guessing were all in the gym then
Hold on! I mean, I'm set, but you should wait a little more since there are a few users (Dreamtique I believe may be one? Got loads o' characters to tend to.) that should respond to a few interactions on the way there! I know everyone's on the way there, though I don't believe everyone is there yet.

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