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Fandom Dangan Ronpa RP [Open]

Kwasi was pleased with the turnout, it seemed like the other students liked his treats. Well, at least Shilo and the new face. Kwasi often wondered if he would have been a better cook than a butler, but he was pretty sure that the spot for culinary prodigy was already token. He responded, to both of them (I guess, similar answer), "It's a family recipe." Kwasi put the platter down onto the dining room table and looked back at the others. He still did not know who the newcomer was, but he seemed to have a very rich vocabulary. He looked at the newest student and said, "I'm Kwasi Moto, butler by birthright, and whom may you be fellow student?"
Alex chuckled and said, "Well, fellow Kwasi, I am somewhat of a prodigy. I've never had any trouble in school, especially with academics and I've already been accepted by a couple of colleges. Ah, monsieur, your choice of fashion is flawless and your food unquestionably delicious. Hmmm, if only I could have a butler such as yourself." Alex grabbed another one of the snowballs and popped it into his mouth, reveling in the taste of the scrumptious snack. Alex sighed with pleasure and then asked, "So, who is everyone else here? Oh dear, I do hope I didn't scare anyone with my little *episode* back there..." Alex immediately felt bad, and had a bit of a guilty look on his face.
Coming out with a cup of cold water, well, at least the guy seemed to be tame. But at most, he just seemed like your average bachelor who enjoys going out for parties, so he couldn't possibly be in charge of what's going on. Just another student, perhaps. His vocabulary was vast and he seemed rather polite. Is this like a trigger type of thing? A prank? No way the both of them were the same person. That's just blasphemy. Well, anything could happen, it's not like she's exactly talked to enough people to figure out what the word normal meant to her. Holding out the cup for him as she stands beside the butler, a rather nervous smile on her face.

"Shilo Kurobane, a failure of an athlete who took up free-running as a hobby. If you see a black-haired boy, I give you right to slap him."

Covering half her face with her hand, her eyes nervously dashing to the side as he comments on his behavior earlier. Apparently, they are the same person. Clearing her throat before she spoke, it was easy to tell that it was a mix of nerves and discomfort.

"You were quite... an experience."
Just as Alex finished his sentence, he saw the lady he from before that had put his head down on the table. He saw the glass of water and politely snatched it from her and said, "Ah, much thanks, Shilo Kurobane. I certainly needed-" Alex then suddenly stopped when he put his hand into his pocket and felt that his flask was missing, and because of what the woman had just said. He looked at her with a bit of an embarrassed look and asked, "Please don't tell me I did anything too...brash?" As much as Alex liked to drink, he knew it certainly made him act differently.
Reluctantly, she pulled out his flask from her pocket and handed it to him. He seems pretty polite, he can't possibly drink that much again, wait... can he? But he was friendly now, might as well give it back while he's somewhat sober. He must be having one hell of a hangover. Afterwards, though, she stuffed both of her hands into the pocket of her jacket, refusing to make eye contact again as she talks. Though her tone was this weird mix of her being irritated and flustered.

"Nothing, nothing really. Just kinda rowdy."

Kinda, well, might as well give this guy a break. He's going through a hell of a hangover and probably feels guilty about it as it is. Tch, so that compliment was just because he was drunk, huh. Well, what else would she expect? Well, it was the first actual compliment that she would have gotten from a person outside her family that wasn't related to academics, and considering who she is, well, physical appearance hits hard back home.

"Just a little, so don't worry..."
Alex's eyes immediately lit up when she had pulled his flask out from her jacket. Just then, it felt like a lightning bolt had struck him in the head and he had remembered what had happened. He was at the party, and then he had woken up in this strange place. He remembered why she seemed familiar, and then he remembered all the things he had said to her. He blushed and said, "Ah, well, thank you very much for returning this to me, you have no idea what it means to me." He chuckled lightly and reached into his pack, but instead of pulling out another random bottle of booze, he pulled out a small, red, rose. He held it out to her and said, "I can't even imagine how much of a bother I might've been to you and your company earlier, but what I had said, in regards to your beauty, was true, mademoiselle. I can only hope you can accept my apology and learn to forgive my brash and vulgar display of inebriation." He was looking into her eyes, keeping a straight and serious face.


"I knew I smelled sweets some where!"

Running over towards where the snowballs were, he happily indulged himself in a few before looking up at the new face. Damnit, another tall kid. Probably a little mess than a foot taller than him. Who was he? He didn't seem like anyone that passed through the information of the mafia, at least for a framer. His clothing seems kind of messed up, was that what the alcohol was coming from? He seemed pretty formal though, so what could his talent be. From what he was analyzing, it would be a good chance for some one relating to manipulation, or at least someone to mess up connections with, being as friendly as this guy seemed to be. Grinning like a child, he spoke with excitement at the new face.

"Woah, hey, Reject! Who's the hot guy?!"

"Don't call me that..."

"Psh, c'mon!"

He smelled like alcohol, so it was starting to get difficult for him to keep his guise strong. His father was an alcoholic after his mother left, so the smell of alcohol was even worst to him. It reminded him of his dad, who he dearly loved with all his heart... right? He's sure fine back home, right? Holding back the snarky comments that he wants to make, he struggled to keep up his guise.​


Taking the rose that he offered, she started blushing, though it looked ridiculous as she tried to maintain a straight face. Losing her composure was something that never really happened, so embarrassment usually just made her look ridiculous. Nervously coughing to cover up her embarrassment, she bowed, which was unusual.


She had plenty more to say. At least this guy can be added to the group of people that seemed to know what they were doing... just with an alternate side.
Hoshiko had gone through an egg entire pack of graham crackers making the s'mores bears, but instead of getting another, she breathed and put in a smile, as wobbly as it was. She could tell that he was down being rowdy, and though he was sure to still smell of alcohol, maybe it would be more tolerable. She arranged the bears on a plate - haphazardly, but not enough to ruin any.

I can't eat all of these myself... Well, I probably could! But it's nicer to share. She decided to bring the plate to the others and offer some - only to notice someone else had already made something. Oh, oh well. Mine are cuter, but those look good too!

"Thanks!" She put her plate down and grabbed a snow cone. She watched the guy out of the corner of her eye a bit warily. He still reeked of alcohol, and it was... Making it hard not to get upset, but she tried to stuff those feelings away.
Alex smiled and said, "Oh no, thank you for being who you are, mademoiselle." Alex immediately turned around and he had heard what the other person had said. Alex was taken aback, never having been called hot by one of the same sex before. He chuckled and decided he'd take the compliment by saying, "Well, thank you for saying that I am quite...hot. I don't think I've ever been called something so...basic before, but I appreciate it." Alex had turned around to see another snack brought out, but he knew he couldn't possibly have anymore food, especially sweets. He sipped on the cool glass of water, relishing in the clear liquid that would re-hydrate his body and cleanse it of the toxins.

Growing red up to her ears, she pulled up her hood in the most casual way that she could. She usually didn't pull it up indoors, but it was more like a subconscious action. She's mainly been criticized and compared to other athletes, so it was a new experience to be complimented by a person. Inhaling deeply, she attempted to explain what was going on while in her flustered state.

"Alright... so, there are other students here who are prodigies, famous or well known for something at their age. You just met Kwasi, an amazing butler, there's a teen actor near the kitchen and a well-known officer who's still a junior not too far. We also have a young artist, a crane-machine winner, and.. well, I guess me. We all woke up in this building with no clue on what's happening. Exit is blocked by a huge steel door, windows all boarded, we can't get out. There are 5 floors with a couple locked rooms I'll deal with."

It was the same explanation she gave a few people already, and maybe she should just host a meeting now without them. For all she knows, some of them could just be in a coma... wait.. that was an unsettling thought. Tugging on her hood a little bit, she briefly continued.

"I'm doing some research in the Library later to try and figure out what's happening. It could be a social experiment, a hostage situation, maybe something worst."

Shrugging her shoulders a little bit, she smiled after regaining her composure.

"So, I'm just taking Commander-in-Charge until we find the perpetrator. By the way, you never really told us your name."



"Hey, it's the truth~"

Scooting over towards where Hoshi's sweets were, he gladly took a smores bear and brought it to his mouth.
To be honest, I'm kind of sick of sweets. But, well, whatever makes him look better is where it's at. Let's see, it was that easy to make Reject blush, so something could come use of that. Self conscious about body issues? That could link to something. Her brother didn't have any information linking directly to his family's life. The dude here seems pretty laid back and formal, so that means he has a possibility of an out-of-control drunk side, like most drunks? The rumour says that people are more honest while they're drunk, that could come to use. After his brief mental examination, he just fixed his typical smile on his face as his name was being asked. This could definitely bring up something right?
Alex whipped his sandy-blonde hair back and did a bit of a pose and said, "My name is Alexander Mioroshi, a highly-intellectual person who has partied with the best of them! Although, I do wish it didn't take me so much to get inebriated, but it doesn't bother me too much, for me it makes a god amongst men when it comes to the bitter, burning taste of alcohol!" Alex had a rather really happy looking in his dark-brown eyes and he then looked back at the woman now known to him as Shilo and said, "Other then that, I prefer to try and work together with people for the betterment of everyone else. Nothing says survival like teamwork, wouldn't you all agree?"
From her spot in the back of the dining hall, Kukuri had heard, and smelled another person walk into the kitchen, followed by a sound of a slap. The girl who was taking control of their situation came in less then a minute after with what seemed to be the unconscious body of another student, whom Kukuri assumed to be the drunk she had smelled. Not long after, the dining hall became much more lively as the man from earlier came with his snowballs, as well another girl with her own snacks. Kukuri wasn't particularly hungry at the moment, and she was comfortable where she was.

However, seeing the snowballs and the bear-like cookies, she got some inspiration for a new quick piece. Opening up her sketchbook to a fresh page and taking out her wooden hard-graphite 2B pencil, she started sketching a winter landscape, including igloos and polar bears in the background. While she liked snow, she had never been to the arctic before, only ever seeing pictures of it when she used to look through art books when she was younger. The scene she was now sketching appeared to look like the view from a tall mountain, and the ocean below was covered in ice and glaciers, which had the little igloos and polar bears resting on the ice. In the sky she drew the Aurora lights and several constellations. The sketch was resembling a photograph she saw at a gallery once, not that she minded. She wasn't planning on actually publishing this piece anywhere, it was simply a quick sketch, even a doodle, that she was working on to pass time.


Cringing as the male comments on teamwork, Kieran laughed instead, a bit more maniacally than he should. The smell of alcohol really got to his nerves, as well as the order and trust that people are seeming to have for one another now. Sure, it got weird, and it will only get weirder. How come these people seemed to be so, trustworthy? Using his same rather positive and childish tone, he smiled as he spoke while gnawing on one of the smores.

"Survival through teamwork? Please, an accumulation of inattentive dullards who had nearly no contact with one another until now? Don't you think it's a bit suspicious~?"

Whatever he was saying didn't match his tone at all, considering how positive and cheerful his tone seemed to be, as if talking about a recent baseball game or job promotion. The people here pissed him off in general, and he couldn't help himself to talk. Though as long as he didn't give away his actual role, it should be fine to talk a little bit. He could just pass it off as a bad mood due tot he smell of alcohol. It reminded him of his dear, dear father back home, that surely made him just homesick! Right?

"Consider your position, you arise in an enigmatic, inscrutably building that is rid of every mean of escape or communication, surrounded by strangers you don't really remember, and with no apprehension what so ever on why you're here. Your miscreant could merely be one of you students to play along in this little social act.

Looking up towards the ceiling for a bit of an emphasized effect, his index finger tapped against his cheek. Maintaining a "cutesy" positive tone as he spoke, he continued.

"For an example, Reject said she didn't see a single adult or anyone who could be a perpetrator, correct? She said she didn't look at the other three floors in depth due to the austerity of the situation. She was one of the few awake before everyone in the room, isn't that a bit suspicious? What about the students that woke up in different rooms, surely she should have seen that? Or why would they appear there instead of the classrooms, since everyone else was there."

Chuckling, he brought his gaze over towards the steel windows, boarded up well. There was a large room upstairs he had to investigate before he could be fully satisfied with himself.

"I mean, while most students were denuded of their assets and belongings, how come Mr. Mioroshi managed to still have his pack? I'm sure there are other students who have limited belongings with them, but isn't it odd that they have something with them, and yet, not you? It couldn't be directly linked to one's talent, how come all of us wouldn't have some sort of memento with us, then? I'm sure we all have something precious to us~"

He didn't direct that towards anyone in particular, but it was a thought to keep in mind. Even if acquainting themselves with one another, everyone was still a stranger in some way. They were all thrown into a building with people they don't recognize very well with no memory of how they got there. So even if trust was the key, because you don't know these people other than the fact they were accepted into the same school as you, you were free to lie any time. You can't keep positive in this building forever, you're trapped here until you could possibly die. There's still some amount of social fabric lying needed here to get through existence, you can't live every moment like you're dying. At some point, there will be a falseness to the falseness that rings too false to put up with. Somewhere in the much of puffing people up there has to be some kind of deflating moment of reckoning.

"... that's just my two cents! Really, I just don't give a damn about how we got here. Oh, whoops, sorry for killing the mood! Headaches make this stuff flow from my brain, it's weird~. But what could I say? I don't have any amaaaazing talents and accomplishments like all of you guys, I was merely chosen by Hopes Peak's little lottery game.""

For the most part, it was true on how he felt about how they got there. But the reason why was pretty clear in his head. Sure, that could be a lie as well, though making a few guesses couldn't hurt. After all, his position taught him a few things on our world today! But he might as well keep that a secret, I mean, the people don't like hearing stuff like that.
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Mark started saying... All kinds of things, and combined with the smell of alcohol and how it made her feel sick - literally and figuratively - it was too much, and she whipped her head to look at Mark.

"S-so what are we supposed to do, then? Just sit around and fight...? We could do that all day, but it wouldn't help anyone!" Her voice shook as she talked - the alcohol and Mark's attitude really dug under her skin. "You could twist words around until a-anyone sounded suspicious, but it wouldn't accomplish anything!" She realized her eyes were stinging with tears and she quickly wiped then away. "We'd all end up being suspicious of each other and never make any progress to... Figuring out what's going on because we're too busy hating each other."

She took a deep breath and tried to steady herself. I don't know what's up with him... But I can't let it get to me. Her tone was lighter, but more contemplative as she spoke again. "I mean... I was thinking. I guess it's obvious, but there's a reason that we're here, right? As far as I can tell, there's no real motive to not trust each other right now... That could be just what the person in charge wants, if it's a game." She paused, tugging at her ponytail. "I mean, if that's not it, then the real reason is going to show up eventually. In the meantime, we need to trust each other and look for a way out, right?"


"Is that the way you think? It would be rude of me to contend~"

It was rather obvious that he had more to say. For example, explaining the best and worst case scenarios. Perhaps if they pretended to know the answer, let's say it was the worst case scenario resulting in genocide. Surely, you can't just not kill people, there is always a motive that will eventually lure someone. Or the best case scenario is its just a mere social experiment. If they knew the answer, what were they going to do about it? What if some of the students came to this school because they had no where to go, or need to go here for the sake of their family or future jobs, what would that mean for those students? This place was a scapegoat for some people? Or maybe perhaps, this is what the perpetrator wants. For the students to live here ever do peacefully, believing that their right is what is right, that trusting each other and believing that this game of suspicion is what he was plotting, and by living peacefully they would all win, but this isn't a storybook. Being locked with the same people everyday will eventually drive one mad, with the suspicion being the only wall that some people can lead on for now. He wanted to say all that, but he should keep himself quiet.

"What a refreshing way of thinking!"

Moving towards the doorway, he really didn't have a huge need to be here, seeing how tense he caused the situation to be. That was a good thing for him at least, and he might as well get done what he started.

"Imma go clear my head before I do anything like that again, haha! Tataaaa~!"

Leaving the cafeteria , he went towards the staircase that would take him up towards the fourth floor.​

"Hey, Hoshi, don't worry about him! He's just a two-faced little brat, okay?"

Concerned over her shaking voice, she walked over towards where she was, attempting to help calm her down. She seemed pretty hurt earlier, well, nothing else more confusing like the smell of a drunk person and a two-faced brat walking around spreading negativity.

"Look, he just wants us to play the perpetrators little game, and we won't let him do that, okay? You're totally right with what you said, and we all have to trust each other, even if it means for Mark to be disincluded if he doesn't want to. We out number him so he has nothing on us, okay?"
It was obvious that Mark had more to say, but he left, thankfully. With him gone she was able to think more clearly. Shilo's words helped calm her down - she was right, and Hoshi didn't exactly want to keep being upset.

She wiped up and lingering tears and smiled. Her voice was still a bit shaky and her smile uncertain, but it was more a vestige of her outburst. "Y-yeah!"

It's still possible that stuff like that could make people uncertain, but... As long as we work together to prove they aren't true, it should be fine, right? She tugged at her ponytail a bit more, embarrassed that she let his words get to her. "Um... Sorry about that! I try not to let that stuff get to me, but..." She crossed her arms, her eyes drifting away from Shilo, though she was still skill smiling. "I guess I got overwhelmed, sorry!"
Alex rubbed the bridge of his nose, not because of his throbbing headache, but because of the comments the little one had made. He said in a rather serious and annoyed voice, "I can't believe an ignoramus such as yourself is here, standing there in front of all of us telling us that we shouldn't work together? And why shouldn't we? Just because we're strangers? So you'd rather us stay strangers and continue to be suspicious of one another or let even more distrust build between the rest of us? It matter's not that there's no adult here, what matters is we stick together and work together to get through whatever hell we may be in, like the humans we are. They way I look at your *two cents* is complete and utter garbage." Alex opened his flask and took a small swig of what was left inside, giving a little grunt as he downed the alcoholic liquid.

"What can I say, I'm just the untalented Luckster, Mr. Mioroshi~"

Shilo heard his remark before he went out of the room, which just fueled her irritation for him. He knew some stuff about her that even she didn't know, and he switches from an immature, playful little boy to a sharp-tongued brat. It's rather unexpected, and even though his whole concept of distrust and suspicion is stupid and utter blasphemy, he did bring up a point with the evidence. Though that's nothing to be focused on. Hearing the sound of liquid in a flask... that would mean... oh god. Well, he said that large quantities of alcohol only made him drunk, that'll be fine! Right...

"Forget about that brat, we'll go solve whatever he is eventually. We should just work together like a sports team!"

It was hard, I mean Alex was over 6 feet and Hoshi was exactly at 5, with her basically in the middle at 5'7. But hey, it'll manage. Throwing both her arms over the shoulders of both of them, she managed to laugh to try and remove the tension from the room, her usual coachy-energy coming from her.

"Right, he's his own little mystery we'll solve. We'll deal with the situation that we're in as a team, we all have our little perks we can contribute. I mean, with a class full of talented kids, the culprit is probably expecting some sort of fight. So we should give it to him!"
Alex felt Shilo's arm wrap over his shoulder, even though she was a bit shorter then him. He chuckled and said, "Well, if they're expecting some sort of scuffle, I'll certainly do my best to brawl. Although, I'm a much better fighter when I'm drunk, let me tell you. Unless I've had WAY too much, then I just hit on everything that has a pulse." Alex chuckled a bit at himself, but still a bit of remorse clouded his mind when he remembered what he had actually said. He sighed and said, "So, since you're the only other one here who seems to be as level-headed as me, and your striking beauty, what's the plan, mademoiselle?" Alex gave a confident smile to Shilo, trying his best to win her over and more or less apologize in full for what had happened earlier.


"What can I say, I'm just the untalented Luckster, Mr. Mioroshi~"

Eugh, finally away from the reeking scent of alcohol. Moving over towards the staircase, he closed his eyes, trying to remember what room was what. Let's see before the staircase... he should go somewhere else. There was something interesting that he caught near the restrooms. Moving away from the cafeteria and taking a right, he came across the dormitories. It seems like they already had some assigned, which help cleared up the situation in his head a little. It wasn't that hard to figure out... right? Well, whatever his hypothesis was, it'll work out. Moving into his dorm, he opened up the small cabinet by the bedside, and took out the small sewing needle. It was attached to a picture of the human vital parts, but considering how nothing came up on the monitor yet, they have no goal yet. If there really is one. Leaving his dorm and closing it, he moved back to where the staircase was, not far from the dorms.

Tediously navigating his way around up towards the fourth floor, all of the floors seemed to be unlocked. However, at the top of the staircase were two doors on every floor, which were wide open. This probably meant that they were locked at some point, or have the option of being locked, correct? It isn't a locked from the inside scenario, it seemed like there needed to either be a key or some room that controls all the locks somewhere else. Well, he didn't know anything about that for sure. Walking past the long hallway that lead to a different room he hasn't explored yet. Though, past that hallway, were the two doors that he was aiming for. Considering how it looks, this can't just be a normal classroom. if so, it better be a damn important one.


Jiggling the handle a little bit, yep, no doubt about it. It was locked. Though he was sure that no one was in there, so might as well give it a shot. Leaning down (not much since he's a short little bastard), he looked at the small hole that was in the center of the doorknob. That's how some doors work, c'moon. Taking off the hair-clip that was in his hair, he attached it onto the small sewing needle that he brought from his dorm. With that he used the leverage he could get from the needle and bent the tip in a 90 degree angle, though attempted to keep the tip as small as possible. Taking off the hair-clip, he bit onto it for later use. Putting the sewing needle into the hole, he attempted a few times to move it around, or remove the needle and try again. Eventually, he felt a groove in the doorknob, and clipped the hair-clip on the end of the needle. Turning it there was a click noise on the other side, removing the needle and putting the hair-clip back in his hair. He slowly turned the doorknob to the room.

"First, I'm attempting to get the attention of most of the students. But if you want a rundown, I'm thinking that all of us should scout the corners of this building. It's locked, but it's more than one floor. We need to find out everything about this building first. We should all get some sort of clue, ranging from cameras that don't work, a layout plan, a locker, something! And for convenience, we should have already organized some set of equally-agreed upon rules, like meeting times and everything like that. Other than that, we just need to get to know each other well, since if we're going to be trapped here, might as well trust people. I'm not saying go full-out personal, but have at least a handful of knowledge on a person."

Bringing her arms away from them both, she gave a confident smile back. She had to be sure bout everything as a coach, so might as well try and show that off here.

"Think of it like a mystery-solving game. We all scout for some evidence, pool it in, make hypothesis, grow character attachments, all that. Some plans may have to be made rather on the spot, since we need to unlock some sort of key before we get the other. But for now, it's just building searching. I skimmed, but I didn't exactly see anything. But there's bound to be something useful!"
"Well, I don't really play sports, but I think I get what you mean!" Hoshiko's grin grew wider as Shilo threw her arms around her shoulder. It brought her closer to the alcohol smell, which made her smile falter a bit - especially since he had just drunk more - but the gone hostility made it easier to push down the uncomfortable feelings. She still stepped as far away from Alex as she could without making it look like she was leaving the conversation or something when Shilo released them, though.

"That sounds great! Some students might still be asleep or something, though, so should we wait for them or decide on some rules and post them somewhere...?" She tipped her head a bit. "And... I think for searching we should do like a buddy system or something! It could be dangerous to go alone, since we don't know what the culprit is up to."

"You make a point there, so we should discuss it with the people we have now. Writing it down would be a good idea, as well as some of the students explaining it to the new-comers. I've been repeating the same phrases to a good 6 people or so."

The culprit couldn't be that much of a threat if they managed to not catch or threaten a 5'3 brat walking around, but maybe that would be a sign that he's more of a threat than she thinks. But like she said, he's a whole mystery to be solved later. There are plenty of floors to investigate, but for all she knows, that brat could be a step ahead of their game if he's already out some where.

"The buddying up system is a good idea, though it's more of a concern of who with who. We can cover more area if we go in partners or trios. And hey, it would be a good people to people bonding thing. Like I said, we have to at least know each other to a level of trust if we are going to be trapped here."

It's more of a problem with who with who, for all she knows this could just turn into some dramatic love triangle or loads of relationship issues that she heard about in TV dramas. She didn't really look highly about herself in terms of relationships, since most bonds she had with people were more of quarterback to defense or coach to players. You got along and trusted each other, but you couldn't exactly consider yourself as friends. It couldn't be that hard, the people seemed pretty nice. But she was a bit of a lone leader when it came to this.

"Buddying up, huh. Working and getting to know people without being yelled at and judged is a new experience."

Sure, she sounded weird. Well, sure, she is a little weird. But it was the truth. Never been to any social events, sports events, well, she wasn't allowed to. Even playing on a team, she never was able to make time to get to know her teammate, only able to get to know them on the field as the main offense or a goalie, or whatever. Well, she was away from that life now, so why hesitate. Shilo would nervously bring the Rose that she still held over towards her face, slightly covering her mouth.

"Right, there are also dorms not far from the cafeteria, we should get that settled too if we have to stay a night. I can't tell what time it is, but I'm sure there has to be some clock around here..."
Alex certainly agreed with everyone's ideas, especially with the whole buddy system. He looked at Shilo and asked, "Well, before I help you look for any clues of any sort, is there any sort of lavatories around in which I could clean myself up in? I can smell the alcohol on myself, and I cannot imagine how terrible I must smell to the rest of you." Alex looked at himself, with a bit of disgust on his face. He readjusted his pack, the sounds of liquid and glass resonating from the simple sack cloth.
"Oh, certainly! In fact, this gives me time to show you about the room I discovered. Hoshi, you can follow too if you want, it's definitely something to take notice of."

Despite the situation, she really was into all this mystery solving, it had it's own interesting shine to it. Grabbing both of their sleeves, she tugged them in her direction as she half-ran, half-walked.

"C'mon, c'mon, there's something I found out earlier that's related to that!"

It was true. Whenever the three of them reached the dorm halls, there would be dorms there that they all have seemed to been already assigned. As usual, there were no adults anywhere, but they still were assigned dorms, that must mean something. It adds to the question if this was something possible relating to memory wiping, because she remembered nothing about being here, or why some students that would usually be heavily-guarded would come here instead. or maybe this was just some game that the brat was trying to set up again.

((Also, note is anyone bothered if Kieran finds the Headmaster's Room? Since it's supposed to contain student profiles for all the students in Hopes Peak, at least this current class. I'm cool if people are not up for it, it's not like he's going to start a genocide with the information or anything.))
Hoshiko inwardly sighed in relief when Alex mentioned cleaning up his smell... She only hoped he wouldn't drink much more. There was still a little discomfort, what with the bag of alcohol he had, but without the smell it wouldn't freak her out as much, hopefully. That way she could actually stand to be around him.

"Okay!" Being shorter, Hoshiko had to put a little more effort into her step, but Shilo's enthusiasm was a bit infectious.

She was surprised to see the assigned dorms... Though, after a second, it wasn't as shocking. She tipped her head and tugged at her ponytail thoughtfully. "Well, it kinda makes sense... This is a school, right? So if the killer went to all the trouble to kidnap us and put us specifically here, it would fit with the theme, right?" Her eyebrows furrowed. "Though... What's the point in having that kind of theme? Is it because of our titles...?"

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