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Fandom Dangan Ronpa RP [Open]

Kukuri realized early on that it may be pointless to try not to talk to others in this situation, especially if the actual truth was that they were kidnapped. She looked at the new face that came up to her after the girl left. Returning her gaze back to her feet and shoes once again, she answered quietly, and gave possibly the most honest response she gave to anyone so far. "...I didn't want to interrupt your conversation with the other girl."
"Try introducing yourself first, it might make it easier for me to identify you if you give me a name."

Well, he reminded her a little bit of herself, considering how he seems to have a bit of an arrogant streak to him. Well, at least he's trying to figure out what's going on here.

"We are dealing with kids that are famous for something. Teen model named Scarlet? We got her. Teenage soccer player Haruki? We got him too. There are a few others as well. You're probably one of them, as am I."

Sighing, does he listen at all to what she said? She did have to repeat herself about a few times now.

"No adult contact, no phones seemingly. Scouted the building and I can't find anyone here, but there are a few locked rooms I want to deal with later. And we aren't your servants, you deal with your own outfit."
"Well then miss, I apologize but I was too busy being traumatised from the fact that I don't know what the fuck is going on." he said "But the names major, major Charles Ruecastle of the Australian armies cadet corps. Now, " he asked "What about these rooms, have anything more specific to give? If we're gonna figure this out, then we're gonna need to know the facts of the scenario at hand."
"Tch, even I had a little bit more composure than you when I woke up. "

Well, she couldn't blame him entirely. Shoving her hands in her pockets as she walked, in honestly felt like she was in the middle of some interrogation, talk about edgy. She was the only one next to the short kid who seemed to scout the first floor, anyway.

"A black haired brat woke up before me, and he told me that there were five floors. There were many rooms of recreation apparently, including a gym and a swimming pool. From that this is probably a school we are being boarded in. There is one window not boarded up in the classroom you woke up , though opening it only had miles of forest and nothing else. This didn't seem to be ground floor. There were a few locked rooms on the fifth floor apparently, one which was two doors big, another one that seemed like a tech room, and not sure about the others, I didn't scout on the fifth floor for too long, you never know when someone is going to pop up."

Pointing a little bit ahead of them, she continued.

"I'll draw up a map, but up ahead is the dining room. There are a few students gathered there, and most should be in the classroom knocked out. I found some dormitories that I was going to explain during the meeting. They're pretty nice dorms. You have a gym not far from the classrooms, oh, there are two classrooms by the way, we woke up in one. The exit is also heavily boarded up."

She went through basically all the rooms of the first floor, a little bit on the second, and skimmed the rest of the floors. Realizing the boy comment earlier, she cleared her throat.

"To be shamefully honest, the person who apparently went from room to room the most is the same black haired brat. Don't think you're going to be the communist here, Charles. Sure, you're an amazing officer, but I take this leadership shit just as seriously as you."

And from her tone, well, she was dead serious. It's not like there was a certain pitch for feminine people, but the way she spoke made it seem like she was about to coach a game at least. And she wasn't going to back down to this officer. Hell, most of the building info is coming from her, anyway. She won't be a witness in this situation, rather a detective.
He looked up at the woman, that was most certainly a threat, or at least an assertion of dominance. He had been in this situation before and wasn't quite sure on how to react. "All good officers have deputies." he said, it was one of the major quote of the junior British military officers guide. "What I'm trying to say, is that since you have the low down on whats happened here,it is better to work together rather than against one another."

Donovan's closed eyes scrunched to the soft hum of a refrigerator to his right. It was an odd sound. Why was his mini-fridge so close to his bed? Also, why was his bed suddenly so tight and small? With a groan he lifted his arm towards the bell on his bedside table, surely Alphonse would know about these strange occurrences. However instead of the soft swoosh of moving air he was met with a wooden bang and an ache in his hand.

"What the..." His eyes shot open as he attempted to right himself, only to bash his skull into the low ceiling. He yelped and clutched his head. Where the hell was he? Did he get kidnapped in the trunk of a car? Did some rabid fan girl drug him at last night's party and cart him away? Maybe he was in a coffin being lowered into the ground by the directors who'd scripts he turned down-

Donovan breathed deeply to calm himself. There was no use getting all antsy until he had all the facts. His eyes scanned the little room. It was barely big enough to accommodate him and made of a thick dark wood. Light streamed in from the outline of two small doors in front of him, as if they were daring him to open them and reveal the horrible truth of what had befallen him. Well, Dononvan Rizzo was no coward. If his captors so wanted to gaze upon his face before slicing his tongue out then they were going to get the greatest look of their lives.

With a large bang he kicked the doors open. 'Pause for dramatic effect...' As if he were walking down the red carpet, an act he'd done thousands of times before, Donovan gracefully pulled himself from out of the cupboard and dusted himself off. His eyes drifted upwards to find many a pair staring back.

"What? That's about as good as I can look crawling out from under a sink."


"Oh... my god you're that famous actor!!!"

Alright, this was that famous actor that he had to dress up as once to attract a couple of twins in wealthy family downtown. What was the meeting place, near a dark alleyway so more fangirls won't come? It was extremely difficult to pull off basically everything about him, going from height to speech style. Well, out of character, it's pretty easy to invent you're on speech style. Not like those twins ever saw the daylight...

"Dononvan Rizzo, right?! Oh my god, huge fan!"

Not reallly....

Frantically taking his hands in his, he rapidly shook them up and down. He looked excited enough, right? Let's see, what was the last information gotten on him. Reject was right, he was 18, and probably the oldest here. Interests include animals and basically the thrill of adventure. 6'3.... a legit foot taller than him... he played basketball in his younger days, didn't he? This information wouldn't really do him any good, but hey, the more you know about people, the better you can play with them. He already got the Reject to flip, that was good enough.

"Wow, I can't believe we have famous people in this place as well! Reject better come back fast and explain!"

"Tch, don't make me the second in command. If we're going to work together, I prefer being equals than your puny appointee. Just because you're an officer doesn't make you the man in charge, Charles."

Exhaling in annoyance, this was definitely going to be quite a meeting. Leading the Officer to the Dining room, where there were a few students, was that a teen actor? Yeah, that's him alright. More people that she was being compared to, but hey, that wasn't an athlete, so we're being safe enough. Scanning the room, she counted the number of students. In total, there were supposed to be 16.

"Let's see... Gamer.. Crane Machine.. Luckster.. Butler.. Free Runner..Officer..Actor..Soccer Player.. and artist. That means there are 7 more students that still need to come."
Hoshiko had wandered into the kitchen - she wasn't particularly hungry right now, but she could go for a snack. She was in the middle of making a few s'mores bears out of graham crackers, chocolate chips, marshmallows and Nutella she had put in a tiny squeeze bottle when - bang! - the sink came flying open. She jumped backwards, surprised by the noise, and a couple of her bears went flying. Then out came a tall guy, and, on cue, Mark came flying in.

The guy looked like someone she should recognize, but she couldn't place her finger on it. Mark solved that problem for her. Oh! I guess I've seen him a few times, probably. Isn't he a bit tall to fit under the sink, though? Wait, the sink - ?! Why was he under the sink?

"People are coming out out from under the sink now?" She sounded exasperated, because, well, she was. And my bears... Oh, well... it's not like they're complicated. I can make more!
Kwasi could understand why she might have not want to intrude into his chat with Shilo, jumping into conversations was a bit tricky. He began to think that it would be nice if everyone had some snacks to calm their nerves. He knew that some of the students would appreciate having something sweet to get their minds of the situation they were in. He also thought it was a better icebreaker if they did some sort of fun activity like making treats. As he began to make his way to the kitchen, he said, "Well if you excuse me, madame, I shall prepare some sweets for everyone. If you want, I could use a hand."

(Sorry I took so long)


Well, he basically stole a pretty popular gamer's hat, as well as shake hands with an actor. He should be overjoyed, but really, he couldn't care less. He knew more about some of these people than he knew himself, and that was a bad thing. The mafia really spreads around their information, and being the person in charge of framing and dressing up, well, things passed through him pretty quickly. Through the corner of his eye, he spotted the well-dressed male heading off into the kitchen. Nothing he could identify yet, but if he got a name, he probably could pull off something. With the way that he looked, he must be part of a wealthy family? The mafia pretty much knew any wealthy family, it was the main group that they had to deal with here. Though particularly on servants and butlers, there wasn't anything he could pull up, but it had to be a particularly wealthy family if they had a butler hard-working enough to make it into Hopes Peak. Which brings up another question, how did they know about him?

Well, that was something he'll figure out later. As of now, he had to get as much intel that he could of these people. He asked earlier, but he didn't get any greeting from the guy. He seems pretty sharped eye, so it was something to be careful of. Caution with words is the main thing here, but his facade should have been thick enough. People seem to take him as an annoyingly energetic boy who is friendly towards his peers, something like that. The butler was directing his words towards someone, but the only person it could have been would be the pencil artist. What was her name, she didn't tell her. But, she was an artist, it couldn't be that hard. Her family wasn't anything wealthy, but he could have sworn he's been told about some of her works in the past. There were a few galleries that they were hung in that he's seen on some of his missions, but none had a direct connection towards him. She seemed rather quiet, so that could be a bit of a predicament. Not the social butterfly, it seems.

Well, it wouldn't do anything to intrude now. He should let the Butler and the Artist talk before anything intruding. It's better to get these people associated and friendly with each other before tearing relationships to the ground. After all, what else was there to do in this building? You had to do what was fun, develop some one sided mistrust, rivalries, watch as everyone panics in chaos... now that was what you called fun. He just had to get it started.

"Yo, Your Exellency! Can I have an autograph or something? Like I said, I'm a huuuugggeeee fan!"

Might as well go on everyone's good side if he wants to crumble stuff to the ground. If he get's on a suspicious side, like the Reject, well, he could use that to his advantage, probably. He can make some sort of blackmail off of it, after all, that's what he was best at. The order here that she was trying to keep is pretty chaotic for a couple of students, no matter what status it is. In the end, everyone here was merely clapping their hands together to try and keep a beat that no one understands. Seeing how no one seemed to be turning on each other yet, even though it was just the beginning, it ticked him off a little. They shouldn't be so organized like this, chaos and distrust was what was supposed to be happening. The world was already stitched together by lies. Everyone's a liar, it's unavoidable. Don't think there are little white lies, and ok-things-to-lie-about, but even that's a lie! It's all more nuanced and complicated than that. What defines you as being a good and nice person hinges entirely on that!

((im sorry i was in the mood to type crazy))

The person in front of Kukuri actually wanted her help. In the kitchen, no less. That would end in absolute disaster. Her grip on her sketchbook tightened, and she made an effort to make sure that said disaster didn't come to pass. She replied quietly after contemplating the offer. "..sorry...I can't cook...so it would be better if you did that by yourself..." Kukuri hoped that he wouldn't press the issue. Preparing sweets wasn't something she had experience in, and she didn't want to ruin the food for the others, as much as she wanted to avoid them. Besides, accompanying him to the kitchen would likely result either awkward silence or awkward small talk, both of which she would like to not experience right at that moment.
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Within seconds of his grand entrance Donovan was already confronted by a fan. He was a smaller boy, only reaching his chest, with wiry hair and a smile almost as brilliantly painted on as his make-up on set. Donovan could tell right away that he and this child shared similar strengths, though he didn't seem to be as blessed with good looks as yours truly. Still he knew how important it was not to break character. If this kid wanted to pretend he's something he's not than Don wouldn't rain on his parade.

"I am indeed! What might your name be? No, let me guess. Benjamin. No? Alright, how about Charlie? Wrong again? Last try. Lyle? Bollocks. Oh well, three zero for you I suppose." He took the boy in a firm handshake and gave him a knowing wink before his eyes slinked across the room to the rest of the company. They came to halt on the mess he had made upon exploding the cupboard doors outwards. Bits of chocolate and gummies dotted the floor like a map of the continent of rotten teeth.

"Oh I am terribly sorry about that. Please, allow me." He bent down and scooped up the fallen food, making sure to rise in a way that accentuated his cheek bones perfectly. "Sooooo is anyone going to tell me where I am exactly?"


"Oh, my name is Mark Barton! I'm the Super High School Level Luckster! Y'know, Hopes Peak! Ah, I can't believe I'm trapped with someone so famous!"

He sounded excited. Well, he really wasn't into sharing a building with someone he had to dress up as to kill two twins. That was a pretty bad memory considering they were both about 8 years old/ But going on his good side at least will bring some influence, since he is pretty well known around the country for his skills. And being ridiculously tall compared to him that dressing up as him was the most difficult thing. Well, people had to pull it off eventually. The main threat here is that due to his acting career, he could have the ability to see through his thick facade. Every lie had to be taken into consideration eventually. It's what sews the world together.

"Where you are? Eh... wait for Reject to explain."

Letting go of the handshake, he jumped up and down, seeming purely excited with the fact that his 'actor' is here. Who wouldn't be excited, right? She was bound to be here any moment. Besides, the fact that she can irresponsibly control every high-school student would already be a lie itself, all that order has to cave into chaos eventually. Well, his game of charade had to keep doing until he got enough info. He already had enough background on the actor, stuff moves around fast. The Reject was pretty easy to get considering what status her brother was in, but he hasn't met the rest. The Crane Machine Winner doesn't have a lot of media fame on her, so nothing exactly from her yet. If he wants to set up this game, he should do it right, that is.

((I just realized that Mark and Donovan have similar haircuts, similar talents, and similar colour when speaking. #markisconfirmedevilcounterpart))

"And, scene."

Moving off of the soldier after stating her declaration, she gave a sharp glare right at the face of the actor. Yeah, she's seen on him a few dramas before, he was pretty well known. People had to have heard of him at least once in their lives at this point. Kidnapping someone so popular must have been a struggle, considering guards, so maybe they were all drugged? It had to be something deeper then that, maybe they were willing to do it? No, that's stupid.

"S'up, you're that famous actor always on TV, right?"

Despite her casual tone, she seemed pretty irritated. Well, it's mainly the presence of the short kid that did it. Someone had to be Commander out here, so might as well be her. Sure, that was a bit of an arrogant thing to think, but everyone seemed to be in a jumble since she called them out. So a little bit of order would be nice. Scratching her head, she looked up at the actor.

"''Aight, let me just summarize. You, right now, no act or anything, are trapped in a building full of other prodigies. Famous model, artist, butler, free runner, crane machine winner, officer, and you, yourself, an actor. Everyone here is a high school student well known for some sort of talent. I've walked around inspecting the building, and it has a school-layout to it with classrooms, and here, the cafeteria. The exit is heavily boarded up in steel, we can't get past that. So are the windows. There's no reception and items you were carrying are pretty limited, most are probably gone. Don't ask me, I don't know why you're here. In fact, no one knows why or how they got here."

Poking him in the chest, there goes her usual habit of not understanding the personal space bubble that people have. Hey, like brother like sister.

"Right, so even if you're an actor, right now, your status is exactly the same as us. You're trapped here, and we're all trying to figure out what's going on. So narcissism won't save you here. No script for you to read off, and no need for you to acquiesce a role. This is all out of character, so the spotlight isn't aiming at you. It's at our perpetrator, got it?"

"Aww miss, he's a famous actor though! Reject you gotta lighten up~"


There was her usual coachy leadership again. But he already gave the guy a run down, so he might as well just go at his own pace for now.

"I'm gathering students here for a meeting so we can all establish rules, discuss a little of what's happening, and try and get this mess solved."
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"Thanks!" The floor was still kinda sticky, but oh well. She grabbed a few napkins and wiped it up. This guy seems nice, too, if a bit... Umm... Bigheaded? Flamboyant? Well, maybe that comes with being an actor. She threw the napkins away, as well as the ruined bears, and stood up.

She bit her lip as Sholi talked. When she puts it like that, it really does sound bad... But if someone kidnapped us and brought us here, a place with a bunch of food and supplies and room, they must have a purpose for it, though, right? So whenever the perpetrator decides to come out with it... Though that could cause more panic if it's a bad thing... She decided to keep her thoughts to herself for a little bit, until the meeting officially began. Instead, she smiled brightly and introduced herself.

"I'm Hoshiko Ishikawa, Super High School Level Crane Machine Winner, by the way! It's nice to meet you!"

(decided to switch up colors due to tedious brain processes of mine)
Alex awoke on the ground, feeling extremely nauseous. He sat up and wretched, almost vomiting on the floor, followed by a couple of coughs. He sighed, and he realized he was quite drunk, noticing the general sick feeling and all-around dizziness. He looked around and noticed he still had his special "pack", and he sighed in drunken relief, sluggishly picking it up and giving it a rather affectionate, in not sloppy, kiss. He finally decided it was time to stand up, and, after a few tries, he succeeded in standing, but stumbling heavily. Slinging the pack over his shoulder, and almost falling in the process, he looked around and tried his best to focus on where he was at. This was very difficult, since his vision was doubled and wobbly, making him shut his eyes in frustration, only to open them again when he swear he heard people talking. He smiled drunkenly, and reached into his pocket, pulling out a large metal flask and getting ready to drink even more.

He walked into a room filled with people and raised the flask lazily in the air and yelled, "Shhow THISH is where the pargty went too!" He looked around in the room and saw a myriad of people, and immediately realized that none of them were the people he had partied with last night. He didn't really say much about it though, when he saw more then a few women within the room. He stood there, more or less waiting for their reaction.
Walking over towards the new comer, he was nothing that she really recognized, though he definitely seemed drunk. First of all, how did he even get alcohol in the first place? Looking up at his face with a glare, she briefly coughed.


Before slapping him hard in the face. And considering who she was, it was a damn good slap as well, leaving a red mark on his cheek where she struck. Hey, maybe it would knock a little sense into this guy? He's drinking, so maybe he knows what's going on.
Alex hiccuped a little, but his heart immediately fluttered when he saw what appeared to him at least, a very attractive woman walking towards him. Alex chuckled and leaned in the door-way, trying to pull off a seductive pose, and in his head, he was doing it flawlessly. But, in reality, he was leaning rather awkwardly, and looked rather ridiculous. He took a quick swig of his flask and closed it and put it back into his pocket, when all of a sudden, he felt something hit him across his face. Being stupendously drunk, he didn't really feel any of the pain at all, but it knocked him to other side of the door frame. He fell into it, barely keeping himself up and he chuckled a bit, straightening his composure and looking into the eyes of the woman. He sighed and said in a romantic, though heavily drunken, tone, "Oooo la la...Thash wash a preety good slhlap! I never would've exshpected a woman ash beautiful and cute ashg you to be so...rough..." He finished his drunken sentence with a lazy drunken wink, emphasizing his lame, drunken flirt.
Hoshiko froze. She smelled him before she saw him - the acrid stench of alcohol and vomit hit too close to home for her to not recognize. She couldn't breathe and kinda wanted to cry, but crossed her arms and tried not to freak out. M-maybe if I just ignore him... I'll...

She jumped when Sholi slapped him and looked away. Yeah, I-I'm just going to... My bears... She turned completely, going back to arranging faces out of marshmallows and chocolate on graham crackers.

She wasn't doing a very good job - her hands were shaking, and though that could be powered through for placement of the marshmallow snout and ears and chocolate chip eyes, the little nutella mouth was coming out terribly. She frowned and tried to calm herself down with pure willpower.

It wasn't how he acted so much as how he smelled. She had never seen her dad drunk, but the few times he visited he stunk of alcohol and vomit and cheap perfume. She had figured that it didn't matter if he had been actually drinking - it was just in his clothes at that point. The smell and crane machines were the two things that were his, in her eyes, and the smell was a reminder that -

She stopped and shook her head, resolutely going back to bears and not thinking about it.
"Oh, Jesus Christ...."

Shilo wanted to beat him up more, but honestly, more injuries and crazy gibberish was the least that she wanted right now. Well, at least he seemed pretty nice to her in terms of physical appearance, but that wasn't the point right now. Where did he even get all the alcohol? Okay, something was up if they let the officer bring a knife and a drunkard bring his alcohol.

Moving closer to him, hey, this would usually be romantic, but in this situation, hand-to-hand combat taught her a thing or two. As she moved up closer, she immediately brought her foot up and around in a kick, striking the back of his knees. Considering how he was already pretty tipsy, this would bring him down lower, allowing her to strike with the side of her hand at his wrist, jabbing at it and grabbing it, twisting it downwards, causing him a fair bit of pain Letting go of his hand, she managed to grab the flash from his pocket. With her right hand holding the flash, she sent the elbow of her left arm towards his chest, forcing him to curve his body back. Grabbing his hair with her left hand, she dragged him towards one of the chairs in the dining room. It would be more fun to restrain him, but hey, if he was a student, this would make a really awkward explanation.

"Thank's for the compliment."

((Edit: Didn't read what went on right lol))
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Being drunk and not really able to counteract anything that was being done to him, he was easily overpowered. Before he knew it, she had taken the flask from him and then had him sit down in a chair. He almost didn't even register what had happened, and he felt a little saddened that his lucky flask has been taken from him. He finally looked around at everyone who was staring at him, and then he looked at her and did a mock sexy growl and said, "I likesh ish rough..." He chuckled and swung his pack around into his lap, the sounds of glass bottles clinking and clanking together. He opened it up and pulled out an unlabeled bottle of whiksey, about half-full. He closed the pack, and took the cap off and drank the rest of the bottle in one go and let out a loud belch. He chuckled drunkenly and asked, "Shho, ifs thissh ishn't the party I wahs at, where amsh I? And whsyh theresh shoh many beautiful women? None ash beautiful ash you, though..." He gave another lidded wink, followed by a little kiss.
Realizing that the Crane Machine Winner had left, well, who wouldn't have been uncomfortable. He reeked of alcohol, and anyone would want to get out of that situation. But obviously leaving this guy to do whatever he wants is a bad choice, especially with HOW drunk he seems to be right now. Well, she had to help him somehow. Leaning over and taking his pack, she just placed it up on the table in front of him. Taking his right arm, she attempted to smile.

"Wow, you seem pretty strong..."

Oh god, he reeked of beer. What brand was this? She didn't have any alcoholic parents or siblings, but it still bothered her regardless. Well, maybe knocking him out for a short period of time would work? There are some pressure points that would knock someone out, but it didn't really last long, so it was pretty useless in crucial situations. But maybe here...

Pressing hard with her thumb on an area of his palm, she pinched his wrist with her other hand. Taking a second, she slammed her hand hard against the side of his head, knocking him out. Well, at most it lasted like 3 minutes, and she could have done it harder. Alcohol wasn't really the best thing here...

((yes this is an actual thing its on the depths of utube and my skool somewhere))
Alex passed out, for only about 1 minute, before he came too. He looked around, and rubbed his head, feeling like he did before...but he didn't remember how long ago that was. He shook his head for a bit and then saw a woman standing in front of him, and he recognized her. He put a smile on his face, even though his head was throbbing and he felt sick to his stomach, looked her in the eyes and said in a clear and well-mannered tone, "Well, isn't this just a lovely sight to wake up too. Agh, if you don't mind, mademoiselle, could you please donate some sort of ibuprofen or aspirin? I seemed to have partook in another night of inebriation and debauchery and it feels as though my brain is trying to rattle it's way out." He gave her a rather authentic grin, his eyes doing there best to woo her.
(Grab some mitts, cause we're making snowballs.)

Kwasi shrugged and left to the kitchen. He was okay with her decision, it was not like he couldn't do it on his own. As he entered the kitchen, he pulled out some ingredients from the cabinets and washed his hands. Kwasi knew of a certain treat that usually got people begging for more. It had been a while since he made them, but he was sure that he still had what it took to make them. He was about to make some good old-fashion, easy to make, homemade snowballs.

Kwasi had pulled out a jar of peanut butter, a bag of powdered sugar, a box of rice krispies, a stick of butter, a bottle of vanilla extract, and two bars of almond bark. He grabbed a mixing bowl and began plopping out one cup of peanut butter with and two cups of rice krispies. Kwasi started mixing them, counterclockwise. After he had mixed them together, he added in a teaspoon of the vanilla extract. He then threw in a cup of powdered sugar and two tablespoons of butter. He stirred it till it was well mixed. He then placed the almond barks into a plastic container and put them into the kitchen's microwave. He made sure not to burn the chocolate as he waited for the bark to melt, taking it out stirring it as the melted pool of almond was almost done. He pulled out a sheet of wax paper and began to scoop out some balls of the mixed ingredients. After Kwasi was finished with that, he started rolling them, one by one, in the melted almond and back onto the wax paper. after a few moments have passed, he was finally finished.

Kwasi had whipped up some homemade snowballs. He placed the snowballs on a platter and began to clean up his mess. What butler would he be if he didn't keep the kitchen ship-shaped. Kwasi looked at his work, pretty proud of how his snowballs turned out. He walked out of the kitchen, with the snowballs, and saw that miscellaneous events have happened. He asked, "Did I miss something?"

Staring at him in disbelief for a few seconds, she slowly just pushes his head down with her hand until his forehead hit the table, looking extremely uncomfortable. Keeping his head down on the table, she spoke in a half hushed manner, keeping her composure as she speaks calmly.

"Alright, we don't have ibuprofen or aspirin. You're being held potentially as a hostage here in this building with the rest of us. We don't know anything either, don't ask. I'll go get you some cold water or something. But whatEVER you do, do not touch that pack of beer."

How could this party animal speak so formally at a time like this, after whatever episode he just experienced. Still in a state of disbelief, she slowly brought her hand away from his head, coughing a little bit. Well, this was the most awkward that she's experienced so far. Turning around to get some water, she came across an extremely confused Kwasi carrying, woah, snowballs? Enthusiastically jogging over to him, she took one from the neat little stack and brought it to her mouth. Hey, this at least had to heal her a little of the episode she just experienced... maybe lead the question away...

" *munch* No way, I remember eating this with my brother *munch* as a kid! You can make these? *munch* You're an amazing cook!*

Well, he should be. After all, he was a butler. Eating one of the snowballs as she moves into the kitchen to get a cold glass of water for the man.
Alex chuckled when she put his head down on the table and he saw his pack lying there. He chuckled and said, "Ah, please do forgive my rambunctious behavior, a friends parents were out of town and I just HAD to indulge myself." He chuckled and stood up and grabbed his pack, sighing very contently. He looked around and noticed many other people. He smelled the sweet succulence that was the snowballs and he followed after the strange lady, intent on getting some of the treats himself. He grabbed one and popped it into his mouth and showing his appreciation with a big smile towards the butler. He looked him in the eye and said, "I say, good chap, these treats are just delightful! Where did you learn to make these?"

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