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Fandom Dangan Ronpa RP [Open]

Kwasi witnessed Shilo and the luckster "chat" while several other students were arriving. He didn't say anything, like usual, he thought it was best to stay out of this one. After that debacle, everyone seemed to calm down or at least as calm as a bunch of unattended high school kids could get. At least no one was trying to harass anyone like from earlier. He was a bit surprised at how the luckster behaved. He seems to recall a luckster back at Hope's Peak, but he was different. Kwasi was a bit sure that this "luckster" wasn't actually who he played out to be, but Kwasi wasn't about to fling mud around. He would need more proof, if he wanted to call out this charlatan. Once more, he noticed the "luckster" and Shilo in the middle of a creative discussion. Kwasi just held his tongue, it wasn't his place to intrude in a conversation unless it was necessary. He just stood there quietly and watched.


"Don't worry about that, Reject! Just saying what's on my mind! Your brother went out into war and died, didn't he? People like you are always alone, chasing ideals that will never come. Idiotic you, from the beginning."

His streak was on fire right now, but maybe he pulled that string a little too much...


oh, oh he messed up big time.

Grabbing the boy by the collar of his shirt, she effortlessly raised him to her height. It's not like she normally lost her cool, but here, she really seemed to lose it. Her tone wasn't as calm as usual, really, it seemed more of panicked and scared.

"Who the hell are you?! I never told you that. I never told you about my family. Not one bit. You don't know anything."

As she was heavily breathing, the boy just raised both of his arms in surrender, an innocent smile on his face as a result.


Well, nothing could stop the feeling that she had of wanting to punch him. But she couldn't. Not with another like 3 people in the room, no. But this kid definitely was more to the eye here, who was he? There's no way that he was just a Luckster. And she's had no association with him before, so how come...

Throwing him roughly against the wall, she walked back towards the dining table, sitting down on top of it with an extremely tired expression. What did that brat have anything to say about her life. He has no idea what's been going on while he's been happily living his life. And chaos was already starting, mainly because of her.

"Forget what happened, let's just wait for more people to show..."

Hoshiko didn't really have much to say - she had just been watching the proceedings, laughing behind her hand. Then - Mark started getting serious and it kinda freaked her out. She didn't really understand most of what he said, but it was the kind of negative stuff she couldn't handle. So instead of responding she forced a smile and headed to the door. "You know what? There were obviously a loooot more people than this, so I'm gonna go see what's up with them!"

She shoved her hands into her pockets and practically ran to the cabin, bursting in and yelling. "Hey! Wake up sleepy heads!" She walked around, nudging a few bodies with her foot. Hopefully alive bodies.

@Bullet Tooth Tony
ganymede said:
Hoshiko didn't really have much to say - she had just been watching the proceedings, laughing behind her hand. Then - Mark started getting serious and it kinda freaked her out. She didn't really understand most of what he said, but it was the kind of negative stuff she couldn't handle. So instead of responding she forced a smile and headed to the door. "You know what? There were obviously a loooot more people than this, so I'm gonna go see what's up with them!"
She shoved her hands into her pockets and practically ran to the cabin, bursting in and yelling. "Hey! Wake up sleepy heads!" She walked around, nudging a few bodies with her foot. Hopefully alive bodies.

@Bullet Tooth Tony

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/FemNoiz.jpg.74553012dba127fef94feaa400e0552d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69724" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/FemNoiz.jpg.74553012dba127fef94feaa400e0552d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Ugghh.. okay, okay I'm up, yeesh!"

The girl whined and rolled around having taken a longer than expected catnap on the floor, who the heck was this girl anyway?, and why was she so persistantly waking everyone up? uhhh just a few more minutes?... yes, that would be nice.... *yawn*

"Wait, where are we again?..."



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"One down, lots more to go!" Hoshiko was already feeling better just being away from the tension. She bent at the waist with her hands on her knees to peer down at the girl. "No idea! Somewhere in the woods, I guess. There's some kinda dining hall out there -" she nodded her head towards the door, "and we're having a meeting there so we all don't, you know. Freak out. And I came to wake everyone else up! Or at least try."


"Anywho, even though she's still pretty annoying, that's the only plan we got! There are supposed to be like, 16 students, right?"

Grinning and back to his usual self, he spun around by the heel of his shoes, looking at all the people left. Well, the Crane Machine winner was out, and, woah, new person? Running over to the Pencil Artist, he usually had to look up into people's faces. If she was about 5'3 or higher, well, he did.

"S'up missus, you're looking pretty gloomy! You should smile, you're probably super pretty if you do! Not like you're not pretty or anything already!"

Who was this, she didn't seem like a painter. But she was carrying a sketchbook. Don't think he had to dress up as her any time soon to lure people in the past. Well, he had to play along for now!​
ganymede said:
"One down, lots more to go!" Hoshiko was already feeling better just being away from the tension. She bent at the waist with her hands on her knees to peer down at the girl. "No idea! Somewhere in the woods, I guess. There's some kinda dining hall out there -" she nodded her head towards the door, "and we're having a meeting there so we all don't, you know. Freak out. And I came to wake everyone else up! Or at least try."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/FemNoiz.jpg.be4a4c6049a0660ec248698bad2b8f6e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69726" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/FemNoiz.jpg.be4a4c6049a0660ec248698bad2b8f6e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Why would someone wake HER up for that? She wouldn't be useful in the least. She would avoid speaking unless someone said something to peak her interest or something and its not like she had any skills useful out here. She was used to living her life in cyber space... not... this. Despite all of this she got her lazy bum up and moved towards where she assumed the meeting to take place.



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"Hey, Kwasi, I'm curious. I know it's kind of weird, but what's it like, you know, serving people. I grew up hating obedience, no, I'm not a rebel, but I just kind of hated it. Though, don't Butler's have to follow orders? What's it like?"

She needed to get her mind off that pest, so she asked. She was actually pretty curious, I mean, the whole concept of following orders was annoying for her. She was usually the person that was barking out orders for people to listen, or giving advice on everything that went wrong in a match. So listening to someone else give her orders that she had to follow was pretty, new. Compared to back when her mom always barked at her to do stuff, I guess she grew up hating that, and yet she basically grew up like her mom. Well, something like it.



"Oh my god, this one has super cute clothing!!"

As usual, he pounced on the Gamer Girl as soon as she walked in, devious laughter coming from him. As soon as that happened, he grabbed her hat and attempted to pull it over his head. His hair was already fairly messy, so like that would do anything.

"Wow, do you wear this all the time? Don't you get hot in it or anything? I mean, you're hot already, but still."

His tone was ten times lighter than before, in contrast to Shilo's rather gloomy mood after what he said. Laughing like a little kid, he didn't seem to care about the usual formalities when it came to greetings. What was this, the third time he had to pounce on someone?​
Kwasi walked over Shilo and sat by her side. As she asked about his experience as a servant, Kwasi thought of what would be the best way to describe it. He started remembering all his time being a servant. Not much good things he could say about it, but he gave it a shot. He said, "Well, madame, it is not an easy task. Well, it could be, depending on your client. If your master is hard to work with, that your life is hard. Heck, you could have the best chefs cook up a most scrumptious goreme meal served on the most finest silver platter with the world's most awesome wine, but if the master does not acknowledge it as satisfying, then it might as well be garbage served on a paper plate with a side of sludge."

Kwasi gestured his hand up, as if he were playing the world's most smallest violin. He thought the gesture would fit with his statement, given the circumstances. Still doing the gesture, he said, "But that is life. If you're doing your best, you're not trying hard enough." He reached for the sky with his right hand and clenched his fist. He thought to himself that it seemed symbolic, even if it was unnecessary, of trying to reach levels of excellent service that no mere mortals could ever hope to achieve (Which may have been a more easier task for him, given his talent). He proudly stated to Shilo, "Sure, it may be a pain at times taking orders from someone how won't appreciate any of your hard work, but at least you gave it your all and even then some." It was at that moment that Kwasi began to feel a bit silly, he stopped with the act and settled down. Kwasi couldn't recall a time that he ever acted so Shakespearean around others.

(There, I joined the color pallet, a sort-of dark yellow for Mr. Goldi-eyes.)
Kukuri blankly watched the energetic boy run off as she slowly made her way down the hallway. He had approached her and made a comment about her gloomy-ness, not that she wasn't aware of the aura she gave off, and before she could even do anything about the situation, the boy ran off to talk to the girl who was crawling around the floor. Kukuri mentally thanked said girl for her brilliant timing in giving the cheerful boy a distraction. She suspected that the boy was probably younger than her, if only because she was about the same height as him with her one inch heels she had on her boots. However, she didn't mind being short for her age, all the better to not be noticed by anyone. Kukuri resumed her sail walk to the dinning room and hoped that no one would come up to her until the 'meeting' started.
It didn't look like anyone else was waking up in the meantime, and Hoshiko didn't feel like waiting around - she had done her yelling - so she followed the girl.

She wasn't surprised at Mark's pounce, but it kinda puzzled her. Does he think everyone is cute? That's kinda weird, right? Most people have a type. She ended up spacing out a bit. I mean, I guess I don't really have a type, but I don't think everyone is super cute, either. She realized she had been staring at him and shook herself out of it. I'm sure it's nothing! He's kinda weird, but isn't everyone in their own way? Yeah, it's not good to think bad of others like that. We all have to trust each other.

"....pff, haha!"

It's not like she meant it in an offensive way, but she's never seen someone put so much meaning into explaining something before. Most of the time, she just got kind of blatant answers. She was expecting them, of course, since she asked in the first place. But he definitely went full-out with explaining here, and that was a pretty good trait. After laughing, she playfully poked his forehead, once again, not understanding this beautiful thing called personal space.

"You. Whatever's working up here is doing an amazing job. I see why that family is pretty happy to have you. I still have some things to learn, but I'll keep that thought in mind."

Messing up his hair (can you even do that to dreadlocks), she used him like a table to help push her back up, out of the chair. Seems like someone else was coming, and she didn't get pounced on yet by the kid. Might as well greet them before anything happens. Someone who takes charge can't let a runt like him do anything to her. Well, at least for now.

"I know you're all quiet and all, I mean that's people. But hey, why don't you come around and say hi?"

"By the way, it can't just be me here, but do you feel anything like, off with the Luckster dude?"

She's not going to deny who he is, she wants to be respectful here. Though something about that kid was definitely odd. Considering his speech style seems to switch drastically during that one chat they seemed to have, as well as him being aware of who her brother was, he couldn't just be some average kid down the block. Stuffing her hands in her pocket, it tended to be a habit whenever she was nervous, but didn't want to show it. Even people like her had to get anxious eventually, she was just pretty good at making sure no one figured out. She just waited by the table for him to get up, which probably was her own way of saying "Hey, walk with me I'm not talking to the gloomy artist alone". Something started to be pretty unsettling between her and just that boy, but she had to brush that off. There were more students to come, of course everyone was going to act odd.
Kwasi was once again subject to Shilo entering his personal space. He was quite flabbergasted by her constant touching. Kwasi didn't understand why she must get so close and treat him like some sort of child's plaything. Was it really that fun for her, Kwasi thought to himself. He became more irritated when she messed with his dreadlocks (Yes) and used him as a tool to unseat herself. He thought more on that chat that he would have to give her on the subject of personal space. He got up quietly and stood by Shilo. He said to her about his opinion on the boy, "Well, madame, the luckster-in-question does seem a bit off. He acts unnaturally, around others, and he seems to behaves very childishly when it comes to interacting with his fellow peers."
"That's definitely true. I'm just curious on how he knew about my family when I never told him."

Hesitating for a second, she looked back on his words. Something about him dying in war, right. She suspected that, but it was even worst having to reflect that some high school brat had to shove that fact in her face.

"... maybe even more."

Averting her gaze towards the side, there wasn't a window she could throw those ideas out of. But hey, can't look back now, that would be awkward. Keeping her gaze on the boared up window, might as well try and figure out the rest of the students in the mean time. There were supposedly 5 floors, and she pretty much scouted the first floor already. There was apparently a library higher up, and something about a pool? A pool in a building is a pretty amazing feat on it's own. But on the more serious note, how long has everyone been asleep?

"Hey, what was your family like? Did you help them out a lot? They're probably worried sick about us, well, probably."
Kukuri had entered the dining room, and was now staring at the scene in front of her by the doorway. These two people certainly seemed to be...friendly...with each other. Anticipating the quickly approaching awkward-ness, and wanting to avoid it, Kukuri slipped into the dining area and made a beeline to the back of the room as quickly and quietly as possible, hoping that the pair would be too occupied in their own conversation to notice her. God, she prayed that she didn't interrupt anything going on between the two...
Kwasi responded, "Probably not, it's been "awhile" since my family and I have spoken. Nothing much to get into, it was just time for me to moved on up in life." He felt a little harsh when he said that, but he did not want to get into the topic of his own personal life. His work was okay, but his family was just a subject that was too much for him right now. He attempted to change the subject back over to the luckster-in-question. "I think the "Luckster" may know more than he lets off. We should probably keep a close eye on him at all times."

(Creative juices, and actual juice, are running low. Need fuel.)
((Lmao, same. I'll just leave off here. Waiting for @MattieLee to respond too.))

"He went off to go pounce on some other person, so I think we're safe for now. He's got quite a tongue and vocab usage."

Talking behind people's backs wasn't something she really liked to do, but someone who insulted her family like that just brought out that from her. Kwasi did appear to look bothered during their chat on ocassions, it's probably because of the weird informality ticks she seems to have, especially when it came to personal space. She never really understood it, no one really told her to understand it, looks like it didn't really come to haunt her until now! Out of all places. Coughing nervously, she brought her hand out of her pocket, awkwardly scratching her neck.

"Just a little background info... ah... I used to have a brother who was the same like me, with this huge lack of.. you know.. space.. and..."

Her face slowly got redder as she continued, though she managed to keep her composure. It was hard to take her seriously with how she looked at the time though. She never thought of explaining it until now.

"Guess it kind of stuck with me... err... had some weird social isolation things as a kid.. yeah.."

Covering half her face with her hand, muffling out the sound of her voice a little more. It was weird seeing her so embarrassed, considering how forceful she was before. Might as well come out honest to someone she's going to be hostage with, at least.

"Like brother like sister...so... I don't think you're a kid or anything... it's just..."

Well, she was going to say coach a lot, but she kind of faded out of what she was saying. She did feel awkward explaining stuff. I mean, this is the closest thing to a social event that she's attended to, and it definitely shouldn't be considered a social event, by all means. Considering how she never had any one else to talk to, no one could really explain to her as a kid about how people have their own bubbles, so when she could actually live the way she wanted too, well, that old habit hasn't died yet. But hey, if it bothered Kwasi, it must bother some other people when it came to meeting them. Managing to stop blushing, she couldn't really bring herself to apologize. You shouldn't apologize for something as trivial as this, it just shows that you're weak and people can take advantage of your heart. And, well, it would just get her more flustered.

"Hey, be a butler and tell me when I'm being weird."

Charles slowly woke from the drugs and grunted "Fuck..." he slowly stood up and dusted his uniform and officers cap, they were all ruined now, weren't they. He looked around his surroundings, totally empty. What had happened to him? He wondered and began pacing around the empty halls, he soon enough reached the cafeteria. "Hello?" he called out anxiously.
Hearing someone call out emptily, she held out her hand as in 'Wait' towards Kwasi before running off. One of the students must have woken up. Jogging over towards the body, who was he... oh. He was that officer that she's seen on TV every once and a while, literally being thrown awards. Well, better than anything the media could do for her. There was seriously a police officer straight in this school? Even better, a junior. Waving over at him as she slows down, a rather apathetic look on her face.

"S'up. Most people are meeting in the dining hall over there."

Pointing behind her with her thumb, she continued.

"I'm hosting a meeting, we're going to establish some rules and get all this bullshit solved. If a black haired boy tries to jump on you, you got full permission to slap him, officer."

Might as well give someone else a warning in the mean time. His name wasn't anything that she could recall, I mean she barely watched TV, most of the time it was just some entertainment her and her father enjoyed for a little bit. But all she knew was that he definitely meant business. And, well, he has a hat, that's pretty rad. Anyone with a hat is cool in her book. Is he seriously wearing all of his officer hear on his way here? Well, no one knew what would happen. How were they all kidnapped, exactly? Everyone seems to be in relatively casual clothing, but definitely not straight out of there own homes? That couldn't be a possibility, since everyone had their own actions being performed. They even captured the famous, so at most, they couldn't have been taken from the outside...

... but rather, were they really being held in as hostages? Or as protection from something?

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"How do you know I'm a-" he looked down, he was wearing the uniform "Alrighty then, but if this vagrant does, he will get far more than a slap." he snarled, walking through to the dining hall "So soldier, do you have a name and or an idea of what the hell has happened?"
"Well, you don't seem to have an idea either. So that probably rules out that idea..."

Mumbling to herself for a little bit, she hesitated before responding.

"Shilo Kurobane, I'm the Super High School Level Free-Runner, but people know me on TV as the athlete-reject-that-failed-to-go-big-time. I can catch you up on this: every student here is a prodigy. Everyone is famous here for something. We have an artist here, a model, a butler, and possibly a threat, but hey, he calls himself a Luckster. Everyone here is ranged from 15 to 18, and no one has a clue what happened. There are 5 floors on this building we are trapped in, and the food seems to be well stocked. We aren't here alone, but from what I've seen, I can't seem to find any other adult body here. The fact that were hostages can be pretty, iffy, considering they have an officer and a model here, who should be well-guarded or protecting of themselves, at most."

Shifting her hands around in her pocket, they were empty, which was pretty unusual considering how much stuff she usually packs in her pockets, ranging from loose change to stuff like snacks and candy.

"For reference, do you have anything like weapons on you? You're an officer, so I assume you would usually have something on you."
"How do you know what I am?" he asked "We haven't met before." he slid a hand into his uniform and pulled out a small pocket knife "Now, why was I knocked out?" he asked "I sure as fuck didn't fall asleep on the floor."
"You're lucky you woke up late, to be honest. The most decent person I met so far was the SHSL Butler, everyone else is basically a moron. Except for one, but he's more insane than anything."

Looking at the knife he pulled out, well, that was definitely something to keep mind of. If this officer managed to sneak in a knife for whatever reason, well, how did he even get past school security? He must have been really stubborn to let this one slide.

"Like I said, that's the bullshit we're trying to solve here. We all woke up in the same place. And we're waking up at relatively similar times. Highschoolers with special talents are being kept here for something, and seeing that a gentleman like you doesn't know either, we probably were drugged asleep. You mind introducing yourself a little bit?"

This guy seemed to like his use of profanity. Then again, he's a junior who literally has medals being thrown at him. He's pretty high in those ranks, so considering that she's trying to take place as a leader between a mess of teenage testosterone and naive females, well, this will be some competitive rivalry.
Kwasi was not sure how to handle Shilo's blushing. He just tried to keep calm and not acknowledge it as weird or anything. At least she noticed the whole personal space issue, he was wondering when that was going to happen. He witnessed as Shilo gave a wait signal and then ran off, Kwasi just stood there confused. He guessed that she heard something and was going to go check it out. Kwasi just shrugged it off and waited patiently against the wall of the dining room. He took the time to think about what Shilo said, she use to have a brother. Using that context clue, he put two-and-two together and came to the conclusion that her brother had probably passed away. Kwasi was a bit sadden, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. It's not like he could just go and bring her brother back from the dead. Detouring from those depressing thoughts, he noticed a female student hanging in the back. She seemed to be minding her own business. Kwasi thought that she might enjoy some company or at least some idol chit chat. He made his way over to her and asked, "So, madame, what are you doing all the way back here?" He thought that question would be a good icebreaker, sort of. Not the best question to pop, but it was a start.
"So what kind of grunts are we dealing with?" he asked, walking through the hall and shining one of his medals with a hankercheief "And has there been any form of adult contact?" he asked "And whose in charge of this outfit?"

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