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Fandom Dangan Ronpa RP [Open]

"Hello, Hoshiko Ishikawa and Scarlet, I'm Kwasi Moto. Nice to meet you." he said. Kwasi looked back at the door. When he tried it before, it was locked tighter than a vice grip. But time has gone by and more of the students have awoken. Maybe there kidnapper was waiting for this to happen. He really didn't know the answers, but there was one way to find out. "Excuse me for a moment." he said to the others. Kwasi arisen from the desk and walked over to the door. He didn't know if there was some sort of trap on the other side, but he had to take the risk in the sake of making some kind of progress out of this situation. As he tried to open it, he noticed that it wasn't locked. Kwasi was a bit stunned by this, given that he didn't hear anyone unlock it beforehand. Waiting no longer, Kwasi opened the door and prepared for what may be on the other side.
Not caring to notice this, Haruki had taken his own route, clambering over who-knows-what in order to reach a small window. He peered outside, heart dropping when he saw they were surrounded by thick woods, trees everywhere he looked. He squinted. It appeared to be about midday. He also noticed what seemed to be a camera secured to one of the larger trees. Suspicion growing, he searched the area some more. "What the...?"
The door would slam open. With a firm voice, Shilo spoke loudly, hoping to obtain the attention of the students in the room. She was always an early riser, so she was one of the first few to have woken up. While she was awake, she realized that everyone in the room appeared to be some sort of prodigy, at least except for the kid she met earlier. Her voice was forceful and commanding, similar to something of a leader, as her eyes squinted at the confused bodies of students.

"All of you. Considering the circumstance that we have all been placed in, don't think that you can just be a rebel and run off. This isn't a game of survivor. This isn't supposed to be a situation of mistrust. Outside, there should be a dining room. We are going to get this solved. Meet up at the dining room. Oh, and apologies goldi-eyes."

At that, the girl left the room, leaving the door open. She kind of had a voice as if she was a coach, because well, she kind of was. Nearly hitting the title of SHSL Athlete, the only way she missed the mark was because of her lack of dedication towards the games and the rules, her attitude towards rule confined sports being rather sloppy. It reminded her too much of her mom, and she wasn't into anything like that. Shoving her hands into the pockets of her signature fur jacket, which were covered with scraped and worn out fabric from her runs, she walked towards the dining room. She was relatively calm for the situation, mainly because she was luckily no one saw her panicking earlier. Composure was the way you had to go here, being confused and frustrated only lead to more sloppy mistakes in the end.


Poking around the fridge, what else was in here? Mark looked at the well stocked fridge in curiosity. Students were probably going to be awake soon, what a bother. Well, considering how they all were prodigies in some way, he recognized most of them. In this situation, he had to do what he loved, and what he hated most. With a title like his, he'd have a horrible reputation, and you definitely don't want that, especially in a locked building. Shutting his eyes, he could hear an annoying buzz on the side of his head, messily ruffling up his dark hair in annoyance. Why couldn't he be locked in a place of solitude, instead of with other students. He didn't want to wake up to people, really, he just wanted to get away. But oh well, that's how the dice seemed to roll.

Remembering the girl that he met earlier, he closed his eyes again, trying to remember what he could bring up. Let's see, she was the free runner, maybe? The athlete? One of the two. She was rather smart for someone who could be considered a stupid jockey, but that could come in handy. Manipulation was what he did best at, and maybe luring a muscle or two would come in handy. There was a soccer player as well, and a model that he saw in magazines. Considering the popular bodies, how was he supposed to act? Most people would be flustered and confused, so that's probably it. His mental conversation would go back and forth with himself, waiting to hear footsteps coming from the dining room.
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Kwasi was a bit surprised at how the female student decided to take charge of the situation, mostly because no one else was. He was alright with it, Kwasi was use to taking orders from others so he really didn't mind this girl barking out commands. Taking what she said to heart, Kwasi took leave to the dining room. He noticed, as he made his way to the dining room, that the building they were all stuck in was a bit dingy. It seemed like this place hasn't been used in a while. He started to wonder where they actually may be. Probably just some secluded place in the middle of nowhere, he thought. Still riding the train of thought, Kwasi entered the dining room. He looked around to see that it was in an "Okay" shape. He thought a few renovations and some heavy-duty spring cleaning would get this building up to his more likable standard.
Seeing the rather well-dressed male step foot in the dining room, she was leaned up against the table, fiddling around with the straps on her goggles. It was a memento from her brother, so even if she did look ridiculous in it, it was a nice memory to hold onto. Letting go of the straps, she waved over to the male with dreadlocks, a casual smile over her face. She had the habit of stepping up in attempt of being a leader, even if the scenario wasn't the best, so she might as well be a good one. Well, let's just hope that the rest of the students follow after, instead of rebelling instead. Where did the short kid go, anyway?

"Hey, goldi-eyes. Glad to see you could make it! Everyone else didn't seem to understand the weight of the situation, so at least someone had a little bit of mind towards that. I was scoping the building a little bit, and didn't find anyone else in the rooms. It seems like we're the only people here, no teachers, no nothing."

It was true. When she woke up, obviously she was panicking at the fact of the people all over the classroom sprawled out, as well as the door needing tons of elbow grease to open. But, people didn't really seem to get what they're really in right now. When she slammed opened the door, there definitely was an artist sketching all alone, a girl crawling on the ground, and two other girls acquainting themselves. With how far the butler was in front of the door, it seemed like he made an attempt to leave, anyway.

"Nice hair, by the way."


He heard voices outside. Yep, that's the athlete, and who was the other one? Golden eyes, he never really got to see anyone's eyes while they were unconscious. I mean, he did have golden eyes, but it definitely wasn't him she's referring to. She must be trying to set up a meeting with the other students. She seems more like a coach then anything else, weren't jockeys supposed to be big and strong and on the dumber side? That's a real problem, she could probably figure out some stuff about him if she tried. Well, he won't let it reach that point anyway. There wasn't anything to worry about. They did come across each other while investigating the building. It seemed well stocked, so they weren't exactly being held hostage. There wasn't any people around, so that means they're being locked in from something? Everything was just a huge jumble in his head right now.

She did make a comment towards hair. Well, she seemed overall pretty nice, anyone with wild hair he could think of? The model had bright red hair, long black hair, er, dreadlocks? Nah, that was too vague of a compliment. But he didn't have the nerve to come out and say hi. He was pretty "social", but people were a huge bother. The students may be out of the stereotypical range as well. There was a famous soccer player, maybe he's super serious and like the athlete? The athlete is already rather weird herself. The model might actually hate her job as a model? Maybe she's shy? The artist might be out going? He couldn't remember any other student bodies as he shifted through the kitchen a little bit.​
"Thank you, madame" he replied to the female student. It was nice to receive a complement from the lass, though he wished that she would use a different name then "Goldi-eyes". He turned his attention back to what she said earlier, having no teachers or any other parental figure around them or at least one that was in sight. Could this mean that their kidnapper wasn't around, he thought to himself, It would be odd for their kidnapper to just leave his or her hostages unattended. Kwasi decided to not think too much into it, right now. Dancing around the subject would just bring more angst to himself. He found it was a bit odd that the female student and himself have been having a conversation and they don't even know each-others names. Kwasi thought it would be best to introduce himself and maybe find out a little about the madame. "I'm Kwasi Moto, by the way, the super high school level butler" he said in a formal tone. He asked, "And may I ask, what be your name?"
"Butler... huh..."

It's not like she was bothered or anything, she didn't have anything against them. It's just, the way she grew up, being obedient under a rule was something that she never understood. She hated it, it felt like she was being confined mentally. You could do anything, but you still were being locked up some how. It was an annoying feeling that she didn't really understand, and actually seeing a butler for the first time, well, their lives must be pretty opposite. Walking up to him, she obviously was shorter then him, she was just a little bit above average height. Tilting her head to the side in curiosity, and she definitely didn't seem to understand the whole concept of personal space. Lightly poking his forehead, she sounded genuinely fascinated.

"Huh. I only read about butlers and maids in things like fairy tales and storybooks. First time actually meeting one."

Breathing out a sigh, she stepped back and moved back to where she was standing, as if nothing happened.

"Nice to meet you, Kwasi. I'm not usually into the whole last-name basis, so pardon me if that's rude. I'm Shilo Kurobane, the Super High School Level Free-Runner. People usually recognize me as 'The Athlete-that-failed-to-go-big-time', if that rings a bell."

Chuckling at herself, she looked to the side at where the kitchen was. Was there noises coming from there? Must be the short-kid or something like that. She wasn't too proud of the title that she got, especially if she was more well known as a failed athlete, but Hopes Peak was the best school you could get out there. Who wouldn't want to go if they're accepted?

"It's okay if it's just, you know, like the force of tongue. I mean, you're a butler, I understand you're accustomed to being formal. But you can drop the super-polite act around me. It makes me feel too important."

((the name kwasi moto keeps making me think of the hunchback of notre-dame))
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Kwasi was unprepared and became a bit nervous when she invaded his personal space. It was not everyday that his personal bubble has accompanying anyone other than himself. He relaxed after she backed off, but was still rather tense. He thought to himself that he would probably have to give her a lesson on personal space. As she made her comment on butlers, Kwasi couldn't help but feel a bit insulted by that remark. Butlers are more than just mythical beings that only exist in fables, he thought. Sure, they weren't as common as your friendly neighborhood waiter or waitress, but they do exist. He began to focus back on the girl before he started ranting off in his head even more.

He heard that the girls name was Shilo and that she was a prodigy when it came to free running. He was not sure how to act about he other following statement. He just assumed that she wasn't really too proud of being The Athlete-that-failed-to-go-big-time and left it as that. "Well it is very nice to have become acquainted to you, Shilo Kurobane." he formally said. Kwasi knew that she said not to be formal around her, but old habits are hard to break. It would be like walking around shirtless for him, it just wasn't going to happen.
She grinned as he responded formally. It was typical, though verbal ticks like this aren't as easy to break as going on a first-name basis. Her expression turned thoughtful as she sighed with exasperation, though she didn't seem mad or anything. Sure, she was pretty informal and open about whatever she thought, which brought her out as rude, but she seemed to take situations rather calmly for a free runner. With her uneven and uncombed pastel hair, goggles, and just the overall-strange appearance, she seemed closer towards a punk-band guitarist than an actual leader.

"Ha. Is that a verbal tick for you? That's adorable. I think you gotta work on talking casually a little, you don't want people stepping all over you, you know? People take advantage of amazing talents like that really easily.


You know, I saw you on the news once back home. You were a servant that worked under a wealthy family a few miles away from my neighborhood. Apparently, you worked up in a matter of days, and the family seemed quite happy to have you. That's pretty amazing, if you ask me. I look up to that."

That wasn't half-hearted either. He had a goal in mind, and through all that hard work, he figured out what he wanted to do. Sure, there probably was hard times, that's everyone. But he knew what he wanted to do, and look, he did it. That wasn't the same for her. She has the potential to be an athlete, she has the potential to live off doing parkour, but that isn't it. She wants to be something else, and yet, she was chosen because of her hobby. Now, on the other spectrum of the conversation, Shilo's never really experienced kids manipulating one another, or rather didn't care. But well, that was the world for you. In a school full of prodigies, there has to be some manipulative insane minds out there that want to take advantage of the skills everyone has. Well, everyone has their power hungry moments, whether it's in a video game or reality.

"Now, you seemed like you actually knew what you were doing. I'll just keep you updated 'til they come. Every student body, well, MOSTLY every student body was in that room you woke up in. I woke up first, decided to scope the building to see what was going on. There is a big metal door encasing the exit, entrance, yeah. It's locked, no way getting through that. Windows all boarded up, as you can see. Though, the food supply seems to be very well stocked. We aren't, or we won't be alone. I didn't see any adult, don't get me wrong. But a few rooms I went through seemed to be locked. I met someone who called himself the Super High School Level Luckster loitering around, he seems pretty fine. Short, black hair, pretty childish, he probably got curious."

Taking a breather, she scratched the back of her neck.

"The students are ages ranging from 15 to 18. There seems to be more then one floor of this building, but I didn't check it out yet. Going alone seemed like a bad idea, even for an athlete reject, you don't know what could happen. You probably know a bit more about the students than me, you were in that room while most seemed awake."

Resting one hand against the dining table, she rose the other one as if presenting something.

"And, there you go. That's all I have so far. So don't think I'm the stereotypical highschool jockey, okay?"

She hates when people referred to her like that. Considering her physical traits and social traits as a sports leader/coach, most people just viewed her an air-headed athlete that just wants to get into a sports team. No one really noticed her for anything knowledge wise, and that bugged her. Sure, she comes off as way too informal, and she was kind of weird socially, the title of being your air-headed sports jockey was annoying.
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"Jeez, somebody's grumpy!" Hoshiko pouted, crossing her arms, but then watched what else went on. She was kinda thankful the girl burst in with a sorta-plan, and she liked how she thought they needed to trust each other.

"I'm gonna go ahead and see what that's all about!" She said to Scarlet, smiling, then left to make her way to the dining room.
Kwasi did not acknowledge the statement of him having a nervous tick in anyway or form. He thought there was nothing wrong with having a formal tongue. Why most would embrace, even if it was just to play along. He became embarrass when she started to mention his achievements. He got a bit of a blush, but he did not let that phase him. He said, "Thank you, madame" and left it at that. Receiving direct empathetic complements were still something new to him.

Kwasi's gears in his head began to turn. A bunch of teenage high school students stuck in a building, probably some run-down cabin, out in the middle of a secluded area. He also noted that their abductor was nowhere to be see. Kwasi pondered on the idea that this was an extreme social experiment. Some of the students would assume the roles of being leaders while others followed, more malicious students would rebel and create drama, and hi-jinx would ensue. Kwasi hoped that was not the case, for drama would be a blight in this situation and a bane in his behind.

Maybe this was something else, he thought. They could have been token hear because civilization had finally fallen. Their could have been some kind of war between two factions that lead to the end of the human race. If that were true, they were the only ones left to represent the human race. This would also mean that their abductor was actually brought us here to protect them from ending up like the rest of society. This would be a dark scenario that Kwasi hoped wasn't true. However, this would mean that they would be entitled to repopulate the earth which he guess wasn't all that bad (Wink wink, nudge nudge).

"Absolutely, I shall not categorize you as a stereotypical athlete." he said to Shilo. Turning his attention back on what she said before, Kwasi asked, "So this Super High School Level Luckster, where may he be?" Kwasi had a hard time recalling a luckster in their mitts. He was pretty sure that was a lie, a student accepted for being lucky just seemed ridiculous.
"Haha, thanks. After we try and settle down with a meeting, we have to establish our own rules here, well, at least until the perpetrator comes out and explains what's going on. I might do some research in the Library to see what's up, maybe they have something."

Well, from what she figured out, everyone in the class seemed to be around 15 or 16, a few 17 and maybe one 18 year old in the room. It didn't feel like a hostage situation, though. The entire building was huge, and there was more than one floor. The Luckster said that he went through all the floors, there were supposedly 5 or so. Why did he go by himself, that was pretty uncalled for.

"Considering how everyone is a prodigy at something, this is probably a social experiment. Probably..."

She usually was sure when it came to coming up with conclusions, though she wasn't sure here. She couldn't find the hostage, and the Luckster had a mischievous smile on his face. Was he part of this? Well, that wouldn't make sense. He said he was 15.

"Luckster? He should be... right..."

Pointing behind him towards the girl walking over.

"Right there."

A small body would dart out of the Kitchen to the left, full force tackling the girl.



"Oh my god, a cute girl!"

Tackling the Crane Machine Winner as she came out, laughing all the way. Hey, at least this one had some sex appeal! And she was a little bit shorter than him. Usually, everyone was taller than him, so this was a nice change of pace. She seemed to show a little skin, actually pretty decently attractive! Hey, this was how most teenage boys acted, right? Uh, testosterone and all, this is how they act, right...? For a second, he seemed confused, before he returned back to his childish ways. That didn't matter, as long as it was believable. Both of them on the ground because of his tackle, he casually remarked while both of his arms were on either side of her, a childish smirk on his face.

"Wow, nice sweater! You have more sex appeal than the Athlete at least."


Despite knowing that she would be severely annoyed by the comment, all that she wore was long pants, combat boots, and a fur jacket. Sure, kind of busty, but there was no skin showing! Acting like this is tedious... aah.. ignore that. There was sure to be other people showing up soon, might as well make the opportunity his. Who was this person? He didn't really recognize media wise with her....​
Hoshiko shrieked as she was tackled, falling backwards easily and hitting the floor with a squeak. She turned bright red when she saw their positions, and his comment only turned her more red. Wh-who is this guy?!

"U-um... Uh..." She tried to form words, but all that came was useless stuttering and another squeak. I'm probably not strong enough to push him off... Hoshiko swallowed, ears burning, and finally forced out her words all, her voice even more high pitched then usual. "Please move!"
She let out a sigh. He did make comments on how she had 0 attractiveness, but that was okay with her. And that was a pretty decent tackle, poor girl. Well, bot seemed pretty short. Who was she? Nothing on the media seemed to pop up in her head, but everyone in the building probably showed up on the TV at least once, right?Scratching the back of her head confused, she patted Kwasi on the shoulder.

"Well, it just escalates lower from here."

Walking over to the mess of the frantically blushing girl and the hysterically laughing boy, she grabbed his hood with one hand. Surprisingly, she was able to yank him up. He was shorter than her by quite a bit, and she was able to pull him up with one hand off the ground, causing him to dangle off the ground. She looked pretty exasperated, don't tell me this was seriously going to be the rest of the students. She could be a leader, good enough, but there was only so much chaos she could handle, especially if all the students were near her age.

"Mark, why were you in the kitchen? You said you went up to check the Fourth Floor?"

"I'll do it later. C'mon, let me hang out with the cutie~☆"

"You're hopeless. I'll make you play a round of street basketball with me."

She spoke dead serious. Sure, it was a topic that could have been taken lightly, though she definitely wasn't joking around here. And he seemed to quiet down too, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms, still dangling in the air.



"Don't get mad! I'm sorry, just know that I'm a joker in the end, haha!"

He crossed his arms. He did have to play around to seem childish, but he definitely didn't want to pick a fight with her. Maybe he could pick a bone or two with some of the other students, but if this girl nearly hit the title of an athlete at the age of 17, that's a force to not reckon with. And, well, he has some more digging around this building to do. It can't be too hard to figure what's going on, after all, it will be fun. What kind of game will the host play with them now? It's like they're all chess pieces. Hmm, maybe it's just to get people to turn on each other in mistrust? It's so chaotically wonderful, he couldn't help but grin at the thought. Taking advantage of the fact that he's dangling around he looked towards the other student in the back.

"Alright, so I met the cutie and the buzzkill, who's your boyfriend?"

"We all just got here, and you're seriously wondering about that? We all barely know each other."

"Aww, I'm just being honest, I swear! It's not good to lie all the time, you know~!"

That was a pretty ironic statement considering who he is. Well, upon coming here, learned the name that he forgot through his student card. Was that really it? Well, that was a boring name, so he chose to play his cards as a bluff, as usual. Different name, different title, just like how he wants it to be.​
"Th-thank you!" Hoshiko stood up and smiled gratefully at the girl who had rescued her. She's the one who took charge, too, right? She seems nice!

Hoshiko tried to smooth down her hair where it had gotten frizzed from the fall, but ultimately just had to retie it. She then had to pull down her skirt a bit and pull up her socks. Her brows furrowed as she stopped and contemplated the arrangement. He said I have 'sex appeal'... Is it because my skirt is too short? I mean, I guess it was a compliment, but that's not the kind of 'cute' I'm going for...

She ended up a bit lost on her thoughts before she shook her head and decided it didn't matter. She adjusted her sweater - it was falling off one shoulder - but she paused, remembering the boy's sweater comment. He was probably teasing her, but it has been nice. And besides, even if he was a bit... Excitable, he didn't seem like a bad guy. "Uh, um, thanks for the compliment, though? I made it myself, so..." The sweater was made of a soft material she had gotten from stuffed animals in a crane machine that had a bunch of the same animal. She, if course, had gotten them all. She smiled proudly as she remembered. "I mean, I appreciate it!"


"See, I told you that people would like me!"

That's how it was supposed to go down, anyway. Well, he should be used to it. The different types of tones and compliments that he gave people didn't mean anything, they were just words that he used because it made his reputation better. He laughed, wiping away tears from his eyes, he seemed to be having a grand of a time. Is this supposed to be the time he has to give his name and high school talent? Well, to him it didn't really matter too much. No matter how you put it, there are no labels differing you and I. That was a phrase he also lived off of. He could care less about their Super High School Talent, now a days, it was whether or not someone was useful. Oh, I'm a liar? If that's what you say, I get it well enough, I'm not your ideal kid! If that's really what you're going to say, than shut up for a bit. He ranted in his head a little more, outstretching his hands to him as if he was presenting himself.

"No problem, cutie! Did you really make that, you're pretty skilled! Oh, my name is Mark Barton, by the way. Super High School Level Luckster! Well, I'm not the luckiest, but you know how Hopes Peak works~"

In fact, he had to do research on it back in the mafia. it was a good school in keeping it's information away, he couldn't learn much about it, other than attracting kids with talents. Though apparently, there was an event where they chose a random kid to join the school as well as the Luckster. Weren't these games supposed to be about cheating? That's what makes it fun!


"Missy, can you let me go no-?!"

She let go of his hood without warning, causing him to crumble to the ground with a thud. She was pretty happy to stumble someone while she was walking around, but she really couldn't read whether this kid was always this way or just being super suspicious. There were plenty more students that needed to come, let's just hope at least some of them are taking the situation seriously. She seemed way too bubbly and easily flustered, but at least better than the black haired kid. He couldn't be figured out in the least. What evil plan is he plotting?!


Brushing off her clothing, she shoved her hand into the pocket of her jacket, holding out her other for a handshake. It was pretty ironic considering how informal she was with the Butler earlier, but she didn't really like formalities either way. Sometimes it just fits the moot, and she definitely went through quite the greeting with the kid already.

"Sorry about him, yeah. I'm Shilo Kurobane, Super High School Level Free Runner. Most people recognize me as the athlete-that-failed-to-go-pro, if that rings a bell."

Repeating the same greeting she said with the Butler, she got over the fact on how much she disliked being known as that. She has shown up on some college sports channels, but the reporters always made snark comments on how she would have been an amazing athlete if she could have followed it. The media was always like that, anyway. It was nothing that she liked. But, hey, you can't really do anything about it, can you?
Hoshiko nodded. "Yep! I make a lot of my own clothes."

Shilo seemed nice, and Mark... not bad. The situation was bad, but everyone she had talked to were pretty nice. I'm sure we can all get through this together, especially since everyone seems like they're willing to. Well, there's Grumpy, but he didn't seem bad or anything. "It's nice to meet you both! I'm Hoshiko Ishikawa, Super High School Level Crane Machine winner." She smiled and shook Shilo's hand. "Or just Hoshi is fine too!"

The athlete-who-never-went-pro? That's a cruel title to give someone... Hoshiko rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. "Um, I don't really watch a lot of TV, but it sounds familiar? Free Runner is a really cool title, though! I think it's pretty impressive, whether or not you went pro. It definitely sounds cooler then 'Crane Machine Winner'." She smiled at the girl. She didn't mean it in a self depreciating way - she had worked really hard for her title - just that she should be proud.
Noting everyone leaving him behind, Haruki huffed and crossed his arms, finally making to follow. He had to admit he was hungry, even if he was annoyed with the way that other student was acting like the boss. Grumbling to himself, the soccer player left the room he'd woken up in. "'m starving," he said to no one in particular.
"Thanks. But trust me, you like doing Crane Machine games, right? Yeah, that's something to be proud of. Free-Running is just a hobby. What do some gamers say, 'it's not a game, it's a way of life.' Something like that."

The girl seemed nice enough. Maybe a bit on the airheaded side, but at least she didn't seem to see her on the news a lot. That means she wouldn't use that title as a form of insult or blackmail or anything. She didn't seem like the kid to do that, anyway. But like the few others, Hoshi over here didn't seem to realize way too much on being stranded, well, that's just her sense. Something seemed a bit too bubbly about her, unlike to her liking. Shaking her hand up and down firmly, she walked back towards the table she was leaning on, where the Butler was.

"I'm just waiting for the other students to gather. No one took the role of the leader here, so might as well start now."

Well, she was pretty pushy. Though that's just how she grew up. Like mother, like daughter. Fiddling with the straps of her goggles, she looked around the room as the students started to gather. Well, by students, she only saw 3 in the room, but at least no one ignored her. That was a pretty foul feeling.



"Hoshi? Aww, that's an adorable name!"

How come she sounded so much like some character that hopped right of Persona. It's not like he took much mind to it. Well, she was a Crane Machine Winner, she can't have way too much influence compared to anyone like a model. But her overly-positive attitude may come into use some time. She also makes her own clothing. Back in the mafia he was mainly the framer and the main bait of it all, so he had to dress up as plenty of famous people before. Though this is a building, I don't think that will come to any use now a days. Hearing footsteps coming his way, he walked towards the sound.




After shouting that back, he full on tackled the soccer player with a grin. This seemed to be a pretty normal action for him if greeting anyone attractive, really. Well, that was how some kids acted, right?

"Oh my god, please stop."
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A full on blush spread across Haruki's face, surprised at being knocked over. He gave a quick glance to the girl but didn't really care about her, grinning up at the boy on top of him. "Heheh, can't really complain with someone as attractive as you tacklin' me. What was your name?"
Just a hobby? Wow, how many people can get so talented at something they don't really care about? She really is kinda amazing... "I guess I get what you mean, but that just means that you have a lot of opportunities left. Once you find something you're really passionate about, it will probably be amazing!" Hoshiko fiddled with her ponytail a bit as Sholi walked away. She really is serious... But that probably makes more sense then my reaction. Her brows furrowed a bit as she thought to herself. She started to wonder if she was taking things too lightly, but forced herself to smile. I can't do anything if I'm moping, though, right? I can be cheerful and serious, nothing wrong with that!

She laughed as Mark tackled Grumpy. That must just be a thing he does, huh? She was a bit relieved at the distraction. Something about his gaze had bothered her... It was almost like he was judging her worth. She shook her head a bit. No, I must be imagining things. She grinned and called out her own greeting to Grumpy. "Hey, Grumpy! Took you long enough!"

"Why, I'm the grea- ow! Hey!"

Grabbing his hood again, Shilo pulled him off of the boy like a kid. Wow, the second time. Someone needs to put a leash on this child. Looking down at who it is she held out her other hand to try and help him up. Wow, it must take a considerable amount of strength to carry a boy with one hand and try and help with another. But looking at the boys face, her pupils would contract.

"You... you're Haruki Kato, aren't you?" she half mumbled, sounding physically bothered.

Like some statements before, she had nothing against other athletes, well, she can't be considered an athlete. But she kind of had a mental grudge over everyone her age that were basically athletes, such as him. He's been on TV a few times, and most of the time, reporters and journalists made crude snarky comments towards her. More specifically, comparing him to her. He was in good shape for running, a bit on the air-headed and grumpy side anyway, but he was still an amazing player on the field. Which bothered her. The news always compared him to her, because he was so young and tough, while she gave up on sports games and all that.

Coughing a little bit, her serious coach-like tone was brought up again.

"Right, sorry about him."



"Hey, reject, you must really like me if you're sweeping me off my feet like tha-"

Dropping him, he landed on the ground with a thud again. He laughed regardless, despite the fact he was really pulling the strings he didn't want to pull. So much for getting the girl on his good side. Well, he might as well get this kid. What was he, famous soccer player? Yeah, he had to dress up as someone named Haruki Kato to attract a fan that was part of the aristrocracy, and take her hostage... and...

"Don't call me that..."

Shoving those thoughts out of his head, he held his stomach as he forcefully made himself laugh. And considering who he was, it was pretty damn believable.

"Miss, you should be a bodyguard! Any who, I'm Mark Barton, Super High School Level Luckster!"
Haruki glared at Hoshiko as he was pulled up. "Not my name," he told her before returning his attention to his newly found crush ((oh no Haruki)).

He smiled brightly, laughing at him a little. "You're kinda cute, y'know..." He found himself staring for much longer than necessary, clearing his throat and looking away. "So, uh. Luckster, eh? Like that Naegi kid back at...Hope's Peak..." He frowned suddenly, a wave of fear and pain coming over him. Speaking of school made him remember the severity of the situation, and that they were kidnapped without any idea where they were.

"Agh, what're we gonna do now?"
Finally able to breath without someone intruding her quiet time, Kukuri sat on the corner floor of the classroom, watching people leave the room. As much as she enjoyed the peace and quiet, Kukuri knew it would be fairly rude of her if she did't at least show up to the dining room, even if no one would probably notice the fact that she wasn't present. With another sigh, she got up, dusted her clothes, and picked up her sketchbook, hugging it to her chest as if it were a lifeline. She made her way to the door, silently praying that no one would bother her on the way there, and that she could slip into the dining room unnoticed. She walked out of the classroom at a sails pace, head down at the floor the entire time.
"Easy. We all gather here, and first, we have to at least become acquaintances. If this all is a social experiment by some host, than we shouldn't distrust each other. Distrust will lead to chaos, and potentially violence. If we resort to that, we might as well be playing in Lord of the Flies, kids who could have stayed together but became brutal savages. After that, we have to assemble a few basic rules to keep some order. It's easier to split up as a group, don't go by yourself, we could double up, but it's easier to split up as a group and scout the area, you know."

Saying that as she pulls him up easily, she stuffed her hand back into her pocket. Those students were taking an awfully long time. Who do we have here, a butler, a soccer player, a luckster and a crane machine winner. Weren't there supposed to be around 16 students in total?

"I'm not a communist and say we should all be equal and all that, honestly, it never worked well. Marxism isn't the way to go. Instead, we should settle everything as a group for now. We're just high school students."

Managing to keep her composure, she cleared her throat a little before falling back into silence.



"Naegi? Never heard of the kid. He sounds like some type of vegetable."

Laughing along with him, don't tell me that he actually had to make friends with this kid. Sure, he seemed nice enough, he seemed pretty athletic, could be a good bodyguard here. But he seemed a bit, odd. Not odd in a sense of who he is, but I don't think anyone makes eye contact that long in silence without any awkward feelings here. But hey, love was just an illusion created by emotions with an expiration date, no use wasting your life over that, pfft~!

"Hmm, but if that's the case Reject, wouldn't it be better to play along?"

Chuckling in his hysterics, he continued with his words in his own pool of bliss.

"Shouldn't we play along to this little game? In this world that we're already in, an answer for the prodigy is just for them to yearn for normalcy. In this era where it's merely made of fake protagonists dashing to the finish line, trambling over the ruins of the leading roll, don't you think this final chance of survival, contrary to much expectations, had to be irresponsibly entrusted to you?"

Whoops, let too much of that self show. Through his cunning tone, he briefly coughed afterwards, placing up his normal facade.

"My mistake, miss, whoops! Carry on!"

"What are you plotting..."

"Nothing, miss. Just speaking my mind."

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