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Fandom Dangan Ronpa RP [Open]


New Member
Haruki let out a groan, shifting. His bed wasn't as comfortable as he remembered (not that it was incredibly comfortable normally) and as he tried to stretch he felt his arm hit another body. "Ow! What the heck?" The orange-haired teen sat up, blinking his eyes open to find the room dimly lit; the dark walls seemed to be closing in on him. "Where 'm I?"

Confused, the soccer player stood, squinting his eyes to find a few of his classmates on the ground, as well as some he didn't recognize. With a huff, he shouted. "YO! What's the big idea? 'oever's behind this, it ain't funny!"
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Awoke by the shouting of some rowdy individual, Kwasi began to regain consciousness. "Ugh, must you shout?" He began to raise himself from the ground and pat off the dirt from his clothes. Finally standing, he began to do a few stretches to loosen himself up after being out cold on the floor for some time.
Kwasi looked around, trying to put the pieces together in his aching head. "It appears we are hostages along with the rest of these people." he said while rubbing his head to ease the pain.
Kwasi turned to the panicking man. "Calm yourself" he said trying to stop him from making anymore loud and excessive noise, "Freaking out about it won't help the situation. We need to look around and find answers on what's happening."
Scarlet was soon awoken from the rowdiness of the conversation, her eyes cracked open. She stood up, and dusted herself off, glancing at the others. 'Huh, I wonder what's going on here...' she thought. After slightly fixing her blazing red hair with her hands, Scarlet redirected her attention to the two boys. Even if the situation was dire, since they were 'hostages', she laughed anyway, for no particular reason in mind. She was just that type of person.

@klainebowsforever @Nawmoo
Kukuri had been awake for a while, but hadn't made any effort to say or do anything. She sat in the corner of the classroom and hugged her sketchbook and knees to her chest. She had heard the conversation and two people panicking, as well as another laughing for some reason, and yet she didn't make a single effort to join them. Panicking took too much energy, not to mention that she wasn't in the mood to cause such rowdiness. And she certainly wasn't capable of laughing. Not now. Kukuri mentally sighed and continued to look at her shoes and feet from the corner floor.
Continuing to chuckle, Scarlet looked around for anyone else that was conscious. Soon, she spotted Kukuri alone in the corner, questioning in her mind why she was isolated there alone in the first place. 'Maybe I'll go talk to her.' she smiled to herself at the thought, ceasing the laughter before approaching the female who seemed to be devoid of emotion. "Yo!" she greeted, eyeing Kukuri's sketchbook. To Scarlet, the doodle-book looked pretty cool. She was hoping to make a friend while they were held hostage, despite the panics of the other students. Again, Scarlet was simply that kind of person, she made light of a dark situation.

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This girl was...weird. Who laughs in a situation like this, then abruptly stops, all to talk to someone who clearly had no interest in talking in the first place? Kukuri looked up at the red haired girl from her spot on the floor and then looked back down at her feet. Although she didn't want to talk, she got the feeling that this new face wouldn't just walk away without her at least responding to her greeting. With a sigh and eyes still locked downward to her shoes, Kukuri replied in a voice barley audible over the girl breathing. "...Hi."
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Clearly, Scarlet didn't realize that Kukuri had no intention of engaging in conversation, nor did she realize that she wanted to be left alone. She proceeded on with the chat, grinning. "The name's Scarlet. Nice to meetcha! So, it appears that we're all trapped in here, huh? How unfortunate~ Well, we'll escape sooner or later, so I don't suppose that it's too bad. Plus, it's an opportunity to make friends." she laughed a little once more, attempting to brighten things up. Scarlet was determined to continue on, and she wasn't planning to walk away any time soon. Even though Kukuri was a quiet person, Scarlet didn't mind, as long as she was kind.

Kwasi began to look around the room for any way out, with no prevail. Disappointing, he took up a seat in a vacant desk. He pondered on why somebody would want to capture talented students, what could he or she, hell, or even they have plan for them. The motivation for was most certainly a hard one to pin down. He disposed the thought of why and began to think of the how. How did they get in this room, there had to be some kind of entry, so where is it? Still sitting down, he looked around to see if he had missed something, some vital clue that they could use to escape.
From her spot on the corner floor, Kukuri had gotten slightly irritated. This girl couldn't take a hint. Scarlet, huh? Her parents must have been somewhat lazy if they only decided to name their kid based on hair colour. Besides, 'Nice to meet you?' How would anyone's existence be nice to meet, much less Kukuris? Sighing for what felt like the 5th time in a single moment, she spoke quietly in a somewhat sarcastic manner,

"...right..." Kukuri rubbed her temples, knowing that if Scarlet couldn't take the hint, she would have to outright tell her. "Maybe you should go and talk to people who actually want to be friends. Or people who actually want to talk." There was a brief silence and when it seemed like Scarlet was going to say something, Kukuri cut her off and opened her mouth again. "Please leave me alone. I don't want to talk right now, let alone make friends." she pointed to where the other conscious people sat "If you wish to make friends, you're better off talking to them instead of me."
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Scarlet blinked, then smiled at her. "Ah, is that so? Well, whatever floats your boat, Miss. Sorry for disturbing you~" she waved, then turned around, proceeding to head into the other direction. She glanced around once more, observing her surroundings. 'Might as well relax a bit.' Promptly, Scarlet sat down a good distance away from Kukuri, yawning slightly. She was somewhat tired, but overall, she was curious about why they were brought here in the first place. 'A prank, perhaps? Mm...'
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Haruki eyed the two girls, his mouth firmly set in a frown. He looked back to the boy in front of him. The orange haired teen didn't want to be on anyone's bad side, although he was a little uncomfortable placing his trust in these people. "I..." He took a breath, attempting to not sound hostile, although his expression remained unsettled. "Look...it's...Moto-kun, yeah?" He vaguely remembered attending a couple classes with the other. "I'm just not in the best mood, bein' in this situation."
Kwasi's train of thought was interrupted by the boy from earlier. Kwasi responded to the boy, "Well freaking out about the whole situation won't solve the problem. We need to find someway out of this room, preferably as soon as possible. Do you see noticed anything we can use to get out of here?"
It took Hoshiko a minute to realize where she was - or, rather, where she wasn't. It was only after she had yawned, sat up, stretched her arms and rubbed her eyes she noticed that this wasn't her comfortable bed with her fluffy comforter and distinctly large collection of stuffed animals.

She proceeded to not freak out, as much as she wanted to.

Hoshiko stood up and looked around the room blearily. So, she certainly didn't recognize her surroundings. Not good. There were people there, though - and that was good! She adjusted her oversized sweater and rocked back on her heels, trying to decide who she should talk to.

There was a girl in a corner who really looked like she didn't want to be talked to, and two guys who were already talking, so she decided on a more friendly looking girl with bright red hair.

"Hey!" Hoshiko smiled at the girl as she approached. "So, uhhh..." She tugged at her ponytail a bit, tilting get head to the side. "I'm guuuueeeessing you don't but... Do you have any idea what's going? I just woke up."

"Oh!" Scarlet's attention soon averted to the girl. "'Sup! Ahaha... I'm afraid not. Glad that more people are waking up, though! The name's Scarlet." She introduced herself with a welcoming, friendly smile. "What's yours?" The model was happy for more friends and allies, and once again, she was taking the situation quite lightly, despite the fact that they were trapped. Scarlet already knew that she was going to get along quite well with this female, which was a good sign.
"Nice to meet you, Scarlet!" Hoshiko struck a little pose with her next words: her fingers formed a V, while her others lay on her hip, and she tipped one foot up from the heel. "The name's Hoshiko Ishikawa! You can call me just Hoshiko, or Hoshi." It was admittedly a little silly, but that barely crossed her mind.

Scarlet seemed pretty nice, so that was good! Hoshi had already talked to one person, and already had a friend. That held promise for the rest of whatever this was - it could be worse, that's for sure.
Scarlet giggled at her gesture, giving Hoshiko a thumbs up. "We're definitely going to be great friends here." she proposed. Everything was better with a few comrades, after all. "Hmm.. Maybe we should go meet the rest of the people here. They could be pretty nice, too." Scarlet suggested with a grin. She had to make use of this opportunity before it slipped away; this was one of the only times when she was free to do whatever she wanted, since work didn't get in the way.
Hoshiko nodded enthusiastically. "Yep!" Her hands clasped together as she grinned. "That sounds like a great idea! It's time like these we really need to band together."

She practically bounced over to the guys talking. Their talk didn't seem too intense or anything, really, and besides, the 'banding together' thing applied to them, too, so she didn't feel bad about interrupting them. "Heya! The name's Hoshiko Ishikawa, nice to meet you!" She struck hey pose again as she spoke - hands in a V, head tilted, one foot tipped up from the heel - because, hey, why not, Scarlet seemed to like it. "And this is Scarlet!"

@Nawmoo @klainebowsforever

Mikasa took s big stretch and yawned audibly. She rubbed one of her eyelids with her sleeve. Just where the heck was she anyways?, she noticed unfamiliar surroundings and some familiar faces. She knew none of these people's names as she never cared to learn them but she did recognize that they were also members of the school that she just didn't fit into. But that was when she noticed what was really important.... WHERE WAS HER DS?!?! Seriously there was no way she could function without it... so where was it?! Without a word she started crawling around the place in a rampant search for the handheld gaming system. What kind of a monster would do such a thing?! leaving a bunch of teenagers alone without the godly gift of modern technology?! She looked sort of like a caterpillar or something quietly crawling around the floor. That is until she bumped into somebody's leg.

"Oof!, hey watch it!"

She definitely wasn't in the best of moods at the moment.
...Great, another person came to Kukuri. Couldn't she get any alone time?! This new girl was crawling on the floor, seemly looking for something, not that Kukuri cared for what it was. The green-clothed girl hadn't even realized that she had made her way to the corner floor where Kukuri sat, and had bumped into her leg. Kukuri looked down at the girl, then returned her gaze back to her feet in front of her before quietly muttering under her breath, "...but I wasn't even doing anything. The one who should 'watch it' is you."
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Haruki huffed, crossing his arms and going to think. The soccer player, well, quite frankly he wasn't the most observant, and his problem solving skills needed work. So. Not the ideal person to be in such a situation.

"I don' know. Have ya tried the door?" he deadpanned.

Ishikawa was far too cheerful and loud for Haruki's taste, and he fought back the urge to snap at her. "Ugh. Haruki Kato. Yanno any way we c'n get outta here?"
Mikasa looked back up at the girl she had bumped into... oh isn't that great. Another rather cold-looking girl who seemed to really not want to be here... she hated her own kind, she really did. "Huh?, excuse me?, I was simply looking for a misplaced item and you were standing there in the way!, arrgh I don't have time for this!" and with that she stood up dusting herself off and continuing her search and of course finding nothing, she began to bite on her sleeve anxiously. "OH COME ON!!" She was about to give up and crawl in a hole or something.

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