Dance Dance Reclamation!

"[Gods] are like mushrooms. Feed them shit and keep them in the dark." - The Ebon Dragon
Aye, Vempi isn't going to be privy to a whole lot. He may have called hits on Demons, but he won't be keen to what the fuck the Yozi are up to, nor has he found out about the Infernals.
How did he not find out about the Infernals, though? I mean Malfeas freaking destroyed entire district of slums and erected a humongous phallic tower for them. I'd be at least curious about what the heck was going on if the skyline of my city changed overnight.
He was not invited in there. And remember, while he is a diplomat, there are limits on what he can do and go...
Well at the very least he can't ignore the mariage of the Ebon Dragon and her personal guard...
I got the impression that the tower was a rather recognizable feature of Malfeas. >_>
It is a tower... in a massive world with multiple layers... and knowing it is there is VERY different from knowing what it is for.
As someone who's supposed to double as a spy, I'd be compelled to ask around what that random and significant change of scenery is about. If the only answer I get is something to the effect of "Uh. Malfeas had a hard-on? I dunno.", I'd suspect something is going on.

Though that might be actually true. He sounds rather excited about ruining gods' shit in Creation.
Huh. I was always under the impression that Malfeas was claustrophobic... Though Yozis being Yozis it could be unfathomably huge and still be claustrophobic.
Haku said:
Now, replace water balloon with exalt. Water with solar shard. And plastic container with strange yozi artifact designed to hold shards; possibly even a jade cage mark 2.
Is what I'm trying to get at clearer?
Yes, I understand. It could be justified within the (for this part, rather loosely defined) metaphysics of the game. But I don't like it. It makes Exalts too easy to neutralise.

I would like to make a distinction between the shards in two states: when they have a pre-determined place to go, and when they are just hanging around waiting for an assignment (so to speak). I would rule that in the first case (when the shard is freed due to the death of the host and can go to Lytek's cabinet or Monstrance or wherever), they cannot be perceived or captured, while this can be done in the second case. This would fit in with the Jade Prison capture.

And purely from the game point of view, I like it that Deathlords/Yozi minions have an incentive to keep captive Solars (read PCs) alive. If the captive is killed, they just return in the next incarnation. If, on the other hand, if the captive is kept alive in the dungeons (or whatnot), the shard is harmless - or so they think, until the daring rescue party arrives! (And the captors may may hope that the Solar may eventually be persuaded to convert into an Abyssal or even an akuma.)
Define 'easy'... remember that such devices likely are quite easily breakable. Damage from the solar fighting for his or her life could result in breakage, in which case... the shard is -gone-.

Also, it's noted in the Dreams book that there -were- other exalted types prior to the victory. Their gods got killed. The exalts went mad and started to kill each other.

In the Infernals book, this is mentioned again. It also mentions -what- happened to the exalts and their shards. They got eaten by Malfeas. That the shards don't exalt new people means that they ARE neutralized.

It's not 'easy', it's just in theory possible. Note the word 'theory'.
ok got that p.31.

One thing I do not understand however is that the essences of celestial exalts are supposed to be indestructible...
Haku said:
Define 'easy'... remember that such devices likely are quite easily breakable. Damage from the solar fighting for his or her life could result in breakage, in which case... the shard is -gone-.
Why make the artifact fragile? For comparison, the Monstrances are actually quite difficult to break. What I mean by easy: well, apart from the issue of constructing the artifact in the first place (which I guess would be extremely difficult - though the DLs seem to have no problem making as many N/A rated Monstrances as they want), it would mean that neutralising a shard would amount to knocking the Exalt unconscious and putting them inside the artifact.

Haku said:
Also, it's noted in the Dreams book that there -were- other exalted types prior to the victory. Their gods got killed. The exalts went mad and started to kill each other.
In the Infernals book, this is mentioned again. It also mentions -what- happened to the exalts and their shards. They got eaten by Malfeas. That the shards don't exalt new people means that they ARE neutralized.
Well, it's not clear whether the Dreams mention refers to something that actually happened, since it's in-game text from a not-entirely-reliable source. And it also doesn't say why the Exaltes were wipied out. I am pleased that Infernals sheds more light on this. (I don't have it yet.)
This is the first of several posts I'll make.
The Key to the East is Mount Metagalpos. It's a Titan. A fucking First Age Titan with all of its arms and armor well kept and put away. Someone WILL find out what it is and the race will be ON. Whoever has it, owns that direction, Yozi, DBs, random PCs, gods, Deathlords, whoever. You can not deny this. It's contingent of Thousand Forged Dragons and the factory cathedral and its Eye of Judgment will be more than enough convincing.
Titan as in the Directional Aerial Fortress from DotFA?? Is this canon anywhere?
Yessss, now my Slayer Infernal has yet another goal to complete in his conquering of the east! *rubs hands together evilly*
Part of the old forums that was nuked. :/

Makes sense regardless. Titan's living stone armor envelopes the whole thing after they power down and settle on strong geomantic nodes.
No errata = no proof. :D

But it makes sense... even if it should have been known about during the Shogunate. Especially since that flying mountain only showed up AFTER the Wyld invasion... suspicious that.
Nephilpal said that he wrote the Metagalpa as a Titan in as an Easter egg, a joke. He said that canonically the mountain is not a Titan, it just went up because of the Wyld (as narrated in the East direction book), and he would not like to make it so.

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