Dance Dance Reclamation!

JadedSmile said:
let's see, if the infernals won, I would expect the most damage to occur in the north and the east, since adorjan really would like to just make everything living stop and malfeas loves his violence. Perhaps there are some last vestiges of humanity left there... maybe the haslanti league has a nomadic presence that is constantly on the run, and maybe lookshy is beleaguered but still fighting.
In Malfeas' region, life still goes on. Some. Not in Adjoran's region. None. They will all die, they will be found and embraced in horrid, horrid silence. The elements, the gods, the goddamn plants. All that horrible noise will be vanquished for the pristine silence.
Okay so here are a few key elements you might want to solve with your background:

- The Blessed Isle and Imperials: 50 Green Sun Princes and a horde of demon should ensure the safe return of the Empress on the throne, but the imperials are legions... so wouldn't it be a great idea to use the blood of the empress (as suggested in the book) and use the Creation wide communication system she used to proclaim her rule, to use her power over all of her kin. I mean, things would be much more easier if the Dragon Blooded were suddenly more docile...

- opening the gates of hell: the return of the Empress doesn't mean the return of the Yozis in Creation and Yu Shan, there might be some stuff to be done first to break Malfeas open... obviously seizing control over the world helps a lot getting stuff done :lol:

- deahtlords reaction: depending on the first point, the chaos on the Blessed Isle should not have many impact on the DL front, though if the Empress does return to the manse and retake control over her armies plus the demon hosts... then they're fucked and their cause will suffer great delays.

They might ally with whoever wants to, even reform a united front (unlikely but still possible).

- Lunars reaction: okay... we are so screwed, we need the solars.

- Solars reaction: okay... we are so screwed, we need to regroup an army of exalts before the Empress opens the gates of hell further.

- Sidereals reaction: okay... we fucked up big time... we need another plan before things get completely out of control.

- Faes reaction: okay, this is funny, let's regroup and fuck things up.
You know, I actually manage to forget about the rouge primordial. I feel so ashamed as an ST.

JadedSmile said:
let's see' date=' if the infernals won, I would expect the most damage to occur in the north and the east, since adorjan really would like to just make everything living stop and malfeas loves his violence. Perhaps there are some last vestiges of humanity left there... maybe the haslanti league has a nomadic presence that is constantly on the run, and maybe lookshy is beleaguered but still fighting.[/quote']
In Malfeas' region, life still goes on. Some. Not in Adjoran's region. None. They will all die, they will be found and embraced in horrid, horrid silence. The elements, the gods, the goddamn plants. All that horrible noise will be vanquished for the pristine silence.
probably quite true. I threw in the haslanti because I wasn't sure how far along and how much of a "success" we were dealing with here. Like, whether the infernals have mostly won but there are forces fighting them still, or whether they have flat out won. Like, how far along are we talking about?
He said in chat that this is going along pretty far. Not complete fuck over yet, but near enough. Recall in his OP that the PCs are newly reincarnated from being killed by demonic forces at work already.
I'm going to start from a point where the Infernal forces have completely taken over the Blessed Isle, subjugated most of the Threshold, and only a small handful of powerful resistors are left.
Where will the action take place ?

I can't imagine anything but Lookshy, the kingdom of Halta or a curse freed Denandsor... maybe Kether Rock... any place remotely located / fortified enough / hard to take even for demons led by infernals.

Maybe a desperate alliance between the living and the dead could work.

I can easily picture the Mask proposing: "hey you want to live, I want you to live too, but you see, my armies aren't big enough, I need... materials to work with to build necromachines powerful enough to rival with the armies of Malfeas... so I can shelter your people, but I'm going to need some of them for noble sacrifices for a greater chance of survival.".

And people will compromise when things are desperate enough.
Flagg said:
I'm going to start from a point where the Infernal forces have completely taken over the Blessed Isle, subjugated most of the Threshold, and only a small handful of powerful resistors are left.
With or w/o Yozis loose in Creation?
Without. I'm running on the assumption that once Creation is subjugated, it will be a long and involved process to transform it into an extension of hell.
you know, it just occurred to me that the mass deaths that adorjan and malfeas would bring about would probably create a lot of Shadowlands that the Yozi don't like. I wonder how they would deal with that.
Yeah, I thought about that. Not sure what the answer is.
... Unless the Yozis had some way to 'sanctify' the deaths (or equivalent). Ugh. My Abyssal is a bit rusty, but tell me - what makes Shadowlands form? Is it the weight of souls shuffling off their mortal coil? Is it the mass of said souls that do not enter Lethe - instead reforming as ghosts in the Underworld? Is the singular act of taking life?

I've always though of it as the second option - but I have not really pondered it closer. But for argument's sake, let's say it is so - then if the Yozis somehow denied the souls from entering the Underworld (maybe by shoving them on in to Lethe - but more likely for something more diabolical and twisted), then they wouldn't really run the risk of creating a Shadowland, no matter the destruction they spread.

(I'm just thinking out loud here - I really don't remember my Abyssal Lore - nor have I yet plowed through Infernals to feel comfortable with it)
Well technically I don't think that there would be any deaths with an infernal invasion in which the Empress mind fucked the DB host.

If the legions were under the command of the Empress again, no one would stand a chance and they'd surrender and compromise rather than stand and fight an army of DB and demons lead by infernals... I know I would :|
You've not read much Dylan about rallying against that good night and raging against the dying of the light have you?
JadedSmile said:
you know, it just occurred to me that the mass deaths that adorjan and malfeas would bring about would probably create a lot of Shadowlands that the Yozi don't like. I wonder how they would deal with that.
Vast teams of slaves and demons dedicated to geomantic manipulation.
They salt the earth, and cover it with forests of brass and silver with an infernal version of the Solar Circle Spell what nukes shadowlands.

Basically, the infernals would deal with shadowlands the same way the first age would have done with massive sorceries and geomantic manipulation.

As for what happens; I'm going to assume a few things

The Empress reappears. She mind-fucks the dragonblooded host (and the mortal population of the Realm) with a massive social charm attack used via the Imperial Manse's PA system. The Realm is subdued. The Immaculate Order gets gutted and converted to worship of the Ebon Dragon and his souls.

The sidereals -make- a run for it immediately. Well, except for those who were descended from the dragonblooded or who were head-whammied by either the Scarlet Empress' charm or smacked hard by Infernals who -know- what to look for in terms of the sidereals. The infernals get to play a -reversal- of the Usurpation with the sids as the mice and the infernals as the cats.

If Kimbery is still allied with the Ebon Dragon, the West is locked down with the Lintha and the Realm fleets going after the Silver Prince as the various major nations bending their knees to the Yozi forces. It's not going to be an -easy- fight as the Silver Prince would attract celestial exalted, forming a core of resistance against the forces of hell. He might also unveil his Black Fleet that no one is expecting.

The western Lunars, they're honestly in a very bad position. They might form a temporary alliance with the fey and possibly the deathlord against the Yozi forces. Or they could try to do it alone. While Luthe is a trump card, it's a card that the Yozi forces would have factored into their calculations given that they have infernals that remember the First Age, possess lunar akuma, AND have captured occasional lunars; information IS power. Which means we just may yet see the emo-whale hung upside down on a dock with a proud infernal being congratulated on catching that big fish.

Yes, the Brass Leviathan would go mad and declare open season on every non-solar exalt, but it could be brought low when you get a solar akuma to parley with it. Or a brave twilight could point it at the Realm and the lintha...

I'll speak more when I'm less tired.
Yeah in fact the only thing you need to do is determine what front is left.

I mean the blessed isle is obviously done, the north and west cannot resist long, the south... probably, but the main resisting factor would be the Lion and perhaps the alchemicals if you wish to introduce them...

In the end only the east counts at least 50% of all the most powerful beings in the world (5 DLs, 5+ lunar elders, a collection of concentrated spirits and exalts) as well as the most powerful cities and states.

But of course with 50 infernals leading a quasi immeasurable number of demons and the DB host and a well oiled battle plan... things get done.
It also depends on how valued the realm is considered.

After all, the Scarlet Empress now has access to -Solar- akuma. She and the akuma, I would wager, might decide to serve up a "No You!" to the enemies of the Yozi with the Sword of Creation. Yes, the Realm Defense Grid will likely get started up.
I assume the Yozi will try to collect more Solar exaltations for Infernalization. If the Sidereals had the technology to trap one, the Yozi could certainly figure it out.

Which leads me to ask: Just how DID the Sidereals trap all the Solar shards?
IIRC they killed the solars and stole the shards from Lytek manu militari assaulting him in his office, breaking the Mask to cover their tracks and avoid heavenly punishment.

Every one knows they did it, no one can prove it.
Flagg said:
Which leads me to ask: Just how DID the Sidereals trap all the Solar shards?
They mobbed Lytek and set up the Jade Prison in his cabinet where the shards return. Somehow I think this will not be so easy for Infernals to pull off...
Or they catch a solar, put the solar in a box designed to hold an exalted shard and then croak the solar.

What happens next, no one knows... ^_-

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