• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic −D⇡L⇣GENCE Sign-Up

sorrow made you

from the bottom of the dark, dark sea
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


This is the current roster of characters that have been accepted. When your character is accepted, I will add their icon to the corresponding rank. Please click on each icon to go to the corresponding character sheet.

Current Available Staff: Adviser/Teacher, Counselor/Teacher, Subject/Teacher, (Subjects can be changed to a class subject)


















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Please fill out completely, in detail. Do not change the coding! You may add lists, or other things to help organize, but do not change coding that is already in place!

[bg=#242424][centerblock=80][border=2px solid #CCCCCC][bg=#333333][/COLOR][/SIZE]









[Tabs][Tab=Information][Row][column=span4]Name: full name
















Hair Color:


Eye Color:


Defining Features:[/column][/Row][/Tab][Tab=Appearance]Post your character image here.[/Tab][Tab=Misc. Info]Likes:




Extra Info: (anything else you'd like to add about your character)[/Tab][/Tabs]







[Tabs][Tab=Personality]You may list personality traits, but I also want a paragraph (8-10 sentences) describing them as a person.[/Tab]


[Tab=Biography]A minimum of two paragraphs (8-10 sentences) about their life before and up until this current year at IGNITE academy.[/Tab][/Tabs]







Power: name of power




[COLOR=#CCCCCC][SIZE=8px][/COLOR][/SIZE][Row][column=span4][FieldSet=Strengths]something something dark side[/FieldSet][/column][column=span4][FieldSet=Weaknesses]something something dark side[/FieldSet][/column][/Row]



• Teachers may or may not have co-ed dorms. There will be two (2) people to a dorm.

• Students are separated by gender, and rank has no influence on where they are placed.

• There will be maximum four (4) students to a dorm room.

• No individual dorms unless given a special reason.

• BW = Boys Dorms

• GE = Girls Dorms

• BL = Basement Level; one room available for special case

N02Nadine Archambeaultreserved for The Bunker
N04Teresa TaricaniLeo De Luca
S01Angelique AugustinName
S03Karsten SommerDaisuke Fujimoto

BW02Yousuke Hamakawa (A-2)Jacob Lachlan Casey (B-2)Nicholas Baldassare (B-2)reserved for yoyo's fish tank
BW04Adam Frost (A-4)Caspar Harper Reynolds (C-3)NameName
GE01Kevyn Outlaw (S-3)Emily Reyes (U-1)Amiya Ume Takala (U-1)Carolina Eckhart (B-2)
GE03Ixchel Vicera (U-1)Ruth Ozeki (A-2)Abigale Bennet (C-1)Name
BW06Noah Alexander Reid (C-2)Janus Finch (A-2)Allan Guard (D-3)Gideon Oscar Wickham (C-2)
BW08Arian Kassis (S-4)Ciel Achille Suaveterre (S-3)NameName
GE05Fuka Watanabe (S-4)NameNameName


List of Classes


- Math

- Science*

- History

- English/Literature


- Power Control*

- Weapons Specialty*

- Physical Conditioning*

- Tactics Instruction*
Daily Schedule

First Years


Second Years


Third Years


Fourth Years

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  • Name

    : Yousuke Hamakawa


    : Yo, Hamakawa, Yowa, Fish Boy, Merman,


    :? Rook (A-Rank) ?


    : Student


    : 2nd


    : 16


    : Male


    : 5'6 (167.6 cm)


    : 120 lbs (54.4 kg)

    Hair Color

    : Dark Brown

    Eye Color

    : Forest Green

    Defining Features

    : Six scar-like lines, three on each side of his neck (gills); webbed hands/feet with sharp finger nails (to help swim/defend)


  • ?cold ?blunt ?awkward ?dense ?hard-working ?observant ?patient ?aloof ?level-headed ?prideful ?stubborn ?

    When you first meet Yousuke, you are met by a blunt person who often gives you the cold shoulder when you try to start a conversation. He's seen as aloof and always seems to be concentrating on something other than your conversation. He is that kid who seems way too advanced for you to even approach. Intimidation seems to leak from his very being. When you do get him talking, however, he speaks evenly and patiently. You may notice at times that he observes your every motion, every word. He never messes up (at least unintentionally) and keeps an air of indifference.

    Yousuke seems cool and calculating to the core, but is in general socially awkward and dense. Despite his lack of emotion and ever-present resting bitch face, he's the kid who doesn't exactly know what to say. Yousuke may say things a bit too bluntly causing mass confusion about his true feelings. He truly tries to make friends, but he just seems to scare off anyone who may even attempt at becoming his friend. Deep down somewhere, he honestly tries to tone down his intimidating aura.

    If you dig deep enough and manage to bypass Yousuke's spiky walls, you meet a kid who is just determined to succeed and prove that he wasn't just some orphan. A blazing fire seems to burn in his heart to push him beyond his limits. He himself wants to prove he isn't one to be messed with. The only reason the spark was ignited was because of himself. Yousuke is fiercely protective over the people who manage to get close enough to him. Once Yo manages to grow attached to you, he won't ever let go. He's deathly afraid of loosing people who he finds familiar and close to him. Adding to his protective nature is the determination to keep you out of harm's way.

    At times he can be a bit defensive and hurt when you offer to help him (besides teachers). Yousuke carries an incredible amount of pride in his body. At times he lets his pride to be damaged, but only in absolute dire circumstances. Not to mention, he's stubborn to the max and does not accept help often thanks to his stubborness and price.



: Aquatic Adaptation


: Yousuke was born with the normal organs as a human except with a set of gills thanks to the mutagen. Although still developing, his


http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/anatomy/brightfieldgallery/amphibianskin20xsmall.html grew more like that of a frog, allowing water and oxygen to pass through. Both his skin and gills were not closer to being completely developed until the age of eight where it became increasingly more difficult to breathe using his lungs. Over time, his hands and feet grew webbed making it easier to swim against the ocean currents. With his adaptation, he is able to function like a fish or amphibian.

Strengths Yousuke was born with gills which enable him breathe freely underneath the water. Water in general heightens his reflexes and abilities in combat. In the water, his speed is increased significantly as well as his ability in combat. He is able to see clearly in the water, defeating the purpose of goggles. Unlike those who do not posses his abilities, he is able to withstand frigid temperatures as well as the increase of pressure one may experience in diving.
Weaknesses Yousuke's lungs are much weaker than his gills which makes it incredibly difficult to walk, run, or to even laugh without his wet suit or water mask. Without some form of water/liquid on his body, he is in danger of dehydrating which could lead to death in some circumstances. Imagine a fish out of water. When he is without water, Yousuke is basically useless as his abilities and reflexes are slowed as to preserve whatever hydrating water is left in his body before he dries out. In all, his entire life depends on water. If his gills are damaged at all, he will eventually choke on his own blood as if you were stabbed or injured in the lungs. Both organs are vital to his respiration to in all keep him alive and well. As he grows older, his ability makes it increasingly more difficult to be out of the water without something hydrating his skin (becomes more susceptible to stimulus).
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  • Name: Leo Giovanni De Luca

    Nickname/Alias: Leo, Mr. De Luca


    Rank: King

    Role: Weapons Specialty Teacher

    Year: --

    Age: 35... or something like that

    Gender: Male

    Height: 6'1"


    Hair Color: Brown

    Eye Color: Emerald Green

    Defining Features: A beauty mark right under the corner of his his left eye. Earlobes are pierced.


  • Just from his sharp appearance and his lopsided grin, you could tell Leo is a charmer. A man with class and a pedigree to back it up. Maybe his age shows in his wisdom and his laugh carries his bold and upfront personality. He's a protector by nature, and it is shown how he consistently puts others before himself, despite what the initial intention may have seemed. Leo though may be on the more cynical side of ideals on life, holds to morals and abides by them to the best of his ability.

    On the flip side, this man is incredibly stubborn to a fault. When he has his mind set on something, it is nearly impossible to try and convince him otherwise. Though he is susceptible to logic, he tends to still want to think his own way. Add impulsive to that and you have a terrible combination. Leo does think things out before acting, but there are just those times when his temper gets the best of him and Maria comes out to play (he's prone to threatening students with detention by shooting at them). When annoyed or ticked off--which usually happens after being tired out of a long day or having to deal with too many idiocies--Leo may or may not become snappy and/or intolerable of others.

    All in all, unless you want to be shot at and run for miles around the school as punishment, attempt to stay on Mr. De Luca's good side.


Power: Molecular Regeneration

Description: The ability to regenerate his body--even from death-- on a molecular level.

Strengths Even if Leo's brain, vital organs and nervous system are damaged, Leo is still able to regenerate back to an unscathed state. He cannot suffer from natural death or death inducing sicknesses. He only needs a single living cell in order to regenerate. Depending on how much damage is done to him, the regeneration could be within seconds up to a few days.


Weaknesses Even though Leo could regenerate even from death, he is not immune to destruction. Every time he regenerates, his is in extreme pain because he becomes conscious once his body is rebuilt. He is susceptible to perpetual drowning, and can actually die if his cells and molecules slow down enough. With this said, he could very well freeze to death. He could also remain dead if every bit of him is completely incinerated. But for that, every single cell must be dead or else he would regenerate over time. Any molecular disrupting device will prevent his ability from working. Leo suffers from a variation of PTSD from constant reliving from death.

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  • Name: Jacob Lachlan Casey

  • Nickname/Alias: Casey

    Rank: Bishop (B-rank)

    Role: Student

    Year: Second
    Age: Seventeen

    Gender: Male

    Height: 6'0"

    Weight: 150 lbs

    Hair Color: Reddish-orange

    Eye Color: Hazel

    Defining Features: Casey's constant blush or his bright hair


  • In any situation involving conversation or social interaction, Casey has always made it a rule to never "over-share" details about his life with other individuals. His main goal as a person is to find out information about other people, creating puzzles of them, and then filling in the puzzles with the information he discovers. Casey initiates conversation solely for the purpose of figuring out that very information. He enjoys talking, and very much so, but nothing excites him more than a person who completely confides in him for advice and comfort. He feels in control, which is where he gets this interesting controlling complex from.

  • Casey also enjoys when people spread their life stories right out on the table for him to see. It's as if they cut themselves open, and their blood holds all the secrets about their life; you can't not indulge yourself. Casey is a rather detached person as well, and he finds it hard to cope with feelings and past memories, which is why he keeps the majority of them hidden deep within his psyche. He finds it difficult to actually sympathize with people as well, which is why the majority of the time when people confide in him and ask for moral support, he'll use prior knowledge he's picked up from books or TV shows to create a substantial piece of advice.


Power: Maximum Muscle Enhancement

Description: Scientifically, humans only use 1/3 of their muscle strength in relation to components such as age, gender, and healthiness. Casey, being an extremely healthy and fit young male, already would have superior strength to many individuals. But since Casey was born with complete comprehension of muscle ability, he has far superior strength to any regular human.

Strengths Casey has unimaginable strength, not limited to lifting up cars and boulders.
Weaknesses If he's not careful, Casey could overwork his already strained muscles; this could cause permanent damage, and he could lose up to half of his muscle strength, if not all of it.

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  • Name:

    Emily Reyes








    First year






    1m64 (5'4")


    55 kg (120 lbs)

    Hair Color:


    Eye Color:

    Bright blue

    Defining Features:

    Often short, bitten nails.


  • Curious but shy, Millie will observe in the background before taking part in any activity. She's genuinely honest, and shows a rather pessimistic view on things which often causes people to tell her to lighten up. All of this leads to an always and ever - and often needless - apologizing Millie. When nervous or lost in thoughts, the girl tends to bite her fingernails. And she thinks a lot, since she's the pensive and rather over-analyzing type. Once you get close to her, you'll have found a chatty and trustworthy friend but it takes time to befriend her as it's in her nature not to open up to people easily. Millie is afraid of enclosed spaces and avoids them at all costs. She's a very resourceful young woman, coming up with sometimes unexpected solutions to problems she or her friends come to face.



Poison manipulation


The ability to create, shape and manipulate poisons and poisonous substances.

Strengths At full potential, she's able to

create poisons

and poisonous substances, secreting them

in various ways

(liquid, solid or gas; through touch or scratching, evaporation from skin,...). The effect and potency depends on the degree of emotion she feels when creating the poison. It's not necessarily lethal, but can for instance stun people or make them unconscious. Properly skilled, she could also be able to create poison

for specific groups of people, an individual or even animals

, as well as create an


for the poison she released before.
Weaknesses Releasing poison will

temporarily weaken

her, rendering her vulnerable to a counterattack. The larger the amount of poison released, the more time she'll need to recover. Once produced, it's hard to stop or manipulate the poison and if she would

absorb the poison

to undo the harm, it

will inflict serious selfharm

and take time to recover. When creating an


for her poison, she will only be able to do so

in limited time

after generating said poison.

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  • Name: Nicholas Baldassare

  • Nickname/Alias: Nico

    Rank: B rank [bishop]

    Role: Student

    Year: 2nd Year
    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5'7

    Weight: 130 lbs

    Hair Color: Platinum blonde

    Eye Color: Red

    Defining Features: Nico has blazing red eyes


  • Compared to most people, Nico isn't a very diverse individual. He is very quiet and when he speaks, it is not very many words. He keeps to himself, preferring to make friends with the pages of a poem by Edgar Allen Poe or the mysteries by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Because of this, he is not very good at making actual friends or keeping them for long. They leave him, complaining that he is distant or boring or more interested in fiction than the real world. Underneath all his silence, he is very caring. If someone is being picked on, he will pull aside the bullies and glower at them with his 'demon eyes' to frighten them off. Or if someone is struggling with a class he will anonymously leaves subject notes on their dorm room door. However caring he may be, it is very rare for anyone to know about it. He does not 'open up' when someone gets close to him and is quiet even if they are best buds.
  • Until the age of four, Nico was raised by his librarian parents. They owned an old library on the outskirts of a historic district in a small rural town. It wasn't until the age of four that Nico lost control of his power for the first time an was locked in a catatonic state for days. His parents fretted over him until he came out of it and resumed life as normal. But it wasn't normal. A few days later, his parents asked him to pack up whatever books he treasured most and his clothes, and shipped him off to one of the orphanages.At the orphanage Nico avoided the other children, instead staying locked away in the processes of his own brain and the words of his favorite authors. After eleven years of hiding away, being antisocial and reading, Nico was 'enrolled' at IGNITE.


Power: Instant Learning

Description: A power that allows the user to learn things in the fraction of time it would take an average human or a genius by reading or watching.

Strengths Nico can consciously and unconsciously learn things at a faster rate than any human being. This allows him to learn things in a fraction of the time it took for a master of the subject. For example, it could take someone years to master judo and would take Nico two-three hours.
Weaknesses However this makes him hyper aware of everything or hyper focused. Most of the time he will be over exposed to too many things at once and have breakdown where he will lapse into a catatonic state. He generally tries to avoid using over sixty percent of his brain at any time, unless the situation calls for more.
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  • Name: Teresa Mela Taricani

    Nickname/Alias: Trip, Regina Rossa, Ms. Taricani

    Rank: King

    Role: Power Control/Teacher

    Year: --

    Age: Twenty-nine...ish

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5'2"

    Weight: 115 lbs.

    Hair Color: Red

    Eye Color: Red

    Defining Features: Pierced earlobes


  • Teresa is the kind of woman that many women strive to be at some point in their life. She is stylish, classy, mannered, attractive, socially adept and has connections in more places than one can count on the fingers and toes of themselves and their best friend. She hold an air of complete and utter confidence in herself that shows in both her expressive gestures, as well as her eye-catching choices in apparel. The lady also does not seem to know the meaning of 'personal space'. All of this is harmless for the most part, if not a bit intimidating, until the woman puts on her suit. In that instance everything that seemed like the swagger of a goddess suddenly turns into the cunning allure of a demoness.

    Everything from her preference of the color red to her adventurous endeavors in the romance field folds back to reveal a twisted romance with blood and pain; a mistress and lover of blades and her job. She was raised to be a professional death sentence with a pretty face, and during her time in La Corte she has become just that and more. She was born and bred to handle business, and by the Gods is Trip good at that. Trip lives by the old codes, and as such where some had degraded to using violence and fear to gain respect Trip uses kindness and generosity to help strengthen communities. She knows that a happy cow is much easier to gather milk from. Nevertheless she's not so soft that she would let someone off the hook so easily. Business is still business, and one shouldn't enter into a business arrangement so lightly.

    When it comes down to those around her Trip is very loyal and very protective. Since she has no living family that she associates with, those that become her own personal famiglia are treated as such instead. She appears more open to these chosen few, going so far as to dote upon them if she so much as felt the urge to. If they would refuse she would simply drop off her 'Gifts of Love' later in the day. She's sure they were just being modest~ Any transgressions against anyone she considers famiglia are taken on a personal level, usually resulting in some kind of wrathful revenge of her own choosing. Woe be to those who take advantage of her 'love', especially if the end result carries the stench of betrayal. After all, betrayal within the famiglia never happens more than once for a reason.


Power: Biological Manipulation

Description: The user can control life on a cellular level, including but not limited to, genetic alterations and physical distortion and/or augmentations of biological functions. They can cause cells to augment to induce advanced or declined biological healing, induce diseases like cancer, induce appearance alteration, manipulate pheromones, and even increase physiological maturity.

Strengths Trip is able to manipulate her biological makeup, allowing her to control the functions of her body's cells to do such things as heal most all types of wounds, fight off disease, camouflage herself, modify her appearance and even gain semi-immortality via cell regeneration without worry of the Hayflick limit.
Weaknesses Though she can heal herself from most types of wounds and bodily harm, ones that would cut off the communication between her brain and her body for an extended period of time will definitely kill her. Her camo only fully works on her skin and best when remaining still, she can only modify minor things (hair length and color, eye color, skin tone, etc.) and the more she's forced to use her power the more food she needs to consume.

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  • Name: Janus Finch

  • Nickname/Alias: N/A

    Rank: Rook (A-Rank)

    Role: Student

    Year: 2nd year of IGNITE

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Height: 170 cm // 5'7"

    Weight: 65 kg // 143 lbs

    Hair Color: Red-ginger

    Eye Color: Light blue

    Defining Features: Snug piercing in right ear, sometimes referred to as anti-helix piercing


  • Janus is a confident guy that's sure of himself and the future. Or rather, that's what he'd like everyone to think of him. He puts up a facade of "everything's going to be alright" and acts tougher than he is. However, in reality he's a bit neurotic, often worrying about one thing or another and feeling very unsure about coming possibilities.

    Partly because of this, Janus is a private person. He's naturally a bit shy, and combined with his dislike of seeming weak or silly it results in the refusal to open up or get close to anyone.

    However, it doesn't mean he isn't friendly. Janus is sociable as long as the conversation isn't some sort of feelings jam, and tries to get along with everyone.

    Janus' self-preservation instinct is stronger than whatever bonds he may have with his teammates, and if he had to give his life to protect them he'd choose to stay alive. The fact that he doesn't get emotionally close with anyone doesn't help either.


Power: Hyperosmia

Description: Greatly enhanced sense of smell caused by an increase in olfactory receptors in the nose.

Strengths Tracking people, animals, and objects; detecting sicknesses, substances, and even places; recognizing strong base emotions (e.g, fear, anger) in others from chemicals.
Weaknesses Bad or unpleasant odors (very bad smells or tastes may cause nausea); peoples' and objects' scents may be masked; objects may be odorless; ability is weakened when nostrils are clogged; scents change when user is sick; other scents from an area with a large amount of people make it harder to find a specific one.

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  • Name: Allan Guard

  • Nickname/Alias: N/A

    Rank: D Rank

    Role: Student

    Year: Third Year

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5'9

    Weight: 137 lbs

    Hair Color: Brown

    Eye Color: Brown

    Defining Features: Shaggy brown hair, narrow eyes


  • Allan is a lethargic D rank student who cares little for scholastic achievement. He is not a social butterfly but he does enjoy the company of a few other students that share his apathetic attitude towards school. He eschews anything or anyone he deems "too bright," as his belief is that excessive positiveness will naturally lead to disappointment. While Allan usually seems to put up a facade of indifference, in truth he is easily provoked and angered. He has a lot of pride, and dislikes any sort of pity. When it comes to his power "Consume" Allan can become extremely secretive. He tries to avoid using his power if possible, as it brings up painful memories of the past.
  • Up until the his second year of high school, Allan was a hardworking, studious student, whose only goal was to go to the "B" University. However, just before he entered his third year of high school, Allan got into a big dispute with his father regarding his University of choice. During a heated argument with his father, Allan's "Consume" power surfaced for the first time out of pure anger. The sudden transformation made Allan go berserk. He scornfully tore his father into tattered pieces and swallowed the limbs one by one. His mother witnessed the scene and eventually, called IGNITE to "protect" her boy and his newly found mutagen powers. Allan spent the short remainder of his second year away from school; due to the trauma of murdering his own father, he had become reclusive. After a few months Allan was sent to IGNITE. There he decided to put the past behind himself. When he learned that he is a freak of nature, an alien avoided by all in "normal" society, he found no worth in maintaining his previous passions and dreams or holding on to his history. He thus adopted the lackadaisical, free attitude that very much characterizes him today.


Power: Consume

Description: The power "Consume" is a power in which the user's mouth extends to 3 times its normal size. The user's human teeth develop into rows of sharper, bigger fangs. Their throat becomes rubbery as it attains the stretch capacity of a snake and their jaws gain incredible strength. While using the power "Consume" a user can swallow anything roughly their size or smaller whole. Additionally, the gastric acid in their stomach is empowered, allowing them to completely digest anything within a couple minutes.

"Consume" is normally activated at will by the user. However if the user is in an emotionally distraught state, it is possible that "Consume" be activate by default. After activation, "Consume" lasts for about 3~4 hours. During the last 20 minutes the body steadily returns to a normal state.

The sudden changes to the body caused by "Consume" naturally bring some side effects to the user. "Consume" induces extreme agitation and anxiety from an untrained users. When the user is in an emotional state, the agitation can be exacerbated, causing the user to go into a "feral" mode.


Strengths The ability "Consume" gives the user a variety of snake-like abilities that improve in general the user's offensive strength. Through the ability, the user gains sharp teeth, an extended mouth, a stretching throat and an enhanced digestive tract which allows the user to consume and digest almost anything in a very short amount of time.
Weaknesses There are various disadvantages to having the ability "Consume." For users that are untrained with the ability, "Consume" causes extreme agitation and anxiety, making it very difficult to maintain a conscious mind. These side effects are easily exacerbated by intense emotions, which can put the user almost into a wild mode. "Consume" activates automatically if a user is in emotional distress, regardless of whether the user willed it not. After the ability has worn off, a user may feel drowsy due to too much energy usage.
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  • Name: Kevyn Outlaw

    Nickname/Alias: Kev, K.O., One-Hit, Boom Boom Baby

    Rank: Queen

    Role: Student

    Year: Third

    Age: Seventeen

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5'7"

    Weight: 138lbs.

    Hair Color: Red

    Eye Color: Blue-green

    Defining Features: A trio of small black


    http://i.imgur.com/uNEedCo.jpg on her face, one on the bridge of her nose and the other two under each eye. An array of burn scars from misfires.


  • Kevyn is a mound of dynamite with an illogically short fuse. The smallest thing could easily set her off, resulting in a slough of curses and threats of graphic bodily harm - if not quickly followed up by it. That doesn't mean that she's simply a mindless bomb just waiting to explode. Doing that would just prove everyone that told her she couldn't be anything right. Though her grades on paper aren't that amazing, when placed into field training she pulls a complete turnabout. Her capabilities in combat situations - both in analytics and battle prowess - are frightening. Couple this with her jet fueled desire to be the best and stay the best and you have a volatile but promising mixture.

    On the social side of things Kevyn isn't too different. When it comes to those she views as friends and allies she comes off as cold and aggressive, but is easily three times as such with those she deems her enemy. She has a good helping of superiority complex - specifically for those amongst the student body - and if she even so much as thinks for a second that you're looking down on her she'll be set off. And Lord have mercy upon those who get in her way of "becoming the best". Once you step onto the opposite side of the field, even if two seconds before you had been "friends", all that gets tossed away and is replaced with a merciless thirst for your defeat.


Power: Explosion

Description: Due to special glands in her hands, Kevyn can produce sweat akin to nitroglycerine and ignite it at will. The more she sweats the stronger the explosion.

Strengths The skin on Kevyn's hands developed not only to house the special glands but to resist the effects of the results of the mixture, making prolonged use of her ability possible. She can control how big or small her explosions are and is capable of setting them off in a rapid fire-like fashion. She's also able to simulate flight and enhance her speed by launching herself via explosions. Summer time is the optimal time for her ability.
Weaknesses Kevyn must stay very well hydrated, lest she run the risk of not being able to produce sweat and thus not be able to use her ability. She also runs the risk of becoming dehydrated if she uses her ability excessively for extended periods of time. Unless aided by some kind of storage device, Kevyn's attack radius is limited to roughly five feet in whichever direction her hands are in. Being soaked or submerged in water diluted the chemicals too much for her to be able to ignite them properly - if at all. Cold environments make the ignition process take slightly longer, making winter the season where Kevyn is naturally at her weakest.

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  • Name: Luvia Darc

  • Nickname/Alias: Untouchable

    Rank: Rook

    Role: Student

    Year: 2nd year

    Age: 18

    Gender: F

    Height: 171cm

    Weight: 56kg

    Hair Color: WIP

    Eye Color: WIP

    Defining Features: Her back is scarred from the abuse she received back when she was young.


  • Introvert. Talk a little to strangers, but more open to people that she liked/she's close with. Observant and very skeptic about things, she is a idealist that hate rule breakers and people who like to lie/manipulate other people. A hypocrite, as she her self is a very sly person (She put on a 'honest and nice girl' mask to hide her true self, that is really scarred from her past). She have trust issues and suffering from Aphenphosmphobia (Phobia of physical contact). She could get into a panic attack just from seeing a hand reaching out to her. A scaredy cat, could be easily spooked by small things that will make her run away/disappear.
  • Born and raised in a poor but happy family somewhere in Northern Europe. Luvia is the oldest of 9 siblings. When her mutagen symptom started to show out, her family uses her as a paid entertainment for the public. She understood that by entertaining people, Luvia brings money to the family that will let them eat so she go along with it. Soon, they sold her to a circus for a large amount of money.


Power: Molecular Vibration

Description: Luvia is capable of vibrating her molecules into a very high frequency, which will enable her to pass through solid objects. She could also move it fast enough to the point that for normal human eye, she disappeared. This also enable her to move very fast.

  • Strengths Cannot be harmed when she vibrate her molecules, Evading physical attack, Hide her self from people, Avoiding physical interaction, Capable of running away very fast
    Weaknesses Touch her and you'll send her into a panic attack, The sight of a raised hand to hit/slap her is also enough to make her pass out, Cannot harm other people when she vibrate her molecules, Short sighted which really hinder her fast speed ability (She could hit her self against the wall, because she doesn't notice that there is a wall in there), If her molecules slowed down she is prone to attack, Extreme cold is going to hinder her ability, Any molecular disturbing device will unable her to use her power, Needs to be careful when phasing through object in places she is unfamiliar with for if she stopped midway she could get stuck and died or accidentally phase through and fall into a cliff.

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  • Name: Angelique Aurelia Augustin

  • Nickname/Alias:

    Triple A, Angel, Angie


    ? King ?






    34 (Appearance wise)


    Female (She/Her)


    5'3 (160 cm)


    124 lbs (56.2 kg)

    Hair Color:

    Honey Dirty Blonde

    Eye Color:

    Steely Gray-Blue

    Defining Features:

    Heart-shaped mole under her chin


  • ?Kind?Gentle?Courteous?Compassionate?Meticulous?Patient?Genuine?Serious?Selfless?Passive?Meddlesome?

  • Angelique is quite like her name, angelic and gentle. Her soft voice is calming and soothes people to a world where they can relax. She is the person who you know will take good care of you and heal wounds, though most often only physical.

    She's the woman who is more a lover than a fighter.



Cell Mimicry


The user's cells, once mixed with another person's can copy its exact genetic makeup. Her cells then can be used to replace the ones that person has lost due to injury or sickness. No matter how different the cell is, her cells can match their's in every aspect. The most common way her cells would be distributed to another person would be via a blood transfusion. If she was to receive a blood transfusion from another mutant, she would be able to attain their abilities in a more watered down form.

Strengths Angel is able to heal just about any illness or injury with something as simple as a blood transfusion.
Weaknesses something something dark side

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  • Name

    Amiya Ume Takala










    First Year (I)


    Fifteen (15)




    171 cm. (5'7")


    60 kg. (132 lbs.)

    Hair Color

    Sandy Brown (with natural blonde highlights at the ends)

    Eye Color

    Honey Hazel (can change to clear gold)

    Defining Features

    Eye color changing, a scar running down from her back, and constantly wear a bear jacket that was given to her as a birthday gift by her siblings.


  • Giving a natural cordial atmosphere, Amiya is easy to approach at first meeting with her constant vivacious attitude that makes many feel welcome and maybe to some, a bit of a surprise to them to meet such a bright person. While she did had a rough past like any other who were affected by the mutagen plague, she was able to overcome it and become this bubbly girl who can give a bright smile even through the hardship. She keeps an optimistic thinking and looks past the negatives to see the good and get a bigger picture of the situation than blaming the bad decisions made before leading to it. She has the characteristics of a leader but being the ENFJ she is, she lets other take control but be the one to help if her opinion is needed.

    Amiya can come off as a bit whimsical and quirky at times to have some perplexing behaviors. She doesn't mean harm, of course, but her odd thinking and actions can make a few question what goes on in her head to be able to have such an amazing skill to even come up with these strange thoughts as well as what made her develop her habits. A few weird things she does would be; when she lost in her thoughts, she tend to sometime speak out loud what they are. Another one she would do is mostly to herself but she enjoys talking to her stuffed animals/ plushies and living animals.

    While she is a friendly oddball, she is very selfless and values others more than her own well-being. When the time calls for her to get serious, she will throw her life on the line and sometimes go to the point of extreme if provoked to do so. The scar on her back proves her point to how reckless she can be to become impulsive on her decisions. This also leads to her all mighty pride to show she is not weak. She dislikes showing any weaknesses/ opening to herself to give others a chance of beating her since it makes her feel that she would lose respect as well as trust. Only when it comes to combat does she become stubborn like a mule.





The user, Amiya, is able to change their body temperature at will -- if they are given enough time in practicing to control and adapt to the changes -- to increase or decrease the temperature to lethal extents to even cause harm at touch.


Her body is unfazed by the change of her body temperature and she is able to become immune to any climate to easily adapt to them freely without worrying about ways to keep herself warm or cool. She is also a plus to keep as good company as a natural 'walking iceblock' or 'hot water bottle' to hug but be careful, touching her can be quite dangerous.


While she can easily be immune to temperature, she is not immune from physical attacks. Her power is also not very strong. She had learned to master adapting to the changes and controlling it but her emotions can easily change it. If she was provoked to become angered, her temperature can rise or even fall to dangerous levels that could strain her body. She haven't fully mastered her powers yet as she is still learning what else she can do but she is limited to the temperatures she can go for. The lowest she can go is between 20-35 degrees and the highest being only 85-90 degrees.

Another downfall to her power is that, if she goes beyond her limits, side effects occur where she would feel the following of; exhaustion, dizziness/ headaches, high fever, over-heated, and strains/ aches.

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  • Name: Gideon Oscar Wickham


  • Gideon is a generally okay person to be around, not being incredibly nice but not being incredibly rude or mean either. He will be angry if you use his given name inside of Wick, but it usually ends with him giving them a cold stare. When around friends or people he knows well, he usually acts a bit more vibrant and playful than usual, but he isn't the greatest at socializing, so he doesn't get too many people he's that comfortable with.

  • Gideon Oscar Wickham was raised by his own family until the age of 8. By that time, his family realized something was different when he began copying people to the T. They worried that his heterochromia was another sign at an early age, but they passed it off as it was; a genetic change. Coincidentally,his power ended up using his eyes. But in the end, his family was prepared to lose him due to society, and with teary eyes they turned him in to a specialized orphanage. He lived there until he was 17. At that age he was sent to IGNITE, where he took basic courses all year. Now he is in his second year, finishing his first year with a C Ranking.

    But elaborating on what happened before IGNITE, Gideon was a happy child throughout his years at home. He loved to dance and mess around, and him and his family always played games together. First signs of his powers were nearly unnoticeable. He would see someone do anything at all, and he would try to impersonate it, which isn't abnormal for a child. It was when he started getting scarily accurate with his impersonations that people started to wonder. They never asked Gideon about it until he was older, and when he managed to perfectly mimic a complicated dance routine with no training or instruction whatsoever. His parents were confused and questioned him, and he just said it 'came naturally' to him.

    After that he was sent to the orphanage. He stopped attending public school, and started taking private lessons from one of the orphanage staff. Sadly, his powers did not extend to math equations, for he had a horrible time in his math studies. He excelled in science and history, but can still barely write a well made English paper. But besides his studies, he had an okay time at the orphanage. It was where the other kids began calling him 'Wick' after watching him stare at a burning candle wick at night. That, and it was an obvious play on his last name. He was shipped out to IGNITE later in his life, leading him to where he is now.



http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Adoptive_Muscle_MemoryAdoptive Muscle Memory


Description: After viewing someone move in any way, Wick can mimic it. If he were to watch someone perform a karate kick, he could mimic it and do the same amount of damage. To oppose the power, it only lasts for a short duration before he forgets how to do it. As well, it has to be something the normal human body can accomplish; meaning no super power copying or no stretchy limbs. Besides time duration, his power is still limited by his own skill level. He has been known to break while attempting a move, making him fail the move in what often ends in him hurting himself.

Strengths His power allows him to be deadly accurate with a weapon if he's seen someone fire it, as well as he can learn professional martial arts moves that he can use.
Weaknesses Eyes are very sensitive to light, has a short amount of time before he forgets the move, occasionally messes up his action.

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Slight WIP.



  • Name:

    Katie Maxwell








    1st Year






    5" 5



    Hair Color:

    Light blonde

    Eye Color:


    Defining Features:

    Small scars circling her right wrist.


  • Katie looks like a very dominate person; but really she is quite shy and timid. She rarely makes friends as most only see her as a cold and calculating person, when that's really only just a shield she has made to protect herself. Katie tends to be very caring and kind to any friends she makes and likes to hang about with people; through sometimes she would rather play video games or read a good book. She tends to either look cold and disinterested to authoritative people as she thinks that they will leave her alone as she does not look vulnerable, but she is a very loyal companion and is mostly a great person to have by your side. Katie can get nervous easily around people she does not know; as she cannot tell whether they are good or bad people, she is quite intelligent and logical. Katie has always been an quick learner but can sometimes lose focus of what she is doing at the time. She tends to be honest and blunt to people; not really watching her mouth.



Vocal Replication


Katie can mimic the voices of others or imitate sounds such as animal noises and explosions. She is able to repeat any sound she hears with perfect clarity, she can repeat any sound after at least 5 seconds of listening to it.

Strengths Anyone listening to Katie cannot tell that it is her speaking if they can't see her whilst she is using her power. She can also hear pitches of sound that normal people can not. Katie can mimic every sound she has encountered, as she never forgets them.

Weaknesses After using her power for long periods of time Katie may lose her voice and/or have a sore throat. She is very prone to throat infections and sore throats, especially after using her power or in the summer.

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  • Name: Noah Alexander Reid

  • Nickname/Alias: n/a

    Rank: C-Rank (Knight)

    Role: Student

    Year: Second

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5'9''

    Weight: 157

    Hair Color: Black

    Eye Color: Grey

    Defining Features: Pupil and iris are grey. Just a circle of grey surrounded by the white that is the eye.


  • Noah could be described as passive. He doesn't seek fights and if anything, tries his best to avoid them. He likes to do things that doesn't use up his energy and thus gives him the appearance of laziness. He simply wants to be conservative of his energy. Noah is typically soft-spoken around people he is unfamiliar with. Mainly using body gestures like shrugs or nods to give responses. If you are a friend, Noah opens up and talks more. Noah is sensitive about his eyes and sight. He dislikes it when people pity him about not being able to see color. If Noah gets angry, you might faintly hear a high-pitched ringing if your ears are good enough. If Noah wants revenge on a classmate, he would typically emit sound waves at a frequency that ruptures blood vessels and give you a nosebleed from afar.
  • Noah was the only child in a middle-class family. He loved his parents and his parents loved him. At a young age, Noah had shown an interest in music and his parents saved up money for a cello. Noah began to take lessons and play the cello very passionately. The first symptoms of the mutagen first appeared when Noah remarked that things were getting grayer and grayer. One day his vision went eventually black. Doctors were baffled at how scans show his eyes were no longer connected to his brain. Shortly after though, Noah could see again if he talked or clicked his tongue or made noise in general. Again, this baffled doctors at how easily Noah picked up echo-location. The mutagen was suspected in Noah and his parents sorrowfully sent him away to the academy. They did not want him to face discrimination at home or school for being a "freak." His parents still loved him however.


Power: Sound Manipulation


Noah has extra organs, as well as strengthened ones, that allow him to emit sound from his body. Along with being able to make sound, Noah has heightened hearing. Sound is mainly projected from upper chest, throat and thus the mouth. He can control the pitch and power of the sound. Noah is technically blind because his eyes aren't really connected to his brain. However, Noah's brain compensates with echo location. This gives Noah the ability to see whatever is hit by the sound waves. Noah constantly emits a high-frequency pitch that allows him to see. It is a pitch that the normal human ear cannot detect.

Strengths Noah can incapacitate foes with blasts of sound. He also has heightened hearing and perception with his echo location.
Weaknesses Producing sound waves can put a strain on Noah's body. If he was to frequently blast off sound waves, he would soon tire himself out. Also, since Noah constantly has to emit sound in order to see, his metabolism is heightened. Noah can get hungry fast. Noah must also be careful to blast sound away from him and not around so that the chances of hurting himself with his ability is lessened. Anything that completely absorbs sound would just be an empty void in Noah's vision as no sound is being bounced back to him. Holograms are hard for Noah to see and reading proves difficult. To Noah, everything is black, white, and shades in between.

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  • Name: Caspar Harper Reynolds

  • Nickname/Alias:

    Cas, Cassie, That Guy, Ditto, Jerkface, The Impersonator, Trouble


    Knight {C-Rank}




    Third {3rd}




    Male (He/Him)


    6'2 (188 cm)


    160 lbs (72.6 kg)

    Hair Color:

    Dark Caramel Brown; shifts into varying shades of colors

    Eye Color:

    Emerald Green; changes according to mood

    Defining Features:

    The constant changing of eye/hair color, his glasses


  • Caspar is that one guy who doesn't seem to take anything seriously and often is considered quite frankly an asshole. It's like his goal is purely to piss you off and get on your nerves. He lives and breathes on picking on EVERYONE and just being mischievous. Pranks are to be suspected when you see Caspar around. You must always be on the look out for his disguises because he may be that first year girl, or that fourth year guy, for all you know. Nothing's better than a good laugh for him, and seems to have a permanent smirk glued to his face. There's always that glimmer of mischievousness and wonder that either means he likes you or just ready to pull another prank.

  • He's carefree to the point of near frustration. People always find themselves hating Caspar because of his bad jokes and his sarcastic voice. Cas's goal is to live life dancing and singing without a care in the world. His mentality is something that often pisses off the people who truly think everything has to be given 110 percent of effort to truly be worthwhile. While he doesn't care about anything, it doesn't mean he's stupid. if you call out his grades on a particular bad day, you should be ready for a full on attack. Nothing upsets him more than people believing he isn't worth something. Cas believes your rank doesn't measure your true potential.

    Despite his happy-go-lucky attitude, there are times when Cas can keep a perfectly straight face and fight with all he's got. Though, a straight face may be a lie. If you can get him to actual put 110 percent of effort into something, he'll do it and actually mean it. Competition between him and someone else really gets his heart-pumping and that cocky smirk glued to his face. If you push him to try his best under the wrong circumstances, however, be prepared to meet a version of Cas you weren't prepared to meet. Ruthless and merciless are only two words that could begin to describe the ferocity he may contain.

    Cas does have a fairly soft side, though. If you manage to provoke the feelings of over protectiveness, you won't be disappointed Those feelings, even for his friends who he picks on a lot, will end up front and center without fail when it comes to it. Cas has unending loyalty to his close friends, and isn't afraid to defend them. He doesn't take too kindly to authority (especially the student body) who insists he or his friends are absolute delinquents. The only person who can insult his friends is him and if you've got something bad to say, you might as well be in the hospital already.


Power: Body Manipulation



Description: The user has complete control over their body to manipulate their appearance or other parts of their body to suit their purposes.. They are able to change eye, hair, skin, etc. pigmentation as well as his overall appearance to appear as someone else. The person is also able to manipulate their skin, bones, etc. to form a weapon or other mass. Everything in their body is able to be manipulated to the image in his head.(think of Tonks from Harry Potter)

Strengths Cas is able to transform at will with merely a thought of what he wants to be. He is able to transform into just about anything he can imagine as well as modify any body part into a weapon. It is almost effortless for him to transform at this point. The time it takes for a transformation is usually short from around a few seconds to a couple of minutes depending how drastic the change may be. For example, changing the pigment of a certain part of his body is a lot easier than changing the entire bone structure of his face. Cas is able to manipulate his body into weapons. Using his bones, for an example, he would be able to create a knife of sorts.
Weaknesses If Cas were to transform, he would need complete concentration to achieve the right form. Otherwise, he could end up with only half the face of the person he was trying to copy or just a random protruding bone. Therefore, it takes him a little while, depending on how much of transformation he is trying to reach, to concentrate and complete his form. Growing his bones to create sharper weapons, does puncture his skin and causes immense pain as it is stretched and sharpened. As a result, he often doesn't change into weapons without some sort of numbing agent. With his ability to transform comes a high metabolism rate the more he performs it. Cas must eat a lot of food in order to give his body the nutrients it needs to transform. The more drastic the change he performs is from a normal human body, the more energy it takes to transform completely without complications. If he doesn't concentrate, his eyes give away what he's feeling if you can remember which color stands for which emotion.

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  • Name: Ciel Achille Suaveterre

  • Nickname/Alias: N/A

    Rank: Queen

    Role: Student

    Year: 3rd year
    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5'0

    Weight: 95lbs

    Hair Color: Dark brown

    Eye Color: Light blue

    Defining Features: Ciel is cursed with a baby face


  • Ciel is mature and has been for a majority for his life. He very rarely acts like an idiot or acts childish. He comes across as apathetic or uncaring without meaning to. As a child he didn't have much experience with children his age and gets along much better with adults. Most kids used to think he was intimidating and collected but he gets flustered and angry just like anyone else and when people see this, they usually change their opinion about him. he is hardly ever rude or mean and refuses to retaliate if he is being bullied. he likes to talk however, and doesn't really know how to shut up sometimes. He reveals his childish side on accident most times whether it be to someone he's close too or not. It generally only comes out over something he's passionate about like plants or math or if someone embarrasses him.
  • Ciel, unlike most IGNITE students, was one of the very very few who were permitted to remain with their biological family. However he did not remain with them for long. His power wasn't one that was so dramatic that it drove his family away, but it disturbed them when he was able to recite exactly what they were thinking. His family kept him sheltered from other people and the negative things of the world, including yelling. They never allowed him to act childishly and they refused him friends. His parents forbid him from using his ability on them. He was able to ignore their thoughts for a long while, at least until he was ten but when both his parents began radiating negative and distrusting, he peeked. Just once, but it was enough to completely demolish the fragile trust the family had established. His parents were cheating on each other and after he revealed it to them, they tossed him into an orphanage with curt goodbyes and insincere hugs.


Power: Telepathy

Description: Users of telepathy are able to read thoughts and converse with others in their mind.

Strengths Ciel is able to perceive the thoughts and memories of those around him. He is also able to communicate through a link in their minds.
Weaknesses Ciel is only able to perceive thoughts and memories so long as the person is currently thinking about it. He cannot go searching through their minds. Also he can only telepathically communicate with a select few people, and two conditions must be met. He must be close to them emotionally and he must make eye contact.
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  • Name: Adam Frost

    Nickname/Alias: N/A

    Rank: Rook (A)

    Role: Student

    Year: Four

    Age: Nineteen

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5ft 11in

    Weight: 160 lbs

    Hair Color: Blonde

    Eye Color: Blue

    Defining Features: An old scar across his nose.


  • You may list personality traits, but I also want a paragraph (8-10 sentences) describing them as a person.
  • A minimum of two paragraphs (8-10 sentences) about their life before and up until this current year at IGNITE academy.


Power: Enhanced Speed


Strengths something something dark side

- Adam's body requires a higher number of calories to function at normal levels: the more work he does, the more food he needs to eat. When he’s gone too long without food, his body begins eating away at fat reserves and muscle at a quicker pace than an average human. Because of this, his weight is susceptible to drastic, unhealthy fluctuations that should be avoided at all cost.

- Chemical stimulants like caffeine and gross amounts of sugar send Adam into a jumpy, hyperactive state. He self-describes the feeling as an 'energy surge' or 'invincible high' where he has little, if any, control over his impulses and can't be made to sit still if his life depended on it. In severe instances, he's had seizures and blacked out from sensory overload. Adam takes preventative measures to save himself the embarrassment; he avoids coffees, teas, energy drinks, narcotics classified as "stimulants", and processed sugars whenever he can.

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  • Name: Fuka Watanabe

  • Nickname/Alias: Fukanzo (trans. bird's-eye view)

    Rank: Queen

    Role: Student

    Year: Fourth Year
    Age: 18

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5'1"

    Weight: 100lbs

    Hair Color: Blonde/Black

    Eye Color: Violet

    Defining Features: Dyed two-toned hair, pierced ears.


  • Brutally honest and boyish in nature, Fuka is a tough pill to swallow. She is rather upfront about everything and rarely sugarcoats the cold hard truths. This in itself may cause others to feel that she is either intimidating or just flat out mean. She will call people out on their bullshit if she sees it, and has no regards to what rank others are. Rank means absolutely nothing to her, even though she is at the top.

  • Fuka is a realist, not looking at the glass as either half full or half empty, but how it is. That isn't to say she won't occasionally give pep talks to her lower classmates, but she herself knows there are darks to every truth. More often than not, Fuka seems distant, aloof, even maybe even a little too lazy when it comes to interacting with people. Her conversations are usually blunt and to the point unless talking about something of her interests. During class, she gives 110% all the time. Whether it be outdoing her old scores or trying to knock snots off their pedestals, Fuka will always give her all. Maybe more than anything, her intensity is what scares people.


Power: Floor Tilting

Description: The ability to change the direction which gravity or space pulls objects within a certain area.

Strengths Fuka's floor tilting allows her to change her own pull of gravity. This allows her to walk on walls and ceilings without being pulled toward the ground by gravity--since her center of gravity would be wherever she stands. It is possible for Fuka to change the direction of gravitational pull for others, so long as she is holding onto them. Once she lets go, their gravitational pull will go back to normal.
Weaknesses Fuka must have a surface she is going to be on when she floor tilts, otherwise she could easily shoot off to where gravity is at its weakest. Using the ability for long periods of time induces great fatigue and she must properly rest if she is going to use it for long periods of time again. She currently can only hold onto two adult-sized people at a time when she is floor tilting. The more people, the more energy and strain it is on her body.




  • Name: Ixchel Vicera

  • Nickname/Alias: Chel

    Rank: Pawn [unranked]

    Role: Student

    Year: First Year
    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Height: 4'7"

    Weight: 80lbs

    Hair Color: White

    Eye Color: Red

    Defining Features: Chel is actually albino. And... well, she's missing an arm.


  • Despite the origins of Chel's name, Chel is a very fun-loving and personable girl. She loves to smile and to make others smile. She is incredibly optimistic, even in the most difficult of situations. She hates seeing people fight and will attempt to mediate so that people could talk it out. She isn't terribly violent, even if she does have an interest in violent sports. She is hard working and tries to be independent. Even with her missing arm, she always tries to do things on her own. Any unwanted help will be met with her flailing her arm and trying to shoo the other person off. She tends to become overwhelmed with emotions relatively easily, and so it wouldn't be uncommon to see her cry when too frustrated. Even though Chel may be emotional, she tends to think on a more logical mindset. With her parents both being scientists, she can't help but want to break things down on a scientific level. This sometimes makes jokes go right over her head.


Power: Autotomy

Description: The user can self amputate, or sever one or more appendages (limb, finger, leg, etc), usually used as a self-defense mechanism in order to escape an opponent or predator's grasp. The missing body parts regeneration can vary from a few minutes, to a few days, possibly even longer depending on the circumstances, after self-severing.

Strengths Chel has what would be considered caudal autotomy, where a limb will detach with enough force and pressure. If she feels threatened enough, the caught appendage will start to separate itself from the rest of the body so that it could easily fall off with little damage to the body as possible. She is able to grow back her appendages, but it takes a long time depending on what was severed.
Weaknesses This is only a defense mechanism, and is near impossible for Chel to do unless she is in a state of high stress or feels that her life is at stake. The whole ordeal is incredibly painful for her and could easily cripple her for a period of time after severing. She can only sever appendages, not major body parts. The growing back process takes a long time depending on what was severed. Fingers will grow back in at least half a year. Hands, feet, arms and legs will most likely take a few years.

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  • Name:

  • Karsten Sommer


    Kar, Sunny




    Tactics Teacher




    End thirties




    1m80 (5'9")


    85 kg (188 lbs)

    Hair Color:


    Eye Color:


    Defining Features:

    Scar from a nasty cut to the left forearm due to a prank going bad in his teens. Several more faint battle wound scars across his body as he's often been in the front line as a scout, with one distinct one on his abdomen.


  • Karsten loves challenge, is motivated by result and can be impulsive when it comes to making decisions. Because of his fancy for challenges, he's always in for a dare. Not only taking one, but also daring others. Due to his ability and his relying on his eyes a lot, Karsten is a visual thinker. When it comes to his appearance and achievements, Karsten can be quite vain about himself. This does not, however, apply to how he keeps his room and things, they will look rather untidy. In relation to others, Karsten is a likeable man and often perceived as a charmer. He's playful and open-minded, yet very direct which makes him sometimes come across as harsh. On the job, Karsten is demanding but at the same time tries to be encouraging. He's thorough and might be a tad irresponsible and reckless.



Visual Linking


The power to link one's vision to others.

Strengths He's capable of looking through a target's eyes and see what they see. He therefor has to either make physical contact beforehand to establish a short term link, or have a much stronger mental connection to someone to tap into their vision at any time. The target would not notice they're being tapped into, or at least feel no discomfort from it.

Karsten can also broadcast what he sees to someone he has a stronger mental connection with and is susceptible for receiving the images.
Weaknesses Karsten can merely be a spectator by tapping in, no other senses (like hearing or scent) are involved.

He can only target one person at a time, though he can fairly easy hop between targets. Depending on his focus and length of connection, vision might get clearer.

To broadcast what he sees to someone, mental connection must be strong and the person at the receiving end has to be susceptible for it, or in other words be expecting it. An ability that is complementary to his also facilitates this process, telepathy f.e.

The ability to tap into targets by touch is limited in time, the connection wears off when said target is not around for a time.

After extensive use of his skill, Karsten might need a cool down period to recover. He likes to sit in the dark doing so, since it speeds up the recovery process.

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  • ?Name: Ruth Ozeki

  • ?Nickname/Alias: Ozu

    ?Rank: Rook (A-rank)

    ?Role: Student

    ?Year: Third

    ?Age: Seventeen

    ?Height: 4'11"

    ?Weight: 97 lbs

    ?Hair Color: Naturally black, although she dyes it blue

    ?Eye Color: Ocean Blue

    ?Defining Features: Her matching blue colored hair and eyes


  • While being a highly academically achieved lady in the classroom, Ozu can be described as nothing else but a handful. She's energetic to say the least, and can definitely be too much for certain people, but there's a lot more to it than that. The fiery blue haired girl is obsessed with the thrill of adrenaline. Whether it be skydiving or stealing a motorcycle, Ozu will be the first to step up and take the challenge. She's essentially fearless, except when it comes to the ocean.

  • As for her energetic side, Ozu loves interacting with people. She's a complete chatter box who lives for starting up conversations, and is often found jumping from one activity to the next, bringing people along with her on her adventures. Ozu's constant need for some sort of stimulation causes her to become scatter-brained at times, and she often forgets to do things and loses numerous amounts of belongings.

    But when Ozu steps in to the classroom or onto the battlefield, her lighthearted and energetic self dissolves, and the only thing left is her one-track minded instinct to complete the task at hand.

    Ozu is not trigger happy-- she fires with the intent to inflict damage and neutralize the target, and when the time comes, to kill. She is careful in executing any sort of mission. People often find her to be cold in these situations.

    Ozu is the same way in the classroom, and her grades reflect her diligence in wanting to succeed.


?Power: Enhanced flexibility

?Description: Ozu is capable of bending and twisting far beyond the capabilities of an ordinary person. She can perform acrobatic movements in had-to-hand combat with ease, but much prefers hand-held machinery.

Strengths ?Ozu can perform acrobatic movements easily and flawlessly; she has a high tolerance to over stretching her muscles and any pain caused by flexing her own body.
Weaknesses ?Ozu lacks stamina and cannot perform for an extended amount of time with her ability. She also finds it difficult to perform in cooler temperatures. She tends to always be forgetful and scatter-brained.
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  • Name: Daisuke Fujimoto

  • Nickname/Alias:

    Rank: King

    Role: Science Teacher

    Year: N/A
    Age: 34

    Gender: Male

    Height: 6'1

    Weight: 165 lbs

    Hair Color: Blonde

    Eye Color: Dark Brown

    Defining Features: Though you usually can't see it, he has a barcode tattoo on the underside of his right forearm which he got in his mid-twenties.


  • Upon first impressions, one would likely think Daisuke's one of the laziest people to walk the earth. In almost everything he does, Daisuke barely puts in the required effort to get something accomplished, whether it be preparing lessons or making himself a meal. This extends into his social skills, in that he doesn't bother dealing with people whom he finds annoying or tedious (Therefore, most people) and when forced to deal with them often brushes them off with a wry remark- he won't bother hiding his dislike or irritation. Even with people he's cordial with, he often emits a cool, nonchalant demeanor towards, well, everything, and those who don't know him usually interprete this as apathy or coldness.

  • At the same time however, there's a cunning man beneath the façade, one who's always analyzing his surroundings and calculating the quickest means to an end- minimum work for maximum benefit. And while he doesn't seem the type to crack jokes, he does have a dry sense of humour which is frequently employed in conversation, with the occasional subtle reference thrown in from some book or game.

    While he may appear uncaring or outwardly display irritation in his teaching through his grumbling, Daisuke is passionate about the Sciences, particularly molecular chemistry, and will go out of his way to help students who display promise and a strong work ethic in his class- he's also capable of sympathizing with those who have gone through more traumatic experiences as a result of his tumultuous youth, a topic which he keeps a tight lid on. Furthermore, he rarely completely loses his patience with anyone, whether it be students or government officials, and often acts as a mediator when the need arises. Finally, Daisuke often finds himself 'attaching' onto people whom he finds tolerable, or else interesting enough to deal with their more annoying attributes, and over time has been shown to display an unexpected degree of loyalty, or even kindness, towards them.


Power: Chemical Manipulation

Description: Daisuke has mastered near-perfect control of all biochemical actions occurring in his body. This includes, but is not limited to, metabolic rate, the release and suppression of hormones and neurotransmitters, the autonomic nervous system, and the storage/ release of energy through the synthesis or breakdown of glycogen in the body's liver and adipose tissues.

Strengths Through manipulating the various chemical reactions occurring on a constant basis, Daisuke can increase his metabolism and gain access to the energy stored in his body as fat/ tissues as well as precisely directing which muscles they go to, significantly improving his stamina and strength. Daisuke can also influence the flow of hormones and neurotransmitters to suppress fatigue and even pain, allowing him to endure with even the most extensive injuries or ailments, as well as direct his body on how to treat said injuries. Finally, he can even regulate unconscious body function such as pupillary response so as to heighten his senses and achieve peak human reaction time.

Weaknesses While Daisuke is capable of monitoring and influencing everything which happens in his body, consciously controlling it versus letting his body follow its natural processes can be mentally exhausting over long periods of time. In addition to this, he constantly needs to eat in order to keep up his energy stores, and if he uses up all of his body fat, his body will try to start breaking down muscle in order to supply the necessary energy, which can cause long term, permanent damage. And though he is capable of diagnosing problems and directing his body to take rudimentary methods of healing such as blood clotting, he cannot accelerate the healing process beyond that of normal humans. Finally, while he is capable of suppressing pain and other natural responses, this is only on a temporary basis, and often requires extended rest after hours or days of avoiding pain or sleep, depending on the duration and degree of suppression.



  • Name: Caroline Eckhart

  • Nickname/Alias: Cara

    Rank: Bishop, B-Rank

    Role: Student

    Year: Second
    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5'3 (5'7 with heels)

    Weight: 121 lbs

    Hair Color: Black

    Eye Color: Red-Brown

    Defining Features: Double pierced ears


  • Cara, on the outside, is your classic headstrong individual. Outgoing and rarely lacking in confidence, she always seems to walk with a sense of purpose and a devil-may care sort of attitude. She doesn't give a damn what others think of her, and often does as she pleases without further consideration- some would say she's impulsive. She lives vivaciously and in the moment, revelling in the thrill of a challenge or the unknown, and many find her vibrant way of being infectious- whether conscious of it or not, her presence is easily able to light up a room and anyone around her. Though not a chatterbox, she has a witty (If not crude) sense of humour and is more than comfortable in the social spotlight.

  • However, beneath this bright exterior lies a harder. slightly more solemn girl. While she's often friendly to strangers or those she is close to, there's always an underlying degree of distance between herself and others, not being one to share her inner thoughts. Spending much of her teenage years on her own has resulted in her having little to no regard for others thoughts/ feelings, and more often than not will simply do whatever's in her best interest, regardless of whether she has to step on someone to get there. Though morally she believes herself to be a 'good' person, she has few qualms about lying or manipulating others as a means to an end, and when in a foul enough mood is more than capable of being cold and cruel to the victims of her wrath. Her nature is mercurial, almost unpredictable, and her thoughts and feelings can change with the wind, something which those whom are close to her struggle to deal with. Furthermore, while she's lovely to be around when in a good mood, she'll easily put a damper on everyone else when she's in a bad mood, and when pushed to it her temper is a dangerous thing to behold.

    Underneath the smiles and hidden isolation lies a fierce, determined, young woman. In the land of the Internet she's been able to open up and reveal a quirky, comical side to her, one which can be drawn out under the right circumstances. While she struggles to be more open to others, her time at the Academy has already helped in her being more considerate to others, and she's at a point where she's questioning her dogma of self-sufficiency and relying only on herself. At the end of the day, she does have a few moments of wisdom and perspective in addition to her relentless drive to succeed, but still has much growing/ maturing to do before she becomes a queen.


Power: Adaptive Assimilation

Description: Upon coming into physical contact with a compound material, Cara's cells can alter their molecular structure to mimic that of the compound, thereby gaining its physical and chemical properties. The cells can 'memorize' this structure and alter between it and her normal cellular composition, either involuntarily or at will. The compounds she can most easily turn into are Alloy Steel, Iron, and Aluminum.

Strengths By mimicking the properties of different materials, Cara can significantly alter her density, weight, and chemical composition. This most prominently improves her strength, speed, and invulnerability (depending on the compound), but also may include thermal/ radioactive properties. She can control whether or not this change is partial or completely covers her body.

Weaknesses While solid substances are relatively easy for Cara to imitate, it becomes increasingly difficult to mimic substances which are liquid at room temperature (Ex. Water, Mercury), and she has only on a few occasions attempted changing into a gaseous state, always ending in failure. Furthermore, materials which have a more complex molecular/ anatomical structure (Ex. Wood, Diamond) are more challenging to replicate. Depending on the material, it may just as well negatively impact her speed or durability. Finally, it becomes more taxing for her to maintain a form for extensive periods of time, particularly when shifting between multiple materials, and still has moments where she involuntarily changes and cannot immediately return to her normal composition.

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  • Name: Jeremy Roads Valencia

  • Nickname/Alias: Remmy, Electric Eel, Zephyr

    Rank: Bishop (B-Rank)

    Role: Student

    Year: Fourth
    Age: Eighteen

    Gender: Male

    Height: 6'2"

    Weight: 167 lbs.

    Hair Color: Blonde

    Eye Color: Grey-blue

    Defining Features: Always wears a stocking cap.


  • Jeremy is like a kid stuck inside of a young man's body. Be it because of his past as the youngest child or something else entirely, this guy likes attention and actively seeks it from all he meets. In order to do this he has taught himself various antics, maneuvers and moves to impress all that watch. He loves to make people happy like this, even if they end up laughing when he messes up from time to time. Jeremy is very accepting of people from all lots of life, but seems to get along best with children and those sharing his own 'Life is Made To Be Fun' mentality. Though when it comes to serious business Jeremy can get it together like the best magic trick one has ever seen.
  • A minimum of two paragraphs (8-10 sentences) about their life before and up until this current year at IGNITE academy.


Power: Bio-Electricity Manipulation

Description: The user can manipulate bio-electric currents that exist within all aspects of the body existing in the nervous system, heart and muscles.

Strengths Jeremy can induce a kind of Enhanced Condition via increasing his body's electrical generation internally, giving him increased strength and mental processing to allow him to be faster, stronger and to process things much quicker. He can also generate enough electrical energy to manifest it, allowing him to use it for such things as shock others and jump starting or powering smaller electrical devices.
Weaknesses Using his ability really takes a toll on Jeremy's body. If used in excess it could make him collapse from muscle fatigue, or he could generate too much electricity and end up shocking himself. Being doused in water really makes things difficult, and of course rubber tends to put a damper on things.

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