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Futuristic −D⇡L⇣GENCE Sign-Up



  • Name: Kazumi " Alyssa " Koizumi

  • Nickname/Alias: Kazumi - Alyssa - Ali

    Rank: D Rank (Pawn)

    Role: Student

    Year: First Year
    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Height: 160cm / 5'3

    Weight: 55kg / 120lbs

    Hair Color: Brown

    Eye Color: White / Discoloured

    Defining Features: Discoloured Iris - Unkempt appearance


  • Pessimistic - Untrusting - Irresponsible - Lazy - Unorganised - Incorrigible - Fearful

    As a person, there isn't much that's likeable about Kazumi. For one, she has a pessimistic ( Or as she chooses to refer to it as "Realistic" ) mindset, often pointing out the worst in a person, plan, food, or whatever topic she is currently engaged on. When it comes to parties, there are few spoilsports that can match up to her ability to sour the mood or atmosphere just with a passing comment or two.

    Another major part of her is her inability to trust anyone or anything is another troublesome part of her. Offer her a smoothie as a gesture of peace? She'll suspect it's poisoned, or at the very least, contaminated. Offer to help her with a task? She'd rather die than let most people touch any of her things. There are few things in her life that she does trust, and that trust often takes an eternity to develop.

    As much as she is untrusting to the point of near paranoia, she's also completely lazy and irresponsible. Whatever she does (or doesn't do in some cases) is non of your business, but even if whatever she does can or has affected you, it's non of her business. Most people are less than bugs in her eyes, not worth bothering about, and paired with her incorrigibility, it makes for a rather offensive person to be with.

    Or at the very least, it's how she is on the surface. Underneath that rude, uncaring mask is simply a haunted little girl. Afraid of any and everything, she attempts to hide her fear with an act, pushing people away with an appalling personality so they can never get close to hurt her, or worse - make her care for them. A deperate attempt to protect what remains of her scarred and ruined mess of a heart.



Electromagnetic Vision


She can perceive the world around her based on the entire electromagnetic spectrum, not just the range of visible light that humans are normally attuned to. She can also tune out whatever light she doesn't want to pick up.

Strengths Due to being able to see the entire EM Spectrum, she's able see stuff like which locations have WiFi, the strength of the WiFi, whether the mircrowave oven is on, if you should put on sunscreen if you go out later, or whether an area is under surveillance etc.
Weaknesses If she doesn't tune out the unnecessary wavelengths, it tends to turn the world a little bit too colourful, i.e :

, which will give her a rather big headache trying to make sense of what she's seeing. Besides that, it's also completely useless in combat : just because you can see something coming, doesn't mean you can avoid it.

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  • Name:

  • Arian Kassis














    1m94 (6'4 1/2")


    75 kg (165 lbs)

    Hair Color:

    Dark blond with slightly darkened ends.

    Eye Color:


    Defining Features:

    Wears a full tribal sleeve tattoo down his left arm that resembles his power (a symbol for each of his senses is displayed).


  • Generally thoughtful, curious and objective, Arian values knowledge and truth. He has little tolerance for dishonest people and can act irritable and be quick tempered when having to deal with those. With his no-nonsense attitude, he's not very keen on getting pranked. Being the rational type rather than emotional, he prefers decisions made with reason and logic. Arian is protective, he likes to play it safe, which also makes him cautious.

    Towards others, Arian can be picky about the company he keeps. If someone manages to stay around him long enough to be considered close to him, he might try and turn a bit bossy. In a relationship, Arian can feel jealous, but probably won't show it because he'll rationalize there is no need to feel jealous.

    In school and career, Arian will always be driven to finish what he starts and be pretty ambitious about it. He's studious and diligent, and might come across as pedantic. As a perfectionist, he won't rest until he masters what needs to be mastered.



Sense augmentation and focusing


The power to either amplify/augment one of his five senses (sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste) temporarily or to focus all senses combined to look for a particular object or person by its/their sight/sound/smell/taste/feel by blocking out all others.

Strengths Arian can amplify one of his senses to be able to f.e. see something clear from afar, smell better, listen in on conversations, etc. temporarily.

By focusing all his senses on something or someone particular, Arian can track and find them. He needs to be familiar with the object or person, or have some source to track it from.
Weaknesses While amplifying his senses, he can only pick one sense at a time. He is vulnerable to exhausting his power and therefor using it needs to be limited in time or intensity. Though he has trained himself the past years, sudden sensory information may be overwhelming.

Using all his senses to look for something specific by focusing them, he's not able to sense any other sight/sound/smell/taste/feel which leaves him vulnerable to an attack. It's hard to break off the process once initiated and Arian will aim to continue till he found what he's looking for.

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  • Name: Nadine Archambeault

  • Nickname/Alias:


    Rank: King (Uber-Rank)

    Role: Physical Conditioning Teacher; Disciplinary Overseer

    Year: N/A
    Age: 31

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5'8"

    Weight: 130lbs

    Hair Color: Black

    Eye Color: Indigo

    Defining Features: Right hand has been replaced with a cybernetic prosthetic, and is typically covered in a black glove despite having a synthetic skin covering it. Also has two small circular scars on her lower left abdomen (front and back) from an old injury where she was completely run through by a length of rebar.


  • More often than not Nadine will be remembered for her seemingly passive pessimism and dry humor, as well as her overall grumpiness. Life is not kind to 'muties,' and she believes it important to drive that point home as part of her teachings to help prepare today's youth. Unfortunately some students have thicker skulls than others, but that's nothing a good blow to their heads won't solve, and Nadine has become

  • quite practiced

    in that regard. This isn't to say she doesn't acknowledge genuine effort when she sees it, just don't expect any open praise from her. IGNITE Academy is not a normal high school, after all. You don't pass her courses just by showing up. If you're looking for a kind mentor to hold your hand you will not find one in this woman. However, if you're not one to quit when the going gets tough she will never abandon you as an instructor, either.

    As a disciplining force for the academy she has a zero tolerance policy towards troublemakers, and will not hesitate to administer immediate physical force as a reprimand if she believes it's warranted. Each student knows what they're walking into when they step through the front doors of this facility, and Nadine will not suffer a fool mucking things up intentionally. Her punishments can range from the mundane (latrine cleaning), to tyrannical (her infamous 4am

    'Death Marches'

    runs), to veritably brutal (literally stomping the insubordination out of cadets).

    Her socializing tendencies with other teachers is markedly different in that she's very laid back around coworkers. It's a manner similar to that of camaraderie with other soldiers you've served with for years, while holding a strong and blatant distrust of unproven newcomers (the students). She is still the same person, however; the title of Instructor does not excuse any intentional provocations directed towards her unless they are made in jest.



http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Enhanced_JumpEnhanced Jump


Description: Nadine can create and store an inhuman amount of potential energy within her legs, which can then be converted into kinetic energy allowing her to perform feats well above and beyond what normal humans are capable of.

Nadine can jump in all directions much farther than what typical human limitations would allow, and land safely as well. She doesn't like to say how high or how far she can leap to keep people on their toes. So far her longest confirmed record for a 'flying kick' has been just shy of four-hundred yards.

The energy stored in her legs can deliver powerful kicks/stomps capable of incapacitating or outright killing soft targets on impact.

A natural sprinter due to the strength of her legs.
Her kicks are strong, but she won't be kicking through things like the armor of a tank anytime soon.

A safe landing is not always guaranteed depending on the force of her momentum and what she's landing on. Sometimes she might break through a surface unintentionally. More often than not when she's in a rush and bounding great distances she won't be able to see just what she's going to land on until it's too late.

An injured leg severely hampers her abilities.



  • Name: Abigail Bennet

  • Nickname/Alias: Abby; "Kestrel"

    Rank: Knight (C-Rank)


    Resident Bird Watcher


    Year: 1st
    Age: 14

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5'2"

    Weight: 110lbs

    Hair Color: Brown

    Eye Color: Hazel

    Defining Features: Has a small amount of freckles around her nose, and is almost always seen with her orange goggles on.


  • Just like the birds she loves to watch Abigail is cheerful, peaceful being. She's a rather skittish person too, especially if her prescription goggles are off as she can't see very well up close. Violence is simply something that doesn't appeal to her, and she resents the fact that the military found a use for her abilities as a target spotter and scout. The idea of being the one to mark people for death and having to watch people die to confirm kills appalls and nauseates the poor girl. Unfortunately the academy provides a better life than what she left behind, what with the free shelter and food. She's grateful for being taken in off the streets, but is torn over not wanting to be a soldier and not wanting to go back to her old, pathetic 'life.' Even with these problems bubbling in the back of her thoughts she tries to maintain a happy facade at least. She refuses to let her optimism die, even if she has to blatantly lie to herself. She's a do-good-try-hard type of gal in general, and does make honest attempts to do her best in the academy. Abigail's pretty passionate about learning, even if some of the curriculum is about military stuff. Life skills are life skills no matter what they are, and she doesn't have to employ the knowledge of snapping a man's neck from behind if she doesn't want to.
  • A minimum of two paragraphs (8-10 sentences) about their life before and up until this current year at IGNITE academy.


Power: Ocular Adaptation

Description: Abigail's eyes have several methods of functioning aside from 'normal' vision.

Can see extremely well in the dark with a 'low light mode' vision.

Can see the world through

http://i.imgur.com/ppKpnI2.jpginfrared vision

http://i.imgur.com/ppKpnI2.jpg, allowing Abigail to see varying levels of heat.

Eyes have a telescopic function allowing her to see great distances away.
Can only use one 'mode' at a time from the available options: normal, low light, infrared.

Because she uses her telescopic vision so much she's pretty blind as a bat up close. To counter this she wears prescription goggles.

She's still learning how to control her powers, and has difficulty switching modes at times. For example, on some mornings she wakes up and is unable to turn off her low light vision mode, making the morning sunlight a very painful experience.

Her eyes are sensitive to bright lights in general.



  • Name: Veronica Faulkner

  • Nickname/Alias: Vee; "Roadblock"



    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5'5"


    Hair Color: Brown

    Eye Color: Brown

    Defining Features:

    Being fucking fabulous.


  • You may list personality traits, but I also want a paragraph (8-10 sentences) describing them as a person.
  • A minimum of two paragraphs (8-10 sentences) about their life before and up until this current year at IGNITE academy.



http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Psionic_StrengthPsionic Strength


Description: So long as her will and resolve remain strong, her body will also be stronger than normal. In a very simplistic sense this can be thought of as an extreme case of 'mind over matter.'

Her ability allows her to be deceptively strong despite her small size.

Her undaunted fighting spirit can override her body feeling physically tired by applying a rejuvenating effect so long as her resolve holds.
If she becomes demoralized, frightened out of her wits, stunned, or anything else of the sort she will be unable to augment her strength.

Being knocked unconscious will negate any currently applied augmentations.

Injuries are injuries. She cannot heal them with her powers, but she can find the strength to cope with them in a fight, much to her body's detriment.

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  • Name: Darlene Lehrer

  • Nickname/Alias: Does not like it when others refer to her as something other than her name

    Rank: King

    Role: Math Teacher

    Age: 43

    Gender: Female

    Height: 6 foot

    Weight: 160 lbs

    Hair Color: Blonde

    Eye Color: Blue

    Defining Features:Extra pair of arms


  • Darlene is a strict teacher with little patience for any tom-foolery. While she is a teacher, she does have some slight favoritism. She if often nicer and more lenient with hard-working students and almost cruel to those on her bad side. Darlene is one to maintain order and control. If

  • threats, sharp words, etc

    her words don't work, Darlene is not afraid to resort to more physical discipline. She is no weapons expert, but delinquent students have been sent to the infirmary with meter stick measurements imprinted on their body.


Power: Elasticity/Extra Limbs

Description: Darlene has an extra pair of fully developed arms. They are located below her regular arms. Darlene can use them like her regular arms except for one thing. Her mutant arms can stretch like rubber.

Strengths Farther reach with mutant arms. Using their elasticity, she can also use them as slings or wind up a powerful punch. Also, having extra arms can be...handy.
Weaknesses Her arms can oly stretch 5 meters at the max. Overuse of her elasticity can result in sprained muscles. Darlene has to be careful not to get cut on her mutant arms. A scratch can turn into a large slash because of the tension in her arm when she stretches them.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3cc7d4db_FourArmLady.png.17c0090626cb7cdd20a1af18be1754e8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66978" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3cc7d4db_FourArmLady.png.17c0090626cb7cdd20a1af18be1754e8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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