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Futuristic −D⇡L⇣GENCE OOC

nononono its ok

tomorrow shes going home :,( soo ill be free

im only on now bcuz i stole her laptop while shes using the bathroom LMAO
@Yuuki of the Strata

Sorry for the late reply. I haven't really been active because i've had something up these few days. I'll edit the bio tomorrow, and yeah, it's totally sketchy xD

I kinda came up with that on the fly (AKA Ripped it off a book i was reading), since i only had about 5 mins to fill the space.

Hopefully i'll be able to get my baby into the RP soon. On a side note, anyone wanna be frenemies? :D
Hey guys, this is kind of an important message.

My activity is going to fluctuate a bit within the next few weeks. Sunday, I had put in my two weeks notice at my job because I am starting the new semester at my university on the 31st of this month. At the same time, I'm frantically looking for an apartment, but its INCREDIBLY difficult when I'm not actually in the city I need to be to actually do the footwork. Also, the money that I was trying to save in order to put down a deposit evaporated due to having to help with some financial emergencies. This Friday I'm heading up to the city to look for apartments and fill out applications. I'm incredibly stressed out, to the point its making me physically sick (like the chest pains I had all day the other day) and making coherent thoughts are near impossible.

This is not by any means me closing the rp. It is still open, active, and craving posts! I'm just giving you all a fair warning that I may not be as active as I have been from now till I get an apartment... which may be about a 3-4 week process if I'm lucky. And... well... luck was never good friends with me.

And with that being said, I fixed my Leo post.

You may continue with your posts.
I understand, and I wish you luck in finding an apartment! I wish I could do more than just give you flimsy words of encouragement, but that'll just have to do. Again good luck and I hope you feel better~

Don't stress yourself so much on the RP Yuuki!!! ;n;

I hope things get situated for you and that you'll be able to find a nice place to stay at as well as your health to get better.

I'm happy to see you're still keeping this RP alive and within the month, just like Owlet, I wish you the best of luck though I wish I could do more.

Ganbatte (Good luck) and keep on fighting Yuuki! >v<)/

@Yuuki of the Strata

Please do not worry about it- you have other things which you need to prioritize, and if that means being here less often, do what you need to do. We all go through these kinds of phases in life, so all we can do is be respectful towards each other in the meantime and try to get through it. We all wish you the best of luck and hope you are able to figure out your housing/ job situation ASAP, as well as feeling better of course. Don't worry about things here- we'll keep this thead alive and kicking ;p.

Also, as a general note, I just want to apologize for not having been around much lately- the past week was rather hectic with both work and having my family come to town, but things are finally getting back to normal (And more importantly I get my bed back after sleeping on the couch all week) so I'll be able to start posting more regularly again- going to finally do the posts for Cara and Daisuke tonight. If there's anything else important I've missed, please let me know. Thanks!
@Kaonashi lol, yes. Drawing. I don't exactly have the best drawing skills but I don't want to surf the internet for an image. Honestly, I doubt I'll find a four armed woman with a strict/teacher-like look.

Just gonna throw this idea out there, but you could just find a pic with the desired facial features, crop the head, and post that instead? You don't need to hunt down or draw a pic of a four armed woman that way.
eh, I appreciate the idea but I already finished the drawing. I just have to wait for my brother to get off the computer connected to the scanner.

@Yuuki of the Strata

I attached the image of my character cause it doesn't wanted to be copy and pasted in. Other than that, my CS is completed.
Sorry guys for the random disappearance.

I'm going to be working on getting classes together for characters to go into for their first day.

In announcement, Clear Water won't be rping with up for a while. I am keeping her characters off to the side for now.

Anyone's profiles that still need to be reviewed, I will review them either today or tomorrow night after work.
Mmm, I still haven't done an intro post yet.... I'll get them out by tomorrow night so things can start rolling.

Also, hoping everything's alright with @Clear Water , and they return soon.
Hi guys, I'm back! Lord, it has been quite stressful for me lately, and for those who don't know, I was involved in a car crash a little while ago, which initiated my inactivity. Since I've been asleep for a while, I've clearly missed out on quite a bit xD no worries about any of it though, Only a couple of bumps and bruises here and there. I apparently went in to shock after I received a concussion (I can't remember half of what I was told... not really sure how everything played out), but I'll get back in to the groove of things soon! I want to get some posts done, so hopefully there'll be some more activity!
@Clear Water


Between me being kind of busy and worrying to hell about you and... people's activity disappearance... Things kind of slowed to a halt. OTL
Glad you're okay Clear Water! I've never been in a car accident. Can't imagine what it must have been like.
@Clear Water

Mm, I'm happy to hear you're starting to get back and on your feet again :) - my sibling had an accident a few years back, which really shook them up, so it's good to know you're recovering alright, take it easy and hope that you continue to improve.

Also, excited that life has returned here and that things are in motion again ;p
@The Necromancer, will do. =w= b

Now that I don't have work, I have some time to reorganize.

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