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D&D: The City of Shaldra~Zin

"Death comes..."

Peace smirked as he approached the princess. The unseen blade is the deadliest. He attempted to plunge his sword into the girl's upper back and upwards.
By the time Peace moved his blade in to kill, she was already dead. He slid his hidden blade into her boney back and she didn't move an inch. Her corpse sat on its knees, slouched over a half finished arcane symbol of blood on the ground. Black blood slowly leaked down the tails of the arrows dripping down to sizzle on the hot metal floor. her arms lay limp in her lap.

Black and purple smoke slowly seep from the lich princesse's body. Her corpse cracked and crumbled to ashes as it emptied. Then the dark smoke attacked Peace the same way green smoke had attacked Jaks and Dorric in the past. Only this was much stronger.

When the smoke hit Peace it lifted him 6ft from the ground and held him there. The smoke swirled around him punishing his body and reaching in to rip at his soul. He felt the world fall away from him and his vision went black. (14 damage)

Peace could tell he was seeing through someone elses eyes. When he opened them he was somewhere far away. It was a cold night in the freezing rain. He stood outside a massive gothic cathedral. The peak of every tower was guarded by beautiful stone angels, every window was ornate stained glass and every archway was detailed with complex designs.

Peace only blinked and he found himself inside. It was no warmer here than it was outside, but at least he had a break from the howling winds. A long trail of wet foot prints were behind him and a grand chancel stood before him. This church felt more familiar than home to him. There was a complex emotion weighing down his heart. It was a little joyful and lovings, but a little sad beneath it all.

A long stone table covered by a dusty cloth is directly in front of Peace. It looks like it hasn't been moved in years, but he could tell something was hidden beneath it. Beyond that a tall golden throne filled by a man in purple robes. The man's arms rest over the hand guard of a large sword. He lurches forward staring at the ground in front of his throne. It seems as if his body is too stiff and heavy for him to lift without help. A neckless falls free from his robes and swings like a pendulum in the moon light. A red ruby heart entangled by black iron thorns on a chain of gold.

The man stands up from his throne and shoulders his sword in one swift jerk. He groans in familiar pain. The room was only lit by spars moonlight piercing through the dirty cathedral windows. Most of the man's details are hidden by shadow, but his movements and sound suggest undead.

Peace feels a smile curl on his lips. Then words unwillingly pour out, "I know my heart is safe in your protection. As long as it is safe my life is eternal. You will always be the love of my life. Even if I was not the love of yours."

The man tucked the neckless back into his robes and nodded. "It is safe with me princess.."

Peace felt the dark smoke exit his body. He dropped to the ground coughing up the bad taste of coal. Her spirit did not linger in him or empower him. Instead it quickly fled the temple. He could assume her spirit was heading back to that necklace.
Jaks gave a cry and nearly fell to his knees as the spider's leg sliced through his. He spun around, the metal of his rapier and dagger reflecting the holy light that charred his skin. His lungs burned with each inhale of hot air and his vision became dim and unfocused. As his blades came down on the green spider, Jaks wondered if whatever god in charge of the afterlife would allow him to the couple from the town before sending him to wherever he was going to end up.



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Amidst a jostling of bodies three now stood with reletive calm.

Dailen breathed hard through his nose searching the frey for the small green life forms through narrowed eyes as his world grew more painful, the elf felt a calm wash over him, It was a mere hot summer day and he would endure it like so many before he knew.

Firstly persueing the spider that had attempted to claw at his leg spining on one heal in the direction the pain came from Dailen sprung onto the spider as he began to chanle ki for the strikes.


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Dailen landed on his first foe, crushing it beneath his feet. The crystal form of the creature would damage his feet if he had not already conditioned them against such damages. In an act of desperation the injured spider crawling away decided to turn and fight. He lunged at the monk hoping to claw his face.

The injury caused it to be slow and clumsy. Dailen spun on his opposite heal. Instead of meeting the creature as an opposing force he aided it in its own self-destruction. The monks hand swung up behind the leaping spider and pushed it from behind. Ki traveled through the monks hand propelling the spider forward at double its speed. It didn't even have time to shriek before it shattered on the hot metal wall.

Seeing the battle already over, the stout dragonborn brother rushed away. He joined up with the gnome representing Glittergold. The two of them managed to find a panel that controlled the Pelorian spells heating the temple. Within a few minutes they had the temperature returning to normal. 

Paladins began to spring into action. Healing anyone injured. Among them was the man who performed in the courtyard that morning. Reinhard Holloway. He rushed to Jaks aid. Casting a shield spell over him and crushing the spider with his hammer. It wasn't his most trusty weapon, but it worked for the time. "Are you ok boy?" 
Dailen stood ready for more fores but none came for him. Instead the stalky dargonkin left his side while he waited...and  soon after felt the raident force recead as he observed the dragonkins return and listined. 

 Dailed turned to the paladen who came to attend him and asked "It sounds as if the temple itself created the magic that was killing us all, Did you know the temple had such a thing?" He spoke casually as he lifted his foot from his sandle plucking a emerald shard from his sole without expression as his foot trickled blood he stood on one leg calmly while he washed out the scratch with a damp cloth waiting for it to clot.
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Jaks was on his knees, breathing heavily with the taste of blood in his mouth. When he tried to stand, he almost slipped due to his leg being numb and slippery with blood. He looked up at the paladin that had shielded him and said, "I'm alive, for now, and the heat has gone down. I should be fine. Just give me a moment." He steadied himself and moved over the corpse of the lich princess and began to do what he thought he was starting to do far too often. He searched the scantily attired corpse and took whatever looked interesting, caring little of what anybody watching might think. As far as Jaks was concerned, somebody like her didn't deserve any respect from him in life or in death. Once he was done searching the corpse he limped back over to the scorched body of his cleric friend and slumped down the nearest wall to rest.
The paladin shook his head as he healed Dailen. "The only magic imbued into the temple is a low level illumination spell. We call it the light of Pelor. It just keeps lights in the windows. It....it would never do this. " 

The stalky dragonborn returned, "It shouldn't have, you're right. But it looks like the lich put an empowerment spell over it. Turning that low level radiance into real heat. These steel walls allowed that to make us roast in an oven."

Jaks would find that most of the lich and her belongings had been turned to ash. Sifting through the ashes would have him find a black steel ring. Its powers, if any, would remain unknown to the casual observer. 

The human representing Kord approached Jaks. "Are you still seeking money to rebuild Shaldra~Zin?" Monty asked "I can promote a big sale of 'Of your own a-Kord' and give the profits to your cause."
Jaks waved a hand at the man before gesturing to Keltar. "Any business concerning Shaldra~Zin should be taken up with the paladin," he replied dismissively. His attention returned to the ring as he looked it over, trying to uncover any special properties it may have. If he does not sense anything negative about the ring, he will slip it on.

Roll: 15+1
The true nature of the ring suddenly dawned on Jaks. It only took him so long because he expected something more ancient from a powerful lich. This ring was modern arcana, cutting edge technology in the magic community. In fact, it was a warp ring. The same kind of ring invented by the dragonborn brothers present at this summit. No doubt she was planning to use it to make her timely escape when this temple got too hot to handle. 

Jaks had heard about these rings before they were even released to the public. Underground fencers couldn't keep from chatting about this wondrous item. A ring that allows its wearer to teleport huge distances in the blink of an eye. It was a thieves blessing! It could fetch any amount of money if he chose to sell it. It could help him harvest unfathomable amounts of loot if he chose to use it.
Dailen heeded the words very closely before smiling and gripping the stalky dragonkin's shoulder "But you sorted it out, while we panicked,you and that gnome saved every life here."  He stated without adulation as he removed his hand.

"I dont know how the others intend to show gratitude but if theres something you would have me do you only ever need say the words." 
The dragonborn stroked his chin long enough for Dailen to imagine a ridiculous beard growing from his scaly skin. "That is a more interesting debt than you know my boy. I may call upon your favor before the night is through. For now, get some rest now. You and everyone else could use a break after the day we've had. Not to mention I still have some work to do on these windows." He gestured over his shoulders where the gnome is still tinkering with gadgets. "Stop by my room before you depart the temple. I should have a task for you by then."

Someone noisily hobbled in from the other room. Every inch of exposed skin is scared from burns and his armor is charred black. He uses a damaged greatsword like a crutch, but its dull tip slips often on the steel floor. Jaks may be able to recognize this man from the shape of his armor, but nothing else. This poor disfigured man was Kelter. 
 The 'young' elf stood shaking his head, "Others have faired worse today, and my hands are still attached so I'd say I can be useful now." Dailen paused to take a breath and take in his surroundings  before beaming at the dragonborn "Is what I would like to say but the truth is that.
My first day in a city could hardly have been more thrilling, I don't see any reason to rest now!" The monk elated.
"what I would like to know is what became of the litch? And why ever did you people let one in your city to begin with?"
This sudden discovery gave Jaks the little boost he lacked. He played with the ring for a moment before slipping it on. A warp ring, huh? "First thing, first," he said to himself, rising from besides his dead companion's corpse. He was about to warp to the other side of the room when his ears picked up the sound of clanking armor and heavy limp. Turning his head, all thoughts of trying out his new toy fled his mind as he rushed to Kelter's side. "Healer!" Jaks shouted. "Somebody get a healer for this man!" Stopping in front of Kelter, Jaks raised his hands, not wanting to touch the paladin in case he injured the man further yet not wishing to let the paladin fall. "Gods, Kelter. I-I..." Jaks was no healer. He didn't know what to do.
"This is a religious gathering where all are welcome. Once a year, followers of many religions meet here in Bexely's temple to discuss world events, problems and solutions. There is a strictly enforced policy of peace while the meeting is happening. Even followers of chaotic or evil religions have been known to attend the meeting and contribute in ways that exceeded our expectations. On the same note, races such as orcs, giants, goblins, gnolls have lent a hand in solving problems in the past. Just because she was a lich did not guarantee she was evil or that she would harm anyone." The dragonborn returned to his work along side the gnome. 

When Jaks used the ring he felt a lose control over its magic. His attempt to teleport to the other side of the room was a success. He could feel that luck had its hand in that victory. It would take a bit of practice before this warp ring was a reliable means of transport.

Kelter's voice was raspy and damaged. "The healers have already seen me my boy. This is.....as good as I get. I know it isn't pretty, but I am alive. For that I am thankful. With a little bit of rest I will be ready to continue."

Kelter adjusted his weight on the sword crutch. "The paladins have informed me of where our adventure leads from here. We may head to the black woods south of Shaldra~Zin to morn the loss of their dryad princess who died today. Their land will need guidance now that it looks for a future ruler. 

We also have the option of going north east of Shaldra~Zin. To the port city Orin Harbor. Monty Nixon will be doing a charity fund raiser for our city. When we arrive we can escort the wagon of donations back to our home.

We may also want to visit the flying island of Craw Chaw. Misses Vox did not survive the heat and Mrs. Vox has invited us to his home to accept financial support of our adventure. As long as it results in the slaying of that lich.

...speaking of which. Our finally option would be to hunt down her phylactery and destroy it so that she may never return. The paladins seem to believe we will find it north of the mountains. That is where her city presides. "
 Dailen was willing to be silent for such a lenghty discource but not wiillig to let it go at that, as the dragonborn turned he would find himself gripped again, The monk would not allow him to show his back while he spoke, and when he did it was not with his usual light heartedness as he locked eyes with an expression serious as death.

"My people have long memories, one thing we do not forget is that undead are evil. None more so then a litch, no matter what it claims or does, if one plays at being good even for hundreds of years it is so they can rule your decendants hunderds of years later...I pray today is the nessesary reminder for this city." Dailen added as he let go.
The dragonborn looked at Dailen with wide angered eyes. "Let that be the last time your grab me. Do it again and accompany me outside where I can unscrew your head from your shoulders with one of my wrenches. You may not have noticed, but I don't work here. I had just as much control over the lich's presence as you did and I do not need any reminder of their true nature. The rules of this organisation have brought prosper and benefit to the world for many years and a single incident will not have me condemning them. Now, if you do not let me get back to work on this we may see more people die today."
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As good as it gets? Jaks had a hard time believing that. He shook his head and decided to move pass that. "I agree that we need to somehow move forward with our journey but with only the two of us? I don't think adventuring would be wise," said the rogue shaking his head. "That being said, chasing the lich would not be wise right now. Perhaps we should go to the black woods. We may find some blades there to assist us." Jaks said this merely as a suggestion. He himself was not an experienced adventurer and knew little of what dangers each destination may hold.
 Dailen smiled as he was threatned and slowly spread his arms in a gestire to welcome any assault.

 He never during the conversation spoke with anger in his voice even when seious, only the naturally flowing melodic tone to his words and pace to his sentences.

"If you feel so inclined to teach me, then lets waste no time, here, where pelor see clearly, if you are just it is no diffrent is it?"

 He waited a moment in silence before tilting his head continuing.

 "No? Very well then...I will accknoladge that this meeting has likely benefited this town and regon, indeed the paladins wear fine armor and the people look fat and well fed...you must accknoladge is has also helped lead to this."

 The monk turned around with his arms still out to 'present' the sceen of wounded and dead. 

"Or do not...but if your work will save lives do it, despite your threat to discard me over nothing I still intend to repay my debt to you but it would be prudent to have done so by days end."

 The monk then bowed to the paladen and dragonkin before taking his leave to follow a trail of spider shards and search for the litches body, the creatures and the litch are the only real clues he has to sating his next desire. 

 Dailen was sure the litch must have played this hand here and now as part of some larger scheam and it could only be detramental to all life in these lands...including his tribe in the forests...what is more he had heard tell of a litch city, Such a thing could not be abided by any means and finding out more about it seamed paramount.

 Dailen would wander about the temple talking to the people who didnt look to distrought or busy simply asking if they saw the litch and what became of her.
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Kelter nodded with Jaks' line of thought. "To the dark woods south of Shaldra~Zin it is. I will inform the Dryads." He coughed and smiled to the rogue. Then he began to hobble away to the dryad quarters.

The dragonborn couldn't take this conversation any longer. He would have attacked the monk if it wasn't a waste of his time and against the peace policy of the summit he had noted. The temperature of the temple was already rising again because the conversation had kept him from helping the gnome. So he said nothing and hurried back to the gnomes side with apologies. The gnome cleaned sweat from his brow and shook his head. "Just get your hands back in here. I am losing it." 

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