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Futuristic Cyberpunk Criminals

Could i be not much of a key character but more of an overseer that pops in and out on neither side? Kind of in the background and will interact with the characters but is still almost absent to everyone else


xXGodoftheGeeksXx said:
@xXGodoftheGeeksXx, please edit this post to include any OOC information
could i use two characters i want to keep phil as a more antagonistic character but i also wanted to kind of play a "good guy role"
Boyslenderp said:
Could i be not much of a key character but more of an overseer that pops in and out on neither side? Kind of in the background and will interact with the characters but is still almost absent to everyone else

could i use two characters i want to keep phil as a more antagonistic character but i also wanted to kind of play a "good guy role"
Can he be part of the gang..... Cos so far me and God (CALLING YOU THAT SO SHUT UP) aare the only gang members
[QUOTE="The Jackal]Can he be part of the gang..... Cos so far me and God (CALLING YOU THAT SO SHUT UP) aare the only gang members

yes thats what i planned on
This gas-mask fetish is real, good thing i have it too


Boyslenderp said:
This gas-mask fetish is real, good thing i have it too
oh shit it is a real thing

maybe not then.
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*runs off into room*

*emo music starts playing*

Name: Isabella

Codename: Shade

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

History/Backstory: woke up one day, in the middle of the forest, to find she had no memory. since then she has lived a life of stealing and crime, with a sense of psychopathy and depression lingering in her head.


Hunting knife

V10 Ballistic Sniper rifle

Dual SMG

what about your unmasked appearance and center everything so it looks professional also this is meant to be in the character sign up not the out of rp chat

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