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Fantasy Cursed Blood

Wolf Wolf

The Dovahkiin

Cursed Blood.

No one truly knows how the curse came to be.

Some claim it as a punishment from the gods.

Others said it was the grotesque product of unnatural unions between wolves and men.

But no matter the origin story, all who tell the tale agree on some things, the first being that the beasts are bloodthirsty, soulless monsters who kill without discrimination...


Olympia, the land from which our heroes hail, was once a great and prosperous land, known to all its neighbors as the Golden Kingdom.

'Olympia is blessed by the gods!' was what the royal family claimed.

And it would seem that way, what with the plentiful harvests and mild winters.

But seven-hundred-and-fifty years ago, that all changed.

Good King Nikoloas and his wife, the gracious Queen Jocelyn, were celebrating the birth of their children, the twins Lucian and Luna, who were their only heirs, for Nikoloas and Jocelyn were both nearing their fiftieth year. There would be no more children.

To celebrate the birth of the twins, they invited all the royal families of all the neighboring kingdoms to a great ball.

On the eve of the ball, once all the guests had arrived - King Oberon and Queen Titania of the kingdom of Avalon; Sorroco and Nila, the leaders of Pride Rock; Artemis and Apollo, the twin rulers of Celestra, just to name a few - King Nikoloas stood up in front of his guests and thanked them for coming.

After Nikoloas had said his piece, Jocelyn took her turn in front of the audience, and thanked the guests. One by one, they brought forward a gift and laid it down at the foot of the children's crib.

As Artemis and Apollo stepped forward to present their gift, the doors to the great hall flew open with a bang.

Everyone turned to face the doors.

Striding through the entrance as if she owned the place, parting the people as easily as Moses parted the sea, was a woman dressed in rich wolf furs of all shades - brown, black, grey, white and russet. Her hair was the color of new fallen snow, her skin the color of full moonlight.

Her eyes were the color of old blood, and they shone with a malevolent light.

"Nikoloas," she announced. "Jocelyn. My old friends." She stressed the last word with a hefty amount of sarcasm.

Jocelyn chose not to notice this. "Lupa," she greeted the Wolf Queen. "What brings you here?"

Lupa arched an eyebrow at the gentle Queen.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm here for your children."

Jocelyn smiled at her graciously. "Thank you, Lupa. We welcome your gift."

Lupa threw back her head and laughed out loud. "That is what you think now," she hissed. "But I assure you, Queen of Olympia, you and yours will be cursing this 'gift' for eons to come."

Jocelyn frowned. Her husband drew her closer to his person. "Speak plainly, Queen of Wolves," he growled out. "Tonight is a night of celebration. Gods forbid your poison filled riddles. Do not ruin it for my wife and I."

"What care I that you wish tonight to be a night of peace? For I was not invited."

Jocelyn paled. "Lupa, I assure you, we did not mean to offend. Your invitation must have simply been misplaced. But now that you are here, you are more than welcome to stay and enjoy the festivities-"

"SILENCE!" Lupa roared. Her pupils dilated. Madness radiated from her. "I will not let this insult slide! Do you - all of you - truly think that I do not hear what you whisper behind my back? That I do not here the slurs you throw around? You hate me more than you hate Ares! This is the last straw! You must all be taught a lesson." Panting hard, Lupa paused for breath. Turning to face the crib that held the twins. She raised her hands.

"Lupus!" She bellowed.

There was a flash of light, like the light of a full moon, and Lupa vanished.

With a sob, Jocelyn flew towards her children, as the audience made up of her guests looked on in horror.

The Queen of Olympia felt relief like no mortal woman had ever felt before when she saw her two children, safe, sound and happy.

Jocelyn felt a small but strong hand grip her shoulder.

She looked up to see the bronze haired, silver-eyed princess of Celestra standing over her, but staring at her children with a scrutinizing gaze that was wise beyond her years.

"My Queen," Artemis said. "Do you know what 'lupus' means?"

"No. I do not."

"Wolf," the princess supplied. "It means 'wolf.'"

Her brother, Apollo, stepped forward, his face unusually grave. "Your children have been cursed," he stated matter-of-fact-ly.

Nikoloas let out a roar. "Cursed! What do you mean?"

The prince of Celestra remained silent.

The King of Olympia growled. "Speak plainly, prince, or I shall cut out your tongue."

"A curse of blood and moonlight," Artemis answered. "But that is all I can see for now."

Artemis turned towards her brother. "Shall we give our gifts now?" she asked.

Apollo nodded. "Perhaps not the gift we were originally planning to give, but yes."

Artemis placed one hand on Luna's forehead. "I have only enough power for one," she commiserated.

"Just do your best," Apollo murmured.

Artemis closed her eyes. "Exaltátum," she whispered, feeling the power the word held shiver down through her body and out of her fingertips, seeping into the sleeping baby girl, protecting her from the worst of the curse. "I am sorry I cannot save your brother also, little one," Artemis whispered.

Behind her, she could hear her brother explaining to the Olympian monarchs the true nature of the curse.

"Lupa has tried to transform your children into bloodthirsty, immortal beasts. Artemis has saved the girl, but she cannot save the boy. Neither can I, for I do not hold that power. What I can do, however, is cast a small fertility spell upon you so you can conceive again."

"Why must we have another child? If Luna has been saved-"

"Luna's humanity has been saved. The curse will still affect her, but she will retain her soul. She will not become a monster."

"And you need another child, because one born of Olympian blood can break the curse, I fear," Artemis interjected. "If you do not conceive again, your line will die out, as will Olympia."

Nikoloas bowed his head. "We accept," he said.


Artemis and Apollo took Lucian and Luna away that night, and the story of what had happened was eventually forgotten over the ages.

The only part that was remembered was what Artemis had said: 'One born of the blood of Olympia is destined to break the curse. She is the cure. All you have to do is wait for her to arrive.'

And so, Olympia waited.

Through each generation, as attacks grew more and more frequent, as the beasts started hunting every night rather than just on full moons, they waited.

But no daughter was born to the royal blood line of Olympia.

At least, not until the present day.


I apologize for changing some stuff from Greek Mythology.

Oh, and invites!






You do NOT NEED to be invited to join. ANYONE can join.


Rules and Regulations.

1. All RpNation rules must still be followed.

2. No excessive swearing.

3. Mary-Sues are not allowed.

4. Gary-Stus are not allowed as well.

5. You must write in a paragraph (5 Lines) or more.

6. Wait for others to post. This is not a 1x1 RP.

7. Don't understand something? Don't be afraid to ask!

8. Keep it PG-13. This is not a rated M RP. Fade to black if necessary (and it is).

9. Don't ignore actions made towards you (So, don't be a jerk).

10. If you have read all of these, put "Moonlight" on your character sheet.

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@Zakkol , @Rise of Albion , @Vampiress , etc.
((People mentioned above, just tag the others in your post. The internet might disappear again.

Also, Sorry for the very late reply guys. And girls. My internet is a piece of -TOOT-

I'm going to school now. See ya!))

A young man tapped his fingers on a tree stump. He was currently sitting on it, as it was comfortable to sit on. Well, not that comfortable, but still. He sighed and unintentionally leaned backward, causing him to fall on the leafy ground. His impact caused some leaves to float up and land on his face. He blew the leaves upward and rolled to the side before getting up. The young man arched his back then turned around, only to smack his face into another tree. Who was he, you ask? He was Leandros. The 'right-hand man' of the Alpha, Lucian. Leandros is a Damned, so don't expect him to be all, 'Mr. Smiley Face'. Some may think, 'Is that even him?' because Leandros seemed pretty calm right now. Well, let me tell you something. He's in a good mood in the morning, but once you break it, you would have to wait until the next morning to get it back.

Leandros scratched his head, "Hmm... Odd. I didn't see this earlier. I must've been caught up with listening to the silence." he muttered to himself. Yes, he was listening to the silence. Yes, he didn't see it. You may think that his choice of 'music' is very weird, but he's not the only once who likes the music created by the wind. He then proceeded to take a step to the left and continued onward. He, like the others, were in his "pack" area. It was a village, but it wasn't a normal one. It was inhabited by other Damned werewolves. Yes, werewolves. The mortals think they live in the forest, which is somewhat true, but their... home is in disguise as a village. Some mortals visit, but they visit in such small groups, making it easy for the werewolves to trap and devour them.

Suddenly, Leandros heard a very loud screeching sound, like metal and metal were colliding with each other. He had very sensitive ears, so naturally, he covered his ears. His good mood was broken just because of that. He gritted his teeth because he could still hear the irritating sound. It was like his ears were bleeding. After a few seconds, the sound stopped. But that didn't help Leandros' mood at all. He stormed to the source of the sound whilst grumbling something under his breath.

Lucian swiveled in his leather chair. He was finding himself quite relaxed as he sharpen a knife in his huge office. It was a peaceful morning so far, having nothing to deal with made for a nice change. Though he was sure that eventually someone would come crying and to his dismay he would have to deal with the situation. After all he couldn't let his pack members squabble no matter how amusing he thought it maybe, there were laws laid out for everyone. Including himself. At least he had the sense to even /think/ about leading by example.

Absently, he twirled his newly sharpened knife against the oak of his desk, watching the blade shimmer in the small light emitting from the open windows. A breeze blew in, blowing his shaggy chocolate brown hair across his face. Lucian closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. His face suddenly contorted with pain as a screeching interrupted his serenity. The sound of metal on metal pounded into his sensitive eardrums. Standing, Lucian let his knife clatter to his desk as he stomped out of his office determined to find the source of the interference.
Tasha was in her wolf form, fur black as night and eyes gold and piercing She had stalked up on Leandros. She crawled her way under a bush, muscles poised ready to pounce on him. She laughed internally at seeing him fall back and then smack his face into a tree. She rather enjoyed messing with him and even though he could be considered a rank above her she tested him every chance she got. She wanted his position and to be that much closer to the alpha but alas Leandros usually got the best of her but that didn't deter her determination. Her position was given away before she could manage a tackle as she howled out in pain at the sound, it was horrendous. She rushed her way out of the bush, just as agitated especially since her ears were ringing from it. She sauntered her way behind Leandros to the source of the sound as well, changing into her human form in mid-step when she caught up to him. Her black fur had turned into a head full of blonde hair but her eyes were the same golden color. "What the hell was that!?" She asked though knew Leandros didn't have an answer.
Ruby was certain that she was going to be in serious trouble if she were caught. Traveling so close to Damned territory could either result in her getting killed, or receiving probably a scolding lecture from one of the higher ranked members of her pack. It was too enticing to just give up the chance, breaking the rules and entering forbidden areas seemed to give her a thrill of excitement that simply being an Exalted werewolf, just could not. The trees and the village seemed to hold a particular dark aura around it, as though warning other wolves, magical or not, that there was a dark presence living within it. For normal, mortal humans some of them could sometimes feel a sense of evil foreboding and others just didn't want to visit an unknown village in the middle of a forest that locals called cursed. It was their own fate either way, but she couldn't exactly blame them for not knowing about those ravenous, evil Damned werewolves who claimed territory on the land.

Her wolf form padded silently through the forest, dark red fur slightly camouflaging with the midnight greens and thick browns of the surrounding trees. She wasn't looking for trouble, or even for the village, but really just to see how big Damned territory was from the inside. Plus, she could hardly help it if she came across a deer which would serve well for her midday lunch. A rustle through the trees caused her to arch her back, hair bristling, ears high and alert for any future sounds or appearances. If she got into a fight, she knew that would definitely spell her serious trouble. However, it was only a little bird when she saw it burst from the tree tops and fly away. She allowed herself to relax. Consequently, the next sound caused her to shift back into her human form from the pain, hands clapping over her sensitive ears. A grating sound on metal that made it feel as though her skin were crawling. She shivered when it finally stopped, a drew herself up into a sitting position, fiery red hair now a beacon amongst the trees. "What on earth was that?" She exclaimed. "Well, in the name of the Exalted, I think it's become my duty to discover what is going on."
The seemingly innocent trading village that had built itself on the fertile territory on the way to Olympia was more than it seemed, to the knowing eye. Werewolves of the Exalted kind made up the whole population, as travelers were encouraged to stay but not for very long, and the village prospered through trade and a limited amount of agriculture. This way of life had been maintained for a few years now, and while some Exalted wolves disagreed with letting humans about the place at all, most saw the necessity of having them around so that their trade could continue and their comfortable existence continue. As it was, the Exalted village was on the way to Olympia, and the pack would have been hard-pressed to keep intruders out without raising suspicion.

Having risen at the break of dawn, Luna had slipped away from the village and into the woods that surrounded the place, changing fluidly into wolf form as she did so. Padding through the woods, she took the time to enjoy the bird's songs that were flying through the air, seeing small animals dart away as they caught scent of her, but never making an attempt to chase after them. Luna was one to only hunt when she was hungry.

Spotting a patch of sunlight filtering through the trees, she contentedly laid down, resting her head on her paws. Laying there for a length of time that she didn't bother to measure, Luna might have fallen asleep, but when she stirred next the day seemed to have approached a little further. Rising to her feet, she began to walk back to the village, knowing that the rest of her pack would most likely be awake by this time. However, she took a more round-about way than that of how she had came, and Luna registered a familiar scent. Dipping her nose towards the ground, she realized that Ruby had passed this way recently. A golden ear twitching in curiosity, Luna wondered if she should follow the trail and make sure that the wild wolf wasn't up to any mischief, but in the end decided against it. She had nearly made it back to the village when she registered a sound in the distance, and though her ears pricked up in attempt to hear better, she couldn't figure out what it was.

Deciding that the noise was too far away to be a concern, Luna nearly proceeded to enter the village when she felt hunger start to stir in her stomach. Making a sudden switch into hunting mode, the wolf's golden eyes gleamed, spotting a thrush pecking at berries a good distance away. Luna was already down-wind, and she proceeded to stalk the bird, ears pricked up and twitching as she concentrated on her prey, filtering out any other disturbances around her; knowing that she was safely within her territory, and that no harm would come to her as she hunted.
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Theofall lunged through the air, landing on the unsuspecting rabbit. While his human side should have been feeling somewhat bad about what he had done, it wasn't. At all. It had no reason to be, especially since it was currently being eclipsed by his wolf side. Mind due, Theofall was under the impression that all of the Exalted members assumed that the Damned were always being eclipsed by their wolf sides. Theofall didn't actually know, but he could assume. Although he shouldn't be too hard on the Exalted. He liked to consider himself one. Not that he liked to admit it, no. Lucain didn't know, and Theofall wanted to keep it that way.

Back to the rabbit, (which was dead), Theofall went about eating it carefully, trying not to become covered in blood, unlike the rather unsavoury habits that other members of the Damned had. Theo, while not liking to come off as too much of a princess, did always try to make an effort to look presentable, and having your hair being held together with blood isn't exactly looking charming now, is it?

Returning to a more human guise, upon finishing his meal, Theofall looked around, wiped his blood-covered hands on the ground and started to walk through the forest. It was quiet and peaceful, and Theo didn't think it would be the most considerate thing ever to take off through the forest, running and creating a tangled mess of noise.

After a few minutes of walking, Theo was approaching a clearing, when a horrible screeching sound split the silence in two, like an axe through a weak chunk of wood. Picking up speed, Theo burst into the clearing, only to find both Tasha (whom he regarded with some respect) and Lucian's little pet Leandros.

'Hullo,' he said, adressing the two already in the clearing. 'Any idea what that noise was?' Theo asked, not knowing that Tasha had proposed that question not a few seconds prior to him arriving.
Lucian tilted his head to the side, listening for any clue as to what had made the sound. He was sure his entire pack had heard it, yet no one was pausing from their business nodding their heads and keeping their eyes down as a sign of respect and not to be mistaken for a challenge. Lucian nodded slightly to some of the families as he walked towards the woods. He shifted quickly, ignoring the sounds of his bones cracking. He rotated his shoulder, trotting down a well used path. Using his heightened senses to bring him to where his second was. Lucian shifted back to human form very aware that his shirt had ripped after his change back. He walked up to the group quietly, crossing his arms. "The sound did not come from within the village." He stated suddenly, his voice coming out gruff and low.
Nova awoken from a painful sound, making her fall from her bed and banging her forehead onto the bedside table. "Ow..." She mumbled not wanting to get up from the wood floor. Hearing that the sound had stopped, she stood up. Her ears were ringing with the insufferable sound, like metal clashing onto metal. She walked to the mirror, hand on forehead, to check to see if a mark was left. "Thank goodness.. I can't go walking around with a giant bruise on my head" she cheerfully said to herself as no mark was left.

Being the curious little girl Nova was, she quickly got dressed and ran out the door into the direction of the sound. Everyone in the village was in disorder, little kids were crying and the elderly were yelling about some end of the world bull. That's what the elderly all say when a ruckus occurs. Nova stood in front of her doorstep, watching as mothers drove their children indoors and within a few minutes, most of the village was deserted with fear.

Shrugging it off, Nova got into wolf form and sprinted into the direction of where the noise was. It seemed not everyone was in hiding and some people of the pack were either ahead of her already or behind her. The people ahead of her only made her want to ran faster, so she did. Running faster than her normal pace she started to outrun everyone that was running aside her.
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Aria had fallen asleep in a clearing the night before, too exhausted to make the short trek back to the Exalted village after a hunt that lasted most of the night. Despite having been in her wolf form when she passed out, she was a human by the time morning came. When she finally awoke, it took only moments for something to interrupt the peace and quiet - a loud, piercing screech came from the distance, forcing Aria to cover her ears. She swears she could feel it cut through her eardrums.

When the horrible sound ceased, the girl looked in the direction of where it came from with an irritated frown; that was not how she wanted her day to start.

She stood soon after that, having to take little time for the ringing in her ears to pass. Aria stretched out her arms and legs, covered in dirt and specks of dried blood, the majority of the latter around her mouth and chin, and her hair disheveled. Ignoring the previous noise for now, Winters had to wash up before heading back to the village - walking home now would cause many looks and questions she would rather avoid. So, she left the clearing, walking away from the village and towards a nearby river that ran through the forest, hoping that she could wash up there without any interruptions.
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Fenris walked slowly, with each step he could feel his body getting heavier. He had been trekking for about two days now. His white fur now dusted brownish in color.It was even stained with mud that covered his paws and stomach. Few twigs and shattered leaves sticking on his fur with the mud. He was once known to be very majestic who was famous for his fur which was white as snow. Fenris was often referred as ' hell hound ', it was a name giving to him for his acts on a battle or in missions. This ex-exalt wolf was like a demon dressed as a man.He would take pleasure in tearing through his adversary and then feasting on its blood. Still even though he had a thirst for blood, he was respected and was known for his loyalty. Now the poor wolf had been thrown out of his pack, blamed as the murder of the pack's head, it seemed that his fate had veer to a ugly path.

Fenris bore a scare near his neck which now seemed to have caught some infection. It was a recent injury that he obtained during a fight with another exalt wolf. Fenris who is now a exile had came too close to the exalt territory, doing so was never a pretty incident. It seemed that there would be no remorse for him there so he had marched onto a trek into the dammed territory. It was not a smart move, after all the dammed are neither known for their hospitality nor for their friendly attitude. Indeed this was a very daring move by Fenris but was it the right one, He could be slaughtered by the dammed who lack humanity and were popular for their barbaric and inhumane nature.

Fenris soon gave up as his body collapsed on the ground. He did not have the courage to walk any further. Why should he after all, he was in a pleasant forest. The scent of flowers filled the air. The rhythmic chirping of the birds in harmony with the sound of wind rustling past the fallen leaves. It was verily a melody created by nature by seemed to have been stolen from heaven and into the mortal world. Fenris was acquainted with the area. Even though forbidden under the exalt law he did come here quite often. He always loved the peace and calm this place used to offer. The only thing he liked more was the thrill of hunt. He always loved to kill his prey slowly, pouring its blood over himself. Drenching his fur red, it was an attitude that was not very admirable in his old pack but it seemed to be his nature and nature can not be tamed.

He laid his head down taking a little nap. Fenris was bold enough to get so deep in the dammed region but still it seemed the fortune did not favor him, nothing pleasing had happened yet. He gave a little laugh, think ' So those old hags did lie, fortune doesn't seem to favor the bold anymore '. He was indeed oblivious to what the future held for him.

Shortly a screech could be heard as if two metal sheets had collided with each other. Fenris's ears twitched and rose up high, maybe they were trying to find a source for the sound. The sound could potentially be a trap but Fenris had nothing left to lose now did he. He got up grunting as he did. " Now what in the name of hell was that! ", he spoke to himself it seemed. It seemed the wolf that had just collapsed was now ready to charge even into a battle. It seems that curiosity can be a force powerful enough to drive one to do any thing. Fenris began to move towards the sound's origion.


((Thank ye, mittens. It's Tuesday here, just came back from Kumon. I'm not supposed to be on RpN at this moment but eh... JUST DON'T TELL ANYONE.

I made a fish with speech balloons with clay while the internet was out :3[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT='Book Antiqua'][COLOR=#000000] But my brother deleted the photos, sadly.

Also, can someone give me other importance/s of a laptop? :P

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf9762d01_IMG_12471.JPG.c61837bcd084006581a14ae143bcc211.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22121" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf9762d01_IMG_12471.JPG.c61837bcd084006581a14ae143bcc211.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Leandros seemed surprised by Tasha's appearance and tried his best to keep a straight face, which fortunately worked. "
For that question, I do not have an answer." he said while brushing his white hair with his hands. He was practically raking his hair because there were some leaves in it. Right when he was about to unbelievably ask her to come with him on searching where the hell that sound came from, Theo entered the scene, asking the same question. Leandros growled slightly under his breath, "No, I do not." he repeated his answer from earlier. Then suddenly, he heard a low voice. Leandros slowly turned around to see Lucian behind Tasha and Theo. "Lucian," he greeted with a small nod. "I do not think it will be safe to investigate it. The sound could come from silver objects, like the swords and lances the Royal Guards carry."

Leandros then slightly tilted his head. "But, if we do not investigate it, something bad might happen. Shall we send a small group?"



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"It's morning already...?" Tohe yawned and stretched on his bed before sitting up on the side. He walked out of his room before heading outside, into the forest. When he thought nobody would see him, he shifted with a smile. "Time for scouting." Tohe said with a smile before padding around the pack's territory border, checking if there's any Damned nearby. Suddenly his tummy growled and he sighed before starting to look around for berries or something similar.
Lucian watched his second thoughtfully, letting his eyes wander to the two in front of him, his gaze lingering on Tasha for a second longer.

"No." He stated after making his decision.

"I will go see what is going on and I'll take a few with me just so your hair doesn't fall out from worry." He mused slightly, his mouth curling to a half smile as he teased Leandros.

Lucian didn't believe the sound was anything that had to do with the royal guard...silver, maybe and that was exactly why he wasn't sending anyone from his pack without him. He may be damned but he sure as hell wasn't sending his pack members to a situation that could kill them. He cared, however much of a strict and cold Alpha he seemed he placed his people before himself in more situations than not.
Tasha turns as well and bows her head in a respectful greeting to Lucian, giving one of her signature smiles, even when she was trying to smile sweetly it always seemed as if it was full of venom, but it suited her, so no matter. Besides she was a damned and embraced that fully, sweet was never and would never be here thing. She would never fully bow or curtsy, that was not her style. Nor did she patronize Lucian with being a suck-up so to speak. She couldn't help but smile as he teased Leandros. "Well it seems you have a few of us here. So shall we go investigate then?" She questions, having it not at all sound like an order in fear of offending Lucian. She kept her gaze lowered to Lucian, having no desire to challenge him in that manner.
Lucian turned his gaze to the only girl in the party, a dark smirk coming to his face. He pondered only for a brief moment before nodding his head towards the place were he assumed the sound was coming from. "That sounds like an excellent idea." He bemused looking over at Leandros, "Unless you feel the need to stay behind, with the hair problem and all." He joked, realizing that the other two with them probably hadn't ever seen him 'joke' before. He wondered momentarily if it was a surprise or not. He shrugged the thought off realizing he didn't care.
Fenris sprinted through the grassland towards the sound. He was soon stopped himself on the tracks. He could hear some noise, it was indeed a bunch talking. Fenris was not close enough to know what they were saying but he knew that someone was around. A chill came to his spine, ' is it a damned squad?' He asked himself. He knew the risks if he was to be caught. Being Killed was the least of his concern, damned we're known for torturing and toying with wolfs from other packs before killing then.

Fenris now kept each step silently and cautiously. Stepping on a trap or leave could give out his position and would lead to his bitter end. What fenris did not realise was the direction of wind was from his location to where he heard the noises from . Fenris kept on walking in an attempt to increase the distance from the others and the so the inevitable future he was to face.
Tasha's coy smile disappears as she catches something on the wind. Wolf. She looks at Leandros and notices he hadn't caught the scent yet and an evil smirk appeared, this would definitely gain her leverage in Lucian's eyes if she managed to get her paws on an Exalted. She shifts into her wolf form and sprints off in the direction of the smell without explanation. She knew it could be dangerous to just run out on Lucian's presence without being dismissed but she couldn't miss this or let someone else get the chance. She was closing the distance between her and the other wolf and bares her teeth as soon as she spots the white wolf in her view. She darts to the side to cut his escape path from damned territory off and stands in front of him, hair raised, teeth bared, and a viscious snarl emitting from her throat.
Lucian paused, turning his head slightly towards a sent.


He closed his eyes for a brief moment before looking back at Tasha who seemed to be beaming. She turned quickly and charged off shifting in mid run as she headed towards the sent. "As impulsive as ever I see." Lucian commented, turning towards the other two. "Leandros, with me. Theofall, feel free to go back to the pack or follow." Lucian stated sharply before turning towards the way Tasha had recklessly gone. Shifting, Lucian ignored the black aura emanating from him and took off towards the sent. He slowed, seeing her approach a white wolf who was obviously not Dammed.
Fenris had seen the wolf charging in his direction. Fenris could feel a rush inside of him. He ran even faster, fenris knew he could not run past them not in the condition he was in. It just took moments for the other wolf to outrun Fenris and cut him in his track. Fenris sighed as he stopped, his feet skidded in the ground, he could feel the pain before he crashed to a side. Fenris did not give a single whine and got up. His eyes wide open and staring into the black wolf's eyes. His gaze piercing through her. Fenris had lost but he would not give up, his pride would never let him give up to a damned. He bore hi fangs and howled maybe an attempt to call for help though he knew no exhale could hear him.
Lucian growled in utter annoyance, stalking behind the fallen white wolf. The guy had guts, he had to give him that. His wolf snarled, circling the two slowly. He kept his red and golden eyes on them, before stopping next to Tasha. Lucian gave her a sideways glance, not approving of this what so ever. They had an obligation to figure out what had caused the screeching sound. Not to go after a pup who had ventured across his borders. He didn't have time for this, not that he didn't want to give this wolf a lesson. Lucian just had more pressing matters to attend to. He shifted, towering over the white wolf.

"Shift." He commanded both of them using a very annoyed alpha tone.
Tasha's ears go flat against her head when Lucian gave her the disapproving stare. Apparently this plan had backfired. Tasha immediately shifts at his command, still glaring over at the white wolf, twice as angry for being reprimanded. "I apologize Lucian. I just sensed an intruder and I wasn't willing to just let him sneak out of here without a good reason to not come back"
Lucian's features softened for a moment as he looked at her, though still annoyed to be dragged into this mess. "Don't apologize, Tasha." He muttered, before his face went back to stone.

He ran his fingers threw his darker hair looking at the white wolf. "Tell me, pup, has my sister sent you to scout or are you meandering through?" He questioned annoyance still lacing his words. Tasha was just doing what she thought was nessicay. He couldn't be mad at her for acting on it.
He could sense a dark and dense aura emitting from the wolf who had just entered the scene. His words have power, the wolf followed his command as of she was ranked under her. The new wolf was larger then Fenris but not greatly. It seemed that it was fenris's unlucky day, after all he had just met the alpha o the damned. Fenris could not bark at him, his presence was pressuring Fenris. He could feel a urge of fleeing away but he tied to maintain his place, his feet were tremble. He finnally barked at him, " do you are the alpha eh? Well your sister did not send me. I am exile" he said as he frowned.

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