• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy ๐œ๐ฌ ๐š๐ฎ๐๐ข๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ ; โ™ก ๐š๐ฉ๐ก๐ซ๐จ๐๐ข๐ญ๐ž ` ๐ฌ ๐ฌ๐ž๐œ๐ซ๐ž๐ญ.


i have accounts on another ip. sooooo

welcome to the cs auditions. โ™ก

after the official characters have been chosen this will be our official cs page for your characters and npc ` s made by myself and you.

below you'll find an example of what i'm seeking for your character auditions. please fill out the sheet, using the template i've chosen with all of the criteria given! enjoy! please pm me if you have any questions.

NOTE : you are free to DECORATE however you'd like. just follow the criteria please! it doesn't have to look like mine or follow my format but you're free to do that too. c:

these auditions will only be up and open until friday, august 27th. i'll start reviewing then so if your character isn't finished or posted within that time frame, you'll be eliminated and only the profile(s) that are will be chosen. if multiple people apply for the same role, i'll choose whom i personally feel would be best for that role. however... just because you're not chosen for that role doesn't mean you can't join as a local. otherwise thank you for auditioning and maybe we'll write together next time.

mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :
reveriee reveriee

interactions :
reveriee reveriee
;; pierre
( role you're auditioning for here. if a nymphs local, put that. ) " a quote that suits your character will go here. "

full name
nickname ` s
age [ 21 and up ]


[ a blurb about who they are in a few sentences / paragraph is preferable. then you'll list three qualities each on the negative and positive side!
keep it brief but leave an impression. remember to think of the character role you're creating! be unique. have fun. ]

word bank here.

this should give me enough of an idea of who they are for me to choose who would best suit the role!

coded by reveriee.
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mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :
reveriee reveriee

interactions :
reveriee reveriee
;; Joji
( ๐‡๐„๐‘๐Œ๐„๐’ ) I keep losing my temper for you. I love it how you think I'm always this cool.

FULL NAME : luna, joji. NICKNAME ` S : jo. jojo. georgi. AGE : 25. GENDER : male. SEXUALITY : heterosexual. ETHNICITY : 1/2 japanese 1/2 spanish ( argentina ) OCCUPATION : interning at a gaming design company known for developing fantasy horror games.

HEIGHT : 5 ' 9 ". WEIGHT : 144 lbs. EYES : lukewarm brown. honey in light. almond round. HAIR : subtly layered. black. virgin, never dyed. FEATURES : noticeable dimples, especially when smiling โ”Šperfectly straight teeth, often seen wearing his retainer โ”Šobsessed with soft linen scents. won't often smell like a cologne but will smell like fresh laundry โ”Šstaring problem. soft eyes, harsh stare.

P O S I T I V Eโธปcomforting and warm. sarcastic charisma. humorous ` sociable. romantic. visionary. supportive.

joji. joji. joji. a hyper analytic silver tongue with a penchant for ocd-esque cleanliness and routine. joji isn't the suave heartbreaker your daughters spend their nights crying over. he's the guy that's staying on the phone with them [ all night ] while they cry and then seeing on their social media a week later that they're back together. nice guys always finish last. . . but that has never caused joji to alter himself in any way. nothing a slice of pizza and a cheesy movie night wouldn't fix.

N E G A T I V Eโธปcritical. grudge holder. his overprotectiveness can come off as insecure and jealous. passive aggressive.

secret smoke breaks. honey ` amber. winter cardigans. rainwater puddles. sudoku ` s. tacky alien movies. washed out t-shirts. old books. muted colors.

coded by reveriee.
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mood :

location :
outfit :
Lim ๆž—
;โ˜ฝ; Kija
( hades ) " a quote that suits your character will go here. "

full name :: Lim Kija
nickname ` s
age [ 21 and up ] twenty-three
gender :: male
sexuality :: pansexual
ethnicity :: 1/2 Singaporean 1/2 Korea
occupation :: N/A --> can be seen doing odd and ends type of jobs that may or may not teeter on the illegal threshold.

height :: 5'11"
weight :: 147 lbs
eyes :: hidden obsidian in his eyes
hair :: somewhere between burnt coffee and espresso noir
features :: defined, eye catching jawline โŒ‘ scarred brow โŒ‘ lips naturally tinted the color of cherry wine, bites them often out of habit โŒ‘ mysterious aire about him โŒ‘ lingering with a scent of invictus โŒ‘ arms are toned but not overtly muscly โŒ‘

a male with the mystic, the intensity and wonder of a moonless night. just when you think you've gotten him figured out he sheds his skin smoothly as a serpent. an enigma. although content to live a hermit away from simple companionship, a couple doe still linger around the lone wolf, careless frolicking about complete unaware of the potential danger looming. is it his fangs you should fear of the shadows dancing on his past?

positives ...tba...
negatives ...tba...

coded by reveriee.
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mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :
reveriee reveriee

interactions :
reveriee reveriee
;; isabel
( medusa ) what are you after? some kind of disaster?
full name : isabel gabriela lopez.
nickname(s) : isa.
age : twenty four.
gender : cisgender female.
sexuality : pansexual/panromantic.
ethnicity : hispanic; (puerto rican)
occupation : currently interning at a local social psychologistโ€™s office.

height : 5โ€™5โ€.
weight : 145 lbs.
eyes : deep chestnut, in sunlight they appear to be darker golden brown. her eye shape is between upturned and almond.
hair : dark brown, subtle waves when natural, she also has her bangs cut into curtain bangs.
features : predator-like eyes, a devilish smile that when it curves upward, flashes dazzling white teeth. constantly seen rolling her eyes, she wears dior pure poison perfume religiously.

positives โ€” strong-willed, intelligent, open minded, quick to listen; slow to speak, patient.

as chaotic and manic as she is, isa has a very determinate mindset that whatever she wants, she will have. whatever it takes - which may be the root of her tarnished reputation. while she doesnโ€™t always have her mind made up and isnโ€™t always self aware, she tries her best in the process to not hurt those around her. being as self critical as she is, she doesnโ€™t want others to bear the weight of her own self pity. she shuts most people out in times of intimacy to build a wall to protect the ones around her. sheโ€™s the one people can go to with their problems, but she will never let her own escape her lips.

negatives โ€” self critical, prefers ignorance to her own problems, pistanthrophobic, consumed in self guilt.

cherry red lips, purple encased eyes, rain droplets falling down a window, late night alcohol buzzes, black silhouette painting a sunset lit room.
coded by reveriee.
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mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :
reveriee reveriee

interactions :
reveriee reveriee
;; Clara

( โ€ ๐๐„๐‘๐’๐„๐๐‡๐Ž๐๐„ โ€ )
โ A heart on my sleeve and secret on the lips . . .โž​

โ” ๐…๐”๐‹๐‹ ๐๐€๐Œ๐„ : clara morin
โ” ๐๐ˆ๐‚๐Š๐๐€๐Œ๐„๐’: lara, cara, swan in thai .
โ” ๐€๐†๐„ : twenty-five
โ” ๐†๐„๐๐ƒ๐„๐‘ : female.
โ” ๐’๐„๐—๐”๐€๐‹๐ˆ๐“๐˜ : demisexual
โ” ๐„๐“๐‡๐๐ˆ๐‚๐ˆ๐“๐˜: 1/2 canadian 1/2 thai
โ” ๐Ž๐‚๐‚๐”๐๐€๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐: runaway aspiring singer slash local waitress.

โ” ๐‡๐„๐ˆ๐†๐‡๐“ : 5 ' 6
โ” ๐–๐„๐ˆ๐†๐‡๐“: 123 lbs.
โ” ๐„๐˜๐„๐’ : light brown; autumn lights that speak but rarely tell. always reflecting, always open.
โ” ๐‡๐€๐ˆ๐‘ : chocolate noir. almost natural. intentionally normal.
โ” ๐…๐„๐€๐“๐”๐‘๐„๐’ : warm smiles but wary looks; sparkles that twinkle bright -- almost too bright; manicured nails; a wake of florid scents: sweet like magnolia -- delicate like gardenia; nervous picking at fabrics; reverie gazes; paling of nightmares; dainty; almost like someone who wants to be underestimated.

P O S I T I V E โธป caring and harmonious, nurturing and kind, altruistic, observant, listener // conversationalist duality.

info here.

N E G A T I V Eโธป paranoid, superficial, erratic, secretive, indecisive, restless, a coward and a liar.

ยป a runaway who goes where she hopes her past won't follow. once a person teeming of innocence and positivity, now a bearer of too many faces. sweet and motherly in expressionism, guileful in theatrics. there are phantoms in her mind night and day; a whisper in her ear, an ominous hand on her shoulder, the tearing of fabric... everyone could be them, anyone could be him. heartstrings tear and dreams fray, but at least she is still alive. a woman with secrets in her heart and crimson on her hands. ยซ

โœฟ.๏ฝก.:* โ˜†:**:. ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐›๐š๐ง๐ค .:**:.โ˜†*.:๏ฝก.โœฟ​
of moonlight and stars; butterfly gardens; blossom petals; soft spring breeze; hiraeth; melodies and musicals; eidolon; lilac skies; potted plants; puff sleeves; white dresses;

coded by reveriee.

;; minji

( pandora ) chase me baby. ill make your dreams and nightmares come true
full name : minji song.
nickname(s) : mimi.
age : twenty three.
gender : cisgender female.
sexuality : bisexual.
ethnicity : korean.
occupation : biochemist for a pharmaceutical company.

height : 5โ€™4โ€.
weight : 141 lbs.
eyes : gleaming silver.
hair : naturally dark brown, colored pink as its her favorite color.
features : her smile represents her innocence and purity while her frown represents a longing for security and passion. her eyes sparkle of desire wanting nothing more to satiate someones curiosity and show she is more than what people think she is.

positives โ€” adventurous, experimental, witty, precocious, confident.

negatives โ€” vain, arrogant, competitive, perfectionist, self-centered.

minji has always wanted the world and felt she worked hard to attain more than what she earned. she doesn't know what she truly wants deep down, why she has to fill her empty void with pleasurable experiences and achievements. she's the one your son cries over thinking she was the one who got away while she's with her neighbor or the new intern at work. she possesses what people find attractive in others, intelligence, social status, physical beauty, and wealth. but somehow no one seems to have what she wants, because what she wants no one has.

thigh highs, apartments with a skyline view, 'your baby girl til i'm not', pink lipstick, trail of broken hearts, ex's hoodie, cupcakes, pink lemonade, pastel windbreakers, boyfriend applications, late night drives.
coded by reveriee.
mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :
reveriee reveriee

interactions :
reveriee reveriee
-- hitoshi.
|| ยท CUPID ยท ||
โ when love speaks, the voice of all the gods makes heaven drowsy with the harmony. โž​

full name ; // hitoshi xiao.
nickname ` s ; // hito, toshi.
age ; // twenty-seven.
gender ; // non-binary.
sexuality ; // bisexual.
ethnicity ; // chinese.

occupation ;
-- works as a translator for chinese & chinese-american media companies.​

height ; // 182 cm (6'2")
weight ; // 73.6 kg (162 lbs)

eyes ;
-- dark brown irises that are framed by thick lashes. splashes of honey specks can be seen in their eyes in the sunlight.​

hair ;
-- thin strands that are painted silvery-white in the light of day. falls past their shoulders and tends to curl at the ends when it's humid.​

features ;
-- a delicate brow holds faint crease lines from fair brows. a set of almond-shaped eyes are delicately brushed by thick black lashes. a sloped button nose is often dusted in freckles during the summer months. a set of pale pink lips that glisten from often-applied chapstick. a pale complexion that is often compared to freshly-fallen snow.​

[ blurb ; ]
-- a handsome face, soft eyes. a gentle gaze that often invites and yet deceives. a person who invokes many questions but answers little. a throaty chuckle, a raspy voice that sounds warm and incredulous. delicate fingers that can very gingerly caress someone's face right before their honeyed tongue breaks a heart. a person who tends to underestimate how others feel towards them โ€” and leaves everyone heartbroken, including themself, as a result.​

+ ;
-- captivating in appearance, creative, perceptive to actions + unspoken sentiments, extremely self-reliant.​
โ€” ;
-- aloof, fickle in their fancies, hedonistic towards love, naive to what a relationship should be, internally repressed.​

word bank.
the fading of an adrenaline rush after being scared. listening to music as you sleep. the warmth of a towel emerging right from the dryer. the scent of wet earth after a rainstorm. picking popcorn from your teeth after a movie marathon. the simple joy of watching a hummingbird drink nectar. watching delicate fingers frantically race across a keyboard. the rush of wind on an open highway. screaming lyrics at a concert. falling asleep with the sound of your lover's heartbeat in your ear.
coded by reveriee.
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  • โ€the last thing i was left with was hope;
    and it flew awayโ€

    full name
    isla murphy

    nick name
    i (pronounced 'eye')

    twenty years old


    gray sexual

    dutch/korean (her mother is canadian/dutch and her father is korean)

    social media influencer, helping her mother to run the family business (women's sport wear)


ยฉ weldherwings.


N O T E : please allow 24 hours for profile ` s to be reviewed and official roles to be listed. any and all information on the above will be properly posted when i ` ve created the thread we'll be writing on. you'll find your roles, tagged, upon the roles tab. thank you everyone !

mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :
reveriee reveriee

interactions :
reveriee reveriee
;; anemone
( ๐ง๐ฒ๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ก๐ฌ ๐ฅ๐จ๐œ๐š๐ฅ. )
โ Then there were thingsโธปdismal, terrible thingsโธปthat she didn't tell them but skirted around, like caressing the edges of a wound, hesitant, testing for pain. โ

FULL NAME : sakurai, anemone NICKNAME ` S : the ๅนฝ้œŠ. anรฉ. AGE : 24. GENDER : female. SEXUALITY : pansexual. ETHNICITY : 3/4 greek 1/4 japanese. OCCUPATION : tattoo artist in nymph ` s downtown district known as apollo ` s den.

HEIGHT : 5 ' 4 ". WEIGHT : 124 lbs. EYES : heterochromatic: ocean blue and muted blue, as though all the color were diluted by a painter obsessed with white. canted elvishly upward at the outer corners, delicately bruised with sleeplessness. HAIR : noir. black. waist length.

loading-bar-png-6-Transparent-Images-Free.png P O S I T I V E

โ€œ there are bad things in the world and that girl is one of them. โ€œ

a soft murmur on the tongue of a poet; love notes written in a script of vocal inflection and bleu flicker, gently or not at all. itโ€™s all an urban legend. a childish story lingering on the lips of small, parochial peopleโธปthe danger of anemone, a cursed girl, washed a`shore and stupid-stricken enough to make a deal with a devil. they whispered about how sheโ€™d emerged from seafoam, unscathed, which in the middle of september seemed to be a strange thing that even the people of nymphs didnโ€™t trust. the way she seemed to torment a man with wanting and lure out his soul like a snail from its shell. until eventually, it was no soul at all but instead, a tired, tattered thing worth no more than an old, soppy shirt hanging over a clothesline. they were right, you know. she had made a deal on that shore but it wasnโ€™t with a devil. it was with something much worse.

N E G A T I V Eโธปinsincere. duยทplicยทiยทtous. mercurial. addictive in nature. bad influence. calculatory.

broken wine glasses. fear in the eyes; constriction of the throat. crying into the chest of a lover. moans in the middle of the night. dancing barefoot under a fool moon. forbidden lovers. garter belts. shared secrets. skinship. flowers in a warm bath. nightmarish bonfire stories.

coded by reveriee.

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