Crows Zero [RP] [Mature]


Not A Llama...
It was a normal Monday as the bell rang to indicate the openingceremony started, it was the start of the schoolyear and everyone, no matter how badass they were, was forced to attend it or be expelled from school indefinitely. It was pretty much the only day the rules of school applied to Crows, and even then...

The keynote speaker of this year started his speech with:

" You bunch of lowlives, mark my words, I'm going to rule this school. You better bow down before me now or face my fists. "

The entire audience, teachers included, exploded in laughter. This kid just signed his own deathwish and everyone knew it, the current most powerful person in Crows didn't take lightly to people shouting this kind of shit.

Pon readjusted his mask after his laughingfit and stood up.

" Oi, you got a big mouth. Let's see what you're made of. "

The keynote speaker jumped off the stage and approached Pon rapidly with his hands in his pockets and a mean look on his face.

" What'ya say, *****? "

Pon replied by throwing a swift punch on the tough guy's nose and following it up by a couple of hooks at his jaw and chin, ending it with a kick to the plexus, sending him flying backwards on the floor.

At the moment of the first impact all Hell broke loose and the teachers quickly ran outside when chairs flew through the sky and bones started breaking.

It seemed the keynote speaker had his own little club right from the get-go, they helped the speaker up and as he spat a cloth of blood in front of Pon he stated:

" Hahaha, you dug your own grave, motherfucker. "

Pon smiled unseen behind his mask.

" Tsk, you think you can beat me with your lackeys? A gang means shit if they aren't friends who you'd give your life for. "

Suddenly all eyes off the opponents were on his righthand as Pon's fingers played around with a butterflyknife.

" Ageha, Kaigo. Care to have some fun mates? "
Ageha slid of the maelstrom of bodies, looking relatively unharmed.

"Pon, look! He's got a gang! It's soooooo cute." He said, strolling up beside Pon. He put a hand on his shoulder.

"Can we NOT use the knife today? Remember, getting charged for armed assault is bad." He reminded Pon, grinning ear to ear. "I mean, last time you got off lucky and everything, but..... You know.... The cops will be here in like, five minutes anyways."
Kaigo moved to Pon's side with Ageha with his hands in his pockets he stood silent as the two spoke. keeping an eye for anyone who dared to interupt their conversation
Standing in the back of the room, near the doors, Teki had to laugh. First day of school and already someone was starting trouble. Looking down the rows, she had to shake her head at exactly who had started it, Pon. Kid really couldn't wait long, could he? As the whole room exploded into chaos, she grabbed a hold of a broom, propped on the wall and slid it into the door handle's keeping everyone inside inside, and everyone outside, outside.

Assuming position of door watchman, Teki cracked her knuckles. This was about to get deep.
" Damn you Ahegi, you're like the angel on my shoulder or something. Good thinking though, thanks mate. "

The gang opposed to Pon, Ahegi and Kaigo started laughing.

' Look at the cute little buddies, why don't you guys hold a slumberparty for ****'s sake. '

Pon's eye twitched as he approached the gang's obvious leader after putting his knife away.

" Bitches like you who don't know what friendship is, can go die. "

That was the queue for the fight of 7-9 guys versus 3 to start as Pon headbutted the guy and kicked him full in the stomach, unlike the first time he kicked the loudmouth-keynote speaker he had guarded himself and only slid back a slight bit before retalliating.

The whole gang was fighting now and Pon took quite a beating but he kept fighting, kicking, punching and choking left and right. Knowing his mates would be there to back him up fast enough.

Shouting a roar he elbowed one of the guys in the face, instantly following it up by stretching his arm and swing it backwards, backhanding another with a closed fist.

He got kicked left and right and punched in the face 'till he started to see blurry from the blood seeping in his eyes. It seemed one of the punches had managed to cut open a scratch in his eyebrow.

He refused to go down though, it wasn't even enough to take him down anyway. Having been in fights for so long he could take quite a beating before going knock. He could feel the occasional strong punch inbetween the light ones though. It seemed like there were one or two in the gang that knew how to properly throw a punch.

He was surrounded by the gang now and his knees started to get weak, he grabbed one of the guys by the neck and pulled him down while kneeing him upwards straight in the face with another roar.

That was when he felt a cold thud on the back of his head before he felt his knees cave and he fell forward on the ground, someone had a lead pipe on him.
As someone pulled out a pipe, Teki from her position by the door started shaking a bit. "Kota...." She called to her left. "I think it's time for us to make an entrance." Pulling out a small carton and flicking out a cig, she lit it while nodded her head towards their friends. "Because someone just did a no-no." Exhaling out a could of smoke, she started walking down towards Pon.
Kota stood up "alright then things get interesting already" Kota ruffled his hair and unbuttoned his shirt a bit "here we go, are you ready," He began to follow Teki
Groaning in pain from all the kicks he received while laying on the floor and from the blow of the pipe, Pon looked around between the massive amount of legs all around him to see Kota and Teki approach him. Grinning he turned around and started kicking at the legs all around him while covering his face and trying to weave his head to avoid most damage.

One of his eyes was kicked shut and he saw kinda double and his ribs were hurting like hell but he couldn't stop now, his friends were coming and he wasn't about to let'm down by giving up.

He couldn't get up yet but he was still alive and kicking, literally.
As they reached the outside of the fray, Teki took her cigarette and finding the one with the lead pipe, put a hand on his shoulder and forced him to turn around and away from Pon, who by the looks of it, needed the help. The hand with the cigarette almost instantly found the bloke's face, and the yelp that came from that boy as the flesh near his eye started burning was delightful.

"Stay the hell away from him." She growled, before he side swiped the pipe connecting it with her hip. Drawing in a sharp breath, she narrowed her eyes, ignoring the pulsing in her leg, she brought it up and straight into his nads while head butting him at the same time.
Noticing Teki took on the guy with the lead pipe, Pon grinned. She was a badass and he knew she could take any guy one on one, easily. Yet he felt a burning rage come up within him as he saw the guy react to the cigaretteburn by smashing his pipe on her hip. Before he knew what he was doing he had his knife back in his hand and was pushing himself up slowly, under the pressure of kicks on his back,side and face. He kept pushing himself up and with a bloody faced and heavily bruised body he was finally up. He smashed his rightfist with the closed blade in it, in an attacker's face, knocking him out cold thanks to extra punch the metal butterflyblade gave to his hit.

Noticing Pon had taken hold of his blade the group stopped attacking for a second in hesitation, in which Pon stumbled forward and took the guy, who was hurt from Teki's attack, by a chokehold from behind and pressed his knife against the skin right under his eye.

" Do that again, and I cut your ******* eye out. " He said as he cut slightly in the guy's skin by pressure of the sharp knife.

The others, mostly standing behind him now, started attacking again and one of them hit Pon on the side of the head with a fierce kick, sending him flying sideways and dropping the knife, which sled into the fighting crowd over the ground.

Pon was nearly knocked out, he couldn't move his body, only his eyes and all he saw was blurry and double as hell. Last thing he saw before he closed his eyes was Teki's face, whether it was in his mind or not, he didn't care. He closed his eyes slowly and fell in a slumber with the shouts and sounds of fighting in the background.
Kaigo finished and moved out of a small fight close to Pon. he stood next to Pon and with a small voice said "jeez you can't go one day without some kind of injury can you." he cracked his knuckles and moved in between Pon and the attackers.

"well who goes first?" he looked over at Teki who was already right beside them then looked back at the group.

"the second you hurt my friends is the second you sign your death wish!" he moved into his stance and glared at the group
Ageha sighed as Pon rushed recklessly into the fray, and Kaigo followed suit. He kept any other dumbasses trying to jump in off to the side, dispatching them while they tried to attack someone from behind.

"These guys are all already fighting. I know honor isn't exactly enforced here, but I'll do my best." He said to one bigger guy in particular, as he swung an uppercut, knocking him on his ass.

He noticed as Pon went down, and Teki and Kota showing up. He grinned at this, but the grin was quickly knocked off his face as neanderthal's fist suddenly took a liking to his cheekbone.

Knocked back and stars popping up in his right eye, Ageha was thrown into Pon's back. Using Pon to steady himself, he grinned more.

"This is a pretty decent first day." He spat out after some blood, rubbing his cheekbone.
Kota seemed to have his guard down "i wont get used to this" he sighed and just stood there looking like he was waiting for someone to run at him.
Teki had been a bit surprised at what Pon had done, then felt a bit of guilt as he was taken down. Because he had threatened her guy, which she should have taken care of by now. Frowning, she took that as personal to the ones who had hurt Pon when he was doing that.

Grabbing the lead pipe guy by the collar, who was still a bit in shock, and ripped the pipe from his hand. Sorry day for him as his lights got batted out by a well placed blow across his shoulders. As another stepped up to face her, she tightened her grip on the pipe, holding it like a baseball bat.

Skirting around the edges, her eyes kept flickering over the faces of her friends, before settling on Pon. As the one trying to aim for her got a hit in her face, she stumbled back a bit. With a sudden surge of anger she tackled the basterd. Landing on the ground, sitting on his chest, Teki started to beat the living hell out of the kids face.
Waking up with a surge of pain throughout his entire body, Pon's eyes were wide and bloodred. His entire facemask was bloodred and his eyewhites were bloodshot through and through aswell. Trying to push himself up slowly while doing an improvised, handicapped push-up with his knees and lowerarms he tried to look around him. Most of his friends were engaged in a fight, except for Kota. His eyes spotted Teki smashing the shit out of a kid's face with a pipe in her hands. He stumbled forward and pounced on Teki from the side, throwing her off the kid.

" It's ok Teki, Teki, he's out. Calm down. "
Kota was bored, "I might as well do SOMETHING," he walked towards one of the boys around his height and laughed a bit. "i'm only here because i have to be im not aloud changing scho-," he wasnt even done talking when the kid punched him in the face.

"alright wrong thing to do when i'm not done talking," Kota put one hand on the kids shoulder, ran up the wall and tried to kick the boy in the head. The boy caught his leg barely, pulled him down and smashed his head off the wall. Kota was seeing stars now, "A-A-Alright thats it," Kota swung one leg under the kids, fliped him over and kicked the kid in the side of the head.

"Think twice before you piss me off," Kota kicked the boy in the side and turned around to see what everyone else was doing.
As she was knocked off, Teki started to say something before seeing that it was Pon who had done it. Frowning, she attempted to control it, looking at the kid she had just injured who definitely wasn't waking up anytime soon, and when he did, would probably need facial surgery. Served him right...

Sitting up, she looked at Pon and sighed. Dropping the pipe she stood up and shook her head. As Teki looked at the others, she could see that the others were winding down now, and the opposing force was pretty much moot now. She smirked a bit, her anger ebbing away.
Pon smiled behind his mask, Teki had calmed down and the others were pretty much just taking care of the leftovers of the gang.


Pon felt uneasy for some reason though, like he was being hunted and observed by a predator. He looked around and spotted the source of his anxiety, a very tall and muscular person was leaning against the edge of the stage. He was hooded and even had a scarf on to conceil the lower part of his face aswell. He couldn't see it but Pon was certain this man was looking at them directly. As the man suddenly started moving in the direction of Pon and his friends, he subconsciously took hold of the pipe and stood up. Wounded he tried to stand straight, if he didn't fear the man yet, he did now. The hooded man was suddenly rushed by a punk who seemed badass, he had a large scar on the rightside of his face and was relatively tall and muscular, not to mention he was rushing with a metal bat in his hands.

Before the kid had a chance to swing his bat, the man had grabbed him by the face in the blink of an eye and with the other hand grabbed the bat and yanked it from the thug's hands.

Pon could see the grip on the thug's face increase and a somewhat muffled scream could be heard that filled the now near-silent room. Apparently the man was famous because everyone stopped fighting and were now just looking at the man, tormenting the thug by crushing his skull.

Pon's grip on the pipe strengthened as he was ready for the worst before the man suddenly lifted the thug in the air and then smashed his head into the parket floor, with a loud thump and the distinguishable cracking of the floor underneath the thug, the man moved again.

Pon stood his ground but he felt his legs shake slightly underneath him, he didn't want to fight this man. As the man got close to Pon, he removed his hood to reveal a shaven head, a missing ear and a large and wide scar running over his lefteye.

He pulled out a knife on Pon and instinctively Pon swung the pipe in an overhead arc down on the man, which was caught effortlessly by the man's righthand. Pon looked down to see the man was holding the knife in his large palm, it was the knife that Pon had lost in the fight with the gang. Pon let go of the pipe and took the knife, placing it in his pocket.

Without a word the man walked away, and on the back of his black hoodie was written "The Armament" in large white letters.
Ageha, rubbing his jaw, raised his eyebrows.

"'The Armament?' Yeah, those guys don't take themselves too seriously at all......" He said, patting Pon's back.
Jerome saw the chaos of the brawl,and wanted to help. But he knew he was useless in a fight like this. When he saw the human mountain approach Pon,however,his hands flew into his pockets,and came out gloved,then his left hand flew into his jacket. He stood along the outside of the fray,and constantly walked to keep a clear line of sight on the huge person. He cringed as a particularly daft thug attempted to take him on. It wasn't pretty,and he averted his eyes until the thunder of his footsteps filled the room again.

When the huge man reached Pon,and Jerome saw Pon take a swing,Jerome nearly pulled his hand out of his jacket,but decided against it when he saw the bailsong's hilt in the man's hand. When the man walked off,he taken note of the title emblazoned across the shoulders. When he left the room,Jerome drew his hand out of his jacket,and a loud,metallic click echoed through the room. It was a handgun. "I want this room empty. NOW!" He spoke Japanese as well as anyone else here,but you could still hear the Ausie in his voice. He swept the barrel across the crowd,holding the weapon in gloved hands.
Pon grinned at Ahega's comment.

" I bet they're a delight. " He sarcastically replied before Jerome pulled out a handgun and waved it around. Many of the other students walked away in a hurry and left the audienceroom but there were some that merely smiled or frowned at Jerome before walking away.

One, who passed Jerome on his way out, could be heard saying: " Don't knock on the devil's door too long, it might get answered. " before leaving the room.

Pon just smiled at Jerome, his gunslinging combined with the outnumbered win over the gang made sure they'd be known throughout the school fast.

Whether or not that was a good thing...


[ OOC: Timeskip to friday right after the bell rang, indicating the end of the first week of school. ]
Jerome walked with the rest of the Crows,but was constantly looking around. He knew he made himself a target on the first day,and knew that nearly everyone in the building would now be gunning for him personally. "That episode's gonna cost me so much buisness...I may have to move my operation to the Tokaido district."

He stopped by a rock by the sidewalk,and rolled it over,revealing a shoebox. He picked it up,and taken it's contents,then his hands went into his pockets and jacket. Whatever it was he retrieved,no one saw. But his friends knew exactly what he retrieved. He rolled the rock back,and lit the box up with a lighter he always kept handy,then caught up with everyone else. He clapped his hand on Pon's shoulder,and chuckled. "I heard the teachers talking about the incident. I think you made a lasting impression. But next time,try to keep your head,eh?"
Still inside a classroom, talking to a teacher about some homework assignment, Teki looked out a window to see the rest leaving. Though she was probably one of the few students who did there work and got help, she was fine with one botched assignment here and there.

"Sorry, Ma'am, I really have to get going, and I think I understand it now, thank you." Bowing to the teacher, she darted out of the room, down the near empty hallways moving rather quickly despite the large nasty bruise that had formed on her hip. Heading out the doors she jogged a little to catch up with them, before falling into place on the right side.
Pon groaned at the impact of Jerome's hand as his body was still really bruised and sore but he grinned and nodded anyway.

As he looked passed Jerome he saw Teki approaching them and he stopped in his tracks so she could catch up.

She hopped right next to Pon he smiled and looked at her, unintentionally staring.

Turning his head back around he saw a white van approach but didn't think any of it, 'till they stopped to a screeching halt right next to them.

The door slid open with brute force behind it and 3 men with black sweaters quickly jumped out, 2 of them grabbing Teki and dragging her inside the van and the other kicking and punching Jerome and Pon who were taken by surprise.

Before they knew what happened, the van had taken off, with Teki inside. As Pon stood back up he suddenly exploded with rage and grabbed the gun of Jerome from inside his jacket and fired continuesly in the direction of the van as they sped away.

The clicking sound of the empty gun was all that could be heard as they stared defeated at the disappearing van.

" Jerome, get the rest. We're going after the Armament, now. I'll go after their hide-out now, it's the deserted hanger near the docks. Can't miss it, it has a large white number 13 on it. "

With that said he ran off, feeling to make sure he had his knife with him.
As she was grabbed and forcefully dragged into the van, clawing at the men as they took her, she growled. Thrown into the van as the two men shut the doors, she landed on her bad hip and hissed. Bad move, very bad move... Teki thought as she twisted carefully and quickly before sending out a barrage of kicks towards the men, trying to fight her way around them so she was near the doors instead, having no problem hitting pavement at any speed...

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