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Realistic or Modern Cross Mansion(Open)








Criminal Record:

Personality(4+ Lines):


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Blair Elina Ross








Criminal Record:

Attempted First Degree Murder

Armed Robbery


Possession of Illegal Substances



Calm. She's hardly ever surprised by just about anything. While she's a normal person, she just appears emotionless and rarely seems to reveal what she is truly feeling.

Reserved. It takes a while for her to warm up to anyone, particularly those her age.

Fearful. Because she is easily scared, she has committed many of her crimes without thinking properly, with the only ones not a result of that being armed robbery and possession of illegal substances. When she's afraid she acts without thinking, either running or fighting back.

Childish. For those who truly know her, she's like a child... one that never really wanted to be a child. Around those she's comfortable with, she often


Speaks Spanish


Name: Sinaries Romero

Nickname/Alias: Sìn

Age: 19

Gender: male

Sexuality: heterosexual

Criminal Record:

- armed robbery

- Two counts of first degree murder

- 3 counts of assault

- aiding and ebeding

-breaking and entering

- several counts of petty theft

Personality(4+ Lines):

Alertness – Being aware of what is taking place around me so I can have the right responses

  • Availability – Making my own schedule and priorities secondary to the wishes of those I serve.
  • Decisiveness – The ability to recognize key factors and finalize difficult decisions
  • Honor – Respecting those in leadership because of the highter authorities they represent.

Loyalty – Using difficult times to demonstrate my commitment to those I serve


  • Persuasiveness – Guiding vital truths around another’s mental roadblocks

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.3d74f7586315831a266d4ae46bc05976.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129180" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.3d74f7586315831a266d4ae46bc05976.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.6df4064e928f63d9b069d6b12246c37c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129181" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.6df4064e928f63d9b069d6b12246c37c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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sinfulAngel said:
Name: Sinaries Romero
Nickname/Alias: Sìn

Age: 19

Gender: male

Sexuality: heterosexual

Criminal Record:

- armed robbery

- Two counts of first degree murder

- 3 counts of assault

- aiding and ebeding

-breaking and entering

- several counts of petty theft

Personality(4+ Lines):

Alertness – Being aware of what is taking place around me so I can have the right responses

  • Availability – Making my own schedule and priorities secondary to the wishes of those I serve.
  • Decisiveness – The ability to recognize key factors and finalize difficult decisions
  • Honor – Respecting those in leadership because of the highter authorities they represent.

Loyalty – Using difficult times to demonstrate my commitment to those I serve


  • Persuasiveness – Guiding vital truths around another’s mental roadblocks

I was always an unusual girl. My mother told me I had a chameleon soul, no moral compass pointing due north, no fixed personality; just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean...



Red, Gypsy

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Criminal Record:

Aggravated Assault with a deadly weapon

Drug Possession





First Degree Murder

Personality: Strong-willed and independent, she often comes off cold and at times a bit rude. She can be a bit hard to read as she doesn't speak much and her expression is usually completely stoic, or more commonly referred to as resting bitch face. She isn't one for small talk and has no desire to continue a conversation for the sake of filling awkward silences. But for the most part she's relatively easy to get along with, very chill and laid back as long as she's not provoked. She likes to people watch, to figure them out.


Has an Irish accent.

Likes: Vodka and whiskey, coffee, cats, fog, thunderstorms, sweets, spring rain, summer, fuzzy socks, tiger lilies, nighttime, the movie Drive, poison dart frogs, honey blunts.

Dislikes: wasps, pepper, sauerkraut, being cold, sunburn, someone drowned in cologne/perfume, last call, hang overs, empty promises, obnoxious chewing, vulgarity for the sake of vulgarity, gum popping

Skills/Talents: Piano, Stealth, Archery, marksmanship, Capoeira

Darby was born in a small town in Ireland, nothing extraordinary. She was raised by her mother, her father had disappeared when she was too young to remember. Her mother was considered the town psychic/fortune teller/witch, giving tarot card readings, palm readings, potions, etc... to whoever was willing to pay. Darby never took what her mother did too seriously, but always found tarot card reading a fun distraction, often carrying her own set around to gain a few dollars from the kids at school. Though her mother's occupation was seen as a joke to most of the kids and she wasn't always treated kindly. Her mother decided to enroll her in capoeira at having a Brazilian customer who was well versed in the style, in exchange as payment for his weekly readings. She wasn't a very social child, sticking to herself mostly, seeing as how most kids found her an oddity for what her mother did. She never resented her mother in what she did, knowing from a young age people shouldn't judge others because of someone else's choices. At the age of 10 a teacher got her interested in the hobby of herping and thus began her love and interest of all things reptilian and amphibian, though Ireland didn't have a large variety but she was able to order some as pets, Herping sent her out on her own adventures as her mother would often send her out of the house during some sessions. She never quite understood why she could stay for some and not others. At the age of 13 she came back home after being sent out of the house for a particular reading only to find her mother sprawled across the kitchen floor dead, a strange symbol drawn in chalk on the table and some rather dark omens displayed on the particular tarot card reading that was performed earlier. She found out later her mother had been strangled because her mother's client wasn't exactly keen on the prediction he was given. She took her mother's set of tarot cards and signature key necklace, never knowing why her mother always wore it, her mother changed the subject whenever she asked. It didn't take long for her to find her mother's killer, her mother kept a detailed book of her clients and his were never very optimistic. Before she was sent off to Dublinto live with her only other relative whose whereabouts were known, she made her way to the man's house late that night to strangle her mother's killer in his sleep. She was on the road early the next morning before anyone else was the wiser and a 13 year old girl was never a prime suspect.

Once in the city she had a bit of a culture shock, it was nothing like the country side she grew up on. Her grandmother was a strict woman but it did nothing but make Darby's nature even more rebellious as it was soon evolving into it. Murdering a man and watching the life drain from him changed her. She was not the same quiet, shy girl from before. She started lifting small things from shops for the hell of it, going to parties and finding herself in a whole new crowd of people. It started out as small crimes, things that were done just for kicks, as well as diving into the whole drugs and alcohol scene. She finds herself in a gang, a "gopher" at the beginning just doing stupid shit for the other members. She quickly rose in the ranks and soon found herself as second hand to the leader. Few knew her as Darby as she was called anything from Gypsy, to Red, to Wild Irish Rose. Though she was ruthless in her gang, her studies didn't suffer as that part of her still remained. Knowledge was a weapon all in it's own and she had seen what ignorance had done to people. She had no intention of staying where she was and ending up in a rut or dead at a young age. Though apparently the whole not sticking around happened sooner than she expected but at least luck was on her side. A mole had apparently infiltrated their gang at some point, selling them all out to the police in nearly full detail of their crimes. She had just graduated school at this time and her grandmother made arrangements for her to be enrolled in a foreign exchange student program for college, believing sending her to Los Angeles, America would straighten her out at growing exhausted at all the trouble she was causing in her current home. Darby didn't object due to the fact she was about to find herself in some serious trouble if she stayed and took full advantage of this. And so she was out of the country before the police worked their ways up to the ranks to find her involved.

Once in America she did chill out for a bit, focusing on her studies which ended up being biology, specifically herpetology. She went about living a normal life for a good while until her history caught up to the family she lived with and for fear of her turning to a life a crime and influencing their other children to do the same, as well as if they came searching for her here, the family didn't want to be involved in the risk of being on the bad side of the law and so kicked her out of their home. She tried to convince them she had changed but they weren't having it. And so she ended up out on the streets and found herself slipping back into a life of crime. She considered herself a survivor and she sure as hell wasn't going to spend her life begging on the streets, her pride wouldn't allow that. She began lifting items again, convincing herself it was only things she needed and no one would miss the items. She soon found that she missed the thrill and gave up fighting against it, apparently it was meant for her to be involved in this type of life. She found herself partying all night, running the streets during the day, and dropping out of college. She avoided the whole joining an actual gang for a while, for fear of the same thing happening here as back in Ireland since she had no intention of dealing with being on the run again. She found herself going to actual bars as opposed to underground parties when she just wanted somewhere to go at night that didn't involve the heavy drugs and lost people. She enjoyed bars for the sake of people watching and the occasional educated or decent conversation that didn't involve what gang was against or for this gang. After getting hit on by an overly drunken man who had no intention of taking "no" for an answer she ended up beating him to a near pulp, apparently the guy had not been expecting her to be more than capable of defending herself.


Who are you?

Are you in touch with all of your darkest fantasies?

Have you created a life for yourself where you can experience them?

I have. I am fucking crazy.

But I am free.

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MittyMittens said:

I was always an unusual girl. My mother told me I had a chameleon soul, no moral compass pointing due north, no fixed personality; just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean...



Red, Gypsy

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Criminal Record:

Aggravated Assault with a deadly weapon

Drug Possession





First Degree Murder

Personality: Strong-willed and independent, she often comes off cold and at times a bit rude. She can be a bit hard to read as she doesn't speak much and her expression is usually completely stoic, or more commonly referred to as resting bitch face. She isn't one for small talk and has no desire to continue a conversation for the sake of filling awkward silences. But for the most part she's relatively easy to get along with, very chill and laid back as long as she's not provoked. She likes to people watch, to figure them out.


Has an Irish accent.

Likes: Vodka and whiskey, coffee, cats, fog, thunderstorms, sweets, spring rain, summer, fuzzy socks, tiger lilies, nighttime, the movie Drive, poison dart frogs, honey blunts.

Dislikes: wasps, pepper, sauerkraut, being cold, sunburn, someone drowned in cologne/perfume, last call, hang overs, empty promises, obnoxious chewing, vulgarity for the sake of vulgarity, gum popping

Skills/Talents: Piano, Stealth, Archery, marksmanship, Capoeira

Darby was born in a small town in Ireland, nothing extraordinary. She was raised by her mother, her father had disappeared when she was too young to remember. Her mother was considered the town psychic/fortune teller/witch, giving tarot card readings, palm readings, potions, etc... to whoever was willing to pay. Darby never took what her mother did too seriously, but always found tarot card reading a fun distraction, often carrying her own set around to gain a few dollars from the kids at school. Though her mother's occupation was seen as a joke to most of the kids and she wasn't always treated kindly. Her mother decided to enroll her in capoeira at having a Brazilian customer who was well versed in the style, in exchange as payment for his weekly readings. She wasn't a very social child, sticking to herself mostly, seeing as how most kids found her an oddity for what her mother did. She never resented her mother in what she did, knowing from a young age people shouldn't judge others because of someone else's choices. At the age of 10 a teacher got her interested in the hobby of herping and thus began her love and interest of all things reptilian and amphibian, though Ireland didn't have a large variety but she was able to order some as pets, Herping sent her out on her own adventures as her mother would often send her out of the house during some sessions. She never quite understood why she could stay for some and not others. At the age of 13 she came back home after being sent out of the house for a particular reading only to find her mother sprawled across the kitchen floor dead, a strange symbol drawn in chalk on the table and some rather dark omens displayed on the particular tarot card reading that was performed earlier. She found out later her mother had been strangled because her mother's client wasn't exactly keen on the prediction he was given. She took her mother's set of tarot cards and signature key necklace, never knowing why her mother always wore it, her mother changed the subject whenever she asked. It didn't take long for her to find her mother's killer, her mother kept a detailed book of her clients and his were never very optimistic. Before she was sent off to Dublinto live with her only other relative whose whereabouts were known, she made her way to the man's house late that night to strangle her mother's killer in his sleep. She was on the road early the next morning before anyone else was the wiser and a 13 year old girl was never a prime suspect.

Once in the city she had a bit of a culture shock, it was nothing like the country side she grew up on. Her grandmother was a strict woman but it did nothing but make Darby's nature even more rebellious as it was soon evolving into it. Murdering a man and watching the life drain from him changed her. She was not the same quiet, shy girl from before. She started lifting small things from shops for the hell of it, going to parties and finding herself in a whole new crowd of people. It started out as small crimes, things that were done just for kicks, as well as diving into the whole drugs and alcohol scene. She finds herself in a gang, a "gopher" at the beginning just doing stupid shit for the other members. She quickly rose in the ranks and soon found herself as second hand to the leader. Few knew her as Darby as she was called anything from Gypsy, to Red, to Wild Irish Rose. Though she was ruthless in her gang, her studies didn't suffer as that part of her still remained. Knowledge was a weapon all in it's own and she had seen what ignorance had done to people. She had no intention of staying where she was and ending up in a rut or dead at a young age. Though apparently the whole not sticking around happened sooner than she expected but at least luck was on her side. A mole had apparently infiltrated their gang at some point, selling them all out to the police in nearly full detail of their crimes. She had just graduated school at this time and her grandmother made arrangements for her to be enrolled in a foreign exchange student program for college, believing sending her to Los Angeles, America would straighten her out at growing exhausted at all the trouble she was causing in her current home. Darby didn't object due to the fact she was about to find herself in some serious trouble if she stayed and took full advantage of this. And so she was out of the country before the police worked their ways up to the ranks to find her involved.

Once in America she did chill out for a bit, focusing on her studies which ended up being biology, specifically herpetology. She went about living a normal life for a good while until her history caught up to the family she lived with and for fear of her turning to a life a crime and influencing their other children to do the same, as well as if they came searching for her here, the family didn't want to be involved in the risk of being on the bad side of the law and so kicked her out of their home. She tried to convince them she had changed but they weren't having it. And so she ended up out on the streets and found herself slipping back into a life of crime. She considered herself a survivor and she sure as hell wasn't going to spend her life begging on the streets, her pride wouldn't allow that. She began lifting items again, convincing herself it was only things she needed and no one would miss the items. She soon found that she missed the thrill and gave up fighting against it, apparently it was meant for her to be involved in this type of life. She found herself partying all night, running the streets during the day, and dropping out of college. She avoided the whole joining an actual gang for a while, for fear of the same thing happening here as back in Ireland since she had no intention of dealing with being on the run again. She found herself going to actual bars as opposed to underground parties when she just wanted somewhere to go at night that didn't involve the heavy drugs and lost people. She enjoyed bars for the sake of people watching and the occasional educated or decent conversation that didn't involve what gang was against or for this gang. After getting hit on by an overly drunken man who had no intention of taking "no" for an answer she ended up beating him to a near pulp, apparently the guy had not been expecting her to be more than capable of defending herself.


Who are you?

Are you in touch with all of your darkest fantasies?

Have you created a life for yourself where you can experience them?

I have. I am fucking crazy.

But I am free.

Accepted ^^

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