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Fantasy Cross Blades: The Divine Conquerors Main

Looking up, Teranis nodded towards Ivan and adjusted her seating as to allow the man to sit on more intact part of the stairs. "I am Teranis Avairi, Firstborn of the Sky Gods. What is yours, warrior?"

Upon hearing Ivan's questions Teranis clicked her beak underneath her helmet. She appeared to be looking off into the distance. I hail from the Biraakan Empire. My world, and its name, is a closely guarded secret. It was beautiful world. What the Sky Gods hadn't perfected we did. Whatever evil lurked in dark caverns or at the darkest depths of our oceans we purged it. A fierce people, that's what we are."

Teranis looked at Ivan. "You seem to know a lot about technology unlike those that reside on this world. My assumptions of you having been brought here alongside some of the others I witnessed during the battle seems to be correct."

She paused, as if hesitant.

"Our technology was blessed by our gods and our greatest minds. We sailed through the stars to inhabit other worlds across the Eternal Night. Though when I was brought here we had just uncovered something far greater; a portal to the Promised Land. A paradise left by the Gods. I had just stepped through the gateway when I arrived here, far away from where I belong."

Clicking her beak once more Teranis studied Ivan from behind the safety of her visor. "How was your world? How did you arrive here?"

Snackofthefuture Snackofthefuture

* * *


The rustling of armor made Naraya stop. She peeked around the corner and saw two injured soldiers retreating back to their lines under the cover of darkness. Despite their injured state the bounty hunter didn't feel like risking an alarm and simply waited for them to pass the dark corner she was currently using for cover. Once the two men had rushed past her she sighed and cursed herself.

After sitting in her sniper's nest for hours Naraya had ultimately decided (much against her usual logical thinking) to investigate things further. Sneaking past the frontline had been easier than expected. Between the disoriented state of most combatants and with the help from her cloaked surveillance drones she hadn't even needed to use her cloak to mask herself from the naked eye. Moving up there appeared to be quite the commotion up ahead.

Not one for close-quarters combat Naraya decided to climb one of the nearby buildings. What had most likely been a cozy little loft was now partially destroyed with one part of the roof looking like it had been struck by a chunk of debris or a projectile from a siege weapon. At least it's not on fire.

Setting up inside the loft Naraya rested her rifle against the wall and pulled out her binoculars, scanning ahead.

What she saw made her utter a curse. Three horribly disfigured mutants controlled by an alien child facing off against a group of...something. This just keeps getting better and better.

Feeling a bit bold Naraya ordered three of her ball-sized drones to move forth and investigate. While cloaked they could easily be spotted by a keen eye or if someone happened to be close enough. Hopefully they were all too busy with the abominations to notice the drones taking scans of all the present lifeforms.

Juju Juju StaidFoal StaidFoal seasonedcat seasonedcat

* * *


Pleas for help went unanswered as the latest batch of intruders to the Evolved Forest were forced into a new life of immortality and servitude. Growing by the hour, Father was practically humming with joy as his tendrils continued to spread far and wide. At this point most of the forest had been claimed in the name of Evolution. Layers of fleshy tendrils covered the ground while cysts and pulsating flesh had began to cover most of the trees, replacing the leafy canopy with a thin shield of bone and layers of membrane to keep the sun away.

Some of the tendrils had began to create mist as they absorbed moisture, covering the ground in a thick white blanket that could cause the reckless to trip and fall. As he grew so did his senses and by now Father could hear, smell and even see a encampment of refugees at the very edge of the forest. People such as these caused him great sorrow for no living being should be displaced from their home and left without purpose. If this group was anything like the last one they were nothing but lost children seeking a much greater and more peaceful existence.

He would gladly provide them with that.

For now however he would have to wait. It was time to seek out other parts of this world as well. A swarm of evolved birds were perched under the bone canopy with a vast majority having evolved large spore sacs in place of vital organs that they no longer needed. Their mission would be a perilous one and it would see most of them die. Such a sacrifice was needed however as it would further Father's reach and speed up his process of expanding.

He listened to all of them. Their heartbeats. Their claws grasping the branches they were perched atop. The sound of their beaks clicking.

Go, my children. Bring peace to this world. Bring tranquility. Bring immortality.

Slowly, the bones began to move as branches (and entire trees) began to twist and turn. With a deafening cacophony of flapping, cawing and chirping the swarm of birds took off into the air where they formed a black whirlwind high above the forest before splitting off into smaller groups.

* * *
Over the course of a week citizens and summoned alike of Nortestra, Mollug, Belldan and Czarnikei would come across horribly disfigured birds out in the wild. Being in various states of decay the very ground around these birds would reek with the smell of death. Some citizens would find themselves assaulted by the very same type of birds, gaining horrible dark wounds and severe infections from whatever injuries the birds may have inflicted.

In rare cases people would also come across other disfigured creatures covered in cysts and other unnatural growths. Upon a closer look a beak or a wing could be seen protruding out of their bellies as if the creatures had eaten one of the cursed birds, causing the predator to be infected from the inside.

Over-protective farmers, concerned hunters and curious sorcerers would soon find that nothing but fire was able to fully stop these creatures from going rampant and spreading whatever disease they were carrying.
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Argris and Mia

Through some unnatural means, Mia seemed to become happier and courageous near the dog. Argris made a note to himself to stick close to the dog for the sake of his vessel and some investigation. The crazy who tackled her now approached carefully, not out of fear, but moreso in a way she wouldn't get scared. Much to their bewilderment, due to some law that sounded as if it came from a random word generator, he was their maid? Mia jumped back when lightning struck in the distance, despite the clear weather. So much for the courage, Argris thought. "That man's lost his mind. Mia, step away from him."

Instead of running away from Francis like he expected, she softly smiled and said, "You're going to call me S—"





If Argris' little 'prank' went perfectly, Francis should start addressing her with said word. And she doesn't even know what it means. Goodness, Argris, you're a clever demon, aren't ya? he'd think, chuckling to himself. Even demons had to have a little fun every once in a while.

Damafaud Damafaud
Rojy Erac

Apparently, walking aimlessly through a giant building that was also filled with magic, made Rojy spend a good 5 more minutes travelling and still being absolutely lost.

(Inside Rojy’s Mind)


Good: “Well… it’s still my first time in this building and I kinda just payed attention to the structure more than the actual path when Gustas through the building so I guess that-”


Good: “Please don’t I actually like this pla-”


Lawful: “I actually agree for once, destroying the place and rebuilding it later would make it so we don’t get lost.”

Good: “Please no… just give me a couple more minutes to see if I find anyone to ask.”


Lawful: “No no, we should let him… if he fails again it should be enjoyable.”

Good: “..........”

(back to reality)

Rojy now nervously began walking through the hallways picking up his pace hoping to stumble upon something remotely sentient and as luck would have it, he didn’t stumble upon anything until he heard some chatter across one of the corners. Rojy quickly sprinted almost tripping and dropping books which would’ve made him look even more incimpetent.

As he moved through the corner he saw Gustas and another individual talking. He slowly walked up to them carrying the books. “Umm, you guys help out, I’m kinda lost. Hehe” Rojy nervously laughed, preparing to enter his domain if the other tried to attack him.

Gohan510 Gohan510
The guardian of Magick

Once upon a time in a land ever so far away, there was a goddess, specifically the goddess of Magick. An ethereal being whose form changed over the course of many millenniums. Yet her sole purpose stayed the same.

Protect magick and ensure it lives.

The deity failed.

It is said that the goddess capable of destroying her earth with just a look came to pass and wither as technology only continued to increase. Gaining control over the human mind where even simple magic tricks no longer fascinated them no more. Magick was a myth, and as a myth and legend it died out. Now the earth was corrupt, dirty and battle worn. Weeping to be saved, the earth continued to fight back it's nature turning against man as the fires raged on, and the methane choked and intoxicated inferiorities that disrespected the ground they walked on. A dystopian and apocalyptic earth created at the cost of magick dying. A cost so great, they would lose magick for an eternity.

Untrue to the lore of the goddess, she did not pass from the earth and onto the next dimension looking for magick, this world had become a part of her. Origins of countries from her interference alone. Continuing to watch what she vowed to protect from afar, in her true omnipotent form cloaking all parts of the world continuously. A choice had been made when the deity decided to stay. She too would cease to exist when this earth too stopped. Where she failed she knew that others would prevail and thrive, just not for her and her humans.

The time came when the last human crumbled to the earth cruel punishment, inflicted as a result of being so hard and disrespectable. With the human's last breath came the heartbreak of the goddess. Her tears transformed into a magick at its purest form. Blinding bright and captivating. Shattering the earth as more began to fall, eventually flooding and cracking what the humans had created leaving in its wake forests that could only be akin to the beauty of the goddess herself. Her final resting place. Her last blessing that she would come to perform.


Heaviness overtook the deity as she slipped into a state of consciousness, feeling cloaked and restrained. Her new form cracked as she came to be. Red flaring around her. Abruptly so as she was forced from her resting place and should she dare say ethereal form into something entirely new. In the spare moments, the deity had going between dimensions, the tug at her navel was akin to a summoning. Flexing and testing out her fae like form (as she discovered) whilst her mind raced. She did not like the idea of what she was being enforced into.

Slowly the red faded to reveal breeze caressing her small features, her feet not touching the ground as she hovered, fluttering above the group that she saw beneath her. The runic symbols pointed to the male who sat by the edge of a cliff. Yet, all thoughts halted as she took in the hues of the sky, a slight twirl as she felt magick breathe fire in her veins. Awakening her very core as her eyes flashed an angry orange for a few moments as her own magick settled. Having reacted to the others and the magick she could pull from the ground itself. Shaking it off of her as the fae like being stretched her arms over her head and gave a large yawn. It had been a very very long time since being in a physical body, one that had needs and feelings.

At only 15cm tall, Áine - the name that had been granted to her upon awakening, admired the mobility her form granted her. Whilst also quickly coming to the realisation that she was simply the smallest and most vulnerable looking here. Yet, not wanting to alert the rest of the group that she had appeared the former deity chose to stay quiet and take in her surrounding. While it wasn't her earth or even earth itself she felt at peace after having resided in a state of rest for what seemed like nothing was in fact another millennium. So, she decided to flutter around above the group beneath her simply watching and taking it all in. From the slightly deranged to the golden sunshine looking doggo. She admired the different forms too summoned from a different world it seemed.

The former goddess took her first breath.​
-Forsith, Athena, Lissandra, Sulric-

Standing In the midst of a large expanse of burnt ground, Lissandra and Forsith were hard at work directing soldiers to weakened sections of the city and the areas most in need of assistance. The work was monotonous and tiring and the two had to direct countless individuals who in turn had to correctly direct countless other individuals. This meant the work was of utmost importance to Castellan, and in turn Nortestra. If their orders were inadequate or under informed it could lead to the deaths of countless individuals. The two of them were in a former courtyard in the fourth layer of walls that filled Castellan. Burnt and torn debris and wood pieces lay scattered all about, with near all of the ground having been reduced to ashy cinders or upturned black and rich earth. What had once been a vibrant and life filled public garden was now just another scorched ruin, cinders and ash its main occupants now.

The two commanders were near a small battlefield outpost containing innumerable injured people. The commander Sulric himself was in one of the medical tents, his mana slowly and carefully being restored to healthy levels by medical staff and healers. For the time being, Forsith had taken control of Sulric’s men as a de-facto substitute general. He looked forward to returning to his men though, the half giant and his surviving units from the Ebon Shrine had all grown closer during their time traveling to Castellan. Most of his men had believed the capital to be long gone, overrun and annihilated, any hope of recovery basically a suicide mission. Their arrival had shown otherwise, even if the capital was doomed, it was not yet gone. Forsith and his men had agreed, as long as Castellan stood strong, they would too. They would defend their glorious capital to the deaths if it came down to it. Lissandra and Forsith moved away from the courtyard now, the many soldiers who had surrounded them, disassembling and each moving off into their directed positions. The two generals headed towards Sulric’s tent, next to which was command abode, a small greenhouse building that had been mostly destroyed but then was rebuilt using tarps and scraps of wood and rubble. The result was a very ramshackle and yet dangerous looking pillbox of sorts with a table and several chairs inside.

It was strange, seeing the city she grew up in now in an abandoned and sorrowful state. With less and less people came the harrowing sounds of warfare. Soldiers, young and old, yelled charging and dying. What was going through the minds of the Mollug High Council, Princess Athena could only wonder. A few soldiers tried to stop her slow-moving carriage, dumbfounded as to why the valuable princess of Nortestra was moving towards the battlefield. Her statue-like guards quickly made them think twice, though. Inside the carriage, Athena was rattling her fingers on a polished armrest, nervousness racking her mind and disrupting her train of thought. The soldier at the gate was more than surprised to see the princess herself, but didn’t dare to question her. The tired guard, let the carriage through without a second thought, his fatigue silencing any questions he might have had.

Through the forsaken settlements of what was once lavish and beautiful lay a small battlefield outpost. The carriage ride was growing bumpier, as the road was riddled with dropped belongings and small hints of destruction. The guards outside the outpost were puzzled as to why a carriage came from within the safety of the last two walls and over to them. Only when the three, towering, speechless guards of Princess Athena appeared did they realize who was inside. The guards breathed a quick “Your Highness!” and dropped to a knee. In her dazzling, ribbon-like white dress, Athena walked past the outpost guards, ignoring the stunned soldiers and making her way over to a medical tent. Her own bodyguards stuck close to her as they ducked inside.

As the two strolled to the pillbox to begin planning where the two of them would divide up the rest of the soldiers to, they sighted a strange and out of place-looking carriage had arrived at the front of the outpost. Forsith had only seen the princess once or twice so the half-giant didn't recognize her walking into Sulric’s tent at first. Lissandra recognized the royal at first glance however. Princess Athena was a young, but very talented strategist for the Nortetran military and Lissandra liked her for that competence. Lissandra and Athena were not friends, nothing really close to that, but most certainly closer than acquaintances. The two worked well together and could stand each other, that made the relationship a positive one in Lissandra’s book. The former mercenary still worried for the royal’s health however, if a member of the royal family were hurt while under her observation, it would be Lissandra’s turn for some pain next.

Lissandra Hellcat wiped some sweat off her brow and broke into a jog upon seeing the noble. Forsith followed after, exhausted and now drawing upon his deepest reserves of strength to get himself around. The travel from the Ebon Shrine and the work gone over to get to the capital had been immense. And then there were the multitudes of battles he had taken part in; the half-giant was truly tired at this point, tired down to his bones. But he followed regardless, and when Lissandra dropped to a knee at the sight of the woman in the white dress, he followed unquestioningly. It had been a long while since Forsith had been to Castellan, the last time he had even seen a noble had been before the siege, years ago. Panting, Forsith Ji looked up at the woman after a moment, following Lissandra in standing up moments later. So this was Princess Athena? She certainly gave off an air of royalty, that much Forsith could sense immediately.

Athena hadn’t noticed the two generals come in, one hand on the resting Sulric’s stomach. “Sulric… you idiot,” she mumbled, relief shining in her eyes as the healer told her it wasn’t anything life-threatening. The old man must’ve worked wonders out there, judging by the docile dragon laying impatiently outside. Beforehand, an intrusive suspicion snuck into her mind, pitting itself in her stomach and bringing about a horrid stress that lessened her strategizing mind. It was after she had heard of Sulric overexerting himself, collapsing into the arms of his allies. It wasn’t the first time Athena heard of him doing that, but she never reacted any differently than now. Though Athena never admitted it, she loved him as much as her own father; like how it would’ve been if he didn’t carry the weight of Nortestra over his shoulders, and life wasn’t dictated by work. Being the emperor of a dying nation took its toll on the family life.

A rare smile found its way to the princess’ lips when she noticed the other two generals: The half giant Forsith and Lissandra Cortess, the Hellcat. She had only heard of the half-giant’s prowess, seeing him in person once or twice but never able to speak with him. Lissandra, on the other hand, she saw as a valued ally, a staunch defender of Castellan’s walls. They had the same mind, and her loyalty had never faltered. “General Forsith, Lissandra,” she greeted, nodding to each of them. “I noticed that the tide is turning in our favor, thanks to reinforcements we’ve never seen before. Do either of you perhaps know anything?”

Lissandra, rising from her knee, smiled seeing that Sulric was healing. The old bastard was tough, that was for sure; Lissandra had never expected to become friends with the old man, but in the siege a bond had most assuredly appeared. Turning the smile to Athena, Lissandra responded while Forsith folded his arms and leaned on the bed slightly, the entire frame creaking and shaking slightly under his weight. “Princess Athena, the tide has indeed turned to our favor as of now. It seems Outworlders have joined the battle for our side. Who knows for how long, but as of right now we have pushed the invaders back to the fourth wall and are currently still dueling them for other sections of the city. General Wyman and Synthia were both defeated in battle and Brother Beast, that savage monster was last seen at the central cathedral. Synthia lives, but Wyman was slain, much thanks to our very own General Sulric.” Lissandra nodded to the slumbering commander at this statement.

Sulric’s eye slightly twitched as he regained consciousness and along with consciousness so came the fatigue his entire body felt after using up so much mana. He moved his head to one side and then to the next, quickly realizing he was inside of a tent with people in it. He couldn’t tell who was around him as his vision was still blurry. “Wh-where am I...” Sulric muttered quickly regaining his sight before seeing the other commanders with their very own, Princess Athena. He gasped for a bit before tilting himself from side to side eventually falling off the bed, falling flat on his stomach. “Princess… wha-what are you doing here?” Sulric said as he attempted to get back up and kneel but unable to, thus simply laying on his stomach with his forehead on the ground.

Outworlders? Like the ones from 200 years ago… Hearing of them troubled the princess, but only slightly it would seem. She nodded to acknowledge the rest of what Lissandra said when a sharp gasp and thud erupted from behind her. Athena was the first to kneel down to help the old general, helping him sit up. Genuine concern replaced the calculative tone her eyes took, then she softly wrapped her arms around Sulric, leaning her head on his shoulder. “Please, Sulric… don’t exert yourself that much,” she whispered, then releasing him and backing away to let the healers help him up onto the bed.

Forsith had been the first to notice that Sulric was stirring, but had not believed the old man to be so foolish as to try and get out of bed. Forsith underestimated the man, and under his helmet his mouth dropped open in surprise at the old general. Forsith shook his head slightly as Athena, Lissandra and the guards all assisted the man into his bed. He said in an almost stern voice to the man, “Don't try getting out of bed again Sulric, now is not the time for theatrics. Let your wounds heal and your body recover. No need for overdramatic fumbling about in this state. You're worth more now for your counsel than your power.” Turning to the princess from the now prone Sulric, Forsith saluted and continued the conversation of the summoned. “It seems the summoned are for the most part friendly to Nortestra. As of now, they have mostly been in conflict with the Dark Kingdom. They saved my unit and I from assured destruction at the Ebon Shrine.” Forsith’s eyes narrowed slightly as he thought of the carnage the old site had seen, and the enemy general who had nearly destroyed them. “We have confirmed the dissolution of the Shadow Hawks Mollug light infantry brigade under Zygo Solumn the Grey Myrmidon. Zygo himself we confirmed dead after the battle, stabbed in the back in his own camp. Good riddance in my opinion.”

Lissandra was the second person at Sulric’s side when he fell from his bed. Lissandra chided herself for allowing them to have visited so suddenly, the general needed to complete his healing. What was done was done though and Lissandra simply assisted the old commander in returning to his bed. Sulric had always been a loyal warrior of the emperor and his nation, this event reminded Lissandra of that. She herself had been loyal for a long time, her pride growing with every year of successful service in the doomed military. Lissandra herself was surprised she had survived this long; the war between Nortestra and Mollug had taken much of the nation's population and most of its generals. Only a couple cities remained, defiant and in turn led by the fierce last defenders of the dying empire.

“I think I… saw some of the… summoned around, especially one with a grand and beautiful beast… I should not be wasting time here… I should… get back to the fight… ” Sulric began to move again with his wounds now healing quickly and eventually healing fully. He once again left the bed this time standing on both of his legs and slowly walking for the exit of the tent, shaking a bit not because of his body, but because of his lack of mana, his life force essentially. “I’ll go… find… the summoned… and bring them to… you princess… they seem to be… kind enough… to be… brought… here.” Sulric left the tent while still shaking with each step being jerky and sometimes losing a bit of balance.

There really were new summoned. Much like the ones that almost brought the world to ruin 200 years ago. However, based on what her generals said, they were the reason this battle was won. Athena hurried after Sulric, trying to support his weight but failing miserably. Parts of her dress were dirtied by the state of his armor, but she did not let up. “You’re too weak to go back out there!” she cried, using all her strength to restrain him. “Guards, please prevent General Sulric from getting himself killed!” Her silent guards robotically moved to grab each of his arms, using all of their strength to hold him back. “At least wait until you’re fully recovered, Sulric,” she pouted. “I can’t think properly knowing you’re in danger…”

Sulric kept marching only slowing down a bit as the guards tried to stop him, but soon came to a stop as he heard the voice of concern from the princess. “Very well… then princess.” Sulric said walking back to the tent and letting himself be put on the bed to slowly recover his mana.

Forsith watched as the commander got back into his bed and nodded as he laid down. Rest was rare in these times, so he hoped the commander would appreciate it. Most nowadays only found rest in that most terrible and permanent way of things.

Authors: Snackofthefuture Snackofthefuture StaidFoal StaidFoal Solirus Solirus
-Ivan Federico-
Ivan scooted next to the bird woman and listened to her words with a dazed focus that spoke of adrenaline wearing off and the weed taking effect. Hearing her name for the first time, Ivan repeated it after her slowly, attempting an accurate pronunciation, “Teranis Avairi huh… interesting nameee… Mine is Ivan Federico, firstborn of Sergei Federico. Skyborn huh? And what does that mean exactly?” He asked with a truly interested tone, ignoring the explosions off in the distance and the screaming and crackle of magic energy from the nearby battle between Hecate and the others, of which Ivan was completely oblivious to. Responding agin to Teranis the gunslinger spoke softly of his world. “Sounds like a grand old time Teranis, my world was named Earth, never really had that sorta unity to be honest, part of why I exist to be real, I was a weapon of sorts from what I know, designed to bring the world to heel under one organization. My people were fierce too, maybe too fierce is the problem; We never united against our threats, and in the end, they destroyed my world, and everyone on it. I only barely escaped it for a couple months.”

Inhaling more smoke through his pipe Ivan sighed and looked at Teranis again, noticing her strange and alien armor and tech; she truly was completely foreign to Ivan. “I know a bit about tech, glad to see you're the same, maybe we can eventually make something of a modern home for us in this medieval world. I don't know though, us Summoned from what I can tell already, seem sorta destined for eventful lives. Not really the homebody sorts to be fair.” Ivan lit the pipe again, the flowers sparking and smoking from Ivan’s lighter. “I only got to “Sail” through the stars towards the end of my life on Earth, running away from technological menace that devoured everything in my solar system for use in it’s endless machine. See sorta like that weird portal youre talking about, you just can't trust strange technology, gotta be real careful I swear.” Pausing for a moment at her last question, Ivan pondered for a moment. “I dont know how I got here to be honest, though Im thinking that I died before I got here. Cuz, last thing I remember is staring out into the void of space while the front half of my ship tumbled into the atmosphere of Jupiter. It was pretty, but definitely not the last sight I had been hoping for. I think I died in that moment to be real with you…”

Viper Actual Viper Actual
-Detra Coldspire-
In the capital of Verruk, Detra was preparing to leave, new orders from the council having placed her in charge of hunting down the Summoned. She would be bringing the Inquisitor Bella Virgo along with multiple other members of the Order and a contingent of Mollug heavy infantry. Control of security in the capital had come completely under the control of the High Council and many officers of the court and the government were being restationed under their new control. Detra understood the reasoning for the movement of so many and she understood how important the issue of the Summoned was, but she still found herself utterly pissed off. She had worked so hard for so long and suddenly the appearance of the summoned throws everything out of order. She just wanted things to return to normal in all honesty, but Detra could tell that everything had changed for her world. She had a feeling the next time she was in Verruk, things would be very different for Mollug. The feeling was a strange and unnerving one to the inquisitor, but she shrugged it off and continued to pack her things. She would be leaving for her first target within the week and hopefully arrive in 1 to 2 more.

-Brother Beast-

In Castellan, a pack of feral and large warriors were roaming the destroyed streets and homes of the Nortestrans, following after a very tall and spindly looking man. Brother Beast wasn't the most muscular or dense of his warriors, but bearing claws that could crush watermelons and an agility that could outsprint leopards, the man was very suited to lead. He wore a mask too, a mask on his face that spoke of true and endless insanity, the sort of madness that gripped the soul and raged against one’s entire being, the hatred that gripped and shook and burned the world itself with its very presence. Alexander Murkoff was reading a message, delivered by forces from his past, inside Mollug and without. He raised his fist and beckoned two warriors to him, following this with several motions and twists of his arm and fingers to quickly communicate his message. The two warriors were gone seconds later, racing off in their own directions to various commanders under Alexander’s rule, bringing orders that could change the direction of the battle. He sent these with his most trusted men, allowing none but himself and his generals to lay eyes on Alexander’s plans. He had already sent his delegate to the princess, he hoped he would find a response in time for it to be effective.

StaidFoal StaidFoal
-Kotori, Wakinyan, Csilla, Hecate and her Three Stooges, Dirk, and Charon-
Authors: Juju Juju seasonedcat seasonedcat @Moi Solirus Solirus YsFanatic YsFanatic

The three monstrosities dispersed at once, leaving their master to hide near a small pile of rubbage. Mr Grabby lurched up, a few of its faces eyeing the heavenfire rapidly approaching them. It outstretched their six arms, the orange and blue mana leaking from their wrists to build a translucent ball in front of it. The heavenfire connected with the mana, emitting a bright flash of light. Mr Grabby moaned once more, directing their attention to Wakinyan. More mana drained from its charcoal-like body, building up in one of its hands. From the monstrosity came unintelligable whispers of men, women, and children. As the sphere built up, some yelled, some sobbed. Holding its blade near the orb as if to protect it, balls of fire and corrupted mana split from it and into the air, Mr Grabby pointing an arm at the unicorn which sent all of them flying at the unicorn.

Wakinyan roared in defiance, eyes trailing with a subtle afterglow. Forked lighting radiated around him in a static pulse, crashing against the motes of flame in a burst of sparks. He managed to intercept most of the corrupted mana, but many more slipped through his temporary defense.The beast lowered his head, digging his hooves into the ground and leaning against the magical barrage. He disappeared in a cloud of smoke and electricity, save for two burning eyes, though not for long. In a flash he charged through, almost instantly closing the gap, his horn aimed at the orb.

The Eyeless Archangel effortlessly flew to the side of the arrow, yet close enough to feel the tickle of electricity. But in that same second, a powerful draft of wind spun it around, dragging the beast down to the war-ridden ground. Undeterred, he let off a pained screech, mostly monster, but part human. Seeing as how Mr Grabby took on the massive unicorn, the Archangel dashed towards the archer, scythe ready to let loose.

Kotori silently thanked Wakinyan, then, gazing up at the approaching creature, she slung her bow over her shoulder. It was borderline suicidal, or at least it would appear to be so, but she knew what she was doing. She walked serenely towards the creature, her empty hands pressed together, her voice gentle. “I hear your cries. You are lost, alone, but listen to my voice, follow it. This night is filled with blackness, but know that it will end. I am with you… let me help.” A subtle glow emanated from her, golden and faint, yet the way the air quivered between the girl and the monster betrayed its immense power. It tore at the corruption, burning it away and loosening the unholy bonds that had trapped this helpless soul.

The Eyeless Archangel stopped suddenly. It wasn't shivering as much, now, listening to the soothing voice of Kotori. The soul inside could only see darkness and the faintest of silhouttes of the world around, and it was maddening. It hated how everything seemed to treat it as a monster, latching onto Hecate as she was the only one who didn't view them that way. But this woman... she felt warmer; more genuine, somehow. It listened to her voice, bowing its forehead to Kotori. This warmth was new, an entirely welcome feeling. For the first time during this period of unrest, the soul buried underneath the cold void was hopeful. It steadily lowered its scythe, releasing the tension in its inorganic muscles. Slowly, he felt the bonds holding the shell start to melt away.

A digitized noise of happiness came from Charon as he saw a flash of light and started detecting traces of energy, sure signs that there was something going on. With any luck there would be a battle with someone in dire need of a hug! Initiating the process of breaking down the behemoth soul for energy allowed the android to give his speed the usual boost. With that in effect the Soul Eater was able to arrive on site far more quickly than would have other wise been the case, and as soon as he did his eyes locked onto Hecate.

Charon recognized the girl from before, and had spared her then. But not this time. She was clearly evil and would get the hug she deserved. Ignoring the other entities and people in the area that were fighting, the metal man started playing ancient Earth music from his speakers as he started to slowly stalk towards the demon girl, diverting the soul energy to his repair systems. As he did so, Red Energy engulfed his limbs and a blue glow covered the damaged sections of armor, lighting up the darkness like shining beacon, a beacon who's glowing yellow eyes promised death.

Hecate shrunk away from the horrifying music, facing the glowing android wide-eyed. Why was he stomping towards her so angrily? Did she do something wrong? Of course, Hecate failed to find the obvious answers to her own questions. After a few moments of hesitation, she hurriedly opened a small portal from her Dollhouse, dropping a small pile of yarn dolls. Dark gas rose to the sky as each one took form. She didn't need to tell any of them what she wanted to attack; Charon was making himself quite known to the Dolls.

Dirk saw as it turned night and Katie suddenly began feeding him mana while also shouting out delusions of wanting to become king and all that other stuff which Dirk really didn't care much about. Looking around the area he noticed the behemoth in the forest began approaching his location. With the new mana he was being fed, Dirk put aside his rifle and put both of his hands together and releasing an ubsurd amount of mana to form a bullet. "There we go" Dirk remarked as he created a very unstable looking bullet, with it's form not even seeming totally physical and sometimes even looking like jelly. Dirk simply put the bullet into his rifle and moved himself so he would be facing the behemoth. "Let's see how tough you are" Dirk softly said as he fired his sniper causing a massive sound which could be heard all across the battlefield. The bullet traveled and made its way through the nose of the behemoth, penetrating deeper into it's body until it stopped half way there. The bullet violently vibrated and in a moment of silence, the bullet detonated, releasing a sound so powerful it basically pulverized the behemoth from the power and vibrations. "That's... excessive." Dirk mentioned as he now realized how much mana he was being fed. Without saying another word he moved his attention back to the battlefield to see any other way he could help out.

The first Doll to enter the reach of Charon's arms found its head grasped by one his hands. Try as it might, the enslaved person could not break free and soon found its head crushed by the android's incredible might. Other Dolls attempted to restrain him, but found that to be far more difficult than expected due to his strength. While they were able to slow the android, he still trudged onwards, content to ignore them until they went for his eyes. While the hand tentacles failed to have the intended effect upon his optics, it still annoyed Charon and the music ceased as he let out an annoyed growl. Redirecting the soul energy from repairs to strength, the android grasped the arm of one of the offending Dolls and flung the creature back at Hecate.

Dirk didn't take long to find another fight which he could help out with. Looking at it, he noticed that there were a bunch of the summoned he was with and realized they were fighting less than pleasant to look at enemies. He also spotted Charon and quickly pulled out his radio hoping that the android was the one sending out that signal. He activated the Radio and sent out a message. "Are you the over 8 feet tall android?" Dirk asked hoping to get a quick response.

The response is immediate, and likely not at all what Dirk expected. "Negative, I am a metal popsicle."

Dirk responded, "remind the other summoned to cover their ears and to step back from the target that is being pushed to the ground." Dirk said hoping he wouldn't have to repeat the message.

Hecate dashed away from the Doll thrown back at her. The best they could do was slow him, and the black-eyed child found herself... afraid? This helplessness; why did it feel so familiar? The armored man approached Hecate ever so menacingly, and even in the darkness and void, Charon was a nightmare. Watching her Dolls get tossed like they were literal dolls, the child was now hyperventilating, and she didn't notice until she instinctively ran. Ran from the monster of a knight that would've very well frightened demons. However, Hecate didn't run very far when something in the distance caught her eye. It stood out in the darkness of her vision, far more than the monstrous android that stalked her. It was a bright yellow, emenating from the battlefield she sent her special Dolls to. Even from the distance, it felt warm; comforting, even. Tears no longer flowing, Hecate carefully ran over to the odd light, stopping right beside the Archangel.

The source of light was a young girl, doing something strange to her Archangel. If Hecate bothered to look at herself, she'd have found her skin slowly becoming a soft, clean tan. She was currently focused on the moving pictures she saw if she shut her eyes. They were of a bright day and a beautiful house in a city. A young brunette woman tied her hair up in a bun and set off for an important meeting. She knelt down to an adorably girl with bright, orange hair who was adorned with clothes of nobility. "Don't wander too far, dear Amicia..." the woman softly spoke. Though Hecate had no idea who any of these people were, she couldn't help but feel drawn to them in a strangely familial way. The child smiled at her mother, skipping into the bustling streets with a single bodyguard.

The moving pictures were then blanketed by an abrupt darkness, and Hecate opened her eyes once more. Her skin was the usual, pale white of bone, and she found herself scowling at Kotori. What was she doing to her Archangel? She had no right in the least! Hecate climbed onto the Eyeless Archangel. The scary man chasing her should be dealt with by this beast, as well. Black goop covered the Archangel, cutting off the connection between it and Kotori. It screeched in horror, recoiling from the girl in seconds. Hecate sat on its neck, legs dangling from its shoulders. The black-eyed child sent an unnatural smile in Kotori's way, then twisting her neck like that of an owl to do the same to Charon.

Kotori felt the soul resonate in response to her call, watched as it lowered its weapon. She could almost feel the releif in its heart as her power tore at the unholy bond, baring the light trapped beneath. Concentrating, she slowed her breathing, narrowing the world until there was nothing but herself and this struggling mote of will. Even Wakinyan's roars were distant. The soul was so close to salvation, returning to the light, when its fleeting hope was dashed.

"No!" Kotori cried as Hecate jumped onto the angel, her words drowned out by a demonic screech. She leapt backwards, avoiding the inky goop that fell to the ground. The connection with the soul had been lost, and with it her golden aura. Kotori cursed to herself, eyes levelling with the child's twin sockets. They too were twisted, but Kotori knew that something in there shimmered as well, perhaps not as brightly as the angel, but a shimmer nonetheless. Unlike before, it was brighter. Had she somehow called out to them as well? Kotori dared herself to hope, but if it was even possible to redeem such a demon, it would take a lot more effort than her underling.

Even with its several heads, Mr Grabby was taken by surprise when Wakinyan closed the distance in a near instant. They raised the blade over the orb, but it was too late; the horn pierced it straight to the core. The flow of corrupted mana was disrupted, fumes of orange and blue flushing out of the small sphere and into its frontal faces. With a low groan, Mr Grabby felt the orb warm and shrivel up in its hand, followed by an implosion of the mana. The blast would knock the unicorn back, and when the gas cleared up, a large chunk of Mr Grabby was blown apart. Pieces of the chunk landed everywhere, but from the inky black crumbs sprouted little hands, latching onto the ground. Slowly, they would try crawling over to Mr Grabby, no doubt to reattach themselves.

Wakinyan was flung backwards, landing hard on the street with a heavy thud and a skid. A streetlamp snapped in his path, falling with a clatter, but otherwise helping to slow him down. He was quick to recover, shaking away the rubble and dust from his thick mane and glaring at what remained of the monstrocity. His eyes were quick to notice the pathetic limbs crawling back to the creature's largest chunk, something he could not allow. Bowing his head, Wakinyan poured his power into the ground, flooding the area with heavenfire, consuming the orphaned limbs and rushing towards what remained of Mr. Grabby.

For a moment Charon paused as his sensors detected faint signs of the demon girl turning human, but then just as quickly they were gone. On top of that he got indications that her soul might not be as evil as originally detected, changing the android's objective from 'KILL' to 'maim horribly and take alive'.

"Target the flying thing, we need the girl alive but injury is acceptable," the Soul Eater responds to Dirk over the radio. Then he quickly glanced at his allies in this battle. "Get some distance and cover your ears, I have a plan!"

When Hecate turned her head to face Charon, she'd find him with his Partisan of Conviction in his hands, slowly raising it towards the air despite the Dolls on him as he stared at her. "Fire when ready," he radios as the android disables his audio sensors to protect them from damage.

"What plan?" Kotori asked the strange man. It was the same one she had seen on the road to Nortestra, and while she had once thought he was cloaked in armor, now that she was closer she saw that he was made from the same living-armor as SIN. He was covered in small, demonic humanoids and there was also a sign dangling around his neck, though Kotori could not read what the symbols said. She watched as the man pointed a spear-like weapon towards the sky, "Please, leave that flying creature to me. There is a soul trapped in it, but I can release it."

"Got it"
Dirk replied moving his sights towards the angel. With one hand he began using his mana to mold a new bullet to load it into his sniper rifle, not as powerful as the one used to destroy the behemoth, but still enough to obliterate the angel if it was able to penetrate inside it. Dirk loaded in the bullet and aimed once again, noticing some weird things happening to the angel as well as the child responsible for it, climbing to its shoulder. Dirk without hesitation shot, releasing a roaring blast as the bullet left the barrel of the sniper. the bullet was now carefully aimed at the abdomen of the angel. If the bullet was dodged or stopped, it would nonetheless explode and heavily damage anyone near the bullet.

The metallic man did not seem to hear Kotori s plea, nor anything at all for that matter. Was he ignoring her? He clearly meant to kill the enthralled angel, and while Kotori did not blame him for such a desire, she could not allow it. Her determination was admirable, as she turned to face the angel, but in the end fate had other plans. There was a deafening roar, a streak of light, and then nothing at all. Kotori was blown back, her limp body rolling through the rubble and torn flesh, her bow clattering away.

By the time Hecate and her Archangel faced the roar of the bullet, it had already lodged itself in its abdomen. A loud BOOM! erupted from the Archangel, smoke and chunks of black flesh filling the air. Hecate could only hear ringing in her now bleeding ears as she landed closer to Mr Grabby, where she saw the unicorn rushing towards the severely damaged amalgamation. "No!" she shouted out of fear, opening a puddle of black beneath it. Before Wakinyan could smite it, Mr Grabby fell back in the portal and safely in Hecate's pocket dimension. When the terrifying horse turned to look at her, Hecate shrieked and jumped through a pitch black portal as well, fleeing to the safety of the Dollhouse and leaving her other two "friends" behind.

The Eyeless Archangel fell with a loud thud, screeching non-stop in absolute pain as it hopelessly scrambled around for the remaining bits of the sizable chunk blown off. Its yelling was clogged when the inkly black substance rushed to its mouth, and it regurgitated puddles of the murky fluid. Then, the white armor that made up its body darkened. The once durable areas became flabby and soft, degrading into the liquid. The head stopped moving, undergoing the same process as the rest of the body. Only one part didn't liquify, and it lay inside the gooey mess. As the ink settled, the last of the Archangel revealed itself: the warrior priest from the cathedral, normal tears running from his eyes with a proportional chunk blown apart from his stomach. Bits of lung remained, the rest of his stomach a bloodied, empty cavity.

When Kotori awoke she found herself in a puddle of black goo and chunks of the angel’s flesh. The world spun as she tried to pull herself upwards, forcing her to remain on her hands and knees for the time being. A static hum filled her ears, blocking out the sound of all things, even her own coughs. Slowly the world began to stabilize, and faint sounds could be heard. The first she noticed was a mans cry. She lifted her gaze to where the angel once was and saw that a crumbled man lay in its place. It was the soul she had connected with.

Kotori crawled towards him at first, then managed to stumble on shaky legs. She skidded to her knees beside the man and gently lifted his head to cradle in her arms. Gored bowels stained her armor, seeping out from the cavernous ruin of the man's abdomen. While Kotori was skilled in healing, only the Ocean Beast could bring forth such a miracle, and she was dead. He was not long for this world. Sorrow filled her heart, worsened by her shame, but she held it at bay for the sake of the man. She buried it inside, hidden behind a calm expression.

"Hush. It is over now, little light." she said softly. She found herself remembering Hakan, his body broken on the stones, and her expression of calm faltered for just a moment. She took a shaky breath, "It will be okay."

When Charon detected the incoming mass of sound and realized what was going to happen he quickly shifted soul energy to defense. The extra protection proved useful as sound waves washed over him, blasting off a bunch of the Dolls and some of his armor. When the spell faded the android noted that other than a few Dolls around him that the rest of the threats had either died, run away, or were about to be killed. The remaining Dolls were easy to finish off and with that he went over to where Hecate had created her portal. A high pitched whining noise came from his speakers as Charon crouched over the location, examining it for any signs of the portal remaining.

The whine reached a peak and abruptly died off as the soul eater realized that he would not be able to follow after Hecate, this time. With a heavy sigh Charon wandered over to where Kotori and the dying man were. As he walked the Red Energy vanished from his limbs and the blue glow of the nano-bots returned over his damaged sections. "Too bad Eron or some of the other healers I know are not here, they could have fixed that. Or Alair! He could have cursed this guy back to health!" the android exclaims as he peers down at the warrior's wounds.

Kotori flinched at Charon’s nonchalant tone, clenching her jaw. How could he say such things to a man in his final moments? Had he no pity? She felt a lump of angry grief in her chest, but held her tongue. Wakinyan slowly walked up from behind Charon, looming over the android although paying him no mind. He gazed down at the bloody sight. Now that the demonic influence was gone the crackle of lightning had died down, leaving slience. Not even a breeze stirred.

Csilla switched to her whip, her current weapon was not matching well in close combat with her. She wasn't able to move fast enough to dodge its attacks with her current weapon she needed something faster and longer range. She already had gotten slashes from the things bone like hands.

She rolled out of the way of its dash, letting out a grunt as it swishes past her. She quickly raps the whip around the thing as it is off balance and throws it into a house wall. She feels her arms pull in effort but pushes past it.

The thing gets back up, spit dripping from its mouth as its bones made disgusting noises as it moved. The thing began to stagger back up. As it did so she once again wrapped it up in her whip. As she did so she pulled it towards her, sending it flying. She made it look like she was about to bounce off the body with its momentum but instead switched weapons at the last second, sending a sword directly into its skull.

The thing fell with a screech, withering in pain as it died. Csilla frowned down at it, feeling pain for its suffering. Her wars then perked up at the sound of tears. She quickly ran over to Kotori, feeling panic in her stomach as she saw the state of the man in her arms. Her hands hovered over him for a second before she turned to Kotori with a determined look.

"We can save him if with do what we did earlier Kotori. Together we can save him. I know it sounds like we can't but I believe we can do it. Trust me. I trust you. We can do this if we believe. Please. I need you or else this man will die here." Her tone was filled with determination and authority that made people trust her. Even if the end it turned towards a hint of desperation, it couldn't be denied the pull it held.

Kotori frowned in worry at what Csilla had said. Could they actually heal such a grievous wound? She was unsure, but if there was a chance to preserve this life she had to take it. The golden glow that had guided the lost soul returned, though this time concentrating below her fingers. It would not be enough to mend this wound alone, but if Csilla was correct then they could combine their celestial powers. Kotori placed both hands above the man and waited for Csilla to do the same. "I am ready."

Summoning her naginata Csilla quickly let the weapon lay beside her. She licked her lips anxiously, brushing some hair out of her face before she placed her hands on top of Kotori's "Let us begin then."

Kotori let her power flow from beneath her palms, closing her eyes in concentration. In the dark she felt another force, similar to her connection with Wakinyan. It was holy in nature, sprung from the veins of gods. She could not direct it, but she could feel it responding to her own energy, like warm wind in a storm. Instinctively, she extended her power to it, letting the two become one.

Small motes of light began to dance between the two girls, orbited slowly by swaths of milky violets and blue. Unknown constellations fitted themselves in these transparent patches of nightsky, twinkling mysteriously. Some of the stars dripped down like dew, settling on top of the man until soon enough the hole in his abdomen was completely filled with the starry light, shedding a golden glow like thousands of fireflies. The loose sparks slowly condensed, forming vague shapes of bone and organs. They darkened as they grew solid. Viscera regrew, muscle knitted together, and new skin rejoined itself on opposite ends. When the glow vanished, the man was whole once more.

Csilla let out a breath as her eyes fluttered open. Dispite the exhaustion in her bones she tackled Kotori in a hug, "We did it! I knew we could!" her voice was full of joy as she produced an almost childish giggle.

The hug took Kotori by surprise. Her eyes went wide, blinking at a gesture that should be so common and yet felt so surreal. When was the last time she had been hugged? A small smile crept up Kotori's face as she patted Csilla's back, chuckling softly.

"Yes... we did..." even now she could hardly believe her own words. This was nothing if not a miracle. Exhaustion crept up on her, threatening to take her down, but Kotori allowed herself to revel in this precious moment of joy.

Dirk looked through his scope to see the target had been directly hit, the girl who had been causing the chaos had also escaped which annoyed Dirk but at the least he had taken care of the threat, without looking back to see the aftermath, Dirk opened up his radio and contacted Charon, "Anymore targets?" he asked making sure he wasn't missing out any potential threats.

"Area is clear, fleshy sniper!" Charon cheerfully responds over radio, but not verbally. Instead, a shouted "GROUP HUG!" emerged from his speakers upon seeing two women start hugging. As he was already nearby it was a simple matter for the android to move in to try to sweep both of them up in a massive bear hug.

Wakinyan growled in alarm at the andriod's sudden movement, but Kotori took it a lot more lightly. She was surprised at the newcomer, considering how cold he had seemed, but it was a wecome one. While the Divine Beast watched the android like a hawk, Kotori let out a small laugh.

Later that day, when everyone had gone from the battlefield, the portal opened back up, and a timid Hecate jumped out. She didn't want to be here, anymore; it was filled to the brim with scary people. In the dead of night, she ran. Ran far from Castellan, and past the Mollug encampments. With no destination in mind, Hecate wandered aimlessly to the North.
Adonidas of Astera

“Waaaaaa I want to see mommy and daddy.” a child cried while being carried

“Don’t worry, you’ll get to see them and you’ll be able to get off the planet” Adon replied carrying the child as he ran through the deserted town with the last remaining shuttle nearby. Eventually Adon arrived to the shuttle as it was preparing its engines with the door open and filled almost to the brim with people. “Wait up!” Adon yelled getting closer to the shuttle.

The shuttle remained still even with it’s engines ready to take off, “here take the child” Adon handed over the child once he got closer and tried to enter the shuttle only to be met with a woman stopping him with a face of sorrow. “Please wait… my brother… he’s still somewhere here… please go look for him.”

At that moment Adon hesitated but exited the shuttle, “Ok but please stay here until I return with your brother.” Without wasting much time Adon once again resumed his sprint and traveled through the town looking for the woman’s house.

Before all of the panic had occurred Adon had been stranded on the planet and given refuge by the local communities and because of that he had been given the obligation to protect the town.

Adon finally made it to the house of the woman and broke down through the door to get inside and hopefully find the woman’s brother, who he knew as a veteran of war. “He must’ve not left his bed yet… but then why would nobody wake him up?” Adon thought out loud as he went upstairs, starting to pick up a scent he always hated, blood. Adon practically climbed the remaining stairs and followed the scent directly towards the brother’s room, where he found him lying on the bed with more bullet holes in his body than he could count. Adon was speechless, he could tell that the man was killed in his sleep, but the amount of bullets that were poured into him. This must’ve been an action of hate. But why was the brother the only one subjected to this… was it because he was a soldier… part of the empire… ?

At that same moment Adon heard the shuttle’s engines roar. With a sudden move he jumped off the window of the building and landed outside, just in time to see the shuttle fly off from the town and the planet, leaving him behind. “Why?” Adon said under his breath trembling from sadness, “WHY!?” he knelt down and punched the ground. “Is it because I’m part of the empire… is it because I’m part of the feared Crusader program… is it… because I wasn’t good enough…?” Adon finally paused and decided to lay down on the ground as he mostly did to try to calm down. “Maybe… I should’ve done something myself… maybe… not just follow and do what other people want blindly… maybe I should’ve found something else to do…” Adon finally decided to close his eyes as he felt the planet begin to shake uncontrollably and the ground beneath him crumbling, forming a ravine which Adon began falling through.


Adon fell and felt his entire body feel weightless like zero g. It wasn’t his first time falling or in actual zero g, but he had been sure that this would be his last… Though he did find it weird that he kept falling but wasn’t hitting anything yet… by now he should’ve made impact with any type of surface, but to his surprise he simply kept falling.

When he tried to open his eyes, he was unable to and as a matter of fact he couldn’t feel them. When he tried to move his hand to check his face, he couldn’t feel his arm, in fact, he realized that he couldn’t feel any part of his body, he could only think. “So this is the afterlife?” Adon thought to himself.

But Adon was wrong as soon he could once again feel his hand, soon followed by his entire body, and eventually he could open his eyes once again, revealing… people… and a hill… Adon wasn’t sure what was going on. He felt himself better than ever, with his armor almost in perfect condition with the slight exception that his body was reacting with something.

Adon politely remained still and quiet while trying to listen and process whatever the hell was going on.

@ everyone currently in the hill

Francis Ward


Live, Love, Laugh!
: Mia, Argris, Adon
Mention: StaidFoal StaidFoal Solirus Solirus Juju Juju
Any second thoughts or regret Argris might have would be too late. Francis was already grovelling on the ground by the time the word 'shit' was uttered.

"This lowly servant bowed upon your greatness, O' Mighty Excrement! May your rancid stench be eternal and your fertility flourishes as eternal as mushroom patches at the back of Green Mountain Karlaba. From this moment on, this Personal Maid will do his best to fulfil the wishes of the heavens, the wishes of the Son of Heaven, and to take your wishes as a command given by a fairy from lower hell. Praise be Mistress Shit!"

Francis kowtowed toward the little girl once more before performing a barrel roll and saluted toward the sky.

"Heaven! As of your wishes and mine, we shall create a throne worthy of Mistress Shit!"

What followed the declaration was a sudden flurry of activity. The field by a cliff was a bare plain with little to no biomass nor any sign of civilisation nearby. On this vast, empty plain, a man that could be called handsome and good looking ran around, picking up pebbles. There was already a small pile of them in front of Mia. As if it wasn't enough, every pebble added to the pile was followed by praises for the graciousness of Mistress Shit and how lacking Master Excretion or Madam Secretion was compared to Mistress Defecation.

By the time the pile reached knee's high, Francis was drenched with sweat. He already loosened his tie and unbuttoned his vest. Though obviously exhausted, he had a grin on his face.

"Now, Mistress. All we need to do is pray to the God of Light and Hypocrisy Ezakiel. Join me in my prayer to the Great God. Clench your hands into knuckles and snuggle them under your chin in an adorable manner. Now... join me, mistress!"

Francis put up his knuckles against his chin... and started singing. It was a strange song with clear lyrics, though any words would be impossible for anyone to decipher. As the song went on, Francis started to sway his hip and tilt his head with the rhythm. When he saw Adon just standing there, dazed, he stopped singing to glare at him.

"Dance, you mortal!"
hissed Francis as he kept on dancing. "Unless you want to gather this Offering of Bland Ritual on your own and let me tell you, gathering these are tiring."

Regardless of Adon's response, Francis returned to his singing. As he continued, however, people attuned to energy might notice a strange amalgamation of energy starting to form above Francis...

Ullis Hrundu

Ullis hadn’t been left alone, just after taking care of those demons, more had come and had been preventing him from regrouping. “Fucking twats” he said under his breath, pulling out his sword from the head of one of the netherwalkers. He made his way walking out of the building. He heard barely any sound from the soldiers that had arrived. “Fuck don’t tell me they’re dead.” before Ullis stepped out he peeked out to look at the situation.

It didn’t look promising, especially when the entire area was swarmed by those pesky netherwalkers. “Holy crap.” Ullis said under his breath. “How am I going to get out of here.” he said again raising his voice and drawing the attention of one of the nearby netherwalkers. “Shit!” Ullis cussed as the netherwalker screeched and brought along a couple more of it’s friends to attack Ullis. “Fine then, I’ll kill your sorry asses and regroup, how does that sound?” Ullis dashed at the netherwalkers cutting the first one in half with a clean cut, but as he stepped to strike the second one, his footwork failed and caused him to lose balance falling like an idiot.

Taking advantage of the mistake, the netherwalker began stabbing Ullis while on the ground. Ullis tried to get back up, but failed, he tried to get back up but was stabbed, stabbed repeatedly. Ullis screamed in pain from each of the stabs and felt as if the netherwalkers were making fun of him, like bullying the weak little kid.

Ullis began to shake and opened his mouth.

“AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Ullis released a scream of pure anger and rage, making the netherwalker hesitate and back off a bit, giving Ullis enough time to use his fire magic.

Fire erupted from Ullis, causing a sort of explosion burning the netherwalkers near him. “FUCKING ASSHOLES” Ullis screamed as he stood up with the help of his sword and with his body filled with stab wounds and fire. “AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Ullsi shouted again this time surrounding himself with a small vortex of fire.

Soon the vortex began going crazy, going from demon to demon, burning them and while Ullis sliced them up and even took bites to heal himself up. But Ullis didn’t simply stop, he became like a sort of hazard as he tore through groups and groups of netherwalkers, slowly making his way to the rest of the group, though all that could be seen in the eyes of a soldier would be a small tornado of fire, tearing apart any demons in its way.

Eventually Ullis would make his way to where everyone else was still killing demons as a tornado of fire, hoping they wouldn’t mistake him for some sort of demon.

@ everyone retreating to Solomon Fortress
Repeating Ivan's name quietly to herself, Teranis attempted to figure out the correct pronounciation the same way he had done with hers.
When asked what Skyborn meant she clicked her beak twice. "It means that my birth was blessed by the Sky Gods, our ancient ancestors that once created the world I hail from as they spread their things and soared through the Eternal Night. Because of that title my life and its many paths have always been set and decided for me- something that is equally a blessing as it is a curse."

"Your world seems...chaotic. How can children of the same creators be so eager to spill one another's blood? It is wrong."

She paused and looked at Ivan. Even with her helmet and visor obscuring her face it was clear she was studying the man. "I am sorry for your loss, Ivaanfidriko."

"May the souls of your people rest at ease," she said while placing a clawed hand over her chest.

When the alien began to speak about technology and settling down Teranis did nothing but hum, thought it was unclear if it meant that she was in agreement or not.

"Technology is a tool. A gift. If used right it can be blessing, if not then it is a curse. I do not trust technology. I trust my mind, my skills and my purpose. I do admit that a dwelling for us offworlders may perhaps be a wise idea."

She gestured towards the courtyard in front of them and the city beyond. "This world is plagued by war. Our presence- not to mention interference- will do its people nothing good."

As Teranis readied her response to Ivan's comments on dying she couldn't help but listen to the sound of combat nearby. "Did the invaders not retreat? Why is there still fighting and the smell of fresh blood?"

Snackofthefuture Snackofthefuture
Adonides of Astera

Adon looked around, still very confused as to what was going on, there were many individuals varying from size and appearances. As he was about to walk to the man who seemed to be the one responsible for all of this, another one with blonde hair and a… questionable thought processing walked up to him talking about rituals and the sorts while also collecting components, he also danced but Adon had never seen such a… unique style of dancing.

Adon quietly stepped back from the man. “Uhh. sorry but not interested.” he tried to say as he walked back to maybe ask someone more… sane to understand what was really going on. As he looked around he heard the sound of tears dropping followed up by a fist hitting the ground. No doubt about it, whoever it was they must be in a critical emotional state. Adon quickly moved his view to where the sound was coming from and saw a tiny figure, appearing to be a child.

Adon slowly walked up to it, creating barely any sound even for his weight and size, he didn’t want to startle the child and as he got close his visor activated, signaling an unknown energy coming from the child and signaling to be a threat. Adon tensed up for a bit blindly reacting and grabbing one of his tools to create a sword, but before he could do it, Adon resisted acting more on the naive side.

Adon got close to the child and sat down on the ground. “Little child, you are crying. Are you ok? What’s wrong, let me help.” Adon asked these questions realizing that he might be a bit too aggressive but he was still genuinely concerned.

nighttimecatplayer nighttimecatplayer Damafaud Damafaud
-Brother Beast, Synthia, Cardoza, Mikhail-
Written by Moi, Gohan510 Gohan510 Snackofthefuture Snackofthefuture

A decent sized purple magic circle shined up bright around the main Mollug camp. It cracked into multiple purple particles shining even brighter and emerging was Synthia. Karasu flew to her shoulder as soon as she appeared due to him knowing beforehand she’d be here. Synthia had anger in her eyes stomping off to her tent. Her wounds had recovered, but she needed rest to rebuild the high amount of mana she had used up to pull such a stunt with the behemoths. In her tent she changed into rather more comfortable clothing, all the while putting her hair into a big bun. Karasu watched her, waiting for Synthia to finish, like a loyal servant. Synthia looked into a cracked mirror muttering to herself something about Hitori and the others. Karasu tilted his head while listening to her go on and on how the boy made her look like a joke. She wants nothing more but to destroy him and everything he loved.

“Where is Wyman and Hodir? Did you give them my message?”


“What do you mean? No?”

“Wyman is… dead..”


Outside the tent, near one of the entrances to the camp, Brother Beast was strolling again, a relaxed expression under his mask and his clothes freshly streaked with blood. It came from an encounter with several Nortestran scouts on the way back to the camp. The enemy had died violently, each man facing Alexander directly and viciously among the burning houses of the city. He had killed them all ruthlessly and with a smile on his face. It didn't matter who his enemy was, as long as he was in combat proving his mettle, Brother Beast was satisfied. The camp Brother Beast had returned to was right outside the final and 5th wall, going from the destroyed front gate all out across the fields in front of the capital. It was a massive camp, organized by mages and officers of Mollug’s bureaucracy but still hellishly chaotic. Black, red and white banners hung all about, the Jaded Tome, the symbol of Mollug stamped in the center, a contrast to the Nortestran city with its vibrant golden hues and bright crimson palettes. Brother Beast actually preferred the Nortestran standard as it seemed so much more bold and violent, and willing to get in one's face and kick their teeth out.

Brother Beast was headed towards the central command tent, where the generals had all gathered at occasionally during the first stages of the siege. Wyman, Alexander and Synthia had all become disjointed in rule early on in the battle of Castellan. Each had resolved to do their own thing, and it had worked for a time being. Brother Beast had harassed and annoyed, keeping Castellan on its toes and keeping them from trying anything risky, while Synthia had assaulted and supported the main front with her magic troops and golems. This had all been in support of Wyman and her main force, an army of infantry designed for city warfare, keeping the main Castellan force occupied in a constant battle for supremacy. It had worked for a while, and now it was not, now one of the three generals was dead. And this was very bad for the remaining two; They needed to show they were competent and could roll with the punches, they needed to deal an equivalent blow to the Nortestrans, they needed to show they were worthy of their positions.

However, it was too late for them to repair anything. At the central command tent, the Mollug lookout shouted "Reinforcements have arrived!" As if on cue, the clanking of hundreds of armored knights cut through the air. The Mollugs at the encampment breathed a sigh of relief upon witnessing them. Morale spiraled ever so higher when they noticed the one who led them: Grand General Cardoza. Hopping off his horse, adorned in shining, silver armor, he scanned over the camp with his signature, stern gaze. Everything was on the verge of total disarray before he arrived, and Cardoza saw it in how panicked and lively the soldiers were, frolicking about as if expecting an attack at any moment. His rapier sheathed on his back, Cardoza bellowed, "May the three generals I trusted with complete confidence in capturing Castellan appear before me?” The news of the OtherWorlders had already reached his ears, and he was sent out for that sole reason. Though it annoyed the Grand General to no end, OtherWorlders are a serious matter, and he came to agree with Jessamine, Detra and the rest of the council; they had to be eliminated as quickly as possible. Plus, he’d be able to fight alongside his daughter, the sole reason he looked forward to this fight.

Brother Beast was already waiting with his men assembled and ready to the most organized fashion they could manage when General Cardoza arrived. They were a motley and large bunch, full of skirmishers and barbarians, rangers and berserkers. Brother Beast’s men were considered elite commandos in the Mollug High army and Brother Beast was a respected and elite commander, a raider of the highest level and a scoundrel to the bone. He had been the only commander to not fail in any of his duties and had even put the enemy truly on the defensive during the battle. His men had fought bravely and well until outlanders and outside reinforcements appeared and disrupted the other two fronts to the brink of collapse. He was unsure of how the general would react to the death of his daughter. It was a distasteful and solemn thing, one Alexander dreaded to deal with. Whoever was the one to deliver that news to the commander would be in a most certainly tight spot.

Once hearing the alert, Synthia’s mass amount of “troops” all stood waiting for the grand commander to step through the camp. Everyone in Synthia’s division were mostly mages or bandits who had some type of high magic potency. Two figures stood in front of the many mages and such. Synthia fixed herself with a warm towel then placing a faux fur coat over her shoulders to cover up her now exposed ebony skin. Synthia was wearing a tanktop and shorts under the giant fur coat. She made sure her hair was presentable before leaving her tent. Standing in front of the two figures she looked at Cardoza with respect in her eyes, yet her facial expression stayed true to the usual blank face. Karasu sat on her shoulder calmly plucking his feathers. Synthia was known to never fail especially since she didn’t tolerate failure as an option. Her troops had the highest magic potency in the Mollug kingdom. She was also well respected for keeping her platoon in check as they never disobey or lack. No other commander feats could outweigh hers. She looked towards Brother Beast who was to the left of her and rolled her eyes. Turning back to Cardoza she decided to wait before speaking. Her troops were the reason Nortestra lost in far range combat.

Were the OtherWorlders really this powerful? Powerful enough to best the savagery of Brother Beast, the extraordinary powerful spells of Synthia and her battalion, and the aerial support of his witted daughter? Two of the three had appeared almost immediately, Cardoza glancing at each of them. The knights were all silent and bowing to the Grand General, but his attention was focused elsewhere. He furrowed his brows, looking left and right for her. “General Wyman, that was an order, not a suggestion!” It was very odd for her to run late…

Watching Cardoza look around she knew he was questioning in his head how they even lost in these recent battles. The mention of Wyman made Synthia tap her finger on her chin. Synthia and Karasu looked at each other and nodded understanding each other without talking. He leaned his head over her shoulder as she pressed her finger against his right eye socket slowly pulling his eye out. The soldiers watched in disgust as she finally had his eye in the palm of her hand. Karasu covered his bleeding empty eye socket with his wing while Synthia placed her free hand over his face casting her dark healing replenishing his missing eye. She then looked back up at cardoza making a small cough.

“Sir.. General Wyman is no longer with us. Karasu had seen what events unfolded to her dying. If you’d like me to show you?”

The Grand General raised a brow. “Impossible. Wyman took on an elder dragon and won. You mean to say she’s betrayed us?” Cardoza stopped himself, taking a breath. Perhaps he misheard? Or Synthia meant something else? Whatever she truly said, he’d find out about now. Cardoza nodded at the mage general.

From the the general’s nod of approval to show him what happened Synthia crushed the eye. Purple particles shot up into the sky before projecting a screen that showed what happened in the fight. The first projection was showing synthia fight against the demon possessed Hitori being nearly embarrassed in front of everyone. Though she had to show it all for Cardoza to understand the outworlders were no joke. The show started with wyman when Hodir entered his magma mode and fought against the summoned while wyman fought sulric in his bubble. As the projections went on everyone can notice Wyman moving slower and slower as it went on. Karasu was looking back and forth between Hodir and Wyman at good angles nearly getting both of them in the projection. Even showed the moment Hodir tried to save her, but couldn’t break the barrier. Once it got to Wyman laying against the barrier’s wall dying it ended.

With no words not even realizing Wyman died to such a grimey tactic Synthia actually for once felt hurt. Seeing Wyman slowly dying by Sulric’s cheap tactic made her slightly angered too. Why did Wyman allow herself to be trapped like this?

No… It’s a lie… It isn’t real! But her dragon… The bubble… She suffocated.... He suffocated her... Sulric voided my daughter of air... He made her suffer… She suffered a slow, painful death… Sulric made her suffer. Cardoza never blinked once as it played. His ajar mouth shook as if to say something, but the words had clogged up in his throat. Finally, he muttered, “Sulric… To think I once viewed you as an honorable person...” Cardoza turned away from the scene, a scowl forming. He remained there, silent and still as a statue, pondering. Then, he faced the legion of Mollugs before him, generals included. “We shall head our way into battle... And we shall be accompanied by the spirits of our many martyrs, our great ancestors tortured and burned for their faith, our murdered fathers and butchered mothers, our strangled brothers and drowned children.” Cardoza shut his eyes tightly, blinking away the water in his eyes. The Grand General showing tears would only make him look weak. “Here we will stand and fight; there will be no further withdrawal. I have ordered that all plans and instructions dealing with further withdrawal are to be destroyed at once. We will stand and fight here. If we can’t hold this ground here alive, then let us flood the gates of their walls with our bodies and hold it dead.” The legion cheered, ready to lay down their lives for their kingdom. Cardoza, on the other hand, found himself feeling nothing but useless. Despite rallying the troops and raising their morale, he felt… dead, almost. Anyone next to him may have noticed the solemn look in his naturally stern gaze.

Brother Beast listened silently as the general was given the news. His reaction to his daughter’s passing had been stronger than Alexander had been expecting. And yet, still, it seemed almost as if something was dead inside the man. The marauder general turned to his men, many of which were still cheering and hyping each other up in the aftermath of Cardoza’s speech. With a sweeping motion of his arm and several hand signals Alexander’s men began to form up and move off in their own directions. Many of the soldiers were grinning widely, whooping and shouting praises to the generals as they passed by.

Synthia looked over her shoulder towards the two behind her as they signaled all the troops to scatter on their own agenda. The two bowed to Synthia respectfully before leaving her too. Synthia turned her attention to the upset father who was also her higher up. Taking steps towards the man she got close to him then stopped by his side. “We should discuss our next attack. For Mollug and more importantly for your daughter.”

With that said Synthia walked off toward the giant tent that officials go in to discuss plans and have other conversations or debates. She sat in a chair closest to the one in the middle of the table. Karasu continued to pluck his feathers.

Alexander stretched to his full towering height and then with an almost loping sort of movement he walked into the command tent. Taking a seat across from Synthia, Brother Beast leaned back, the front legs of the chair coming off the ground a good distance before tapping the ground repeatedly. Staying in the leaned position, Alexander spoke to the assembled commanders, “Well, while our men keep the enemy busy, we should plan yes? Prepare our next move, we’ll need something daring and precise, something to cut them as deeply as they did us. We need a revenge strike, something motivated by our darker emotions and as ruthless as they were.”

“Yes… Yes… we should plan our attack.” Cardoza followed the generals into the tent, sitting at the end of the table. No time for sadness, I should focus on the task at hand. “The Nortestran generals are weak; it is the OtherWorlders we must be concerned with. If they were enough to repel our invasion and aid in… the death of a general… I worry that even with our legion, it won’t be enough.”

Synthia watched the two men enter the tent. Each of them took a seat. Karasu watched them both calmly. Synthia rested a leg over another and laid back in her chair. Finally, Brother Beast spoke, followed by Cardoza. The mention of the otherworlders was not a joking matter, in fact it was very serious to even Synthia. “What do you think we do to counter the new threat?”

"The only possible solution I see is heavily taxing on lives and resources, which is to—"

"Before you make a hasty decision, would you be so kind as to hear me out?" The generals turn to Wyman's seat, where they'd have sworn nobody sat just a second ago. He wore dark clothes and a cap with red lining which emitted a blue light to blanket his eyes. His legs were up on the desk and his arms were crossed.

In seconds, Cardoza was at the stranger, his blade at the stranger’s neck. Then came the obvious questions such as "Who are you?" and "How did you get in?"

As soon as there was another body sitting in wyman’s chair, Karasu opened his wings ready to flock as Synthia jumped up, hands both had magic circles spinning on the palm. At any moment she could send the whole tent into oblivion. Before she could ask any questions of the intruder, Cardoza did. Who was this man and what the hell did he want?!

Brother Beast remained in his seat.

With a sigh, the stranger rose from the seat, his body clipping through the sword as blue light. Cardoza lowered his sword as it became clear that his presence was not truly present, yet the disdainful look remained. "Gloria was right to have me use a hologram. You Mollugs are much too violent." He took to walking around the table, eyeing each general. "My name is Mikhail Abramov. Allow me to make my intentions clear: You are in dire need of aid against Nortestra and the OtherWorlders. We have a practical solution that exhausts far less Mollug lives and resources than whatever plan you've fathomed. Are you interested?"

Once Cardoza withdrew his weapon Synthia sat back in her chair legged crossed over the other and her arms were also crossed. Watching the man walk around and even bringing up a proposition.

Brother Beast was no stranger to unique and weird magicks. He had witnessed many strange and terrible feats in his lifetime, many of them through means he had not understood or made sense of. This man seemed to be suggesting ideas of victory and power, but the delay in telling of the plan’s actual details put Alexander on edge. This man was not what he seemed and Brother Beast could tell he was not to be trusted. But the technology of the intruder was evidently advanced, this much even the savage could tell. It was not magic the man was using, Brother Beast recognized this at once, at the edge of the world there had been artifacts of power similar to the newcomer’s. Scowling Brother Beast asked, “And if we are? What do you want, stranger? Surely nothing small.” Brother Beast leaned forward in his chair over the table and glowered at the man. Nothing good ever came of the old artifacts, but at the moment Alexander would have taken them over the Outworlders by a long shot.

Ignoring Brother Beast for now, Mikhail brought out a small, circular disk. He planted it on the table, and a hologram flickered above it. Cardoza had only ever heard of artifacts such as these, but never saw them in person. He knew of how the OtherWorlders brought advanced technology, and how other foreign empires took hold of them. This certain artifact displayed a towering siege weapon, seemingly made entirely out of metal. It walked on two legs, but it was no giant. The hologram showed the mech against an army of an unintelligible kingdom. They stood far from the machine, yet when it raised an arm at them, the ranks blew apart in a small mushroom cloud. It leapt forward, fire streaming from its back through thrusters, crashing into the knights. It spun rapidly, killing foes from afar by pointing at them with its other arm. “The Sieker Model IV. Excellent at destruction of infantry and heavy siege weapons in mere minutes at best,” Mikhail explained. “It’s steel body can withstand the harshest of attacks, from dragon fire to explosion magic. With it, it’s only a matter of time before Castellan falls.”

Cardoza stared at the hologram, awestruck by what happened in only a minute or two. By the Gods, either this man was an apostle of the Jaded Tome or he had some ulterior motive behind this. Either way, mistrust overtook the general’s face, and he glared at Mikhail. “Brother Beast is right, what do you desire in—”

“One billion gold coins is all we ask. Surely, with all the innocent villages and towns you’ve burnt and robbed, it’s a small enough price. And if it matters to you that much, I can instruct it to not target General Sulric so you may have your revenge.”

Cardoza slammed his fist on the table upon hearing that. Mikhail spoke as if reading off a script, and he had the audacity to interrupt a Grand General and brush it off as normal! He almost rejected his offer out of pure spite and consideration of the funds, but doubt surged up a split second before. Maintain your calm. A strategy built on anger is no strategy at all. With the OtherWorlders now their enemy, a mere legion of regular knights and mages wouldn’t do the trick. He wasn’t even sure if any OtherWorlders fell to start with! Taking a breath, Cardoza sat back down at his seat, glancing at his generals. “What do you two think?”

Speechless while taking everything in, Synthia watched the man. She didn’t even know how to react. It was all ridiculous. This man showed no respect to the grand general. Then try to tell MOLLUG?! What to pay?! Synthia was furious. Though she had to calm down, because now wasn’t the time. She looked at Cardoza who asked her a question. She sighed. “I think we should go with it. He’s right. We need all the help we can get. One of them shot me with this!” A tiny magic circle broke on the palm of her hand as the bullet from before appeared. Her dried up blood on it remained. Not trying to wave it around she showed the room it, placing it on table for whoever wants to grab it. “But. How does this contract work? Most summonings we have to make a contract with them before they fight for us. That thing looks uncontrollable.” Synthia never seen anything like it before so naturally she thought it was a summoning, similar to behemoths and lesser demons.

“The Sieker Model IV was built, not summoned, General Synthia. It will obey every command I feed it, there is no need for concern for how we handle things.” Satisfied with the answer by Synthia, Mikhail turned to look at Brother Beast, hands behind his back, looking as if he knew what the last general would say.

Brother Beast was completely on edge. This “Model IV” was a threat the likes of which Alexander had rarely seen. Its destructive capabilities rivalled that of an entire company of mages. Whoever had control of the weapon would control the fate of the battle; In that moment the savage warrior was conflicted. Was the weapon what it seemed? Was this man to be trusted? Would it even be right to even use such a devastating weapon? Alexander had always relished the intensity and violence of close combat, and this weapon made it near useless. For Mollug to hold onto such a powerful artifact would all but guarantee their victory against Castellan. And perhaps even the rest of Nortestra would be easy pickings with a weapon like the one Mikhail offered.

“How much mana will it cost?” Synthia asked, then followed by a question from Brother Beast “Where, perchance, do you and your weapon come from?”

Mikhail let off a smirk. “The only thing it’ll cost is a paint repair and refueling for us, and money from you. As for where I hail from, my answer is some small village in Czarsnikei.” The gunrunner looked at General Cardoza. “Unless Brother Beast says otherwise, then we have a deal, yes?”

Brother Beast remained silent, his decisions in regards to the battle of Castellan had already been made, this complicated things immensely however. HIs allies would most certainly need his help now.

The Grand General clasped his hands together. When it came to war and politics, there was no such thing as helping others out of kindness. This man wanted money, but what was he to do with that money? Perhaps it was just pure greed? No, then he wouldn’t give such a destructive weapon away. There were too many possibilities to consider, but this deal would prove beneficial in this state of emergency. Whether or not Brother Beast agreed, Cardoza gave his answer: “We’ll buy it. But how is this transaction to be made?”

Mikhail only nodded in response, as if he expected that answer. “We will procure the funds from your treasury through a certain someone. As for the mecha, you should be expecting it via discreet delivery by your next siege.” Mikhail took a swig of an iron flask on his belt. “I suppose our business is done here. Dasvidaniya, moi oshibochnyye generals.” Mikhail gave a bow before dissipating into blue glimmers of light.

Cardoza sat silently in his chair, rattling his fingers on the armrest with a disdainful glare on his face. Eventually, he rose. “We should prepare our armies,” he began. “This time, Nortestra will be brought to its knees, and we will end this war!”
Princess Athena

The fighting appeared to have died down once she left the medical tent. Exhausted Nortestran soldiers wandered back, some too injured or battle-worn to bow in Athena's presence. She looked over them all with feigned pity, moving with her guards to the carriage. As she was being helped in, a ruckus brewed at the camp entrance. One look back and she saw the dark armor of Mollug, apprehended and handled by Nortestran soldiers. He seemed to notice her as well and called out, "Princess Athena!" The Nortestrans would strike at him, as if to say to keep their princess' name out of his filthy mouth. At once, she descended from the carriage and marched to the prisoner.

The Mollug's shock and plea for a truce, though temporarily it may be, were genuine. The Nortestran soldiers, brainwashed into thinking Mollugs to be heartless monsters, didn't notice nor care for the reason why he came. Athena sought to set things straight. "Release him," she ordered, much to the dismay of his handlers. "It's a delegate. He's unarmed." They let the herald drop to a kneel, and she asked him, "What is the purpose of this visit?"

"A message," he answered, retrieving a letter from a hidden compartment in his armor. Athena had one of her guards take the letter from his hand, in case this man was an expert actor and assassin. The towering guard in yellow and black armor passed it to her, and she unfolded the message. The herald let out a silent sigh, completing his only task.

Athena's eyes widened at the contents of the message. She looked back at the Mollug, a new interest in her eyes. "Tell him he has my attention." With that, he scrambled away from the camp.

This time, Athena would part on her carriage uninterrupted. Here was to hoping that the Otherworlders didn't screw up her plan. The princess reached for something in her pocket, fumbling it around in her hands. Soon, one of her guards stopped the carriage at an abandoned blacksmith, devoid of people and ears. The siege had caused a mass evacuation, and as of now this building was collecting dust and ash. The windows were boarded up, and so the only light came from her guard, igniting a small flame. The princess furrowed her brows at the dismal state of her environment, unfit for royalty.

Athena looked back around again, where she saw him appear from behind a shelf. They looked at each other with unfazed eyes, and Athena raised a silver pin, shaped like a perched eagle. Mikhail would do the same, and afterwards they lowered their Providence insignia. "How have the guards served you?"

Athena looked back at her three bodyguards, reaching up for one of their helmets. "Nobody has questioned them too much. They've done their jobs properly, though I find it disconcerting if someone ever found out what they are." She twisted the helmet off, revealing a mass of circuits, wiring, and metal. The robot stared directly ahead in a calmed state. After pressing a few buttons on the side of its head, Athena stepped up on a counter to put the helmet back on. "What's happened on your end?"

"I have sold the weapon to the generals," Mikhail said. "The presence of the OtherWorlders made the transaction much easier than it would've been. Have you considered the thought some of them may die during the last part of the plan?"

Athena nodded. "Unfortunate as it may be, death is part of every action one can take in war, whether it be peace or something set in motion by their own kingdom." She held her hand out. "The device?"

Mikhail drew it from his pocket. It was a small, black remote with a screen on the front. "You hold the button, Nortestra destruction is suddenly paused, and you're hailed as a hero. Simple enough, yes?" Mikhail was always direct in his words, simplifying things more than they really are. That helped in the way he made deals with people, something that Athena came to respect.

The princess examined the device near her guard's fire. "You make it sound so easy. I'd imagine you're returning to wherever your base is?" She earned a nod from the gunrunner. The plan had been put forth into action. Eventually, Nortestra would crawl back from the famined pits that they've been pushed into by Mollug, fueled by the hunger cast onto them. With Verruk hopefully falling to ruin, it was only a matter of time. "Then we shall part ways. There are OtherWorlders that I must speak with." Her guards trailing behind her, Athena left the blacksmith and hopped back onto the carriage. Mikhail took another swig of vodka, a satisfied smirk crawling upon his lips.


Snackofthefuture Snackofthefuture
Kivara Ortholos

Kivara Ortholos... Don my helm... Continue what I worked so hard for, yet failed to do... Purify this cruel world of evil...

Kivara recalled the last words of the fallen angel after questioning for the umpteenth time why she took on the mantle. She was doing this so nobody would have to suffer like she did, so hate wouldn't corrupt their world. There was no need for this lingering stench of doubt to cloud her mind. Kivara raised the sword, tuning out his desperate pleas. Incomprehensible whispers replaced the noise, sourced from the angel's helmet itself, as she brought the sword down the criminal's neck. One less piece of scum, she thought, watching his head roll off the pedestal. "Let this serve as an example to those who bring others down for their own benefit," she said to the crowd, tossing the sword away.

Not even a century later, the people still have not changed. The hate she sensed from around the world never faded or dulled, but rose to bitter taste, nipping away her appetite and draining what sleep she could get. Words won't work, she thought, I tried that the first time. Was the angel's mission all for naught? Kivara shook her mind of those thoughts, or rather the helmet forced them away with inaudible whispers. She spread her wings, taking off from the town and high above ground. It was an endless cycle, one that she had to continue to fulfill the fallen angel's one wish: Fly to where the hate is most bitter, root out the sources, repeat.

However, Kivara would have to take a forced break from this routine, when pained bellows erupted from the west. There was a stronger presence of hatred and evil, coupled with a whole town in screams. At once, Kivara flew to the town. A pit of black, impossible to look down, consuming an enitre block of buildings, had spawned. Oddly shaped monstrosities of all sorts crawled out, slugging and wandering around, wreaking havoc on the people. A belching sense overcame her at once, and she realized that the vileness came from the demons.

Still in flight, Kivara's mind went to shambles, watching the demons feast on all. This is their fault. They brought these hate-fueled demons upon themselves! Why, oh why, would humans condemn themselves so? Why would they hold onto evil for so long, that they willed the ones below to destroy them? Kivara left the humans to die, not out of cowardice, but out of contempt for the evil of the Overworld. They brought this on themselves, she kept thinking, even when the town was obliterated, and more and more demons crawled out of the breach.

Kivara landed far from the area of disaster, falling to her knees. Exhaustion struck at her, followed by the overwhelming sense of remorse, doubt, and anger. The angel's mission could've much easier if the humans had just played along. It would've been better for everyone, but they just had to bring this to themselves. Kivara removed the angel's helmet, and the whispers quieted. She collapsed face-down on the grass, sobbing a muffled cry. Eventually, the exhaustion took its toll, and her wings folded neatly over her.

Kivara awakened to a new scene, one that she thought to be a dream at first. She was no longer in the dense forest she landed in, but a grassy cliff side. A very peculiar bunch was around her, specifically the man who was part metal and sitting on a rocking chair, looking over everyone like they were children. The man gave everyone around an answer as to what happened. Apparently, she was now in another world... which only raised more questions for Kivara. Before she said anything, she reached for the angel's helmet. Instantly, she felt everything again. This world felt no different than her previous one, with hate and evil still weighing on her shoulders. She felt some resonating from this very group! The whispers made their return, and the sense of dread and bitterness followed suit.

Kivara wasn't sure if the angel's wish extended to whatever world this was, now that the humans destroyed her old one out of pure hatred and selfishness. At least, that was the answer she accepted. With the whispers from her helmet, she guessed that the mission carried over. Her staff formed in hand, and Kivara spread her wings to make sure everything of value was still here.​
As the nameless individual looked at the supposed God who had summoned into this world he stopped for a moment. There was so much noise. It was honestly quite annoying. He had put some serious thought into simply wiping out all of those who had been summoned with him. However, he eventually came to the conclusion that if he was truly brought here to see if there was value in life, then him killing life would not exactly be fair. It would honestly be rather counterproductive.

Amidst the ever-growing sound of life around him he noticed something. Out of nowhere, a massive amount of both yin and yang energy simply sprouted. He could tell by its concentration that it wasn't a huge amount of people, but it was a decent enough amount of people to pop up on his radar. He stood straight and turned his emotionless face towards the area where it popped up. It was about a half-mile away from the cliff. It was enough to gain his attention, so he ignored all the others that were summoned with him. Without a single word he began to walk towards this odd bundle of energy that seemed to have come from nowhere.

Alice Everlast
It was a good run while it lasted. She had accomplished a lot in her life. After all, at the young age of 22 she controlled in the entire city that spanned it over hundreds of miles. With her specific 'talents' that made her the single most powerful individual on the entire planet she came from. Alice was not one to brag, but it was worth noting.

Perhaps she should have expected it. Of course people from neighboring countries would become jealous of her ever-growing power and assemble to destroy her. She was honestly impressed by the methodical nature they took. Systemically taking over sections of her territory. It was simply annoying at first, but eventually this systematic take over was too much for her to handle. Then they let the top mages from each assembled City to deliver the final blow. It was sad really. They were very merciless to her people. Now there was Darkness. Was this to be the end of her life and Legacy? What an anticlimactic ending.

however, it wasn't long until she discovered that the darkness was the fact that her eyes were shut. Once opening them she was shocked at what she saw. Her standing in the center of the Town beneath the massive gazebo that was constructed to be the Gathering hub. Above This gazebo was the massive coin that kept count of her City's economic structure. The town looked to be a clash of fantastic scientific wonders and classic fantasy structures. Looking around she could see clearly that her massive City was nothing more than a small town now. Barely a fraction of what it was. Walking down the massive cobblestone bridges that used to connect to the massive walls that once divided her City, she noticed that there were barely even a thousand people and homes. Most of the buildings that remained where the once-bustling markets that surrounded the center of the city. It took only a quick look for her to recognize that the people were looking at her. Hoping for an explanation.

Of course this was just as confusing for her. Looking up to the massive floating coin above her City she noticed that she still had three million dollars saved up. About the same amount that she had when the city came to ruin. That was a relief at least. She jumped and landed Atop The massive gazebo that made up the center of town. She looked around and noticed that there were mountains and forests where once stood her beautiful City. Right outside the single wall that now protected her town were ruins of some kind. Not to mention at the front of the gate was a long road. It wasn't much of a road, but it was enough to catch her attention. This was odd, but it gave her an idea.

It was clear she was no longer on her original Planet or in her original reality. So she took a deep breath and looked down to her people. She gave a sweet smile as she spoke. Without even shouting, her powers made sure that her voice flowed all throughout the city "Please, remain calm. It has occurred to me that we are no longer on our original Planet. By some miracle we have been brought to this planet."

Murmurs could be heard from the now small amount of people who resided in Astor. She continued to speak in a calming voice "
I do not know who brought us here, but they seem to know what they are doing. They put us in a place with forests and ruins nearby. Not to mention a road leading to possible other towns. We are not nearly as powerful as we once were, but with your help I believe we can restore our once great City back to its prominence and Power. If you would, would you mind stepping outside of the gates to start work on the wall? I want to build a wall around the ruins so that way it becomes a part of our territory. We will slowly expand out and eventually gain more people. Keep the markets open so that way if somebody comes to our town, we can sell them things and keep our economy going. Does that sound good?"

There was a little hesitation and fear before the people simply followed her orders. The strong men of the people moved to the outside of the wall after Gathering armor and weapons to protect themselves while they work on this wall. The rest began to open up markets and shops to make sure that even if somebody came right at this second, they would be able to sell something.

Alice was not attempting to use her powers just yet. She had plenty of money to do it, but no guaranteed way of getting return. She wanted to make sure that the economy was stable before she started using her powers willy-nilly. She took that deep calming breath before making her way down the Gazebo and going to do what she did best. Turn a small amount of something into a massive amount of power for her.
Adonides of Astera

Adon was surprised to get such a violent reaction from the child. It first stated that it wasn’t a child and that it was a thousands of years old, a dark mage, devourer of worlds, and also stated that Adon had some nerve to compare him to horrible sticky creatures, which he assumed were humans.

“Well, if you’re not a child then I apologize for coming into conclusions so quickly, also I never remember comparing you to humans. Everyone has been a child at some point and-” Adon was interrupted by the dark mage as he began floating, stating that he wasn’t little in a very high pitched voice, almost sounding like he inhaled helium.

“Well, you’re little, maybe not in age or mind, but your body is most evidently small and short. However that isn’t something bad, being tall isn’t better than being short. They both have their ups and downs, you should maybe enjoy the advantages of being little and embrace them instead of rejecting them...” Adon paused for a bit, realizing he talked for a bit too much and maybe was taking over the conversation which he didn’t want to do.

nighttimecatplayer nighttimecatplayer
~Rojy, Gustas, & Golrat~
Authors: Mew, Solirus Solirus
Golrat heard footsteps and stopped talking to Gustas instantly focusing on it. Gustas not understanding what his longtime friend was doing exactly. Turning around he noticed the tall lanky man and Gustas froze up. Golrat instantly noticed Gustas’s body language he laughed to himself.​
Golrat heard footsteps and stopped talking to Gustas instantly focusing on it. Gustas not understanding what his longtime friend was doing exactly. Turning around he noticed the tall lanky man and Gustas froze up. Golrat instantly noticed Gustas’s body language he laughed to himself.

Maybe one of the summoned?

“Ummmm can you guys please say something… I’m actually very lost”

Rojy asked again now a slight bit more nervous but attempting to hide it.
Gustas took a big gulp before turning around to look at Golrat for help. Golrat chuckled to himself still crouching before getting ready to speak.

“You seek our help? Do you know not of thy name? I Am Golrat! I can tell you where to go, though to answer my question. What is your name and where are you from? Foreigner wearing such strange clothes had to have come from. *spit* Nortestra!?”

Gustas looked at Rojy still nervous. What the hell was Golrat doing with this? Is he going to do his famous lying. Yet it seemed Rojy was slightly uncomfortable talking to them, why? Gustas will have to think about it after this is handled.

Rojy flinched a slight bit when Golrat spat at him, entering his domain and causing the spit to go through him.

“Well… my name is Rojy, nothing too complicated. Hehe also… what is Nortestra… is that some sort of city?”

Rojy questioned now becoming interested in what this Nortestra was, perhaps he would learn about it in one of the books.

“Heh… so you can turn into a ghost? Never heard of your species before… you’ve never heard of Nortestra? You’re definitely not from me?! Mollug does not wear such fabric! Heh.. So you're a summoned aren’t ya?”

“I mean… I guess so? Like… one moment I was in my previous world just fl-” Rojy paused regaining the memories he so dearly despised. “... yeah I’m just a summoned, now can you please help me find a place to read?”

“Oh yeah that.. That way you undead freak. A good place to read is down the hall to the left and go around the stairs. It’ll be a brown door. Yeah! Brown with a gold knob! Hahahahahaha! Yes I remembered!”

“It’s been a while… since he’s… been here…. Rojy…”

“Riiiiiiiight… can you confirm if where I’m going is actually a good place to read? Golrat, if that’s his name is giving me the creeps… not that, I’m not already used to it...”

“I haven’t explored all of the building quite yet.. he knows more than me. Truthfully I only know the main rooms for now.”

Gustas shrugged nervously.

“Hmmm… well I guess I have to start trusting others if I want to get somewhere.” Rojy said to himself carrying the books with him and taking the left down the hall.

As he did the two looked at each other silently laughing. Gustas knew it was wrong to lie, but Golrat had already started. All he can do is disinclude himself from the situation to seem neutral. Where was Hakai though?
Ain: Green, Eri: light purple, Zeus: light blue, hades: dark red, poseidon: dark blue, Athena: orange, hermes: dark yellow, heph: some type brown
Athena:1584800955201.jpeg , Ares: 1584801042362.jpeg, Hermes:1584801102817.jpeg , Hephaestus: 1584801221023.jpeg, Zeus: 1584801339614.jpeg, Poseidon:1584801386434.jpeg , Hades: 1584801510238.png
A demigod who hated everyone and seemed all weaker to him, had one person in his heart he loved. That person was a 7 year old girl, she was energetic, happy, and had a beautiful personality. Such a personality broke Ain’s cold demeanor allowing him to cherish her in this world of hate he created.

The little girl’s name was Eri. The World’s Seed. An unimaginable amount of power dwelled within the girl. Eri is a small girl with bluish, off-white hair, messy and unkempt, which is parted in the middle of her forehead, almost reaching down to her waist. She has very wide, innocent-looking eyes, which are bright red in color. She's wearing a plain, short-sleeved dress, which is a dirty, pale tan color. Bandages are wrapped around both her arms and legs, stopping at her wrists and ankles, underneath which she is shown to have numerous scars.

Standing on the edge of a cliff there was a grey haired boy. Embracing the environment the boy walked off towards a tree. There was that girl sitting there playing with some toys. Noticing the boys returning, the girl got up hugging his leg.

“I like it here. It’s peaceful.”

It is yeah. Come on now let go of me.” The girl did so stepping back trying to smile. The weird noise she was making attempting this made Ain laugh. “Trying to smile again?”

Yeah! Can you do it with me Ain?”

Keh. Not right now.” Ain crouched down to the girl’s height opening an arm allowing her to come to him climbing over to his back. Now holding onto his shoulder she poked her head up laughing.


It’s time we left this place. Can’t be in one place at all honestly..”


Cheer up. Remember you can’t look weak around me, or you can’t stay.”


Fenris laid further down the cliff waiting for the two, until he started sniffing the air. “Ain why is Fenris sniffing?” Eri asked Ain, confused by Fenris' actions. Ain stopped walking. “He’s sniffing?” Ain asked. “Yeah?”

In that moment Ain swung his body carrying Eri in one arm and in his left hand one of the twin pistols summoned. Firing off thousands of shots in a matter of seconds. Multiple explosions scattered in the air he shot at. From the explosions portals started popping up. Ain in a panic flash stepped on top of Fenris placing Eri on his back, but winced in pain from getting shot in the leg by a beam. Eri started panicking and crying as it was happening again. Ain was being hurt to protect her. She hated this, why did Ain have to suffer for her?

Go Fenris! Get her out of here!” He jumped off Fenris’s back landing in front of the two as his mana flourished around his body. “I’ll hold them off as long as I can.” Fenris got up with Eri on his back ready to run off, but couldn’t go anywhere due to noticing portals around him too.

DamHow? This fast? This many?” Ain paused. “That merchant from earlier! That bastard! I should’ve just killed em when I had the chance. I knew that son of a worm was up to something. Shit!”

Such a foul mouth man. Disgusting.” A woman’s voice can be heard from the distance which in turn made Ain turn to the direction it came from. Sensing all the mana’s that just arrived Ain smirked. “You still can’t find a man who can tolerate your weird ass? Athena.” His words shook the woman as tears ran down her face and she started thinking how she was single still.

Hand the girl over son. It’s sad I have to even look at you on the other side. What happened to you? Was killing your kin not enough?! Stealing the world’s Seed is beyond treason. You got all the gods attention. It's over son.” Ares the father of Ain finally came to the front and spoke to his child. There were four gods in attendance accompanied by their own troops of 100 each.


What seperates her as a child then the ones you’ve killed? You’re backwards son. That same child can kill you whenever she so pleases.”

Ares there’s no point in reasoning with the boy. He’s lost.”

In this world of lesser life… I’ve been alone. The only time you show your face to me is now? Kiss my ass, and then let her be the one to end me! Better than you idiots anyway!” With that an explosion happened on Ain. As the dust cloud disappeared he was in his released state. With a thousand wolves around him now.

(Walking on air is a what the gods and troops are doing)

So that’s your decision.” Ares sighed, with one swing of his sword signaled all the troops from each god to rush down on Ain. Fenris had to fight giant orges with Eri on his back. The troops rushed down towards Ain shouting battle cries out. The wolves all dashed off towards different troops. Some were killed before biting anything and some connected. Explosions happening all over. Through the clouds Ain was surrounded, in a matter of a second all the troops were consumed in beams. Emerging from the smoke Ain noticed Athena preparing her attack. A white light flashed towards Ain forcing him to shoot out his right gun which both attacks created a shockwave included with an explosion. Hermes came to Ain’s side to kick him, but quickly noticed Ain was already pointing his left gun towards him. Unable to move due to him being mid motion was shot with multiple beams hitting him directly, falling back coughing up blood. Emerging on Ain’s other side from the smoke, Ares attempted a swing with his sword which got blocked. Using both his guns crossed like an x to stop the strike, Ain slid back a bit from the force of the swing. A chain shot out of the smoke that still covered the battlefield towards Ain scathing his cheek.

Nice to see you jumped in Hephaestus.” “A soul like your own shall be extinguished in my fire.” Hephaestus responded to the boy. Ain was practically dominating the gods dodging and countering their attacks. Shooting a rain of blasts down on Hermes who was down, he was saved by Athena and Ares blocking the blasts with their shields. So many were coming down on them they were consumed in the explosions. Dropping down to the ground Ain was breathing heavier. His break was cut short as a chain wrapped around him from all the smoke. Looking towards where it came from Hephaestus emerged was on the other end of it some distance away holding a sword. Making eye contact with the god, Ain’s left magic eye shined bright and in a second Ain and Hephaestus had swapped places. Now wrapped in his own chains Hephaestus struggled to get out, and it was too late. He was consumed in a giant beam.

Breathing even heavier Ain looked through the clouds for the two’s mana. Finally finding them he flashed stepped over helping kill the giant orges. Landing on Fenris’s back he was crouched by Eri. “We’ll be alright. See I’m barely hurt.” He said to the girl who was crying. She honestly hated the gods and feared them. In their world, there’s beings called the world seed and whoever is the strongest out of the new batch will be used as a power source to run olympia and any portion of the gods' realms. Usually an adult who agrees would do it, but they force a harmless girl putting her in pain. One of the gods even abused her for trying to escape. How Ain found her was an accident, he was headed to assassinate the demigod of knowledge who was usually found in the “World Library”. He came across the god beating the girl in an alleyway and took it upon himself to save her. Ever since he took care of her.

Her crying stopped noticing Ain and she smiled naturally for the first time ever hugging Ain. “Ain! I hate it he-“ She paused. Fear in her eyes, body shaking, and her grip got tighter. Ain was also slightly shaking, looking up slowly there it was. Death. Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus all stood in attendance above the three.

The four I trusted to successfully capture you and Eri failed. No matter, I didn’t expect you to be a pushover anyway. So how are we going to handle this?”

You should already know I’m not just going to hand her over to you. You all must’ve lost your damn minds. The hell is wrong with you, find the other world Seeds.”

You just don’t understand. If you’d stop committing sins, we could bring you to Olympia. We can SHOW YOU WHY!”

Keh. He doesn’t want to be up there, yet down below with me.” Hades explained. Poseidon stayed quiet but kept his eyes on Eri. Zeus slowly floated down onto the grass. The other two followed after him. Ain tried to stand up, but Eri wouldn’t let go. She was shaking bad.

For a kid to be this scared of you is sad. I thought at most you and Poseidon were “holy”, but I guess that’s wrong like many things about you.” Ain stated forcing himself out of her grip and stood up. And so the fight continued on between the gods and Ain. This time Ain and Fenris fought together to protect Eri.

Hades chain pierced his leg then wrapped around Ain squeezing him as Poseidon’s trident shot straight through his chest. Bleeding all over Ain heard Eri screaming for him as Zeus took her from him. His vision going blurry, he made one last smirk before getting smited by Zeus god thunder. Falling backwards slowly Ain had memories he had with Eri making one tear fall from his face. I’m sorry.

As Ain was falling back lifeless his memories kept going until all went black. I was never truly alone.. with her..

Now fallen to the ground Ain fell onto Fenris who was also smited to death.

Fenris woke up still laying, noticing his master sleep on top of him. Fenris understood letting Ain get his rest for the meantime. Watching anyone that came and bothered the two, Fenris glared at a red haired girl.
“Tonight we bring our world closer to a brighter light!”

She said leading her army into a gigantic battle with the demons. They pushed their smaller numbers through to even the main building, no surprise coming from Erza. She was so strong, nearly insta cutting demons all over her. She blocked attacks from demon commanders with the tip of her sword. Pushing on she was on the hunt for someone’s head. One of the demon lords. Erna, her father.

After some time of finding the demons hideout she brought her red knights, yet it was for nothing. Erza was the only one standing fighting the last demon. Her father. It was a tough battle to say as he knew all her moves until she corrupted turning the tides of the fight. Not too long after Erza was laying in the pool of her own blood laughing slowly going black.

Waking up in a new world Erza was normal with her sword to her side. Picking it up she sheathed it in a magic circle slowly standing up noticing everyone else around her then a metal man. She was interested in what she sensed was huge magic power, turning her attention to it was a boy sleeping against a giant wolf. It honestly gave her the creeps and she’d have to watch him for sure. Turning to the man in main attention she waited on him to explain why she was here. Did he help her “problem”? Obviously she knew she was on a new world but why?
Adonides of Astera

Adon remained quiet noting that the cat was clearly unwilling to talk about their size and even seemed to be annoyed at the mention of it. Adon was about to respond to ask just a couple more questions but began to see the cat casting his magic and opening a sort of portal. Adon’s visor quickly responded and began to tell that something was wrong with it and that it would soon explode.

Adon read the situation before it happened, moving right behind the cat and stretching out his hands so he could catch him and then move his arms back to reduce as much the force of the impact the cat would receive. Just as Adon expected, the portal reacted violently and sent the cat straight into his open palms where he slowly moved them back and prevented major damage to come from the impact.

He let the cat fall down as it wouldn’t be right for Adon to hold on to him. “If what you’re planning to do is getting out of here I can gladly help, just hop on my back and I’ll get you out here.” Adon offered to the Cat, “Though i’d be nice if you could tell me your name. Mine is Adonides, but my brother used to call me Adon.”

nighttimecatplayer nighttimecatplayer
Mia and Argris

Mia didn't know why, but embarrassment had struck her as soon as Francis called her "O' Mighty Exrement," paired with Mr Voice's cruel cackling. "What does shit mean?" she'd whine to the air, cheeks warming red.

"Oh—Oh it's nothing, Mia!" Argris tried to muffle the last of his laughter, failing miserably. "It's a great title! You should wear it proudly!"

She pursed her lips, grumbling an "I don't think so," to her friend. She stared at Francis curiously, unable to understand most of what he said. The only thing she knew he wanted was for her to copy what he was doing. Unlike what she felt during their first meeting just minutes ago, she looked eager to help him. Maybe it was Francis' sudden kindness and oddly comforting atmosphere, or perhaps the fact that she remembered seeing older girls in highschool strike that exact same pose. Mia put her knuckles against her chin and copied him. "Like this?" she asked.

"Oh, you're just adorable, Mia," Argris remarked, making the girl roll her eyes. However, the demon laid his sight on something else. That certain something else was a black cat in wizard clothes that barreled into a knight in armor. Past Nyx's unassuming appearance, Argris sensed an influx of powerful mana, capable of mass destruction that could even rival his. "That cat..." he muttered, perplexed by its very existence. "Mia, I want you to get closer to that cat. There's something I must try with it."

Mia said, trying to stay in position as still as possible. "After I help my servant!"

If she could see him, Argris would have face palmed. "Fine, after your little session with cuckoo crazy man." How much more patience he had for Mia's antics was unknown to him, but it was running thin. He looked back at Nyx's direction, and there was no mistake. It must've been an elder demon tricking everyone with its miserable facade. There was no other explanation to Argris.

Damafaud Damafaud
Ivan and Kotori(Collab between Juju Juju and Snackofthefuture Snackofthefuture

Ivan turned to respond to Teranis, agreeing with her statement and smiling at the realization that normal and well adjusted individuals did in fact exist in Valucia. “I appreciate you saying that for my people Teranis, now at least two people will remember them. That's almost a bit of a relief. There's not much for em I can really offer though sadly. They’re dead and gone at this point. I just really need to get over this feeling of emptiness at it, I need to get over em.” The gunslinger agreed wholeheartedly with the bird-woman at her statement on the outworlder’s influence. Their presence was not one that spoke of peace and calm. They were all avatars of SIN’s desired chaos; In truth did they even really belong in this world? The questions burned in Ivan’s mind fiercely for a moment. And then he took another hit from his pipe and was relaxed once again. Marijuana had a way of simplifying things for the former hero, a way of making all of his problems seem a lot smaller. It wasn't necessarily the healthiest way of dealing with the new situation of being still alive and in a fantasy world, but Ivan didn't have a whole lot of friends nor a therapist. The medication was making up as of the moment, and that was enough.

Ivan stood up as Teranis commented on the sounds of fighting nearby. “Well, I don't really wanna get into anymore fighting to be honest but I'm down to go and check it out with you Teranis. Let's go and see what's up.” Teranis and Ivan would both be late to the battle and miss out on the whole conflict between Hecate and the other Summoned. It was a rad battle and they were sorely missed. Teranis and Ivan were then separated by an artillery barrage of ice magic and catapults from the Mollug frontline. They saw in each other kindred spirits and the two would most certainly find themselves fighting alongside each other in the future. Just how important their newfound friendship was, wouldn't be revealed until much later down the line.

// 2 days later… //​

Ivan joined up with the Nortestrans the following day, showing an example of his power to astonished soldiers and officers. They welcomed him readily thinking he was some powerful volunteer wizard and he was given free reign to travel around the camp, after dealing with some bureaucratic bullshit and suspicious Nortestran warriors. Afterwards, he found himself wandering into one of the medical establishments of the Nortestrans, closer to the back of the battle lines, an old mansion repurposed to save lives. It was a calm and quiet place, the surgical centers and more hectic medical establishments closer to the front lines so as to save more lives. This building contained many of the less wounded, those considered too far gone and those who simply needed more maintenance and watching over.

Two days had passed since Kotori and Wakinyan had arrived at the capital and already she could see how deeply the scars of war had reached. The invaders had been driven out of the inner city, but in their wake they had left behind nothing but carnage. Walls lay crumbled and a large area of the city had been reduced to ashes and charred bones, burned by demonic flames. Streets were littered with the bodies of the dead or dying, many whom were abandoned for lack of available healers or for being born in the wrong country.

Kotori had taken it upon herself to wade through the clogged streets and find these souls clinging onto life, regardless of their banner. As far as she could tell, they all looked the same without their insignias. She stabilized the worst of them and, with the help of Wakinyan, Susan, and Csilla, managed to bring many survivors to the repurposed mansion. In between loads, Kotori helped to sort out the dead, searching for a familiar face yet never finding it. Hitori was still missing, his mark silent. Susan asked about him every day, and Kotori was finding it more and more difficult to keep up hope.

When Ivan arrived at the mansion Kotori had just returned with another batch of wounded husks. The soldiers were still wounded, but thanks to Kotori and Csilla’s healing, none of them seemed to be in critical condition. A few unconscious men and women were slung over Wakinyan’s back (which he looked rather upset with) while Kotori supported a limping man against her shoulder. She went inside while Wakinyan stayed beyond the doors, being too big to enter.

Assuming Ivan was another volunteer, Kotori approached him, “Excuse me, but could you help me with this man? Bring him to one of the empty beddings. The healers will take it from there.”

Ivan looked at Kotori for a moment, feeling a hint of recognition creep up his spine. He felt he knew the woman somehow. He almost immediately assumed she was a summoned, but then dismissed it as wishful thinking for a moment. “Alright, sure, I'll help you out.” Then as he stood up to assist Kotori, he glanced behind her, and his suspicions of otherworldliness were confirmed. A massive lightning-clad beast completely out of place was standing outside, huffing impatiently as several unconscious men and women were lifted from it’s back. These were summoned themselves, quite obviously from out of Valucia. Ivan had not been recognized yet, but he assumed it was only a matter of time before the facts revealed themselves on their own. Better to introduce himself now then let it be a suprise or source of conflict between them. As he laid the man down on the bed, Ivan realized just how badly injured the soldier was. Hanging onto life with the most bitter of wounds, the soldier was damaged all over his stomach, red bandages covering the central body of the man entirely.

Ivan was surprised the man lived, he seemed to glow almost in fact, like he was already getting better. Ivan then had a suspicion that the other summoned might in fact be far more than what they appeared. He had known that all the beings brought forth in the summoning were special, but he hadn't realized quite how much until that moment. The man he had laid down would have been as good as dead in another world. The otherworlders must have saved him from the brink, with some method of healing or another they had kept him from the void. This assumption impressed Ivan and he almost smiled before tapping the woman on the shoulder. He asked the question bluntly with narrowed eyes, a slight smile and a look of inquisitiveness that couldn't be hidden. “By any chance… were you part of the group summoned at the ebon shrine a week ago? Are you Outworlders as well?”

Ivan’s gun hung in a rifle pattern, long and thin with strange markings and glowing bits going from start to end. He had the weapon slung over his shoulder, and to most he would have looked like some strange minimalist wizard, a thin staff for conjuring and a short robe for the aesthetic. In truth Ivan was more a hunter than wizard, and in truth more a soldier than hunter.

Kotori turned around when her shoulder was tapped. Just by looking at his face, she had a sense that this man had seen hardship and battle. He should have been intimidating, yet instead of a scowl he wore a faint, almost knowing smile. Did he know something that she did not? Ivan’s question was met with a look of surprise, and that quickly melted into a delicate frown, Kotori’s blue-grey eyes distant for a moment as she tried to remember an ‘ebon shrine’. In the end, the only shrine she had visited recently was the one in her old world, where she had drawn her last breath.

“Ebon shrine? I am sorry, but I do not recall such a place, though you are correct; we were summoned by the being known as SIN. Outworlders, as you call it. Wakinyan and I awoke at a crossroad, just a few day’s ride from the city.” Kotori paused, tilting her head slightly, “I… did not know there were other groups…”

As she spoke her eyes kept drifting to the strange item slung across the man’s back. From the way it was held, she could only assume it was a weapon, though she did not know what it did. It looked like a staff, similar to the ones carried by Valucian magi. The runes skittering across its surface certainly looked magical. At the very least it was not evil in nature, judging by how unreactive Wakinyan was at the moment. Did he plan to conquer this world in the name of chaos? Kotori blinked a few times, feeling a little embarrassed after realizing she was staring.

In one smooth action she brought a fist to her chest and bowed her head in greeting. “Summoned or not, it is good to meet you. I am Kotori, keeper of Wakinyan, the Heavenly Beast.”

Ivan was surprised to hear the woman wasn't from the Ebon Shrine, he had assumed all the summoned were from it. SIN had said there would be more though, Ivan just hadn't assumed they would be coming so soon. “I assume that's the heavenly beast right outside there behind you then?” he asked with a cocked eyebrow. Kotori nodded in affirmation, but the question would have already been answered by the way Wakinyan looked in his direction. The gunslinger realized now that he would have remembered the giant beast if they’d been at his summoning. Of course, there had been plenty of other strange sights at the shrine, so it wasn't that ridiculous he’d mistaken them. He was delighted she was an outworlder as well though, another stranger to venture into the world with! His smirk shifted into a full smile and then he introduced himself.

“I'm Ivan Federico, the gunslinger, not a whole lot more to me than that as of right now. Nice to meet you Kotori, it's good to see another outworlder that cares for others. How did you gain these Nortestran’s trust? They’re not the most friendly to outsiders from what I've seen.”

Ivan folded his arms as he asked the question, his demeanor casual and relaxed. They both began to walk back outside as the conversation went, each of them ready to help the other injured into their new beds.

“Gunslinger…” Kotori muttered to herself as they walked, the word foreign to her. Did it have to do with the strange staff? Slings were weapons that flung rocks, yet Ivan did not appear to be carrying any. She would have to ask about it. She glanced sideways at Ivan, surprised to hear that the Nortestrans were distrustful.

“Ah, did they give you any difficulties? I suppose I gained their trust from the priest Csilla and I saved at the cathedral. He… was corrupted by a dark child, and while I managed to purify his soul and mend his wounds, the mind heals slower.” Her expression sombered as she recalled the fight, and the broken man. They were outside now, yet despite the sun Kotori felt a small chill. She motioned around her before helping to lower a woman off Wakinyan’s back. “His friends told us about this facility and I decided to help them with the wounded, and ensure no further corruption spreads…”

Ivan again raised an eyebrow, this time at the mention of a dark child. He hoped she wasn't talking about who he thought she was, but he'd leave it alone for the time being, he was sure there were probably plenty of dark children out there in the city, judging by the amount of devastation the city had suffered so far.
Princess Athena

Athena's carriage reappeared at the encampment where all the generals stood dormant. She gave a polite nod to them all, including the sadistic former Mollug. To one of the Nortestran runners, somehow maintaining composure near the beautiful princess, she said, "Please invite the OtherWorlders to come to us. I would like to speak with them all." She gave a smile in addition, and he ran off to fetch them. The thought of interacting with them made her bite her tongue, but learning what the type of person they were is an important part in strategy. Who knew if this sudden event would disrupt the plan she's already set in place? She smiled warmly at the generals. "Fear not, everyone, we will win this war. Definitely." Oddly enough, despite the dire circumstances, Athena would appear entirely confident in her statement.

Snackofthefuture Snackofthefuture Solirus Solirus
Hitori Kage
Mentions: Kotori, Susan, Charon, Synthia, and Mollug camp
Location: Out Casters Hideout
The group were laughing and talking in the circle. Yuri poked her nose in the air getting up to the smell of food so everyone followed after. Finally getting upstairs everyone was ready to dive in. The plates were all placed on the table with some type of soup. Everyone sat in front of a plate eating with one another, the soup had a rich taste, but wasn’t too strong. Hitori although just meeting them felt extremely comfortable. They were like a new family for him, and he didn’t want to give it up. Although the happy moments, the back of his head he couldn’t stop worrying about Susan and Kotori. Was it really right for him to be here?

Looking at everyone eating he felt guilt. This definitely was not right. He even stopped eating sitting there in silence.

After some time everyone noticed finally that Hitori was gloomy. Why is he sad? They thought everything was going good, but they assumed wrong.


They all asked Hitori practically in sync. As he looked at them with a shocked expression due to them knocking him out of his daze. Looking at each of them Hitori scratched the back of his head laughing awkwardly.

I just hope my friends are alright. I’m here resting and enjoying this time with you guys. But is it right for me to do this?

A moment of silence broke in the room. No one had anything to respond, he was speaking his heart. Kinji felt bad that even in this moment of relaxation he understood what the boy was speaking about. Kinji did save him from Synthia and that metal man though, right? Hitori should be grateful I had even taken the thought to save him. Well… Kinji pondered on the topic a bit before opening his mouth to do a fake cough. The tactic worked and got everyone’s attention.

They’re out in the war? Where I found you?”

Yeah… And I’m worried sick about them.”

Well. Your feelings are not invalid, I hear you. When I found you out there though, you were nearly on death's door. Synthia and some metal man almost took your life man.”

The metal man came to my help. He’s not a metal man, more of a knight in unusual armor.”

No. He was completely metal, like no bones or blood. Anyway with you or not you still got your asses kicked! You are learning to get a little stronger. You’re lucky! If your friends are such of a worry the door is over there and I won’t stop you.”

Everyone was shocked that Kinji said this to the boy. After working so hard to get him here, then to allow him to get stronger in their home? Everyone was confused by Kinji's decision. Wondering what Kisuke would say or do they turned to him.

Why does it matter so much if I leave or stay?”

Because I wanted you to be a part of our group.”

Me or what’s inside of me?!”


The two stood up glaring at each other, while everyone else watched. Hitori didn’t know what to think, but he sure couldn’t stand Kinji right now. The two continued their glaring until Choji clapped. Gaining the attention now he was charging a spell without them noticing. A small magic circle spun over the palm of his hand sending sparkles up into the air. After a moment of silence, low swishing could be heard by the group.

A green feathered bird formed from the floating sparkles. It landed on Choji’s shoulder, plucking itself. Hitori cooled off a bit watching the bird.

What does it do?”

Watch. It can only go so far from me, but. We can see what's going on so far.” The bird flew from Choji’s shoulder and flew out of the building completely. “Sync!” He screamed out as whatever the bird saw appeared on the magic circle as a hologram. Everyone in the room watched the hologram as the bird headed towards Castellan's first wall. Still filled with many mollug camps it kept flying, till reached the second wall and peeked at the rather larger camp then the holograms vanished. “That’s probably as far as we can go. From the looks of it the war was put to halt. No need to worry Sir. Takeshi. We should resort to better solutions than arguing with one another. We have taken personal interest in you, on why you're here. But I think we can all agree you’ve earned a legitimate place here. If you feel eager to check on them by all means we will not be jealous nor stop you. We made you an official member well knowing since you first came here you won’t be here for long.” With a smile Choji stopped talking while Hitori stood there silent.

If it’s on halt will Nortestra take care of them..?”

I’m sure yeah. You lot did save Castellan from crumbling.”

Don’t be too comfortable with Nortestra, you’ll end up like us. Betrayed.”

What do you mean?”

If Nortestra did us bad and we were born and raised there, they won’t think twice to do the same to you and your friends. For now to stay calm though I’m sure they’re fine, like you guys said. You helped Castellan, that's all that matters. It looks like you got time to head back, but be careful they got camps set up as you saw.”

I’ll stay. Till the end of the week like I said. Your right, if Mollug is in camps that means they’re on halt for now.”

With that issue settled everyone finally relaxed and ate once more. The night was coming closer to an end with Kinji showing Hitori his sleeping space. Not minding it Hitori entered his room laying on the bed. He felt exhausted from the day, all that mana usage can really put a toll on the body.

Without even realizing it Hitori woke up. Hearing everyone else made him think something happened. Jetting out of his room he noticed everyone was getting ready to go downstairs. Jumping down the stories he landed beside everyone. The Out Casters day had started.
Day two at the Out-Casters base, was Hitori’s next training day. Drawing his blade he prepared himself for Jugo’s moves. Jugo stood in front of Hitori smirking with his arms crossed before drawing his blade.

You understand I’m not going easy on you right?” Jugo states holding his blade in his right hand taking a stance preparing to strike.

Yeah go ahead. I’ll stay at base though.” Hitori nodded to Jugo, not a moment to waste he could feel Jugo’s magic power rising to higher limits. Markings stretching all over his body similar to Kinji’s. Jugo smirked before flash stepping slashing his blade with both hands. Jugo’s and Hitori’s blades both crashed together creating heavy winds. Where Hitori stood even cracked, and he slowly started sliding back. His power!

Swinging away he sent Hitori flying into some pillars of rocks. Flash stepped after him, Jugo looked around for Hitori till finally finding him as they continued, this time Hitori was trying to go on the offense, yet nothing was working. Hitori was constantly getting blew back from the force of Jugo which was starting to piss him off. Going for a strike Hitori swung his blade from the side crashing into Jugo’s creating a giant gust of winds and the ground beneath him crack. As the battle continued Hitori was slowing down more and more.

We can stop now if you’d like?” Jugo asked landing on a rock pillar staring down at Hitori who struggled to stand, he was using his sword to carry his weight. “Nah, lets keep going…” Hitori was breathing heavily once again, this time he was heavily physically damaged. Cuts and bruises stretched all over his body.

You’re not looking so good though. We have the whole day ahead of us.” Jugo states while his markings disappeared. Watching the boy struggle Jugo sighed. “Well if you insist on going, I’ll just make you reconsider taking my kindness as a joke. Giga… Slash!”

In an instant his blade extended in an aura as he flash stepped to attack Hitori creating a gigantic explosion, everyone around them covered their face from the dust. Kinji was watching Hitori closely with his arms crossed. Hiyori noticed Kinji and looked towards who he was staring at so hard.

As the dust that covered the battlefield faded it was shown Hitori to have successfully blocked the attack. As the two struggled trying to force the other off balance, jugo was surprised. He thought Hitori was too weak to counter such an attack at the state he was in.

How?” Hiyori as well the rest of the group all watched shockingly. They looked at Kinji for an answer to how Hitori even survived an attack like that.

In that split moment he shifted his blade the right angle, although he doesn’t have the strength to forcefully block the attack he used his skill. It’s kinda hard to explain y’know? It’s like he doesn’t have the physical power to just tank the hit so he used sword skills to naturally block the hit. Get me?”

The group listened to Kinji in shock of Hitori’s skill. Hitori was struggling to hold Jugo off, his foot started to skid back. Jugo jumped back smirking. “So you’re a lot more powerful than we thought? Or at least a crafty one.” Hitori’s arms dropped to his side still holding his blade in hand, and breathing heavily.

Let's stop here. Get some rest and let me know when you're ready.” Jugo’s blade turned into small purple particles that drifted off in the wind. Hitori dropped to one knee holding his sword in one hand which was stabbed into the ground, and his left hand resting on his knee that wasn’t touching the ground. He was breathing heavily while looking at the ground, Hitori’s face was covered in blood and sweat.

Why is my body so damn weak?!” Hitori screamed out while still looking at the floor. Jugo stood there watching the boy, he had no response. “I can barely even move in here! No matter how hard I keep trying. My body just gets crushed by the weight and limits me on what I can even do! Dammit!”

Because you have self doubt. Not even that. Your mind is clouded with fear which is preventing you from growing. As long as you fear your demon you will never grow. If you’re so scared then just give up. No point inn wasting your time cowering off. You’re own limitation is yourself.”

Kinji watched and listened from afar. Waiting for the boy’s next move. Hitori slowly climbed back up to his feet with his sword help. His legs were shaking and his body felt like crushing under the room’s gravity. Taking his sword out of the ground glaring at Jugo. His eyes filled with fire, ready to burn anything in his way. Jugo’s blade formed out of purple particles back into his hands.

I will give you a hint too. Look at your chest. Don’t ignore those markings especially since you have zero control over your demon. That’ll just result in you losing your body again, and I know you don’t want that happening. Remember your souls coincide in your body, anything you do that’s bad for you and them, best believe they’ll try to take over. Demons are selfish beings, so you gotta be selfish back. Triumph through your hardships instead of nearly giving up on yourself. From just meeting you yesterday I can tell you're a very humble and kind person, yet because you’re here you have challenges you haven’t experienced in your world right? If you didn’t give up there then why here? Shouldn’t this be a chance to learn? Or am I completely wrong about you? You’re just a privileged royal kid, who got everything spoon fed to him? Yeah that seems a lot like you actually, no man would just give up so easily because he’s weaker then his opponent. Without your demon you would be dead, a weakling like you has no chance in saving your friends from Synthia’s terror. I don’t think we should continue training.”

Jugo’s once uplifting words turned to slander on Hitori's name making him seem like a spoon fed kid. Hitori’s life before this was complete hell! He had only one friend and it was an animal. The one he loved died to the hands of a bandit. All Hitori fought was monstrosities bigger and stronger than him. Even beings the size of him who had powers unbelievable he had to face.Though he was right. It wasn’t like Hitori to be giving up like this.

You’re right… I lost my path while training and allowed myself to fall into a dark ho-“ Hitori was stopped by the motion of Jugo’s sword pointing at him.

Those markings are why your mind was darkening. Remember this, if you want to be you a hundred percent, do not falter. Like I said already, you both coincide. I know we aren’t teaching you how to control it, I’ll teach you to at least be careful and aware you of the dangers of this new found power you have.” Hitori looked down at his chest not even realizing his markings had stretched out so much. Did the Demons have that much control over their bodies?! This shocked Hitori completely. Looking back at Jugo now no longer conflicted, he smirked and nodded. In response Jugo smirked and nodded back out of respect. They had created a small bond through this unusual exchange.

I appreciate that a lot, Jugo. Let’s continue.” The two smirked at one another before dashing at each other. As they swung their blades they crashed together creating a shock and destroying a small crater in the ground under them. And a bright flash covered their bodies.
(To be continued...)

Location: Mollug
Mentions: Rojy

~As they swung their blades they crashed together creating a shock and destroying a small crater in the ground under them. And a bright flash covered their bodies~
Bella noticed a small movement come from Hakai who was obviously sleeping. Watching closely she wanted to wake him up and ask what happened. Was he experiencing a nightmare? An exciting dream? She had so many questions for this knight when he wakes up yet she knows she has to wait. What was that scruffy beard guy doing right about now? Causing more horrific damage? For now she watched Hakai still quietly.

Watching everyone respond to life and its reappearance was a thrilling experience for the divine being. It was a good and holy thing to witness the first moments of beings such as this in a world such as this. SIN would have broken down and started crying if he had been mortal and not already having done that exact thing countless times before in the void drifting between space. Sometimes it really did get lonely being a divine being…

The individuals that had appeared were restless it seemed, Francis ranting and raving as usual, Mia and Argris watching and waiting as per the norm. Nicholas was ranting in his typical zealot manner, Obito watched, ever the stealthy and violent agent of chaos and Adormidera was simply slightly stunned by his reaction to her seduction attempts. She was beautiful, but it had been a very long time since SIN had even thought of the feeling known as love; especially in a romantic manner. He continued analyzing the summoned champions with a father-like gaze, lacking entirely in the warmth and affection a real parent would have. His gaze was mechanical, empty and yet full, harsh but detached, more akin to a zookeeper than any sort of dad.

SIN looked forward to what Beth Revault would be doing, she was an interesting sort. The god was both a cat and a dog person, so Good boi and Nyx were among his favorite summoned so far. He hoped slightly that he’d get to pet them both before he disappeared again. Kivara was also a favorite, her misguided attempts at justice and doing good were immensely amusing to watch. He looked over at Adon and Nyx and hoped the two would get along, they could be an incredibly amusing pair for him to watch over. He had his fingers crossed for the two to be homies.

Alice, Ain and Erza were also fun sorts, each unique but powerful in their own rights. Ain would most certainly piss off a lot of folks, and SIN enjoyed that fact. Alice would be beautiful in the end, whether she was resplendent with the gleam of sunshine over a thriving city, or resplendent in the embers of burning homes and streets he did not know yet. Erza was a leader, he could see that already, he hoped she’d meet Lucy, the two of them would get along wonderfully.

There were others on the way, but now seemed like the best time to address the gathered summoned. So he sat up and with a flick of his wrist, was heard in all of their minds, from Khaoul and Alice to Nyx and Adon. “Greetings my most wondrous summoned! Welcome to Valucia! My name is SIN and I am the mostly unknown god of this world. I have summoned you all here to not exterminate, to not dwell in peace, but to conquer all of the lands in this most beautiful world. Do this however you like, just see it done. I have given all of you my brand to assist in this task, a simple tattoo that will have appeared on a random spot on your body. This mark when touched to another will allow telepathic communication for up to one hour in a day, communication with your wee minds is what I mean if you don't understand the word “telepathic.” Don't abuse this gift, Or I'll kill you lol.

SIN then stood up and replied to each of the individuals who had addressed him. “Salt King, Nameless One, do what you like, it's your time to exist, your time to decide what you want to do. Your purpose is your choice now. And to answer your question, YIN and YANG are good friends of mine, I'm outside of their control. Find someone to learn more about my world alongside, perhaps Beth here?” Beth appeared beside them as he spoke to the Nameless one, her appearance near startling the powerful being of the world of YIN and YANG. She was confused and still rearing from her summoning, yet there was a strange half and half feeling of sadness and joy within her breast. She asked, “Are you the one who saved me? This world of Valucia? Why do you ask us to conquer it? Are you not it’s ruler?” SIN immediately responded by saying, “SETH! YOUR NAME IS SETH NOW SALT KING! And to answer your question Beth Revault, I won't. Simple, I'm not answering your question lmao.”

Beth nodded to the newly christened Seth and smiled slightly, still a little bewildered at the whole situation.
SIN then turned to the others, Judith particularly, responding, “Yeah this be mostly a one way trip, I won't reveal anymore than that.” SIN then stood from his chair and smiled widely, a toothy grin covering his face.

Gohan510 Gohan510 StaidFoal StaidFoal YsFanatic YsFanatic Juju Juju Kloudy Kloudy EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy Xivi Xivi Solirus Solirus nighttimecatplayer nighttimecatplayer

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