Zero Mortal Plan!
Vali, Sowilo, Obito, Ain, & Hyenas
Location: Mollug
Town: Unknown (tba)
Pai Chan
Vali Ain Sowilo Obito Junko
Location: Mollug
Town: Unknown (tba)

Vali Ain Sowilo Obito Junko
Junko jumped when something seemed to drop from the sky down in front of her and her group. But Trent was already reacting, raising the only other owned pistol among the group.
“What the fuck is that?” He asked. Junko barely got her bearings back together before finally getting a good look at the suit of armor in front of her.
“Yeah, what the fuck are you?”
“Real question is who are you? Don’t worry about who i am right now.” Vali’s ball of mana grew in size over time. “Talk or I blow every trash here. I sense you have a strong magic power, girl. Was your magic the cause of the explosions?” The ball grew bigger while wind started kicking up, getting sucked into the ball.
Junko’s eyes grew a little wider than they already were. Here she was keeping her power a secret from outsiders and this guy just walks up like she has a neon sign blinking the secret above her head.
“Wait a minute.” Junko said. “You come up to us not knowing who we are with hostility? And what caused the explosions are none of your business. You show up in your fancy...whatever-the-fuck-you-are and come with demands and your cute little ball of magic? Kinda pisses me off.”
“So you rather test me?” The ground began to shake wildly. The ball left Vali’s hand detonating and growing, erasing many citizens and even some hyenas before shrinking to nothing with nothing there but dust from the ground. Most people got out of the way and after the results everyone was silent. Vali’s sheer power alone shook the crowd. Not knowing who this was and why they were here. Vali looked at the survivors then over to Junko and Trent. “So get to talking Hyenas.”
Ain and the others could see the ball from the distance. For Ain it was because he sensed it. Fenris hurried. Finally arriving Fenris frightened citizens and some Hyenas from his sheer size. Ain and Obito jumped off. Ain flashed stepped to Vali’s side. Green flames appeared on his hands as his twin pistols summoned. Turning around to face the Hyenas and civilians he smirked. His left pistol has a glowing blue orb ready to fire off.
Obito pulled his pistol out waving it at everyone while aiming at them. His scanners were scanning everyone’s faceclaim. Making files for each person, the girl with pink hair had high BP numbers. That meant she had some type of mana power like Vali, Sowilo, and Ain. Obito pulled the trigger killing one of the civilians with a head shot. Everyone backed up as the body dropped. “Move and the rest of you will end up the same. I am death in the realm of living.” Obito held his pistol up to the sky. Some civilians were shaking in fear the other ones were trying to protect the others.
Vali looked at his group arriving making their flashy entrances. He smirked under his helmet and turned back to Junko. Awaiting for her response. Vali prepared one step into a flash step at the right moment. His speed was enough to close the distance.
Junko thought for a moment. She hadn’t dealt with ability users in a long time. Let alone a possible group. And these people seemed even more crazy than she was. Sure blowing up buildings and assassinating figures to send a message was her thing, but killing for sake of killing? It made Junko realize how much the old her had changed. She had somewhat gone a little soft since she had more responsibilities as a group leader. And seeing some of her people die, something ignited inside of her.
She already had her own gun raised shortly after the last civilian was shot.
“So you know who we are. The real question is, what do you want? There are plenty of easier ways to get our attention. Especially, without killing any of us.” She said the last part through gritted teeth.
“Sorry, the sight of insects bothers us. Now enough chatter babe. Yo she has a banging figure, and a whole lotta mana. Magic Power slightly rising it feels like. Anyway our boy Vali wants to talk to you, assuming you're the leader.” Ain states moving his gun pointing at everyone. Vali walked over to Junko. “You’ve been causing havoc since we’ve been here. We can do the same thing.” Vali’s Draconic armor disappeared into particles. His feet touched the ground as he looked at everyone. “Where would you rather talk?”
“Oh, says the guys with a dude walking around looking like an overgrown mechanic bug.” Junko holstered her weapon, her demeanor suddenly changing.
“I’ve got a hideout we can talk at. Still don’t know what you’d want with a bunch of ‘insects.” Junko made air quotes.
“Don’t mind Ain. His mouth is rather foul.” Vali said his arms crossed with the usual smirk. “Lead the way.”
It was a good thirty minutes of awkward and uncomfortable silence as everyone made their way to the Hyenas hideout. Junko didn’t care about the civilians that were the guinea pigs of that demonstration of power but she was extremely pissed that her own was a part of it too. Did they know how long it took to get people? That set her back about three days, in manpower.
They finally came across a run down building. It looked rough but obviously added onto and renovated. Most likely by the Hyenas. Junko opened her arms towards the place.
“Welcome to my glorious shithole. Do you want to enter first or should I?”
(To be continued....)