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Fantasy Cross Blades: The Divine Conquerors Main

Vali, Sowilo, Obito, Ain, & Hyenas
Location: Mollug
Town: Unknown (tba)
( Gohan510 Gohan510 Pai Chan Pai Chan )
Vali Ain Sowilo Obito Junko

Junko jumped when something seemed to drop from the sky down in front of her and her group. But Trent was already reacting, raising the only other owned pistol among the group.

“What the fuck is that?” He asked. Junko barely got her bearings back together before finally getting a good look at the suit of armor in front of her.

“Yeah, what the fuck are you?”

“Real question is who are you? Don’t worry about who i am right now.” Vali’s ball of mana grew in size over time. “Talk or I blow every trash here. I sense you have a strong magic power, girl. Was your magic the cause of the explosions?” The ball grew bigger while wind started kicking up, getting sucked into the ball.

Junko’s eyes grew a little wider than they already were. Here she was keeping her power a secret from outsiders and this guy just walks up like she has a neon sign blinking the secret above her head.

“Wait a minute.” Junko said. “You come up to us not knowing who we are with hostility? And what caused the explosions are none of your business. You show up in your fancy...whatever-the-fuck-you-are and come with demands and your cute little ball of magic? Kinda pisses me off.”

“So you rather test me?” The ground began to shake wildly. The ball left Vali’s hand detonating and growing, erasing many citizens and even some hyenas before shrinking to nothing with nothing there but dust from the ground. Most people got out of the way and after the results everyone was silent. Vali’s sheer power alone shook the crowd. Not knowing who this was and why they were here. Vali looked at the survivors then over to Junko and Trent. “So get to talking Hyenas.”

Ain and the others could see the ball from the distance. For Ain it was because he sensed it. Fenris hurried. Finally arriving Fenris frightened citizens and some Hyenas from his sheer size. Ain and Obito jumped off. Ain flashed stepped to Vali’s side. Green flames appeared on his hands as his twin pistols summoned. Turning around to face the Hyenas and civilians he smirked. His left pistol has a glowing blue orb ready to fire off.

Obito pulled his pistol out waving it at everyone while aiming at them. His scanners were scanning everyone’s faceclaim. Making files for each person, the girl with pink hair had high BP numbers. That meant she had some type of mana power like Vali, Sowilo, and Ain. Obito pulled the trigger killing one of the civilians with a head shot. Everyone backed up as the body dropped. “Move and the rest of you will end up the same. I am death in the realm of living.” Obito held his pistol up to the sky. Some civilians were shaking in fear the other ones were trying to protect the others.

Vali looked at his group arriving making their flashy entrances. He smirked under his helmet and turned back to Junko. Awaiting for her response. Vali prepared one step into a flash step at the right moment. His speed was enough to close the distance.

Junko thought for a moment. She hadn’t dealt with ability users in a long time. Let alone a possible group. And these people seemed even more crazy than she was. Sure blowing up buildings and assassinating figures to send a message was her thing, but killing for sake of killing? It made Junko realize how much the old her had changed. She had somewhat gone a little soft since she had more responsibilities as a group leader. And seeing some of her people die, something ignited inside of her.

She already had her own gun raised shortly after the last civilian was shot.

“So you know who we are. The real question is, what do you want? There are plenty of easier ways to get our attention. Especially, without killing any of us.” She said the last part through gritted teeth.

“Sorry, the sight of insects bothers us. Now enough chatter babe. Yo she has a banging figure, and a whole lotta mana. Magic Power slightly rising it feels like. Anyway our boy Vali wants to talk to you, assuming you're the leader.” Ain states moving his gun pointing at everyone. Vali walked over to Junko. “You’ve been causing havoc since we’ve been here. We can do the same thing.” Vali’s Draconic armor disappeared into particles. His feet touched the ground as he looked at everyone. “Where would you rather talk?”

“Oh, says the guys with a dude walking around looking like an overgrown mechanic bug.” Junko holstered her weapon, her demeanor suddenly changing.

“I’ve got a hideout we can talk at. Still don’t know what you’d want with a bunch of ‘insects.” Junko made air quotes.

“Don’t mind Ain. His mouth is rather foul.” Vali said his arms crossed with the usual smirk. “Lead the way.”

It was a good thirty minutes of awkward and uncomfortable silence as everyone made their way to the Hyenas hideout. Junko didn’t care about the civilians that were the guinea pigs of that demonstration of power but she was extremely pissed that her own was a part of it too. Did they know how long it took to get people? That set her back about three days, in manpower.

They finally came across a run down building. It looked rough but obviously added onto and renovated. Most likely by the Hyenas. Junko opened her arms towards the place.

“Welcome to my glorious shithole. Do you want to enter first or should I?”

(To be continued....)
Kurt Venderbar

For the vibe
That day had been his crowning achievement. When the town of Overd was attacked by that wolf creature, and defended by the strange demigoddess, all had seemed lost. Dozens and dozens of townsfolk died at the wolf's claws, and their village had been destroyed. The houses were laid low, families crushed under rubble, torn to shreds. Yet, it had all stopped. The beast fell beneath a massive stone, and was crushed. Then, with a well-placed bolt, Kurt had ended it life. It made him a hero.

The celebration had lasted days, with drinks, food, and merriment. Together, the people of Overd rebuilt their houses, raised new families. Much to his joy, his sweetheart had survived the carnage. The lovely miller's daughter named Julia. That night beneath the stars, they confessed their love to eachother. Things truly seemed to be turning around. Kurt's leadership during the rebuilding efforts had him replace the old town elder, leading his family and friends to a new life. The signs of their suffering would likely always remain, but Overd was strong. Bandits and beasts, even wrathful Summoned, it'd survived them all. And it'd survive them again!

He and Julia built a house together at the edge of town, with a good few acres of farmland. It was a lovely house. A great place to raise the family he and Julia had been talking about. So, over the next week, things went on. He tilled and planted, talked and prayed, solving his people's problems. Yet, as the days went by, he could feel something was off. In the night, he had strange dreams. He dreamed he was a wolf, running through the forest. He dreamed of hunts, of chasing deer, the iron-taste of blood on his lips the next morning when he woke. He felt alive, invigorated, yet now, he felt only afraid. As those days went on, Julia started to look at him funny. Then, everyone else did. Why? He didn't understand. He didn't understand until one night, he dreamed of human flesh.

The next morning he awoke sweaty, terrified, gasping for air. Fur was sprouting from his hands, nails lengthening into claws. He realized what was happening, as his wife screamed in terror. With boots haphazardly on his feet, he trudged to his door, begging the gods, panting, stumbling. The beast wasn't dead. It was taking him over somehow.

He found himself out in the woods, in that clearing from his childhood. He tied himself to a stump, and waited to die. Yet, the beast inside would not have it. It whispered and roared, it struggled and clawed, tearing the ground, howling at the sky. His mind was sinking, being submerged in thick water from which he could see no escape. Every night, as he lay tied there, the dreams got worse, his body changed more, and his mind just barely peaked above the surface.

Then, one night, it all changed. As he lie there,face up to the sky, gasping for air, feeling the water up around him despite its nonexistence, a voice spoke to him. YOU'RE FREE, KURT. THE BEAST INSIDE OF YOU HAS BEEN TRAPPED, BENEATH THE FACADE THEY CALL KURT. TO LIVE, IS TO HUNT.


He howled then, his body straining, until the ropes burst. He hit the ground, all four paws against the dirt, and in the distance, he could see it.

The prey.


Julia Oldchild

For the vibe

She hid now, in the closet, rope keeping the doors shut. Her heart hammered in her chest, her breath caught like a dying bird in her throat. She could taste bile in her throat, horrified, frightened, at what she'd seen. The thing had returned. She'd seen it, tearing down the walls, slaughtering the guardsmen. Yet, this time, it didn't kill. She watched it attack them. It'd rake them with its claws, bite their limbs, yet... gently. It purposefully avoided killing them, even as it chased them down, howling.

Sometimes it killed, whether by accident or purposeful deed, she couldn't tell. It'd devour them, tearing into the corpses with its claws, gorging itself on the meat of Kurt's old friends. What had happened to her husband? Why had the gods done this to him, to her? They were going to be a family! She and her darling Kurt. The beast outside was nothing like him, snarling,roaring, covered in blood and draped in guts. The wounded lay screaming outside, dozens of them, and now it tore through the houses, hunting.

Now, she peeked out the tiny hole in the door, as the creature skulked around her home. It was slow, methodical. It knew she was still here, it had to. She could see the massive thing move through the house, crushing furniture and breaking things. It dragged those long, murderous claws along the ground, this beast. The thing approached the bed she and her lover had shared, and stuck in its claws. Like the flesh of an animal, the fabric and matress yielded, and the beast simply tore the entire thing in two, bedframe and all. Then, in the ruins of her house, it turned. It moved its eyes along, the glowing orbs of malice searching for her. When they settled on the closet, she gasped.

The beast snarled.

"No, nono, no nonono," she pleaded, scooting her back against the wooden wall, hands raised to shield her as the Hunde moved. "No! No! Nononono!" she cried as its claws tore through the doors, splinters flying. Then, with something in those eyes she couldn't describe, it lunged forward.


The beast gnawed on the bones of the woman, as it lie curled in the ruins of the house. Gristle and fat stuck between its teeth, sinew fresh on its tongue, the meat of dead humans. Around it, were others. Wounded and screaming, begging for mercy, as they lie in the center of their old town. There were a dozen of them, that the Hunde had spared. Even now, it was setting in. They sprouted fur, their bones cracked, eyes turned yellow, and they screamed and howled and roared, biting themselves, the ground, the corpses around them. They would be the first. The pack. Even now, Bar'Kagal spoke to them. The Hunde did not know what the God said, and did not care much either. All it could focus on, was the hunger. It had eaten well, devouring the corpses of the villagers. Yet, it was still hungry. Always hungry.

The pack would leave this town, go east. There was another down in the valley, another settlement where the people had grown fat, and lazy. They did not fear, they did not run. They would be easy to slay. The act would not be enjoyable, for those too fat to run gave no chase, no thrill. Yet, their meat would feed the pack, their members would grow the pack. That was what Bar'Kagal decided mattered, for now. After that, they'd continue Eastward, find better prey. Kill them all.

The hunde rose, dropping the bone into a pile, and shook the blood off its fur. Much of it would remain and dry on the beast's pelt, but it did not mind. With glowing eyes of the beast it watched the others as they transformed, the horrific cracking and reshaping of bones filling the air. Though even that sound was drowned by their screams. It was pleased.

Soon, it would have a pack, and they would run, run through the woods, run from city to city, devouring all.

These Summoned would make for good prey. The kingdoms, would make for good prey. Yet, even at the end, with all Summoned slain, all the Kingdoms reduced to frightened, travelling bands existing only for the Hunt, to ensure its longevity, there would still be hunger.

The Hunde would stand upon a mountain of corpses, and look up at the stars.

Still hungry.


"He's clean."

"You what?"

"I said he's clean, Letum.", Yama said, passing Letum a ledger, "Spotless record, everything's on the up and up."

"But that's- that's bloody ridiculous!", Letum blubbered as she flipped through column after column of accounts, all scrawled in the same crabbed sanskrit, "You can't- I mean- He snatched this copper bloke right in front of me eyes!"

"Did you catch his name?", Yama said as he turned his swivel chair to face her.

"No, I stormed off before he could-", Letum stopped, "-Hawk."


"Hawk. He had a badge that said 'Vincent Hawk' on it. If I can just find him under recent entries...", She flipped to the front of the ledger, running her finger up the list, "...Got 'im! Now if I cross-reference this with the Necronomicon..."

She pawed at what looked like an impossibly thick telephone directory with her free hand, mumbling to herself all the while.

"Vincent Hawk, Vincent Hawk... Ha, there you are, you little bastard! Date of death is..."

She went silent.

"Letum?", Yama asked, "You find anything?"

"Says it's... 'to be decided'."

Yama rose from his mighty swivel-chair throne and stalked over, moving Letum's finger aside to get a better look.

"I thought to be decided was only for those- what's it- divine vessels, was it?"

"Yeh, Mortal Regulations, Section 8, Subsection Φ, Paragraph 7461: Living mortals under the direct supervision of an active chief deity, I.E. those branded as a receptacle for said deity's essence including but not limited to Oracles, Heralds, and Avatars, are thereby vested with said deity's authority until such time as said contract is terminated. Until such termination, Mortal Affairs of said receptacle are considered suspended contingent upon continuation of said contract."

"...Been studying up for exams, have we?"

"Don't you see, Yama? They're still alive! But the question is... how?"

"Well.", Yama said, scratching his beard, "If it was me, I'd snatch people from dying worlds, just before they actually die, slap my mark on 'em to artificially extend their lifetime- ah, but I wouldn't give them the full story. I'd tell them it's... so I can keep an eye on them or something, right? And then you'd... Well, you'd make them fight, I suppose. It'd be quite the clever gambit, really- so unprecedented we wouldn't even have regulations for it."

If Letum was physically capable of gawking at someone, now would be the time.

"Well I'm not saying I'd actually do it.", Yama said indignantly, "Anyhow, what's the plan? Take this up with the Old Ones?"

"Can't. By the time they finish debating this, he'll be long gone."

"So? Not our problem, is it?"

"So, this is my one chance to prove myself. If I don't out this one, who knows when I'll get a new assignment?", she sighed, "Look, just file it with the higher ups and I'll... Well, I'll figure something. Just tell them I'm there on an investigation, or I took a holiday or something."

"Promise to bring me back a souvenir?"

"I'll find you a ghastly key fob or something and that's the last you'll be getting."

"Fair play."
Vali, Sowilo, Obito, Ain, Junko & Hyenas
Location: Mollug, Hyenas Hideout
( Gohan510 Gohan510 Pai Chan Pai Chan )​

As they traversed to the Hyenas hideout Vali looked around incase of any ambushes he was ready. He looked back at Obito and the others, but didn’t say much. Vali nodded to Junko letting him go in first and the rest of the group after the Hyenas.

Junko verbally guided Vali to a room she normally used as a meeting room. She could tell her second in command really wanted to retaliate against these new people but these weren’t the same as regular folk. Sure she saw one or two abilities that one of them could do but that still left the rest. A large wolf was probably the least threatening thing out of everyone. She was sure everyone else possessed some type of power and not knowing put them at a great disadvantage. Even more so since they could pinpoint Junko as the sole ability user of the gang.

Even if Junko decided to fight, at best she’d take out one of them before she got bombarded with who knows what. Junko liked crazy odds but she wasn’t suicidal.

After guiding the group into the room Junko dismissed the rest of the Hyenas to go about their business and to not try anything funny. She directed most of that towards Trent. He was more attached to the individuals of the gang thinking of them as a family where Junko thought of them as production value. She couldn’t think of people as...well people. Empathy was something she lacked. And not because she was just dead inside. She had an actual medical exam that told her so. She was a sociopath.

Junko closed the door leaving just her with everyone else. If they killed her the building would be leveled with the same explosive power that was witnessed at the city earlier. It was already well planned out. Trent would take over and the Hyenas would migrate elsewhere and rebuild. But Junko didn’t think her life was in immediate danger. If they wanted her dead then she would be that way already.

“So, what can I do for you fine gentlemen?” Junko looked from Fenris to Sowilo. “And dog. And...deer?”

“Witch not deer.” Sowilo said in a dismissive tone and Junko shrugged. The woman must have heard that joke before.

“He’s a titan you idiot.” Ain said walking behind Junko looking her up at and down. “So what does a fine ass woman such as yourself get dirty for? Ha! Running a band of idiots like them?”

“Stop Ain. Before we get to serious matters. You're summoned aren’t you? You recently died and was brought here? Like the rest of us?” Vali said with his hands in his pocket looking dead at Junko. Obito stood against a wall and listened while putting his pistol in the holster. His body was hidden under the mantle he wore.

“Possible discussion of alliance is our main reason for being here talking to you. We want to gain as much information as possible and get a better footing in this world. More established. We’re going to be here for the rest of our lives anyway.” Obito said as steam left the cylinders again. Junko sneered at Ain’s remarks.

“You sure know how to get them girls.” said sarcastically. “How many times out of never does that line work?” Junko then turned to Vali.

“Yeah. Well, I mean I’m not sure. I was walking down the street when I blacked out and ended up here.” Junko thought for a moment before her eyes went wide with a realization. “You don’t think someone iced me, do you?” Maybe she was assassinated. Died instantly. The thought was a little depressing but now wasn’t the time to dwell.

Junko scoffed at Obito’s comment. “And I was told to be bad with people. You obliterated several of my people. Now, personally, getting you guys would do more than make that up but unfortunately, a lot of my people have bonds with the now deceased or whatever you did to them. So they aren’t ecstatic about the lot of you. At least not at the moment. I’ll warm them up to you with time. They aren’t idiots.” Junko looked towards Ain with a smirk. “I’m at least pretty sure my dumbest is still double the brains of fuck boy over here.” Sowilo gave the tiniest of smirks at the remark.

Ain shrugged his shoulders laughing a bit jumping on a table crouching down. “Works many, many times. Back on my world. It's all good, you're a hard to get, one. I like the challenge.”

Vali nodded when she mentioned someone possibly killing her. “Most likely like the rest of us. That’s why we’re all here. Your men can replenish the missing numbers. I understand you’re a headstrong person, but I didn’t come here for shits and giggles. This whole building can be annihilated in a moment.” Vali’s tone was serious and he wasn’t smiling. “Cooperation is all I ask for. If you can warm ‘em up to us that’s perfect. Blood being spilt never an issue for me.”

“Although subtle jabs towards Ain is amusing I’d watch what you say. He’s rather short tempered. Regardless of his lines or not. None of us here are for fun. I’ve been scanning the area, this entire building is filled with explosives. If need be we’d set em off.”

“And be on our merry way.” Vali said, finishing Obito’s statement. “So you with us or against?”

Junko thought for a minute. She was pretty sure there was no room for anything but an agreement. She only hoped that her and the Hyenas wouldn’t get royally screwed over by these people.

“Under two conditions.” Junko suddenly turned her attention back towards the group and held up two fingers. “One is that I am still the leader of my own gang. If anyone else tries to give them orders then you mind as well be talking to a blind and deaf mutt. I don’t know if you are all loaded or not but money is still something we need to get outfitted and move on up in the world. And that’s something I’ve been getting us towards.”

“And number two is that I got a little rescue mission that didn’t seem possible until you showed up. I have a former ally that is most likely held in Wison. Only problem is not only the city guard but also some priestesses that are pretty powerful. Taking her out and getting my comrade back would be very beneficial to all of us.”

“So if those terms can be met then I don’t see why we wouldn’t work together in the future.”

Vali, Obito, and Ain all looked at each other for a moment. They all knew what the other was thinking, just from facial expression, Ain just knew because of how silent the two were. Ain jumped off the table lifting Juko’s chin with his finger. “We’ll help you get your little friend. Trust me I have no problem not commanding lesser men. You, though, listen to us, especially the pretty boy behind me.” Moving his finger Ain walked towards the door of the room before leaning against it. “So when do we go to save em?”

“Those conditions seem fair. I'm not one to lead giant groups of troops anyway. I do my own thing.” Vali looked over to Obito confirming he agreed with him then turned to sowilo. Once everyone was on board he held his hand out to Junko. “Vali.”


The Hyenas’ leader took his hand in a firm shake.

Aldreg, Kotori and Hug Lord of Doom 3000 (during Time-skip)( Gohan510 Gohan510 YsFanatic YsFanatic Juju Juju )​

Kotori sat on the floor, knees tucked neatly below her and her eyes closed. She could feel the coolness of the stone and the exhaustion in her bones, but she forced her mind to remain focused on her training and her body from falling over. Slowing her breathing, she directed her mind's eye to expand around her, seeking out the mana of Aldreg.

He had taught her a few techniques during the week, primarily in mana-sensing but also tricks to improve her grasp over the element of lightning. Wakinyan was less than impressed and never trusted Aldreg for a second, but he could not deny that Kotori had made some improvements. Still, his largest concern was her dwindling stamina. While the training usually occured near his cell, as the days went by she had less and less energy. Kotori did her utmost best to hide this, often pushing herself too much just to avoid questions from Aldreg.

Aldreg had been working with Kotori on helping improve her abilities, in order to become a more proficient fighter in Valucia. Aldreg also gave her short academic lessons enough to teach her a little about Nortestra, how to read basic words. Their main focus was her training through, as the days went on Aldreg noticed she was starting to become slightly more fatigued.

Today was no different yet they started a lot earlier, so that she got enough rest for her trial tomorrow. Aldreg stood some distance away from Kotori hoping she'll be able to pick up on it even though he was suppressing most of his power to help her better improve.

Charon hadn't trusted Aldreg from the start. The readings he picked up on the man's soul was not good in the slightest, and the only reason he didn't do anything was simply because their situation made it risky to take action just yet. As such, just like with the guards, he didn't utter a word whenever the commander was around. The android's movements were also limited, just enough to follow them to the training area but no more. He didn't trust Aldreg's reason for the training and made sure to record everything he could to be analyzed later.

Kotori frowned, trying to find Aldreg in the darkness behind her eyes. It was difficult to keep her mind focused with so many things to worry about, especially with the trial less than a sunrise away. She tried to keep her mind off it, but she couldn't help but think of what would happen if the Nortestrans deemed she and Wakinyan guilty. She wasn't sure if she could last another week in here, let alone long term. Wakinyan didn't plan to stay here another day, just sentence or not. That worried her also. If he killed any more people Nortestra would never allow her back in its borders alive. What's more, every day that she remained here was another day that Hitori was in danger. She could only hope that Csilla and Susan were fine.

Aldreg noticed Kotori continued to still struggle, pushing her worries to the back of her head. Though he didn't blame her, doing this in such a short time is already in its own right an accomplishment. He was proud she was picking up on so much so fast regardless of her upcoming fates and worries. Though he wanted nothing more, but to see her improve. During this time Aldreg got accustomed to her, Kotori's sweet demeanor caught him in the trap and they became "friends".

"Remember, darken your mind. Take in a deep breath. Then see the light in the darkness, and remember once you see it focus on it, and you'll start to feel it."

During his busy times and not working with Kotori, Aldreg was doing paper work and still working on his experiments. It was hard, but it became rewarding to finally finish the experiment. It was a demon able to counter out the King's magic, it's sole purpose was to be able to negate the King's magic and act as a very powerful mindless combatant. It was sad to say, but Aldreg had to give a child's soul in order for this to work. The soul came from the orb Aldreg kept on him in the office. The demon had manifested a new look in the form of a 5'7 mindless kid with black markings allover the pale skin. Aldreg was able to teach it mana control as well, to a higher degree not only being able to control demon magic, but now natural magic.

Breathing deeply, Kotori reluctantly let her thoughts on the upcoming trial slip away. They could trouble her later, but for now she had to focus on this training before she grew too tired to continue. She imagined her mind as a pool of water on a moonless night and dropped each of her worries into it. She waited for the ripples to still, creating a watery mirror. Patiently she watched the clouds overhead shift until there was a single shiny star reflecting. She smiled,"I see it!"

Hitori eyes were closed as he was embracing the surroundings of the area. At the same time Kotori spoke he did. "I see it!" Opening them he turned around firing off a fireball. It caught Kinji offguard almost hitting him as he came out of flash step barely dodging it in time.

"Good one, kid." Kinji said at Hitori, landing on the ground dusting himself off.

"Now! Focus on it and lock it in your memory. Now, how does it look?" Aldreg raised his magic power a little bit, to Kotori the light would shine brighter. Once she was able to mental lock it, she could feel his mana to be calm, his main personality was calm, and where he was standing from her.

"The light is growing..." Kotori said, tilting her head slightly while she committed the mana to memory, "It is like a mountain, calm and proud. Like you, Aldreg."

Aldreg pushed his glasses up with a smile creeping up on his face. It brought him joy to hear her growth. "Now walk over to me still with your eyes closed." Once Kotori came close to Aldreg, he flashed stepped further down the dungeon hoping she can still follow. "You should be able to still sense me."

Kotori was confused by the sudden disappearance of Aldreg, but was quick to pick up his mana somewhere else. He must have used flashstep, something that she had seen Hitori do in the past. After carefully standing up, she slowly walked in the direction of Aldreg, feeling a bloom of excitement at her own progress. It made her almost forget how tired she was. "Yes, I can still sense the mana!" she called to Aldreg.

Aldreg smiled in joy, flash stepping deeper down the cave with his mana lowered again. This was a challenge for Kotori. Not saying anything, he stood close beside the doors to Wakinyan's confinement, waiting for Kotori to arrive. Of course as she got closer she would feel Wakinyan getting closer, hopefully that'd make her happy to know where she's going.

Kotori had to stop mid-way when she stumbled and almost lost the trace of Aldreg's mana. She leaned against a wall, steadying herself, and after a moment of concentration she was able to spot it again. Aldreg was quite far this time, but as she neared she realized where he was going. A smile spread on her face and she quickened her pace, eager to see Wakinyan again.

Once she got close Aldreg clapped proudly patting her on the shoulder. Raising his hand to the door the breaking the seals happened once again as Kotori could meet her friend once again. Aldreg stood on the side knowing she'd jet towards the beast. "I'm proud of you. As you get familiar with the many mana's around you. You can pick out which ones to sense out of all the clutter. As you get comfortable you would be able to sense me if I was strong enough all the way from Mollug." Aldreg laughed fixing his glasses.

"That far? Incredible!" Kotori said, beaming with pride at Aldreg's praise. "Thank you for teaching me this technique. I will not forget such kindness." Now that her eyes were open she peered into Wakinyan's unsealed cell. The beast was staring blankly out from it, his eyes still as angry as ever yet somehow he looked smaller. He had stopped struggling fruitlessly against his binding, unless a guard became too comfortable and needed a reminder of his ferocity. Somehow, that made Kotori more worried. As usual, he growled when he saw Aldreg, though by now this had become routine. Kotori sluggishly walked over to Wakinyan and sat against his side wearly. She hadn't walked very far but it had felt like a mile.

"Yes of course that far. I'll give you a hint. You friend's mana would appear as a small fire at first until he uses or produces more power. Though your skills right now won't be able to pick up on it, most well trained mana users suppress their power to hide from the untrained." The growl was taken as a hello gesture at this point to Aldreg, it was an everyday routine everytime he came around. No matter though it didn't bother him. He watched Kotori enjoy her visit. "I'll take you outside today too."

Kotori's hopes rose and then fell as Aldreg mentioned the ability to track Hitori's mana. She had hoped it could be used to find him easier, but it would seem that things were a little more difficult. Or rather, as difficult as it already was. Needless to say her mood improved whenever Aldreg said that he would take her outside today. It had been days since she saw the sun, and even though she had lived for months without its glow, she had nearly forgotten how dearly she missed it. Wakinyan grumbled irritably. "Sorry Wakinyan, you will be freed soon." she said to the beast, who merely flicked his ear and pretended like he didn't care. "Thank you, Aldreg, I would love that."

Aldreg nodded turning around leaving the two to be together. Before he got too far he looked back to Kotori. "I'll get it ready then." Aldreg walked off into the darkness leaving Kotori with Wakinyan. Once he went through the secret path he took in the fresh air. "It's a shame I will watch this beautiful capital burn and crumble." Looking over Aldreg glared at the castle. "Alexander." About 10 minutes later Aldreg came back to Kotori. "I've returned."

When Aldreg returned Kotori said her farewell to Wakinyan, giving him a pat on the head. She could tell how exhausted he was by his reaction, hardly even a growl or a bristle. There wasn't even a flicker of lightning or a gust of wind. She wasn't the only one who was suffering in these cells. His eyes followed her as she left the cell to join Aldreg, already missing her. Of course, instead of saying this he simply growled at Aldreg again.

Aldreg heard the beast send his last growl before the doors closed once more. Aldreg turned and patted Kotori on the shoulder pushing his glasses up. He took the first steps towards the secret pathway. Stopping in front of a wall, Aldreg did simple hand signs and the piece of the wall faded into a leading pathway. "I'll teach you how to do that. Remember to find it. There's three small rocks in front of the illusion spell. Do those hand signs directly in front of the illusion and poof." Aldreg said leading the way towards the outside.Once they reached the top Aldreg stretched, taking in the fresh air again. "Feels good to be out here." He looked back to Kotori, and smiled. Pointing over to the giant castle. "The king is over there." Pointing in another direction, "My lab is over there."

Kotori sat on the edge of the roof, letting her legs dangle off the side, She closed her eyes and lost herself in the luxury of a fresh breeze and soft tingle of sunlight on her face. Every second out here felt more precious than any she remembered, except for the feeling of being freshly summoned after death. In a way, she was thankful for these small reminders of what kept her going. She opened her eyes and looked into the cloudless sky above. The only regret she had right now was that Wakinyan was not here to enjoy the beauty of his domain. There was also one other thing.

She glanced back at Aldreg after he had pointed out the various landmarks of the city. "Aldreg, why are you showing me all this? If anyone found out you would be thrown into a cell too..."

When Kotori asked why he was showing her this he pushed his glasses up. "I've grown to like you Kotori. You're an amazing person, and seeing such a beautiful soul rest and rot in a cell. Well I'd rather be put my life at risk for someone like that. Not very common to find a foreigner so understanding and genuine. I will be honest with you Kotori. I hate this country and how it's ran. A lot of people would agree, although it'll take a while for you to become accustomed in this world, you'll soon learn many places aren't as they seem. All an Illusion. A man that goes by the name of Ian was allowed to create a dangerous device that manifests the desires of the carrier, and didn't get punished. Yet he was asked to seal the device away. Yet you guys come and get treated worse. After helping this shit capital."

Kotori smiled and looked away from Aldreg, uncomfortable with such an amount of praise. She hoped she had earned it. In the distance she could see the king's castle and wondered what sort of things Aldreg meant were hidden behind an illusion. Perhaps it had something to do with the men that Wakinyan had executed. "The people were frightened of Wakinyan. They could not see the dark hearts like he could. I cannot blame them for turning on Wakinyan... I just hope I can convince them that he is here to protect them... and warn them. He says a storm is coming for Castellan, one to blot out the sun."

Aldreg looked off into the sky, then regaining his focus back on Kotori once she spoke. She mentioned the people fearing Wakinyan and honestly he couldn't blame them. Aldreg also was cautious with the beast as well. Aldreg released a sigh patting Kotori's shoulder. "It's okay. Things will shine better for you both soon too bet on it."

There was a slow nod from Kotori, though her eyes were on the far horizon. Fluffy clouds made odd shapes in the distance, bright in the sun but shadowed in their hearts. Not for the first time, she wondered what made Wakinyan dislike this man. She was not going to pretend to believe that he was innocent, and yet he had only showed her kindness. While he may not be good, he could not possibly be entirely evil. "They say the night is darkest before the dawn," Kotori said thinly, thinking of the upcoming trial and what it would mean for she, Wakinyan, and Aldreg. Susan, Csilla and Ivan. Even Hitori. There was change in the air. For better or worse she could not say. "I only hope that I can remain allies with the city and its generals...I do not wish to face another as an enemy..."

Gen flashed stepped behind Kotori and Aldreg, she would be able to sense Gen's mana. It felt cold and sly like a snake. Gen walked over to the two smiling creepily towards Kotori before turning to Aldreg. "I came to let you know, it's ready."

Aldreg looked at Gen and nodded. With that Gen turned to Kotori with a smirk and waved before flash stepping off. Aldreg turned to Kotori and pushed his glasses up. "It seems I'll have to leave now. I must attend to paperwork once again. I hope you take everything in as guidance and continue to practice your skills. All though chained up with magic dampening you can still sense auras. Nothing stops you from sensing, but yourself. Let's get you back inside."

Munching on an apple while sitting on a tree branch some distance above the forest floor, Judith used a small remote with her free hand to adjust her communications unit. The last few days had been pretty boring until she had picked up a radio signal this morning, but it wasn't until just a short while ago the signal became strong enough to try to listen to it. To her surprise she discovered that it was an SOS in Morse code, the familiar pattern of beeps being just about the only thing of that particular communications protocol that she actually knew. The devil hunter had expected that little bit of knowledge to be put into use to call for help if she got into trouble, not to find out that someone else was requesting assistance.

'Well, guess I should find out what this is about.' Swallowing the last bite of apple, she tossed the core to the ground before thumbing the transmit button. "I hear your SOS, what is your situation?" The response from the broadcaster came extremely quickly, and Judith immediately regretted picking up the signal with every fiber of her being.

"JUDY! SINNy got you to then? Excellent, you'd be a good fleshy to have along on a most wonderful adventure!"

There was only one being who called her by that name, and it was the owner of the shop where she frequently went to get her hair cut. 'Of course it'd be fucking Charon. God. Damn. It.' While the crazy android was a fine barber, she had heard all about his antics and had seen a few cases of it herself. Having to put up with his particular brand of bullshit wasn't even close to what she had hoped to get out of a new adventure. Taking a deep breath and holding it for a few moments, Judith then slowly let it out in an attempt to calm her frustrations before responding. "What kind of fucked up situation did you get yourself into this time?"

Charon wasted no time in recounting what had happened to him since his arrival, and as she listened Judith couldn't help but shake her head at parts. Especially the part where he got himself thrown into jail. As far as she knew that was a first for the android. However her musings were interrupted when Charon spoke up again with a request for help.

"So, Judy, I'm gonna want you to help me and Kotori along with her Horny Horse get out of jail. I'm thinking tomorrow, they might need the help sooner than later."

'Her what?' Shaking her head, the devil hunter figured this had to be another case of Charon speaking literally, but using language that most people would take in a completely different way. But that wasn't important at the moment. "Fine, I'll let you know when I get to this city you mentioned. We'll figure out the details then." Judith had been incredibly tempted to just let Charon rot in the cell and figure things out on his own, but she couldn't just leave that other woman locked up due to events beyond her control. Dropping from the tree branch and starting a casual walk in the direction of Castellan she realized that she was still hungry. 'Maybe I'll steal some food from those Mollug soldiers he said were sieging the city.'


"Devourer of Worlds"


Sleeping at a random house in a random town Pre-Timeskip.





Incidental Theme:

*Play when I say to*

- - -


Nyx sighed as they floated down an empty dirt road, the moonlight illuminating their tired features while their shoulders sagged, and they passed by random houses and torchlit buildings.

"If this blasted town doesn't have one single place to rest, I am going to burn it down in the morning."

The dark mage could barely keep their eyes open, and all they wanted to do was find a decent shelter, wash up, and immediately pass out for the next twelve hours.

Not that they would be able to stay asleep for long.

"One day, I will figure out how to ascend beyond this pathetic mortal plane of existence, and I will never have to face those accursed nightmares again..."

After a few more minutes of searching with no avail, Nyx threw their hands up in annoyance and floated over to the nearest house, setting down a bloody burlap sack and summoning a small ball of dark matter in their right hand.

"To hell with it!"

Busting the lock on the front door, Nyx picked up their bag and casually floated into the cozy home, provoking a scream from the owner who was currently reading a book by their lit fireplace.

"W-Who are you?! What are you doing in my house?! Get out before I call the authorities!"

Rolling their eyes, Nyx floated over to the startled female and set down their stained sack on a coffee table, swiftly ducking as the woman tossed her book at them.

"D-Don't come any closer!"

The mage scoffed before turning to rummage through their bag, the woman's pleas falling on deaf ears.

"How many people live here? Do you live alone?"

Although Nyx had their back to the female, by her silence, they could only assume that the woman was confused, scared, and trying to come up with an appropriate response.

"...I-I live with my boyfriend! He's on his way home right now and when he gets here he wi-"

Nyx interrupted the woman before she could continue, turning to her with a bored expression.

"Listen here, lady, I am going to be very blunt with you. I am not in the mood to play these foolish games, and I could easily end your pitiful life if I wished to do so."

To prove their point, Nyx summoned another ball of dark matter, lazily juggling the purple orb between their hands.

"You and I both know you live alone. Your eagerness gave it away, and you don't exactly strike me as a master liar."

With a flick of their wrist, the orb dissipated, and the mage pulled out a small pouch.

"I am looking for a place to stay, and you should consider yourself lucky that I have chosen your..."

Nyx paused, looking around the somewhat well-decorated living room.

"Humble abode."

Tossing the pouch at the female, Nyx floated over to a black love-seat and sprawled out on it, closing their eyes with a content smirk.

"So, what you're going to do is accept this sack of gold, go stay the night with one of your obnoxious friends, and leave the house so I can have some privacy."

Nyx knew the lady probably thought they were crazy, but the tiny mage did not care about labels, and it was hard to argue with someone who could kill you at any given moment.

"Why should I listen to you?! You broke into MY house, threatened me to kill me, and now you're trying to kick me out of MY home and demanding to stay overnight without supervision?! What if you steal or break something?!"

Nyx was no longer smiling, and annoyance was written all over their face as they got up from the sofa and made their way to the female, grabbing the woman by her shirt collar.

"You have two options. Accept the gold, leave for one night, and live to suffer another day, OR I can kill you right now, and no one will even bat an eye. It's your choice, but you should be glad that I am giving you one. On any other occasion, I would have already disposed of you and taken this place by force. Do not make me change my mind."

The woman went to protest, but a cold glare from Nyx made them fall silent as they roughly bit their lip and hung their head, knowing they didn't have a choice.

"...I accept, but I swear if you lay even one fin-"

Nyx grinned and grabbed the lady by her trembling hands, cutting the woman off as the cat hastily pulled them out of their armchair and dragged them toward the entrance.

"Perfect! Also, you should know that if you betray me and report me to the local militia, I will hunt you down, slaughter your friends and family, and kill you in your sleep. Now, get out of my way, quit wasting my time, and leave me be."

Throwing open the front door, Nyx roughly shoved the female outside, laughing as she fell flat on her ass.

"W-Wait! You can't kick me out already! I still need to grab my purse, an extra pair of clothes, and I'm not even wearing any sh-"

"Too bad!"

Nyx slammed the door and held it shut, waiting for the female to leave as they watched her through the door's peephole.

"This isn't fair! Screw you!"

When the woman finally left, Nyx slid down the door and sighed, knowing what was about to happen.

Why did you not kill her like you were supposed to?!! Not only did you give away more of your money, but you spared two people on the very same day! Are you so inept and dense that you cannot perform even the simplest of tasks?!

The dark mage groaned and held their head in their hands, not wanting to deal with this bullshit right now.

Can't you go one single day without berating me?!

If you weren't always such a failure, maybe I would not have to babysit you constantly! Now explain to me why the oh so great Devourer of Worlds suddenly decided to start sparing people!


Answer me, you dolt!

I was trying to conserve mana!


If you paid attention instead of always griping about everything, you might have noticed that I used up almost all my mana during that fight with those disgusting militia! I only have enough for a couple more dark matter bombs, and if something went wrong, I would be completely defenseless!

What could have possibly gone wrong?! She was unarmed, and I highly doubt she was a mage!

You don't know that! What if I missed and she turned on me?! What if someone heard the commotion and came over?! What if she had a spell shield that blocks abilities?!

Miss?! She was sitting down and cowering from fear! How do you miss at point-blank range?! And she would not be able to make any noise if she was dead, you imbecile!

Growling, Nyx stood and rubbed their temples out of frustration.

I do not need to take this from a disembodied voice!

Also, what do you mean you almost ran out of mana?! You have spent decades growing your magical power! You should practically have infinite mana at this point!

Argh! Can you shut up for five bloody minutes?! I decided not to kill somebody for a change, big fucking whoop! They'll all be dead when I destroy this useless planet anyway!


HAH! You have nothing to say because you know I'm right! Now leave me the hell alone!

...Fine, whatever. Enjoy the peace while it lasts, freak.

The mage felt a twinge of pain in their chest but quickly brushed off the insult, not wanting to let their emotions get the best of them. There was no time to be sad when they still had a job to do.

"Get it together, Nyx."

Shaking away the dark thoughts, Nyx went to investigate the house, exploring random rooms, stealing valuables, and grabbing a snack from the kitchen.

"I never promised I wouldn't steal anything."

Cackling, the cat made their way upstairs and started their search for the master bedroom, peaking their head inside each of the rooms until they found the one they wanted.

Taking a moment to look around, Nyx could see a queen-sized bed, a walk-in closet, and an en-suite bathroom.

"...Not bad for a peasant."

Carefully shutting the door behind them, Nyx set their things down at the foot of the bed and threw themselves onto the comforter, burying their face into the soft fabric.

"Mmm... I've been on the run for so long I forgot what it felt like to not sleep in the wilderness."

Yawning, Nyx eventually forced themselves to leave behind the warm blanket and sluggishly trudged toward the bathroom, not wanting to go to bed dirty despite how tired they were.

Pushing open the bathroom door, Nyx spotted a box of matches on the sink and struck a match, lighting a few wax candles that they found strewn about the sink, bathtub, and tiled floor.

"I guess this town hasn't learned how to harness electricity yet. What a shame."

With a shrug, the tiny mage began to dig through the bathroom cabinets, pulling out a drain stopper, a fluffy white towel, some lavender-scented bubble bath, and a bar of soap, before floating over to the bathtub with the items stacked in their arms.

After plugging the bathtub and struggling with the valve handles, Nyx managed to get the water running at a safe temperature and poured a capful of bubble bath into the rising liquid.

"I may be evil, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the finer things in life."

While they waited for the tub to fill, Nyx started to undress, slowly peeling off the grotesque clothes that clung to their frail body and tossing them into a corner of the room.

"...I'm going to need to wash these later."

Now that they were fully exposed, Nyx took the opportunity to examine themselves in a mirror hanging above the sink, grimacing when they saw their tired reflection.

"I look like absolute shit."

Aside from being deathly pale, visibly thinner, and sleep-deprived, Nyx was covered head to toe with dried blood that flaked from their small frame, and their fur was matted and singed.

With a stressed sigh, Nyx ran a hand through their hair, wincing when they felt a sharp stab of pain in their left shoulder.

"I can't believe I let some weasel sneak up on me..."

Turning around to get a better look at their wound, Nyx lurched back from the mirror, their eyes widening when they stumbled across a strange purple symbol tattooed to the center of their back.

"What in the hell?! What is this?!"

Grabbing a nearby rag and wetting it in the sink, Nyx desperately attempted to get rid of the mark, their skin becoming irritated from the excessive scrubbing.

"Why won't it come off?!"

Despite their best efforts to remove the symbol, the mark seemed to be permanent, and a sudden realization made Nyx grumble as they banged their fist on the sink.

"That stupid deity... He mentioned all the summoned having some sort of mark. I was barely paying attention to his inferior speech, but I guess this is what he meant. Why is mine so big, though?! At the very least, no one will be able to see it because it is on my back, but it is still obnoxious for no reason."

Nyx glared at the symbol, wanting to appear unimpressed with the purple circle. However, the longer they stared at the mark, the more they grew fond of it.

It did suit the tiny mage.

"Well, it could be worse."

Stealing once last glance at their new tattoo, Nyx made their way to the now filled bathtub and shut off the running faucet, not bothering to treat their wound since they would be able to heal it later, and it had stopped bleeding hours ago.


Hovering above the bathtub, Nyx stared at the water and hesitated, not wanting to get wet.

"...You'll be fine, Nyx, it's just bathwater. You've bathed plenty of times before, so quit being weak."

Taking a deep breath, Nyx leaned their staff against the wall and gripped the edges of the tub, slowly lowering themselves into the foamy liquid while their fur stood on end, and they tensed up.

Don't be such a baby.

Once they made contact with the warm water, Nyx relaxed, the heat helping to soothe their anxiety as they slid down the back of the bathtub and let out a sigh of relief.

"This is nice."

Lathering themselves up with soap, Nyx began to scrub their body, washing away a day's worth of dirt and grime while their wound stung from being disinfected, and they yawned.

"I should hurry."

Occasionally, Nyx would find themselves nodding off, and they must have fallen asleep because the last thing they remember was washing their hair, and then there was darkness.

- - -

*Music starts here*

"Urgh... Who? What? Where?"

Rubbing their tired eyes, Nyx sat up and blinked, their brows furrowing in confusion when they took in their surroundings.

"Where am I?"

For as far as the eye could see, there was nothing but pitch-black darkness. A never-ending void that stretched on for miles and led to an eternal pit of despair.

"...Wasn't I just taking a bath?"

Looking downward, Nyx noticed that they were fully clothed, but their staff was missing, and there seemed to be no floor, just an empty black abyss below them.

Rising to their feet, Nyx took a few careful steps forward, unsure if they would simply fall through the ground and plummet into nothingness if they lost their footing.

"This place looks familiar."

After making sure the floor was safe to walk on, Nyx chose a random direction and set off into the unknown, their footsteps creating an endless echo as they traveled for what felt like hours (and hours and hours and hours).

Finally, Nyx spotted a tiny figure in the distance and called out to them, hopeful that they would get some answers.

"You there! Do you have any idea where we are?"

Upon receiving no response, Nyx growled and marched over to the figure, who had their back turned to the dark mage and stood there unmoving, staring blankly ahead.

"Are you deaf?! Answer me!"

Nyx grabbed the figure by the shoulders and roughly spun them around, shouting at them.

"You dare ignore the Devourer of Worlds?!"


The cat froze, their blood running cold as they came face to face with a purple silhouette of... themselves?

A chill ran Nyx's spine as they released the mimic and backed away slowly. Aside from having gaping black eyes with white pinpoint pupils, the figure was completely identical to them, and Nyx was not sure if they should be impressed or scared.

"...What are you?"

"⸮uoʏ ɘɿɒ ƚɒʜW"

Nyx looked dumbfounded as the mimic mirrored their movements and speech. Whatever concern the mage felt before was replaced with annoyance as they folded their arms and huffed.

"I DO NOT sound like that! My voice isn't that irritating!"

„¡ɓuıʎouuɐ ʇɐɥʇ ʇ,usı ǝɔıoʌ ʎW ¡ʇɐɥʇ ǝʞıl punos ⊥ON Oᗡ I„

"Stop copying me!"

"!ɘm ǫᴎiʏqoɔ qoƚꙄ"

"Holy hell, shut the fuck up, you high-pitched impostor!"

Covering their ears, Nyx glared at the mimic, who only repeated the action.

„¡ɹǝʇsodɯı pǝɥɔʇıd-ɥɓıɥ noʎ 'dn ʞɔnɟ ǝɥʇ ʇnɥs 'llǝɥ ʎloH„



"GRAAAAH! Fine! A creature so annoying doesn't deserve to exist!"

Nyx tried to summon a comet to drop down on the figure, but they paled when they realized their magic was not working, and the mimic was no longer mirroring their movements.

„¡ʇsıxǝ oʇ ǝʌɹǝsǝp ʇ,usǝop ɓuıʎouuɐ os ǝɹnʇɐǝɹɔ ∀ ¡ǝuıℲ ¡H∀∀∀∀ᴚ⅁„

Without thinking twice, Nyx turned around and made a run for it, wincing when they heard the mimic shriek behind them.

Great going, idiot! Anger the mimic with no magic! A real genius idea!

Stop talking, worm! You're not helping!

Before the voice could reply, something slimy wrapped around Nyx's ankle and harshly pulled them down, knocking the wind out of the cat as the mimic dragged them across the floor, and their claws broke off and left bloody streak marks from digging into the ground.

When Nyx came to a halt, they felt more appendages wrap around their limbs, torso, head, and throat, lifting them into the air and forcing them to make eye contact with the mimic who was now bleeding from the eyes and mouth.

"Keep your grimy tentacles off of m-ACK!"

Nyx gagged when the appendage around their throat began to tighten, and they helplessly clawed at their neck, black spots slowly overtaking their vision while they kicked and squirmed.

"Yₒᵤᵣ... fₐₘᵢₗy... dᵢₑd... bₑcₐᵤₛₑ... ₒf... yₒᵤ..."

Hot angry tears slid down Nyx's cheeks as unwanted memories filled their mind, and they frothed at the mouth.

"Yₒᵤ... cₒᵤₗdₙ'ₜ... ₑᵥₑₙ... ₛₐᵥₑ... yₒᵤᵣₛₑₗf..."

The mimic blankly stared at Nyx, watching the mage struggle while their lungs begged for air, and they started to turn a sickly blue, the color draining from their face.

With the last of their strength, Nyx flipped off the mimic, the life draining from their eyes as they fell limp in the impostor's grasp.

"Yₒᵤ... wₒₙ'ₜ... bₑ... ₘᵢₛₛₑd."

- - -

Nyx quickly shot up, gasping for air as they spurted out water and pulled themselves out of the bathtub, landing on their injured shoulder with a pained hiss as their wound reopened from the impact.


It took Nyx a few minutes to gather their composure as they shivered in a dripping wet ball on the ground, coughing, wheezing and hugging their knees to their chest.

Eventually, the mage reached a shaky hand for their staff and the towel they set down earlier, wrapping the fluffy cloth around their torso and using the nearby wall for support.

Clutching their now bleeding wound, Nyx tiredly left the bathroom and floated over to the bed, collapsing on it.

Nyx almost instantly fell asleep, snuggling into the many pillows while their body automatically triggered its regenerative process, encasing the cat in a purple crystal catalyst that oozed dark matter.

Thankfully, Nyx did not have any more dreams that night.
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Heather stood on one of the rooftops of the city. It wasn't the most magnificent view due to the building being surrounded by many taller ones. But Heather's attention wasn't on the view, or lack thereof. It was on her powers. She heard something like people within the city had their powers diminished but that was reversed. This was something different. She felt it when she first arrived in Valucia. Every morning Heather awoke and would come to the roof and try time and time again to get that familiar feeling of her powers being at where they were before.

The city itself wasn't a place Heather was fond of. She didn't like being around people. She didn't trust them. They were always loud and the stares people always gave Heather on both planets was enough to drive her crazy.

She had wings. Get over it! The woman was sure there were crazier things on this planet. Not that she'd gone out and saw for herself. Trying to brave this new world with her powers reduced felt like going out into the wilderness, naked.

On the plus side, the crazy man that sent them flying to the city in the first place was gone. She hadn't fully kept track of the others but was sure they were in the city as well. Heather was a loner and didn't tend to stick around people very much, let alone keep tabs on them. The only person she was truly interested in finding was Sowilo, the witch. Heather didn't know if it was because she was the only familiar thing on the planet or because she felt like the druid had answers to some of the phoenix's questions. But she couldn't ignore the others she came here with. She felt like they were kind of in a group even if Heather wasn't fond of being with others.

Heather turned her attention back towards the metal contraption that she had placed at her feet. Metal was something she would be able to, practically, snap out of existence. But now she could only melt it. Slowly. The heat on her flames had definitely gone down. She couldn't make things instantly combust and disintegrate into nothing. At least nothing that was any type of metal and above. She looked at the metal junk again and concentrated. She tried to focus her power on the target and use her fingers, snapping, as a kind of detonator. She had grown past this before but now it was time to go back to basics.

Heather snapped and the pile of junk exploded. Definitely, not the reaction she wanted as were the several dozen other attempts. Heather immediately felt heat swell in her as her anger grew.

"FUCK!" Heather's outburst came with flames bursting from her and the makeshift table exploding much like the contraption. The women blew out a breath and quickly regained her composure. It was no use. Her powers were mostly diminished and were coming back at an extremely slow rate.

Maybe Sowilo knew how to speed up the process?

Heather smirked to herself. She was putting too much reliance on the witch knowing everything. But it seemed like she did.

Heather made her way back to her room and threw herself on the bed. She huffed in frustration. What was the point of all this? That thing that summoned everyone here wanted them to conquer the world. Heather couldn't be the only one who had her powers regressed. What was the reason for? To level the playing field? This must have had to be a long game type of plan because the phoenix's powers were returning. Just at an extremely slow rate.

Heather closed her eyes and then she felt another presence. She sat up and quickly found a figure sitting on a chair across the small room.

"Sowilo." Heather said and was about to stand when the witch put up a hand.

"Calm yourself, child. Do I look like I'm ready for a fight? You need to learn to read the room." Heather was dumbfounded and found herself staying where she was.

"How did you find me?" Sowilo gave the tiniest of smirks.

"You aren't hard to find considering your kind aren't all that common and you, yourself, aren't exactly lying low at the moment. I came because I practically heard you calling out to me." Heather's face reddened. The witch could hear those thoughts? It was like an angel when they heard prayers. She thought they were the only beings that could do such things.

"Don't fret. I didn't tell anyone else. I can tell that you're lost and that your powers aren't fully restored. You aren't the only one. Most summoned, like ourselves, are also at a weakened state compared to how we were before the transfer to this planet. There is much we must do before our powers finally restore to their full potential, if not more. And that's why I've come to you." Heather was shocked into silence. She didn't know if this was a dream or if this was the answer to her prayers. Hell, it could be both and Heather wouldn't question it. Sowilo could see the light in Heather's eyes again. That same fire when they first came across each other. That kindling flame that showed Heather was fighting for something she believed in.

"So this 'conquering' that being, SIN, talked about? Whether you like it or not you need to be ready for when the final chapter comes. So it's best to start now." Heather nodded, eagerly awaiting instructions. A sense of purpose.

"There's two individuals I'd like you to ally with. They live south of the Mollug border in Xact. Ask about for a pure goddess that believes in a higher power, than even her own. Tethered with her is a blank soul that is waiting to be guided. You must find that soul and release it from their current shackles." Heather sighed.

"Riddles? Really?"

"I can only give you what I see. If it were super clear then I'd have no need to be so vague. But I need you to get to that destination quickly because you are not the only one in pursuit of these people. So it's a race. And in your current state you do not want to meet your competition. So I'd suggest you hurry." Heather thought for a moment and opened her mouth to speak until she was cut off. "I know you have questions but that is all I can tell you. Our time, for now, is at an end. Consider this a mission you must complete. Just like old times, for you." Then the witch faded from view and it was as if they were never there.

Then Heather woke with a start. So it was a dream. But that didn't mean nothing that happened in it was real. And if it involved Sowilo then Heather believed just about anything could happen. And it was hard ignoring that feeling of purpose restored. If it turned out it was only a dream, after all, then Heather would only lose a few days, at worst. Hopefully that was the only thing at stake.
Kara'dre & Jason Tepes
Location: Northeastern Coast of Xert'via
Sitting upon the dock on the Northeastern Coast of Xert'via, Jason Tepes was sitting in a lavish chair, wine glass of blood in hand and many large crates filled with grain, fruits and vegetables. In the water just off shore he had 30 cargo ships filled with even more. Jason was sent by his kingdom to be the ambassador of peace and trade to the Xert'vian Monarchy. It was a fair trade. Xert'via had an abundance of warriors and the highest grade metal around. While Xact was primarily a militaristic nation, they had plenty of crops to give to the giants. It was hard to feed giants on just what fish and whales they could hunt. So, in exchange for the food, the queen of the giant kingdom had agreed to give a few of her warriors and all the giant metal needed.

Jason took a sip of his wine. His vampiric guard stood behind him. He was strong and he carried himself as a true warrior not to be tested. However, only a fool would think they could face giants alone. It would take a full squad of 30 humans to take down one. A 10 man squad of vampires to do the same. Jason himself could hold his own, but he was not foolish enough to think he could take on a group of giants alone. Especially with their queen in tow. Jason had heard many stories of the mighty Grand Matriarch of the Giant People. It was said her druidic powers were second to none. The giants may not have the greatest numbers, but their tenacity and strength are second to none.

As they waited, they felt the ground shaking. Over time the shaking became more and more pronounced. Jason watched the ripples in his glass and his people were notably tense. Jason raised his white eyes. On the horizon were 10 Oliphants, the chosen mount of the giant people. The massive beast the same realitive size to giants as normal elephants were to humans. So, the Oliphant was a true beast on this planet. Watching them approach Jason could see that all but one Oliphant was dragging behind them a massive load of Giants Finer Oar Metal. This metal was renowned for its durability and the fabulous weapons that could be made from it. There were 20 slabs of metal on each pallet being pulled. Each sheet was a 20 by 30 foot size.

Each Oliphant had armor on it. The one not pulling metal was adorned with the finest of cloth and jewels. It was obvious that was the royal mount for the queen. Walking along with the beasts were about 25 giants. Each covered in crude looking armor and weapons. A few carried shields, but they were few in numbers. Only about five in total. The masdive Oliphant's halted at the end of the docks and the royal mount kneeled. As it did, the pure porcelain visage of Grand Matriarch Kara'dre stepped down from it. All the giants bowed in respect to her as she took her stance in front of the dock.

The vampires of Jason's guard tensed. There were not enough of them to take on this size of a giant force. Jason on the other hand showed no nervousness at all. As he stood with whine glass in hand he motioned with his other hand. The vampires split into two seperate parties. They lifted and walked up one crate of fruits and vegetables, the other with grains and packaged spices. As the crates were placed before Kara'dre Jason bowed "Oh beautiful and strong Matriarch of Xert'via, Queen Kara'dre Uuthal, as promised by my land we have brought 30 ships of foods, grains and spices in return for your gorgeous metals and fearsome warriors. I hope all is to your liking."

She was less than impressed with the vampires show of respect. Words meant nothing. It was ones action that dignified a person. Motioning to move forward with her hand, two of the warriors stepped forward. As they did they snarled and the vampires backed up defensively. Everyone on the dock was in awe as they watched the two giants rip the tops off the crates. They both took a moment to look over the food offered by the Xact General. After smelling and tasteing it, one giant took a handful of grain and walked to the queen, kneeling and showing the grain in his hands, confident in its quality. The other did the same with the fruits and vegetables.

Kara'dre was meticulous in her study of the grain and produce. The giants gripped their weapons. If the queen was not impressed with it, they would push the Xactian forces from their shore. After tasting the produce, spices and grains she was offered, her head turned to Jason "
All the food on your boats are this same quality?"

Jason rose from his bow and gave a nod "
It is my word your majesty. All the food we have brought is of the highest quality. I made sure of it myself. This is my word, on my pride as a General of Xact."

Kara'dre took a moment to study the general. To study the men he brought and his attitude about the situation. After a moment she turned her head. Three giants behind her lifted a single slab of metal. The stood it up next to her as she looked to the vampiric general "The finest slabs of metal from my Gurrkan Tribesman. The best metal you could ask for." Her arm tthen lifted to a group of 20 giants, all clearly prepared for battle with garish armor and weapons "As well as 20 of my best warriors. More than enough to turn any battle in your favor." The giants stood, prideful in the words spoken by their Matriarch.

Jason took a moment to walk up and inspect the metal slab. He then looked over to the giants. Ranging in height from 17 to 20 feet tall. He didn't bother to go inspect them. He simply bowed his head "
As expected from the great Xert'via Giants. The highest quality metal I have seen and warriors whom should be feared. Your people more than live up to their legend your highness."

The giants were not ones to take compliments, however they did not mind this vampire confirming that their pride was well placed.

Over the next few hours the giants of Xert'via and the vampires and humans of Xact worked in tandem to unload the ships and reload them with the metal. Once the last two ships were unloaded they were filled with the 20 giant warriors. 10 in each ship. As they were loaded on the ship, Kara'dre looked to Jason "I expect my warriors to be treated well in your country. If they are not, I will pull my support."

Jason looked the beauty of the queen. For the first time since he got there, he sat his glass down and put his hand over his heart, closing his eyes and taking a bow "
I will treat your people as my own. They will be fed and treated for any wounds. They will be treated as the warriors they are. With respect and honor."

Kara'dre looked at the man. He did not seem bad or untrustworthy. She had heard tales of him. The first vampire. The one who controls all vampires. After a moment she bowed back, showing her faith in his word. Watching the ships get loaded with their people. The 9 Oliphants, now hauling food, left to spread the food across her lands to feed her people. She stayed to watch the ships sail off, back to Xact.

Jason took the time to get to both ships. The giants were simply sitting in the cargo area's. They weren't upset or even nervous. These were prideful warriors, happy to do what they must for their people. Jason was honestly impressed. These were undoubtedly some of the most impressive warriors he had ever seen. Eventually he made his way to the crows nest of the lead ship. Thinking on it, he was the last general to agree for the pact between Xert'via and Xact. Looking on it now, he agreed that these people could be the key to Xact's victory and Mollug's defeat. He opened a bottle of blood he had saved and poured a glass as he watched the sun set on the sea. Xert'via fading away behind them as they made their way back to the Xact Empire, with metal and warriers in tow.
Vivica Utulla


Location: Countryside of Mollug and Xact
Mentions: The Hunde SirDerpingtonIV SirDerpingtonIV

Since the fight with Hunde, Vivica had been traveling the unbeaten path. Her wrapped sword on her back, walking through the paths in the wilderness of Valucia. She had found that the bigger cities held no real appeal to her. They seemed.....overly comfortable. With SIN's games rolling on in the world, it seemed wrong that people in large cities lived so comfortably. Why do they get to live peacefully when others were so burdened by SIN's games. Sad really.

As she traveled she heard word of the other summoned. There were many and it seemed only a select few really spread chaos as SIN seemed to want. Others seemed to mind their own business and continue with their own agendas. Upon learning this she decided against tracking down the summoned and killing them. Only a few were real threats to safety and she would handle them when the time comes. Right now she had other things to worry about. During her travels she heard about and noticed that there was a sudden rise in werewolf attacks and population. Knowing that she decided to do something about it.

She spent her time traveling around, landing in villages andsaving them from these werewolves. They, unlike the werewolf she fought before, were unimaginably weak. Compared to the Hunde, these were mere wild puppies. Vivica made easy work of them everywhere she went. The werewolves in all their feral running always made for barely a workout.

There was one time the werewolves caused her a bit of trouble. In a small village in Mollug there was an abnormally large concentration of these werewolves. At least 30 of them were descending upon the village, ready to kill and hunt. The problem was, they picked the very village where Vivica was resting in. Hearing the chaos and fear of the village folk. Exiting the small inn that she was in to see the small army of werewolves running down the hill outside the villager. She could see that this village had no chance in this fight.

The village men were shaking as they stood at the village edge. Holding their weapons, prepared for a fight they knew they would lose. The werewolves bound ever closer, a seemingly unending wave of feral beasts. The villagers were all running in the other direction, leaving the strong men to fight. Many of them stopped in shock. Watching as a woman with silver hair and a massive blade dashed forward at a speed they couldn't imagine.

The men screamed in fear as the first of many werewolves leaped towards the frightened me. Then they watched as rubble and dust erupted. The horde of werewolves stopped at the sight. From the dust rolled a werewolf corpse, cut perfectly in half. From the dust the werewolves saw the woman, Vivica, standing with her sword burried into a crater and covered in the blood of their fallen brethren.

The villagers watched in awe as she lifted her sword and swung it, flinging off the blood before placing it on her shoulder. The beasts growled as they mobed. Attempting to encircle her as wolves did, relying on their numbers to take down a solitary enemy.

Vivica gave them no chance to enter formation. Immediately she dashed forward, taking another werewolfs head off as the rest rushed her. The fight was on. She swung her sword up and over, cleaving another wolf's right side off. Spinning she quickly despatched of another four or five of them before lifting her sword again and stabbing it through one, effectively nailing it into the ground.

As she started to fight them bare handed, a wolf howled, summoning even more werewolves, running down from the woods. Now in numbers that she would guess topped off at 40. Seeing this Vivica threw a werewolf into her sword, splitting its head in half before running up and ripping her sword from the ground and made her way to the oncoming horde.

The villagers watched in awe. Inching closer to what was actually a very one sided battle. Over thirty werewolves decended upon this woman who wielded a blade larger than any other they had seen like a piece of paper. They watched as her sword ripped through the beastly bodies of the wolves around her. Her power matched only by the efficiency in which she dispatched the horde. No move was wasted and every strike was calculated and devastating.

The battle was short lived. 20 minutes and Vivica was now standing in a field of her slain victims. Making her way back to the village with sword in hand. The only evidence of the battle on her was the blood of her victims on her dress and sword, her hair messy and disheveled. Upon entering the village square she recieved stares of awe and amazement. Walking up to the old woman who ran the inn Vivica smiled at her "I know I said I would work tonight to pay for my stay, but would it be possible for me to work it off tomorrow? I just need a bit of rest."

The village boys found their hearts pounding as she gently pushed hair behind her ear. The old woman and all the workers begged her not to work and offered to clean her dress. Vivica was not comfortable with all the sudden attention she was getting, but was eventually broken and agreed to let them clean her dress. The next day, after many farewells, the Hellspawn Valkyrie disappeared into the woods.

Days of chaos silenced by a single woman. A woman with a great sword and a powerful spirit. From each village Vivica saved there were always a few who dug into her legend. Those who did found themselves in another village. One not too far from where Vivica is said to have decimated the great beast Hunde. Where she made her first appearance and where she was named a goddess that would end SIN's chaotic hold on Valucia.

Upon getting to the village, all those who ask are led to a house. A house where a young woman stays. When entering they find the house is a single room. Inside statues and drawings depicting Vivica adorn the walls. Candles and sage lit around. The few members there sang a strange chant of how the ones they faced only understood violence. In front, with a sword made to a smaller scale of Vivica's great weapon stood Hanna, the young woman and first acolyte of Vivica. She would sit them down and tell them about Vivica's greatness and how she would one day rid Valucia of SIN and his games to claim her spot as the kind goddess of this world. Enthralled by the idea of god who actually cared about their lives. Having seen her strength first hand they beg to join, which Hanna would always reply with "
In the name of the Goddess Valkyrie Vivica, welcome to Valkyries Kriegsgesänge. May Vivica's will guide you." And so as Vivica's legend sspreads, so to does her cults influence and numvers rise in the country side. Now only 26 members strong, but one day they will grow to a size that Vivica would be proud to make her army.
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Malagar and Isekare
The Solomon Fortress, in Czarsnikei​

Before Timeskip 2

Isekare stood before Malagar with blade drawn, but little hostile intent. The swordsman was immortal and endlessly talented and yet battle with the Giant most certainly seemed like the least sensible of his options. Better to run off into the blizzard and survive out in the open for the night. Isekare could feel strength radiating off of the Black warrior in droves, literally melting snow with the raw power and energy coursing through Malagar.

"YOU DID NOT ANSWER." Malagar spoke with a tone as heavy as his armor, glowing red eyes set squarely on Isekare. The glowing red sword was held in hand, blood splattered across the black iron armor, dripping into the snow, steaming. Malagar did not move as a human did while idle, no breath clouded form the mask of the dark helmet. Malagar clearly was not mortal, and he was clearly, powerful beyond measure.

"No, I do not mean to stop you traveler. I am here to invite you inside, this weather and the many threats that count this place home only worsen at night." Isekare lowered his blade and approached with an almost casual demeanor. "Of course there are rules you must comply with in order to stay in the fortress but im sure the stop would do you well." He stopped before one of the iron warriors Malagar had summoned and examined the armor and weapon it held, noticing how stiff and dead the soldier looked, hardly moving except when needed, robotic in its motions.

"THE DEMONS ARE OF NO SIGNIFICANT THREAT... TO ME." The words of the man of Iron were simple, solid. The Ironclad warrior watched Isekare in silence, eyeless and without breathing. It did not shiver or even move, standing statue-still in the snowy forest, waiting only for more enemies to approach. "ONLY TO AMUSE MY CURIOSITY, WHAT RULES WOULD YOU ATTEMPT TO BOUND ME BY? HOW WOULD A STAY IN YOUR... FORT DO ME WELL?" The Dark Lord spoke. truly unconcerned by the threat of demons in these dark woods.

Isekare looked into the red void that was Malagars eyes and responded with, "Any proper warrior would wish to greet another traveling through his own lands. And I doubt you know much of what this forest holds the deeper and the darker you go. These lands arent safe, even for the strongest of beings. The hordes are numberless and grow stronger the farther north you go. But perhaps if your path is further in, we might assist you a little bit Midnight Walker, see we have heard of your coming and perhaps Czarsnikei could help you kill more than a few more demons. Rules however, may include, no murder, no theft, no infringement on one anothers rights except in the interest of the state or national security. I trust you do not present yourself as a threat."

Malagar kept a cold, iron glare on Isekare, saying nothing in response to his words, until Isekare mentioned that chance that Czarsnikei could be helpful to the massive Iron warlord. "IF THAT IS THE CASE, IF YOUR PEOPLE CAN AID ME IN THE SLAYING OF DEMONS, AND YOUR OWN SALVATION, THAN I SHALL FOLLOW YOU TO YOUR FORTRESS. AFTER ALL, THAT IS MY MOTIVE. THE SUBJUGATION OR SLAUGHTER OF THE DEMONS, AS I DID IN MY OWN REALITY. I BENT THE REALM OF HELL TO MY WILL, AND FORCED THE LORDS OF THAT BLASTED LAND TO KNEEL, OR DIE. THE DEMONS OF THIS WORLD SHALL SEE THE SAME FATE. THEY SHALL BOW, OR I SHALL GRIND THEM TO DUST BENEATH MY GREAVES." The Dark Lord spoke in a booming voice, eyes ablaze. These were no empty words. "I AM A THREAT ONLY TO THOSE WHO OPPOSE ME." The Dark Lord turned, and strode off towards the distant lights of the fortress, his ghastly Ironclad dragging demonic corpses behind them. Their flesh would make for the first Darkborn. With their deaths, his army would grow.

Isekare walked with the demon lord nodding at his metallic statement. The being was obviously not entirely human, but then again neither was Isekare. He smiled slightly, a small droplet of sweat appearing for a moment on his cheek before freezing over near instantaneously. "So you might say you specialize in demons? Perhaps we might be able to have an alliance of sorts my very tall and dark friend. An enemy of the demons is a friend of mine. Im sure there are people in the fort who would like to see you at some point. Others of the Summoned are here as well, just arrived in fact. Perhaps both of you could go north, slay some demons or what not."

Malagar kept a steady, silent gaze upon the Vampire. "WE ARE NOT FRIENDS. I AM NOT YOUR ALLY. YOU WOULD NEED TO GIVE ME A REASON, FOR THAT TO BE THE CASE. IT IS THE SAME WITH THIS 'SUMMONED'. I WILL SLAY DEMONS, WITH OR WITHOUT AID." The Dark Lord simply continued walking towards the fortress.

Isekare cocked an eyebrow. "Well I guess friend was a bad title to use, maybe acquaintance works better. Either way, us being friendly to one another is only natural considering the demons all about, better to work together and make friends then clash and make enemies." He was now walking beside the dark giant, having jogged past the ironborn with no interference.

Malagar did not make any response, marching onwards to the fortress.

Isekare did not mind the lack of response, he was used to talking to things that couldnt talk back, being the owner of many cats. He loved those damn cats so much.

Co authored by SirDerpingtonIV SirDerpingtonIV
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Kezathal, Kana, Cassandra
Pre-Timeskip 2
Cassandra had expected for things to end badly with the summoned woman, fearing that one who allied with bandits so readily would have only negative plans for the Brotherhood. She had hesitantly hoped that maybe things would turn out positively, in perhaps an alliance or partnership of sorts. Both her fears and hopes proved fruitless however as neither conclusion came about, the negotiations ending in failure. They would be leaving Lucy to her own designs now, as both a threat and a loose end. This frustrated Cassandra deeply, her feelings of mistrust honed as an inquisitor coming to rise as she contemplated the results of the Brotherhood’s meeting with Lucy. Lucy would surely turn against them now that they had rejected her requests for alliance, a slight such as the one they had given to the summoned woman would likely not be forgotten. She fully expected to see the woman again one day, most likely on the battlefield, and on a sour note, probably on the other side.

Cassandra waved for her soldiers to dissemble and begin moving towards the rendezvous point they had chosen. The trees were tall and red with the colors of fall, the green pines scattered amongst them adding a dark contrast that highlighted how the night was beginning to fall. She hoped to be back at camp quickly and efficiently. They met up with Kana’s forces after less than a mile of trekking, and together they headed back to the Brotherhood’s camp. Their forces were ready that night, prepared for any sort of attack that could be launched, ready to fight and run and survive if it came to that. Cassandra was not having a very good day, so coming back to the camp to see Kezathul brightened her mood most definitely. She wished he’d notice her, but she understood that his work kept him very busy and distracted. She’d have to try harder, at everything really; Maybe if she worked even more and dedicated herself to the cause he’d notice her efforts, respect her, cherish her even? It was worth a shot really, though she did find it strange how much he consumed her thoughts nowadays. He had saved her life and showed her a path she had never even considered before, so she understood the idolization, but the lovesickness? That was truly unusual for her.


Kezathal had been busy today. He had created a new training program for his soldiers, peasant rebels and Mollug soldiers alike. It emphasized a doctrine of guerrilla warfare, of striking the enemy hard and then fading back into the forests and rocky crags of the foothills. The peasant soldiers knew this region well, and under the Brotherhood, they had something to truly fight for. Kezathal had learned that morale was a pillar of an army’s performance. If he could make his foe believe they were beaten, they would soon be, even if he was smaller than them. The lack of advanced technology and the availability of magic left to him many tools for deception, a favored tactic indeed. Any foe who sought to take him on would find themselves chasing ghosts in these foothills, following the smoke trails of empty camps, chasing illusionary soldiers, never any closer to actually grasping him. As they reached out to him, he would attack where they were weak, striking supply lines, destroying the roads, killing commanders. Without the use of his spec-ops forces, he would preform such tasks himself, until he could replace them. To take on a superior foe with inferior strength required such tactics. And of such methods of warfare, Kezathal had no equal.

To further boost his fortunes, the mages made progress on the Ice Sharders. They were no needle rifles, nor even firearms, but they were still dangerous. Crossbows and ice sharders would hit hard without the required training of a longbow or melee infantrymen. He sat in his tent, cross-legged, the ice-sharder laid across his lap. It was a prototype, and he had already began to explain its use to the soldiers. The Ice crystals it launched were fast and quite dangerous, but nigh useless against armor. Crossbows could handle that purpose, but against less armored opponents, the sharders were nothing short of terrifying. That was nothing to say of the superior rate of fire and high accuracy of the sharder as a weapon. Sharder-wielding soldiers could stay back from the lines of combat, and lay down brutal fire upon the foe, especially with the use of overlapping fields of fire. This prototype of course, was only usable by mages, who could themselves condense water droplets from the air and then collect and freeze them once the weapon’s ammunition had run out. Later versions would have to possess magical implements to do this themselves, otherwise the soldiers would quickly run out of ammo.

He was pulled from his thoughts of tactics and weaponry by the sound of the return of his warriors, sent to negotiate with Lucy. He let out a low sigh, shaking his head. They had tried, but the woman was stubborn, arrogant. The Brotherhood would not bend in its ideals. It would not parcel the land and its people for the egos of warlords. If she thought herself capable of taking on the Brotherhood, she would find herself outmatched indeed. He stood, and strode forth from his tent, arms clasped behind his back. He looked to Cassandra and Kana, his trusted comrades. They were valuable to him and the cause, each in different ways. Cassandra for her intel, her means of infiltrating an enemy, her iron determination. Kana, for her ability to inspire, to draw fourth courage in those who believed in her. Sometimes, he found himself believing in her too. Perhaps that was the charisma of Gods at work. He was thankful for such allies at his side, and in the future, he would find yet more for the cause. As he stood before the returning soldiers, men left their tents, gathering in the camp, as if anticipating the words of their General.

“Well done on this task, Kana, Cassandra, and all of you brave warriors of the Brotherhood. Although the negotiations turned to ash in our mouths, we cannot allow this to stop us, to even slow our momentum. If this Summoned, this aspiring warlord shall not work with us, we shall find others. Others who believe in our ideals, others who carry high the banner of peace and progress. Peace and diplomacy are as powerful weapons as the sword. Yet, we shall not surrender our ideals to cynical politicking. That, is what separates us from our enemies.” The General spoke with confidence, moving as he spoke, eyes turning, meeting with those of his soldiers. The General was an expressive orator, and his hands moved with his words, clutched into a fist over his heart, gesturing around to each and every one of them. The General did not possess the magical charisma to simply fill men with hope, but his words were something almost as strong.

He turned back to face Kana and Cassandra, locking eyes with first one, then the other. “Come. Follow me into the Command Tent. There are matters of import to discuss.” He turned, and strode back into the tent, raising the flap and stepping inside, letting it fall behind him. He sat on the small cushion before the map of the continent he had drawn up, and awaited the two’s entrance.


If Kana was bothered by the failure to secure Lucy’s aid, she did not show it in front of others as the goddess was well aware of the effect it could have on morale. Instead she waited until the three of them were inside the tent with her guardian standing just inside the entrance flap. If anyone wanted in the first thing they’d see would be the walking mass of blades blocking the way.

“I want to apologize again for how things turned out. I know you don’t blame me for it…” the goddess trailed off for a moment as a thought occurred to her. “Hmmm, I was going to say that I’m unused to failure, which is a surprising feeling considering what happened to me and the other gods on my world.”

Shaking her head to dispel the memories of the past, Kana turned her attention back to Kezathal. “What is that you need to talk to us about?”


As they entered the tent Cassandra shook her head, clearing her thought of distraction and momentary thoughts of her and Kezathal. Her eyes turned to the map placed in the center of the table in the room and then they found themselves locked on Kezathal’s frame. He was a warrior that much was certain, a strange alien to her, royal and disciplined in figure, muscular and a leader to behold. In his gleaming golden armor, he seemed near majestic to her, a handsome and worthy leader to follow. Much different from the Mollug commanding force with it’s shrouded, dangerous inner politics and grimacing generals. Kana was within view as well, a force to be reckoned with and worthy of the titles she had found herself echoing at times when addressing the goddess. Her power over the commoner and the religious folk was awe-inspiring, as well as something that had to be seen to be believed. Kana was a living goddess, and she looked the part when in her divine form, yet even when not glowing with such radiance, Cassandra found herself thinking this one might yet be true and real.

“Yes Kezathal, if you've any good news, please start with that, the disappointment of Lucy Kai is still fresh in my mind. We must be wary of that one, having seen her with my own eyes, I can say she bears a radiance very like that of Kana. To underestimate her is to bear death to our own harp. We need to bring more warriors of repute into our ranks is my opinion. The more heroes and figures of renown we hold among our number, the greater the chance we will be viewed as a real force, a true banner to flock to and unite around.”


Kezathal nodded, laying three-fingered hands on the prototype Ice Sharder that lay in his lap. “Worry not Kana, Cassandra. There will not always be a victory to be found. Yet, we must make the most of what we have, even in defeat, may we find a path to victory,” the general mused, looking down to the Ice Sharder, thinking. “The warriors at her side, do you know what armaments they used? How were they garbed?” he asked, looking up once more, the light of an idea in those gleaming yellow eyes.


Cassandra had seen few of the enemy and her sights here and there had revealed little. “Many of the men I saw were clothed in cheaper garb, equipment befitting common footsoldiers. Many of them are likely to be former warriors of Mollug, Deserted and disgraced.” She said with taciturn steadiness, trying to assist in whatever manner she could.


“Many of our men have similar garb. Perhaps it could be arranged, that Some of our foe’s men attack Mollug a bit too early?” he asked, in a tone that conveyed a deeper, mischievous meaning. “Should Lucy prove to be a threat, we could divert Mollug’s attention from us, and draw it to her instead. It would be an option of last resort however, if Mollug takes her presence more seriously, it will make them do the same for us, I have no doubts. Especially being, that I plan to soon take action as well, leading to what I brought you both here to discuss.”

He raised the Ice Sharder, a smooth, white thing, with shards of ice sticking from the top, two dozen of them. “This, is an Ice Sharder. It is a prototype weapon I developed with the Mollug Ice Mages that work for our great cause.” He held the weapon out towards them, offering them to take it. “Currently, only those mages can use it. They condense water moisture in the air, then freeze it. Or preferably, they have access to water for this, as the air only has so much water to give. Doing so creates these,” he said, setting the tip of a clawed finger against one of the icicles sticking at a gentle angle away from the weapon’s sides. “This weapon will hold twenty and four of these icicles at once. When one pulls the trigger,” he paused, gesturing for whichever of the two held the weapon to do while pointing the weapon at a target dummy on the other side of the tent. Upon doing so, a single, eight-inch icicle shot out at the thing, embedding itself in its chest. The icicle travelled at blazing speeds, and from the depth it achieved in the dummy, it doubtlessly could kill. Now, an empty socket stood on the weapon, where the shot had come from. “The soldier using the weapon can easily keep track of how much ammo it holds, for one. Secondly, the weapon fires as fast as you can pull the trigger. So, our soldiers with these weapons can put out more bolts than a crossbow or bow, and they’ll be even deadlier, as long as our foe wears no armor. Against armor, they’ve little use, and unlike the barbed head of an arrow, they can be pulled out with relative ease, or simply melt against one’s body heat. This, is what I wanted to show you. Men are already being trained in the weapon’s use. There is more to be discussed, but first, I want to hear your thoughts on this weapon.”

Cassandra was stunned at the efficiency and design of the weapon, taking it from Kezathal and examining it closely along its multiple and divots and grooves. Fascinating the outworlder was so knowledgable of weapon tech design. The weapon looked to be an improvement on any other design Cassandra had witnessed. She was glad the alien warrior had spent so much time in the smithy now. She held the weapon in a similar manner to Kezathal and aimed it at the training dummy Kez had set up. Cassandra had spent much time with crossbows and repeaters so her aim was true and pierced the dummy in the chest. Laughing, Cassandra held the weapon out in front of her and gleamed at it for a second before turning to Kana. “Would you like to give it a try, Milady?”

The goddess had been listening to the description of some interest, but was skeptical that it would do what it was supposed to. At least until Cassandra fired it and it actually worked as advertised, causing Kana’s eyes to widen in surprise. She could easily see how something like this could drastically alter how wars would play out, even with the downsides that Kezathal mentioned. If he had more such devices in the works, then everything she knew about war would be rendered obsolete in short order. When the weapon was offered to her, the goddess simply shook her head.

“No thanks, I’ve never used a weapon other than a sword, and even without using it I can tell just how lethal something like this could be.” Kana paused for a moment as a small smile appeared on her face. “And haven’t I asked you to not be so formal with me? I have enough trouble getting my followers to call me by my name, I’d prefer to not be called by a title here as well.”


Kezathal nodded. “It is nothing compared to my Needler rifle, which can kill a fully armored knight at well over three hundred feet in a single shot, but it is a decent weapon. In the hands of our soldiers, it will be a blessing. No foe of ours should feasibly be able to field a full army in plate mail, so our warriors with these weapons will be very effective. And, this is only working with Ice Mages. With other mages, or even better, another Summoned who knows how to work with technology better than I, I will be able to procure for the Brotherhood firearms. Or even better, something like the Needler Rifle.” He examined the dummy, seeing the icicles in it already beginning to melt. “Furthermore, I would like to ask you Cassandra, if you have any characters in mind for these ‘warriors of repute’ you would have us seek out?”


Cassandra snapped to attention as the two looked at her for a response. Characters of repute were needed, the names too would be nice. “Well, I'd say gathering more of the summoned should be a good start in terms of allies? Surely more of your kind would be an asset Kezathal? I've heard tell of Ivan, Cowboy as the posters say. Strange name for an individual of his sort. Perhaps this Frostfire Princess could also be a possible ally, or maybe the one known as Kotori, The Pales Archer, if rumors from the siege of Castellan are right, and if she makes it out of there alive, she might prove to be a strong ally.


Kana’s smile fades into a more neutral expression when the conversation turned to the topic of the Summoned. “I did not have the chance to really get to know any of the others that were brought here with me, so unfortunately I can’t tell you anything about them. Some of them looked like they might be possible allies, but locating them would be the problem. I can ask my followers if they have heard anything, but I’m guessing their information won’t be anything new.”


Kezathal nodded, arms crossed. “More of the Summoned would be wise indeed, though I had meant more of local characters, Valucia’s own. I would like to look into some of these mentioned characters, and if Kana’s followers can find any of them, that is for the better. Perhaps…” he thought aloud, turning to Cassandra. “You could seek people you may know that might be willing to help us? Walk this land, and find them. Like minds, willing to fight for a righteous cause.” The alien warrior sighed, shaking his head. “I am afraid I know little of the other Summoned. I leave this task with either of you two, for now. I have to dedicate my time to rallying the people of this region, and making plans. The garrison at Fort Valbad must be taken out, a task I shall carry out alone.” The warrior stood, taking hold of his Needler Rifle and with the slight press of a clawed finger, the two dozen crystalline shards stuck out of the weapon, showing it was ready for use.

“We cannot bet upon a lack of discovery for much longer. We must strike early and true, disable our enemies ability to coordinate a response, and hopefully, convince them to our cause. For that, I offer another task. Finding Summoned and characters of note to join our cause is good, but it is worthless without the people’s support. In the aftermath of my attack on the garrison, our foe will be disorganized, without morale. They will have seen the force of the Brotherhood, know that they fight a Summoned. You shall seize this, and draw them to our banner. We will not take Mollug simply by defeating its armies. We will take Mollug instead, by making its armies our own. We shall offer them an open hand, after I show them the fist. Whichever of you attempts to persuade the garrison, and regionary troops of this part of Mollug to side with us, has time. If you would like to take on other matters before it is time for your mission, you are free to do so. I have, for example, heard of a local bandit group that we may want to dispatch of. Regardless, prepare yourselves.”

“After this, there is no turning back. With the region’s military strength and its people at our backs, we begin our revolution in full. Once either of these tasks I have assigned to you are completed, there is another. Nortestra is also a foe of Mollug. If we can convince Nortestra to begin a counter-offensive and draw Mollug’s forces, we will have less to deal with on our own. That enables us to more easily knock aside our opponent’s sword, and claim victory. Our steps in this battle must be careful, deliberate, and as perfect as we can make them. It is this stage of our cause, our great revolution, that is the most vulnerable. Once all three of these tasks are completed, we shall see where fate would lead us.” The General nodded, a solid look of determination in those alien yellow eyes. “I place my trust in the both of you, as my lieutenants. You fight now, for the Brotherhood. For Mollug, for its people, and all of Valucia.”


The goddess pondered the objectives that were handed out to her and Cassandra, a finger tapping her chin in thought. "Wasn't there something about there being Summoned in Nortestra? I'll head there since the odds of accomplishing at least one of the objectives will be higher." Kana pauses for a moment when she glances over at Cassandra. "I think you would be a better choice to talk to the Mollug troops since you already know how they would think."

Cassandra agreed with Kez and Kana. She would be the best choice to begin gathering Mollug warriors to their side. She would have to get started on that project soon. “I trust Kezathal that this enterprise will come through, I look forward to continue working with you.” Turning to Kana she said, “And you Kana, it is an honor to work with you both. I agree, I will begin gathering warriors that I know to our side. It is a job I will take pleasure in.”

“Excellent. In this case, I shall make preparations for my own task. Is there anything you would wish to bring up to me now?” The alien general inquired as he went about gathering his weaponry and equipment.


Kana shook her head for a moment. “I’m going to let the Sentinels know what is going on so they can get ready. With luck I’ll return with some positive news.” While her voice projected confidence, inwardly she was concerned about the readiness of her bodyguards as they were still getting themselves organized. Unfortunately she had no reason to think they would let themselves be left behind, so it was looking like it might be a trial by fire for them if anything went wrong. For now though the goddess could only hope that they were more ready than they appeared and that nothing on the trip would go wrong.
( EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy Pai Chan Pai Chan Solirus Solirus )

1592773968633.jpeg Wonderweiss was picked up by her older sister which in response got head tilt. Though, since the performance was starting Wonderweiss already knew it was go time. Once launched into the air Wonderweiss body was covered in a light before engulfing into flames. Once the flames faded a black haired girl jumped out of it while still shining bright with pink sparkles. After the light faded she was in her magical girl outfit waving her wand around which was shining as well. Ice sculptures formed all over the area, rising even over the buildings, frost flakes fell from the gigantic sculptures leaving everyone in awe. Wonderweiss sung a bit while dancing on the head of the ice shaved dragon head. The mouth of the crystallized beast opened and released a frost fire. While the performance went on, more flashy stunts were shown by the magic girl. Finally jumping down she bowed while everyone started to clap for her.

A big smile grew on her face from everyone who were impressed with the performance. All the sculptures shined bright into snow flakes and snow drops. Standing back up straight she skipped back over to the group of summoned. From there they headed to get something to eat, as well show the summoned where they will sleep.

It’s been about a week since Astor’s visitor’s arrived. They seem to have settled in nicely, although she knew pretty soon it was obvious that they’d be leaving too. Like herself she knew traveling was on their minds. Wonderweiss week has been entertaining she got to go around the newly built Astor inspecting her older sister’s hard work with admiration. Going around each of the different areas of the new city she found one she especially liked. It was a small café that gotten extremely popular then the others. Wonderweiss was usually found here drinking some nice coffee as well as some small delicacies.

“How is it Wonderweiss?” A calm sweet voice asked. It was a woman who worked in the café that had a high respect for Wonderweiss.

Taking a sip out of the wonderful coffee, Wonderweiss let out a calm exhale. Her eyes opened slowly and peered to the woman. Wonderweiss smiled placing the cup down. “Wonderful! Like usual, nya~!”

The girl clapped her hands together with excitement. “Good! You don’t mind me sitting with you this morning?”

“Of course not! Join me~!” Wonderweiss was sitting with one leg over the other. She scooted her chair back to give the woman room to sit. The two engaged conversation for some time.

After two hours of talking Wonderweiss had left the shop skipping around the city to see what was going on. Nothing really popped off during the morning thankfully. For the time being here Astor been mostly peaceful. Wonderweiss strolled through the different areas singing and skipping. While skipping she came across the red head from before. The girl was one of the visitors, and looked like she was sleeping while sitting up. Skipping over Wonderweiss circled Erza, wondering if the red head was really sleep, or at least not dead. Standing in front of the lifeless Erza, Wonderweiss waved her hand in front of Erza’s face and ears. One last attempt to try and wake the girl up Wonderweiss poked her chest up while inhaling.

“Good morning.”

“NYA~!” Wonderweiss jumped back a bit startled not expecting Erza to speak up like that. Fixing her stance and clothing Wonderweiss watched Erza stand up. “How was your nap, nya~?”

“I didn’t take one. It’s called meditation.”

“Oh! That ~! You were sleeping, but not really?”

“Clearing my mind. Calmer mind and a stronger flow of mana. You should try it, I can sense your mana fluctuates on its own. In some cases, burst of power is good, but to utilize your abilities at their best potential is were you’ll benefit most.”


“Mana, you use it yes?”

“Oh yeah~ I do use mana to summon ice and stuff~!”

“When you prepare a spell, depending on how well taught you are using mana, you can bend it at your own will at any level. Unless having no control over it, just using it incorrectly. Ican teach you the basics before I set off?” Erza said with a smil


About an hour passed and Wonderweiss learned how to better control and stabilize her mana. Thanks to this Wonderweiss had a better understanding on how to use mana, since it was gifted to her, she didn’t have much help with how to use it. She always just taught herself the best she could. With that the two parted ways. Erza had caught back up with Heather and Mulv. Wonderweiss ran to an alleyway transforming into a cat running from the rooftops. While scoping out the city, Wonderweiss noticed her older sister. Running over and jumped on Alice’s shoulder.
Alice Everlast

Location: City of Astor
Interactions: Wonderweiss ( Gohan510 Gohan510 )
Mentions: Francis ( Damafaud Damafaud ), Erza ( Gohan510 Gohan510 ), Mulv ( Solirus Solirus ), Heather ( Pai Chan Pai Chan ), Apollo ( Duwang Duwang )

As Alice walked she looked about. She gave the smile and wave as the figure head of the city, she did that as much as anything else. While walking she noticed her personal Peacekeepers stiffen up a bit. She didn't know why, but it was specifically clear when a familiar cat landed on her. With a smile she continued her walk, gently scratching her sisters chin.

As she walked she finally folded her fan and spoke "Well, the city was built up pretty fast within the week. Problem is the economy is just a bubble now." Looking around she noticed the few adeventurers that had moved in were enjoying the amenities of living inside Astor "Our currency has no standing in this world unless its in the city. The outside all still runs on trade and gold coins." She stopped at a fountain in the housing district. Looking into the water she took the time to think. She had to find a way to acclimate other economies to hers or modify her economy to others. It was a difficult situation. It was hard to bring forth a new sort of economic policy in a world that had such primitive governing systems. From what she had seen from the adventurers who set up shop in Astor, it was mostly a trade for gold system. Doing hunts, quests and services for gold. Gold was the main monetary system in this world. In comparison to the old world, she was unsure of how to work her system into that. She had paid an adventurer to tell her the closest governing body and the economic structure of said body. From the information she recieved, the closest place was Verruk. The capital of a country named Mollug. Her city was more in a country called Nortestra, but they were right on the boarder. However, that did give her an idea.

Alice decided to hold off the idea for a minute. Right now she had to pay for the Tourist Lure from Wonderweiss. Looking around she saw the coin was floating over head. She leaped up, gently gliding up towards the slowly floating coins with a constantly ticking up number. Eventually she floated down to land on the top of the coin. She moved to the very center of the top. She opened her fan once again and fanned herself. She looked to the small kitten on her shoulder and kissed her little head "After this I am going to see what I can do about our lack of a recognized economy in this world." She then allowed Wonderweiss to do her part. Taking a moment to set up her lure. After the time passed Wonderweiss opened her glowing blue eyes filled with arcane energy. On the coins surface spawned a small kitten made of pure magic.


Alice was happy to see the small kitten. It was a true testament to her sisters personality. Not to mention she found it adorable. Despite her position and personality, she was still a girl and loved cute things.

Kneeling down and sitting on her knees, she pet the small spirit kitten, earning a little nuzzle against her hand. She giggled a bit and put her fan up "Hey there cutey. I need you to do your thing. I promise a big meal this time." The kitten sits and softly meows. With that Alice touches the kittens head. The coins numbers dropped sharply as she paid the lure. She paid a solid $10 million. That would keep the lure up for about a week, but with this size of a city it would only affect people within 5 miles of the city. It wouldn't be much, but it was enough to get a few more people. She had an idea that might get her a few more people coming in to her city.

After that was set up she hopped down from the coin to let the lure do its job. She was now holding her sister in her arm, stroking down her kitten body as she walked. It didn't take long for her personal Peacekeepers fall in. Walking down the street she thought for a moment. She needed someone to leave the city as an ambassador to this Verruk. Problem was she didn't know who to send. The people who were originally in her city were stuck in it, she didn't want to send an adventurer and she needed her sister in the city. After some thought her mind traveled to the four her landed here a week ago. Maybe it was best to use them. That fool Francis was out of the question. Last thing she needed was a random magic bomb from her ambassador in a meeting. The little robot Mulv was no good either. That bot was no politician. That left Heather and Erza. They were both capable, so she sent to Peacekeepers to fetch them and escort them to the central plaza of the city.

After they leave and she makes her way to the center still petting Wonderweiss, she remembered something. Reaching down she pulled out the small card given to her by Apollo, that strange arms salesman. He was a great choice, but she knew that Apollo was a business man. After some thought she turned her head and created an Asset in the form of a lighting hawk. This bird was the fastest bird in her old world. It was a tracking bird, so she had the hawk smell the card. She took a moment to sit and write a letter asking if Apollo was interested in a lucrative deal she had to offer. She gave the letter to the hawk and it flew off to find Apollo. After that she continued walking to the cental plaza, hoping this might work.
Last edited:
The Second Meeting
Hours before the Second Siege
, Brother Beast/Alexander, Synthia, Mikhail, Meira, Rama, Ela, Aramus
Authors: @Myself Snackofthefuture Snackofthefuture Gohan510 Gohan510
Synthia was working all week and including the morning of the invasion with her mages to prepare the gigantic magic circles that'll summon behemoths for them, along with multiple lesser demons as a swarm. All the mages had to drink up constant mana potions to replenish anything they lost to making the circles. Synthia looked at her two inquisitors who followed behind her; it made her feel rejoiced that she can move with the two now. Synthia signaled them to stay back as she entered the Commander Tent where she will meet with Cardoza and Alexander.

Cardoza impatiently tapped his foot on the ground, having only the troops' chatter in the far distance and the other three... no; two generals to accompany him. His powerful siege weapons had arrived the day before, to be used specifically for if the supposed gift was turned on them. They were laid in the back of the camp, loaded with the magically enhanced ballista bolts. With them came the main reinforcements, replacing the soldiers lost in the previous siege. All of sworn loyalty towards Mollug. When Synthia entered the tent, Cardoza didn't even look up at her, for he was too concerned with the dozens of ways the next siege would go. Unless the unknown third party was only in it for the money, which was unlikely, then things were bound to become very, very messy. "Generals," he finally said, "out of interest, what do you plan on doing once the war is over?"

Brother Beast prepared with his troops and made sure all was ready for battle. He kept his men on constant watch for any escape attempts by the Nortestrans and spent time keeping them morally alive and visiting witht the common soldier. Brother Beast understood the common man, he knew what drove them, what scared them and most importantly, what inspired them. Brother Beast held one of the largest forces in Nortestra, a force he had built up through the years and commanded with unswavering loyalty to him. They were almost like a personal army for Alexander Murkoff. He hadnt used them as such before, but the days were coming when his prowess and mercantile use would be recognized. Nortestra had already recognized the importance of Brother Beasts warriors.

Synthia looked at Cardoza once she sat down. Taking a small yawn she is thought of how this day would go multiple outcomes. Something at the back of her mind had a bad feeling. It was as if something was trying to warn her of an upcoming event, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. "After the war? Restructure our country, and grow the militia so we don't have to go through struggles like these anymore."

Brother Beast chuckled and said, "I imagine I'll just stay in the military and continue to protect our glorious nation from its many external threats. I enjoy the soldiering life to be entirely honest. Watching the carnage of battle unfold has always had its thrills for myself. That or ill return home and enjoy my old life once again. And what of you General? What tasks or oppurtunities might you plan on enjoying in your future."

Hold a funeral for my daughter, retire as Grand General, and leave Mollug. "I believe the High Council will send me to aid the war on the Xact Empire. The higher your status, it seems, the higher the stack of work."

Synthia glared at Alexander then to Cardoza and released a soft sigh. "Today is the day—" Then Synthia was rudely interrupted. She glared at whoever had the audacity to do so. It was a royal knight, but why would he rudely interrupt a general meeting in the midst of war time?

The meeting was swiftly interrupted when a Royal Mollug knight spoke from outside the tent entrance. "General Cardoza," he called out.

He promptly sighed through his nose. "We're in the middle of a meeting, soldier! Whatever you have to say better be important!"

"It's about the man you told us to look out for; he's here."

Just outside the encampment, Mikhail patiently waited for the Mollug to fetch his superiors as a certain red-haired beastwoman planted strange markers in a large circle. As they blinked yellow, curious knights and the like traveled to the camp's borders to observe the guests. Meira, yawning out of boredom, went over to the Czarsnikean general, saying "The parameters are up, Mikhail, now can I go splash myself in some water? I'm dying of heat, out here!"

Mikhail let out a sigh. "No, Meira, you must stay within my line of sight. You've somehow made yourself important to the mission." She rolled her eyes, saying some remark about how he was all work and no fun. She walked a short distance and sat down in the shade of a tree.

"So. You upheld your end of the bargain." Accompanied by two Royal Guards, Cardoza appeared before Mikhail.

Synthia swiftly followed after Cardoza standing behind him while he spoke to the man. 'Pay close attention.' Karasu was in the air watching everything. Synthia's eyes had a small flicker of purple in her and Karasu's eyes. Karasu didn't see any sign of an ambush. Synthia's vision then came back to hers.

"We're businessmen, Cardoza, not cheats." He looked up at Cardoza, not showing any sign of fear despite coming in person instead of as a hologram.

"And what of the 'gift'?"

"On its way. And tell your men to stay away from the marked area unless they want to be pulverized into a pile of meat and bone."
Mikhail checked his wrist, which had a holographic screen rising from it. Under his cap, the gunrunner's eyes widened a little. "My superior has just messaged me. He will drop by soon to supply more aid for your attack. Courtesy of the sudden presence of the summoned."

From the shade, Meira bounced up. "Wha—? You mean Des—Erh, Rama is arriving himself?" Her carefree face was gone, replaced by shock and an unnatural seriousness.

When the girl started stuttering a name, Synthia gave a quick side eye to the girl. Things could get a bit interesting. Why are they giving Mollug more? Yet she did understand the summoned were an intense foe. She stayed quiet for a moment. "Feeling generous?" She asked sarcastically. She didn't appreciate how he showed no signs of care to the grand general.

Mikhail didn't bother to look up at Synthia. "Show some common sense, please. We do not play favorites. Not even for our own if need be." He then looked towards the marked circle, motioning for Meira to return. "If I know anything about Zavyr, it should arrive..." The marked circle suddenly glowed a bright blue, bellowing a 'phoom' noise as many Mollug knights ran from the portal and what rose out of it: a monster constructed entirely out of metal. "Right on time."

The Sieker Model booted up, releasing a burst of steam as it balanced itself. "AVA is online," its mechanical voice boomed. "Objective noted, T-minus three to five hours from now. Target system recalibrated."

General Cardoza backed up into the safety of the camp, astonished and shocked at what occurred before his eyes. The hologram of the weapon he saw only a week ago was a shoddy representation of the real thing. Any newbie knights would drop their weapons and run at the sight of the mech. He was drawn speechless.

Synthia's eyes opened up wide realizing the hologram was only so tiny in compariso to the real thing, but seeing the knights back away inf fear made her wonder, are they going to win this battle? Synthia looked over to both commanders to only think, how are they going to hold up for the battle? Alexander hardly speaks which makes her question a lot about why in such important times. Synthia felt regardless of how his wild like personality was, he needed to use whatever brain he had to control himself. Standing straight as things calmed down a bit. Looking around she noticed everyone's shocked reaction. Karasu still flew watching over.

Brother Beast looked at the mech and smiled very widely. He leaned against a post and watched the mecha rise into the clearing. It was angular and slick, massive and powerful with a machine like efficiency in its movements that stood out eerily from everything else Brother Beast had ever seen. He had heard of constructions from the distant regions of Stennough that were like the Sieker model. It was a disturbing oddity they were using weapons more advanced than the steampunk nations. Brother Beast considered the reality he was living in and shook his head with an unintelligible mutter under his breath.

He really did love Valucia in that moment. That weapons such as this should yet exist. And to think it would be used for such an insidious purpose. Alexander almost chuckled at the thought of the giant machine turning on the Mollug forces. Nortestra would surely take victory once the metal beast was on their side.

"It's a thing of beauty, isn't it?" The new speaker appeared seemingly from nowhere alongside the mech. He was adorned in white and gold armor with a golden mask, his eyes burning red.

"It certainly is, General Rama. Welcome to Castellan." Mikhail said, raising a quick salute. Meira walked over to them, following suit, though her salute was less respectful and more playful. Still, it didn't seem that the general had minded her lack of regard.

"The city's definitely seen better days. I imagine the recent summoned have had fun running amok in others' affairs." Rama glanced at the generals, then at the beastwoman. If anyone were observant, they'd have noticed him clench his fists at the sight of the Mollug generals. "Meira, it seems a new city has risen from thin air. We're certain it's of the summoned. The board has asked you to look into it."

"Aw, what? But there's still stuff I want to do here! The battle is coming up, and it'll be awesome! Amazing! The most incred—"

"The board wants you investigating as soon as possible, I'm afraid."
Meira slumped her shoulders, reluctantly taking the portal device that Rama held out. She vanished into a portal behind them a moment later. "And you, Mikhail." Rama glanced up at the sky, spotting Karasu. He scowled underneath the mask. "One of the summoned, specifically an unidentified species similar to Zavyr's is starting something disruptive. You know your orders."

Mikhail hesitantly nodded, walking behind to the area Meira left in. "Then I presume you and your backup will fill in for us?" he asked, opening the portal.

"We have it all under control. Your work here is done." And not a moment later, Mikhail was gone. Rama looked back at the generals. "I trust my subordinates did not mistreat you. I'm the one in charge of the whole operation. Normally, I wouldn't come down to sully myself with Mollugs in combat, but the summoned have forced the hand of my higher ups to provide additional assistance, being me and a couple of my peers. Their job is to protect the mech from the summoned, so as long as you do not do anything rash, they won't meddle too much in your business. Are we clear?"

Alexander paid close attention to the newcomer, glancing over the armored fellow with apprehension and curiosity mixed. The Sieker model was impressive, but something about the man with the red eyes and the portal magic threw Brother Beast through a loop. He didn't like him at all.

Synthia watched while everything unfolded and stayed silent for the meantime. She wanted to make sure nothing spur out of control. It was a man named General Ramma. Never heard of the name before. So Synthia waited for the next move.

Still flabbergasted by the massive robot and how they created portals without so much so as a chant, Cardoza was wary of the apparent leader. The extra reinforcements were very sudden; they could've posed an obstacle if the gift was to betray them. Cardoza crossed his arms. "We're clear."

Rama grinned under his mask. "Good. Good. Now our plans can all go accordingly. I advise you all use this time to prepare for what is to come. I've no doubt that each party in this battle is betting everything on if they win."

"Argh! That damned beastwoman was here, wasn't she?"
Rama turned to the new voice. "I'd recognize that putrid odor anywhere!" The two associates he spoke of had arrived. The one speaking was a red-haired elf, wearing a permanent scowl and ragged, crimson robes. Underneath her robe was stained, black clothing, lined also with red. The other was a being of all metal with one red eye covering much of its face. An oriental-styled, yet futuristic looking hat sat over its head. A white robe was wrung around it.

"Ela," he said the the elf, "Aramus," to the robot, "Glad to see you have arrived on such short notice."

"Cut the crap, Rama! You lied to me! I can't believe you roped into another one of your schemes. Honestly, do you know how much a pain it is for me to adjust from Menhir, where snow is always falling, to this shitty hole of Castellan?"
She flung her unkempt hair behind her shoulders, impatiently tapping her foot on the ground. "I could be using this time preparing for my ascension, not participating in your unnecessary efforts..."

Aramus would observe its surroundings for moment, then flicking its head towards Rama. "I merely follow Master's orders. Directives are... perplexing... but manageable." It glanced at the generals. "And what of them? My directives do not mention the outliers."

Rama looked back as well. "Them? Unless they try anything stupid, they're to be left alone. Just follow the plan accordingly, and we won't need any further discussion." After a few nods and grumbles, the Providence agents went their own way. Aramus took to the mecha, leading it to an idle zone; Ela went off somewhere in the forest where she prepared some "plans" of her own; Rama returned to the generals. "I believe we're done here, generals. When the invasion begins, just give the signal."

Cardoza only nodded, nervously tapping his foot. The newcomers were essentially battle-oriented replacements for the more diplomatic agents, from the metal man who's steps were as silent as a fly, to the elf who smelled of the occult and glared at everyone as if they were inferior to herself. As Rama walked off, Cardoza muttered to his peers: "Prepare your troops, generals. The invasion is starting today, and I don't plan on losing everything to whatever behind-the-scenes bullcrap was pulled. If any of them try anything the least bit traitorous, then kill them. That is all."

Brother Beast listened closely to Cardoza and then nodded slowly. The newcomers were strange sorts and already Brother Beast didnt trust them. They seemed like backstabber types. More so even then Alexander. That they should out him as a traitor popped in his head as an idea for a single moment and then disappeared. They must be in on the plan with Athena, he thought to himself as he raised a hand to his masked face curiously. Brother Beast would be fine regardless of how the plans turned out, but he still liked to be aware of random variables such as the newcomers.

A cold, daunting silence blew with the wind, as the generals returned to their respective activities; each with a separate goal in mind: Synthia with her unwavering trust to Mollug, Alexander and his self-serving schemes, and Cardoza with the burning lust for revenge against he who slew his daughter.
Nathaniel and Aurora
Co authored by Pai Chan Pai Chan

The sky was dark over the city as Nathan and his warriors arrived back from their rebel-hunting mission. The enterprise had gone well and they had only several prisoners left to deal with. They would be executed as was customary for rebels in Xact. The nation had a zero tolerance policy for those who might try and overthrow the government. Nathan himself had no qualms about the rule, he had no issue with ending the lives of those who tried to destroy his blessed nation.

Xact was a nation known for its religious freedom, powerful military, rolling fields and meritocracy driven government and military. The best were rewarded suitably and the worst, well lets not get into that. Simply put, It was a nation that strived for self improvement.

Nathan himself was quite proud of Xact and himself took immense pleasure in his work. Hed been a mercenary and a bounty hunter before finding work with the Xactian military, and before that, a bit of a religious nut as some might say. Hed enjoyed his past work for the most part but the military of Xact offered so much more than his previous choice of employment had. The retirement options were simply too good to turn down.

Aurora walked down one of the sidewalks that outlined the church grounds with one of the head nuns.

"I can’t believe how many posters have been going up lately.” Aurora said as she went over to a notification board primarily filled with descriptions and drawings of cats.

“There’s been a rise of dead cat posters going up lately, through the past week.” Aurora took another look at the papers.

“Don’t you mean missing cats?” The head nun shrugged.

“If you’re optimistic, I suppose.” They continued their walk. Esther, the head nun was very different out of most everyone else at the church. She was very beautiful as her thirty years were kind to her, even with the pair of spectacles that adorned her face. It was Esther's attitude and outlook that drew Aurora’s attention to her in the first place. Esther’s lack of empathy or care for most things while still keeping her faith was something Aurora had never experienced before and it was a breath of fresh air. The head nun wasn’t afraid to voice her thoughts about people or situations. She didn't seem like she walked on eggshells as most of the others did. In fact she seemed to be more pessimistic than anything else. But Aurora accepted it was part of the nun’s charm. It kept her grounded and thus much better to talk to. She didn’t gawk or stammer over her words like many others. Aurora didn’t really like others putting her up on a pedestal but it was understandable since she was a goddess.

Nathan after returning from his mission, went through all the rigamarole that comes with finishing up a successful rebel hunting venture. He disciplined soldiers, rewarded others, signed papers, dealt with signing off the doomed prisoners theyd all taken.

"Execution immediately yes?" the top messenger of the battalion asked curtly and with much respect towards Nathan. Nathan simply looked at the messenger for a moment then.

"Of course. See that it is done soldier."

Nathan turned back towards the final paper on his desk and hesitated a moment before signing off. It was a requisition report for more spellcasters. They would be needed much when Xact finally restarted its war with Mollug. News that war was on the horizon was well-spread and most of the common folk expected the declaration anyday now.

"Better late than never." most of them thought.

Nathan walked out of the building, having removed most of his armor to reveal the clothes of a man deeply involved in a religious movement most probably had never heard of. The Way of SIN, it was called. An ancient and powerful cult that has existed since the First Summoning, its many thousands of years back. Acolytes of The Way of SIN were beings who believed in an ancient and powerful god known only as SIN. They believed SIN was responsible for life and existence and Valucia, it was also believed this being was the one behind the Summonings that so plagued Valucia.

The two women resumed their walk until Aurora's eye caught another flyer. This one was about a different religion devoted to SIN. The goddess couldn't help but feel disappointment.

"Not a big fan of SIN, I take it?" Esther asked.

"A being that promotes violence and instills fear. It is exactly the opposite ideals that I grew up with. I've seen empires with his type of influence crumble in on themselves. I feel the only reason he holds much weight is because he's much more active in this world than those civilizations I've seen fall. It's hard to understand why people worship something that has no care for his followers." Esther shrugged.

"This world is twisted, that it is. What I wouldn't give to live in your world where things seem to be much less chaotic. "I still find it quite perplexing that you believe in a higher power. Especially, as a diety, yourself." Aurora chuckled.

"And I find it ammusing that people don't believe that ideal. There is a higher power that makes even SIN look like child. The same higher power that has gifted us with the existence of light and dark. Something much more than making a planet or two. A higher power that came up with the substance of life. To bring things into being from nothing." Esther, gave a small smirk. Seing Aurora light up was always a morale booster.

The two walked a big further and were coming towards the gates that led into the church courtyard. A squad of soldiers passed by and Esther couldn't help but noticed the ever more increasing military presence. Even moreso than usual since the city of Ilaria was on the border to Mollug. "What do you think of the approaching war? Surely, our involvement is only a matter of when." The nun asked.

"From what I hear Mollug is a corrupt country that is being backed into a corner. I think it'd be a step in the right direction to dethrone the current heads there and rebuild the place in a more positive light. If war is the only way to start this progression then so be it."

SIN himself had never been seen by the acolytes, but his influence had been felt worldwide, which explained much of the worship. Unlike other divine beings, SIN interacted with the world he had created, not always in a positive manner albeit but at the very least it was there.

The cult was little known, very old and very remote from the minds of the common man. It had managed to keep itself out of the spotlight for many years, but now, now it was beginning to grow at an astonishing rate, sub sects and smaller variations of the belief forming and building themselves up in places like the city Nathan found himself in. All these various cults and beliefs were secretly all under the influence of one man. The identity of this one leader was unknown even to Nathan , who was a high ranking member of The Way of SIN.

Nathan found himself walking towards the closest church hed looked up. He had an objective in mind today, to meet one of the very summoned his belief spoke so much about. This summoned was a goddess from what the rumors told. They had arrived at the city while Nathan had been hunting down the rebel warriors and Nathan had only just recently heard of them.

Ilaria was a beautiful city, decked out with many church and temple spires, rising into the sky with holy beauty radiating from their elaborate arcitecture. Nathan truly appreciated it. He hoped the goddess did as well. He had heard she was staying with the religious community in the city and had taken to living closely with the nuns of the church he was walking towards.

As he arrived, Nathan decided to ignore the tall open doors of the main entrance and check out the courtyard instead.

Nathan was a tall and very muscular man so his appearance was one others would notice, the scarring and bearing he held himself with spoke of a soldier, or at least a man of extreme discipline.

A tall and war torn man entered the courtyard that immediately caught Aurora's attention. He was most likely a soldier or mercenary but the church itself didn't see too many of them come to the church grounds directly. Aurora thought that they were too proud with reputations to uphold about being a hardened individual.

"Excuse, me." Aurora called out as the two approached the man. "How may we help you?"

Turning to the two, Nathan saw immediately that they were holy women and bowed slightly in greeting.

"Yes, Im looking for a summoned to be up front about it. I heard that some had arrived in the city as of recently."

Aurora and Ester briefly exchanged glances.

"I am one of them, yes. How may I be of service?"

"Ahhh once again my prayers are answered with convienience. It is good to meet you, I am Nathaniel Klaus of the Xactian Army, and I wish to simply know you better, Summoned."

Aurora smiled at his answer and felt a hand on her shoulder.

"I'll take my leave." Esther said. "I have that new nun you appointed to see to." With that the head nun took her leave and it was just Aurora and Nathanial.

"I'm Aurora Lyrinthal. The pleasure is mine. We can walk and talk if you don't mind." As Aurora led the way she turned to the soldier.

"So what is it you're looking to find out?"

"Ahhhh, not so much, I simply wish to know and help the summoned, as my beliefs tell me I must. More than that however, I am here in order to learn if you might wish to assist me and my blessed nation in the coming war."

Aurora was taken aback. She remembered the last time she aided in a war. The events still hung heavily in the back of her mind. It was also the only time she used her abilities to hurt others. It was not something she reflected on proudly. Quite opposite, in fact.

"I am overjoyed to see you take interest in making those like myself feel welcomed. But I am not one that is so keen on aiding a war effort. Especially, when I am new to these lands myself. This city alone is beyond beautiful and I feel like I am blessed to have ended up in such a place, but it does not, quite, yet feel like home. I am merely a priestess trying to do what I can to aid the people that come through Ilaria."

"You can aid far more than the people of Ilaria Aurora, as a general of Xact, the nations resources would be at your disposal, to an appropriate limit of course. This place may not feel like home yet, but given time, Im sure the Xact Empire and I can help change that feeling."

Nathan was offering Aurora more than a cause at this point, but a home as well. Allying with the Xact Empire truly had its benefits. Nathan had offered them only several times in his career, and he could just tell that doing so with Aurora was a good decision.

Aurora smiled. The idea of having a home here was very heartwarming. She had already grown fond of the city and the people she had met and interacted with there. She thought that in aiding, she would be able to prevent some fatalities. At least on her side. But she had to be certain of what she was fighting for. Aurora stopped and turned to face the general and looked him in the eyes with a serious face.

"If I would lend my aid to you and your people I must know what is it you fight for? What is the reason for Xact's part in this war? And why do you, personally, lay your life on the line?"

Nathan looked Aurora directly in the eyes as well, noticing a soft ethereal light within.

"I fight for Xact because it is my home, it is the nation that took me in and gave me purpose when my life was nothing but darkness. Xact will enter this war to, simply put, take down a mad dog. Mollug is a cancer on this continent and it needs removing. As for why I lay my life on the line? Strange of you to ask, but I put it on the line because Xact is the only home I know, and Mollug is a threat to it."

Aurora's gaze lingered a few moments longer before her usual smile returned. Nathan fought for the same reason she did before the maiden landed in Valucia. She fought for her people. For the ones that gave her a home. If something was threatening that then it needed to be taken care of. And that applied here as well.

"I can see your resolve and would gladly share it. As you fight for your people I would also like to protect this place in exchange for calling it my home." Auroroa took a step back and curtseyed.

"I am proudly at your service."

Location: Mollug Countryside heading towards Xact
Vivica's travels were, for the most part, very peaceful. Yes, a few bandits popped up and she had to fight her fair share of monsters or animals, but it was mainly rather quiet. She would stay in a few towns here and there. A few places she was at were attacked. She handled it relatively easy. Some even paid her, so now she had a travelers amount of money. Not much, but enough to afford food and a room at an Inn when she needed it. Of course, she didn't know that the more people she saved, the more people joined the slowly growing cult dedicated to her worship. Of course, she did not think she would be called a god. It would sicken her if she knew about it, but the cult was growing completely without her knowledge.

On her journey she was informed of a city on the edge of a kingdom called Xact, on the boarder of Mollug. If she remembered right it was called Illaria. She heard it was a major tourist attraction. She decided to head there. Maybe she could get more information on this world. Like the summonings and SIN himself. If she wanted to kill SIN, she needed as much information as she could get.

it wasn't long until she could see the city on the horizon at the end of the path she was traveling on. She noticed all the people, caravans and carriages. It seemed so calm compared to the chaos of the outer villages in the countryside. It was almost unfair how easy big cities had it. Pushing that to the side she strode down the walkway to IIllaria, ready to continue her quest of quelling this world of chaos and SIN himself.
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@Pai Chan @FantasyDoctor @Kai123
The city of Astor

Heather was looking over a crudely drawn map of the entire continent. She wanted to get a gauge on how far that city was that Sowilo mentioned. Or at least get an idea which one it was. Heather assumed that she could narrow it down once she arrived in Xact. But they're figuring out how long it might take. and first there was talking with her new allies. She didn't know if they wanted to go along but she couldn't just up and leave. She couldn't do that with Mulv even if she wanted to. He was like a companion the humans often had back on her home world. The witch didn't specify that Heather's mission was of solo preference.

Heather needed to get a breath of fresh air and was about to head outside when a heavy knock came to her door. She hesitated before opening the door. It was what, Heather thought, was a police officer to this city.

"Yes? Is there a problem?" Heather asked.

"You're expected at the Central Plaza." He answered and Heather gave him a sideways glance.

"Your city leader, I presume."

"Yes, ma'am." Heather stepped out of her room with Mulv in tow to follow the Peacekeeper. Just as they started to leave the three happened across Erza and another officer.

"You too?" Heather asked and couldn't help but get a bad feeling. She didn't particularly have a good history with people guiding her to their leader.

Erza after leaving Wonderweiss came across an officer who demanded she arrive at the central plaza. She quickly made them remember not to talk so ignorantly to her. As they walked to the decided location they came across Heather and the small droid Mulv. "Yes me as well. I wonder what's the sudden order." Erza got close to Heather leaning to the side enough only Heather could hear.

"We should try to get out of here soon."

Heather nodded before whispering back.

"So, I might have a plan for that, if you don't mind some adventure. I'll tell you all about it when we aren't surrounded by unwanted ears." Heather quieted when one of the Peacekeepers leading them gave a glance in their direction. It felt awfully like they were in trouble for something.

After a few more minutes of being led around the streets of Astor they arrived at, what Heather guessed was their destination.

Sitting beneath the massive gazebo that was the central plaza was Alice. She was petting a very familiar little black cat in her lap. The city people would pass and wave at her. She would wave back and poked at the smiling children as they giggled. Over the week the others had been there, it would have been clear that she was truly the bastion of this city. She was loved by all the original 2,000 and even the few new guests were growing to love her.

Looking over she smiled as the two girls were brought to her. Alice stood and waved her hand. The two peacekeepers bowed and walked off. Alice looked at the girls as she pet the kitten in her arm "You both can calm down. Despite who was sent to bring you to me, I can assure you that this is a purely peaceful meeting."

After a moment she looked towards the market district she had made only days earlier "Ladies, is there anything your hearts desire within the walls of Astor? A dream or maybe an Item? Wealth?" Her calculating eyes fell back to the two girls in front of her. Her every move filled with a regal sense of power and grace.

Erza was looking around the gazebo before tracing back to Alice. When Alice asked the two what they desired it made Erza's head tilt. "Maybe the currency of this world, does this city have that perhaps? It could help us out on adventures."

As Erza gave her answer Heather pondered her own. This felt, heavily, like a "strings attached" question but there was no harm in answering.

"I don't think my answer lies just within these walls but I'd love to live in a peaceful world for once. Both my previous world and this one seem infatuated with war. I just want to be able to fly somewhere without fear of being shot down because I'm mistaken as some sort of infiltrating enemy." Heather didn't exaggerate. She had, indeed, been fired upon in many instances just for flying. Often mistaken for angels that the humans and demons were at war with.

"Currency and freedom. Both very admirable needs and goals in life. Some may call it greed or selfishness, but I simply call it a dream."

Alice chuckled a bit as she sat on a close bench. The crystal clear day was very beautiful against her darker look and pale skin. Despite her very unique style, as she sat there, petting the small cat that was now known to be Wonderweiss, she seemed so loving and a genuinely caring person. That being said, with how easily she played Francis out of almost everything he had in exchange for one of her many Gift Cards was a clear indication that she was a ruthless tactician. Capable of planning for even the most unpredictable details. Deals made with someone like her could be rewarding beyond one's wildest dreams or be devastating as you fall into her clutches. Which means that even in her weakened state, she was not one to underestimate.

After a moment her eyes went back to the two girls. "I actually have an offer for you both. Something that may benefit all of us in the end."

With a wave of her hand, Alice created a contract before them. She smiled as she returned to petting Wonderweiss "This contract states that one or both of you will offer your services as Astor's ambassador." Reaching into her dress she pulls out a map of the lands that she got from one of the new adventurers that made Astor home. Unfurling it on the stone bench and began to point as she spoke. "From what I was told, my city rests here, just on the border of Nortestra and Mollug. We are on Nortestra soil, but the closest recognized governing body is Verruk, the capital of Mollug."

She looked over to the pair and smiled. "In exchange for setting up a first meet and connection with said governing body, if all goes right, you will have officially helped me claim land from Nortestra for Mollug. Once the government and myself find a way to acclimate my more advanced economic system to their own, my own currency will hold value in Mollug. Ergo, you could trade it for a substantial amount of this world's more widely accepted currency."

Alice looked back to her sister in cat form. Scratching her sister's head she spoke once more "This is not a deal that will immediately pay off for either party, but if you accept, you will have all the backing my city can offer. That includes resources, gear sales and maintenance. Anything I can offer. In the end, if it works out the way I plan, you will be ambassadors to a portion of Mollug, thus you will have the backing and support of not only Astor, but all of Mollug as well. Not a bad deal if I do say so myself." Turning her eyes back to the two girls, she pushed some of her hair behind her ear "Any questions or concerns ladies?"

The offer was extremely tempting. But Heather had something that came first as a priority. Sowilo said it was important and urgent so that meant it came first.

"I'm terribly sorry. But I have a very pressing matter that has come up that I must see to immediately. If it were finished then I would gladly take up your offer. Or maybe I could come back and then I would be free to take on your assignment?"

Alice raised a brow as he looked at the winged girl. In the short week she knew Heather, she was too busy to really see the girl. However, right at this moment, she seemed genuinely concerned. Not being one to force someone to abandon things so dear to them, she held up two fingers. "I can give you two weeks. That is all. I hope you can finish your task before then." She turns her head towards Erza "Same applies to you if you are going with her."

"Our adventures won't take two weeks, as well as yourself you are summoned to this world, we don't know how long things might take to handle a specific agenda. When I or we come back we will gladly come to help you and your city. For now a simple Ambassador job is not for me to embark on. I still have so much to learn about this world and what it has to offer, instead we can become allies and everytime I stop by around here I'll come and help as much as I can. That seems like a more fair deal, to repay you for your kindness on our stay for a week." Erza looked over her shoulder onto the beautiful city of Astor.

Wonderweiss watched the two girls in envy wishing she could leave the city with them, but of course her city was where she must stay. Wonderweiss older sister was always the one to make deals and such with people, but these two were refusing the proposal. Looking over to the redhead Wonderweiss tilted her head.

"As such I actually plan on taking my leave now, I do wish you the best with the city and I hope to be able and return!"

Alice looked at the two and realized she had found solid allies for the times ahead. Since she was summoned so far from the original summoning area due to the city and people that came with her, she had yet to meet too many other summoned or even SIN, the being who had summoned them. That being said she realized that forcing her personal limits on others was not a pleasant thing to do. She sighed "I wish I could offer more help, but sadly my powers are much weaker once I leave my city. My entire power relies on it, as well as it's economy. Here I am usually unbeatable, but sadly, not now."

Thinking more a moment she realized that her sister wanted to travel, but Alice was forced to stay in the city since Alice was so much weaker. In the old world, she was able to come and go as she pleased because Alice was so strong. The city was so large and the economy was flourishing. Now, there was no way Wonderweiss could leave. Alice needed to repay her somehow. She just didn't know how.

After a moment she shook her head and continued to pet her sister "If you two need it, my city will be a safe haven for you." Her eyes looked to Heather "Two weeks. I can make sure you and all your companions are protected by ambassador status, but only if you help me in return." She extends her hand to the winged girl "Till you return. Have a safe trip."

Heather took Alice's hand in a firm shake. Things were, suddenly, looking up. Having a place to stay, an ally, and a purpose. Heather could start looking towards the future. She had an adventure ahead of her. Now, she had someone to rescue.

After saying her goodbye to Alice, Heather brought Erza aside.

"So what do you have planned, next? I'm heading south and back. Hopefully, with a person in tow. Just a little rescue operation. No biggie." Heather tried playing it cool and realized she probably did a better job looking like a dork. She just wasn't used to speaking to others she considered a friend. And it was only dawning on her how bad she was at it.

Erza shook Alice's hand and gave her as well as Wonderweiss a smile before taking a few steps getting ready to leave off on her adventure. She didn't know exactly what events she'll get herself into though she knew it would be fun either way. After Heather came to Erza she looked at the winged girl that Erza befriended at the beginning of all his. Mulv was also with her, once Heather spoke Erza looked at the clouds that slowly shifted in the sky, it was still morning and it sure was beautiful.

"A rescue mission? For who shall you be rescuing? I was planning on going north, I heard demons have been appearing up there a lot. Apparently some of them are invading other places other than the north and they're starting to come down to even Mollug. Though I would not mind joining you on a rescue mission if you'd like my presence." Erza gave a soft smile to Heather before patting Mulv on the head.

"I might sound crazy for this but I had a vision. I was instructed to ally with someone. The instructions I got were vague but enough to where I would be able to get pointed in the right direction once I arrive at where they are located. It seems that with everything that's going on, ally's are definitely something we want to be plentiful of." Heather's ears perked at the mention of demons. That was something she was familiar with and seemed like they existed here as well.

"I'd be happy to help with dispelling demons. It's something I had to do in my homeworld as well. I would, very much, like to have your assistance on my mission. The more the merrier. And according to my vision there's a chance we might meet some resistance that would have a similar goal." Heather looked at Mulv and smiled. Maybe, now, with Erza traveling with them, Heather could stick to ground travel and not have to resort to doing a long flight with the robot in tow.
Ivan, Sulric, Kotori, Charon
Authored by Snackofthefuture Snackofthefuture Solirus Solirus Juju Juju YsFanatic YsFanatic

Ivan was stressed out one could say.
One could say, Ivan was very stressed out.
Hell, it might be approriate even to say something about his nervousness.
Simply put Ivan was not a fan of the current situation with Nortestra. He was walking towards a meeting with his friend Kotori, accompanied by his old pal Sulric, ole general Sulric, "General Sulric, general suckdick, I dont care what his name is, I do not really trust this old dude. Hes actin all like the Five-oh or someshit, lockin away my friends. Goddamn what an asshole, like Kotori didnt even fucking do anything." Outwardly however Ivan was quiet for the most part, occasionally looking at the general with raised eyebrows of suspicion.
"Sometimes you just gotta suck it up Ivan, I know youre walking into a prison with this dude, dont let it unnerve you, Im certain they havent tortured too many people here."

Sulric followed along next to Ivan, carrying a tray with tea and having a helmet covering his entire face. He moved his view again to Ivan and took a deep sigh. "I'm sorry this is happening, I've recently talked to my wife and I feel like I've overeacted... I don't know... lately I feel like everything is just falling apart in my life... I know you don't care, but I'm also here to talk to Kotori, I hope you don't mind, I've told the guards in the area that they are free to leave and come back once you're done so you can say anything... Do you want tea?" He asked moving the tray closer to Ivan.

Ivan looked at Sulric.
He looked at him really deeply and intensely. He was very serious and his eyebrows were still raised in suspicion. He was looking at him with this intense suspicious face for a moment, and then took the teacup with out taking his eyes off of the general. "I dont trust you Sulric, lemme at least grant you my honesty if nothing else. My sympathy maybe not, Youve sorta locked up my friends in a warzone. Not cool dude, not cool. In all honesty in fact, Id probably be alright with you if it werent for the fact youve locked up my friends, youve got a cool helmet, Ive got a cool hastag, cmon we can work things out. #FreemahboiWakinyan. See it now? Now Ill take your tea, but dont think youve earned my trust, cuz you havent."

Sulric paused and took a another sigh, "I know... I guess I acted too harshly... lately I've been in a rollercoaster of emotions... I just act without thinking or just letting my emotion guide me and the latest events don't help that either... as for your friends I don't plan on having them go through trial, I might be abusing my power here, but I won't be having it for too long so I guess I'll get away with some things..." Finally after walking for a bit longer they arrived to the door leading to the cells. "Sorry again but could you hold the tray for me while I open the door? Just careful it's a bit heavier than it looks." He asked offering his tray to Ivan so he could hold it in the mean time.

Ivan took the tray for the moment letting his gun swing from his side.
He disliked the lack of armament in his hands, but he shrugged, a teaset was better than nothing if things came to trouble

Sulric pulled out a ring of eyes going through all of them, putting some into the keyhole but failing to open. "... I think I forgot... but that shouldn't be a problem" Sulric put away his keys created a pair of lockpick with his barrier magic to lockpick the door open. "You hand me back the tray if you want and you may enter."

Over the course of the week Kotori's health had declined. At first it had been a sickness in her stomach, or a lack of energy, both easy to shrug off, but as the days passed by it became harder and harder to ignore. She spent most of her time laying in her prison bed, though hardly managed to find any sleep. When she did, strange things lurked in the corners of her mind, nightmares that she could not remember upon waking save for the fading dread. Sometimes, when she lay awake at night, she could swear she heard distant voices. It was during those times that talking with Charon was most appreciated.

Kotori began to mark her days by Aldreg,s visits whenever she could be rid of the cuffs and reunite with Wakinyan. Aldreg taught her a few magic tricks, just as he had promised, and Kotori tried her best to learn them. Finding energy for these lessons became increasingly difficult as the week progressed, even if she tried her best to hide it. She only hoped the trial was soon, for she was unsure how much longer she could take of this prison.

By this time Kotori had grown familiar with the footfalls of each prison guard. That was why when she heard two unusual pairs she spurred herself out of her sleepless rest. Kotori sluggishly sat up, staring out into the empty corridor. Soon enough she could begin to pick up two familiar voices belonging to people she both longed for and dreaded a visit from. Sulric and Ivan.

Ivan had been staying at the hospital hed been with Kotori at over the week and had been busy assisting the Nortestran civilians and soldiers throughout the days. He hadnt been allowed access to seeing the girl up until recently, after Forsith and Sulric had both thrown their weight around. Hed missed his friend but had made sure to stay busy in the time that passed. The two still needed to talk however, and figure out how to prevent future catastrophes like the one at the meeting with the princess.

Ivan gave the tea tray to Sulric and stepped inside the prison passageway, they were underground now, having walked through several different castle passageways and halls before reaching the block that contained Kotori and Charon. It had been a beautiful castle but war and decay had set in, and the prison itself had suffered terribly due to it. Deserters and criminals of circumstance filled many of the cells, and yet room still remained. Many would probably be brought back to the frontlines and made to fight when the Mollugs fully attacked once more.

It was a hopeless circumstance and the fact Kotori was imprisoned only served to make Ivan more negative. It would be nice to see her however, there was that at the least.

Seeing Kotori herself was both nice and not nice to put it simply and without humor. Kotori looked fine and she wasnt being treated harshly. But the things that had happened and the words hed said made Ivan a little bit queasy. He hadnt meant to sound so harsh. But people had died and there had been no warning or anything. It just made him very uneasy.

Charon had spent the time since he came back online standing completely still. He didn't even speak whenever there was a guard in audio range, and it was doubly true for Aldreg. The android knew the man couldn't be trusted after scanning his soul, but given their situation he gave no indication of just how badly he wanted to jump on the commander's body until it was a pulp. For now at least the soul eater would be patient.

But then finally there was someone knew approaching according to his sensors, two persons in fact. There was no motion from Charon as the two men approached, but it quickly became obvious that he was aware of them when he spoke. "Oh look, it's Gun Boy and Tall Boy. Are you here to seek an audience with Hug Lord of Doom 3000?'

Kotori felt a wave of nervousness when she saw Sulric and Ivan for the first time in a week. It had not been a long time, nor a short time, but seeing them again brought her right back to the festival’s chaotic conclusion. Most of all, she could clearly recall the look of furious betrayal and disgust on their faces. It was never something she wished to inspire in those she saved, and especially not those she had hoped were friends. While she was glad to see them, it also made her quite sorrowful.

“Ivan, Sulric, it is good to see you again… I hope you are both well,” Kotori said weakly, forcing herself to retain eye contact but wanting very dearly to avoid it. She fiddled with the chains around her wrist nervously.

Ivan sighed as Kotori spoke, a light breath escaping his mouth as his eyes narrowed. Then his face cleared up and he said "Fuck Kotori, Im really sorry about the whole yelling and screaming thing that happened. We're still friends by the way but Im hoping next time you warn me before you decide some people need to die right then and there. Would that be okay? If you warn me? Something? Anything is good."

"I see Gun Boy is working under the false assumption that that she had any say in the matter," Hug Lord of Doom 3000 notes with some amusement.

As Ivan spoke it felt as if a great weight had been lifted off of Kotori's shoulders. She let out a tired sigh, feeling tattered yet very much relieved that Ivan still wished to be friends with her. The tension left her body, though the exhaustion soon flooded back in. She sat back down on her bed, afraid she wouldn't be able to stand any longer. Kotori smiled thinly at Charon's comment, knowing that he was spot on with the comment, though was reluctant to speak illy of the Heavenly Beast.

"I will do my best to warn you next time. I apologize for Wakinyan's sudden judgement. His methods are abrupt and I understand how you would feel afraid or angry in witnessing him for the first time." she explained carefully.

Turning to Charon, Ivan grimaced for a moment and then remembered this was the android whod been so happy about the rock Ivan had thrown his way.
"Charon, I see it like she has a gun, as people in my world might have said. Wakinyan is dangerous as all get out, correct me if im wrong Kotori, and youre his keeper right? You told me you were responsible for him."

"That is perhaps an oversimplification, but you are correct. I am known as the keeper of the Heavenly Beast, a sacred duty given to only the chosen of the Beasts themselves." she looked at the ground, wondering what words could possibly make Ivan understand, "They say you cannot tame the wind, just as you cannot cage a storm, but I do my best to guide it."

Charon had to marvel at just how bad Kotori was at explaining the situation. He could see many fleshies just getting more confused by her explanation and as such the android decided to kindly translate. "What's she saying is that it is more like a partnership except that Horny Horse is the one in charge, not her."

"Thats very disappointing to hear to be quite honest." Ivan said as his shoulders slumped, that wasnt great news. Wakinyan being in charge changed the entire dynamic and made things a lot more difficult.

Sulric watched the conversation unfold, carefully waiting holding the tray with tea without interrupting. "I brought tea if any of you wanted." he said hopefully not interrupting anyone's conversation.

Kotori was quiet as Charon spoke, her silence confirmation enough. She seemed to shrink a little, staring blankly at the cracked stone below. It was difficult to look at Sulric, but Kotori forced herself to turn her head. It was the first time she had seen him since that day and she had hardly forgotten the rage and sorrow.

What should she say? He offered tea and Kotori took one, for it was rude not to accept an offering from an elder. She held the steaming cup between her hands, soaking up the warmth but not drinking it. It smelled lovely, but she was too nervous. "Sulric, I am not sure where to begin..."

"Take your time" Sulric said, "I personally acted too quickly and harshly, seems like this old fart can't read the current situation anymore." He responded moving his head down and staring at himself through the reflection of the tray.

Kotori was shocked at Sulric's response. She looked between Ivan and the commander in muted disbelief. Sulric seemed so different from when she last saw him, closer to when she had first seen him. Still, his voice seemed just as troubled.

"Well old man, Mania is something to watch out for in old age. Keep an "Eye" out for the signs haha. Get it, cuz you have one eye."

"No, you reacted only as a good commander should. Wakinyan killed your soldiers and you sought justice. There was no way you could know his divine intent..." Kotori ran her nail across the rim of her cup thoughtfully. "I am sorry that he caused this confusion, but I know that Wakinyan will never attack and innocent. I know this should wait until the trial, but please listen. There's something wrong in the capital. Wakinyan speaks of something festering, waiting to burst. You both have to be careful."

"I know... that's why I'll be abusing my power here." he said using a serious tone. "We have intel that the enemy will be attacking soon, and instead of being forced into trial I will let you go with the condition that you fight by our side... If you find any chance to run away you can go ahead and do it... although I can't guarantee the rest of Nortestra will let you go so easily..." Sulric then reached from his back pockets and pulled out an envelope. "Inside this there is a map leading to a safe place, if you're able to go there, hold off from travelling there and wait a couple weeks or months from now." He extended the envelope for any of the three to take it.

"I don't have pockets." The trololol music started to play from Charon's speakers at a low volume as the android continues speaking. "And getting away won't be a problem as I've been in contact with a customer of mine. They won't be expecting someone like her." While he sounded cheerful, inwardly he was a bit dissapointed. He had anticipated Tall Boy would be an asshole and was looking forward to ripping the cell door apart and telling him how things were going to be. But now he didn't need to do any of that and it was kinda annoying.

"Well Kotori, overall we just gotta communicate better, I honest to god thought you were boutta start rampaging for no reason. I mean sensing their souls are evil, its still barely a reason to kill people really. But because youre my friend im gonna forget about it and trust you. Also damnnnnnnnn Sulric, much appreciated." Ivan plucked the envelope from Sulrics hands and looked it over, he then passed it over to Kotori whispering exaggeratedly. "I wouldnt open it, I think its booby trapped."

Kotori was too tired to defend the morals of executing corrupted souls out of one’s divine duty, especially when she did not whole-heartedly agree. She closed her eyes for a moment and simply tried to be gracious that Ivan was forgiving her despite his lack of understanding of Wakinyan. “Thank you, Ivan.”

When Sulric explained the attack and the envelope’s secret Kotori could only stare at him in frozen disbelief. Sulric was helping them to escape? First he had seemed to forgive her, and now he wished to help her. What about the trial? It felt wrong to have gone through all this suffering for nothing, but she supposed that really the only thing she wished for was to protect the city. "Sulric... you... if anyone finds out about this you could be thrown in this cell or much worse!"

She was glad that Ivan had taken the envelop first. Her hands were shaking too much. Now two generals risking their neck for her.

Kotori took the envelope and held it tightly, as if it were some dream that would escape her if she looked away too long. There was a possibility it was a trap, or a poison or something, but she didn’t think Sulric was that sort of man. Was he? No. No, she would not think it. She opened the letter, unravelling the map inside. While most written words evaded her (save those taught by Aldreg) she could understand a map. Many of the features drawn on it were those she had seen during her week of travel.

"You have a friend that will help us, Charon? When will they arrive?" Kotori asked, glancing over the map, "I... I know a secret passage out of this prison... we could use that, though Wakinyan cannot fit through it. Perhaps your friend could use it?"

"Judy's hiding out at the fringe of the battlefield. She can be here pretty quickly once I give the word." Charon snickers for a moment. "And she can make her own entrance if needed."

"It won't matter if I get caught... I've recently learnt a lot which I wish was not true... but I can't keep lying to myself... anyway It's unnecessary to use the secret compartment since you'll only have to escape in the middle of the battle." Sulric looked down and the looked up at Kotori who was checking out the map. "I apologize if it's a bit weird, but if you're able to memorize it in any way, I'd want you to burn the map later, I wouldn't want it to fall to anyone else's hands."

At the mention of needing to keep the map away from prying eyes after memorizing it, the android finally moved. Snatching the map from Kotori, he gave it a quick scan to commit to his memory banks. Once that finished he opened his mouth and shoved the map in there before closing the opening, crushing the paper within. The only thing Charon said was a simple, "Taken care of."

"Of course, I will make sure to-" Kotori was cut off when the map was snatched from her hands and eaten by Charon. She laughed sheepishly, "Ah...uh, thank you Charon!"

While her companion was rather odd, she had come to learn that he was exceptional at memorizing things. He said it had something to do with being an liv- android. Regardless, Kotori had seen enough of the map to have a general sense of where to go. At least, she thought so. There was only one thing left. Kotori looked back at the general, "Sulric, thank you for this. I swear to you on behalf of the Heavenly Beast that we shall defend the city from its attackers. You are a good man, Sulric, I am sorry things ended the way they did."

"Now, if you want Kotori to fight, get her to be in the same room as Horny Horse. Or at least right next door instead of up here." While Charon didn't elaborate as to his reasons for this request, his tone seemed to indicate that he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Im just gonna ignore the fact he ate the map."

In response to Ivan's comment, Charon's only response is to turn his head to look at the gunslinger and softly utter a single sentance meant for his ears alone. "Ignoring what I do may not be wise for your sanity, BFF."

"He means Wakinyan." Kotori explained wearily, smiling slightly at the strange nickname.

"Well... as long as it has been stored I suppose there won't be any problems" Sulric sighed for a second, "We should get going and get Wakinyan out, the enemy could attack at any minute, however, if you want to stay here for a while longer I won't stop you." Sulric said in a calm tone and seemingly bored.

"Well, fuck, thats news to hear, thanks Sulric. I mean what else is there to do other than leave eh Kotori? Can ya let em outta the cage now Sulric?"

Ivan leaned against the bars as the words left his mouth. He was glad Kotori had lasted so well in the prison, but he did notice that the glow and lustre shed had before imprisonment had faded slightly. It saddened him to see her in such a state. He wondered where Susan and Csilla were in that moment and wondered what the two would think of the conditions Kotori was being held in. He knew little of the two and had had only brief discussion with the two comrades of Kotori. Most of what he knew of them came from Kotori herself, and that consisted still of mostly just: Susan is bored most of the time and Csilla would believe in horoscopes if they existed here.

"How are you doing Kotori?" Ivan asked right after speaking to Sulric. A concerned look appearing on his face as he turned towards her. It was surprising but Ivan felt she was important to him now; It made sense considering everything and everyone of importance in his life had been ripped away just 2 weeks ago. He had latched on in a sort of sense, made her something special as his life had lost all that.

Kotori paused before answering Ivan. In reality she felt hollow and sick, but there was no was she could really explain it all right now. Having Ivan worry even more about her was not something she needed either. So instead she managed a smile and tried to sound more convincing than she felt, "I will be alright, Ivan. Do not worry about me. I just need to get back to Wakinyan.. get these chains off him..."

She stood up, her posture shaky, and glanced at Sulric, "There is also my bow, a relic weapon. It was taken from me a week ago but I do not know where it could be held."

Ivan sighed and smiled unconvincingly. He then turned to Charon and looked at the robot with a suspicious eye. "Bad for my health you say? Thats really quite ominous to hear in fact."

Charon tilted his head to the left in some confusion. "If you ignore me, how am I supposed to warn you of danger? Plus it would make it harder to rescue you from certain death if you are not paying attention."

"Alright then, I just wont ignore you, hows that sound. Lets just try and stay out of those certain death type situations okay?"

"That would be smart of you, fleshy," Charon comments before taking note of the time. With it being night he decided to send a quick message to Judith to advise her that the natives were apparently expecting a battle to break out real soon and thus she might want to get ready.

"Yknow that sounds ominous Charon. Following it with Fleshie doesnt help much either haha..."

After this event, Ivan, Kotori, Charon and Sulric all exited the dungeon and went to the armory. All of them prepared for battle, readying themselves in every way for the coming storm.

Nortestrans around the city too gathered themselves and began to prepare for the oncoming storm.

Armories unloaded, food eaten, armor locked and readied into place, the people of Castellan set themselves to the rhythm of war and worked until there was nothing left to do but wait for the enemy.
Ronin, Yamiko, Orobo, Silver Jon, Lady Ichika, Hina, Ullis, Skathi
Authored by Snackofthefuture Snackofthefuture Gohan510 Gohan510 StaidFoal StaidFoal Solirus Solirus Juju Juju

Ronin sat on the top of the wall of the Solomen's Fortress. He had a clear view of the white forest ahead of him, the morning was quite cold but nothing he wasn't used to. Ronin was meditating, calming his mind from anything that could cloud his judgement. Lately things were out of control, summoned appeared after 200 years of the last appearance and they already caused many problems. Though some of them weren't too bad. Ronin actually took a liking out of two of them, one was a young samurai similar to himself and the other was an ice spirit of sorts. The female samurai and Ronin constantly caught each other in the hallways of the fortress getting caught up in conversation with one another. The thought of her made it hard for him to focus on meditating. Shaking his head Ronin continued to focus, channeling his mana to spread out through the area giving him mental vision of everything around them. There were a few Owlboar's roaming the outskirts of the fortress, nothing new.

"I envy you," a sudden voice rang out. Yamiko stood balancing on the edge of the wall beside Ronin. When she got there was a mystery. "The ones who are your close allies and friends are true to their allegiances. They're of the rarity that are willing to jump to your side as soon as you call for aid." Ronin had quickly become one of the few people that she let her guard down against. Though she reasoned it was because his attire was familiar to that of her old world's, she still found herself talking with the samurai. Yamiko finally looked over at him, changing the subject. "Didn't expect to find you here. I'd heard that a squad of patrolmen went missing, so I volunteered to do a quick search for them."

Ronin turned his head to look at the slim figured woman that he was just thinking about, this time she wasn't accompanied with her ally the ice spirit. Sooner or later the spirit will show its face making a dramatic loud appearance per usual. She mentioned how his allies were loyal and always coming to aid and it gave him a confident boost. Ronin was not one to make enemies so many gravitate to his natural positive energy. Standing up beside the woman he glanced once more at the snowy forest. "I come up here to seek peace whenever I am allowed the chance." The samurai stated calmly watching deep in the forest Owlboars fighting. "Every morning I must meditate. Gives me a clear view of the world." The mentioning of missing patrolmen did peek Ronin's interest as well. Ronin looked at her for a moment before peering back off in the distance. "I too wish to know of their reasoning of disappearance."Out of nowhere Ronin felt 12 very dark mana sources coming not too far off from the fotress. "We must go."Getting up Ronin prepared his set off jumping from the wall into the snow floor beneath him.

Yamiko was surprised by his sudden leap, left with only his ominous words. Up ahead, she could now feel the very presences that must've made him worried. Using the telepathic link with Skathi through SIN's mark, she said, Something unruly has sprouted north of the fortress; Ronin and I are investigating, before jumping after Ronin.

Orobo yawned as he got up out of his assigned bunk within the fortress. All of the summoned and newcomers had been given a single barracks to stay within while at the fortress, along with a choice room each within Lady Ichikas manor. Orobo was being made to stay in the barracks as he was still under questioning: It contained a kitchen, common room, two bunk rooms for men and women, along with multiple bathrooms spread out across the building. Things had not gone smoothly to say the least when they had arrived at the fortress. They had been instantly viewed with suspicion for being foreigners, the mistrust only increasing upon learning that they were summoned. The Czarsnikeians were a people constantly under threat of annhilation, so Orobo and the rest had all been viewed as potential threats immediately. The only reason they let Orobo into the fortress was because he managed to prove he could control demons, not just summon them. Certain other traits and powers had proven admirable in convincing the fortresss occupants to allow Orobo and his people inside. Khaoul had been in worse straits being a demon himself; Orobo had to bargain heavily with the officials of the fort in order to even have him allowed inside at all. The two of them were in the same boat so to say, being natural enemies of the devil-besieged fortress dwellers.

At the very least, Silver Jon and Lady Ichika were kind.
He entered the kitchen, finding it empty and cold, grey and near deserted but for the ration packs placed on the table. There was more inside the cabinets but it wasn't worth looking through them. The food was mostly bland, the kind of provisions that would be gifted to soldiers on the frontline; Ullis was livid when he had discovered the food they had left them with, it had taken all Delilah and Orobo had to keep him from rampaging after the chefs of the fortress.

Orobo finished his meal quickly and blandly, wondering at the lack of other individuals in the kitchen. He went back upstairs to fully ready himself for the day, taking one of the jackets the Czarsnikeians had given him for the cold. Making his way outside, Orobo wondered again at the lack of people around in their sector of the fortress. It was like they had been quarantined or something. It annoyed the summoner that they were being treated so strangely from other travelers and such. Just because they were summoned didnt mean they were different from any other being. It wasnt too bad though, they could have been left out in the cold so as to speak. That would have truly been bad.

Silver Jon, Lady Ichika and Hina were all waiting for the summoner at the gate to the inner fortress, and then when he appeared they waited for Skathi to appear. The ice spirit had been meeting with them, including Ullis throughout the week to discuss current events in Czarsnikei and the world at large. It was to help the summoned integrate, but also a good way to improve relations between them.

Then, with no buildup to prepare with, something burst out of the snowy floor, kicking up clouds of blinding white. A large, diamond-shaped chunk of ice spun in the air with dozens of smaller shards orbiting it. As it kept spinning, more of the shards were sucked into it, making small cracks in the diamond. In another flash of light, the chunk of ice exploded, sending bits of it in all directions, avoiding the surrounding people by mere inches. Skathi floated where the diamon once was, giving a bow for his usual, flashy entrance. "How flattering! You were all so patiently and eagerly awaiting my arrival! I'd expect nothing more from such a species!" He floated down to the floor, putting his hands behind his back. "Now, down to business, I presume?"

Hina let out a high-pitched scream as ice exploded around her. Instinctively, she covered her head with her sleeves and crouched down into the snow, praying that this was not another demon attack. Remarkably, none of the ice shards hit her, which also explained the familiar voice that soon spoke. Hina slowly lowered her hands and glanced first at Skathi and then towards Lady Ichika, who gave a laugh and applauded the show. Despite the cold, heat rose on her face as she realized she was the only one to react negatively to the explosion.

Orobo groaned outwardly in jest as Skathi appeared and then he put out his hands slightly saying "Whoop de do, Skathis here guys, the partys started at last." He smiled however, admiring the frost spirits escapades. He wasnt a bad fellow to have around all the time. Could carry himself in a fight that was for sure. Orobo turned to Silver Jon and looked the man in the eyes for a moment. The fortress commander was on edge at Skathis explosion from the snow. But it appeared he could handle the joke and Jon did not have his hands on any weapons. Isekare simply looked off into the distance, seemingly paying little attention to the summoned, as if his thoughts were elsewhere.

Orobo and Skathi had become friends of sorts as the week had passed. Both found each others disregard and lack of concern for others

Silver Jon chuckled and stared back into Orobos eyes for a moment before turning to Skathi and clapping several times. "Very entertaining my friend, very entertaining. I am so glad you could join us for this morning. Now we only need wait for for the other one, Ullis is it?"

Orobo groaned again, this time for real and wondered if Ullis had gone on yet another of his "morning walks." The last thing they needed was trouble and Ullis had a habit of launching himself at it.

Ullis had skipped out in going to the meeting early as to go to a "morning walk" which is why he had dissapeared and was still not present in meeting yet. Though in a few seconds of Skathi arriving, Ullis appeared near the door of the meeting and poked his head in. "Is there a fucking freezer or fridge or whatever the fuck thing you people use that I can store this... whatever this is?" Ullis dragged forward showing the dead corpse of an oversized bear. "I already took a bite out of it and it's delicious so I'd hate it if it went to waste, so where is the freezer or storage shit?"

Orobo slapped his hand against his forehead, wondering how and why the chef had gone to such lengths to bring the bear to them, and without a cart or anything. The dull look in the bears eyes gazed at Orobo, searching deep inside his very soulllllllll. He was disgusted that HIS own chef, did not have all the equipment necesary for making his chefery as easy as possible. Orobo would have to fix this issue and fast.

"Jeeze no one can speak today? fucking hell whatever, I just want to improve this places cooking in a less... impulsive way, then in that case I'll be on my merry ol fucking way to lose myself in this fucking maze." Ullis left dragging the bear with him.

Ichika twirled her umbrella and laughed softly. "Hina, darling. Please show Ullis the way to the ice cellar. You can guide him back to the meeting room after that."

It was hard to tell which was paler, the snow or Hina's face at the suggestion. "Ah... yes Lady Ichika!" she stammered. She hesitated, obviously afraid to approach the chef but ultiamtely force herself to scurry after Ullis. "Excuse me Ul....Sir! Please wait! I will assist you in finding the kitchen's storage!"

Ullis turned around to find Hina following him and telling him that she will help him find the storage. "Ok lead the way, but if you know where the kitchen storage is and you have access to open and close it does that mean you're one of the chefs in this fortress?" He asked while still dragging the bear.

Hina stared at the dead bear, her eyes wide. "R-right I know. I mean, I can g-get in the kitchens. Not that Im a chef... i mean, I cook sometimes but Im more of a personal assistant to Lady Ichika. She is very picky with her food. Mostly she get me to make.. uh... tea?"

"So you only make tea? If that's the case, when we deposit this bear, could you make me some tea? I think I need a warm drink after having fought this thing for a while, bastard cut fucking trees and stone as if it were jello." Ullis gripped even more the bear's corpse though being careful not to damage it any further.

"Of c-course it would be my pleasure!" Hina squeaked, clearly not as enthusiastic as she claimed to be. She lead Ullis into the kitchen and pointed to the cellar door. "Here is the ice cellar, its where we store our produce and game. I m-mean not that you wouldnt know that of course. S-sorry. I Uh... ok I will make you s-some tea!" The girl quickly scampered off deeper into the kitchen and then promply came running back, her face red. She handed Ullis a small key "H-here is the key. Sorry!" After that she retreated to go find some tea leaves and a kettle.

Ullis took the keys and opened the storage only to be greeted by the worst site he could ever behold, never had he seen such a messy freezer/storage with so many types of food frozen and badly kept, with some liquids dripping and exposed, a total mess. No wonder so much of the food tasted like garbage pissed by a degenerate. Ullis simply intended to keep the bear nice and cool but relatively fresh in here however he had a new plan... but first he needed to release some anger. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

The scream made Hina flinch, almost dropping the teapot onto the floor. She caught it at the last second, spilling a little tea. Was something wrong? Panicing, she ran over to the cellar door and called down, teapot still in hand. "Are you ok? Ullis? Ah geeze... what do I do?"

Orobo and the rest went into the inner chambers and rooms of the Solomon Fortress while Ullis and Hina went to dispose of the bear corpse. They ended up in a room far larger than any of the others, the grand hall. Known around Czarsnikei as the Hall of the Storm, it was an important relic of the olden days of Czarsnikei. This information was given by Lady Ichika and Silver Jon with solemn tones and grave voices. After this they entered a room more obviously for talking, where after each of them sat down, the voice of Ullis could very obviously be heard echoing from the kitchens.

"THIS STORAGE IS A FUCKING MESS, YOU'RE FREEZING EVERYTHING, THE GROUND AND EVEN THE AIR IS SO FILTHY I COULD LOCK SOMEONE HERE AND THEY'D DIE FROM THE PURE SMELL THIS PLACE GIVES OFF... fucking hell this place needs some fucking changes if the people of the fortress don't want to die of food poisoning. Thanks for the tea by the way." Ullis reached out to grab the cup of tea and took a sip instantly spitting it out. "WHAT IS THIS, YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS WITH THIS BEING TEA, IT'S HORRIBLE... fuck me, I had hopes to fix this place but at this rate it'll take me 3 life times to even have the place be half decent. FUCK." Ullis sighed and finally let go of the massive bear. "I'll deal with this shit later, and maybe later I can show you how to properly make some tea if you want." Ullis then returned the cup of tea to Hina and made his way to where everyone else was.

Hina was shaking and looked like she was about to cry. She bowed multiple times, "I-Im so sor-sorry. Forgive m-me sir. Ah..." she choked on her own speech. Gods Ichika is going to kill me. Ive brought dishonor to her again. What an embarassment. Im such a failure. As Ullis stalked off, leaving her with the teapot she glanced down at the bear. She waved her hand, earning a dull reddish glow around the bear that lasted only for a second. Hopefully that would spare some yelling later. She quickly caught up to Ullis after closing and locking the cellar and lead him to the Hall of Storm.

Ichika smiled as an angry Ullis and traumatized Hina walked in. "Ah excellent, I hope Hina was not any trouble" she said, clasping her hands with an amused twinkle in her eyes.

"Not really, she lacks overall confidence but she was respectful anyhow." Ullis kept making his way and simply stood around waiting for anything to really happen in the halls.

Orobo sat down in one of the chairs in the room and swiveled to face the spot Silver Jon was standing. Then with a smirk he asked, "So whats on the menu for today? What do you want to know? And what can you tell us?"

Skathi made a chair of his own, constructed entirely out of ice. He tipped the seat over so it laid like a hammock, and he relaxed in it as if it really were one. Skathi never took the meetings seriously. He only listened and nodded, something that everyone else gradually came to terms with.

Silver Jon shook his head slightly as Orobo got down to business. Then he walked over to the head of the table in the center of the room, Orobos chair visibly swiveling with him in direction with every step. Silver Jon took a seat and said, "so you know we are at war with Mollug and were recently at war with Nortestra. All of you guys appearing however has put everyone at a loss for what to do next. Your help here would be much appreciated, but we are not ones to simply force one to do our bidding. You have many choices available to you as of this time."

"We offer you a home here at Solomon Fortress, one to perhaps replace the ones you were ripped so prematurely from," Ichika added serenely, giving a motherly smile to each of the summoned, "The southern wars may yet creep north, but with your help we can focus on the true fight. Recently the demonspawn have been steadily increasing in numbers and ferocity, something I believe all of you have witnessed firsthand. As children of SIN each of you hold impressive gifts, gifts that may yet conquer the demon blight."

"Especially one of you, Orobo. We have most definitely noted your use of the demon summoning arts, and your control you hold over devil spawn. A power like that could save this nation fromt the beast that besieges it. Hell, you could do a lot more than save Czarsnikei if we're being entirely honest. Your power is one we"d very much like to have Orobo."

"Agh! Damn words popping in my head like no tomorrow! How does anyone get used to this sort of stuff?" Skathi grabbed his head as if he got a sudden migraine, then returning the odd stares he received. "It's not my fault that that ninja spirit lady person suddenly started sending words into my head, as if I'm okay with that! What kind of ancient sorcerer created telepathic links, anyway? They must've been some repulsive nutcases that kicked god in the brain and spun his poor little..."

Orobo looked at Skathi with a face that spoke of a mixture of shock, disinterest and confusion. "Keep a hold of yourself, goddamn Skathi, we might be getting some cool stuff here." A moment of silence passed, and then Orobo realized Skathi had said telepathic link. The summoner then asked quickly, "Ummm did Yamiko just say something Skathi?"
Orobo had at times forgotten the telepathic link hed been given by SIN. It lead to some awkward scenarios. The telepathic link had resulted in plenty of awkward scenarios actually.

Skathi shrugged. "Nothing too big. Said she and Ronin felt some dark mana sources or whatever outside, and they were going to investigate it. She wanted me to let everyone else know, but I bet it's not that important." He slid back into his ice chair. "Now, uh continue what you were saying, old guy. About us summoned being super powerful and the best and all that... Please?"

"What did I miss?" Ullis arrived to the area just barely hearing what Skathi said, "The old man is complimenting us on how good we are? Last thing we were doing was getting our asses kicked... although the bastard was summoned too... talking about him, where is he exactly, I need his blood for... personal reasons... it's nothing fucking shady I swear."

"Yeah Ill let them deal with that, go on about how much you want our power please. And on that note, Yknow I can now control your mortal enemies? Ive read up on how Czarsnikei is, I know this nation cant hold out forever against the demons. But if I were to get rid of them? Well thats a lot to ask really, Id need some pretty good rewards, like a whole nation in fact, considering Id be basically saving you all. If not a nation then a position to get one, or half a nation. Its all good really. Well, as long as I get what I want.

Orobo turned to Ullis as the chef entered the room. Ullis was a good sort, turban to toe, an excellent chef and a creative fighter who went with the flow. He could be annoying though, same as Skathi, both in their own creative ways. Of course, Orobo liked it that way, their flaws lent them strength in unique ways, and made them both quite entertaining to be around. Ullis and his raging instability at any food deemed unfit by him, Skathi and his teetering sanity, always on the brink of ambush or some nonsensical statement about snow or ice.

"I mean we won in the end. Also What the fuck Ullis."

"Hey man look I just need to... drink it... ok that sounds terrible." Ullis scratched his head a bit, "Well basically, if I'm able to just drink a good amount of his blood, I'll get more like... 10% of the demons strength, I think... though it really fucking hurt."

"Sounds like we need to get you some demon blood then. Umm but before that really, you sure its not affecting you in any negative ways? Like I dont know, conjuring up a desire to kill innocents or anything right?"

"Pft no, I only get their powers, physical attricutes, and memories. I think I only drank like less than 1% of his blood and there are a lot of damn memories to review... like a fucking lot, but it doesn't affect my bloody personality at all, at least not directly." Ullis extended his arm to reveal his arm. In an instant it morphed into that of a netherwalker's. "See I was already killing a lot of the... what do you call those fuckers? whatever, point is, I'm able to something like this and more... if I ate enough netherwalkers Im sure I could morph into an even superior version of them or just like... 200-300% netherwalker? I honestly don't know how it works, but it does." Ullis reverted back his arm back to normal.

"BRAAH! Damn telepathic hocus pocus! How does anyone ever get used to this? Worse than you were expecting? Need help? Bah! How can I get praised if this stuff keeps poking into my mind?!" Skathi looked over at everyone else. "Keep praising me. Patrol squads are a dime a dozen, anyways."

Silver Jon looked at Skathi and Orobo for a moment, for a moment and then sighed. both were seemingly insane.

Isekare looked at Orobo and said "You want a kingdom? In exchange for you controlling the demons and stopping this blight over our country, you wish for our country itself? Thats a lot to ask Summoned."

Silver Jon laughed for a moment, gruff and hoarse in its very extremities. He then looked at Skathi and Orobo for a moment, before saying, "Perhaps ownership of some land and men could be considered but if you wish to discuss ruling this land, that would be a better topic to bring up with our royalty. Between you and me, more active leadership would be appreciated. And this stays in this room but for many years I have considered the idea of seceding from those lazy bastardards in the capital. If you can prove yourself to me I might take up your idea. hmph, but firstly you must save this kingdom."

Isekare nodded alongside Silver Jon at the statement, agreeing.

A knock was then heard at the door.

Silver Jon went out for a moment and light discussion was heard for a second. Returning to the room, the old commander placed his hands on the table and said, "Discussion can come later, right now however, it appears comrades of ours are in trouble.

My gifted soldier Ronin and your Yamiko have both been sighted outside the walls,they appear to be engaging some unknown force of sorts. Let us save this discussion for later and go and assist them."
Princess Athena and Felicia
During the Timeskip​

The air of night was stale; panting a still humidity over Castellan. Not even the height of the royal castle could rise above it. Even so, Princess Athena took to conducting business whereas others would face a drastic slow. The future lineage of Nortestra depended on it, at least according to Athena. The ever-elegant princess, her spotless white dress dragging behind her, led one of the summoned into a private meeting room. Located on the highest level of the castle, it overlooked the entire city and the battlefield. "The room is under a soundproof spell. We can discuss business with complete privacy."

The Frostfire Princess, Felicia, sat down at the table in the center of the room. She glared out the balcony and into the starry night, nodding at Athena's word. They were to discuss the conditions on the prisoners and their necessary freedom for the upcoming siege. After clearing her throat, Felicia began. "I appreciate you fitting me into your schedule. As I understand, it's exhaustingly busy, yes?"

Athena poured them cups of tea. "Indeed. With Father bedridden, managing everything falls to me. It's... difficult to maintain yourself as a trustworthy hero to the masses. And speaking of which, I admit detaining your allies was partly due to that fact." None of them took the cups yet, their minds still weighed on the future course of action.

Inhale. Count to four. Exhale... From her perspective, it's understandable... but that doesn't make it any less damning. "Your Highness, while it is true that they have commit a crime by striking one of your own, I believe that will prove detrimental to whatever the Mollugs throw at us, next."

"It is unfortunate, but—"

"But I have thought of a solution that should hopefully appease both sides. That is, if you're willing to lend an ear?"

Athena raised a brow, motioning for her to go on.

"In my... original kingdom, during the initial stages of a certain war, a royal decree issued convicts to fight for the nation on the front lines. Most if not all citizens found minor issue, even believing, and it gave us a fighting chance. If I issue the decree, I have no doubt that we can earn the advantage in battle while quelling the people's resentment."

A simple solution... One I'd already thought of... But who decided you would issue the decree? "That is true... And they might just obey you, seeing as how quick you are to take the lead."

The air seemed to change suddenly. Felicia bit her lip. "Forgive me if I am overstepping my boundaries, but I've overheard many Nortestran citizens voice their trust in me. One in particular would be your general Forsith. I believe that together, we can unite Nortestra and defend Castellan from falling."

Athena remained still, as if frozen in place forever glaring into Felicia. The Frostfire Princess had an ambition. A dream. One that threatened all she'd been working for. "I am aware. The hushed whispers I've heard told of how most of my citizens already worship you as a hero." As the queen, even.

Felicia cleared her throat. "So, we issue a decree that declares the convicts to be forced into Nortestran military to fight for their nation. My allies fight to earn freedom, Castellan is no longer under siege, and we move on to diplomacy. After that, we cross that bridge when we get there."

Athena nodded once more, forcing a smile. "That will definitely work, save for a few bumps and bruises, but I trust they'll smooth out in due time." Having agreed, she grabbed the teacup, motioning for Felicia to take hers, too. Though the tension was high, it was all ending on a high note, much to Felicia's relief.

"I'm certain you'll be remembered as a war hero after this, Felicia." They clinked their glasses, and Felicia gladly chugged the cup, not realizing how dry her throat was during the meeting. She hoped the tea would calm her nerves some, and it felt as if it were. And minutes later, when Athena placed her full cup of tea back on the table, Felicia's body felt fully relaxed, save for her mind. Athena simply smirked at the numbed Frostfire Princess. "I'll make sure of it. Suits you better than as a queen." She sat up, walking over to the wall and leaning against it. Then, they had appeared: people adorned in silver armor with the royal crest embedded on their chest plates. Athena's guards that moved so static-like, it was comparable to that of a marble statue. As they approached, Felicia was still wrapping her head around the situation; reality had not settled yet. Her body was unable to move; something in the tea? What were those knights doing? Why was Athena...

No... it was happening again. Failure. For the second time, she couldn't avenge her family; unable to rebuild the kingdom her ancestors had prided themselves in ruling. And it was so sudden... to have her second chance, dashed like this... Why was this happening again?! A fiery breath surged throughout Felicia's body, like someone desperately trying to strike a match. For the first time since they've met, a glare of bewilderment spread across Athena. She pondered if Zavyr's numbing agent was flawed as she could have sworn Felicia's pupils burned orange and blue, and that her hands fidgeted ever so slightly. It was supposed to be so simple...

When one knight finally reached her, it raised its blade, when... KABOOM! Athena threw her arms over her face as a blinding flash of flames erupted. A few of the knights around Felicia were blasted away and into a wall, dismantled into a burning mess of wires and metal. The princess was rendered speechless, and an unexpected fear shined in her eyes.

Felicia had burned the agent out of her system and now focused on the person who dared to end her hopes of rebuilding her family legacy. She threw one hand at a knight, encasing the robot in a chunk of ice the slid across the floor. Another who tried to lunge at her faced an explosion directly to its head, sending its charred body parts all over the room. Bursting out of fire and smoke, Felicia darted over to Athena, pinning the terrified princess against the wall she leaned on. Where did this come from?! Why did you want me dead?! Because I posed a threat to your future role as queen?! "I offered my aid to your kingdom in a time of conflict... I was willing to throw myself into your political mess for the sake of others... and all you concern yourself with is the position of a queen? How confident are you, you'll win?!"

A spiteful snarl returned to Athena's face. "Someone as dull as you can't possibly understand! My only crime is being smarter than you!" Gone was the soft and serene tone in the princess. For the first time in years, she had failed to predict this outcome. Felicia drew one of her hands back, a ball of blue and orange fire spiraling bigger and bigger. "You kill me, and the entire kingdom will fall to ruin. They will hail me as a martyr and see the summoned as nothing more than power-hungry monsters. Your friends in the dungeon will be executed. Is that really the future you want, Frostfire Princess?"

The two were locked in silence for a minute, save for the ball of flames, staring at each other with hate in their eyes. Then, with a ferocious yell, Felicia thrust her fireball backward, into the surviving robot guard that'd survived her initial attacks. Its blade had come inches from her nape. The robot crashed into the furniture, attempting to crawl back up only to have the Frostfire Princess leap onto it. She dug her hands into its mechanics like claws, melting its inner workings to wads of plastic and copper. The droid unleashed a series of haywire beeping and incoherent alerts before going motionless. She heard Athena scurry away, followed by what sounded like a keypad. "You're not getting away!" Felicia charged another ball of fire in her hands, turning to face the princess once more...

Only to watch a massive blue laser pierce her stomach, leaving only the hips to connect her upper and lower body. Felicia collapsed to the ground. It's happening... again... I'm sorry... Mother.... Father...

Athena still aimed the prototype weapon at the body, despite its single charge being used up. She threw the pistol back into the hidden vault, falling against the wall. She held her hands out to find that they were trembling. What's happening to me?! Why do I feel so... barren? Confused? Not confused! I'm never confused! Think of systems. Orderly systems. Orderly systems kept orderly through unorderly means—Shut up! The princess crawled up against the wall to support herself. She first tried to control her hyperventilations, which she didn't realize she was taking. No avail.

"I came as soon as I can! What's hap—" Meira burst through the doors, freezing in place at the scene before her. The shock remained still in her pale face as she stepped past the shattered robot parts and to the body. "Athena... what the hell did you do?" Meira knelt beside the corpse in disbelief.

She only now controlled her breathing, diverting her eyes from the horrified Meira. Just looking out for number one. "She was a threat to the plan, Meira. I simply subtracted the outlier to optimize the outcome. That is all."

The beastwoman's eyes were then drawn to the open vault and the used-up prototype. "Zavyr's compact... You wasted it just so you could..." She bit her tongue. What had happened to her friend? What caused greed to sway her companion to this path? A path to excommunication from Providence? "Why didn't you consult with us beforehand? In Providence, you need to communicate! Com-mun-i-cate! Every one of our agents must have a semblance of trust! Providence's existence would have been revealed to the world if we didn't check for that! Why would you betray that trust?"

"Be quiet!"
Athena yelled. They could hear the strain in her throat; the shifting emotions. Ordering a death was far, far different from committing it personally. Meira's words of truth did not help. "I need time to think... Let me be. I need time to think. Clean this up. I need time to think!" Swaying side-to-side, Athena made her way to the doors, forcing herself out of the room. You are in control. Everything will work out. You are better than them. You know how to get through this. You are in control.

Silence befell the room. Meira's heart clenched, like someone stuck a dagger and left it in. Then, she put a hand on Felicia's neck. A slight gasp came from her after a few seconds. She put a finger over her earpiece. "There's a package within Nortestra's royal castle. Top floor. Meeting room. You'll know what it is when you get here. And prepare the thing Zavyr just made. Out." Meira sighed. Things were going to change within Providence.


The day after, the sorrowful news would spread around Castellan. Mollug assassins had infiltrated the castle, and the valiant Frostfire Princess sacrificed herself in order to protect the wise Princess Athena. It would be a day of mourning. A day of remembrance for one of Nortestran's short-lived heroes to be written in the kingdom's history, as she who saved the princess, and in doing so, the kingdom.

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