Croak's Academy for Wayward Reapers.

Eh, I just showed up so it doesn't really matter if we start over to me xD but I don't think you should change Mai up that much, I liked her character xD  
And I somehow feel like I' the only guy here now, except Croak himself :'( exclusion...
I can't wait to start over...... Then edit Sayu and possibly add a twin. o-o
One thing we need to work on, I think, is moving past the intros quick and getting straight into the action. The chars might get to know each other better if we skip the "how do you do"s and go straight to a Reaper/Gaki fight, maybe have a few chars join in mid fight. That would get the story rolling really quick xD
Het stickdom, I'm a guy! :P

But I think we should just start the entire thing again, just everyone not new copy/paste your CS and we can start anew.
We are restarting J, Lovable is making the thread now. 
Redemp said to count him out and I haven't heard back from Willy yet so.
Haha, Redemp didn't seem too interested to begin with, I don't think he would have much fun.. And J, I know you're a guy, but I meant out of the group that we had with us at the moment xD
Ah, cool, someone else liked up on my RP :D it just started the other day, but I've already gotten a few great ratings on it! Subtle advertising :3
Le "The World of Od", the first open world, sandbox style RP, think Minecraft, but 120% cooler

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