Croak's Academy for Wayward Reapers.

We (you all) need to bring this RP baaaaaack :'( I wanted to join in, this was such a fantastic story idea, don't let it get archived out of existence because no one posts anymore and stuff

(@Stickdom why don't you just start it back up yourself? You read all the way up to here right? Then you start!!)
I'll talk to some of the others Twiggy, about getting this back up.

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Haha, I was actually thinking of trying to start it back up myself, but with where everyone is in the story, it's hard for me to think of where to put my character to get the ball rolling... I may have an idea, though [evil grin] } :) [/evil grin]
Oh god! ~tears of joy in my eyes~ I was actually thinking of restarting the whole, rp, because of some edits I wanted to do with the storyline. That is why I haven't restarted it @Shadow Michaelis! But Wow I really do miss this rp.
So, wait, are we restarting or keeping the way it is? :P
You may want to reissue the call to arms one last time to anyone who wants to join in again, we may have lost a few people :/
Okay but I must ask. Would you guys want to start off fresh, and erase everything that we did before, or just start where we left off. I mean if we restart fresh we can get more people to join and it might be easier.
Yes, we will try to keep the same pairings. Heck you can even keep your original characters. I just think we should restart the rp, because I kinda hate the way it started out. It made it rather difficult to work with.

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