Croak's Academy for Wayward Reapers. [Inactive]

As Sister Courtney searched, she had no luck in finding the other students. She went from building to building, becoming more infuriated as she walked along. She checked the cafeteria, the dorms, and the edges of the school grounds in a forceful attempt to get these miscreants to behave and train for this VERY important mission with their new partners. When (or if) she finds them, she barks for them to follow her, expecting obedience.

(@SayuriTokage , @Broken-Angel , @SacredGA , @Redemption , @MADZ , @BEX .)
Sayu, who just finished a piece of cake in the cafeteria, turned her head when she heard Sister Courtney. With a loud sigh, she got up from her seat and followed her. This better be worth not having seconds. She never really talked to Sister Courtney or saw her often, but she was a good teacher in Sayu's mind.
A black fringed male slid into the booth across from Lola with half smile on his face. Without missing a beat he reached a partially gloved hand towards her plate, grabbing a fry and taking a bite of the end. "Hey pretty girl, why you sitting here all by your lonesome?" The punk reached for another fry, leaning back in his new seat getting comfortable no matter if she stopped him or not. "Name's Seth" He offered, giving her a grin.
Lola looked over the top of her newspaper at the blatantly rude boy. She quirked a brow at him,"can I help you?". She titled the book down and scanned her eyes over him. Without saying another word, she lifted her newspaper back up and continued her reading.

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Upon being found and barked at, Reiji stood from wherever she was and began to follow Courtney... She couldn't say anything of course because she couldn't talk, so she merely followed behind her, not wanting her to be angry.

Reiji sent out a calm way at Courtney trying to get her to be more relaxed. This was her way of communicating really.
Courtney did calm down from Reiji's mood-altering abilities. She slowed down her pace and chatted with the girls as they continued their search.

"Are you two excited for this mission?" She asked. "From what I hear it is rather important, which is why Croak has sent me to provide extra training for the situation at hand. The sooner we find all of your classmates, the sooner the training exercises can begin... And end."

Sister Courtney said the last piece, looking over at Sayu particularly, who had sighed as she got up from her cafeteria table.
Sayu spoke with out making eye contact with Sister Courtney. "It's just a mission. Nothing out of the ordinary. However, I believe there is more than a necessary amount of students coming along. " One could tell Sayu wasn't exactly 'excited'.
(sorry guys I wasn't getting the alerts.)

Croak nods calmly walking over the medicine cabinet, staring into it's empty continence," WHO THE HELL TOOK ALL THE DRUGS." He roars, staring back at Mai suspiciously, before just walking back over to the dinosaur of a man Willy," We are going to have to do this the old fashion way," Croak promptly lifts up his hand high above his head and brings it down on Wiliam's temple sending him unconscious," So, we have two choice now Mai. We can give him back his sanity which might cause him to go insane, defeating the purpose altogether. Because it is too early to actually send it back to him, or we can....Do nothing."

While all drama Euryale just stands there in the infirmary like a ghost. She didn't attempt to help those aroudn her, simply because she wasn't asked to," Umm.. I am going to leave now." She says, leaving the room and joining the group with sister Counrtney.
Mai rubbed her eyes and dropped into a chair. "I think we should try to give him his sanity back. And he's already as insane as he can I think it's better to attempt too give him his sanity back than to let him stay like...that." She gestured to the boy strapped down to the bed. Her eyes filled with tears again, and she jerked her head away. Mai shoved herself to her feet and moved to leave the room. "I'm going to go get something to drink." She said quietly, slipping out of the door and down to the hall to the break room.
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"I would not underestimate the mission if I were you." Sister Courtney said to Sayu. "If anything is true in this place, it is that Croak knows what needs to be done. And who are the best candidates to pull it off. You are all great students, but if I do not prepare you properly then it is my fault, not yours, if you do not succeed."

"That is the burden of a teacher for her students."
Sayu let out a quiet sigh and nodded. "Yes, Sister Courtney. I understand. But do we really have to get everybody right now? You know I'm not good with others," she said as she looked at the ground. Sayu's right arm was crossed over her chest and her hand was tightly gripping her upper left arm.
Oh look, the mean-looking Gaki apparently knocked him out unconscious in one smack in the face. Great. Now he was back in the white room in his mind, kind of like that scene in that movie... I think the Matrix? YEAH, THE MATRIX, DURING THEIR AWESOME TRAINING SESSIONS WITH MC. Those parts were awesome, I mean he was all lik-

"Dude, do you ever shut up on thinking nonsense in this brain of ours?! I can hear your thoughts pretty damn clear you know!" Willy looks to the source of the voice, literally seeing himself sitting on a couch staring at him with white clothes on. That couch kind of reminds him that scene wher- "IDIOT! SERIOUSLY. JUST STOP THINKING. Don't make me regret our choice to lose our sanity already, despite regretting it ever since we begun our new life here at Croak's Academy." White William suddenly appears in front of Black Willy, the two representing the original Willy's mind, both just looking at each other with nothing else to say.

"So... how's your day? GRR, I really hate it when you come in here, you know that? Well there might be a chance we'll be together again myself as one! Wait, really? Yup, just waiting for Croak to attempt to give our original sanity back. Oh... that's surprising. Who knew stoning our self to death would convince the old bastard to give our damn fee back? I know right! Well, what's the success rate of it working? Hmm... I think there's 13 percent chance we'll be back to normal and a 87 percent chance we'll become more insane instead. Wait, as in... another one of us forming in here? YUP! That'll be awesome, right! ... Croak... please succeed... YEAH, don't succeed!"
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Croak grimaced, starring at the boys still body, watching as his eyes twitch under his lids as if he was having a nightmare. God, I hate this part. Croak thinks leaning forward, placing him hands on Williams head," Okay Willy my boy. I'm coming in, so please be nice." And with those words his hands start to give off a grey-ish light. At that moment Croak's red eyes go dull, and glaze over, falling into a deep trance.

White. That was that could be seen for the first few seconds when he entered the condors of William Kyoki's mind. He reaches up his hands attempting to run his fingers through his hair only to find a pair of horns in my way," Oh, I am in my secondary form here." He sighs, inspection his new head gear. Is that obsidian? He then turns around to see if he sprouted a tail, or not, shrugging when he found the absences of it.

He soon starts trudging on through Willy's mind until he finds two of him in the stark whiteness. Bowing he greets them," Hello William." He nods to the boy in white, then turns to the child in black," Willy."
Kerrigan ran through the halls as fast as he could. Considering he was trained for chases and could run up walls and even on the ceiling given the right timing, he was booking it. "By my blades, let me make it in time!" he muttered under his breath. He ran through narrow corridors and past the library, the cafeteria, the infirmary... Stop! He slid off of the wall after taking the corner and rushed the door to the small nurse's office. He didn't wait at the front desk to be helped, that's what he was here for in the first place. He ran past several rooms in the medical suite until he came to the room with the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the handle. He practically ripped the knob off opening the door, only to find Croak there already, slouched in a stupor over Willy's constricted body. I'm too late. He ran in the door, tried slapping Croak's face from side to side a few times, gently at first, but then with more and more force, but to no avail or response. "I'll have to extract him, he may be the Director, Chairman of the School Board, whatever, he can't be in there now." William had a special grey soul, since his time ended before the 'clock' was up. Especially since he had given up his sanity, his soul was highly unstable, and Kerrigan wasn't sure if Croak knew that. Sure, Croak knows just about everything about souls, but he has so many to deal with he may forget every now and then which souls act which way. That's always been my job here at the academy, kind of cleaning up after Croak's scattered mind. He was finally ready, he had drawn the required symbol on his own hand and placed it on top of Croak's head. He was going to try to follow Croak's mind into Willy, hopefully be able to pull him out, but being able to remain conscious in reality the whole time, so they didn't have two more victims trapped in William's head. He mustered his courage... took a deep breath... and pushed his thoughts into Croak's, saying "Soul Path, Open."
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