Croak's Academy for Wayward Reapers. [Inactive]

"William Kyoki," Croak growls the Willy's full name, anger causing the pupil of his eyes to grow, so Croak's eyes look more black than red," I am not an Idiot boy, so listen real closely. Right now I have grounds to exicute you. You have been a thorn in my side for the last 2 years. You have tormented students, harassed Ms.Yagami, and been extremely reckless on missions causing the death of your late partner." He slams his fist on his desk, causing the wood to splinter and crack," So, I am going to give you two choices you will either be slowly tortured to death. I think an old fashion stoning would be good for you, or you can go out there where Ms. Yagami is listening through the door, apologize. Then go to the grave of your partner beg for forgiveness. After that I will demote you 4 levels and you will be band from todays mission."
Mai jumped back and nearly dropped her tea cup. Dang it! How did he know?! Oh well, he already knows, so why stop now? She put her ear back on the door just in time to hear Croak tell Willy that he'd be banned from the mission. Mai felt an evil smile spread over her face. Sure, it was innapropriate and unprofessional, but she couldn't help but be thrilled.
The subtle tap, tap, tapping of black dress shoes could be heard coming down the hallway to Croak's office. They stopped, as Sister Courtney rounded the corner and found Ms. Yagami eavesdropping at his door. Her eyes narrowed.

"Ms. Yagami, what do you think you're doing?" Sister Courtney asked coldly, "You will look like a fool to the students."
Mai jerked back once again, staring at the other teacher in horror. The teacup in her hand started to fall again, but she quickly caught it. Hot tea spilt out over her hands, but she ignored it. Mai straightened her back in a failed attempt to regain her dignity. "Hello Sister Courtney." She greeted the other teacher coldly. She had never liked Sister Courtney much. She was far to strict. "I was just..waiting to see if Croak wanted some tea. It's been quite a while, so I was leaning on the door. I'm pretty lazy, as we all now." Mai laughed and smiled brightly at Sister Courtney.
Willy silently stares at Croak, looking at him with blank eyes for a few moments. Then all he did was smile, before heading towards the door and opens it. He goes down on his knees and bows down to Mai, who apparently was listening to their conversation just now. "Ms.Yagami, I sincerely apologize for all of my recent actions against you. I hope that you may forgive this insane bastard for ruining your day and I shall avoid seeing you from now on." Willy said in a low voice, saying it with no emotion at all. "Now if you'll excuse me Ms. Yagami & Sister Courtney, I'll be on my way to the Reaper Memorial Building of the academy. I have to say some things to all of my past partners..." Willy then stands up and walks away from the teachers, going down the hallway with a cold smile.

"OH YEAH! MS. YAGAMI! I STUFFED YOUR MISSING LINGERIE INSIDE YOUR TEAPOT RIGHT BEFORE CROAK DRAGGED ME OUT! SO DON'T DRINK THE TEA!" Willy yells out to Mai, before heading down the stairs toward the Reaper Memorial Building, a place where all of the lost was remembered after dying in service as a Reaper.
Mai screamed, silently thanking whatever higher power that there was that she hadn't drank any, and tossed the cup at the back of his head. It met it's mark, and she cheered before realizing what she'd done. Croak was probably going to freak if he found out that she threw a cup at a student. Mai cursed under her breath and darted off in the opposite direction, towards her room. She unlocked the door with her shaking hands and slammed the door shut. She slowly slid down the door, dropping her head onto her knees. She laughed psychotically. "I've been waiting a long time to do that." She snorted and then stood, starting to pack all of her things for the mission.
Sister Courtney shook her head, and knocked on the Dean's door. All this silliness was normal for the day, but it always irked her when a teacher demonstrated the same kind of childish actions. In her mind, teachers were supposed to be honourable and trustworthy at all times.

While she was sure that the Dean had his reasons behind all of this, she had the need to contact him. After all, most of her students had been called away to this apparent meeting. She had called off the rest of the class for the day, as it was pointless to try to teach a lesson to two or three students when everyone needed to be there.
After rubbing the spot Mai's teacup hit on his head, Willy continues to walk toward the R.M Building to apologize to his past partners. But right before he entered the sacred building though, he grabs a big stone from outside and bought it in with him as he was walking towards the names of his past partners. Then, he puts his hand together in prayer. "Umm... hey guys.... how are you all doing? Fine I guess? Heh... heh... well, I was told by Croak to apologize to Darwin for his recent death that I kind of caused. So yeah, sorry for not being there for you when that Phantom ripped your head off. Heh... heh... my bad." Willy said to Darwin's name, giving a small smile to it as a apology to him. He then turns to the names of his other partners, giving a small smile to them as a apology too.

"Well guess what Darwin, Emily, Ackbar, and Duke! Croak gave me the choice to either get stoned to death or go apologize to Mai for having a staring contest with her, while losing four levels! The levels that I gained while you guys were all still alive! So, I decide to apologize to her and come down here to apologize to Darwin too, as you guys can tell." Willy said as he grabbed the rock with both hand, lifting it in front of his face. "But what I did isn't something to be forgiven for so easily, so I decided that I'LL GIVE MYSELF A STONING INSTEAD AS ATONEMENT FOR MY SINS! YOU GUYS READY TO WATCH AND LAUGH YOUR BUTTS OFF IN WHEREVER YOU GUYS ARE?! REALLY?! OKAY, TIME TO START!" Willy then starts smacking the rock against his head in rapid succession, causing his forehead to start bleeding after a few moments of hitting himself. He continues this for a few minutes, before stopping and dropping the rock on the ground, which had lots of blood on it.

Then he gets down on his knees and bows down to the names, starting to apologize to all of them in a unintelligible voice, while having a lot of blood coming out from his forehead. Then after apologizing to the names, Willy walks outside of the R.M Building, right before he collapses on the ground unconscious. "Heh... I'm so sorry everyone... so so sorry... heh... heh..."
Eury had just finished lunch when she didn't to go out to the R.M Building, not because she had truly lost anyone in service, or felt attached to someone in there. It was just out of routine really. Ever since she had became a reaper she had gone to that mournful building, at first she thought she was mourning her soul, but in truth it might be because she just felt better there. More at home than the other buildings. So, as she walked her teal-green color hair shone under the suns lights. She just happened to stumbled across a bleeding boy who at the moment looked, so helpless it hurt.

Eury kneels down next to him,"Ummm...I don't know if you can here me, but are you okay,"She asks, poking him in the side of his head, trying to determine if he was to injured to move. Blood getting on her finger," I don't think he is conscious," She mutters, poking him again only to hear a slight moan.

Croak falls back into his chair, frustration clearly showing on his face. He closes his eyes for only a moment before he hears a knock on his door," Come in Sister Courtney,"He says allowing her to enter his office. It seemed like there had been people in here all day. When was he ever going to get a chance for himself, When the Nun, or use to be nun enters the room he stands up ready to great her," Do you need something sister?"He ask calmly, offering her a chair to sit in.

He himself goes back to he high backed chair, leaning back slightly," I am sorry. It has been a rough day. Loosing Eury's old partner and having to deal with William. I think this whole week has been a the work of Hell."The statement was harsh, but somewhat true. For the last week he had to deal with the death of two reapers. Lose another one to the test, and now this with William it was becoming, so much to handle. Plus he had to go talk to the high up tomorrow after the mission it was just hard. Not only on, but the students also.
She came closer and bowed her head to Croak politely, but did not choose to sit down. With his state of mind, she decided that the throwing of teacups was the least of his many problems.

"My condolences, sire. If there is anything I can do to ease your burden, do not hesitate to inform me." Sister Courtney was old-fashioned, but as polite as they come, at least to her superiors.

"I was curious about the announcement that you called out over the campus. I am sure it is of grave importance. Since continuing with class with so few students was impossible, I decided to pay you a visit. If I may help in any way, especially under these grave circumstances, I would be glad to assist."

She bowed again, formally, politely, but lacking the warmth that others seemed to have. She was monotonous and strange as she spoke, and rigid in her mannerisms. It was as if she was a black and white photograph poorly pasted onto a colourful background.
Mai finished packing her things and left her room, locking the door behind her. She had decided to go to one of the school's many gardens, in hopes to have time to medititate. It helped calm her down, and she was pretty jumpy due to everything that had gone on today. She was passing in front of the memorial building when she saw the green haired Eury on the ground. What the..? She was leaning over another person, whom she quickly identified as Will. You've got to be kidding me..He looked to be unconcious, and covered in blood. She swallowed and watched the two for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Eury? Is everything okay over there?" Mai asked loudly, keeping her distance. Sure, she didn't like Will as a person, but she still felt obligated to help in matters like this.
Eury Looks at Ms.Yagami," I don't know do I look like a doctor,"She asks sarcastically, throwing Mai a glare," So, unless you are a blind bat you can tell Free Willy over here is you know hurt." She crosses her arms over her chest, frowning and nudging the boy with her foot,"Kind looks liek someone hit him with a rock."

Croak smiled graciously at the nun,"No sister you do not need to help me. I have delt with worse." He sighs, running his fingers through his hair and smiling grimly," And as for the children I have called. Lets just call it exercise. They need to learn how to work together if they are to ever graduate. Plus a monster of great power haunts us, so they must learn to fight."
Sister Courtney nodded with another bow. She looked up into his red eyes, knowing he must be honest with her in that moment that their eyes met. "And do the children? Do they need my help?" She asked, in a concerned voice. It sounded almost fake, but the tone of voice did not matter; only the question and answer.
"No sister they will be fine for now."He pauses thinking for a second," Wait. There might be something you could do. They children might need a few hours pratice in the training center please help them there if you can."
Mai rolled her eyes and dropped to her knees beside Willy. "He might have a concussion..." She drawled out slowly. "Eury, help me pick him up. We need to get him to the infirmary. I can fix him up there. And be careful with his head." She ordered. She started to pick Willy up. "What are you waiting for? Come help me. " Mai snapped.
Sister Courtney nodded and bowed politely.

"I will help in the training centre promptly. Thank you for your advisal," she said.

With a small, friendly, yet horrendously creepy smile, she took her leave. The click clack clack of her shined dress shoes and the flowing of the black fabric followed her out, and traced her path down the hall. Her very presence caused any students she passed along the way to the training centre to part ways for her.

While she was walking, she paid attention and looked for the other students that had been called so that she may call them to follow her for training exercises.
"Oww... can you stop touching me? I'm not in the mood to play with anyone right now, unless you got some ice on you." Willy moaned, looking at Mai with blank eyes. "I'll greatly appreciate it..." Then he starts to crawl away from the girl, leaving a trail of blood behind him. He was crawling toward the school to go to the nurse's office, until he passes out again. He really didn't want to let the teacher see him in this state of his, knowing she might start making fun of him without being able to fight back somehow. This really sucks...
Mai watched with wide eyes as Willy crawled away from her. Of course he would turn down her help. Mai rolled her eyes and walked after him, waiting for him to pass out again so that she could get him to the infirmary withought him fighting her. He collapsed again and she knelt beside him, checking his pulse before putting her arms under his and pulling him up. She half-carried half-dragged William to the infirmary and put him down on one of the beds. She turned and started rummaging through the drawers, looking for pain killers and other medical supplies. With her free hand she quickly texted Croak, telling him to drag his butt down to the infirmary. Mai glanced back at Willy and grabbed an ice pack, then moved to sit by him. "William. Can you hear me? You need to wake up."
"Hmm, what? Is that you Ms.Yagami? Oh wait, nope. Just a Gaki sucking my brain away with their cold hands of death..." Willy replied back, clearly not understanding the situation in his own eyes. It's rather that he activated his ability or that the person touching him is a monster trying to kill him during his weakest time. Not that he can't fight back that is. With whatever strength Willy had left, he jumps on top of the Gaki (in his mind) and wrestles it to the ground, holding it at a choke lock as he locks his legs around it. "NOW LOOK INTO MY EYES YOU BASTARD AND SHARE MY MADNESS!" Willy yelled as he stares into its eyes, hoping to make the creature go insane from his own ability.
Mai cursed as Willy jumped at her. She squeezed her eyes and shut and turned her face way from his as much as she possibly could. "Willy! It's me, is Ms. Yagami! I'm not a Gaki! Get off!" She tried to shake him off without hurting him. Normally she'd fight back, but he was injured enough as it is. In one last desperate attempt to get Willy off withought injuring him herself, she opened her mouth and screamed as loud as she could. "CROAAAK!" There was no answer.

I'm sorry Willy.

She used all of her strength and rolled over so that she was on top of Will. "WAKE UP YOU CRAZY MORON!" She slapped him across the face, keeping her eyes trained on his kneck so that she could see him, but not be put under his little trance. She pinned him to the floor, digging her nails into his shoulders, hoping the stinging would help him wake up.
Croak appears in the infirmary, almost like magic and pulls Ms.Yagami off the student," His state of mind is falling deeper into instanity than it already was. He can't even understand me right now," He tells her, taking over the task of keeping the boy pinned. One of his hands ins centered on on the boy's chest, keeping him down, as Croak leans over, reaching for the leather straps that were connected to the side of the bed," I think I made the right decision when I added the security straps. He wraps the long leather belt across Williams chest, securing it, moving on to the legs. When he was done William was unable to move.
Mai stared at Croak in amazement. How the hell did he get here so fast?! She hadn't heard anything when she called out for him. Maybe I just couldn't hear him over Willy's shouting. She shook her head and pushed the thoughts out of her mind. Mai moved quietly to stand beside Croak. "How do we help him?" She'd never seen Willy like this, and honestly had no idea what to do.
"DINOSAUR RAWR!" Willy yelled as he started to struggle against the Gakis (AKA- Mai & Croak) new magical powers on him, trying his hardest to get it off. No way was he going to become dinner for creatures like this. "WHAT THE HELL! WHEN I GET OUT YOU STUPID GAKIS, I WILL SLOWLY KILL YOU WITH MY CHAINSAW AND SPIT ON YOUR FACES AS I LAUGH OVER YOUR DAMN BODIES! RAWR!"
Mai laughed nervously. This kid was even more messed up than she originally thought. "Croak..maybe it'd be best if we knocked him out for now. He'll stop putting up such a fight." Plus, it'll get him to shut up. She stared at Willy as he struggled against the straps, and realized that her eyes were filling up with tears. "This is all my fault." She whispered it so quietly that she was sure it couldn't be heard over Willy's screams. If I hadn't gone running to Croak about all of this, Willy never would've tried to stone himself, and he'd be..well, as normal as he could be. But he wouldn't be in such....pain. She put her hand to her mouth and turned away from the two boys. All my fault.

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