Croak's Academy for Wayward Reapers. [Inactive]

Reiko looked at the pictures. She saw that her sister really wanted to go on that mission, so she supported her sister and would go along with her.

"Head master? May I ask who was first in the room?" Reiko really wanted it to be her sister. She wanted her sister to be able to speak freely (Metaphor) and choose which mission she wanted instead of being assigned .
"Oh, this is quite interesting! Hmm, go to a haunted house that apparently has a messed up phantom that killed 2 Reapers and a lot of unlucky people? Or go to the land of Russia where there's many Diamons running around, causing the Russians to have their souls devoured in a painful way? Decisions, decisions..." Willy thought, wondering which would be more fun. Then he remembered that Ms. Yagami was going to lead the mission to Russia, where anything can happen. Also the perfect place to pull all types of pranks on her and anybody else who might get paired up with him.

"Hey, Headmaster Croak, since Reiji got first dibs on the phantom mission, can I have dibs on the Russia mission? I came here second, while jumping in the room through the window!" Willy asked excitingly, hoping the old man would say yes to him. He really wanted to do something fun again after such a long time, so why not destroy a lot of Diamons to fix his current problem? Willy doesn't need to share his prey with anyone else and can do whatever he wants during the mission, even if Mai was leading it. He always finds a way to disobey her orders when he feels like it. Been doing it for two years already. Great times, great times...
Mai's eyes widened at Willy's question to Croak. If his aura wasn't suspicious before, it definitely was now. She glanced back at Croak, and then to the smiling boy. Ohhh no. No, no, no! He was definitely planning something, and Mai Yagami did not want to find out what. She swallowed and leaned closer to Croak, calmly balancing her elbow on his desk. "Jameson!" She whispered his name quietly. "Don't let him go with me, I'm begging you. That little psychopath is planning something." She spoke quietly and quickly, and kept her eyes on the students, making sure none of them heard.
Lola quirked a brow and lifted her head up at the mention of the phantom killing two reapers plus a whole mess of others. She glaced over the pictures that were handed and gave them a blank look. Well the creature definitely didn't count for taste, the bodies were strewn everywhere, it was such chaos. She shrugged and thought it wouldn't be such a bad idea to go and deal with but what bugged her was the fact that Mr. In-charge, was sending such a large group. It just didn't sit well with her.

She tossed the pictures on a nearby desk and crosses her arms over chest when Croak mentioned the Daimons. Well that also caught her attention, though she wasn't one who much up for wintery weather. A small smirk spread across her face as she though,"..well well, this meeting just keeps getting interesting". She took her place back up at the wall and listen to the rest of their orders. She was ready for either one, the exciting part was waiting to see where she and her whacked out partner would go.

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Eury snickered, a small smile growing by the minute, as she holds back her laughter, until she can no longer take it," Your name is JAMESON,"She blurts out, almost falling onto the floor from laughing, so hard," I mean I excepted something way more intimidating. Like, Shadow, Grey, Grim, Grand master of DEATH...Just not...Jameson."Her face turns bright red, as she attempts to calm herself down, her blue eyes wet with tears from laughing so hard.But she eventually settled down, after some odd looks," Okay, you may speak now. I am done."

Croak just shook his head, giving the young green haired girl a look," Ms.Yagami, I know you're concerned, so why not take Euryale with you. She is," he pauses glancing back and forth between Willy and Eury," Okay, and might be of help." He gives Mai an apologetic look, but in truth he just really didn't want to handle those two at the moment. I seem to have forgotten how much trouble those reaper fees can be. ''So, will our remaining groups please make their dissension. You may either join me and M. Yamagi, or go on training until your next mission is assigned."
"Then I would like to go along with the headmaster." Said Shin. Despite his late answer he knew from the very beginning what he will choose. As he heard that this phantom is stronger than the usual ones, his beast self awoke. Since there is no better enemy for a beast than an other beast. "But sir first, if you don't mind, I would like to ask you about those reapers' levels who went there before us." It was hard to him to ask this while trying to keep his interest, hope, and beastility in secret. "I mean if the were sent there, I think they should have been about level 4 or 5. But if they were annihilated so easily, then what do you think how strong can that phantom be?"
Mai cursed beneath her breath. Oh joy, stuck with the problem students yet again. It seemed like Croak wanted to make this mission a pain in the butt for her. She sighed and leaned against the wall, glaring at the back of Croak's head. As usual, it was nearly impossible for her to read his aura, so she gave up with a sigh and looked back to the students with a small smile.
Rj watched on in silence, his back making way to lean against the wall opposite all the commotion. The newest addition of his team predictably went for his female teacher. As if he had a chance at his one sided... okay Rj hadn't figured exactly what sort of infatuation Willy had with the woman, and he wasn't about to give himself a headache trying to figure it out now. So multiple opponents then? He could use the challenge, and looking to his partner Lola, it might help get the two back to where they were before the tag along. Though Rj admitted Willy could have his uses.

If Lola happened to catch his casual glance he would raise his eyebrows as to say here we go again, despite his lax demeanor he was ready to get a move on, antisipary energy causing his left leg to shift ever so slightly as he waited for the action to get started. Pulling from the wall, hand automatically moving to brush off the contact of his suit he stepped towards the discarded photos, grabbing them and sliding them within the lapel of his suit when eyes were none the wiser. Research material but of course. After visage of the victims his eyes had a gleam likened to afterglow, the male now somewhat reluctant to his lack of choice.
Lola looked at the other reapers as they began jumping up voicing where they preferred to go. She glanced over at the newest member of her and Rj's little group. That little screw ball rubbed her wrong but she would get along with him for the sake of the group. As she was thinking about how not to keep from killing him in the future, she noticed her partner examining the photos.

She quirked a brow at him and titled her head. What was he up to this time? He kept her on his toes that was for sure. She waited for him to look her way and when he did she motioned him to stand by her. It was time to get a game plan set out since the newbie decided what mission they were going to.

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Croak looks to Shin, sighing," They were students who had graduated at Level 8." He says, furrowing his brow," Now you see why I am sending so many of you, because first it will help you attain high levels, for which most of you are actual ahead than your class mates." Croak stands up, straightening the collar of his shirt," We will be leaving tonight, so those who are going with Ms. Yagami and me on the missions I would suggest that you prepare, and get in a good meal before we leave. We shall be going at midnight. That is al. You may all be dismissed."
With a sigh, Sayu pointed at the headmaster, thinking that she will be the most useful there due to her ability to constrain objects or creatures. "I would like to go with you, Headmaster. I think I could help you more than I could help on the other mission," she said confidently. Her runes worked better on a single target, which was also why she wanted to go with the Headmaster. Though working with so many others might be a little much.
Mai nodded a good-bye to Croak, then turned to leave the room and pack. After about five minutes, she found herself outside of her room. She pushed the door open and walked inside. Mai stiffened as soon as she entered the room. Her eyes wandered the room, and she found herself seeing the traces of a muddy pink aura. That little-I'm going to kill him! Mai turned quickly and slammed the door behind herself, and stopped about halfway down the hall, and went back to lock the door. She then proceeded down the hall, and across the campus. She shoved Croak's door open without bothering to knock. "That little psychopath was in my room." She growled.
It was obvious which mission Reiko wanted to do.

"I go where my sister goes, so I will go I will go with the head master." She started simply. Once said, she said goodbye to her sister and left to go get ready.
Croak gets a shocked look on his face, as Mai barges into his office," Which little psychopath do you mean Ms.Yagami. We have a school full of them." He says, his tone calm and collected, but you could see the laughter, like burning ember in a fire. He knew this was serious, but truly could he blame himself from laughing it was quiet comical," So, what has he done this time."
Mai moved forward and put both of her hands on his desk. "Will." She spat the name out like it was poison. "I saw traces of his aura in my room. I don't know what he did, because I came here the minute I saw it. my underwear drawer." She muttered the last part, somewhat embarrassed to be talking about it with Croak. She stared hard at the desk beneath her hands, to embarrassed to even make eye contact with her superior.
Croak knits his eyebrow together in frustration," In your underwear draw," He ask questioningly, rubbing his jaw," I will need to have a talk with William."
"YEAH, FIELD TRIP TIME! I CAN'T WAIT TO GO!" Willy yelled after Sayu told the Headmaster that she was going with him, being all excited for the trip. After leaving the office, Willy heads to his room to prepare, making sure he'll bring all of the necessary things for the trip. After putting all of his gear into his bag, he heads to the cafeteria to get something to eat before they leave.

One never knows if it might be their last meal before a mission and must eat something they can remember when they die. So he got all of the mystery food of the day for himself, eating it all at once without hesitation. The "mystery food" wasn't really eaten by the students and staff much, since no one actually knew what was in the food after all. But he didn't care and kept eating it despite its weird taste. "Hmm, I wonder if Ms. Yagami found out about my little raid in her room?" He thought, still eating the food as other people watched in horror.
Sayu winced at the boy's loud yell. She looked a bit irritated, but thought it was best to just ignore him. Soon after, she left the room, walking down the hallways. I don't really need anything... What should I do to kill time...? She came to the conclusion that she might as well go to the cafeteria. She felt like having something sweet before fighting. Maybe I'll eat a cake... or something. And with that, she made her way to the cafeteria on a quest to find something sweet to eat.
Mai Yagami tapped her fingers on Croak's desk impatiently. She stood there for a moment. "Fine. I'm going to go get my things together." She finally said. She walked to the door and turned back to wave goodbye to Croak, before leaving his office.
Lola waited for an answer and when one didn't come, she shook her head and began to walk off. Stuffing her hands into her pockets again she said over her shoulder,"...I'm gonna go grab a bite, you can tag along so we can discuss a strategy plan". With that she walked out of the office and out the building and hoped that Rj would comply this time. Along the way she began thinking about the mission ahead of them. So a slew of soul wrenching Daimons were loose. Well this seemed to be right up her teams alley. Another smirk spread across her lips as she walked off campus.

After reaching her favorite little diner, Lola sat at her table with her hot cocoa and toasted turkey sub. She thought over several attack plans they could go about executing. The only thing she was having an issue with was the newest member of the group. She wasn't sure how reliable he was going to be. This would be their first major mission with him after all. But without Rj's input nothing was solid as of right now.
Mai made her way back to her room, then stopped outside the door, clutching the key that hung around her neck tightly. She stared at the door before shaking her head turning to go down the hallway again. She could get her stuff later. Mai found herself in the tiny little kitchen across from Croak's office. She couldn't keep from wondering if Croak had called Willy in yet. The next thing that came to mind was what Croak might end up doing to Willy. She snorted and reached up in a cabinet, pulling out the kettle to make tea. She started boiling water and sat down on the couch, drawing her knees up against her chest. I hope he at least takes Willy out of my group for the missions..
After eating his strange dinner, Willy was walking to Croak's office to talk with Croak about something. It seems that Croak wanted to see him for some reason, since he sent a personal message on Will's cell phone to come by his office for an important task. As Willy was reaching the office door, he saw Mai walk into the teacher's break room without noticing him, looking a bit tired for some reason. Willy then decided that the office could wait for a bit as he followed Mai into the break room, watching her make some tea.

As she was sitting down on the couch, he managed to stuff something pink into the boiling water as he sneaked his way to the couch without being seen and was quietly behind her, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. "Okay, time to initiate part one of operation SCARE THE HELL (LITERALLY) OUT OF MS. YAGAMI AS I HAVE A STARING CONTEST WITH HER!" Willy then pops out in front of Mai, screaming "STARING CONTEST TIME!" as he landed on the other side of the couch, staring into her eyes while he kept his eyes wide open.
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Croak taps his skeleton fingers on the desk growing irritated as the seconds go by. Where is that boy? He thinks, standing up from his desk, finally annoyed enough to go search for that idiot. He shasays down the long halls until he spots him staring into th e eyes of the lovely Ms.Yagami who probably didn't understand," Oh, no you don't," He says, running into the teachers lounge and smacking Willy on the back of the head, before gripping onto his ear and dragging him away.
Mai's mouth fell open and she blinked. "What....just happened?" She asked the empty room. She considered following them into the hallway but decided against it. Croak seemed pissed and Willy was straight out insane. It was better that she just stayed in here for now. Mai stood and poured her tea, standing awkwardly in front of the door. She slowly leaned out of the door way, looking both ways to find where Croak and Willy had gone off to. Her curiosity got the best of her, and she slowly walked across the hallway and put her ear against the door.
"OUCH! That hurt you know?!" Willy yelled at Croak as he pulled him into the office, letting go after making him sit down on a chair. After rubbing the abused ear, Willy looks at Croak and sat up straight. He was ready to listen to the man, despite what just happened to him. "So... something wrong?" Willy asked Croak innocently, hoping the headmaster would forget what he saw at the break room. It was a simple staring contest, so what was wrong about that?

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