Croak's Academy for Wayward Reapers. [Inactive]

Lovable Dark-side

I might be a scarf. Who knows?

Jameson Croak sits in his office staring at a stack of papers that sat upon his desk, with a vengeful look, as if those papers were put there just to ruin his entire day. Yet, he knew they were necessary, so he quickly skimmed over them. Looking over all the new souls that needed to be reaped, and creatures of this world needed to be slayed. It seems like the time he has spent behind his over large desk has taken up most of his entirety," This is what I get for liking the invention of the school. Damn why did I have to copy those idiot mortals and care about education," He sighs, biting his lower lip out of lower habit. This was going to be a long death.

Croak careful looked over the files. Placing cases with the names of reapers and the mission they would receive together in one pile, and it seemed like that today like always was going to be the same until his eyes feel upon two particular cases. This is unusual. He thinks, before leaning over the and clicking the intercom button," Will Sayu Night, Reiko, Euryale Deynair, Shin Arashi, Rj, William Kyoki, Lola Martin, and James Wilson. Plus Reiji please report to my office." He says in a serious tone. Croak's voice echoing across campus, so everyone could here. But before ending his announcement he adds," Oh, and Also first one here get first dibs."


Eury cringes as her full name is spoken over the blaring speaker for everyone to hear," Really dumba** You couldn't have just used my nickname,"She mutters, crinkling her nose, while loosing her balance. So, she promptly fell onto the concrete floor of the Academy's indoor training center. She hated her first name always had, but her father always said he named her that because of her temper and not her beauty. But personally she just thought her father named her after the evil snake lady was, because of her naturally dark green hair.

But Eury quickly gets over her rage at the head master when she here the ever, so sweet promise of a mission,
" Oh, Also first on here get first dibs." The words excited her, as if someone told her she was getting a pony. So, quickly she gets up dusting off whatever grim that had gotten all over her butt off, then hightailing in down the hallway, praying she would be the first to be there. Even though the chances were slim, because she was one the other side of campus.


(@SayuriTokage)Sayu Night...(@MADZ) Reiko

Euryale Deynair...(@SacredGA) Shin Arashi

(@Redemption) Rj... (@KillerWilly) William Kyoki...(@Broken-Angel) Lola Martin

(@TheJ) James Wilson...(@BEX) Reiji

(@Shadow Michaelis )

Fell free to post guys!
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Reiji, upon hearing her name called to the office stops what she's doing.

I would like to think I'm not in trouble. She thought in her mind. She began the walk through the corridors, slightly wanting to be there first because of what was promised.

It could be anything after all, Why not be first? Of course she didn't mind if she wasn't.... She then arrived at the door, and noticing noboy else around she opened it and stepped in first to the office.
Sayu, who was already outside of the building the head master was in, perked up when she heard her name called. She wasn't quite sure whether to go or not, but since she had nothing better to do, she went. Taking her time, she made her way to the headmaster's office at a somewhat slow pace. It didn't matter to her if she arrived first.
Willy was stealing several of Ms. Yagami's underwear when he heard the announcement, excited that his name was among the group of people called in that list. He looks around the room, making sure no one was going to pop out and attack him, before cleaning up the drawers he just raided. After looking out the window for anyone watching, he jumps out and climbs on the roof, forgetting to close the window.

Willy then runs toward the head master's office, putting the "merchandise" into his jacket quickly as he ran across the roof of the school buildings. "Ohhh, I wonder what he means by first dibs?" Willy thought, getting closer to the room before jumping in through a open window.
Reiko listen to the head master over the intercom when she heard her name. She jogged to the head master's office hoping to be first, but she didn't show it. Of course she couldn't since she had a blank expression on her face 24/7. Reiko hoped she was first, but when she got there she saw that her sister and Willy was there before her. She walked next to her sister.

"Hey Reiji." She said with no emotion in her voice.
Shin was thinking about getting something to eat. He was starving, and when he heard that he is summoned, he became annoyed, but since he's a greenhorn at the school, he thought that it would be best to arrive in time, at least the first time he's summoned to the headmaster's office. He couldn't really care about the "first dibs" so he took his time to go there. I wonder what does he want from me... And why did he summon that many of us? I hope it'll be interesting. Shin sighted a big and was wondering on the purpose all the way to the office.
Reiji looked to her sister, not being able to speak she did the only she could. She hugged her sister, nestling into her shoulder.

If only... I could talk. She thought in her mind. She couldn't speak at all, but at least she had her thoughts. Besides, she has her wonderful sister Reiko, who she loves dearly. Reiko was the only thing she could remember about anything. It's no surprise that the two chose to die together, rather than it just being one, and now they get to live together in this world. Reiji knew that her sister could understand her, and this was a great thing for the both of them.

Mai Yagami sat at her desk, her head in her hand. She sighed, not for the first time since she'd sat down. She shifted her weight and glanced out the window. Mai heard Croak's voice come over the intercom. She dropped her head down on the desk and moaned. "Time to go." She stood and exited the room, pushing her snow white bangs away from her face. By the time Mai got to the office, most of the summoned students were already there. She smiled and moved to stand by Croak.
Reiko hugged her sister back.

"It's okay, Reiji. I know you wish you could talk, but that's what you had to give up. Just like I had to give up my emotions." Reiko loved her sister and would die for her. She never showed it, but when she partners with her sister she was quite angry. If she could, she would never leave her sister's side.

As Sayu made her way to the headmaster's office, she saw that there were already others there. Keeping her distance, she stood off to the side of the hall. I really shouldn't have come. I can't deal with people. She didn't know what to do besides stay away from them due to the fact that she only remembers being alone. Not that it bothered her that she was always by herself. She looked at the two girls who were hugging, and she felt envious of them.
Reiji nodded into her shoulder, feeling Reiko's emotion that was never evident on her face. She has always thought, ever since the first day she came here 3 months ago, Why us? It wasn't a simple question to answer of course... Why was it anybody?

She pulled back from the hug and stood next to her sister waiting for whatever was to come. The mute glanced around the room at the assortment of people, wondering what their prices were, or how long they've been at Croaks. She was sure that some had sad stories to tell, she could feel some of their most underlying emotions. Such as the girl who suddenly felt envious of the two twins.

I wish I could make everyone happy... But people don't like it when I distort their emotions.... She thought as she let out a breath of air in a sigh. She could somewhat express what she was saying at times with her breathing patterns and or hand gestures, but nothing beat talking in her mind of course. Though since she doesn't remember much, she can't remember a time when she was able to talk, only that she was definitely missing out on it...

A looming voice pulled Rj's thoughts from his current book to the announcement. He's calling half the school, what's his play this time? Kicking his feet down from the loungeful position of draping across his desk, he peered to the corner of his current page, taking it's number to memory as he tossed it effortlessly to the odd collection of books, pages, and notes that had a habit of collecting on his desk. Some of which he wasn't certain he put there. Moving to stand he adjusted his tie with a quick pull, his hands sliding the material of his suit, wiping away likely imaginary dust. He had to look his best but of course, his rabbit resembling mask non-withstanding.

Not one to rush like most the children would, the image of adolescents hyped up on candy hallows eve flashed through his mind, Rj did nothing to rush or run a muck at the tease of pickings. Besides it was usually what you least expected that seemed more worth your time, selection could rid him of an opportunity. Still he stepped through the halls as if on a mission. He may not be high on sugar or paraphernalia, but there was nothing wrong with being prompt.
Shin relieved by the sight of the other students in the meaning that he wasn't the first. As arriving next to them, he nodded as a greeting to everyone. Then he inspected everyone in the room. The two hugging each other look weird... One of them looks like a walking-dead, and the other is so quiet. He looked at the other girl standing alone, but he didn't add any thoughts about her.
Eury runs into the crowed room, noticing the others inside it, frowning as she finds out that she isn't the first person here," D*mn," She curses rather loudly, readjusting the strap that slung her shovel across her back, so she didn't loose it. Like everything else," Okay lets get down to business it's mission time isn't it," She say, slash asks. Not being completely sure if that was the case or not, yet she hoped it was. After her old partner had suddenly decided to take the test to go to either Heaven, or Hell she hadn't been on a mission. Plus she really wanted to see what the newbie: Her new partner was made out of.

Croak smiled ignoring Eury's rude outburst, and nodding to Mai," Welcome children. We just need to wait a few more minutes before we can get started. We seem to be missing a few students." He said, rhythmically tapping his think skeleton like fingers against his desk impatiently. He sits up straighter, sighing.

(I gtg guys bye)
Reiko snuck a glance at her sister. She could remember all the fun memories of Reiji talking the day away telling her stories and such. She felt sad on the inside, for she doesn't think her sister can remember those memories. Reiko herself couldn't remember her being very emotional a lot. Reiko glanced around the room thinking what other's fees were. Could they have been worse than hers?

I wish I could have my emotions back... That's all I want. I don't care about all the memories or friends. Just emotion is all I want.
As several more people came into the room, Willy was starting to get bored. The headmaster mentioned about there being first dibs for coming first and was excited but anxious. He looked over at Reiji, who was still hugging her sister, not noticing that he was staring at her anxiously. "I WILL GET THOSE FIRST DIBS!" Willy thought to himself, knowing that when he jumped into the office, Reiji was also coming in too. All the headmaster did though was tell them to stand at one side of the room and wait for the others to arrive, not saying who won that race.

"Hmm, maybe what he means by dibs is how he's going to dip us in chocolate milk before licking us dry? Or maybe he'll give us that ice cream DIBS as a reward?! Yum..." As he was thinking about what the dibs were, Ms. Yagami comes into the room and stood next to Croak without looking at any of the students there, apparently tired from her nap probably. Willy then looks at her, smiling due to the tired expression on her face. She never finds out if her underwear was stolen before he gives it back to her, always being pissed at him due to his pranks. Well, mostly it's how he gives it back to her, which he was scheming in his head now.

Willy then looks at Ms. Yagami, waving as he was smiling at her as if nothing was wrong at all.
Mai narrowed her eyes slightly at Will, but waved anyways. She focused her eyes on him, and saw that his aura was a dark, muddy pink. The color of dishonesty and immaturity. She thought bitterly. She smiled at Will, deciding that they were going to have a nice, long talk after the meeting. She glanced back at Croak, wishing he would get the 'meeting' over with.
The crackling sound of the overhead speakers, rose Lola out of her peaceful slumber. Slowly rising from her bed, she sat at the edge and waited for her brain to catch up. Once everything seemed to be cooperating, she stood, grabbed her ciggs and walked out the door. She placed her hands in her pants pockets as she walked towards the office. "...he better have a good excuse for waking me up", she said to herself. Her shows made loud clicks as she walked, echoing in the empty hallway.

When she reached the office door, she placed her hand on the handle and slowly stepped through. Well it looked as though she was the last to get here. "Oh well", she thought and set up to take a spot leaning against the wall. She glanced around the room and took everyone's expressions in. "If there were a more odd bunch", she thought. Shrugging, kept her hands in her pocket and leaned her hand against the wall, closing her eyes.

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Croak finally just gives up on the singular student who has arrived and starts talk," Hello children." He says because in his eyes they were children. None of them have even reached the 200 year mark yet," As Eury had explained before it is mission time, but as what said mission is. Well it is quiet strange. It seems that a Phantom, or at least I think it is a Phantom has taken to haunting a house in the Yukira district. This one seems more powerful than most though, because inside of just tormenting the souls who live in the house. It is brutally murdering them itself." He pauses passing out pictures of the mutilated corpses, bodies with limbs that had been forced off there torso, organs spilling out of the abdomens," This is what you're. The dead count including reapers who have went up against it before you in 7. Two of which as I said before are Reapers."
Reiji couldn't say anything as she just stared down at the papers. Morbid or not, they didn't particularly bother her... She felt as if she had seen worse before, perhaps it was just an odd feeling.

I wonder why though... This is horrible and yet I... Don't think anything of it. She thought in her head. Maybe it was just because her brain was wired differently, or maybe she was picking up off of another persons emotions that were not existent. She wanted to speak out and ask if she was the one who got here first, but well, of course she couldn't. She settled for just looking around the room silently. She breathed out a sigh again, just ready to get the mission over with. She could feel the cold metal of her switchblades under her sleeves and the thought of having to reap something, actually kind of excited her...

I'll understand other emotions, but just not my own..... All in a days work, tch. She thought, while mentally scoffing.
Mai gaped at Croak. "Don't you think this case is a little..Oh, I don't know advanced for them?" She asked in awe. Sure, they had potential, but this case had killed two Reapers. There is a whole group of them though. And it would teach them teamwork. She noted bitterly. But that didn't change the fact that the case was dangerous for them.
" But I am not done. In Russia there seems to be an increase of diamons. As you already know Diamons are souls of the wicked who escaped the gates of hell. They feed off of anything with a live soul."He runs his fingers through his black hair, red eyes staring at the young reaper," We will be splitting into two groups. Those who will go to Russia with Mai and Those who will go to with me to see the Phantom." He laughs, getting out of his chair," So, Ms. Reiji you get to pick who and your partner go with." 
He then turns to Mai," I think I would know the capability of my little flock here. Plus most here have the highest Levels than anyone i teh academy besides me and you Mai."
Reiji glances down at the paper with the pictures of mutilated bodies. She didn't want to have to go to Russia, and the idea of the Phantom intrigued her... She held the paper down in front of her, the pictures facing outward. She took her two fingers and pointed at the paper and then at the headmaster, signaling she wanted to go on the Phantom case.

There's something about this.... If only I could speak my mind and express what I truly want to say...
Mai closed her eyes and sighed. He was right, after all. "You're right. I'm sorry for questioning you." She said finally. She ran a hand through her snow white hair, silver eyes staring blankly at the floor. She thought about the case in Russia, instead of berating herself for being an idiot, like she wanted to. It'd been a while since she'd gone to Russia. Or on any mission really. She looked forward to assisting the young reapers.
Sayu stared at the pictures, unsure of what to think. She wasn't mad at or scared of the phantom just because it killed some people. Rather, she seemed fairly neutral. However, something seemed to be bothering her. Why do they need so many people? With that thought in mind, she let out a silent sigh. Will they really need everyone? Sayu was very uncomfortable.

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