"Kaiju Enthusiast"

Language Key:
| Common | #Abyssal#|

Regen F ETA:
2 Posts = Natural Heavy Armor
[Globsters F] 1/5
Seeing the small biscuit ration fall to its feet, the globster's singular eye glanced down with a curious glance while his maw chattered eagerly. Was this... food? It wasn't meat but it was certainly edible. It glanced over at Rosette with an innocent puppy-like expression, his singular eye blinking once in a slow manner. It was almost as if it was waiting for confirmation, gurgling in a higher-pitch as if asking "For me?". Obviously it had never been shown kindness like this before. Of course he wouldn't harass his Agrigore master... he wouldn't dare make the same mistake again! With explicit permission granted the globster would swoop down and begin chewing on the breaded biscuit with ravenous intent. It may have been mere morsel but it was frankly willing to take anything at this point.
Once it finished, the globster projected a goofy smile of satisfaction followed by a strange purring-like gurgle coming from its throat. Then it convulsed momentarily before spitting out a sharpened piece of bone at Rosette's feet. It seemed to have gifted her something for her kindness... a piece of itself. The bone appeared to resemble that of a dagger or spearhead, with vague veiny traces of black ooze wrapping near the base. Perhaps it could be used as a makeshift weapon in a pinch... or a decorative ornament at least.
Meanwhile, the Agrigore continued devouring the sentinel bug with sheer voraciousness, already having devoured a good deal of the bug's abdomen and guts. Even the head was already decapitated and now digesting in its belly. He was making incredible time for his efforts. Just a bit more time and he'd be ready to move out wherever the others wished. At this point he wasn't too terribly choosey now that his belly had been satiated for the time being.