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Finished [Crimsonharbor - ????] Echoes of the Fallen


Language Key:
| Common | #Abyssal#|
Maxxob Maxxob (Sentinel Bug) | TheTimePiece TheTimePiece (Zolgen) | DarkKitsune DarkKitsune (Naori) | SixSense SixSense (Dreayth) | heartspan heartspan (Rosette) |
Regen F ETA:

2 Posts = Natural Heavy Armor
[Globsters F] 1/5

Seeing the small biscuit ration fall to its feet, the globster's singular eye glanced down with a curious glance while his maw chattered eagerly. Was this... food? It wasn't meat but it was certainly edible. It glanced over at Rosette with an innocent puppy-like expression, his singular eye blinking once in a slow manner. It was almost as if it was waiting for confirmation, gurgling in a higher-pitch as if asking "For me?". Obviously it had never been shown kindness like this before. Of course he wouldn't harass his Agrigore master... he wouldn't dare make the same mistake again! With explicit permission granted the globster would swoop down and begin chewing on the breaded biscuit with ravenous intent. It may have been mere morsel but it was frankly willing to take anything at this point.

Once it finished, the globster projected a goofy smile of satisfaction followed by a strange purring-like gurgle coming from its throat. Then it convulsed momentarily before spitting out a sharpened piece of bone at Rosette's feet. It seemed to have gifted her something for her kindness... a piece of itself. The bone appeared to resemble that of a dagger or spearhead, with vague veiny traces of black ooze wrapping near the base. Perhaps it could be used as a makeshift weapon in a pinch... or a decorative ornament at least.

Meanwhile, the Agrigore continued devouring the sentinel bug with sheer voraciousness, already having devoured a good deal of the bug's abdomen and guts. Even the head was already decapitated and now digesting in its belly. He was making incredible time for his efforts. Just a bit more time and he'd be ready to move out wherever the others wished. At this point he wasn't too terribly choosey now that his belly had been satiated for the time being.
Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Develius Develius
heartspan heartspan
Maxxob Maxxob

Dreayth would swipe his spear to the side, cleaning off the innards of the sentinel from his spear. The group made light work of the big bug even better, they asserted dominance over the maggots. Even though they were bugs, basic animal principles rained supreme.

“Reviving Hiroshi back is our main priority, I agree that we should stay on task.” Dreayth nodded,“I can give you a hand with lifting the dead human.” The monster extended his arm out to assist in carrying Hiroshi, utilizing his [Super Strength F] to do so, he’d alleviate a good portion of the load from Zolgen.

Rosette would approach both of them asking what language they were speaking, truly this child must be insane. However he felt like he should reward her for being competent and not dying unlike the actual monsters here. She also referred to him as master, good, this one knew better than to communicate with a superior life form as though they were equals.

“Abyssal, it’s how monsters communicate. It’s possible for you to learn, perhaps I’ll give you a single lesson if you survive as reward.” Damn human children nowadays, eager to delve into the unknown with endless curiosity it seems. Unaware or even perhaps oblivious to the nature of the world.

“Let’s get a move on, times ticking.” Agigore seemed busy, gorging itself on the monster before him. Seemed about right, their race was no stranger to eating anything and everything. Doesn’t mean that the big bug tasted good.

“What’s the compass saying Naori.”

: Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece heartspan heartspan Develius Develius SixSense SixSense

“No, Rosette I do not speak abyssal or sylvan. I can speak terran.”

And due to the language barrier, once she swapped the language she was spoke he just let her ramble with a empty facial expression. Her words were beyond her but there was a small part of him that didn’t particularly mind. She was beginning to remind him of one of the younger kids from the orphanage. Maybe eventually he can turn her into a construct sister…then his eyes flickered to Hiroshi’s corpse. But one at a time.

“Let’s see.”

Naori answered pulling out the compass and holding it in his hand staring at it to get a proper reading.​
Maxxob Maxxob
"Tch, I hardly think Abyssal is a language you need to concern yourself with unless you intend on hanging around more of our kind." Zolgen chuckled.

"Anyway Dreayth is giving you a rare opportunity, so why don't you keep up the good work to earn that reward, after all not many can say they learned some from a monster willingly.." the demon man commented regarding Rosette's interest.

"Now the boy..he might have a purpose to learn it beyond wanting to socialize..I could see him working with more of our kind in the future easily..you see he and I have more in similar than you'd imagine." The chuckling Zolgen made this time around became darker.

He took note that Agrigore was still eating. He also took note of what his goblin had to report.

"Tch take the rope. Might be useful later for hog tying if I have too." He'd order the goblin, this time in common.

"Looks like it found some tunnels, but as interesting as that would be to explore..I think given our time limit, you both have the right idea..I imagine I can always come back here if it strikes my fancy to explore some more."

"The crystals do interest me..and I'm sure we could crush those bugs if they came..but I guess you're both right."
Zolgen eventually relented even as he looked over at them tempted, mostly because the last time he'd harvested something like that it'd been useful like the Yeti tooth which he had pried from that hellish realm he went too not all that long ago.

"..Thanks" Zolgen said simply, looking to Dreayth, pleased to see that much like Zolgen he had enhanced strength as the demons they were. "As strong as I am, we can't let anything happen to this body, so it's probably best if you stay near it with me anyway.."

"#And You three, I want you to make a triangle point around us, be ready to defend this body from any hostiles.#"
Zolgen barked to the Goblin Javelineers, which presumably they'd listen.

Zolgen then looked to Naori and waited for a response, Regardless Zolgen was ready to move out when the group was, still sort of wanting to nab. a crystal but there was also risk besides spending more time that it could cause a problem in the less familiar structure they were in.

Goblin Javelineer x3 actions:
As many moves to get into a triangular defensive position around Zolgen and Dreayth and Hiroshi body.
Develius Develius | Agrigore
Maxxob Maxxob | Hiroshi
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Naori
heartspan heartspan | Rosette
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Zolgen
SixSense SixSense | Dreayth

Hive Cave 2.jpg

Naori withdraws the compass from his satchel, turning it over in his hands. The smooth, opaque glass now sits perfectly still, the needle pointing directly at Hiroshi’s body—which Zolgen cradles in his arms. No matter how Naori tilts or shifts, the needle stubbornly holds its bearing, as if to say, mission accomplished… for now.

Meanwhile, the last scraps of the Guardian Sentinel lie scattered around Agrigore. His feast nears its messy conclusion: only a few pulpy bits and a ruined stretch of chitin remain to be devoured. Overhead, the smaller drones keep a safe distance, their antennae bobbing in caution. Acidic fluid drips periodically from sagging resin pustules in the ceiling, peppering the ground with sizzling droplets.

In one corner, Zolgen’s lone scouting goblin gently tosses the tattered rope (salvaged from the ruined pack) over its shoulder, warily eyeing the tunnels that wind further into the nest. Click-click-click. The echo of distant insectoid limbs reminds everyone that the hive is still awake—merely choosing, for now, to hold off any renewed assault.

By the peculiar, pulsing door, an uneasy hush settles. The door’s fleshy surface throbs with its own living rhythm, its central eye flicking open in a slow, lazy blink of swirling amber and black. A faint breath of stale, cloying air wafts through, stirring the acrid stench of acid and carrion. It’s equal parts invitation and warning—a reminder that stepping through means entering some place beyond mortal norms.

As Rosette chats amiably—and occasionally sings—about secret languages, her voice cuts through the gloom with a sweetness at odds with the hive’s grisly surroundings. The goblin trio, still flushed from her earlier praise, cluster around Zolgen and Dreayth, holding their javelins like crooked spears in a protective triangle around Hiroshi’s body. The lonely Globster laps up the last crumbs Rosette gave it, looking a bit less dejected now that it’s had a small kindness.

For now, the compass quietly confirms its function: it has guided you to Hiroshi’s remains. Its needle remains locked upon the corpse, as if waiting for the next stage of the mission. The acrid sting in the air, the dim glow of bioluminescent resin, and the faint scraping of insect legs all fuse into one oppressive hush—making it clear that this respite is tenuous at best.

All around you, the hive breathes as one. But the way forward—whether through deeper tunnels or that unearthly door—remains in your hands.

: Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece heartspan heartspan Develius Develius SixSense SixSense

“The compass is useless, it is staying locked on Hiroshi’s corpse. It does not seem to be delegated to any other function.”

That did not mean Naori didn’t have any tricks up his sleeve. They had a few options but currently It vame down to decideding the best route to go. Despite the limited range he had in the ability the teen opted for a new alternative.

“Let’s see if I can figure out the best route for us to take. Although I believe the door may be the best option.”

Without any hiding, there was no need and he didn’t have the means to hide the effects of apprasial even if he cared. He used [Precautionary Navigation [E] again. Flr the barest trace of sign, perhaps he should’ve used the ability for back up previously.

1. use [Precautionary Navigation [E]
E 0/1

Precautionary navigation- Appraisal [E], Survival [F](from educated), Navigation [F](from educated) - Naori attempts to search for the safe start of a route within 5ft. - E grade- 1 post cooldown


Language Key:
| Common | #Abyssal#|
Maxxob Maxxob (Sentinel Bug) | TheTimePiece TheTimePiece (Zolgen) | DarkKitsune DarkKitsune (Naori) | SixSense SixSense (Dreayth) | heartspan heartspan (Rosette) |
Regen F ETA:

1 Posts = Natural Heavy Armor
[Globsters F] 1/5

Every last morsel. Every scrap of chitinous evidence. All would be consumed by the Agrigore's intense drive to feed at a terrifying pace. His jagged teeth were covered in viscous fluid, as were his ripping claws and hook-like talons piercing into tender bug meat. By the time he'd finish, barely anything which once resembled the hulking sentinel would be gone. All what was left was the stained blood which coated where the corpse had lain. The meal had an exceptionally acidic after taste to it... a bitter yet savory delight. It might be considered as an acquired taste for most, but the lanky cyclops was one of a kind.

A unique taste for a strikingly unique individual.

Straightening back to full height from his hunched position, the Agrigore licked his bleeding chops before giving a gurgle of satisfaction. He glanced back at the group with a devilish smile. "#Aaaaaaaaaagrigorrrrrrrrrrreeee...#" he growled in cruel satisfaction, clearly having enjoyed his meal even with its unique flavorings. He couldn't have felt any better now... and his regenerative abilities would thank him for his service. For all could see that the damage from the acidic resin on his chest had been nearly restored to full durability. Within minutes it should be completely healed...

And perhaps in due time... he might be able to pick apart the bug's strengths and add them to his own.

The globster's singular eye looked up at its master in sheer awe and admiration, reactively flinching only when a droplet of sizzling acid dropped next to it. It knew now to be weary. WIth the Agrigore having now finished his meal, the group could finally move on untethered to this chamber. Two options now laid before them... either they continue with their mission and enter the door or continue through the caverns in search for potential secrets and power. Though while the Agrigore was privy to both directions, his primal senses seemed keen to continue onwards into the depths of the hide. He snarled towards a chamber which seemed to lead deeper into the hive.

It was clear he wanted more... more power to feed his ever rapidly evolving form. Even his last meal wouldn't satiate his hunger for long. His legs began to retract like a spring ready to pounce straight first into the darkness... or was it towards the door? Hard to say.

Regardless, it was evident that the Agrigore and his surviving minion were ready to move.
Rosette felt a bit crestfallen when Master Destieen replied that he only spoke Terran rather than sylvan, and thus gave her a rather deadpan stare when she tried to speak with him in it. This was a lot like her big sister Lilibeth who had chosen to learn Terran just like her mom, where as Rosette had chosen sylvan following after their grandmother. Her disappointment was very quickly lifted as she listened to both Master Zolgen and Master Dreayth. Her eyes however found themselves locked onto two occurrences. The first was the little pudding-man and his cat like gift, a knife like bone spat out at her feet, and gleaming with a thick black ichor. The second was Master Destieen and his struggle with the compass.

Their instrument seemed to only point to the corpse and as that was no help at all Rosette was left in thought. The black goo that clung to her fingers as she picked up the little trinket and the strange way the compass only pointed to the body stirred at her memory. Not wanting to interrupt Master Destieen as he worked, nor having the desire to embarrass him, she instead turned to Master Dreayth and Master Zolgen. She gave the two demons a deep and appreciative curtsy.

" Thank you for your kind consideration and for answering this humble maid's inquiry." she declared. " Perhaps once we have drank of the black liquid Madame Vex Provided for the rescuing of Master Nakamura's soul from the shadowlands, and have safely returned, This Rosette can learn Abyssal from such esteemed Masters."

She spoke loudly enough for Naori to be made aware of the vial he carried, but not in a manner that would cause anyone to think that Master Destieen had forgotten anything so crucial.

" Perhaps Master Destieen would join us as well, wouldn't that be wonderful?" She continued as she rose from her curtsy. " I can even teach you all Sylvan if it would please you. Now, if you will excuse me for just a moment."

She quickly turned and walked over to the little pudding-man and kneeling down to it's level she offered the bone back to it.

" I appreciate your gift." she cooed sweetly " But you must take better care of yourself, and in this way you will improve your service to the young master."

she lay the bone on the ground before the little pudding-man. Then rising she turned to Young Master Agrigore. The Demon stood to it's full height and was truly imposing to her mind. He wore what Rosette could only term as a mischievous grin surfeit with the pleasure of what he had just done. However, his face was a mess, and without delay she pulled her handkerchief from the pocket of her dress. She held it aloft for Agrigore to see, even as she noted his body coiling up like a spring.

" Young Master, If you can understand me, please come hither so that this maid might humbly wipe your face. " She declared calmly " Cleanliness is akin to divinity, That is what my grandmother has always said, and this Rosette stands by it."

Rosette was aware that she would lose her handkerchief to the acidic goo that had been the Young Master's meal. However, she was equally certain that she could clean him up without hurting herself, which was of paramount importance to her.

Maxxob Maxxob SixSense SixSense DarkKitsune DarkKitsune TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Develius Develius

Maxxob Maxxob DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Develius Develius heartspan heartspan SixSense SixSense

The good news was that the goblin did what Zolgen wanted meaning he'd probably get to live longer if at least in the short term, having successfully secured the rope. Zolgen was wary of the acid dripping down, so he stayed vigilant. Then there was that strange door which of course was in a place like this, it wasn't exactly like Zolgen wasn't used to strange things like these during his time in the Dark continent which he had fled from, but still it didn't mean he wasn't any less wary of that either, and what such a door could mean for the group if it took them somewhere that wasn't helpful to them getting their task complete.

"Go figure it wouldn't be that easy, when is it ever?" Zolgen commented at Naori saying the compass wasn't gong to help them at that point as it just kept pointing at the body which was already in their possession.

"Alright then let's see what you can figure out..I'm curious." Zolgen nodded at hearing and then seeing Naori use his skills.

"While I'm not opposed If we go through that door I have a strange hunch the route might not be the most direct, even if it takes us toward where we need to go, so we should consider that, I mean just look at the thing, it's practically asking us to go through it, which from my experience in this realm..isn't necessarily a always a good thing." Referencing the strange way the door almost seemed to make itself inviting.

Upon listening to Rosette who Zolgen was sort of wondering if she was mentally ill or not at this point, otherwise what would compel a non criminal human to come and help monsters with something like this? Regardless she sure was entertaining, perhaps someone worth keeping alive and around for that if nothing else.

"You're welcome, and maybe if we get out of here alive it's something to think about..I guess I Wouldn't mind learning the fae tongue in return."

"You know speaking of Fae there was this time in the Wapelin woods when me and my goblins were lying in wait for travelers, this fellow on horse back came by claiming he was separated from his group, and I just did my best to make it out like I might just be some ugly Fae..or something believable like that, and boy did he buy it, the goblins and me had ourselves a nice reward after that encounter."
Zolgen chuckled some.

"I just sort of wish now I had a taste..I do wonder what Nobie blood might taste like..I suppose there'll be time for that in the future under the right circumstances, those damn cultists made me a bit more wary than usual of sticking around.."

Regardless Zolgen was ready to move out when Naori gave his verdict.

"#Part of me would like to go exploring too Agrigore..I'm sure there are interesting things we could find..this time constraint..sure is a downer hm?#" He'd pose to the devourer monster.
Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Develius Develius
heartspan heartspan
Maxxob Maxxob

“I see”

He’d respond naori, seems like now they’d have to find their way back, thankfully, Rosette dropped a helpful reminder. Proving more and more why they should keep her alive.

Dreayth just raised an eyebrow to Rosette, maybe she has that illness that lesser life forms possess. What was it called again, trauma? Could be the only explanation why she’d be willing to get that close to a man eating monster. He had a hard time trying to figure out her motive, what was her desire exactly.

“Yo Naori, take some notes from Rosette on how to respond to a superior life form.” Dreayth smirked poking fun at the young boy:

“I have no use for Sylvan, I don’t think a fae is going to meet eye to eye with me after all.” He’d watch as the young maid walked over to Agrigore and attempted to clean the monster up.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you child.” Dreayth watched with a smile on his face. “#If you’re going to eat her at least wait until the mission is over. Try to restrain yourself please.#” he’d mutter to the blob. This child had to have been dropped when they were a baby because there truly was no method to her madness. If she had a death wish so be it, just not on his time.

He’d then face Zolgen, #“I’m here for one thing and it’s to get that human back alive for my brothers sake.”#
Develius Develius | Agrigore
Maxxob Maxxob | Hiroshi
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Naori
heartspan heartspan | Rosette
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Zolgen
SixSense SixSense | Dreayth

Hive Cave 2.jpg

Even as discussion lingers over whether to brave the hive’s depths or retreat through the swirling, fleshy door, the choice is made for you.

A Sudden Shift​

The door at the edge of the chamber—its single, swirling eye blinking in lazy arcs—suddenly shudders. A wet, organic pulse echoes through the resin-coated walls, and thin, rubbery tongues snap out without warning. They dart forward like snakes striking prey, wrapping around every limb they find—whether demon, monster, or mortal. The strength behind them is impossibly great; even the mightiest among you can only twist a fraction of an inch before being yanked toward the door’s gaping iris.

With a wet suction sound, the entire party is dragged, one by one, into the iris-like opening. The last thing you glimpse of the hive is the chittering drone swarm overhead, mandibles clacking in alarm as the door slams shut behind you.

Return to Crimsonharbor​

You are spat out in Crimsonharbor, tumbling into the city’s eternal twilight. Multiple moons of different hues hang in the sky—violet, azure, and crimson—casting shifting lights across the distorted architecture. Buildings twist impossibly skyward, some half-floating, others flickering at the edges like half-forgotten memories.

The door deposits you onto a broad, cobbled walkway that pulses beneath your feet with a heartbeat-like rhythm. The thick, incense-laden air hits your nostrils immediately, and you recognize the sour-sweet tang of the Crimson Lotus. It looms mere steps away, that seedy establishment with lanterns flickering in red hues, its walls seeming to breathe in slow intervals.

The Crimson Lotus’s Peculiar Welcome​

A gust of incense billows from the teahouse’s open entrance. Thin chimes dangle from the awning—tink, tink, tink—and just beyond, you spy tall, curved doors marked by swirling glyphs. Beyond those doors lies the main hall, all dim red lights and drifting smoke.

You barely have time to gather yourselves when Madame Vex strides in from an adjoining corridor. Her stark white hair, pinned in place by bone hairpins, catches a glimmer of lanternlight. Three distinct shadows trail her steps, each shape writhing as if alive with an independent will. Her swirling purple-gold eyes fix upon your ragtag group—some battered by acid, others still covered in the Guardian’s ichor. Hiroshi’s body, half-limp in Zolgen’s arms, garners her immediate attention.

Madame Vex
Madame Vex.jpg

“Well,” her voice slides through the thick air, a near-whisper that resonates unnaturally, “you retrieved the body, if just in time…”

She claps her hands once, sharply. Almost at once, a pair of Lotus attendants—faces half-hidden by elaborate porcelain masks—rush forward. One tries to offer fresh towels, but finds themselves inches from Agrigore’s gory visage and hastily flinches away, while another hovers near Hiroshi’s corpse, looking unsure whether to assist without explicit permission.

A Sharp Reproach​

Madame Vex takes a measured breath and sweeps her gaze across each of you in turn—and lingers on Agrigore’s blood-smeared maw, Naori’s poison-laced dagger, Rosette’s wide eyes, Dreayth’s spear streaked in insect gore, and Zolgen cradling the corpse as goblins shuffle close behind.

“I’ve been monitoring your progress through my…shall we say, connections? You did well enough—if one can call peril, acid, and dithering ‘well enough.’ Indecision in that hive was not a problem. In the Shadowlands, it will be lethal. Overlong hesitation once you pass the Veil could see your souls trapped forever—and I’m not in the habit of freeing the condemned.”

She waves her bony hairpin in a reprimanding gesture, her three shadows sharpening their edges in a silent echo of her scorn.

A Tangible Tension​

The Crimson Lotus thrums with unseen energies—crystal vases on shelves seem to shift the color of their glow when you aren’t looking; the bead curtains hanging between antechambers gently clack of their own accord, though no breeze drifts by. From the corner of your eye, you glimpse a floating scroll flipping itself along the bar, scribbles in glowing ink forming and vanishing.

Madame Vex extends an open palm:

“Each of you must take a sip. One vial, shared—a precise draught. The faint glimmer in your companion’s eyes tells me there’s barely a scrap of his spirit tethered to that body. To restore him fully, you will need to walk the path of the in-between. Now.”

Her three shadows coil in unison, as if ready to snatch the phials from your hands should you dawdle. Beyond, somewhere deeper in the Crimson Lotus, muffled voices murmur over cups of spiced tea, oblivious (or indifferent) to your arrival.

She flicks her gaze at Hiroshi’s pale, slack features in Zolgen’s arms:

“Travel to Crimsonharbor is… fluid. What feels like mere minutes to you may, in another sense, be hours stolen from your quest. Trust me when I say: you’ve returned just in time. Any further delay”—she taps a bone hairpin against her open palm—“and his soul might have drifted beyond even my reach. Drink. Quickly.”

Her tone is inscrutable—a curious mixture of grudging respect and pointed urgency. A fleeting smirk touches her lips, as though amused by the group’s fortunes yet entirely focused on the dire objective. Her swirling gold-purple eyes regard you expectantly, while her shadows twist behind her like restless vipers ready to lash out should any further dithering occur.

Time is pressing. Madame Vex stands poised to shepherd you into the next stage of your quest, unwavering in her insistence that procrastination has no place in matters of life and death. And once you cross into the Shadowlands, indecision will not only risk Hiroshi’s soul—but perhaps your own as well.
One moment Rosette was listening to Master Zolgen and Master Dreayth waiting for The Young Master to bend toward her so she could clean him up, thinking of how best to reply to her demon buddies, and the next a pure nightmare gripped her. All at once thin rubbery tentacles gripped her about the waist. They clung to her wrists and ankles, and all the color drained from her face. This was the thing she feared most, the erotic tentacle attack!!! She had seen it once in a picture book stolen from her big sister Lilibeth, a book that had shaped many of her fears, and now number one on the list had come to life. She let out such a squeal of shock as she had never released from her sweet lips before.

" Oh No!! My innocence is gonna be taken!!!" she squealed in adorable terror as she was drug toward the door.

she struggled with all her might and yet the tentacles were just too strong. If only she could reach her rifle, or bite the things, or anything but be drug to her doom in the bed of a tentacle beast. No matter how much effort she exerted the strength of the thing was insurmountable.

" No, no, no, no, no!! I'll be a good girl I promise!!" she squeaked in charming dread

Then suddenly the world shifted in a very recognizable way. The scent of Incense burned her nose as Crimsonharbor burst into existence around her. She was set on her feet atop a pulsing cobblestone walkway, and at the sight of the Crimson Lotus her rapidly beating heart began to slow, her near panic stricken breathing began to normalize and her color return. Then as she stumbled into the building eyes wide with terror still just waning she caught sight of Madame Vex. She wanted to collapse in a heap but her pride kept her from doing so, despite her relief at being somewhere she recognized. Yet Evil never travels alone as her grandmother often said, and so it was now. Madame Vex's scolding turned the young girl's face a fiery red and tainted the tips of her ears with a deep crimson. This was the color of shame, and Rosette was ashamed. She was the one most to blame for the dithering, and so she embraced her shame. She should have been so much more professional, and now when word reached home she would receive yet another long lecture. There would be several long classes from her most severe mother, and teasing from Lilibeth. Neither of which was high on Rosette's list of tolerable activities.

She listened patiently as they were scolded and lectured by the Madame. Then when the black fluid was produced Rosette was first to take the offered vial. She looked at her companions with a wane smile, a deep blush, and an inability to remain proper when faced with so much embarrassment.

" I wonder which of you will get to have an indirect kiss with me?" she stated, her voice a mix of embarrassment and innocence as she took her sip from the phial.

She held the juice out for whomever wanted to take their turn next. Hoping to have lightened the mood just a little. She really and truly hated that she had been scolded, scared half to heaven, and had been busted slacking off just a bit. Needless to mention having shown such fear and embarrassing terror in front of her much tougher new buddies. The whole day was going down hill, and in her mind it was all thanks to the tentacles. Them son of a bitch tentacles!

Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius SixSense SixSense TheTimePiece TheTimePiece DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Maxxob Maxxob heartspan heartspan Develius Develius SixSense SixSense DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Zolgen would have given Dreayth a nod, Zolgen was glad it sounded like he was sure this was a good idea.

Unfortunately Zolgen didn't really get a chance to find out if Naori knew his stuff seriously because suddenly they were all getting seized by some sort of mass of tentacles. Furthermore Zolgen had no idea what Rosette was talking about or what she may have experienced to come to the conclusion that the tongues were some how going to 'violate' her, that wouldn't have been Zolgen's first reaction, he was more concerned about them trying to end his life prematurely.

"Looks like we're going through the frigging door then.." He'd exclaim not thrilled as everyone and everything got grabbed up, surprised just how strong these tongues were.

Thankfully the place the door took them too wasn't some unknown land, well granted Zolgen didn't claim to be an expert, but it was at least. realm they had been in before, what felt like not ALL that long ago, as he looked around at the different hued moons and the beating cobble walkway a bit alarmed as soon as he felt it. He also smelled that Incense again from before, and saw the lantern light. He then looked around to make sure the goblins were in fact alive, and in general that no one in the party had been hurt or killed by this process.

When Madame Vex said they got the body just in time Zolgen chuckled a bit, "Well of course we did, we weren't going to leave without it.."

He looked to the mask figures, wondering who or what they were exactly, long as they didn't get in their way, Zolgen couldn't say he cared much one way or another.

When she warned them of the next bit he chuckled a bit once again, "Yeah yeah, I get it lady, I just wanted to see if the boy really knew his stuff, normally when I'm going solo I'm not usually waiting around like we did, instead I'm usually more focused on leaving a path of carnage in my wake." He spoke honestly.

"You sure these lands will even want a tar soul like my own?" Zolgen jested a bit.

Zolgen did pay attention to what he could see in the space moving about, noticing the floating scroll.

"Oh so now we're all gonna share the peace pipe?" Zolgen said a bit sarcastically.

"Whatever, no concern of mine, long as the stuff works it works, anyway you all heard her, we gotta move strategically and decisively more quickly in the next place, so with that, let's get moving;"

Zolgen reached out and presuming she was agreeable after offering,"Heh." He'd simply say at her comment. He'd take the vial and also sip some of it. "Thanks, now who's next?" He'd hold it out, offering it up.


Language Key:
| Common | #Abyssal#|
Maxxob Maxxob (Madame Vex) | TheTimePiece TheTimePiece (Zolgen) | DarkKitsune DarkKitsune (Naori) | SixSense SixSense (Dreayth) | heartspan heartspan (Rosette) |
Regen F ETA:

0 Posts = Natural Heavy Armor Restored
[Globsters F] 1/5

The Agrigore's singular eye locked onto Rosette with an intense, dead-eyed glare as he watching her boldly approach him so she can "humbly wipe his face" from his meal. There was a pause as he processed her information. This youngster was far too bold for her own good. Even in battle she was a surprisingly adept fighter. In a way it was rather... endearing. Though had he been starving he'd surely wouldn't have hesitated to gobble her up as a makeshift snack. Even Dreyeath warned her not to try her luck, while telling the Agrigore in abyssal to restrain himself until after the mission should he choose to go about eating her. Surely nothing would save her then.

He growled subtly as his body creaked forth, continuing to study Rosette... as if trying to figure out what made her tick. Even his eye squinted intently with the matter, cocking his head to the side with his ears folded straight back. The Agrigore's blood-soaked face would find itself merely inches away from the young maid's, close enough so that she could indeed wipe away the gore and drool still plaguing his spikey mouth... albeit for a brief moment. His breath smelt utterly horrendous too of rotten meat and asphalt tar. Though whether or not he was truly accepting her offer was once again unclear... nevertheless he wouldn't raise a finger of apprehension or protest.

As far as the Agrigore was concerned... she was an enigma. Albeit a harmless enigma. Her innocent aura may ward off any sense of malice for the time being, but he knew it wouldn't last forever. Let her savor this moment for now. Let her realize how close to death's doors she's been. Though one day her luck will run out... and when it does...

Nobody will be safe... no man, no woman, no children, or monster for that matter. He will rule them all... or devour them all in a grand soup of his own making.

Zolgen relayed his enthusiasm to continue searching the cave though lamented that their time restraint put quite the downer on the situation. The Agrigore gave a confirming snarl. "#AAAAAGRIGOREE....#" he muttered, relaying his reluctant frustration. He would accept the fact they'd be heading back to Madame Vex through that door instead of advancing forward. What he didn't expect was how they'd enter as a series of rubbery tongues wrapped around them like hideous tendrils. Taken aback the Agrigore screeched wildly, squirming and writhing as if his life was on the line before being sucked into the door along the rest of his group. Even the globster found himself gurgling in confusion.

Spat back out in the dark vibrance of Crimsonharbor not far from the Crimson Lotus, the Agrigore followed everyone inside to face Madame Vex and to be debriefed on their next course of action. And she was waiting for them, pleased that they were able to retrieve Hiroshi's body "just in time". Though as a tendril attempted to give the Agrigore a complementary towel, the cyclops jerked suddenly before screeching aggressively at it with a swipe of his arm. His defiant efforts caused it to flinch away, not wanting to be sullied like what Rosette had done just earlier. Indeed his mouth was still plastered with bug blood and bits of gore, though any care of his appearance was lost on him.

Not that he couldn't clean himself up if he so wanted.

The Madame seemed to briefly scold them on their hesitation to return back, something which would prove consequential once they enter the Shadowlands. The cyclops growled with a squinted glare. The Agrigore needed to eat and he'd eat whenever and whatever he pleased. Though now that he was satiated he wouldn't be bogging down the group with any further delays, less there was a something that he truly craved. Nonetheless they now had to share a vial of black substance just so that they could enter the next phase of Hiroshi's revival. Being of a consistency similar to it the Agrigore was willing - albeit cautious - to take it. Rosette would be the first to take it, teasing to the group on who'd be the next victim of her "indirect kiss"...

The very thought disgusted the Agrigore.

Once everyone else had taken their swig, the cyclops monstrosity would be the last to drink the substance. He'd take the vial's final contents and pour it directly into his mouth. A bit of his essence would even detach from his side and make its way towards the lone globster, ensuring he'd be able to tag along for the journey ahead.

: Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece heartspan heartspan Develius Develius SixSense SixSense

Naori had attempted to stab the thing, but of course, it didn’t pan out and he was dragged through the door. He supposed his guess was correct Sort of, they went through the door though they were vomited out so it had been gross.

”Yeah, I get it I was trying to locate an existence it seems like the existence found us though.”

He mentioned. “Oh great so we get to act with half thoughts.”

The wording may have sounded sarcastic but it was not. Half thoughts led to the biggest bloodbaths. He took a swig from the vile when it was his turn.
Develius Develius | Agrigore
Maxxob Maxxob | Hiroshi
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Naori
heartspan heartspan | Rosette
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Zolgen
SixSense SixSense | Dreayth

As each of you brings the vial to your lips in turn, the inky liquid inside pulses with an almost heartbeat-like rhythm—thick, cold, and tasting faintly metallic, as if it’s drawn from some hidden well between life and death. Rosette is the first to sip, pink still flushing her cheeks, and then offers it to Zolgen. Next, Naori and Dreayth partake, leaving the last swallow for Agrigore, who gurgles a low, grudging acceptance before tipping the vial. A few droplets even splash onto the Globster nearby, the faint shimmer sinking into its tar-like form.

The Veil Begins to Part​

The moment the final drop is consumed, you feel an immediate shift in the atmosphere. All around, the Crimson Lotus’s red lantern light flickers strangely. Madame Vex’s swirling eyes flare with an otherworldly gleam. The already tenuous boundaries of Crimsonharbor—where buildings bend at impossible angles and the walkway seems to breathe—blur like a smear of wet paint.

  • Rosette might catch her reflection in a nearby reflective vase: her face appears slightly transparent, a faint ripple of shadow around her edges.
  • Naori notices the air growing heavy, as if the weight of a second gravity presses on him.
  • Zolgen feels a soft tug at the corners of his mind—perhaps an echo of his own monstrous nature responding to the bridging of realms.
  • Agrigore’s chest plating, regrown from his last monstrous feast, prickles with a bizarre tingling; bits of insect chitin appear to flicker in and out of solidity.
  • Dreayth experiences the environment through his demonic senses: a hush, a vacuum where the normal hum of living essence feels thinned.
Madame Vex offers no further explanation. She simply folds her arms, a trio of fluttering shadows mimicking the gesture—though each at a slightly different angle. Her thin lips purse in a mixture of curiosity and caution, as though waiting to see how you’ll handle the transition.

Madame Vex
Madame Vex.jpg

“Soon, you’ll stand between realms,” she says in a low, resonant tone.

“You’ll see echoes and illusions—shadows of memory, corners of death. Keep your resolve, or they’ll devour your mind. Your past will come back to haunt you. Also…” she tilts her head at Hiroshi’s slack features in Zolgen’s arms, “…the body remains here. Your own soul will be drawn to the one you seek once the Veil parts fully.”

With a single, spidery hand, she gestures to an unlit archway at the back of the Crimson Lotus. The bead curtains parted across it don’t reflect any light—on the contrary, they swallow it. That darkness behind them holds a subtle, swirling shimmer, as though the space beyond is filled with living midnight.

Entering the Shadowlands​

Step by step, your limbs feel almost weightless, yet each footfall lands with an echoing thump that reverberates in your skull. The sense of dreamlike disconnection grows stronger, as though you’re swimming through a viscous current. Madame Vex stands behind you, silent now—her presence distant, like a fading star.

  • Your breath emerges in soft plumes, each exhalation tinted a faint gray, as if the boundary itself is clinging to your life force.
  • Color drains from the teahouse’s decorations, replaced by a grayscale haze. Any bright hues—Rosette’s hair bow, Zolgen’s crimson jacket, Naori’s bandages or clothes—appear muted and washed out.
  • Ambient Sounds grow muffled: the jangle of charms overhead dampens to a distant chime-chime-chime, the attendants’ hushed shuffle behind you all but vanishes.
The last thing you see of Crimsonharbor is that static, unwavering expression on Madame Vex’s face—equal parts urgency and foreboding—before the swirl of darkness envelops you completely.

Twilight on the Other Side​

When vision returns, you stand in a twilight realm. The ground beneath your feet feels like dry ash over glass, and pale silhouettes of twisted architecture loom in the distance—buildings that might mirror Crimsonharbor, or some distant memory of your own realm.

  • Pale wisps float through the air like lost lantern lights, flickering away if you reach out.
  • A soft wind brushes against your skin, carrying faint whispers you can’t quite catch.
  • Every shadow has a life of its own: flickering, warping, as if about to peel away from the surface and take form.
Here, the veil of reality is thin indeed. One step might land on solid ground, another into the intangible echoes of past or future. The air crackles with potential.

Just ahead, through drifting ashes and ghostly half-walls, you think you see the outline of a figure. The shape is vaguely human, perhaps wearing a familiar silhouette. Or it could be a trick of the illusions that swirl in this realm of half-light.

A gentle, hollow wind moans over the stillness. The time to find Hiroshi’s soul—and return it to his body—has begun in earnest.

The Shadowlands await your next move.
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[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist, [Murderer F], [Abuser F], [Dead] - #b80926

heartspan heartspan Develius Develius DarkKitsune DarkKitsune TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SixSense SixSense

Ominous smoke blows from the parted lips of the figure just up ahead and a glimpse of a hand holding a cigar was caught, just moments before it disappeared into thin air. The compass in Naori's possession, which previously pointed to Hiroshi's corpse, now thrummed with renewed energy and purpose. It guided the group to a new direction, forward, into this land of the unknown.
Rosette gave a small smile to Master Zolgen as he boldly took the vial from her, scoffing at her little tease.

" My, my, Master Zolgen you were rather quick." She stated in a teasing but demure tone. " I hope you will be more careful around the demon girls."

For just a moment her eyes sharpened as she looked up at him. Images from Lilibeth's less than savory book filling her mind.

" The tentacle beast comes in many forms, Master Zolgen." She warned " We may have escaped intact this time....but who can say what will happen the next time."

Realizing her openness and remembering well her place she quickly cleared her throat as if to hide all that she had said as Master Zolgen turned his attention from her to his friends. She shrewdly watched each one as they drank their portion, listening intently to their conversations, at least those she could understand. They were indeed dangerous folks, but each one also had a sweet side, and it was fun to be with them, though also more than a little dangerous. The demons, Master Dreayth and Zolgen, were very affable and she felt she might learn many interesting things from them. Master Destieen was much more cold, and hard to approach, but all it did was make her want to hug him. She had to fight the urge knowing the young man would scold her mercilessly, and thus she only approached him when she felt it safe. Yet, he was a shrewd one and she wished she could take a portion of his calm and calculated demeanor. When it came time for the Young Master to drink his portion she watched him with a slight smile blooming on her face. This was the most dangerous of the company she felt, alien and scary for sure. Yet, also incredibly interesting, and definitely in need of a maid's services.

As the world began to shift Rosette felt she should amend her thinking, truly she wanted to hug each one of them, and if she found a safe way she would do it. This was her resolution as the potion began to take effect. With each change in her self, in her surroundings, and in the people close to her she stiffened her resolve not to be considered useless. She had no intention of remaining in the ghost zone, nor of being a burden to her companions. She listened intently to Madame Vex, and took her words of caution and locked them into her heart. Now was the time to be useful. However, when Madame Vex gestured to the archway, a portal of living midnight decorated with beads that seemed to eat up both light and hope, she swallowed hard. Beyond this was the ghost zone, and Rosette was no fan of ghosts. She didn't dare to show any fear among this company of dangerous beings, and yet her heart beat fiercely in her chest. She held her rifle tightly, knuckles white with their attempt to keep from trembling visibly. Her legs felt weak as she made her way toward the passage, but she steeled herself against her growing fear.

" Come on Rosette, your a big girl....." She whispered to herself " It's only ghosts, nothing to be worried over...."

When she finally emerged in the shadow lands, the grey scale muffled world beyond the blackness, she breathed an easily audible sigh of relief. This world was nothing like she had imagined, and while dangerous the dangers were not readily visible, and this was for her a great relief. Though the mix between reality and this sickly world was somewhat disorienting. Whispers were carried on the wind just barely loud enough for her to notice. Pale whisps danced and darted about them staying just out of reach. Each foot step was strange, and each shadow living, a truly strange and distracting space. Amid the strangeness she caught a glimpse of a darkened figure smoking what seemed like a cigar to her.

Very quickly, very demurely, and very worriedly she made her way into the thick of the group. There she hid just behind Naori with the quickness of a cat escaping a bath.

" D.did you see that..i..i..is that him?" she said her voice a mix of fear and absolutely fake bravery.

She would remain in the thick of the group, using all of her companions as a ghost proof shield for herself. This was the bravest and smartest course of action, or so she felt. She would follow along with her companions like a tiny cute shadow hovering among them and far from ghosts.

Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense Develius Develius
Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Develius Develius
heartspan heartspan
Maxxob Maxxob

As they departed from the land of the living towards the Inbetween, Dreayth would feel a miraculous feeling. One that comes only when he is tearing through flesh and leading people to the after life, the sweet desire been chasing that’s always at his fingertips.


Momentarily in this world, the thoughts that has plagued him, the innate desire to snuff out all life was quelled by the lack there off. What had been loud thoughts pounding his mind relentlessly had lowered to passing whispers.

The monsters irritation would drop a noticeable octave, for once he seemed at neutral temperament. Neither angry nor necessarily jolly, he was on-guard, constantly peering off into the distance.

“Just because we don’t see anything doesn’t mean we aren’t being watched.” He warned the group. Rossette took her position in the middle of the group, it was humorous to watch the natural instincts that lower life forms present when in fear of their life. Hiding themselves in the middle of the group to avoid detection.

“Monsters and supernatural beings can smell fear and you are drowning in the stench human.” He smiled. “Fear not, you’re actually useful and managed not to piss me off so I’ll keep you alive until the end.” Dreayth rolled his eyes, besides, who knows when she could provide useful as human bait.

From the shadows he’d notice a familiar stance from up ahead, however Dreayth grew to recognize that nicotine puffing stance.

“Son of a bitch, you couldn’t wait for me to kill haul ya myself?” He smiled as the group approached.

“Naori, look it’s your dad, does seeing his soul bring back any memories?” He poked fun at the other child.
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Languages: "Common" "#Abyssal#"

Mentons: Maxxob Maxxob heartspan heartspan SixSense SixSense DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Develius Develius

Zolgen found Agrigore's reaction to whatever was trying to show good etiquette fairly humorous and so was Rossette's follow up, both rather entertaining, that's what Zolgen liked to see and hear, entertainment, chuckling some.

"Demon girls..well hah..there actually was one, but I'm sorry to say she's gone now."

He'd comment matter of fact, though he didn't sound particularly pleased by the matter either. Gra had been killed by powerful adventurer reinforcements at that village and the rest of the monsters there hadn't been able to do a thing about it. The others had been missing for awhile between Achu, Nissa, Shuten...Maikoa, all once allies who hadn't stuck around for very long, but such was the life of a monsters Zolgen supposed.

"Guess you aren't wrong, next set that try to touch us, I'll make sure to set them straight real quick."

but he wasn't as jovial not long after, as Zolgen, after drinking the drink looked around and saw what he could really only describe as something like a bad trip.

"Hah! I wish them good luck with that..the only thing that haunts my past is not doing that woman in..but even there I came out lucky in the end!" Referencing probably without anyone else knowing actually how he had come to this new world in his new body. That wasn't exactly true but like Zolgen would tell anyone about what could be considered 'haunting' for him.

He would nod however at the next bit, "Understood." He'd leave the body as it sounded like it wouldn't be able to transverse with them anyway due to the whole already dead thing perhaps. Even so the tugging at his mind was a far from a relaxing or normal experience, it unsettled him some.

At this point Zolgen entered the Shadowlands, everything became gray those chimes..and then blacking out in a living midnight.. was the only way to describe it, before he was on some other strange plane. This was all so new for Zolgen, sure he'd seen strange things on the dark continent, but this was almost an enigma in comparison.

He'd look around at the wisps, "Tch they might be trying to lead us astray..watch out for those along with the watchers..that goes for the strange shadows too." The fact he felt the wind was curious too, and then of course most disconcerting was the number of shadows moving about.

He'd notice Rosette who was finally acting more like Zolgen expected a human for her too, but Dreayth did make a point.

"He's right, I'm not planning on letting you die here either Rosette you're making it out of this with us, for the sake of clarity, anyone whose got a problem with that, will have problems with me, simple as that." He'd also add to the rest of the group encase they thought it might be good to knock her off for whatever reason.

"You've got some spunk and been surprisingly fun to have around..and I like to keep fun people around." He'd also add then chuckle a bit.

Well between the body he had seen or at least what was left of it, and Dreayth's reaction it seemed plausible that could be Hiroshi's soul.

"hm..We sure it's that easy?" Zolgen asked out skeptically as they approached, he kept his hands near his two demonic twin blades on the off chance that whatever that shadow was tried to attack them, or if it ended up being some kind of trick or trap, it just seemed like wishful thinking that Hiroshi's soul would be right there.

"Well if it is you then come on then! We need to get you outta here, you aren't done yet!" Zolgen called out, remembering what Madame Vex had said about indecision being fatal there, for better or for worse he was inviting hopefully what was Hioshi's soul to come with them.
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Language Key:
| Common | #Abyssal#|
Maxxob Maxxob (Madame Vex + Hiroshi[?]) | TheTimePiece TheTimePiece (Zolgen) | DarkKitsune DarkKitsune (Naori) | SixSense SixSense (Dreayth) | heartspan heartspan (Rosette) |
[Globsters F] 1/5

Shortly after the Agrigore fully ingested the mysterious liquid, his senses were quick to discern what exactly he ingested. He recognized the taste of the vial's substance as vaguely similar to blood, especially with the faint metallic after taste which reminded him of the iron in mortal blood. Yet it being oddly cold and of heavily viscous consistency was unlike any sort of ichor he'd tasted. That's when he'd feel the fabric of reality begin to shift in an unworldly manner around him. It would stand its ground against the flickering lights above, the swirling room bleeding into his subconscious like paint, and even towars the menacing distorted glare of Madame Vex. Then he felt his chest begin to rattle and tingle. By now his chest piece had completely healed from the major acid burn. And yet as he inspected his own chest, he'd see and feel what look to be bits of bug chitin flicker in and out of consistency. It was certainly an unusual feeling but one he steeled himself towards.

He's seen worse... and it held nearly not a flicker to the agony he's felt before.

He took Madame Vex's words carefully, understanding the circumstances which they were embarking upon. They would be faced with their own past and visions as they travel through the Shadowlands, ready to devour their minds should they be careless or ill-prepared. Though the Agrigore didn't seem terribly phased. Whatever is thrown his way he will deal with it in kind. Even if he had to face what felt like countless eons of history under his belt... or in regards to more "recent" events.

Soon enough both the Agrigore and his globster minion would emerge in the fabled Shadow Realms. The cyclops took a moment to slowly look around his surroundings, feeling momentarily weightless within his current posion. It was a dead realm... with ash underfoot and with hulking distorted structures towering the the very distance. Like ruined cities... cities which faintly resembled the ones he had ruined long ago. He could also see pale wisps flowing past him, flickering into the air if he tried to grab them. Even the globster tried to eat one of them but to no avail. There were even inaudible whispers that attempted to speak to him... something he'd attempt to shut out using [Mind Shield F]. Zolgen warned the group not to have these wisps lead them astray. Truly he cared naught for any of their last last words, pleads, and wills. The Agrigore cared for none.

Even in such alien-looking worlds the Agrigore showed no visible signs of fear.

Shadows also dotted the landscape, resembling figures of ambiguous characters and personas shrouded in darkness. Faceless victims. Rosette's fear was not lost on him, as what Dreayth explained, which the Agrigore could imagine tasting of that sweet succulent child-like innocence. A virgin to the horrors that await her down the road. Yet soon one particular shadowy entity would be standing directly in front of the group... with a smoking cigar in one hand. The Agrigore's eye squinted as he inspected the individual closely. Was this Hiroshi's soul? Or was it someone elses? Before he could make his own conclusions the shadowy figure began to float the other way as if they beckoned for them to come and follow him.

He and the globster would follow wherever the group went, remaining relatively silent as they did. Should they need to act however, the Agrigore wouldn't hesitate if need be.

: Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece heartspan heartspan Develius Develius SixSense SixSense

“Memories sure. But there’s more to this I suspect. It looks like him. But is it him?”

Was Naori’s reponse to Dreayth, he turns to Rosette.

“It looks like him…. we’ll need a way to confirm it. Rosette stay behind me
.” Naori answered his eyes trained on the compass.

“The compass is acting up, it stopped working right back in the hive, we can’t afford to hesitate. Magic is…a fickle thing. I’m thinking we should follow it, we can’t stall time now. Given the nature of this realm, anything can be thrown in our way to distract us,”
Develius Develius | Agrigore
Maxxob Maxxob | Hiroshi
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Naori
heartspan heartspan | Rosette
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Zolgen
SixSense SixSense | Dreayth

Skeletal spires of half-formed architecture loom in the ashen distance. Each structure seems only partially real, dissolving at the corners into drifting motes of silver dust. Beneath your feet, the ground—equal parts brittle glass and powdery ash—crunches unnervingly. Ahead, faint wisps of blue-white light swirl in lazy loops, forming and reforming faces and shapes you can barely register. It’s as though this realm can’t decide which memories or phantoms to manifest.

Through it all, Naori’s compass beats like a panicked heart, its needle pointing unerringly forward—toward that cigar-toting silhouette that flickered in and out of view moments ago.

The Lurking Illusions​

As you move closer, shadows on the ground begin to writhe, some rising to knee height before melting back into shapeless stains. Twice, Rosette nearly jumps out of her skin at a sudden flicker—was that a clawed hand, or just a swirl of dust? Zolgen’s senses, honed in many a battle, pick up muffled echoes of voices in the distance, but each time he turns to look, there’s nothing there. Dreayth, too, notes how the hush dulls into a low, pulsing drone that resonates through these spectral streets. Meanwhile, the Agrigore stalks alongside his globster, sniffing the air as if trying to discern which wafted scents are real and which are just ephemeral illusions.

Every now and then, the air distorts around you, bending light like a mirage. In these moments, the Shadowlands hint at some deeper power—one that might meddle with your minds if you’re not careful. Yet Naori’s words remind you that hesitation is more dangerous here than in the hive. One misstep, one moment of uncertain pause, and you could be ensnared by these swirling phantoms.

The Smoke & the Silhouette​

A trace of cigar smoke drifts around a crumbled pillar to your left, leaving the faintest whiff of bitter spice. You see a dark figure’s outline—vaguely Hiroshi-like—pivot behind the remnants of a collapsed, ghostly wall. The figure lingers for half a second, exhaling plumes of smoke that glow faintly in the half-light. Then, with a flicker, it’s gone.

The compass needle throbs in Naori’s hand, as though urging you onward. Rosette, hugging her rifle and hovering near Naori, squeaks out a question about whether that truly is Hiroshi. Zolgen’s twin blades remain half-drawn, ready for a fight if this shadowy presence turns out to be an enemy in disguise. Agrigore and his minion move like silent predators, scanning for any sign of real threats—hungry illusions or ill-tempered spirits. Meanwhile, Dreayth’s gaze flicks across the monochrome horizon, mindful of the half-whispers curling around your ears.

A soft breeze lifts layers of ash, carrying with it a faint, half-formed voice—“...shi... coming...?” It might be calling out, or it might just be one more echo in this land where memory and death collide.

The Path Ahead… Interrupted by Vengeful Shadows​

Just as your group steels itself to chase the cigar-toting figure, the ash-laden wind grows heavy and ominous, swirling with renewed intensity. Pale wisps of the Shadowlands condense into denser shapes near a half-collapsed arch, each one pulsing with a sinister energy. In a sudden crackle of malice, four distinct figures emerge from the gloom, their ghostly forms drawn by the lingering weight of past sins.


The first pair manifests in corroded Gothic armor, cloaks dragging in the dust behind them. Their skeletal frames bear wisps of stark white hair clinging to withered scalps, and each grips an ancient, ornate sword that glows with an eerie luminescence. Jagged plates of metal showcase a faded crest—one Zolgen recognizes from a village he once razed. Dry, rasping voices accuse him in unison: “You stole our lives, demon. Our oath, our home—sacrificed to your cruelty. Was it worth our stolen days?” Their words bite with the authority of vengeance long denied, and each skeletal knight lifts its sword as though to reclaim the honor stripped away by death.


A gaunt, pale specter in a ruined trench coat stands to the side, glowing white eyes set on Dreayth and Naori. Tattered remnants of formal attire hint at a life once tied to wealth and wagers—a security officer for the Goldpot Casino. An ornate revolver sits in his grip, dark engravings still gleaming with otherworldly light. Slowly, he raises it in your direction. “I was supposed to protect that place. You took more than just the casino’s gold… you took my life,” he hisses, voice quivering with pent-up wrath. “Hope you spent it well—because I sure didn’t get to.”


Behind him, an older man emerges, his once-golden hair dulled to lifeless white, cracked lines of arcane energy mapping his skin. Azure eyes burn with bitterness as he fixes Naori in a piercing gaze. His tattered cloak, once intricately embroidered, now hangs in spectral tatters. “I had a daughter,” he says, voice trembling with repressed sorrow turned to hate. “You took me from her. Did my blood on your blade feel like victory, boy? Did you ever even wonder who you left behind?” A flicker of magic skitters around his fingertips as though some part of his alchemical arts still lingers in death.

A Heavy Aura of Wrath​

The Coven Battle (Siren) - Darkest Dungeon

A wave of cold fury ripples outward from these undead shades, rattling the ground underfoot. It’s as though the Shadowlands itself applauds their arrival—feeding off the guilt, violence, and regret that permeate your shared histories. The faint illusions of ordinary ghosts scatter, unwilling to clash with such directed hatred.

  • Rosette may feel their malice keenly, an almost tangible force pressing against her chest.
  • Zolgen sees that these knights know exactly who he is, or at least what he was—no illusions of mistaken identity here. Their swords glimmer with the vengeance of those denied rest.
  • Naori might feel a subtle trembling in the compass, as if these spirits’ anchored rage disrupts any chance of swiftly chasing Hiroshi’s shadow.
  • Dreayth hears the click of the gunslinger’s revolver, a bitter echo of the security guard’s final stand.
  • Agrigore stands somewhat apart—though the eyes of each apparition flick over him, too, as if deciding how deeply his own sins run.
Even as the group tenses to react, the apparitions take position—like predators ready to pounce. No further taunts come. The time for words is over. You sense there will be no escaping these wrathful echoes without a fight.


B. Arch - Ghostly stone blocks, in the form of a broken arc, fused with ash, sometimes flickering in and out of solidity. Effect: Creates partial cover (like a low wall). Characters can hide behind it or use it for tactical movement.
R. Rem - Broken bits of gothic architecture—spiraling gargoyle faces or shattered stained glass still faintly glowing with lost magic. Effect: Impossible to move through it.
I. Lamp - A twisted metal post with a faintly glowing orb that blinks like a dying lightbulb. Effect: The green area around it is its AoE. It flickers, sporadically, leaving the whole area in pitch-black darkness when it is turned off. Currently on.

Skeletal Knight 1 (C23)

  1. Move: Stomps north two cells (to C21), bones rattling.
  2. Move: Continues north two more cells (to C19), coming up behind the broken archway.
  3. Action: Menacing Stance—the knight raises its corroded sword and channels necrotic energy, prepared to strike any foe who rushes close.
    • A pale glow clings to the blade’s edges, and echoes of hollow laughter ripple through the air.

Skeletal Knight 2 (E23)

  1. Move: Strides north two cells (to E21).
  2. Move: Strides north two more cells (to E19), stopping a short distance from the lamp at G19.
  3. Action: Rattle of the Damned—the knight slams its sword against decaying armor, unleashing a wave of dread in a 10ft radius around it.
    • A spectral clang resonates, forcing nearby opponents to steel their nerves or risk a momentary flinch.

The Gunslinger (G24)

  • Move (Action 1): Steps diagonally to F22, boots scraping the ash-laden ground.
  • Ghostly Ricochet (Action 2): Angles the revolver skyward and fires a shot that splitsinto multiple glowing projectiles mid-air—like an eerie, spectral fireworks display.
    • A swirl of wraith-like bullets arcs overhead, curving downward in a wide spread aimed at the cluster of Dreayth, Rosette, Zolgen, and Naori.
  • Sustain Fire (Action 3): Continues the volley, causing a salvo of shots to rain down in a 15 foot radius around that point.
    • In slow motion, the bullets leave glowing trails before slamming into the ground with ghostly sparks.

The Alchemist (I24)

  • Spectral Catalyst (Action 1): Lifts a cracked vial and chants. A ghostly mist clings to both knights, bolstering them with a flickering barrier.
  • Move (Action 2): Steps to I23, staying behind the knights.
  • Phantom Flask Rain (Action 3): Hurls a larger, spherical flask high into the air above the Dreayth, Naori, Rosette and Zolgen's position. Mid-arc, it bursts into multiple smaller droplets of shimmering violet fluid that plummet in a cluster.

B. Arch - Ghostly stone blocks, in the form of a broken arc, fused with ash, sometimes flickering in and out of solidity. Effect: Creates partial cover (like a low wall). Characters can hide behind it or use it for tactical movement.
R. Rem - Broken bits of gothic architecture—spiraling gargoyle faces or shattered stained glass still faintly glowing with lost magic. Effect: Impossible to move through it.
I. Lamp - A twisted metal post with a faintly glowing orb that blinks like a dying lightbulb. Effect: The green area around it is its AoE. It flickers, sporadically, leaving the whole area in pitch-black darkness when it is turned off. Currently on.
Although Rosette didn't reply to them the words of her companions, their willingness to keep her safe, and even the Young Master's stoic silence provided her with a great measure of courage. Then as if this new world wished to rip it all away from her she felt a surge of hatred, and malice squeezing at her chest. However, it had the opposite effect on her. Killing intent, hate, and malice, these feelings had been pointed at her many times in her training. Her family beat them into her so that in a moment like this she would not be overwhelmed by the real thing. They beat it into her so that she could continue to function even in the face of hell itself. Now it was as if a switch had been flipped. Her fear burned away; replaced with a cold desire to do harm to another being. Coldness filled her eyes as she wrapped herself in killing intent, the desire to destroy, and mercilessness. The joyful Rosette who loved battle and messing about, the fearful Rosette, both were replaced by this cold and pitiless version of herself.

She audibly clicked her tongue in disgust as she looked at the spirits and as she listened to their worthless whining. They had made a very simple mistake. Directing such malice towards herself was permissible, expected even. However, they had chosen to direct their murderous intent toward those she had taken a liking two. This was one of her thirteen unforgivable sins. She watched the bullets rain down around them, and she noted the violet magic quickly calculating it's timing and trajectory as best she could. Without pause she boldly walked forward 15ft, willing every bit of her rage and willingness to destroy life into her weapon. As she walked forward she shouted for all the spirits to hear.

" Shut your mewling worthless faces! Your lives had no value when they were snuffed out and even less now!" She declared coldly as if passing judgement on them " So, allow this Rosette to teach you the lesson you should have learned when the Masters deigned to take your worthless lives. The lower life forms always grovel in the face of their betters!"

She raised her rifle toward the skeletal knight standing directly in front of her. She fired her first shot utilizing her close-quarters battle skill. This time willing that it pierce the skeleton's protections and disperse it's spirit. If the spirits could exert their will on Rosette, perhaps she could do the same in return, this was her rationale behind her actions. then just as quickly and deliberately she turn her rifle toward the alchemist. This was the spirit she felt was the greatest threat to them, and thus needed to be eliminated as quickly as possible. She began the process of aiming, she intended to try to kill this one in a single well placed shot. As she aimed she tried her best to discover the most critical place to strike.

This action would place her in danger from the skeleton knight, but it was a risk she felt worth taking. If she died then at least she was comfortable knowing she had done her duty as a proper and capable young maid of the Louvier household. There was no greater honor to her mind.

1. Move forward 15 ft from E13 to E16
2. use skill: Close-Quarters Battle - Marksmanship E, Range E, Insight F, Accurate F, Steady Hands E, Incurable F - Allows Rosette to make super fast, accurate, and deadly shots at close range and while moving without needing to stop to aim - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown (picture some John wick type shit) - 30ft range - base effectiveness: 9
3. aim action at the alchemist

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Hesitation was a death sentence in his realm, it was something Naori was quick to figure out after all it had already been repeated as a message the entire time. Naori also wasn’t a coward, actions had consequences if one was to commit to research it would be unethical and impossible to make head way if the out come was ever so much as ignored. Naori held out his dagger and ran straight for the alchemist.

The light seemed to dim by this point, wether he was seeing enough for a proper attack remained to be scene but he tried anyway.


He attacked the alchemist with [Fighting style: Faux innocence [D]

1.Run 20ft towards the Alchemist [spaces: G15,H16, I17,I18]
2.Run 20ft towards the Alchemist [Spaces: I19,I20,I21,I22]
3. Attempt to attack The Alchemist with Fighting stle [Faux innocence [D]

Fighting style -Faux Innocence- [D] - Aura [F] [Bloodlust] - Blight [Poison] [F],Incurable [F]- Naori stabs his victims with a posion laced blade, radiating the feeling of blood thirst.

D grade ability + 3
D grade daggar/catalyst +3
C grade strength +4
Total effectiveness: 10

D 0/2


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