The Overseer

As Naori, Rosette and Zolgen press forward down the right-hand tunnel, guided by the compass’s silent insistence, the winding passage narrows beneath pulsing chitin walls. A dull, rhythmic drip… drip… drip… echoes uncomfortably loud in the claustrophobic space. Then something more significant than a drip splatters onto the ground behind them—a thick, viscous blob of acidic resin drops from a sagging, membrane-like bulge in the ceiling.
One of the cyclops’s globular minions takes a direct hit and emits a warbling screech. The poor creature quickly liquefies into a sludgy puddle, its gelatinous body eaten away by the corrosive resin. [4/5 Minions]
The splash sears across the Agrigore's protective outer shell, leaving jagged fissures where smooth plating once was. [Natural Heavy Armor destroyed]
Dreayth’s Heavy Armor caught by the acidic spray, pockets of metal plating hiss and bubble. Portions of his breastplate thin visibly, weakening its integrity. [Heavy Armor destroyed]
A faint chemical hiss lingers, and the acrid smell of burning organic matter drifts through the tunnel. The resin continues to drip, warning of further hazards overhead. Just as this assault subsides, a shrill, keening chitter reverberates from deeper within the hive—perhaps alerted by the commotion.
Undeterred, Naori’s lantern light sweeps ahead, revealing a short drop-off where the tunnel descends more steeply. The ground glistens with sticky residue, suggesting it could be slippery—or worse, concealing more acidic pockets. Along the right wall, half-consumed insect carcasses lie fused into the resin, the passage of time evident in their twisted and shriveled forms. Deeper in the darkness, the shapes of smaller bugs skitter away.
Despite the looming risks, the compass’s needle remains fixed on this downward path. The urgency of your mission weighs heavily—there are fewer than three days to recover Hiroshi’s body and soul, after all. Every hiss of resin and whisper of movement is a fresh reminder that the hive is still very much alive… and hungry.
The deeper the group ventures, the more unsettling the atmosphere becomes. The tunnel’s walls seem to breathe, pulsing with a sickly glow beneath thick swaths of resin. Even the air grows heavier, suffused with the cloying scent of decay and something vaguely sweet—like rotten honey.
Eventually, the slope evens out and widens into a small antechamber. The resin here is thicker underfoot, tugging at boots and claws like tar. Amid the dim flickers of lantern and bioluminescence, a heap of discarded chitin catches the party’s eye. It looks like a partial exoskeleton of one of the hive’s larger inhabitants, its abdomen torn open—whether from a fight or the natural cycle of molting is unclear. Dark fluids stain the sticky floor around it.
From somewhere beyond the chamber’s far side, faint chittering resonates through the tunnels—hard to pinpoint, but ever-present. Each chitinous rasp on stone echoes off the curved walls, creating the uneasy impression that something (or several somethings) is circling just out of sight. Occasional glimpses of movement dance across the periphery of your lantern-light, but they vanish when you pivot to look directly.
Off to one side, a large mound of resin bulges from the wall, shaped oddly like a cocoon. A faint vibration seems to hum from within, accompanied by sporadic twitches of the outer shell. Whether it’s a living creature hibernating or a tomb for something that tried to claw its way out is anyone’s guess. The surface is pockmarked with tiny holes, weeping a translucent fluid that dribbles along the floor.
At the chamber’s far end, the floor slopes downward again—this time into a narrow, funnel-like opening. The compass needle in Naori’s hand gives a more urgent throb, pointing unerringly into that cramped passage. The flickering lanternlight can’t quite penetrate the darkness there, but the group can make out slick, veined walls leading farther below.
A new noise rises from that funnel—a hushed, scraping sound, like something large dragging across resin. It stops, then starts again, irregular and unsettling. Along with it comes the smell of stale air, undercut by the tang of acid.
Time is pressing, and the hive seems increasingly agitated, as if sensing trespassers. The party stands at the threshold of yet another deeper descent. The acid-laced environment, the half-seen motions in the shadows, and the urgent pull of the compass all weigh on them.