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Active [The Republic - Paizu Mountains] - In The Hall of the Monkey King - (PT 2)



Old Watermill
| Maverick Six Maverick Six [Lenara Alstadt] | Rev IX Rev IX [Samantha Nag'hagalgrim] | Gadg8eer Gadg8eer [Gadg8eer] | Darkbloom Darkbloom [Thomas Carter] |

The Sleeping Brute

As the creaky wooden door slowly opened, the first thing the party would quickly notice was a horrendous smell emanating from within. The best way to describe it was a concoction of rancid decaying meat and sweaty musky body odor of someone who hadn't bathed in over a month at least. Flies could be heard buzzing around manically as several flew out into the fresh air outside. Despite the one opening it, Lenara wouldn't enter the depths. No one but Gadg8eer would have the courage to look directly inside with his super high-tech night vision goggles, braving the stench and steeling his resolve against wanting to puke.

The room was cleared out, with furniture pushed to the side or otherwise destroyed. The floor was decrepit and ruined from many years of torment from the weather. Moss and ivy clung to the walls, while grasses and weeds grew from the cracks in the stone on the floor. There was also a good deal of caked blood smeared around with shattered bones of all shapes and sizes littering the ground. There was a small pile lain to the bottom right corner where the door had opened. There was even a cleaned top skull of a humanoid tossed aside against the wall, with its lower jaw missing.

Of course, the most prominent thing was the big brownish-green thing laying fast asleep in the middle of the room.

Its back was facing away from the party, snoring loudly as its body bellowed upwards before descending into a rumbling exhale. Its body was brutish and muscular, with light coverings of bristly hair running down its back and bottom. Many scars - some big, most small - adorned its muscular back, hinting at a harsh lifestyle. It was certainly a humanoid, but its structure resembled something more bestial. One could dare assume from the glance it was some sort of bear or ape, but not much of the head could be seen from their angle. It mmubled incoherently between breaths, shifting briefly to scratch its rear before coiling back up in his default sleeping position.

It didn't appear to even notice the party's sudden intrusion... but was it wise for the party to disturb it?

Seeing the dreaded uncertainty from a distance, Chacha climbed from the carriage and approached the group slowly with hesitating steps. "H-Ho... what is... going on?" he asked cautiously, almost scared of looking inside himself, "Found... something?"

Lenara "Len" Allstadt

Interaction: Rev IX Rev IX Gadg8eer Gadg8eer Develius Develius @Scoobie Darkbloom Darkbloom
Titles: Human, Squire, Rotia Nobility Bastard F
Language Key: Common | [Terran] |
Goal: Obtain Rank in local Adventurer Guild (Republic)
Point Boosters: None
Wanted or Criminal Titles: None
Buddy Skills, Masterwork Skills and Complex Assets: None


The Mill​

The hair on the back of Lenara's neck stood on end as she received a mild chastisement. "I'm sorry!" She choked out with an urgent whisper. She covered her mouth instantly with one hand.

She looked left. Then she looked right. Then she looked at the mill. There appeared to be no movement. At least, for now.

Within moments, she had two hands on her blade as she held at the ready. However, remaining patient, she simply held her position -- not wanting to mess up the information gathering of those who were better at it then here, and also not being sure of what to do. Something was there and in that room, but what it was and what it's intentions were, was all but unknown. She could try to appraise it, but appraisal could be felt and required her to get closer.

Thus she only thought of hypotheticals.

"I don't know what to do with this. It could be one of them. Or a threat to the village. It might be something else." She couldn't tell for a certain. What she could tell however was that putrid smell which started to flood the room.

Part of her was swearing to herself, wishing she'd asked if any villagers were missing. Despite her obvious fear, she moved carefully forward as she hugged the wall next to the doorway, ready to plunge in to the room at a moment's notice.

As Chacha approached, Lenara. "Something big. Scary looking." She said, making motions of height with a hand over her head -- standing on her tippy toes. Maybe Chacha knew.

Either way however, it seemed as though this thing was worth learning about. It was just a matter of how.

HP: 3/3 (D Grade Speed)
Armor: 2/2 (E Grade Light)

Actions: 0/3


F - 0 Post Remaining


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Samantha Nag'hagalgrim

Samantha spectated the show from a safe distance, and yet, she managed to experience most of it from where she stood. The pungent aroma of decay reached her nose, making her reminisce on some of her past experiments. Resuscitation, organ transfers, and some more medical procedures that leaned towards necromancy in some aspects. Yet that was not here nor there.

As she trained her eyes on the group snooping around whatever that rotten building held inside. She was on high alert, just in case trouble was about to pounce on them. Alarms rung when Chacha also approached. The scholar silently rushed to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Shaking her head, while also trying to usher Chacha away from immediate danger. Quietly speaking to him, likely reaching just his ears "Don't risk it. Without a guide, odds of succeeding go drastically down."
Spoken Languages: "Common"
Literate Languages: Common

Construct Languages (SpyWear* F): <speak(analog.lang)=no>
Translated Languages (The Story So Far): <Terran>

*Construct Language Packs and cool AugReal HUD features not included. Requires 1 double-eye soul battery. Rated e10+.

Something about seeing piles of bones and a sleeping ogre-thing was like re-opening a very old wound for Gadg8eer.

He tiptoed into the room, picked up one of the skulls carefully, along with a handful of dust, dirt and human remains from the floor and a piece of string left over from the shredded clothes of the unlucky. Finally, he stuffed the skull with the materials and embedded the string, and then grabbed a couple small metal objects formerly owned by the deceased, which he smashed together to light the wick.

Finally, he gently pushed Lenara back out of the building and then whispered "Bomb. Everybody run."

HP: 2/2 (E Grade Speed)
Armor: 1/1 (F Grade Light)
Actions: 3/3

1. [Imaginateer] Build improvised explosive device with Artisan Tinkerer F.
2. Light improvised explosive device.
3. Run from explosion.

F - 0 Posts Remaining




Old Watermill
| Maverick Six Maverick Six [Lenara Alstadt] | Rev IX Rev IX [Samantha Nag'hagalgrim] | Gadg8eer Gadg8eer [Gadg8eer] | Darkbloom Darkbloom [Thomas Carter] |

Upon Lenara warning of the danger in hushed tones, as well as a firm grasp on his shoulder by Samantha, Chacha's expression dowered as he'd would stop dead in his tracks. "B-Big and... s-scary?" he'd whimper cautiously as his eyes rapidly tried inspecting the outer frame of the door, "W-What is... in there?"

Yet before the baboon would get any sort of answer, Gadg8eer quickly alerted everyone that he planted a bomb and attempted to rush everyone out of harms way. Chacha was more than a bit bewildered as he was dragged away. "B-Bomb... what is bo-?"


Within seconds a spark of light followed by a rupturing boom detonated within the old mill. Black smoke and debris escaped the ruptured windows and flung out the wooden door. While it was no means a truly destructive bomb, given it was hobbled together with whatever Gadg8eer could find, it would still cause a considerable deal of damage to the rugged interior... as well as stir the beast that was within.


The group would hear the deep and wild howl of the sleeping beast waking up in what sounded like a confused fright before hearing a crash coming from the opposite end. It was clear it didn't know what hit it... but one might take it as weirdly comical? Not that it intended to be but it was by no means a raging bellow of someone out for blood. Should they dare walk around or peer within the mill, they would finally get a good look at the now awakened sleeping beauty.

And "beauty" was certainly one its... weaker aspect.

They'd see the large humanoid groan dazedly, as if he'd been rudely awakened from his mid-day siesta, while he struggled to get onto his feet. A good look at his face seemed to determine that this was no ape. At least not in the traditional sense. His face was brutish and sunken in, while sporting a firm chunky brow-line, small pointed ears, a reduced nose, and a droopy mouth sporting two large tusks jetting from the bottom of his gums. Size wise he was certainly big, being easily taller then the party members, but not wildly so. Somewhere between 5'10 and 6 feet seemed accurate. Both of its dark-amber eyes were wild in its predicament as it finally caught sight of the party, before looking at its once humble sleeping abode.

"Wha-? Hur-? WOAAAAGH!" the dopy beast cried as he stumbled back on his bottom being utterly scared out of his mind as he scuttled a few feet away from them with his arms raised, "OGH PLEAGSE SIRS N' MADAMS! I-I BEGZ YA! I DIDN' DO NUTHIN' I SWEARZ IT ON ME KRUMP! OHHHHOOOOO - WHA' DO YOU WAN'?! I AINT HERZE TO CAUS' NUTHIN BADZ, HONEST-LIKEEEE!'" His accent was thick and slobbery like bubbling lard, bordering to near incoherence but still was understandable enough to those who'd pay attention. The brutish continued blubbering pathetically as Chacha continued to remain out of sight from the thing, though he was beginning to get more curious as to what exactly they tried to blow up.
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Spoken Languages: "Common"
Literate Languages: Common

Construct Languages (SpyWear* F): <speak(analog.lang)=no>
Translated Languages (The Story So Far): <Terran>

*Construct Language Packs and cool AugReal HUD features not included. Requires 1 double-eye soul battery. Rated e10+.

Eyes widening, Gadg8eer stepped forward apologetically. "Um... I'm sorry. We, uh... We thought you were someone else seen around this area recently. I kind of... assumed... those bones were there because, um... I thought you ate someone. My bad, I guess I have some traumatic issues to work out. Are you okay, at least? I didn't know how powerful that would be when I made it, I'm really, really sorry I jumped to a conclusion about you." he said, honestly ashamed of himself. "If you're hurt, I promise I'll try my best to help you. This was my fault, I owe you that much."

Lenara "Len" Allstadt

Interaction: Rev IX Rev IX Gadg8eer Gadg8eer Develius Develius Darkbloom Darkbloom
Titles: Human, Squire, Rotia Nobility Bastard F
Language Key: Common | [Terran] |
Goal: Obtain Rank in local Adventurer Guild (Republic)
Point Boosters: None
Wanted or Criminal Titles: None
Buddy Skills, Masterwork Skills and Complex Assets: None


The Mill​

While there were some concepts that Lenara wasn't familiar with -- Lenara had an instinctive reaction to that one. "A b-bomb?" She'd never seen one in person but she'd heard of their use and known of mages referring to spells as something similar. Instinct took over and just as Gadg8 said to run, she gulped down her spit and then booked it. Once outside the mill, she covered her ears before --


An explosion rattled the shack and a howl of pain accompanied it. Opening her eyes, Lenara ran back into the shack with sword in hand as whatever was in their sounded the farthest thing from dead. Clutching her sword, she got back in to run into the shack. Yet what she had seen once she ran in -- what she saw brought her eyes to almost water.

"This is all my fault." She said. "I should have come to a decision sooner."

Now wasn't a time for crying however. While he didn't look like her, what she saw in front of her was simply a man who was sleeping peacefully in a beat up and smelly shack, minding his own business. Then he'd gotten blown up. She thanked the gods that he was alive. If she hadn't hesitated, then maybe they could have to a better decision.

Eventually this all culminated as Lenara came to making a decision to do what she should have done.

"We're sorry!"

Clank. The sound of Lenara dropping her sword to the ground. [Other]

Approaching the orc, she walked forward with open palms and nothing in them. Raised as a noble, Lenara had access to both social skills and combat oriented ones. However, many of her family found her too empathetic for her own good. Too often had she tried to talk to monsters in the field and she was often weak in combat. Her lack of deliberateness and outright clumsiness made her seem a lackluster canddiate for the Alstadt name.

However after hesitating here, moving to attempt to console and persuade him came almost instantly to her. [Let's Talk!]

"Shh shhhh! We're sorry! We're sorry!"
Moving forward as if to form a barrier between her party and the beast.

"We made a mistake! We thought you were a bandit! This is my fault. We should have found a way to check first." She said.

Slowly but assuredly, Lenara walked forward towards the man with her hands raised. If he'd allow, she'd gently touch his shoulder in an attempt to calm down, hopefully the gesture augmented by the fact that she was unarmeed.

"We'll tell you why you're here in a second. But are you hurt?" She said looking the man over. "Sam. Could you come over here and help this man out?"

She didn't exactly know how hurt he was and wasn't really well-versed in medicine or healing.

"We're here, looking for a bunch of bandits who only take ape and monkey beastkin. And there's a lot of bodies here. We thought you might have been one of them. Maybe you can clarify....?" Was he in a clear enough state to answer?

HP: 3/3 (D Grade Speed)
Armor: 2/2 (E Grade Light)

Actions: 2/3

1. Other - Lenara drops her sword.

2. Let's Talk! - Persuasion F, Etiquette F - Lenara speaks with someone in some attempts to appeal to rationale, emotion, and cultural custom to get someone to see her perspective. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

F - 0 Post Remaining


While Thomas was inspecting the bones, he didn't hear the warning about the bomb. So when it went off he nearly jumped out of his skin and scrambled to hide behind a conveniently placed rock. Then the inhabitant of the building appeared, pleading for them to not harm him anymore. Thomas leaves the cover of the rock and slowly approaches the group. "I'm just as surprised as you are, I didn't hear the warning about the bomb. Please, let me see if I can help you a little bit." He raises his staff and casts [Temporal Healing], which will slowly rewind time on the minor injuries and fatigue. It's not as good as a cleric spell, but in the absence of clerics it works. After that, Thomas listened to the chatter around him, having lowered his staff to the ground. A few questions come to mind but he doesn't ask them out loud, such as What is a krump? Where did he come from? Did he see anything suspicious when he first encountered this space? Some questions were silly, others were following a much better thought process. Maybe someone else would think of them so he wouldn't have to.

Temporal Healing (Healing F - 7 pts, Magic D - 21 pts)
Gently rewinds a person’s body a few moments in time to alleviate minor injuries or fatigue.
[Healing F, AOE E, Duration E, Range E, Targets E, Selective E]

Develius Develius Gadg8eer Gadg8eer Maverick Six Maverick Six Rev IX Rev IX
Samantha Nag'hagalgrim

While keeping Chacha from the vanguard, Samantha looked around to see which one would venture first. Eight's answer was a bomb. Her eyes simply widened as the explosion took place.

She weighed whether or not to chastise Eight for going for a very Kong-like approach, announcing something happened here to who-knows-who in quite a large radius. But, for one, she wasn't doing much to contribute at the moment, and second, he failed at killing the sleeping ape.

The scholar let go of Chacha and brandished her weapon, ready to jump at the... panicking... non-apekin?

The confusion was shaken off when Lenara called for her. Letting the "Sam" slide for now. She slung her blade back, and went over to the peculiar figure. While performing her Basic Triage - checking for visible cuts and bruises, breathing abnormalities, normal cardiac activity, internal wounds, the works - she asked a couple of questions to keep her patient distracted from the touch of her gloves and her tools, with some more relevant questions mixed in. "What is your name?... How old are you?... How many fingers am I holding up?(two)... What are your kin named?... Do you feel this?(a needle pinching his left leg)... What about this?(A gentle squeeze of his right middle finger)... Have you lived here long?... Follow this finger with just your eyes..." following the standard procedure, even if she didn't expect much to come from it, as he was preemptively healed by Thomas.
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Old Watermill
| Maverick Six Maverick Six [Lenara Alstadt] | Rev IX Rev IX [Samantha Nag'hagalgrim] | Gadg8eer Gadg8eer [Gadg8eer] | Darkbloom Darkbloom [Thomas Carter] |

A Proppa' Chat-Like

The brute would make no effort to attack, though he'd pick up and hold up a piece of sharpened bone that he would use to defend himself if necessary. He was acting very much like a cornered animal. Yet thankfully he was much more passive then "raging mad". His sniffling and blubbering would subside a bit as the party would reveal that they wouldn't harm him further, though he was still nervously guarded. "I-I'z naht a bandit!" he replied to Lenara's thought of him being such, "I'z 'ought yaz all were! S-So if yaz not banditz thenz wut-"

Before he could finish, Gadg8eer would make his own formal apologizes. But as the kid mentioned the belief about him and the bones, the brute replied, "O-Ohz I atez em..." he replied in a deadpanned expression as he stared at the party with a blank stare. Realizing what he just said to a couple of 'umies, he proceeded to raise his arms out towards them in a panic. "WAITZ! WAITZ! WAITZ! I'Z DIDN' KURMP EM!" he cried out flusteredly to make his position clear, "T-THEY'Z WAZ DED WHEN IZ F'UND EM! HUNEST TRUTHZ! I-Iz never krumped an 'umie beforez, norz would Iz eva'! I-I sawz a kuple of z'em dedz by dat 'ere ruined karriage by da riverz and I waz soooo 'ungry like Iz didn't eatz for dayz and ya knowz the 'umie corpses were pazt-tenzed alreadyz and goin' ta wastez so me thinkz nuhbodiez gonna knowz and soz I atez em and lain dere remainz in ere when me waz dun and... andz..." He felt very guilty by the end of his confession as he gave a sad frown and pouted with tears in his eyes. He even dropped the bone shard to his feet.

Indeed, Lenara would remember the crashed carriage that she checked by the river a minute ago... his explanation seemed to check out.

"Tiz waz me fault fer presentin' me-self likez so... Still Iz... acceptz ya proppa 'pologiez." he replied to the party's collective apologies, "But Iz... erm... okay, me thinks?" the brute questioned as he began padding his meaty hands on his body. Aside from a few stray cuts on his burly form, a scorch mark could be seen upon his back still smoking from the bomb. He didn't seem terribly bothered by it but it still looked pretty painful. Upon touching it he'd flinch with a hiss escaping his overbitten lips. "O-Ohz me guezz daz noot good aint it?"

Though his pain would be alievated by Thomas' efforts, as he used his healing magic to fully cure him of his ailment. The brute seemed to be amazed by this display, gasping as his expression became full of wonder and gratefulness. "Oi! Tanks ya kindz zir!" he remarked graciously to the wizard with a knee-bent bow, "Youz a miracle worka' with yerz fancy magikz!"

Seeing Samantha approach him suddenly caused the brute to take a nervous pause as he let the silver-haired woman check him out and would answer her questions appropriately:

S: "What is your name?"
G: "Gork."
"How old are you?"
G: "Uhhh... tirty-six (36) yearz, me thinkz?"
S: "How many fingers am I holding up?"
G: "Duhhh... tüz? (two)"
S: "What are your kin named?"
G: "Orkz... w-withz a "kay (k)" at da end. Noot a "see (c)" or-az "kuu (q)" or nuthin' likez zat."
S: "Do you feel this?" (a needle pinching his left leg)
G: "OWZ! I-I duz..."
S: "What about this?" (A gentle squeeze of his right middle finger)
G: "Uh-Huh"
S: "Have you lived here long?"
G: "N-Nuh-uh - I'z comez frum da woodz furder south-like... uhhh, beenz 'ere fer likez a day? (roughly a full day)"
S: "Follow this finger with just your eyes..."
G: "Uhhhhhhhh... (barely follows, looks almost cross-eyed, but is responsive)"

As this was taking place, Chacha would finally peak out to get a look at the party's newfound acquaintance. There seemed to be a hint of shock or... perhaps some sort of recognition in his eye briefly before he began to slowly walk over to get a closer look at Gork. Lenara would clarify what the party was doing here and asked the ork if he had any insight to them. Gork looked to flinch at the mention of them. "I-Iz think I 'eard a c'uple of em gits trottin' by a bit a agoz..." the ork replied as he attempted to recall what he knew, "A-Aint seen 'em... dey didn' seez me eitha. But deyz was talkin' reaaaaal funny-loike, I'z didn' unda'stand a single word dey said!"

"Did they... speak... like this?"
Chacha asked before speaking a random phrase in bestial.

Gork seemed to recognize it as his ears perked up. "Y-Yeahz! Dat soundz mighty like em..." he replied with an eagerness in his tone, "Youzes lookin' fer em?"

"To... stop them... yes."
the baboonfolk nodded as he gripped his stick tightly, "But you... what are... no... why are you... here?"

The ork took a moment as he produced a hesitant groan. "I'z uh... I'z lookin' fer mah lady-friend... Brieky-Boo." His face blushed upon mentioning his significant other. "She gone missin' fer de past couple o' dayz. Said she be lookin' fer a few shroomiez for a stewz. But she din' return when shez said she wouldz and Iz got very worried-like and tryda find 'er. Iz foun' tracks and fur left bah 'er 'long wit 'er scent and it led meh 'ere so farz after dayz o' travel. I wuz mighty tired loike n' all and soz I found da karriage Iz, er, told ya 'boutz and drank from da riverz befer settlin' in dis ere mill and then 'eard the bandit fellas travel by laterz on and then nowz youzes came in. I-I dunt know anythin' elze 'side from dis and Iz miss her lots and Iz dun knowz where she might bez...!" Again he became distraught by the loss of his girlfriend and began sobbing a bit more.

Chacha was deep in thought for a moment before glancing back at Gork with an intrigued look in his eye. "I've... seen someone... like you... when I was... slaves to... bandits." he said, causing the ork to briefly look up with newfound hope in his eyes. "R-Really?" he asked hesitantly as he eyed the baboon closely in attention. Chacha nodded. "I think... couple days ago... before this party... freed me."

"W-Waz it lil Brieky-Boo?"
Gork asked intently with worry in his eye, "W-Wut wuz 'er name? Wut wuz she loike?"

Chacha shook his head "Don't... know... if her." he replied sadly, "Only passed... by her... a few times. She was... with... another group... not in mine. Big-boned... like you. Maybe it was... her?"

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