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Fantasy CRG: In Search of the Legendary Trudine ~ OOC ~

Night-Hawk Night-Hawk mourning star mourning star ichorus ichorus Gallus Gallus hey folks! I'll have a post up in a little bit here.

D U H D U H did you delete your post? I can't seem to find it. ;_;

Also, I've got a bit of a poll here: once this little meeting is over, we've got two potential options: we could skip straight to when out group is setting off for the ports in Nyqira, or we could go right it to the celebrations below. I had mentioned something of a bonfire in my post, so we could always go there and have some chatting? Y'know, have our characters get to know each other and establish some relationships.

Let me know what you'd all like to do!
Personally I cast my vote to enjoying the festivities. I mean, they're there for the night, anyway, so why not make it interesting? xD Just no campfire songs! My character will die of cringing.
I think doing a quick round in the city would be fun! Some chances to bond would be sweet

I'll try to get something up later today or tomorrow :] also we should definitely make this ooc more active or even just make a discord server
I don't have a discord xD But yeah, dude, I agree! I feel like I'm talking too much on here because of how quiet everyone is, haha.
Oh yeah I feel that like I'm a pretty talkative person normally but I feel like if I try starting a conversation in here, no one's gonna answer lmao
I'd answer lol. We might be the only ones talking, spamming everyone else's alerts, but hey.
Yeah, I was thinking about discord, but sometimes that makes too much drama.

So we'll do some socializing then!
do you guys binge watch TV shows? because I really like the concept of bingeing especially time-wise but it's,, so hard to sit still and pay attention for so long for me
Definitely. When I find a really good one I tend to binge watch it and then sulk when I run out of episodes lol.
Sorry for making you guys wait! I've been out for the past couple of days, but my post will be up in the next hour or so :)
I'll be posting something later today. It'll be moving things along and give our characters a bit more info on what they're actually doing
Hey! Sorry for the lack of response so far. I went on a business trip over the last couple days and didn't have any time to write my response. However, I'm traveling home today and should have it posted when I get home. ^^
Hey guys, what's going on with this role-play? I hope it's not going to die! We haven't even gotten to the exciting Trudine hunting bit!

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